What can you expect in general from my stories? I like to write stories that have a point beyond depicting an arousing rape scene. I strive to maintain an illusion of realism in the hope of creating greater immersion for the reader. So you will rarely read stories from me that feature guys with dicks the size of an arm or shy virgin girls turning into cock crazy sluts after getting gang raped. Personally, I like it the most when I’m not aware that I’m consuming a fantasy while I’m reading and therefore try to avoid tropes that make that all too obvious. I like long build ups and fleshed out characters and I go into lengthy descriptions of sexual acts that often focus on the psychological impact on the victim. Ideally, I’d like the reader to feel truly sorry for the victim while being aroused at the same time. If you ever find yourself masturbating to one of my stories but think afterwards “
That poor girl, that was so fucked up. Not my proudest fap…”, then I achieved my goal and it would be the greatest compliment for me if you let me know.
An Unfortunate Misstep (One on One) This is a short, self contained scene of a woman getting assaulted in her bedroom when she gets home after a night out with some colleagues. It’s told from both her and the rapist’s perspective. I tried to focus on the physical struggle between the victim and the attacker. I also was in the mood for including a surprise ending that I am still quite happy with. But overall, it’s probably my weakest story so far.
My favorite quote: As if to answer her defiant thoughts, he let go of her wrists, plunged all of his muscular fingers deeply into her hurting crimson ass cheeks and spilled his seed directly into her womb while being buried balls deep in her unwilling cunt. She could feel him throb and expand inside of her, the warmth of his cum entering her. It made her cry. For all her defiant thoughts of how she would get back at him, he had raped the proud woman out of her and reduced her to a crying girl at his mercy, at least for now. She hid her face in the mattress, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing her cry.
Der Mitficker (German)Der Mitficker ist ein Spinoff zu Irenovas Patriarchat 2035 Setting. In Patriarchat 2035 führt die Wiederwahl Donald Trumps zu einer Abschaffung der Menschenrechte für Frauen in den USA, die dadurch zum Eigentum von Männern und oft zu kompletten Freiwild werden. Meine Geschichte spielt im gleichen Universum in Deutschland, wo im Jahr 2035 ähnliche Zustände wie in den USA herrschen, nachdem die AfD die absolute Mehrheit im Jahre 2033 erlangt hat. Karsten, ein Mann Mitte 30, lehnt diese frauenfeindlichen Entwicklungen in Deutschland ab, traut sich aber nicht sich dem Widerstand anzuschließen. Er versucht den Kopf bedeckt zu halten. Als seine Arbeitskollegen ihm jedoch zu seinem Geburtstag ein ungewöhnliches Geschenk machen, muss er schließlich Farbe bekennen.
In dieser Geschichte wollte ich eine Situation beschreiben, in der ein Mann sich aus Gruppendruck genötigt fühlt an einer Vergewaltigung teilzunehmen. Ich hoffe, dass man als Leser zwischen Mitgefühl und Abscheu für ihn hin- und hergerissen ist. Es ist auf jeden Fall empfehlenswert vorher zumindest Teiile von Irenovas sehr lesenswerter Patriarchat 2035 Geschichte gelesen zu haben!
Mein Lieblingszitat:Er führte seinen Penis zum Eingang ihrer Vagina, bemüht sie ansonsten möglichst wenig zu berühren, als würde dies einen bedeutenden Unterschied machen. Dann stieß er nicht zu, sondern schob seinen Schwanz langsam in sie, bis er vollständig in ihr verschwunden war. Er hielt inne und atmete schwer. Sie hatte praktisch nicht reagiert. Sie war das Gefühl… gewöhnt. Er hasste wie gut sich ihre warme, feuchte Öffnung anfühlte. Er hasste, dass Michael recht hatte, was die Leichtigkeit anging, mit der er in sie eindringen konnte.
Die Unendliche Vergewaltigung (German, Gang Rape)Die Beschreibung einer ausweglosen Situation und eines Gefühls von Zeitlosigkeit, weniger die Erzählung einer Geschichte. Kurz und zeitgleich niemals endend.
Mein Lieblingszitat:Ein vertrautes Gefühl. Das Gefühl eines Penis, der in ihr anschwillt, bevor er sein Sperma in sie entlädt. Sie hätte zu diesem Zeitpunkt nicht sagen können, ob an diesem Abend zum 32‘ten oder zum 43‘ten Mal ein Mann in ihr kam.
Mein Lieblingsfeedback:Puuhhh! Was für eine grandiose Endlos-Kurzgeschichte ! SO hatten wir das hier noch nicht.
