Author Topic: Rape Virus: Would it be a Good Idea?  (Read 2177 times)

Offline Yukito

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Rape Virus: Would it be a Good Idea?
« on: November 16, 2022, 04:33:59 PM »
Hey, everyone.
I was looking through old works of mine(from 2017 and 2018) and found one thing that I think it would be interesting.
At the time, I had created a kind of "rape zombie" who would rape all girls in his/her way. This idea was also fueled by Parasite in City and Virus Z gameplays.(they are adult games loosely based on Resident Evil and have some quite good rape scenes)
For those who read The Blakes #07, it was a kind of remake of that book, removing all the adult scenes, of course.
So, the idea in the book(named Quest For Freedom) was that:
She(the rapist zombie was female) would rape any females who were in the same place. In the story, the researchers released the zombie in a controlled environment, which also had some girls released in there(they were kidnapped by the big boss' minions) and the zombie would cause chaos in there.
I think this idea is pretty good for a Sexy Tale, specially a horror one, which I plan to do either in #12 or #20.
Another thing that made me have that idea was a text adventure game where you played as the zombie. In it, you played as the patriarch(the Blakes were the protagonists) and had to bite and turn everyone into zombies.
So, the premise of the story would be that a strange virus outbreak is detected in the country. Victims of the virus would only be men(in that story) and they would turn into zombies whose only objective is to rape the females.
Both Rafael(the patriarch) and Felipe would fall victim to this virus, and chaos ensues in the manor, with 3 of Bianca's female friends, plus Felipe's girlfriend. And also that Felipe and Bianca are siblings(don't know if there will be incest or not).

What do you guys think of this? Been planning it for a while.
Thanks in advance.

Offline EnabranTain

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Re: Rape Virus: Would it be a Good Idea?
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2022, 11:57:36 AM »
I'd say that sounds like it has great potential. A typical normal zombie trope is based on the idea that the zombies are driven by base instincts, "the need to feed" and since sex is also a base instinct "the need to procreate" it could easily be substituted in. You'd have the same stroy dymanics pretty much exactly, but the threat would be that the zombies will rape you, not eat you.
The biggest difference from a normal zombie plotline that I see is who the zombies would target. If the zombies are only male, then presumably heterosexual zombies would go after only women. I suppose  you could overcome this with a notion that zombies would still attack other males because they see them as threats. Then the living male vs. zombie male ineraction would be similar to normal zombie tropes.
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Offline Yukito

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Re: Rape Virus: Would it be a Good Idea?
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2022, 12:42:56 PM »
I'd say that sounds like it has great potential. A typical normal zombie trope is based on the idea that the zombies are driven by base instincts, "the need to feed" and since sex is also a base instinct "the need to procreate" it could easily be substituted in. You'd have the same stroy dymanics pretty much exactly, but the threat would be that the zombies will rape you, not eat you.
The biggest difference from a normal zombie plotline that I see is who the zombies would target. If the zombies are only male, then presumably heterosexual zombies would go after only women. I suppose  you could overcome this with a notion that zombies would still attack other males because they see them as threats. Then the living male vs. zombie male ineraction would be similar to normal zombie tropes.
Yeah, I'm thinking about how many characters will be in this story. And yes, the idea is for the zombies to only be male in this story. Still trying to work out how the story will be, as there are a few characters that I want to introduce in other stories before being in this one, like Felipe's girlfriend, who I plan to introduce in another story before this one.
This isn't the second "ravishing creature" that I create, I've created others before.
Thank you for your comment.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2022, 01:11:34 PM by Yukito »

Offline EnabranTain

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Re: Rape Virus: Would it be a Good Idea?
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2022, 12:04:52 PM »
Sounds like it'll work out well.
I also just wanted to mention another thought I had; maybe don't worry too much about the logical rules around how the zombies operate. Even AAA mainstream moster franchises are sometimes inconsistent about how their monsters "work". Don't let you trip you up if you have bend your own rules a bit.
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Offline Yukito

