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Author Topic: An Unfortunate Misstep {One}  (Read 2104 times)

Online The Claire

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An Unfortunate Misstep {One}
« on: October 27, 2024, 11:40:05 AM »
After writing a faily ambitious story that is slowly approaching novel length, I thought I'd try myself at something short and self contained. It's nothing fancy, just a good old brief encounter between a man and a woman at night.

This is a work of fiction meant for entertainment purposes only. It is in no way meant to be an endorsement of rape in real life.

An unfortunate misstep

When Leah came home, she was tired and a little tipsy, but in a good mood. Entering her bedroom, she kicked her shoes of her feet and then walked in front of the big mirror hanging at the wall. It had been a while since she had dressed up and gone out like this. Ever since the break up with her ex two months ago, she hadn’t been in the mood. But when her colleague Sarah invited her to come with her and a few other people from their law office, she decided that it was time to tip her toes back into the single life.

For three years she had been in a relationship and when it ended, she expected it to affect her more than it did. There had been the occasional feeling of loneliness since. But overall, she felt liberated. She had moved here and given up her old job for her ex’s career. Over the course of these last few years, her career as a divorce lawyer had really taken off and when her ex got offered a new lucrative position yet again, she didn’t want to move again. She was established in her firm, moving up the ranks and of course her clients were here. Not to mention that he wanted her to move to another country this time, so she would have had to familiarize herself with Canada’s divorce laws. She thought that after having moved for him once, this time he would stay for her. ‘But you can be a lawyer anywhere’, he had said, seemingly not understanding at all what he was asking of her. And when she didn’t budge, he was gone. She had sworn to herself, she wouldn’t cry a single tear for that chauvinist pig.

She liked what she saw in the mirror. She couldn’t wait to take these tight black jeans off after having walked around in them for the entire evening. But they did make her ass look good. She could hardly blame any man, and the occasional woman, for turning their head. Her purple blouse was just a little see through, revealing the black lacy bra underneath to the careful observer. She had cut her hair fairly short after the break up, but now it was almost back to shoulder length.

She went on to take off her earrings. Mostly, she wore them for work. But she thought that they made her look classy. So she put them on for today’s private outing as well. After taking off the right earring, she stepped away from the mirror and walked towards that little jewelry box she treasured so much. Frankly, its design was very old fashioned and looked out of place in this modern bedroom. But her grandmother had given her this box as a gift for her 16th birthday, just months before she passed away. Seeing it, always made Leah think fondly of her. She gently placed the earring inside the box and then reached for the other earring on her left ear, when she suddenly felt a large hand clamp down on her mouth.

That was the shock of her life. She immediately tried to scream, but the hand covered by a leather glove muffled her voice. In her panic, she grabbed the arm of her attacker, but was unable to tear his hands from her mouth. The sensation of his hard dick pressing against her ass made his intentions clear: This wasn’t a robbery. The realization made her jump, literally. She kicked her feet of the ground. Holding her in the air was no problem at all for her attacker, but the surprise nature of her little jump made him stumble backwards a few steps. With his back, he bumped into the mirror she had just stood in front of. That little crash wasn’t strong enough to break the glass, but as he took a step forward away from the wall, it became clear that they had dislodged the mirror from the wall, making it fall and shatter on the ground.

Whether it was the sound of breaking glass that distracted him or the fear of stepping into shards of glass, he weakened his grip on her mouth and body for a moment. That was enough to let her elbow make a painful connection with his liver and allow her to escape from his hold. She didn’t even consider a follow up attack and made a dash for the bedroom door. But her opponent with nefarious intentions wasn’t easily shaken and grabbed her blouse at the collar. This stopped her in her tracks, bending and tearing the fabric of her favorite blouse in the process. He pulled her back towards him and wrapped both his arms around her again, holding her tightly. To avoid any further complications, he made them both fall onto the bed, burying her underneath him in the process.

