Author Topic: Female football fans warned about Qatar  (Read 1369 times)

Offline vile8r

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Offline JustJess_33

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Re: Female football fans warned about Qatar
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2022, 03:59:04 AM »
Absolute disgrace that the tournament is held there
Qatar bought the World Cup and it was clear from the get go.

Slave labor, homophobia, and misogyny of the highest order
The hypocrisy of the same teams that are waving Ukraine flags, LGBT armbands and taking the knee for BLM, that have no problem in competing in this toxic tournament nor the corporations that support it.

But the World Cup as far as I’ve seen it has a long corrupt history.
Hosting such events in Fascist Italy, Argentina under a dictatorship, and of course Russia in the last one.

Tony V.
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Re: Female football fans warned about Qatar
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2022, 06:47:58 AM »
As with the Olympics, money talks. Did anyone really believe that Brazil or China actually were awarded their Games on the nation's merits???

The Islamic world is NOT a place for tolerance, equality, or acceptance. Most intelligent people know this.....

But it appears that the almighty dollar blinds those pursuing its benefits......

[ And the U. S. isn't innocent in this either, shall we say Salt Lake City, anyone?? ]

Tony V.                                :police:

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Re: Female football fans warned about Qatar
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2022, 08:19:14 AM »
Every nation has their dark sides (even Australia, when you start looking for them); some nations simply wear it as a badge of pride. And yes, when you have a very pretty penny to give someone in return for something they want, they'll definitely comment more on how the badge shines than what it stands for.
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Offline vile8r

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Re: Female football fans warned about Qatar
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2022, 12:33:16 PM »
Absolute disgrace that the tournament is held there
Qatar bought the World Cup and it was clear from the get go.

Slave labor, homophobia, and misogyny of the highest order
The hypocrisy of the same teams that are waving Ukraine flags, LGBT armbands and taking the knee for BLM, that have no problem in competing in this toxic tournament nor the corporations that support it.

But the World Cup as far as I’ve seen it has a long corrupt history.
Hosting such events in Fascist Italy, Argentina under a dictatorship, and of course Russia in the last one.

My sentiments exactly!
I could rape your pussy, but I'd be in and out in a few minutes. So I choose to rape your mind, and I'll be inside you forever!

Offline Badman

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Re: Female football fans warned about Qatar
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2022, 02:37:02 AM »
It's quite simple really. As long as fans are willing to fork out literally thousands of pounds/dollars supporting this circus it will be corrupt. It's the modern version of the gladiator battles in ancient rome. Something to appease the masses. How else can you justify paying millions of pounds to mostly ill-educated young men for kicking a bag of air around for 90 minutes once a week? To what end? A title or a trophy that is good for between 1 to 4 years at most? All the while hospitals are collapsing, education is nose diving and criminals are not caught.

You can bet not a single negative comment about Qatar will be uttered by any press or commentators. Much like the Liverpool/Paris incident any trouble will be blamed on the fans and forgotten shortly after. Personally I think anyone going to that hole in the desert will get everything they deserve. It is only a game... one you can watch from the comfort of your own home for a fraction of the price, have a beer and wear what you want and say what you want. Or down the bar or pub if you want 'atmosphere'. But I'm sure there will be lots of incidents that will come to light weeks or months later in lurid headlines long after we've already forgotten who won the tournament. Plenty of topics for this thread to come from this event I suspect.

I'd like to see the "Stop Oil Now" lot try any of their tactics in Qatar. After all they've built air conditioned football stadiums in the middle of a desert and almost every single person attending will have flown hundreds if not thousands of miles to get there. All for a 'sport' that has rotted from the inside. Same as the Olympics. 
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Re: Female football fans warned about Qatar
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2022, 08:02:11 PM »
Given the numbers of people who attend the World Cup, the culture it is being held in, and the truly obscene amount of money that a number of Qatari citizens have, there are going to be a number of pretty women who travel to the World Cup only to live out the rest of their lives as slave wives.  Disappeared from hotels and outside games, bought, and raped.  It is fertile ground for fantasy. 

Offline Sweet_Celine

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Re: Female football fans warned about Qatar
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2022, 11:25:50 PM »
Given the numbers of people who attend the World Cup, the culture it is being held in, and the truly obscene amount of money that a number of Qatari citizens have, there are going to be a number of pretty women who travel to the World Cup only to live out the rest of their lives as slave wives.  Disappeared from hotels and outside games, bought, and raped.  It is fertile ground for fantasy.

I've heard of that going on even outside the world cup. I think there is some Canadian woman who is being kept captive in Saudi Arabia in the same situation, poor woman.
But it's still a very alluring situation. Imagine being some happy, excited young woman wanting nothing but to support your country's team and have fun in an exotic country, only to be kidnapped by a rich prince or sheikh and plunged into a life of horror and rape and eventually knowing you can never escape.

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Re: Female football fans warned about Qatar
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2022, 02:20:43 PM »

I'm just enjoying thinking about how if she wasn't famous, Ivana Knoll (Miss Croatia) would have spent a night with the morality police and then been sold off. Delicious to think about.

Offline Cscene56
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Re: Female football fans warned about Qatar
« Reply #9 on: December 15, 2022, 10:47:32 PM »

I'm just enjoying thinking about how if she wasn't famous, Ivana Knoll (Miss Croatia) would have spent a night with the morality police and then been sold off. Delicious to think about.

Now that’s a fic I’d like to read.