What follows is purely fictional story of a person revenge on a man and woman . The author doesn't condone violent acts against any human no matter what they may have done to them. Rape, forcible confinement assault and of course Murder all crimes against the morals of society. If one fails to understand such concepts then please seek medical assistance before something happens and the legal establishment seeks it for you!
This part deals with setup and Male On Male sex and snuff, read only if it doesn't offend you!
As I stood over him, I couldn’t believe that only a month ago, a guy stood over a naked me, closing his pants after fucking me in the shower stall. I never said anything, just held my tongue until the day of my release came. I wanted nothing to get in the way of my planned revenge on David and his bitch Marla.
Twelve Years Earlier:
David Thorpe and I watched the snotty little redhead come up her driveway after her shift at the Piggly Wiggly was over. Tonight we were going to get the snotty little bitch to suffer for turning us over to her jock friends for the audacity of trying to talk to her at work. For a twenty year old she sure had a high school mentality and both of us guys were going to break her sexually.
Up she came, unaware that we were waiting for her in the outside storage closet to the right of the main door. As she turned her back to the door, getting ready to unlock the door, I came out of the closet and grabbed her around the waist while clamping my left hand over her mouth.
David reached around me and unlocked the door and opened it wide enough so that I could force Marla inside. Once I had her far enough inside David closed the door and slid home the deadbolt. Confident that nothing could go wrong, I forced Marla into the living room, tossing her over a coffee table onto the seat of the couch.
“So you’re not so smug now are you bitch?”
She just laid there, trembling in shock, as I came around and grabbed the front of her Piggly Wiggly Shirt and tore it open. Buttons flying in all directions, the shirt opening to reveal that she was commando under it. Maybe it was how loose the shirt hung on her but she was sporting a pair of ‘C’ cups on her chest and even they couldn’t prevent me from going for her polyester pants she had on.
I had my hands on the waist band, starting to pull them down her legs when I’m hit from behind and everything went black. When I came too I was in an ambulance handcuffed to a gurney. An EMT and a cop were riding in back with me.
“Well what do you think? Can I give him his Miranda Rights?”
“Asshole doesn’t deserve any right in my opinion, not unless you plan to administer them with a nightstick or the butt of your pistol!”
“I would for what he tried to do to my cousin but I’m obligated to treat him humanely!”
Still that didn’t stop him slapping me across the face, almost flipping the gurney over. Before the ambulance came to a stop at the detention center, I was subjected to various slaps and knees. One to my cuffed hand which snapped at least a pair of bones. Over the month I was held there, other guards had a go at me. Treating me to abuse that didn’t leave any scars or noticeable damage to my persons.
After my arrangement I was held in the detention center as according to the prosecutor I was a flight risk and the judge who was an uncle of Marla’s agreed with. A year later, I was in what could only be called a ‘kangaroo court’ of her relations where I was sentenced to ten years for the heinous act I perpetrated on Marla and her defender, David Thorpe
I never even got a chance to face either of them nor present any defense, my so-called lawyer made damn sure of that by waiving any chance he had to speak in court. I was sentenced to ten years in state prison where I was introduced to homosexual sex whether I wanted it or not. For the next ten years my hatred for Marla and David festered inside me. Every time my ass was penetrated I just envisioned it was me fucking that turncoat David in the ass. Every time I heard on the communal TV that a female was sexually assaulted I envisioned it being Marla.
Ten long years passed where I only had contact with Marla and David once. They were planning on marrying and apparently wanted to rub my nose in that fact. That very night I was gangraped by the Chicanos gang from “B” wing in the back hallways, something that another of her relations arranged!
Back To The Present:
Finally, the day of my release came and they had no reason for holding me any longer. I was released to a cousin of mine who brought me fully up to date on the Thorpes and who told me that Warren Thorpe made a request for me to meet him so he can detail my moving from Harris County.
I met him in the local coffee shop where we were given a special booth in the back of the shop. I never got a chance to say anything, Thorpe did all the talking flanked by four obvious muscle guys, two on each side who were packing a gun, in case their size didn’t intimidate anyone across from them.
“So that is why I feel that you are not wanted here at all, so you have to see why it’s up to our little community to show you the way out!’
Of course he was so used to getting his own way that the four of his goons grabbed me, placed me in the back of a black SUV and drove me away, figuring that I would never go back ever again.
Man were they fucked up about that. I was driven over fifty miles away before I was thrown out of the van, landing in a ditch on the side of the road. The van took off and I laid there a little longer before getting up and starting my long walk back. All the time my steps were great accompaniment to my inner visions of what I was going to do to good ole David and that bitch Marla.
It took me a couple of days to get back to town thanks to only moving after the sun went down and for ducking behind the nearest tree or building in case anyone from town drove around looking for me.
Eventually I found the perfect hideout, a rarely used dumpster four stores away from the Piggly Wiggly.
One afternoon, I took a chance and left the dumpster and struck up a conversation with an obvious worker from the Piggly Wiggly. Without realizing who he was talking to, he told me that Marla was still working there as was David who just got promoted to produce manager. One responsibility David had was to take out the nearly rotted vegetables and fruits and toss them into a dumpster.
Great, now I had a supply of near okay food to eat while I waited to get my hands on David. Five days later, the Piggly Wiggly closed early for some reason. But David stayed behind to get the dumpster filled. He never bothered looking around and never came out with someone to help him. Now I had my chance, with a two by four I found the previous night I crept up behind David and brought the piece of wood down onto the top of his head.
David crumpled like a piece of paper and I had no problem getting him back to my dumpster. I left the bottom hatch up so I could drag David right into the dumpster. David started to recover and his eyes went wide when he got a glimpse of me, naked standing over him.
“Hey David old boy, how have you been these last twelve years since you knocked me out?”
David never spoke, when he did I couldn’t believe what came out “Oh man I must have got a concussion to hallucinate seeing him in town!” He tried to get up only for me to step onto his back and push him back to the floor of the dumpster.
“Oh trust me David, I’m very real as you are about to find out how my last twelve years went.
David must have blacked in fear, which was perfect for me. I stripped myself then david and got on top of him like the fucking Chicanos did me whenever they caught me. I waited until David came back around before Moving my cock into the crack of his ass. Oh yeah good ole David was going to get fucked by me just like I got fucked in prison.
David must have figured out what I was going to do, for he tried to squirm out from under me. It didn’t work, nor did him cliching his asshole keep my cock out. Man he screamed just like I did so many times when in my cell sleeping. I fucked David like the little faggot he was to me. Over and over I thrusted in and out of his once virgin ass. I couldn’t count how many times I grabbed my sac and gave it a squeeze to prevent my cumming too fast. No I wanted her to scream in pain from the fucking I gave him.
“Oh David, can you feel what I’m doing to you? Do you think I enjoyed getting fucked in prison?”
I knew I was losing a battle not to cum so I decided that it didn’t matter. Good ole David was going to pass on as I cummed in his once virgin ass. As I felt the tell tale trembling commence I grabbed David by the side of his head and as my cum started to flow into his ass, I twisted his head so fast that his vertebrae snapped like it was made of straw.
Then David went limp and pissed himself for the final time. I got away from him and took his wallet and all the twenties I found inside. Making my way to a roadside motel I got a room and began to plan my revenge on Marla!
To Be Continued