Ok, it's time for the final chapter. I'd like to shout out two people who inspired me to write this story. The first one is spunkjunk who wrote an offhand comment in my Record Chaser thread in the One on One section. That comment planted the idea of a live stream scenario in my head. And the second one is To-Get-Her. He was not only very welcoming to a newbie like me, I also read one of his older stories. And I found it so funny in the way it was escalating to ever greater heights of absurdity, that I wondered whether I could try my hand at Rape Comedy instead of Rape Fantasy as well. The result of these two sources of inspiration is... this.
So this is the final chapter and it has it all: Sex (duh), surprising tonal shifts, the end of Jacob's character arc and... healthy male vulnerability?

Chapter 3 – CatharsisElizabeth’s coughing filled the room after Jerome and Makoto had withdrawn from her body. She was breathing heavily and was glad to get a moment of rest. Jimmy crouched next to her again, hoping for a more cooperative interview this time.
“Well, you’ve just been fucked properly for the first time in your life. Has the experience in any way changed your perspective on how you treat male colleagues at work?”
Still coughing slightly, Elizabeth seemed more confused than anything.
“What are you talking about…?”
Jimmy spotted a glob of Jerome’s cum on her chin. He scooped it up with his index finger and then smeared it onto the tip of her cute nose.
“You look beautiful with cum on your face, you know that? But to answer your question: I’m of course talking about your preferential treatment of women at work and how you frame simple compliments as harassment. Working under you is a living hell for men. Everyone is afraid to speak their mind openly, always afraid of getting canceled by the feminist inquisition.”
It was hard for her to wrap her head around the fact that all of this might be happening to her because someone at work might not like her. She considered herself to be open for suggestions any time and by anyone.
“I was only trying to create a work environment where everybody feels safe, not just men! I swear!”
Jimmy shook his head.
“All this talk about safe spaces, but you’re unable to see how your toxic ideas of so called ‘
equality’ leave no safe space for men in this society!”
He suddenly sounded serious, like a deep seated anger rose to the surface and overwrote the jovial facade. Elizabeth thought that she could argue with this, she could address these thoughts, these feelings! She didn’t want to exclude men. If she could make him see that, maybe that was the way to make all of this stop.
“That is not true! I never saw men as my enemies, I always wanted to… Ungh!!””
Jimmy had gotten back to his feet and shoved his own cock into her mouth. She still didn’t accept the truth and he had watched enough of the other guys manhandling her to be more than hard enough himself. However, he knew how to pace himself. He was fucking her face slowly such that the thrusting of his hips didn’t interfere with his ability to comment on the scene.
“Some of you, my dear viewers, are surely disappointed right now. You expected her to be a new woman after everything I’ve told you about our methods. Yet, she still refuses to accept basic reality.”
The chat was full admiration for Jimmy by this point.
‘Wow, just hearing him talk, you’d never know that he is fucking her mouth right now!’
‘Damn, I wish had his self control.’
‘He’s not the tallest or strongest dude there, but he’s the one in charge and he knows it!’
‘What a chad, he’s such an alpha! Or a sigma…?’Jimmy payed the wall of compliments no heed.
“But I’d like to point out the change in her attitude! At first, there was frantic screaming and insults. Now, she listened, we had an actual conversation. That is progress! Listen, we’re not trying to sell you a miracle solution here. Like with most medicine, you can’t expect a single treatment to cure an underlying condition that has been left to fester for years!”
Jimmy gestured to two guys from his team to come closer while Jerome and Makoto were recovering.
“Now, we’ll move on to the next stage where we’ll be educating her on breeding, discipline and pleasure at the same time. While Jerome and Makoto enjoy a well deserved rest, I’d like to employ the talents of Ikram and Denzel. Denzel is on pleasure duty and Ikram handles breeding for now.”