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Re: Rape Virus: Would it be a Good Idea?
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2022, 04:20:56 PM »
Sounds like it'll work out well.
I also just wanted to mention another thought I had; maybe don't worry too much about the logical rules around how the zombies operate. Even AAA mainstream moster franchises are sometimes inconsistent about how their monsters "work". Don't let you trip you up if you have bend your own rules a bit.
Well, I do bend my own rules to fit my stories. I mostly try to play by the rules I set, which you can partially see in Yukito's Corner, which I have a set of rules and work around them. Whenever I need to tell a special story or add needed characters for some story, I change the rules only for that story. The major changes in everything came after Double Dating Douchebag(one of the stories in my The Blakes series).
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Re: Rape Virus: Would it be a Good Idea?
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2023, 06:07:43 AM »
Roleplayed this virtually, to great effect once with a good fun partner.
Same basic concept as mentioned above where it removed all inhibitions in men who became aggressive and predatory.
After a bite or infection through bodily fluids, the victim would initially slip into unconsciousness, effectively playing possum for many hours which both slowed the progression of the disease by reducing the R number and stopping the violence from being excessively fatal.
Women were not as aggressive in general, tended to hide once infected given the overwhelming and persistent pursuit of men. 

My companion turned out to be immune so didn't succumb to the comatose phase and we had great fun with her trying to get home to her family, encountering characters from her real life (store owner, postman, husbands co-worker) along the way.
It was great to use the shock of collapse, the fear of being hunted and the confusion of seemingly being the only sane person left. The chase.
It took her a while to figure out that playing possum* when attacked was her only defense as she wasn't prepared to hurt or kill what she only saw as victims, quickly and often getting ganged once caught.

*As she quipped OOC, "It feels like my marriage"

I tried to avoid the mindless hordes of strangers (Walking Dead/World War Z) and went for the Invasion of the Body Snatchers/The Thing vibe.

One avenue I'd explore more nowadays, would be body horror where the disease caused interesting physical mutations and behaviors.
Possibly as an aliens adaptive cuckoo invasion strategy (The Midwich Cuckoos) where every infected female became pregnant with a hybrid drone offspring hijacking the maternal insrtincet.
When the initial infection burns out and society tries to rebuild in the aftermath.
Much like In the Flesh (or arguably more recent events) where no-one can be held to account for heinous crimes but victims can't forget or forgive.

Anyway that's my two pence worth ;)

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Offline Yukito

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Re: Rape Virus: Would it be a Good Idea?
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2023, 10:46:54 AM »
Roleplayed this virtually, to great effect once with a good fun partner.
Same basic concept as mentioned above where it removed all inhibitions in men who became aggressive and predatory.
After a bite or infection through bodily fluids, the victim would initially slip into unconsciousness, effectively playing possum for many hours which both slowed the progression of the disease by reducing the R number and stopping the violence from being excessively fatal.
Women were not as aggressive in general, tended to hide once infected given the overwhelming and persistent pursuit of men. 

My companion turned out to be immune so didn't succumb to the comatose phase and we had great fun with her trying to get home to her family, encountering characters from her real life (store owner, postman, husbands co-worker) along the way.
It was great to use the shock of collapse, the fear of being hunted and the confusion of seemingly being the only sane person left. The chase.
It took her a while to figure out that playing possum* when attacked was her only defense as she wasn't prepared to hurt or kill what she only saw as victims, quickly and often getting ganged once caught.

*As she quipped OOC, "It feels like my marriage"

I tried to avoid the mindless hordes of strangers (Walking Dead/World War Z) and went for the Invasion of the Body Snatchers/The Thing vibe.

One avenue I'd explore more nowadays, would be body horror where the disease caused interesting physical mutations and behaviors.
Possibly as an aliens adaptive cuckoo invasion strategy (The Midwich Cuckoos) where every infected female became pregnant with a hybrid drone offspring hijacking the maternal insrtincet.
When the initial infection burns out and society tries to rebuild in the aftermath.
Much like In the Flesh (or arguably more recent events) where no-one can be held to account for heinous crimes but victims can't forget or forgive.

