watches the watchmen? The fact that he got away with this for so long means there must have been some sort of protection or turning of a blind eye at least by some of his colleauges.
No doubt they'll all quietly slope off to other departments or retire early on health grounds with full pensions.
There needs to be a public enquiry in the disitrict where every single person in the station (or stations) where he worked over this period is brought before a committee under oath.
It's not good enough to just offer apologies and say lessons have been learned. Every single one of them to account for their action or inaction in this case.
And in terms of justice and detterence, assuming this guy never gets out of jail (which he shouldn't), every single penny of his pension, his property and posessions should be seized and used to pay compensation to his victims. If he gets out, he can go get a job.