Auch kommt die Hoffnungslosigkeit der Frau (...) absolut rüber …
Ich weiß zwar, wie man hier MERITS vergibt (...), aber die Möglichkeit die Meritvergabe auf „ Endlos " zu stellen, gibt es tatsächlich nicht.
Zumindest einer kommt jetzt !!!!! 🙋♂️

Men at War (Gang Rape)Men at War is my attempt at writing what I would call rape comedy instead of rape fantasy. It features a men’s rights activist group inspired by the writings of Jordan Peterson live streaming the rape of a woman. They perceive this gang rape as a way to exorcise woke ideas out of feminists and view their actions in service of a greater cause. The story contrasts their ludicrous ideas and horrific actions with a surprisingly healthy and openly vulnerable male comradery. Add a bit of contemporary streaming culture to the mix and you get a story that made me laugh multiple times while writing and proof reading this absurdity. For some reason, this seems to be my most popular story so far. Whether this comes from a general preference for gang rape stories over one on one stories or whether there is some other reason behind it, I don’t know.
My favorite quote:
Denzel was so overwhelmed by the feeling of his cock entering her ass, that he interrupted Jimmy for a moment.
“Damn, Makoto! I’m sliding into this bitch’s ass like it’s the well used cunt of a seasoned prostitute! How do you do it, man?”
The camera showed Makoto sitting on a nearby chair with his legs spread. Another young woman on cleaning duty was licking his soft dick like a lollipop. He used a towel to wipe the sweat from his face and took a sip of water from a bottle when he heard Denzel’s comment. He just smirked in response. His face said it all: ‘It’s just what I do!’ And the Makoto fanboys in the chat went crazy.
My favorite feedback:
I really like the guys being so nice too each other while doing these nasty things to her.
Record Chaser (One on One)Record Chaser is my longest story and it is currently unfinished, but the last chapter does not end on some crazy cliffhanger and marks the end of a character arc for the rapist. The story is about a young college student named Claire who gets abducted on her way home. The rapist in this story struggles with the guilt he feels for his actions and finds it hard to deal with Claire in particular because he genuinely likes her. The perspective from which the story is told constantly shifts back and forth between the victim and rapist.
Currently, I’d consider Record Chaser to be my best story, or at least the best written story. I do, however, struggle to continue the story as I feel like I’ve written myself into a corner. The story also received very little feedback, making it difficult for me to assess what works about the story and what doesn’t. I’m currently struggling with thoughts like “D
id the story climax to early?”, “
Did I humanize the rapist too much?”, “
How can I keep writing Claire as an active character when she is completely at the mercy of her captor?” Should you decide to read the story and find yourself enjoying it, I would love to hear your thoughts on those questions!
My favorite quote: Yes, he felt guilty for what he was about to do. But what of it? What better way to drown out the feeling of guilt then to bury his dick in her untouched cunt? He might feel guilty now, he might feel guilty afterward. But he will indulge himself in the pleasure of filling that tight little fun hole between her legs with his cum to his heart’s content. If guilt was the price of admission, then he would make sure that he wasn’t overcharged.
My favorite feedback: Well in all the nine years I have been reading and writing on this site I have to say this is the first time reading how a vaginal rape can be related to a castle siege.
Self-Defense (One on One)Self-Defense is a tribute to To-Get-Her who was very welcoming to me and is one of the few people who actually comments and gives feedback to other people's stories. I thought that he deserved a treat for that and the result is this story where his fictional self encounters a young woman in a cafe he frequents regularly. Ultimately, she helps him overcome a serious case of writer's block in an unconventional way. The story has a few funny moments I think, but overall I would consider it even on the more brutal side compared to what I usually write.
My favorite quote: She stared at him with a disappointed look on her face.
“You think I’m stupid, don’t you?”
Well, in a way, sure, he thought. There were many ways to be stupid in this world and she just might have found a new one. But he couldn’t say that to her face.
“No, no! You are just… young and… a bit confused. But that’s nothing that a good rape can’t fix. So the earlier we start, the better!”
My favorite feedback: I also had to chuckle at all the little jokes directed at RavishU. The self deprecating humor is a fun touch, lol
Späte Genugtuung (German, One on One)Diese Geschichte handelt von einem Mathematikprofessor, der eine ungesunde Obsession für eine seiner Studentinnen entwickelt. Er hat keine Ahnung, warum er sich so zu ihr hingezogen fühlt und verliert darüber langsam den Verstand. Als sie ihn um ein Gespräch unter vier Augen in seinem Büro bittet, weil sie Probleme mit ihrem Studium hat, droht die Situation zu eskalieren.
