Author Topic: ✓ Celeb Tgurls 32: Taylor Swift [ORIGINAL; Celebrity Fetish Masturbation Incest]  (Read 1801 times)


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[Author's Note: Time to ruin another celebrity for my Constant Readers . . . 😈

The last "Celeb Tgurls" story I'd say was the hardest of this cycle to write. Of course with the last three "Celeb Tgurls" stories I'd had no idea before I'd started each one of them what would happen. But eventually inspiration did hit me and I'm very pleased how they all came out.

Of course the real difference between the last "Celeb Tgurls" and the first two was that I had visual inspiration for those two. There are lots of photoshopped shemale images of Reese Witherspoon and (even moreso of) Lindsay Lohan, but none of Suzanne Crough, which made inspiration come much more difficult.

With this "Celeb Tgurls" entry though, there are also lots of photoshopped images of her as a shemale, but unlike the first three "Celeb Tgurls" stories in this cycle, I actually have Story Idea notes for it so I have a pretty good idea how this one will play out, so the difficulty factor is greatly lessened this time (I hope . . . 🤣 ].

I do believe this story will be much shorter than the last three. I hope you enjoy "Celeb Tgurls 32: Taylor Swift" ~G]
« Last Edit: April 21, 2023, 08:39:30 AM by GEMINIGUY »
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Celeb Tgurls 32: Taylor Swift
by GEMINIGUY (04/2023)
Email: iamgeminiguy at yahoo dot com

[ORIGINAL; Celebrity Fetish
Incest M/TS
Masturbation Cumshot 1st Time/Anal]


[March 2010 ~ Nashville, Tennessee]

Everyone knew who Taylor Swift was. Her rise in the music business had come quickly, it was meteroric. For better or for worse [depending on who you talked to - everyone knew her, not everyone liked her for some reason or another], the 5'9" leggy blonde was here to stay.
She had come on the scene like that famous March lamb - a quiet, curly-haired singer with a voice suited for Country-Western music, not to mention the cute looks. But now Taylor Swift was like that March lion - confident, strong, and not hiding it.
Taylor Swift was a hit. She had sold millions and millions of her first two albums, and future albums were guaranteed to sell even more. L of her songs went on to be huge hits. She had conquered Country-Western music, and she had the abilities to conquer even more of the music world, even possibly all of it.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2023, 06:17:58 AM by GEMINIGUY »
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The Country girl could do it all - sing, play guitar, write her own songs, produce her own music. The little girl from Reading, Pennsylvania moved to Nashville to become a star. She became a superstar. Where might she go next, and what might she do next? Only time would tell.
But it was enough to keep Taylor Swift in the public eye. Girls looked up to her. Boys wanted to date her. Moms wanted to be like her. And dads whacked off to her [sure, she wasn't a voluptuous brunette like Katy Perry, but she had that innocent look, but with a siren's voice most man couldn't resist . . .].
People couldn't stop talking about Taylor Swift, whether they liked her or not - it didn't matter, she was a hot topic. She was famous. She was popular. She was talented. She was rich. She had everything, right?
But still, Taylor Swift was on everyone's minds, really who was she? For everything everyone knew about her, they really knew nothing when you came down to it. It was all superficial. It was the latest model sports car. Gorgeous on the outside - but the doors are locked and the windows are tinted so you can't see what's on the inside. Are you going to buy the car just because it looks awesome?
« Last Edit: April 20, 2023, 05:49:32 AM by GEMINIGUY »
"If it's good enough for the Gemini Guys
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Really, who was Taylor Swift? There were people who cared to know. There were people who didn't. And then there were those who just wanted to gossip.
Very little was know about the Country-Western singer's private life. I mean, asking who here boyfriend was was a loaded question. Taylor Swift went through boyfriends like a person with a cold goes through tissues. And of course many of her former boyfriends ended up in her songs.
But what was the real reasons for having so many exes? The media liked to guess. And those former boyfriends had their stories. But who could believe them, the media or the exes? The media was evil and loved making shit up. The former boyfriends have an axe to grind, love media and publc attention, and the money the media will pay them to dish the dirt.
The truth was even Taylor Swift's "close" friends didn't really know who she was, nor did much of her family, outside of possibly her parents and her younger brother Austin. But how much did they even really know?
Taylor Swift for as big of a public celebrity figure she was, was in actuality a very closed person. There were things she just didn't want to reveal. But who doesn't? Everyone has secrets they desire to keep hidden, and once you share a secret it's no longer a secret anymore, right?
« Last Edit: April 21, 2023, 04:52:06 AM by GEMINIGUY »
"If it's good enough for the Gemini Guys
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But it's harder to keep a secret if you're in the public eye, especially as much as Taylor Swift was. You'd think she'd have wanted to stay out of the spotlight if she didn't want any secrets getting out, right?
Unfortunately, the little Pennsylvania-born girl had gotten bitten by the talent bug, and as everyone can see now, her talent was extraordinary. Taylor Swift couldn't resist giving into her talent power, and once she had a taste, she found she loved it and was addicted. She also loved the attention it got her, and she wanted that more and more.
Not an easy situation to find yourself in if you really want your life to remain private. Once you reach celebrity status, privacy goes out the window for the most part.
But Taylor was a deviously smart girl as well, and she realized the more she did for herself - songwriting, producing, etc. - the less people she'd have to allow in her life. So it made keeping secrets a little easier.
Was all Taylor Swift's efforts worth it for the fame she craved and the secrets she intended to keep secret? She felt it was. And she'd gotten to the point in her career in which she'd risk all else to have everything she desired.
"If it's good enough for the Gemini Guys
Then it's good enough for me" - Adam Ant