Anyway that's my two pence worth ;)

Interesting way to roleplay this. I had this idea for a long time, and I plan to continue my rape series(I also did a story outside of the series). Still thinking about the chaos that will be in the manor once the girls learn what's going on.

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Re: Rape Virus: Would it be a Good Idea?
« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2023, 09:39:54 PM »
This kind of reminds me of some of the sex pollen stuff I've seen on Tumblr ! I think it can be applied to a more zombie au as well
/Persephone, but call me Pers

Offline Yukito

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Re: Rape Virus: Would it be a Good Idea?
« Reply #8 on: July 04, 2023, 06:17:01 AM »
This kind of reminds me of some of the sex pollen stuff I've seen on Tumblr ! I think it can be applied to a more zombie au as well
That's interesting. Haven't seen that one. Still, I do want to try the idea, but have other priorities now.

Offline Yukito

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Re: Disease Draft | Rape Virus: Would it be a Good Idea?
« Reply #9 on: October 21, 2023, 07:17:52 PM »
I've called it the Forced Sexual Abuse Disorder. This is just a draft for now:
## Description

The Sexual Abuse Disorder is a disease caused by the Forced Sexual Abuse Virus(eclyptae libidae virus). This disorder only affects males.

## Discovery

The Eclyptae Libidae Virus was discovered in 2070, during a mission into a Buckinstone Ridge Technologies laboratory. In one of its research offices, the strain was found and researched on.

The research brought to light that the Eclyptae Libidae was created in that closed laboratory. According to research and test papers found in the lab, the objective of that virus was to create a control and punishing measure for the females in the nation.

What happened, however, was that the virus ended up affecting only the male population, turning them into ferocious creatures craving for sex, capable of violently raping any females the male sees in front of him.

Seeing that effect as a experiment failure, Rainport Technologies decided to quarantine the strain and store it away deep into the abandoned laboratory, guarded by a DR70KD drone.

## Vector of Contraction

There are two known vectors of contraction(VoCs):
1. The FSA virus can be contracted by droplets in the air;
2. Contraction can also happen if in contact with contaminated water.

## Signs of Infection and Symptoms

The main symptom in a SAD-infected male is the change of running speed when he sees a female in front of him. He gets a boost of speed to run after the desired victim.

Infected males also develop a grave voice, and let out a loud growl when he sees a female.

Infected males can behave normally if around males, so it will be harder to deduce if he is infected or not.

Upon grabbing a female, the infected male will rip off her clothing and try to copulate with her. This is the infected’s main need.

An infected male needs at least ten females to satisfy his sexual need for three hours. He may try to copulate more than one time with the same female if there aren’t many females around.

## Different Behaviors

Some infected males have been seen tying up the females they copulated with previously. Usually, they will search for a exclusive place away from other males.

## Is there a cure?

Unfortunately, there is no cure or treatment for this infection.

There is only prevention, as you can see below:

## Prevention

There are a few ways to prevent an infection:
1. Use face protection that blocks droplets;
2. Drink previously boiled water, as boiling the water kills the eclyptae virus.
What do you guys think?
« Last Edit: October 22, 2023, 02:40:44 AM by Yukito »

Offline Skirtflipper

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Re: Rape Virus: Would it be a Good Idea?
« Reply #10 on: October 31, 2023, 05:33:37 AM »
I think its a good idea!

Also it’s a movie series in Japan. Check out Lust of the Dead

Offline Yukito

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Re: Rape Virus: Would it be a Good Idea?
« Reply #11 on: October 31, 2023, 04:19:45 PM »
I think its a good idea!

Also it’s a movie series in Japan. Check out Lust of the Dead
F***, laughed so hard reading some reviews. Seems like a good series.