we gave erin, the teacher, to our police operator as a gift for all his help.
he was very very pleased. we sat in the office of his outpost police station having tea, listening to him taunt the poor girl.
"you're a bad teacher. leading your girls into our trap. no idea, no instincts for danger. and now here you are.. should i squeeze and play with your left or right breast first?"
she mewed and trembled. he turned to us.
"whats happening with the five girls?"
"three left. we sold two of them" elder said. i was distracted, looking between the legs of the teacher as she struggled.
i think i could see the edge of her white panties. the cop was feeling out her thighs
"wow, sold! that's unusual."
"their bodies didn't quite fit our QC so we dumped them with the pain mongers. they like fleshier girls. you know, to do their piercings and sewing and all that. more meat the better they say.
the cop quivered. he knew of the pain mongers. their mummification techniques. their premature burial riruals. their red ant farm, bred to use on their victims.
"can i rent the tall one? natasha...."
"sorry, she's taken by the construction man. he wants to treat his crew. maybe after? we reckon in 2 days."
the cop got excited. he knew the crew well. big ruffian gangsters. 10 of them.
"will there be videos? good ole gang banging"
"he strictly said no videos."
"pity." then the cop pondered. "maybe i'll pass. after ten men in 2 days, not sure what her state will be."
"if she's still usable, we'll let you know."
"you boys do fine work."
"thanks to your support." we finished our tea. "we should leave you with miss erin"
i was wondering if she was wearing a matching white bra. couldn't see any strap.
the cop was massaging her right breast. she was squealing, trying to pull away. he pulled her close to him.
"do you all want to watch? i'll fuck this one nice and slow."
she broke down and wept.
"we got to go oversee the preparation of our girls. we'll be doing a livestream
"whose up first?"
"most likely cheyenne."
"oooh, i like her too."
we laughed. our selections are fine. everyone loves our girls. we got up to leave.
"tune in. we'll be giving away a free audio file of all the sounds she makes as we gag her. we'll give you a discount code for the full stream."
"whats the livestream title?" the cop asked, scooping his arms under the legs of miss erin to carry her up, into his bedroom.
"double the trauma."
"ah yes. i love watching you two. exciting."
my cock was already getting hard thinking of little cheyenne.
we left the station.