Chapter 40
Harrison put the Mercedes in gear and pulled out slowly as soon as he and Tyrone saw that Diana was still alive. They didn’t want to wait around in case Diana recognized his car. Not that either of them thought she’d be in any shape to do anything but scream and cry. Tyrone asked how much of the stuff he gave her, and Harrison replied “Enough. Not enough to kill her, but enough that she might just now be coming to enough to stand on her own.” That piqued Tyrone’s interest. How much did he know about roofies?
As they drove out of the housing plan at a nice, leisurely pace, Tyrone began to ask Harrison some questions, like his name.
“Why do you care so much?” Harrison asked curtly.
“I’m writing a fucking biography. Look man, I don’t know about you, but I’m tired as fuck and it’s a long way back to the motel. You’ve been up since we met, and that was like 12 hours ago, and we just pulled an all-nighter. And we ain’t had no fucking coffee, either. We need some caffeine and to not die while driving. Know what helps best with that shit? Talking. So I’ll ax the questions, you answer, and then can ax back. Deal?”
“Deal.” Harrison nodded, as they pulled onto the main road.
“So, piggy said your name was Robert Harrison. Guessing Michael is your alias?” Tyrone asked, getting straight to the point.
“Yeah. Robert W. Harrison the third. But I usually go by Harrison. Too many Bob’s, Bobby’s, Rob’s, and Robert’s growing up, so the teachers called us by either our middle or last names. And my middle name is William, so all the Will’s and Bill’s took that, which left just my last name, Harrison. What’s your name? Full name.” Harrison asked, driving down Plum Canyon Road until it hit a small selection of shops. He hated giving his name, but that cop ruined it for him, so he might as well get as much info as he could from Tyrone.
“Me? Tyrone Isiah Thomas. I know, parents were from Detroit and big Pistons fans. Moved out here as a kid. Grew up in some rough hoods, had a few run-ins with Johnny Law, but things always seemed to get fucked up, know what I mean?”
“Guess so. So, how’d you end up at the Vagabond?” Harrison asked, his voice showing a little excitement as he saw the green and white sign he was looking for these long few minutes.
“Oh, you know, getting some ass. Picked up this bitch from the bar, nothing special but good enough to break a dry spell. She don’t want to go home and wake up her kids or old man, and I ain’t taking some skeez back to my crib. So down to the Vagabond we go. We done fucked and she left when her jitney picked her up, and I was chillin’, smokin’ a square when you come up and be all like ‘want to star in a porno? I’ll pay you 15 large.” Tyrone said, imitating Harrison’s voice to sound creepy and very white.
“I didn’t sound like that.” Harrison said with a smirk as he turned on his left blinker, slowing the car down.
“Yes you did. Sounded shady as fuck, but I wasn’t doin’ nuthin’ else that time. See what’s up, and white boy tries some shit, I can take him. Gotta say, seeing that bitch come out of the bathroom…DAMN! And she was broken, too.” Tyrone smiled, thinking back to seeing Diana for the first time.
Harrison turned the car into the Starbuck’s lot and headed to the drive-thru. “How you take your coffee?” Harrison asked as he lowered the window on his Mercedes.
“Cream and sugar.” Tyrone said.
“Welcome to Starbucks, how may I help you?” The voice of a young woman came over the loudspeaker.
“Two Venti Iced Coffees, double shot in each, one black, one cream and sugar.” Harrison said. The woman repeated the order and gave him the total. They pulled up and a minute later had their very large, cold coffees. Tyrone thanked Harrison for his drink, and took a sip.
“Fuck, what is this? Strong and good.” Tyrone said.
“Large iced coffee with two shots of espresso. Like having 4 cups of coffee at once, should keep us awake for the drive.” Harrison took a few gulps before setting his cup down in the cup holder. Tyrone held his and sipped a couple more times before asking another question.
“So, you were pretty good with that lawyer shit back there.”
“Thanks.” Harrison replied as he drove back to the rough part of town.
“So, are you?”
“Am I what?”
“A lawyer. Are you a lawyer?” Tyrone asked. Harrison drove, thinking of a good response before settling on the truth.
“I was one, and very good at it, too. Made partner by the time I was 30 and by the time I was 39 I was pulling in 8 figures a year in revenue for the firm, bringing home a little over 3 million a year. By 40, I was a convicted felon and disbarred.” Harrison said, keeping his eyes on the road.