Two men, one black and one Indian, appeared on screen. Denzel gave the camera just a short nod whereas Ikram greeted the audience with heartfelt waving. The two guys who had immobilized Elizabeth up to this point now carefully lifted her body into the air without interrupting Jimmy’s continued assault on her mouth. Denzel slipped underneath her and then felt her body lowered onto his. Ikram had the muscular physique of a trained athlete and provided some eye candy for the surprisingly large but mostly quiet female audience as he took position between Elizabeth’s legs.
“For the next two hours or so, there will always be someone on breeding duty. You heard her vehemently protest the idea of a man coming inside her earlier. Continued fillings of her cunt with our cum and the subsequent sensation of it dripping out of her will make her remember and accept her body’s true purpose. I am sure that many of you are familiar with the concept of exposure therapy and therefore see the merit in the approach.”
Ikram and Denzel penetrated her pussy and ass as Jimmy prepared the audience for what they were about to witness. Denzel was so overwhelmed by the feeling of his cock entering her ass, that he interrupted Jimmy for a moment.
“Damn, Makoto! I’m sliding into this bitch’s ass like it’s the well used cunt of a seasoned prostitute! How do you do it, man?”
The camera showed Makoto sitting on a nearby chair with his legs spread. Another young woman on cleaning duty was licking his soft dick like a lollipop. He used a towel to wipe the sweat from his face and took a sip of water from a bottle when he heard Denzel’s comment. He just smirked in response. His face said it all: ‘
It’s just what I do!’ And the Makoto fanboys in the chat went crazy.
Although they interrupted him, Jimmy couldn’t help but smile when he saw the boys having such a good time. The camera focused back on his face.
“So, while one guy will be on breeding duty, another will be responsible for disciplinary action. Exposing Elizabeth’s body to the feeling of cocks filling her cunt with cum is an effective measure by itself, but it is further enhanced when a second cock takes away her ability to protest. It teaches her that denying the inevitable is futile which makes accepting the truth easier. Oh, and filling her ass while we’re at it, that’s just for fun.”
Elizabeth could hear it all. Jimmy’s commentary, the jokes, the clapping of the crew, some women giggling in the distance, the wet sounds that her body produced when their cocks thrusted into her cum filled orifices. All of it was surreal. The feeling of pain that had occupied her mind so much in the beginning never fully went away. But it started to feel more and more like a chronic condition she was about to accept as part of her life and less like an acute problem she needed to address. At first, the wetness between her legs that her body produced had been a source of shame for her. Now, she welcomed the relief it brought her. She lost track of time as her mind entered a dazed state.
Maybe her brain was deprived of oxygen because of the dick in her mouth making it difficult to breathe. Whatever the reason was, she became a detached observer of herself. These men knew what they were doing, she thought. They didn’t just wildly thrust into her, each of them at their own rhythm. No, their thrusting was coordinated, trained, a well oiled machine, a seasoned orchestra led by this man Jimmy, a masterful conductor. She could feel them thrusting and withdrawing, stretching her bowels, parting the walls of her vagina, sliding over her tongue. A long symphony building to an inevitable crescendo. At exactly the same time, she felt all three of their cocks swell and come to a rest deep inside of her.
The taste of Jimmy’s cum filled her mouth before she was able to swallow his seed. In her delirious state, she could have sworn that her pussy was able to taste Ikram’s cum as well as he filled her with his warmth. She imagined Denzel’s cum mingling with what Makoto had left inside of her, creating one big gooey mess in her bowels in the process. And then her body submitted. Unable to resist to add a few notes of her own to the music, she came. She didn’t scream like an overacting porn star nor did her body spasm wildly. Nobody in the chat noticed. But her cunt contracted violently around Ikram’s cock, claiming each drop of his seed as her own. A haze of numbing pleasure washed over her body, helping her to... endure.
A slightly out of breath Jimmy addressed the audience.
