Author Topic: Quickies {Gang}  (Read 21412 times)

Offline RapistRyan

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Re: Quickies
« Reply #75 on: January 27, 2025, 01:45:04 PM »
I've been absent for a month or so. Gave you a merit for the things posted here since my last viewing. Keep the good work.
I want it, I take it!

Online To-Get-Her

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Re: Quickies
« Reply #76 on: January 27, 2025, 04:59:38 PM »
No problem, welcome back in time for a new Quickie to be posted

#37                                                                      The Only Release That Counts

We broke out of Prison at three PM Friday afternoon when the guards were changing shifts. We heard that no one bothered to make sure prisoners were in the back hallways between the rear entrance and the delivery docks.  So Mike, Donald and myself hid there and when the guards shuffled out for the weekend we just tagged along and walked away. Once free from the gates we went up to a car that was parked in front of the prison to pick up a guard and creatively got the driver out of the car and we took it.

That was six hours ago and a good seventy-five miles away. Now we were in a house for sale that had a rear lock that couldn’t even be called child play. So imagine our shock when we heard a car drive up and a guy and a girl got out and carried a case of beer between them.  The pair were just inside the rear door when Mike took the guy out with a cast iron fry pan upside his head. Donald and myself grabbed the girl and both of us started drooling at the sight of the blonde with small breasts.

Donald was extra smart, he caught the case of Budwieser  before it hit the floor. So now we had two main ingredients needed to have a party.  We forced the blonde into the living room and between the two of us got her stripped of her t-shirt and skirt. She was already commando above and below the waist so all we had to do was toss her onto the couch. Too bad we haven’t had a chance to have a girl in our arms in a long time when we tossed her, she sailed over the couch and came crashing down onto the hardwood floor.

She just laid there groaning and holding her head, while the three of us got naked. It was Mike who screamed out loud, “IT’S PARTY TIME!”

With that we jumped the couch and made damn sure that we didn’t land on our new party favor! As it was Donald landed so damn close to her that he didn’t hesitate to drop to his back and reach over to the blonde and got her to straddle his cock, then sent it up into her pussy Mike and me stood behind them as she got fucked by Donald with our cock pointed towards her so if she tried to turn her head she would be made to suck one of our cocks.

Too bad that never happened right off the bat, As it was Donald, pulled her down onto his chest, exposing her asshole to us. Mike motioned to me but I waved him to go right ahead and plug her little orifice. When she was crying out from the dual plugging, I came around and grabbed the sides of her head and forced her to open her mouth so my cock would shut her mouth before one of us got annoyed by her screams.

Since this was the first female body we have in one hell of a long time, none of us lasted long enough to really appreciate what we had in the blonde. We rolled her onto the floor and got us and went to the case of beer and broke open a “Bud” for each of us. We even forced the blonde to drink with us before we called dibs on her holes for round two.

Mike was plugging her pussy, me her asshole while Donald had her mouth. This time we lasted a bit longer so we were able to really pound her. As if a firecracker, we came within seconds of each other. Donald down her throat, Mike in her pussy. As he finished I started to fill her asshole. Man that definitely called for another “Bud”, too bad we didn’t have anything in the fridge to make something to eat.

This time we delayed taking her for a third time. We wanted her to ask us to take her and in her condition she could only point at who she wanted where. Still we understood since we knew what hole we were going to take anyway.

As she took her between us and began to fill her with slight hard cocks we failed to notice that the guy she came with came too and made his way out of the house. We just went on thrusting our cock in and out of our chosen hole. Just like the second]d time we came within seconds of each other. The only difference this time was each of us started seeing stars as the guy returned with a collapsible baton which he used to hit us in the head.

A bottle was smashed, held by the neck so that the broken sides could be used to threaten us. It was about an hour before we fully came to. We were in a fighting mood but when Our eyes fully focused we just laid there as rifle barrels, collapsible batons and the mouth of taser guns were directly pointed at each of us. There had to be at least thirty cops there screaming at us to just try something.

Looking past then we saw the blonde on a gurney with two paramedics coping a feel of her tits, calling it searching for any damage. Then she was wheeled out as the guy she originally came with, a bandage wrapped around his head, was walked out by a police officer.
Once they were out of the house, the remaining cops let loose with the batons, butt of the rifles, feet and good old fashioned fists. We were constantly hit by something and by the time it all stopped we were black and blue all over

We heard one saying out loud, “So we all agreed that they resisted arrest and we had to subdue them any which way we could.