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A lot has been said, but so little has been revealed. So what the Hell is Taylor Swift's big secret? I believe "the time has came at last, to throw away this mask, now everyone can see", Taylor Swift's true identity.
No, she's not Kilroy. But some of you might wish she was.
Before the blonde Country-Western singer was born, Taylor Swift's mother had so desired to have a daughter. When she was born, her mother was greatly upset, because the daughter she'd wanted was born a boy. Parents' expectations for their children can be a tad much at times, wouldn't you say?
But the woman didn't give up. She was determined to have what she wanted [now I understand where her daughter got her own determination from . . .]. She raised her male child as a female child, Taylor Allison Swift. She dressed her as a girl, taught her to act like a girl, in everything to be a girl.
She kept it a secret from everyone. That was one family secret her husband was completely oblivious of. At the age of nine, she secretly got Taylor on hormone therapy. So over the next few years, the boy developed like a girl, becoming curvy, more female-sounding, and of course developing breasts, which settled out as a nice pair of 36Cs.
"If it's good enough for the Gemini Guys
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Of course, one other terribly important thing Taylor's mother did was instill in her "daughter" the need to never let anyone find out the truth, that she was more than just a girl.
Young Taylor Swift listened to her mother well, and always maintained the illusion that she was nothing more than just a girl. Of course her mother was upset when her daughter began to draw attention to herself and her musical talents, but she learned to accept that part of her daughter's life and was pleased at how well Taylor was able to balance those two worlds without them ever colliding.
Taylor Swift was always happy to identify as a girl. She loved being a girl. She loved dressing girlish, though she did also love dressing tomboyish. Still, no one had any idea that the person under those clothes wasn't really all-girl.
She was also happy entertaining others and sharing her talents. She loved writing music and she loved singing her songs as she played them on her guitar. When it came to her musical talents, Taylor Swift was all-girl, and she loved to prove it, greatly wanting to be accepted as female.
"If it's good enough for the Gemini Guys
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As her mother had gratefully paid attention to, Taylor was able to easily straddle [figuratively-speaking of course] both worlds - her larger-than-life celebrity image, and her true self, her secret self.
But what Taylor's mother never considered, was the fact that her daughter actually had to do a "juggling act", her life was really a three-ring circus of sorts.
There was Taylor Swift - The Superstar. Then there  was Taylor Swift - The Secret Person. And there finally there was Taylor Swift, The Girl Who Was Curious About Her Boy Parts.
Taylor Swift did date boys, but she never did the things that she was curious about. She wanted to, but she could never risk things going to far and the truth coming out. So her dating was strictly as a "good girl".
Who of course didn't date a guy long, leading to all kinds of innuendo, gossip, rumors, what ever you'd like to call it. But Taylor didn't care. She accepted it, because more lies hid the truth even better, and no one had come close to figuring out the truth of Taylor Swift.
But it was flustrating for the girl. Everyone is basically a sexual being, and Taylor was no different. And she was one of those more horny than most kind of people.
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Taylor always felt like her skin was on fire. She wanted to be touched, but fortunately she was strong enough, smart enough, as well as embarrassed enough, not to let her body and temptation get the best of her.
