Author Topic: February/March 2023 Story Writing Contest: "By Invitation Only"  (Read 3178 times)

Offline Army of One

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February/March 2023 Story Writing Contest: "By Invitation Only"
« on: January 28, 2023, 10:06:38 PM »
General Contest Rules:
  • All stories submitted between 12:00am February 1, 2023 UTC and 11:59pm February 28March 31, 2023 UTC that fit the topic criteria will be accepted. (Time extension is explained below.)
  • Stories can be submitted to any of the story writing boards (this excludes the Roleplay boards); non-English stories will need an English translation linked to them, which must also be in the relevant story section, in order to be accepted.
  • Stories must be started in the month stated, and listed here for submission before month's end.
  • General site rules apply to contest entries. If any changes to site rules occur during the contest, violating entries will have until close of entry—or end of any amnesty period, whichever is sooner—to adjust their entry accordingly, or risk disqualification. If changes occur during the voting cycle, votes for violating entries will be ignored.

What's this, a letter?

[opens the envelope up]

Ooo! Even better!

You are

Cordially Invited



If the rather oblique prompt above didn't give you ideas, I'll tell you more plainly what this competition is about: You've received an invitation to attend an event. What is the event? Did you RSVP, or is your attendance mandatory? And, of course, what happened there?

You have between the times above to complete and submit your story. Make sure to list your entry below, and if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. The post below this, as before, will contain answers to any questions asked (including ones I ask myself).

Good luck, and happy writing.

Oh, and one last thing: make sure to show us your invitations. It can be a very simple one like I did above, or you can add a picture of it, if you wish.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2023, 01:14:35 AM by Army of One »
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Offline Army of One

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Re: February 2023 Story Writing Contest: "By Invitation Only"
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2023, 10:07:28 PM »
This post reserved for questions and answers.
Extinguishing the Flame is available on Amazon and supports Australian Bush fire relief.

Offline RapeU
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Re: February 2023 Story Writing Contest: "By Invitation Only"
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2023, 12:28:48 AM »
I'm going to do something a little unusual here. I have an idea for a story on this, but I unfortunately have writer's block. And I'm not going to have much time this month to really sit down and write. So I would like to see someone take my idea and turn it into a story for this contest.

The idea:

No woman is safe in The Howling Peninsula. Then again, no woman is safe anywhere in the Mardochaios Dynasty. The Howling Peninsula is particularly dangerous for women. That's because 69 years ago a woman led a revolt against the kingdom. The rebellion was swiftly crushed. All who participated were forced to relocate to The Howling Peninsula, a harsh desert wasteland with howling winds that can disorient you or bury you in sand. Surviving offspring of the rebels live in the city of Redwater. The city is a hot slum with a shield dome surrounding it to protect it from the wind and sand. The shield can be deactivated any time the king chooses so that the rebel offspring never forget they are subjects to him.

A particular crime is encouraged in Redwater. Rape and kidnapping of women are common. Murder is frowned upon, but usually what passes for the law looks the other way as long as the woman isn't the property of someone important or pregnant. And few people in Redwater are important. But what makes Redwater so dangerous for women is The Ravishment Games. Every year on the anniversary of the rebellion's defeat, women from The Howling Peninsula are chosen to be in the Games. A group of male prisoners are also chosen to participate in the Games. The Games consist of two phases. Phase 1: Rape as many of the women as you can. No restrictions. The men can do it however they like alone, small group, or all out gangbang orgy. Phase 2: Be the last man standing. No one is killed in The Ravishment Games. An energy field allows someone to go unconscious and temporarily prevents death. Once someone is unconscious, they are removed from the arena by robots. The winner of the Games gets his prison sentence commuted. Most of the women go back home pregnant and are forced to give birth.

To fulfil the invitation requirement of the story, have a lead female character be invited to be part of The Ravishment Games. Or it could be one of the male prisoners. This is about as far as I've gotten with the premise of the story. I'm just stuck on how to start the story and how to incorporate the background information into it. Also it's like The Hunger Games but with the added danger of rape, so I might be stuck due to that too.

Offline MrDrew

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Offline Army of One

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Re: February/March 2023 Story Writing Contest: "By Invitation Only"
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2023, 07:01:14 PM »
Ladies and gentlemen,

Due to the issues surrounding access to the site, the competition has been extended to the end of March.
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Offline EnabranTain

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Re: February/March 2023 Story Writing Contest: "By Invitation Only"
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2023, 04:56:07 PM »
Adding my entry for this month's contest...
Difficult Choices

It's a consensual story this time. I enjoyed the premise of the challenge and went through a few different iterations for what the event would be before I came up with something I really liked. I hope you enjoy.
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Re: February/March 2023 Story Writing Contest: "By Invitation Only"
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2023, 01:48:51 AM »
I guess I can throw my hat in the ring this time around.

Willing to Help Out in a Pinch
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Offline EnabranTain

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Re: February/March 2023 Story Writing Contest: "By Invitation Only"
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2023, 01:39:54 PM »
Is a voting thread going to be posted soon? We're now several days into April.
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Offline EnabranTain

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Re: February/March 2023 Story Writing Contest: "By Invitation Only"
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2023, 03:49:26 PM »
Is a voting thread going to be posted soon? We're now several days into April.

Bumping this again. It seems Army of One is MIA.
No one bad is ever truly bad, and no one good is ever truly good.

More of my stories can be found at
AO3KB, or RU