Donald, Mike and me all thought the same thing, we got something released over and over, so in a way the escape was worth it!

The End
When I get around to it, I'll write

Online To-Get-Her

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Re: Quickies {Gang}
« Reply #77 on: February 04, 2025, 02:03:27 PM »
#38                                                                                   Getting Served

We were expecting the summons server to show up any second now. If it was the regular girl the courts sent, then we were ready for her, the stupid black bitch. Oh we expected her to be carrying that can of pepper spray on her but the three of us were ready with stun guns while Ray would distract her by pretending to accept the summons.

Hell we even went so far as to set the stupid bitch up so we could get even with her faster.  Ray was watching the front of the building from his living room window. Mike was in the apartment to the left of Ray’s, Dave on the right, I was directly across from Ray’s. Now we were all waiting for her old beige Cutlass to pull up.

Finally a little after seven PM ,she pulled up, got out and looked at the building. She paused long enough to check for the pepper spray before starting to saunter up to the front door. Our pocket radios went off, Ray telling us to get ready to serve the server.

Now since the building was only three floors tall, the company who owned the building installed cameras in the lobby, every stairway and hallway. They even thought to include the feed of the camera could be watched in house via the TV. A special channel which allowed all pictures to be seen at once.

I don’t know about the others but I watched as she entered the building, went to the directory list and found out where Ray lives. Then all the way through the stairways, and halls until she was standing outside Ray’s door. There was no sound but the captured actions told the story of her knocking on Ray’s door, him opening it and acting all surprised. The summons came out and that was our cue to go into action.

All our doors opened and she realized that she had been set up. She started to dig in her clutch for the spray as the four of us got close enough to touch her being with our stun guns discharge. She collapsed on the floor, where Ray grabbed her by the twitching arms and dragged her into his place. Once all of us were inside we stripped her and ourselves.

While we patiently waited for her to come too we each played with her droopy tits and fingered both her cunt and asshole. Every one and then she would twitch from either the current of the stun guns or from her muscles responding to our fingers.

Finally she opened her eyes and gasped at the sight of four naked white men surrounding her. “Oh god please don’t hurt me!”

“Oh no we don’t plan on hurting you much, just fuck you up like you did to our lives with those summons bitch!”

Ray held his up and ripped it in two. “So who wants her first?”

Dave said that he wanted to get even with her for so long that he had already shot a load while fingering her. We all decided that Dave would get her first and it was Mike who told Dave to go lay in front of the couch on the floor in such a way that she would get fucked below as we three made damn she she didn’t try to get away.

When Dave was ready, Ray and Mike forced her onto Dave’s extended hard cock. Taking a side, me directly behind her, she gasped out as Dave began to thrust his cock in and out of her freshly penetrated cunt.

The server had just begun to get served. For the next few hours we all fucked her in various positions solely. After each of us gave her a load we took a rest, giving her a chance to recover from us fucking her. Then when we were ready we paired up and began taking both her cunt and ass. The other pair would alternately feed her their cocks to blow.

Once again we used her like a stupid bitch, shooting load after load into her three orifices. Man, I couldn’t believe the number of combinations there were between the four of us. Once again we all took a rest, drank some beers and decided what to do with her. That was when we all agreed that the best option was to put her in her car and let the cops deal with her when they found her.

Too bad we put her in the trunk of the Cutlass. When the passing patrol car found the car out front of the building, they just had it towed away. According to the ten AM morning news she wasn’t discovered until a little after eight AM when a lot attendant heard the sound of something hitting. Turns out they sent her to the Sisters Of Grace Hospital suffering hypothermia and the effects of sexual assaults.

Four days later the four of us were apprehended while entering the building. Ten officers descended on each of us, cuffed us, read us our rights and then marched us out to a wagon that was already attracting a crowd of gawkers. Bet I could tell you the opinion of the public court was  at this very moment!

The End
When I get around to it, I'll write

Online Shocker

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Re: Quickies {Gang}
« Reply #78 on: February 04, 2025, 03:33:56 PM »
I’m sure they would have preferred to be summoned instead of the police kicking in their doors.
Merit well earned