“What the fuck happened?” Tyrone asked, sipping his coffee.
“Well, long story short I treated a cocktease at work the way she deserved, and I went too far and was caught. Even with as good of an attorney as I am, I couldn’t get away with it or get past the mountain of evidence. I plead guilty to some lesser charges and was out in a few years. After getting out I had to go to a sex offender treatment center. I did everything I had to so it looked like I took my treatment and rehabilitation seriously, but prison is more like a university for crime, and that center was like getting a PhD in sexual assault.”
“What you mean?”
“You ever do time, Tyrone?” Harrison asked, and saw the black man shrug a little.
“A stint in Juvi for possession with intent and a few months a couple years back for assault. I didn’t do it, but I was waiting for so long that I plead guilty to a misdemeanor for time served. But nothing hard like a few years.”
“While in, you ever sit back and listen to the old timers talk about what they did and how they got away with other things?”
Tyrone nodded. “Yeah. My old cellmate was an old time dope dealer, hooked me up with some of his boys. I see what you’re sayin’ now. You went in knowing a little, came out the fucking rape master, like some black belt of rape.”
“Exactly. I learned a lot from those men, and a couple women, too. I learned how to keep from getting caught, how to use drugs the correct way to get the desired effect, how to cover your tracks so you can’t be discovered, and how to avoid certain targets and locations. For example, right now that little slut is so full of cum, that even if her parents go to the cops, they won’t be able to get a good sample for either of us. They might have a chance with you, but that’s assuming that those boys didn’t each bust a nut in her, which they did. So even if they get samples, it’s much more likely they’ll get those BMX punks instead of you. Also, she has no clue where she was or anything besides your name and face, and even that is a stretch. You noticed how she was fucked up most of the night? Roofies, in just the right dose several times made her pliable but still aware of what was happening to her. But her memory will be shot.” Harrison paused to drink some of his coffee.
“How shot? You recorded me fucking her, she sees that it might jog her memory.” Tyrone sounded a little worried, but Harrison wasn’t.
“She might remember bits and pieces over time, but her recollection of last night will be shit. Roofies fuck with short term memory, both before and after use. It’s like being really drunk and high at the same time.” Harrison said, driving further along the road. “So, how do you know that driver?”
“Oh, that guy? I work with him. He works for the pizza joint my old cellmate set up to move product. He delivers pizza, weed, smack, coke, x, you name it, that place has it. Also has pretty good pizza, too. I work as a cook on the books, but make most of my money hustling. Ever hear those stories ‘bout people ordering crazy toppings and getting a bag of weed with their shit? Well, we don’t do that no more cause one time someone ordered the weed combo and really meant it. Awkward as fuck explaining that one away. Now, the drivers do the heavy lifting, getting the shit to us on the street, and that guy is one crazy fuck. White boy delivering to the ghetto, not gonna end well. He was coming down here to drop off some shit for me to move. By the way, you need anything, hit me up. Could probably get you some more of that roofie shit if your dealer ever cuts you off or runs dry.” Tyrone said, feeling a little more talkative as the coffee kicked in.
“Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.” Harrison said.
“So what happened with that bitch?” Tyrone asked.
Harrison paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts. He spent the next several minutes regaling the tale of the young law school intern, Kenna. How this gorgeous blond intern from Columbia Law School came to work at the firm, and how her grades were very low on the list of the reasons for her hire. Sure, she was smart, but the partners selected her to be eye candy. He talked about her family’s connections to the state government, how sexy she looked in her short skirts and blouses, how much she always teased him and every other man in the office. He talked about how he caught more than a couple glimpses down her blouse or up her skirt. But that was all part of a ploy of hers to trap a partner into sexually harassing her and then her suing the firm for a nice payday. What that little cunt didn’t anticipate was how far her teasing pushed him over the edge.
One Friday night he needed to work late when Kenna offered to stay with him. She was more flirtatious than usual, and the blond vixen was dressed to the nines in a black pencil skirt, a button-down white blouse, and a pair of 3 inch black patent leather heels. Over the night, she teased him, letting Harrison get a glimpse of her black lace panties, her stockings, and garter belt. He could easily see her matching black bra under white shirt. After ordering some Chinese and finishing work around 8PM, he claimed that she made one last brazen move to get him to hit on her, or make a pass at her.
It worked, a little too well.
