Author Topic: Stories that capture the duality and despair of being a long time victim  (Read 637 times)

Offline mamina

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Hi! I'm searching for stories/novellas/autobiographys that manages to capture the inner duality you experience growing up while being abused/sexually abused for years.

My attempt to describe the feeling I'm searching for:
How the abuse becomes a permanent part of you. How everything becomes so twisted so that the actual abuse many times becomes a welcommed respite from the blanket of melancholy and despair the abuse created.
How something that's figurly and actually tearing your mind and body apart also becomes your safe space.

Do any of you know about any stories/novellas/autobiographys that manages to capture the feeling above?

I've been searching half my life and the best I found is S1lvioStoker's stories who manage to capture the melancholy and despair perfectly, but the stories is often to extreme and always switches characters as soon the story hits the perfect spot. And a couple of autobiographys who manage the overall feeling okey but almost always sheis away from any depth and details.

Thanks for any help!