A lot has been said, but so little has been revealed. So what the Hell is Taylor Swift's big secret? I believe "the time has came at last, to throw away this mask, now everyone can see", Taylor Swift's true identity.
No, she's not Kilroy. But some of you might wish she was.
Before the blonde Country-Western singer was born, Taylor Swift's mother had so desired to have a daughter. When she was born, her mother was greatly upset, because the daughter she'd wanted was born a boy. Parents' expectations for their children can be a tad much at times, wouldn't you say?
But the woman didn't give up. She was determined to have what she wanted [now I understand where her daughter got her own determination from . . .]. She raised her male child as a female child, Taylor Allison Swift. She dressed her as a girl, taught her to act like a girl, in everything to be a girl.
She kept it a secret from everyone. That was one family secret her husband was completely oblivious of. At the age of nine, she secretly got Taylor on hormone therapy. So over the next few years, the boy developed like a girl, becoming curvy, more female-sounding, and of course developing breasts, which settled out as a nice pair of 36Cs.