Author Topic: HistBuff's Spicy Words  (Read 505 times)

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HistBuff's Spicy Words
« on: August 29, 2024, 10:46:58 PM »
I'm going to share some of the results when I'm writing some period story and look up words to refresh my memory or learn new ones.

Here I go...

Creepy! Yes, it was already there and alive mid-20th century...

The adjective "creepy", referring to a feeling of creeping in the flesh, was first used in 1831, but it was Charles Dickens who coined and popularized the term "the creeps" in his 1849 novel David Copperfield.

Let's say you own a 1957 Plymouth Belvedere (Fury) and it turns out the car is possessed by a female spirit, who's sorta in love with you, and she's VERY jealous! Now, that's really creepy. But a smooth ride! Too bad a car can't offer the same softness as a girl.

And this ad for a lady's revolver, with the expression "depraved creep"... Worth a thousand words.


And here are two words, meaning what this blonde above will absolutely NOT do with a depraved creep! (Unless she's forced to and HistBuff's writing the story.)

Necking... "What people might call making out today used to be known as necking. Necking is a classic term for “kissing, caressing, and other sexual activity between partners that does not involve sexual intercourse.” This term has been popular at various points throughout the past several decades, but you might be surprised to learn that the one of the earliest recorded uses of necking to mean “kissing” actually occurred as early as 1825."

Parking... "If the word parking makes you think of cars, you’re on the right track. Similar to necking, parking is a slang term for “the act of kissing and caressing in a parked car.” This usage was most popular in the ’40s and ’50s, likely due to the rise of car culture and drive-in movie theaters changing the landscape of dating."

And a picture showing both at once.

With the song that goes with it.

When you're parking with your gal in the backseat, then you're also playing backseat bingo. Just-married backseat bingo here!

With an impromptu song from the Chordettes...

Getting married, or the lullaby of the bells.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2024, 10:52:21 PM by HistBuff7 »

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Re: HistBuff's Spicy Words
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2024, 09:07:15 AM »
I can’t seem to get an elsewhere so perhaps you can tell me how to submit a story and what formats are allowed. Thanks very much. As a university professor, I’m a fan of your work

Offline JustJess_33

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Re: HistBuff's Spicy Words
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2024, 08:19:28 AM »
What a great guide and well done on helping those who like history out
As one who has written historical works I appreciate it and history is such a massive genre of so many possibilities it’s a shame we don’t see much more .
Well Done and hope to see more of your teachings
Merit from me xx

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Re: HistBuff's Spicy Words
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2024, 07:41:12 PM »
I can’t seem to get an elsewhere so perhaps you can tell me how to submit a story and what formats are allowed. Thanks very much. As a university professor, I’m a fan of your work

All you need to do is start a thread in the proper section with the story's title as the thread title. E. g. "Mongolian Bandits" in Gang Rape section. Then each new chapter is a new reply.