Hey friends. & all,
I am thrilled that effort has been made to create some for of archive with material. I've got one thought off top of my head, maybe somebody else is clever enough to move the idea forward.
Since multiple people seem willing to spend time to prevent the RU gems from vanishing- is any way to make effort COLLECTIVE? as in a REPOSITORY that is set up maybe like a database or I guess forum and format dependent... Clearly I have yet to think this thru, but I will spit the thought out there for what it's worth.
Also good to jump back into here, I missed this place. Somehow I got bent out of shape and took my leave but I like the community, only a few I suppose. Anyway more power to you! Maybe anpther idea would be to list what all had been downloaded or saved into some format by a user, if they might be willing to share it as well. I am willing to consider adding effort worthy cause to save good writing from censurship crackdowns and poor web hosts....
Best wishes,
To do so, we would need a few things:
1. An archival platform. We could use a cloud platform for such a thing, but it comes with either a cost or a risk. Cost because good and private cloud platforms are not free. And risk because most of them are bought by the censors, thus endangering our initiative. A real private cloud like Skiff would work.
2. A listing page. How are we going to list the stories? We can use a calc spreadsheet shared in the cloud(skiff can be a way). Or a wiki like Fembot Wiki, there are a few wiki systems that can be used for listings.
3. We can risk using a hosting like Epik, which is miles better than TMD. Epik has way more freedom than any other known hosting in regards to content. Seems like DreamHost is another option for hosting(Fembot Wiki's host).
In case of a Calc spreadsheet, each author creates their own spreadsheet and shares the link.