“I know that Ikram and Denzel make it look easy. But trust me, it is not easy to get three men to come at exactly the same time when they are fucking a woman together. Now we will keep repeating this process until Elizabeth learns her lesson with both her body and mind. Rinse and repeat, don’t give her body a chance to remember what it feels like not to be filled with dicks. To keep this up, you need of course at least 6 men to account for the recovery time between orgasms. And if you’re working with a crew of 6, you should aim for having each member take charge of each of her holes at least once. Luckily, we got more than enough men with us today.”
Jimmy, Denzel and Ikram withdrew from Elizabeth’s holes at the same time, perfectly coordinated just as they had fucked her. The two men holding her lifted her up again. Denzel switched position with Jerome in record time. Within seconds, Elizabeth rested on Jerome’s body ready to be penetrated by his cock. The entire process was reminiscent of a pit stop during a Formula One race: a quick stop, a short lift of the car, tires changed within seconds and back on the road they went. Meanwhile, Jimmy and Ikram passed the baton to Makoto and one of the men who had been holding down Elizabeth so far. They handled the change of players with such efficiency that it was a marvel to behold. It took them less than 15 seconds to substitute one set of cocks with the next, giving Elizabeth barely a moment to breath.
Just as Jimmy had announced, over the course of the next two hours, they didn’t give Elizabeth any rest. He kept playing the entertainer and moderator, rarely participating himself and happy to let the other guys shine. When he feared that the show was about to get repetitive, he had two of the four girls on set join in on the fun having them play with Elizabeth’s tits while giving the camera a good view of their naked asses. He encouraged the chat to guess how much cum they had dumped into Elizabeth by now. When he announced that they were about to start the last round, he set a timer for the last group of guys consisting of Jerome on breeding duty, Makoto at the disciplinary hole and Ikram being responsible for the pleasure hole. Just a fun little challenge to see whether the guys would be able to blow their fourth load for the day simultaneously within 5 minutes. Of course, the chat was betting on whether they could do it or who might screw it up.
‘I’m part of the Makoto gang to the end, don’t fail me now, man!’
‘One last round everyone. LET’S!! FUCKING!! GOOOO!!!!!!’
‘Am I the only one who wants to lick her cunt now…?”
‘So, based on the average amount of sperm a man ejaculates, I estimate that…’
‘I’m not sure, guys, whether Ikram has one more load in him.’For Elizabeth, the announcement that it would soon be over barely registered. She had retreated to some place deep in her mind and stopped paying attention to the sounds in the room. Any need to pin her body to the bed with force had disappeard long ago. The taste of cum, the clapping of her cheeks and her own heartbeat had become constants in her life that overshadowed all other sensations. At this point, a world that didn’t involve cocks and cum filling her holes had become unimaginable to her.
Jimmy was confident that the guys would be able to come before the deadline. He just wanted to give the viewers some extra excitement. He could only imagine how many dudes watching the stream had come by now, wishing that they could one day in a better world participate themselves. Then the guys came just 30 seconds before the deadline. Ikram was off by about two seconds, but it didn’t matter anymore. They had done well. There was no need to be a perfectionist now. The chat cheered them on as their grunts of pleasure filled Elizabeth’s bedroom one last time.
“And that’s… time! Well done guys, and with a half a minute to spare! Alright, time to pull out your cocks. I want to have another chat with the lady. And take positions for the finale, I think it’s time.”
The men withdrew from her battered holes. Her pussy and ass had turned into gaping holes. Two seemingly never ending rivers of cum were forming a puddle on the bed sheet between her legs. The cum in her mouth, she had mostly swallowed. She was coughing now that she could breathe normally again. Jimmy gave her time to calm down, kneeling besides her with the microphone in hand. The 8 men of Jimmy’s crew who over the course of the last 3 hours had gang raped her repeatedly under his leadership took formation next to the bed, 4 on the left side and 4 on the ride. They started to slowly masturbate, some of them got a helping hand from the 4 girls accompanying their group. Jimmy started to talk to Elizabeth.
“Elizabeth, are you with us?”
She was clearly somewhat foggy, but she answered.
“Yeah… I’m here…”
Jimmy nodded.
“Good, do you remember Jacob?”
