Author Topic: Prophecy?  (Read 831 times)

Offline DogEatsCat

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« on: April 08, 2024, 11:14:24 PM »
First off I am a male and am in no way a feminist.  I am writing this so men can see what will happen if they keep giving women what they want.

     In 2028 the U.S.A gets the first female president.  She spends her first 4 years in office trading all male government workers for female ones.  By 2032 the government is all female, and surprise they are all feminists who now openly call themselves misandrists, and their first act is to take away men's ability to vote.  Since men are now silenced politically 100% of women vote misandrist legislature into law as it is written.  The next 4 years see men over 8 years of age taken to public places filled with women, where they first give the men "blue balls", then completely crush their testicles, before cutting off the men's nut sack and penis with slow shallow cuts, until severed completely, then forced to take viagra and watch porn to keep blood flowing to the severed penis, while the women masturbate and shout insults at the men bleeding from their missing cocks, as the men die of blood loss the women orgasm excited by the death of a male.

    All males 8 and under are chained to dungeon walls, where they are teased daily to hyper-sexualize them, and beaten and tortured to near death.  Upon puberty these boys are so sexualized they ooze semen all the time without arousal, then the women tease the boys until they have blue balls, before sticking a syringe into the balls to extract semen.  This is the life of these males until replacements are birthed then they are taken to the fate that fell on the older males so women can keep orgasming to men's deaths. 

Men must unite before this day or the end of males will soon be at hand.  If you think for a second that any female would fight to stop this you are wrong, they are quietly awaiting this day so they can just eliminate us males like the vermin they view us as.  The feminists have been saying it for years in videos, blogs, and manefestos.
Everyone has a dark side and I am no exception.

Offline xueer

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Re: Prophecy?
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2024, 08:27:45 PM »
Is that the whole story?
I'm still waiting for some details~ :]