She was still wriggling underneath him, but he got her. She was lying on her stomach and he was sitting on her ass. The tear in her blouse gave him direct access to her bra. He could have easily opened it from his position, but tearing it from her body was just more fun. Now all he had to do was turn her around to finally get a good look at her tits.

   “Get off me, you bastard!”

He heard her familiar voice shout at him. She was defiant and proud even in this position. He started to turn her around. The remnants of her blouse were still covering her tits, but with her bra already gone, he could see her nipples poke through the thin fabric. The slightly see through material of her blouse made her still covered breasts look very alluring. He reached out for her chest to tear the rest of her blouse from her body. It was already too late when he noticed that during the process of turning her around, she had managed to free one of her legs. He felt her right foot kick his chin, disorienting him for a moment.

She considered herself lucky to have gotten a second chance for an escape. She got on her feet immediately, ready to jump off the bed. But she slipped on the satin sheets and fell back to her knees. She went with quickly crawling off the bed as the next best alternative. She had almost made it off the bed, when she felt his firm grip on her left ankle. With great force, he pulled her back once again, causing her to scream in desperation.

He was on top of her back again and this time he’d be more careful. They were both breathing heavily. This had not gone as expected for him. He had put a mask and gloves on and had taken off his shoes to avoid making any sound as he had sneaked up on her. When he had initially grabbed her, he had thought this to be over already. He hadn’t expected Leah to go down without resistance, but he couldn’t possibly have accounted for that damn mirror breaking. All that trouble had killed his erection. Not only did that kick hurt, it had also made him bite down on his own tongue and now he could feel the taste of his own blood fill his mouth. No matter, he was here to enjoy this and he would make sure he would even if it took a little more effort than planned.

He had wanted this for a long time, but until recently she hadn’t lived alone. Now, with her ex gone, she was living alone in this nice house. When he came to know that she was about to move, looking for something smaller as she was living alone now, he decided that it was time to act. This place was perfect to take her. If all of this commotion had occurred in some smaller apartment in a larger building, a neighbor would have noticed. Even now he was worried that somebody might have gotten alarmed by her screaming and the noise of the mirror breaking. It was time to finish this. He didn’t want to risk staying too long.

No more turning her around, he would just fuck her from behind, he decided. He grabbed her arms by her wrists and pushed them onto her back, holding her in place. With his free hand, he started to work on her pants but he couldn’t get them off so easily. How tight were these jeans? Nothing was working today. He let his hand wander around her hips to her crotch. He rubbed her a little through her pants before he started to work on the button and zipper of her pants.

She saw a bit of irony in the fact that the pants she couldn’t wait to get out of just a few moments ago, now had turned into something like her last line of defense. Nevertheless, she knew that it was only a matter of time now. He had struggled to get her jeans off her, but with the button and zipper open now, he managed to pull them off her waist and over her butt even using only one hand. She had hoped that he’d try to take them off her entirely, maybe giving her another chance for another kick in the process. But he only pulled them down to her knees, using them to restrict her legs. Her panties were much easier to pull down.

The next thing she felt was his half erect penis touching her ass. He rubbed his cock between her cheeks to get the necessary stimulation for a full erection. As she felt him slowly growing, she had to admit to herself that she couldn’t even make fun of this guy for being a small dick loser who had to rape women to compensate for his micro penis. When he stopped moving and he removed his dick from her ass, she expected him to just shove it into her next. But instead she could feel him… spanking her.

The first slap had taken her by such surprise that she had shrieked, making her sound uncharacteristically girly. Then he kept spanking her, alternating between her cheeks. Clearly, he had taken of his glove in the meantime. The thing is, she didn’t dislike getting spanked in bed. She didn’t have sex in a while, she hadn’t even masturbated much recently. And so, to her shame, she felt herself get a little wet. She tried not to focus on the burning pain that was growing with every slap. She didn’t want to imagine how her butt got redder and redder every time his hand made contact. She wished she didn’t have to hear the exciting sounds filling the bedroom that every slap produced. He had gone far beyond what she normally tolerated in bed as far as spankings go, and yet… it wasn’t unpleasant. Finally, she moaned.

