They were technically adults now. Feeling that carnival games were beneath them now, they sought more adventure.
The carnival train caboose had unfamiliar looking visitors entering every few minutes. Something good must have been brewing...
Darb, the self-appointed leader of the group strode up to the door. The meathead football jock knocked heartily on the door, resulting in an opened sliding eye panel found on stereotypical speakeasys.

The eyes looked Darb up and down.
"Fuck you want? Get lost kid!"
"Hey! We want to know what's going on in there, we're like adults now, 18... all of us!"
"I don't give a shit how old you are, this is carny business, move the fuck along."
The panel shut emphatically, leaving the group hanging.
Darb pounded on the door once again, with no response.
"Let's just go, we're wasting our time," Candice remarked and began walking off.
He wanted to punch the door, to show everyone that he was the alpha in command like he fashioned himself out to be. But Darb felt the better of it and stood down. That's what impressed him so much about Candice, she was just... different.
She didn't seem to like aggressive muscular guys or the testosterone infused jock crowd. She was just all class... so smart, so pure with a heart of gold. If he wanted to stand a chance with her, he'd have to act differently, like a gentleman he surmised.
Ever since he laid eyes on her, Darb had an immense crush on her. He asked Candice out repeatedly, and the subsequent denials just overloaded his raging hormones.
The group weaved their way through the substantial crowd. Darb followed closely alongside Candice. When she wasn't looking, he'd ogle her tight body.

The crazy thing was how she oozed sexuality without even trying. Everyone knew she didn't put out, making Candice even more of the innocent object of unattainable fantasy.