Still, she was curious about a lot of things. Mostly about her girl cock. She liked to read, and read a lot, physical books and on the internet. She knew all about sex from her reading [of course her father never taught her about sex because he never had any idea his daughter was born his son, and fathers usually are tasked with teaching their sons about sex, and her mother never thought she needed to talk to Taylor about sex, thinking sex was out of the question anyhow].
The most important thing Taylor knew about sex was the penis had to be hard to penetrate the vagina and have sexual intercourse. She knew one way to get the penis hard was through masturbation.
Taylor had engaged in masturbation for years. But she never once got hard. At first curiosity reigned supreme.  She wasn't ready to give up trying. But over the years the issue shifted away from curiosity, moving towards that flustration I spoke of earlier.
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Once the frustration started to creep in, Taylor tried things other than her hands. She tried sex aids, like warming lubricant or the kind that makes your sex organs tingle. No erections.
Taylor started to think the hormone therapy had shunted her ability to get a hard on. But part of her doubted it because she was pretty much always horny, and she was sure it was a "guy thing" since none of her girlfriends seemed to be experiencing what she was, though Taylor was too ashamed and embarrassed to ask, not too mention it was too risky.
Taylor tried relaxing in hot baths, hoping when she masturbated in there she'd get hard. No go. She also tried it with hot showers. She couldn't understand why she couldn't get hard . . .
Eventually Taylor gave up all the experimentation and went back to just stroking off. She had to admit it did feel good just to jack it. But her determination to get a hard on was too strong so she wasn't willing to accept the situation for what it was, hence the increasingly growing frustration.
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At this point in the story, I should mention that Taylor's parents were completely oblivious to their daughter's frustrating situation. In fact the girl fakes it so well not only does she fool her father, sometimes her mother forgets and thinks that her daughter is all-girl [there are mothers out there who've raised their sons as their daughters behind their husbands' backs - who also behind their husbands' backs lusted over their daughters' boy cocks, often giving in to their strong desires - Taylor's mother was never one of those (unfortunately)].
But when it came to Taylor's younger brother Austin, he didn't miss as much as their parents did.
Taylor was two years and two months older than her "little" brother. At first she had little tolerance for him growing up like most big sister. And as little boys did, Austin worshipped his sister and followed her around everywhere.
But like most "dumb little brothers", he was oblivious to his sister's secrets despite always being around. You can say Taylor got lucky in that sense. As he got older, things changed though. He still worshipped her, even moreso because of her talents, but she started to find him less and less annoying.
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It was all a matter of maturity. And in that one regard Austin had always been more mature than his sister. When you become full of yourself at a young age like Taylor had, you grow up more slowly. And she didn't really grow up until as teenagers she realized that her own brother was her best friend and ally.
Puberty seems to take the annoying, "dumb little brother" out of the brother as far as a big sister is concerned. That's when they change their views about their younger brothers.
Brothers seem to get some bonus smarts after puberty. They realize that they'd been annoying to their older sisters. Of course how each brother uses that knowledge varies. Some purposely become more annoying and terrorize their sisters.
But other like Austin tend to try to "mend" their ways, and a few of them are successful. Like Austin was as well. He had decided to improve as a brother, to be a better brother to Taylor.
And the older girl realized she appreciated that, appreciated him. She realized no other male could be a friend to her the way her brother could, and she was going to need that.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2023, 06:57:08 AM by GEMINIGUY »
