I agree with you about censorship, but I also think a certain amount of common sense must be used. For example, I LOVE "The Shield" (LONG LIVE VIC MACKEY!!!) but I will be the first to admit it should NOT be aired at three in the afternoon. Far too graphic for that time slot.
That being said, the "concerned parents" who have tried to get the show cancelled because they don't want thier rugrats exposed to "filth" PISS ME OFF!!! The show is aired at 10 PM, for god sake! In my humble opinion, if thier kids are old enough to be out of bed and unsupervised at that time of night, then they're old enough to see the show. If thier kids are NOT old enough to be out of bed and unsupervised at that time of night, then WHERE THE HELL ARE THE PARENTS??? Why aren't they keeping an eye on thier kids to insure the little rodents aren't watching inappropriate shows? Bullshit! They have no right to tell ME I can't watch a great adult drama just because THEY'RE too lame and lazy to keep tabs on their kids.