Jacob reentered the room. He wasn’t seen on stream since he had first fucked Elizabeth. He crawled back between her legs, just like he had done a few hours ago. This time, he didn’t need any help to get hard. Elizabeth saw him and vaguely remembered that he was the first guy to rape her back when she woke up. She nodded.
“He will fuck your pussy one more time now. You don’t mind, do you?”
Jimmy softly whispered the words into her ear. Elizabeth felt Jacob enter her, but she barely reacted. She answered Jimmy’s question with a simple:
“Uh huh…”
Jimmy kept talking to her, gently caressing her hair while doing so. Him caressing her hair, that felt kind of nice, she thought.
“Jacob asked us whether you’d be so kind to read a message he has prepared for you. Would you be a dear and do him this small favor? Martin, please show the message on screen.”
She could see Jacob pounding her. She looked over his shoulder, ignored his moaning and looked at the screen behind him. She began to read as she was told.
“I am… deeply sorry for… how I’ve treated Jacob… and his colleagues. I understand now… that being a cunt towards men… and offering my cunt to men… are not the same thing. I promise… to be better… from now on.”
With the exception of Jacob who kept drilling his dick into her, the whole room clapped. Jimmy continued gently stroking her hair.
“Well done, Elizabeth. Well done. I knew you weren’t a lost cause.”
Elizabeth stopped looking at the screen and simply nodded in response. Jacob was getting close.
“Do you remember what I asked you earlier? How you could help Jacob?”
It took Elizabeth a moment. For her, that was so long ago. But she remembered. She looked Jacob in the eye. He seemed so happy, she thought, fucking her. Then she spoke.
“Jacob, pl… please come… inside me.”
Jacob’s eyes went wide, not expecting to hear these words ever out of her mouth, and he immediately erupted inside of her pussy. She could feel his cock pumping inside of her and Jimmy stroking her hair while talking to her.
“Good girl, that’s a good girl. Get it all out of him. Good girl…”
Elizabeth closed her eyes. She was so tired. Content with the affirmation that she was a good girl, she dozed off with a faint smile on her lips.
With Elizabeth asleep, Jimmy stood back up, ready to talk to their viewers again. This couldn’t have played out better. But then he saw Jacob. He was still kneeling between her legs, his cock softening inside of her. He was… shaking.
Jimmy quickly moved towards Jacob, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder. He was desperately trying not to cry but just couldn’t stop himself.
“It’s ok. We’re here…”
Jerome was the next one to arrive, putting one of his giant hands on Jacob’s balding head, ruffling his remaining hair.
“Hey buddy…”
Jacob tried to talk.
“It’s just that… I don’t know… I’ve never…”
Ikram joined them and gave Jacob a quick hug.
“Take your time, Jacob. Take your time.”
Feeling the support of his new friends, Jacob was finally able to talk.
“This was the first time that a woman… actually wanted my sperm. For the first time… it was not just an... inevitable… nuisance... at the end of sex... meant to be quickly wiped away.”
Under his mask, he tried to wipe away the tears that wouldn’t stop coming. Then Makoto stepped closer, gave Jacob a friendly slap on his ass, and shared some encouraging words with him.
“You did well today. I couldn’t have done it better myself!”
All the guys congratulated and consoled him one by one. A scene not unlike that of a soccer player being celebrated by his teammates after scoring an important goal unfolded before Jimmy’s eyes. He and the guys took a few steps back to let the girls hug Jacob with their naked bodies. Jerome, who stood next to Jimmy, wiped away a tear of his own.
“Man, that part always gets to me, you know?”
Jimmy just nodded in response. He had expected the number of viewers to drop after the end of the gang rape section, but there were still 15427 people watching according to the analytics.
‘That was… surprisingly wholesome.’
‘I’m a grown man, fuck, why am I crying?!’
‘Jacob is ok, isn’t he?’
‘I get it, I wish my girlfriend would like my sperm…’Jimmy gave them all a few more moments, but when Jacob finally calmed down, he clapped his hands together.