In dieser Geschichte ist die weibliche Hauptfigur bewusst so gewählt, dass sie dem Mann als groß gewachsene Kampfsportlerin nicht körperlich unterlegen ist. Ich wollte in dieser Story die Bedeutung von Abhängigkeitsverhältnissen für sexuelle Übergriffe beleuchten und hoffe, dass mir das einigrmaßen gelungen ist. Ich habe ein besonderes Augenmerk darauf gelegt, die Charaktere natürlich und vielschichtig darzustellen. Und für Freunde von Crossovers und World Building: Einige der Figuren aus dieser Geschichte kommen auch in Record Chaser und Venus' Touch vor.
Mein Lieblingszitat:Sie hatte den Glauben daran verloren, dass dieser Moment jemals enden würde. Sein Schwanz in ihr bestimmte ihr komplettes Denken. Dieser Übergriff auf ihren Körper war eine nicht enden wollende Folge von Stößen in ihren Schoß, die in ihrer Intensität ins Unendliche zu divergieren schienen. Obwohl sie wusste, dass dies unmöglich war, hatte sie das Gefühl, dass er mit jedem neuen Vorstoß tiefer in sie Eindrang als zuvor, dass die Besatzung ihres intimsten Inneren immer noch ein Stück weiter ausgeweitet werden konnte. Und dann fand ihr gequälter Verstand die eine Zuflucht von dieser Tortur, die schlimmer war, als das was ihr Professor ihr antat. Sie bildete sich die Stimme ihrer Mutter ein.
Mein Lieblingsfeedback:
Ich finde dies ist eine perfekte Geschichte, die unter die Haut geht und einen doch so geil macht. Vor allem weil man die kompletten Gedanken und Gefühle der Protagonisten mit erfährt. Besonders wie die Studentin ihre Vergewaltigung erträgt. Einfach nur top.
Venus’ Touch (One on One)Venus’ Touch is an experimental story for me. I deliberately tried to write a story that blurs the line between consensual and non-consensual sex. I told this story from the perspective of the woman and I hope that some reader picks up my challenge to retell the story from the man’s perspective. The story has a long buildup and the start of the story would probably work in a romantic comedy setting as well. I tried to portray a genuine attraction between the characters and was hopefully able to make them both likable. I wanted both the man and the woman to wonder whether this sexual encounter was consensual or not. Because it starts from a place of genuine attraction for both characters, the overall tone of the story is much more sensual and even romantic than what you’d usually read in a rape fantasy.
My favorite quote: I took his outreached hand and shook it. His hand was warm and his grip firm, but not too strong. I have a bit of a thing for hands and his… were beautiful. For a man, his hands were outright lovely. They were clearly bigger than mine and could in no way be mistaken for a woman’s hands, but his palm was soft to the touch and his fingers long and slender. These weren’t hands meant to carry bricks or heavy furniture. They were meant for more sensual tasks. I’d imagine them gently playing a piano, leading a brush over a canvas or caressing a baby’s head. For a moment, I wondered what places these fingers might be able to reach. The good thing about having a thing for hands is: even when you stare a little too long, nobody really questions you like they would were you to stare at someone’s butt, crotch or boobs. With probably a little blush on my face, I looked back up at him.
My favorite feedback:Whew! What a read and truly one the hottest sex scenes I’ve read here in a long time. Written by a woman for women is the vibe and I was able to picture myself on the massage table (...)
You (One on One)A short story about you.
My favorite quote:You want to thrust into her faster than you ever fucked a woman before. But her cunt resists every single one of your advances. You can’t engage in a smooth back and forth motion, but have to rely on staccato-like thrusts that often end halfway into her cunt before you complete the other half in a second attempt. Your cock feels like her dry walls are peeling layers of skin of your shaft and the never before experienced friction seems to sharpen the tip of your cock into an actual spearhead. And yet, you keep advancing. You’ve made a resolution to yourself: You will fuck this woman until you come inside her. If that entails mutilating your own cock in the process and never being able to fuck another cunt, so be it.
My favorite Feedback:WOW! I had to write a second person story for one of my clients recently but it was of a consensual nature. THIS! Oh My God! This was a rape master piece!! You placed me square into the head of this attacker and painted him as so HUMAN! The vivid description of the sex was spot on! Thank you for writing this! I will be revisiting it often!