Was it pain? Was it pleasure? Who could say. But the moan had made him stop. She felt his fingers creep between her legs, brushing past her clit, parting her lips and finally pushing inside of her. This was so humiliating. She couldn’t see, hear or feel much of him other than the two fingers resting inside of her, checking his suspicion. He didn’t do or say anything for the moment. As a matter of fact, the bastard hadn’t said a word since he arrived. But she just knew that he was smirking right now and that his cock had grown another half of an inch. He humiliated her even further, when he started to penetrate her with his fingers one by one, dipping them into her cunt to provide them with a nice coating of vaginal juice. Then he caressed her burning ass cheeks with his oiled up fingers to let her know that he knew.

Afterwards, he kept spanking her a little more to force a few more moans out of her. Whether he ultimately grew tired of this or simply couldn’t wait anymore, she didn’t know. He rubbed his dick a few more times between her cheeks like he had done before. But with the lingering pain of his spanking, the feeling was much more intense for her than before. Then he pushed his penis further down between her cheeks, resting at her asshole. The slight pressure on her asshole made her freak out, making her buckle with a resistance she had given up before. She felt a little bit relieved when he guided his cock further down to the entrance of her vagina. She regretted that moment of relief immediately.

The next thing she felt was just one violent thrust into her lubricated pussy and immediately after an unrelenting hammering of her cunt. He didn’t even try to make her feel good. It were just quick, brutal and repetitive thrusts that he used to masturbate himself to an orgasm as quickly as possible. Occasionally, he slapped her ass while fucking her to not let her mind tap out of the experience and to make her whimper and moan some more. She hated this, this total domination of her body. She was completely powerless in this position.

She was a woman who had constantly fought for her rightful place in this world. Men like her ex always felt entitled to women like her stepping aside for their benefit. Sure, they would say that they never could have reached their grand achievements if their wives had not been the wind beneath their wings. But ultimately, all they wanted was a beautiful woman they could show off to their peers as a prized possession. No need for her to be intelligent or successful. All she needed to be was quiet eye candy that served his sexual needs when they were alone.

The guy that was raping her, she knew what he thought. He was doing the world a favor, putting a stupid feminist bitch that had gotten out of line back into her place. In this instance, she hated being born a woman as she could feel his cock violate her with no regard for her at all. But so be it. If he thought that this was her place, held down by a stronger man using her cunt without consent, then she’d show him. She would do everything in her power to show him his place in this world, a lonely prison cell, forever stigmatized as a sex offender.

As if to answer her defiant thoughts, he let go of her wrists, plunged all of his muscular fingers deeply into her hurting crimson ass cheeks and spilled his seed directly into her womb while being buried balls deep in her unwilling cunt. She could feel him throb and expand inside of her, the warmth of his cum entering her. It made her cry. For all her defiant thoughts of how she would get back at him, he had raped the proud woman out of her and reduced her to a crying girl at his mercy, at least for now. She hid her face in the mattress, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing her cry.

She could feel him grow soft inside her and finally slip out of her. She was bracing herself for the humiliation of his cum oozing out of her while he was climbing off her. However, instead of just leaving and letting her lie there, he stood now next to the bed and put his hand one more time between her legs. He shoved the index and middle finger inside her. That made her gasp. Why could the imbecile not just leave? Instead of actually fingering her, he was scraping her vagina out, collecting his cum on his fingers. Once he must have thought that he had enough, he pulled his fingers out of her and wiped his cum smeared fingers on her cheeks, marking her face with his seed. The smell of his cum so close to her nose repulsed her.

Finally, having humiliated her sufficiently, he grabbed the glove he had taken off for her spanking. He wished he could stay longer, but there had been enough complications during this encounter already. It was better not to tempt fate. And besides, Leah should know now where she belongs, at least for today. With a satisfied grin on his face, he grabbed the glove that he had taken off to spank her. Now, he only needed to pick up the shoes he had taken off at the door and…

   “God damn it, FUCK!”