“Come on guys, we still got a baptism ahead of us. Back into position!”
The men hurried back into their earlier positions, four of them on each side of the bed. Jimmy placed himself above Elizabeth’s head and Jacob took a break with the girls who kept comforting him. While stroking his cock, Jimmy addressed the audience once more.
“All good things must come to an end, chat. I would consider this exorcism a huge success and I’m sure that some of you who had doubts when the stream began are now convinced of our methods. This last step is more ceremonial in nature, but whenever a woman publicly disavows her former feminist views, we like to celebrate this with a baptism of our saved sister. I believe that what you see on stream speaks for itself and requires no further explanation.”
Jimmy made eye contact one by one with the other 8 masturbating men. Then they came all over Elizabeth’s naked body. The two at the top of the bed joined Jimmy and sprayed their cum over Elizabeth’s face, waking her up in the process. The rest of them coated her boobs, stomach and thighs with their seed. Jimmy sighed, then he shouted.
“Ok girls, it’s cleanup time!”
Three of the four girls swarmed Elizabeth’s cum covered body and started licking her clean. Lydia led the girl squad and was busy cleaning up Elizabeth’s pussy and asshole with her skilled tongue. Jimmy gave her an approving nod and got ready for his closing remarks.
“So everyone, I hope you enjoyed our presentation of the premium deluxe package. All of that can be yours for the feminist of your choice.”
Elizabeth could be heard moaning in the background as the girls seemed to be able to push the right buttons with their tongues.
“I know what many of you are thinking. 25K, that’s a lot of money for the average Joe. And I don’t disagree. But the truth is, for a crew this big and considering the risks we take, this barely covers our costs.”
Lydia managed to force another orgasm out of Elizabeth as she licked up the cum flowing out of her abused cunt.
“That is why we believe that the future of such exorcisms lies in crowdfunding. If you visit our patreon account, you will see that starting this month, we present to you the profiles of 10 feminists that you get to choose from. For only 5 bucks a month, you get the right to vote on who will be the feminist for our next exorcism. And for 20 bucks you… Lydia? Everything ok?”
Lydia had stood up and rushed past Jimmy. But when he called her, she stopped and came to him. While walking in front of the camera, she gave the viewers a beaming smile and waved at them.
“Hey guys, sorry to interrupt. Hope you enjoyed the show!”
In the background, the other two girls were still busy licking cum from Elizabeth’s face and tits. Lydia stood on her toes and pressed her body tightly against Jimmy’s. She tried to whisper in his ear, hoping the microphone wouldn’t pick up her voice. But the chat could hear every word.
“Everything is fine, it’s just that, you guys came a lot in her. Half of it is probably from Makoto and his giant loads… Anyway, my tongue is getting tired and I’m getting Susan to help. I’m not cleaning up that asshole alone…”
Feeling her body so close to his, his cock twitched, pushing slightly against her delicate folds. He had a thing for brunettes.
“Oh? You’re still ready to go?”
Lydia smirked. But Jimmy could only shake his head.
“Nah, I’m spent. You’re just irresistible. Go get Susan. And I know I’m asking a lot, but once you’re done, can one of you take care of Martin? The guy has managed the stream for hours and he deserves some alone time with one of you girls.”
Lydia nodded despite being tired herself.
“Bye, guys!”
As she walked away, she let her fingers casually trace the shaft of Jimmy’s cock. Jimmy sighed, then he continued with his crowdfunding announcement.
“So, as I was saying. For 5 bucks you get to vote. But for 20 you get to suggest feminists that we might add to the list if they meet our criteria. I think that covers all of it for now. That’s it from me for today. I was your host Jimmy representing Men at War. Feel free to enjoy the view a little longer and I hope to see all of you very soon! Hail Peterson!”
As Jimmy made an exit like an actor at the end of a play, the camera lingered for a while longer on Elizabeth’s used and tired body getting licked clean by four young women.
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