Author Topic: Freedom Of Speech Organizations  (Read 7198 times)

Offline Lois

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Freedom Of Speech Organizations
« on: February 06, 2008, 07:22:04 PM »

Mission Statement  
The National Coalition for Sexual Freedom is a national organization committed to creating a political, legal, and social environment in the United States that advances equal rights of consenting adults who practice forms of alternative sexual expression. NCSF is primarily focused on the rights of consenting adults in the SM-leather-fetish, swing, and polyamory communities, who often face discrimination because of their sexual expression.

 Why You Should Care  

Because your sexual expression...
  • Can result in discrimination, prosecution, and even violence against you
    Can cause you to lose your children
    Can cause you to lose your job or your income
    Can lead you into a maze of antiquated laws and regulations you never even knew existed
    Is arbitrarily criminalized by state and local authorities
    Is used by the radical right to marginalize minority groups
    Can result in the invasion of your privacy by the government, both within your own home or in educational, social and group environments

You are invited to stop by and fill out the anonymous Violence & Discrimination Survey, even if you have not been a victim of violence or discrimination.  Thank you!

« Last Edit: November 25, 2010, 02:46:41 PM by Lois »
So much oppression in our culture is based on shame about sex: the oppression of women, of cultural minorities, oppression in the name of the (presumably asexual) family, oppression of sexual minorities. We are all oppressed. We have all been taught, one way or another, that our desires, our bodies, our sexualities, are shameful. What better way to defeat oppression than to get together in communities and celebrate the wonders of sex?
The Ethical Slut: A Guide to Infinite Sexual Possibilities

Offline Lois

  • Dean
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Freedom Of Speech Organizations
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2008, 06:36:42 PM »
Freedom Of Speech Organizations
These people protect your freedom, so please give them some support in return.

Electronic Frontier Foundation
The Electronic Frontier Foundation is a free speech and civil rights organization set up specifically to protect online rights. These people and their army of lawyer have been involved in many court cases where the government tried to take away the 1st or 4th amendment online. If you are interested in issues relating to free speech or privacy online, the EFF is a great place to start.

The National Coalition Against Censorship.

The Free Speech Coalition.

The Free Expression Network.

The First Amendment Project.

The Freedom To Read Foundation.

The National Coalition For Sexual Freedom.

Adult Video News Member.
Adult Video News is one of the oldest and most respected "adult industry" magazines. They are one of the best sources of information on attacks on free adult speech that you can find on the web or in print. They update their news every day and offer a lot of good information on adult related entertainment as well as legal news.
So much oppression in our culture is based on shame about sex: the oppression of women, of cultural minorities, oppression in the name of the (presumably asexual) family, oppression of sexual minorities. We are all oppressed. We have all been taught, one way or another, that our desires, our bodies, our sexualities, are shameful. What better way to defeat oppression than to get together in communities and celebrate the wonders of sex?
The Ethical Slut: A Guide to Infinite Sexual Possibilities