He screamed out in pain as he stepped on a shard of the broken mirror that cut deep into his foot. He had not forgotten about the mirror, he had simply underestimated how far some of the shards had spread throughout the room. He was quickly limping away. Sure, he was stronger than her, but he was bleeding a lot and hurt and if for some reason she decided to attack him now, he wasn’t sure how that would go.


She had recognized his voice from his scream. Marvin was a colleague from work. They had shared an office when she first started to work at the firm three years ago. But after her promotion last year, they rarely saw each other. He had asked her out once but she had still been in a relationship back then and she simply didn’t like him very much. She saw him flinch when she mentioned his name but he kept just limping away. Just let him go, she thought. With his DNA and the wound under his foot, it will be the easiest thing in the world to identify him.


Hey, you made it to the end of the story. A short comment telling me what you liked and/or disliked would be much appreciated. If you don't feel like commenting, there is also a poll asking whether you liked the ending or not. Any kind of feedback is very welcome!
« Last Edit: Yesterday at 07:34:38 AM by The Claire »

Offline To-Get-Her

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Re: An unfortunate misstep
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2024, 01:04:01 PM »
Another perfectly presented story that ends with a perfect way to make the rapist pay. It the little detail like the shattered mirror pieces that most forget that leads to their downfall!
Love the scene of resistance

Another merit awarded from me!
When I get around to it, I'll write

Offline To-Get-Her

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Re: An Unfortunate Misstep
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2024, 09:55:01 AM »
Never notices the poll before, did i duty and voted!

Still wondering if you plan to use the characters for a continuation, say of his trial?, Getting bail and comes for revenge on her or even him making her life a living hell by hiring someone!.
When I get around to it, I'll write

Online The Claire

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Re: An Unfortunate Misstep
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2024, 10:34:47 AM »
Never notices the poll before, did i duty and voted!

Still wondering if you plan to use the characters for a continuation, say of his trial?, Getting bail and comes for revenge on her or even him making her life a living hell by hiring someone!.

So far, I have no plans to continue this story. I wanted to write a short self contained story and I have enough long stories already that need a continuation. ;)

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Re: An Unfortunate Misstep
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2024, 02:01:11 AM »
Thank you very much for this wonderful story! What I liked? Well, pretty much everything... but I love to see and feel women struggle unterneath me and overpowering them, I love spanking and I like anal sex, so this are the scenes I liked most. What I disliked? The end. It seems like Marvin will be send to prison and will not come back to have fun with Leah again. A pity not only for him, but also for all the readers here.

You wrote in another thread, your goal is to make the readers masturbate and then feel sorry for the victim. Well, you have reached it. I masturbated after reading this story in my bed (unfortunately without Leah or another woman) and it was great. But afterwards I felt sorry for her and feel gulty for having enjoyed what was so terrible for her. And I don't like feeling guilty.

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Re: An Unfortunate Misstep
« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2024, 12:31:26 AM »

You wrote in another thread, your goal is to make the readers masturbate and then feel sorry for the victim. Well, you have reached it. I masturbated after reading this story in my bed (unfortunately without Leah or another woman) and it was great. But afterwards I felt sorry for her and feel gulty for having enjoyed what was so terrible for her. And I don't like feeling guilty.

Aww, that's so cute. Thank you. But if that simple story already does the trick, then why am I trying so hard with the others?  :confused: But seriously, I'm really glad you liked it!

And Marvin coming back for another try was something that I ruled out early on. I wanted to portray him as inexperienced. In my mind that was his first rape and he screwed up. Turns out that raping someone isn't so easy after all.

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Re: An Unfortunate Misstep
« Reply #6 on: November 25, 2024, 12:31:11 PM »
I think tastes are different. Some people like short storys, some like long storys and some like storys they have to think about. And of course there are people that like all of this at different times.