"If it's good enough for the Gemini Guys
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Of course puberty brought other things as well. When puberty hits, boys start to notice girls. Really notice them. Now part of Austin's worship of his sister included having a crush on her growing up. Puberty only elevated that to the next level.
And unlike Taylor, he had no issues getting hard one. Especially unwanted ones around other people, but especially around his sister. Those he didn't like or need.
Taylor - being obsessed with hard one herself - couldn't help not missing her brother's "signs of affection". She found it both cute and exciting that her own brother thought about her that way. Though she was also jealous that Austin could get hard so easily and she couldn't get hard at all.
Of course he never made a move on Taylor. He knew society frowned upon incest. It was forbidden, it was taboo. Which of course made it more fun to think about.
And of course he enjoyed masturbating as much as his sister did. He was careful while always trying to see Taylor naked without her knowing it. That was her mistake. She was like her brother in knowing that incest was wrong, so she knew he'd never try anything. But she had no idea Austin was jacking off to her, or even trying to spy on her.
"If it's good enough for the Gemini Guys
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The younger brother developed another kind of smarts, he started to sense and get suspicious that something was up with his older sister, even before he did learn the truth. He'd never have guessed the truth on his own, it would have seemed too far-fetched for him.
But one day while in perv-mode and not suspicion-mode, he snuck in on Taylor while she was showering [though not trying to masturbate herself that time].
He got to catch her from behind, and liked what he saw as he stroked off. Of course Taylor's body was feminine, without a doubt. He loved her cute ass, and he had a great view of her side boob, ogling her good-sized, high and firm left breast.
But then she turned sideways, and Austin got the shock of his life. There it was, nestled between her legs, "sleeping" as it always did. Fortunately Taylor never saw him there, or she'd have died for sure.
Now Austin wasn't gay. Far from it. He liked girls. And woman. He'd been on lots of dates. It helped being really good-looking, and it didn't hurt that he was also Country-Western superstar Taylor Swift's brother. He gotten a lot of experience, even before sinking his cock into his first pussy. And he'd gotten a lot more experience since then.
"If it's good enough for the Gemini Guys
Then it's good enough for me" - Adam Ant

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Austin had never had any sexual thoughts or feelings about guys, not even once.
But he found he didn't lose his hard on when he saw his sister's girl cock, nor had he stopped jerking off. He realized Taylor was still his sister, still a girl to him. She just had different "plumbing" [and part of him started wondering what other "girls" had that difference as well . . .].
Austin quickly got out of there, knowing she'd be twice as upset as any other girl would if she caught him spying on her. He got himself off in his bedroom, remembering every curve of his naked sister, then got down to figuring out what he'd do next . . .
He waited until Taylor was in a really great mood, and their parents were out.
"Tay, I really need to tell you something, something I haven't told anyone else, please don't be mad, I'm really sorry about what I did and I apologize sincerely, bit I . . . I saw you naked in the shower."
Austin paused. Then -
"I saw everything."
Taylor looked stunned.
"Look, I am really sorry, and I swear I'll never ever tell anyone! Please don't be mad!"
"I'm not mad," Taylor said, face relaxing. "In fact, I'm kind of relieved. It feels good that someone else finally knows. It's like a weight of my shoulders."
"If it's good enough for the Gemini Guys
Then it's good enough for me" - Adam Ant

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