The following is pure fantasy, The Author does not condone the actions of either character. Rape forcible confinement. robbery and assault are all crimes on the law book of most civilized nations around the world. If one had a problem understanding such concepts then please seek medical help before something happens and the legal establishment seeks it for you as part of your sentence!
I caught her in the rearview mirror of my Cadillac. She was squatting just to the left of the exit driveway of the building’s underground. She had a sign with blue printing saying “Help” . I could believe she needed help, probably a runaway since she only had on a long coat, jeans and Doc Martens. Just the type that I knew would be grateful if I not only gave them some immediate help but a place to live to boot!
So, I stopped and rolled down my window. “Hey I don’t know you and I know that you don’t know me but I’m willing to help you out, no questions asked!” She just stayed there squatting by the exit so I continued. “You can trust me, I want nothing in return nor will I accept anything from you for helping you out!”
She rolled her eyes at that but she did stand up and began to approach the car. I could see that she was checking me out, trying to decide if I was for real or if I planned on doing something to her when I got her alone.
“You sure Mister, usually guys want something from me!” Hinting that I might have wanted some sexual from her.
“Trust me, I have no problems getting things from willing females so I don’t need some homeless girl getting near me sexually!”
Maybe that was why she came around the car and climbed into the passenger seat after I clicked the electronic lock off. I could see that she wasn’t your typical ‘homeless’ girl. For one she was clean smelling and not very nervous around a total stranger- that should have been my first warning about her.
So you know I’m Barton Cartier, and you are?” Not that I was expecting a true name from her, nor when she gave me one did I believe it at first.
“Colleen Travis”
I reached over my right hand since the left hand was on the steering wheel. Awkwardly we shook hands as I drove out of the parking bay into the flow of traffic and off to home.
I spotted him earlier this morning as he pulled into The Armstrong building in his year old Cadillac. If he could afford to drive such a gas guzzler then he could afford to be my next mark. This one would be the magical number eleven and I would bet anything that he never expected what he was going to endure.
The day wore on and thanks to a convenient dumpster behind a dollar store I got a piece of cardboard and with a trusty piece of blue chalk I wrote the line that would hook my latest conquest!
I took up my position as my mark started to drive towards the exit. Squatting down I held my sign out and just as I hoped, he stopped and rolled down his window and spoke to me.
“Hey I don’t know you and I know that you don’t know me but I’m willing to help you out, no questions asked!” Quickly followed by, “You can trust me, I want nothing in return nor will I accept anything from you for helping you out!”
Oh I appeared to hesitate for a few seconds before answering him back. “You sure Mister, usually guys want something from me!” And as if he never heard the way I said it before.
“Trust me, I have no problems getting things from willing females so I don’t need some homeless girl getting near me sexually!”
Well if he was actually going to believe that there would be nothing between us, then that made getting in with him even easier. I went around to the passenger side and when I heard the lock click, I got in and appeared that I was happy that he was going to help me.
He told me his name or at least what he wanted me to believe it was and I gave him a false name in return. “Colleen Travis”. With that he drove us to where he was staying and I already had things plotted out as to how our time was going to go!
It was a pretty quiet drive home, I didn’t want to tip my hand as to what was going to happen and she didn’t seem to be too willing to say anything to a perfect stranger. I could just imagine what went through her head when I drove down my street and stopped at the last house on a circular road.
I pulled up into the driveway and touched the remote garage opener, driving in and watching the door close behind me. If she was scared or had the least bit of worry she never gave me any hint of it, not even when I walked her to the main door into the house in the garage.
“Well it may not seem like much, but I really think that you’ll feel safe being here!”
Thinking to be a good host, I offered Colleen something to drink. She accepted a glass of water, as if she might have thought that I was going to doctor it somehow. Going over to the fridge I got out a pitcher. I kept there chilling and poured two glasses. Just as I was going to pass her one, the phone in the living room rang.
Excusing myself, I went to answer it. In retrospect I should have taken my glass with me.
I didn’t want to tip my plans off so I stayed quiet and silently prayed that Barton wouldn’t try to make conversation with me. I was in luck, Barton just drove from the city to a suburb where he pulled into a dead end cul de sac. He went into a garage on the last house which was opened and closed by remote control.
He took us into the main house and offered me something to drink. I asked for water and when he poured two glasses, I knew that all I had to do was distract him long enough to put some knockout drops into his glass. A fast look around didn’t offer me any chance to distract him.
I was about to knock over a kitchen chair when the phone rang somewhere deeper in the house. Barton excused himself and left me all alone. No sooner did he leave the kitchen than I had the vial of drops out of my inner coat pocket and squeezed four drops into his glass. Swirling the water around until the drops became one with the water.
I placed the glass back on the counter and went to a spot at the kitchen table and waited for Barton to return. Minutes passed then Barton came in and went to the glasses and brought them over to the kitchen table. Unfortunately the way Barton placed them down, I lost track of what one I had doctored.
“Here’s to your health!”
I hesitated to take a drink, but Barton downed his water in one long gulp. So he didn’t think anything was wrong, I sipped my water. Of course I couldn’t taste anything different about the water since the drops weren’t supposed to cause and taste to occur. I looked at Barton and noticed him trying to stifle a yawn, so I knew that he got the right glass and soon I could really put my plan into action!
To Be Continued