Harrison said he went in to kiss her, but she pulled back, then tried to act like he harassed her, and she threatened him, the firm, everyone. Something inside of Harrison snapped, and he grabbed her by the arm and pulled her into him. She tried to fight, but that just turned him on more. He slapped her a couple times, then slammed her down on his desk. He ripped her blouse open, showing off her lacy bra. She cried and begged him to stop, but he slapped her again and again, until he ripped the phone cord out of the wall and tied her hand together. He pushed her skirt up, pushed her panties to the side, and raped her then and there on his desk.
The next couple hours were burned into Harrison’s memory as the most erotic of his life, until tonight. He raped Kenna’s pussy, her ass, and her mouth. He must’ve fucked her a half a dozen times that night, and well into the morning.
He lost track of time fucking Kenna. So much so that when the cleaning crew did their nightly rounds at 3AM, they heard her whimpering in his office while he was in his private bathroom. The janitor freed her and the two of them called building security, who called the police.
“I had two witnesses and that bitch against me. On top of that, that cunt recorded the whole thing. She was going to blackmail the firm. Instead, she recorded her own rape.” Harrison said, getting close to the Vagabond motel.
“Damn. So that’s how you got caught. She went Dragon Tattoo on your ass?” Tyrone said.
“Yep. I could even argue that the recording shouldn’t be admissible, but New York is a one party consent state. Plus, the cops showed up and found her torn clothes in my office. It was a shitshow. I plead guilty, served a few years and registered as a sex offender in the state of New York, but to lesser charges. With the way laws are set up in various states, I moved to Arkansas for a short while to establish residency before coming out here to California. By doing that, I’m a free man with no history that I have to inform anyone of.” Harrison said, stopping at the traffic light near the motel.
“Can you do that lawyer shit again?” Tyrone asked.
“Practice law? No, not anymore. I lost my legal license, and if I tried to practice here, my past will come back and so will the rape charges. But it’s okay, I have more than enough money to retire if I wanted to. I’m one of the few people that made money going to prison. My investments kept growing and I made a killing on a short in 2008 against the housing market.” Harrison said, as the light turned green and he pulled forward, turn signal on.
“I bet that the housing market would collapse, and made what’s called a stock short. When some investment banks went belly-up, I made $50 million.”
“$50 million? On a bet? You fucking kidding me?”
“No, for real.” Harrison said, pulling into the Vagabond’s parking lot. “A short is like betting against a team to cover the spread, or going against the points, like ‘The Lakers are 6 point favorites against the Clippers and should combine for 220. I don’t think either will happen, let me bet on it.” Harrison parked his Mercedes.
Tyrone was flabbergasted. This was by far the craziest night of his life, and he needed to get home, get some sleep, and see if this was real.
“Yo, here’s your check man.” Tyrone said as he handed the $20,000 cashier’s check made out to HR3 over to Harrison. Harrison accepted it, then opened the glove box. Tyrone leaned back a little as Harrison reached in and pulled out a thick white envelope, then proceeded to count out all 20k in Benji’s. There were two stacks of $10,000 each that he handed to Tyrone. The black man was speechless.
“This is yours, but be smart with it, and it comes with some caveats. Never tell anyone my name or what we did tonight. You will give me your phone number and keep this number active. And when this number calls…” Harrison held up a blank business card with a 212 phone number on the front, making sure that Tyrone’s attention was focused on it. “You drop everything and answer. If you can’t, or if something happens to your phone, call this number. “Harrison flipped it around, showing a 646 number. “Understood?”
“Yeah. Don’t say shit ‘bout shit, answer the 212 number, call the 646 number.” Tyrone responded, a little distracted by the extra $20,000 in cash in his hands.
“Good. I look forward to working with you again one day. I can’t promise the same kind of payouot, but the fun should be about the same. And if you happen to see something that may pique my interest, call the 646 number. Remember, I have particular standards.” Harrison said. Tyrone nodded, then Harrison extended his hand. “It was a pleasure doing business with you Tyrone Isiah Thomas.” The two men shook hands.
“And with you too, Harrison. Drive safe, cuz.” Tyrone said, still a little shocked at what happened.
“Thanks, you too.” Harrison said as Tyrone opened the door, exited with the cash and license plate, and closed the door behind him. As soon as Tyrone was clear, Harrison pulled out of the parking space and made his way home, while Tyrone hopped in his car and left the Vagabond, with enough caffeine in his system to keep him awake for a day, or maybe a month.
Tyrone passed out about 20 minutes after getting back to his crib.