The Cure According to an avowed non-nerd.
First, make sure you have bookmarked, and not
Then delete all your old cookies and clear the cache. It is the old cookies that are interfereing with the new ones that are causing the problem
To clear Cookies and Cache: Go to your control panel and select internet options. Under the "General" tab select "delete cookies" (deletes cookies) and then "Delete Files" (clears cache)
Because cookies can be stored in more than one location: way to clear the cache: (Internet Explorer)
Up top in the pull-down menus (File, Edit, Tools etc.),
click Tools, then
'Internet Options'
This brings up a dialog with 6 tabs across the top (General, Security,
Content, .......)
Click 'General;, the look for 'Temporary Internet Files'
Click 'Delete Files', then (if it appears, check off 'Delete all offline
content';, then click 'OK'.
Click 'OK' again and this should clear all cached pages.