First - Love your voice, not at all what I expected based on your avatar picture
Second- Love how each offering grew in length!
Now individual comments
Harley's POV
Very Interesting concept, multiple Mr. J. each different rom the one we are use to. had fantastic erotic imagery brought to life by your voice
Beautifully brought to life. Very arousing imagery about the effect of the blowjob and your reaction to it!
Sensual Teasing
By any chance is there any pictures of you in the daisy dukes and bikini, just to make the story more eye catching!
Of all the tales this one really lends itself to he theme of the site. Can be written either Consensually or non consent way!
If as posted a true event then may I say that you definitely have a playful side when it comes to sex. An enjoyable encounter that aroused the listener (As did Sensual Teasing!)
If this is a representation of how you can use your voice to excite a story then, you have to think about doing some non consensual scenarios
Merit to come when the site allows me to hand one out to you!