Author Topic: Extra Scenes: Do You Like to Add Some?  (Read 1370 times)

Offline Yukito

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Extra Scenes: Do You Like to Add Some?
« on: November 19, 2022, 12:38:54 AM »
Hey, everyone.

This is sparked by my recent update to Sexy Tales #08(Yukito's Corner), in which I added an extra scene I didn't add before it was published both here and at YC. If you compare both versions(RU and YC), you can clearly see the difference.

So, the discussion in point is:
Do you like adding some extra scenes to your stories? Or you think it's not worth it?
Okay, what is an extra scene? An extra scene can be said as:
->A scene you'd like to add that complements the story a little, but you forgot in your initial planning;
->A scene that doesn't complement the story, but adds more life to it;
->A scene that doesn't complement the story, but you feel it may arouse the reader.

I have three kinds of scenes that are my specialty currently:
->Binding scenes, where the captor binds the victim either intricately or more simpler bindings. I also create some special bondage devices for those;
->Bathing scenes: I like to write both normal and forced baths for the female characters in my stories, specially after they are raped. In normal stories, I like to do bathing scenes in stories that span through multiple days, such as The Blakes #09. Other reasons to do bathing scenes is when I think there could be some funny power blackouts;
->Forced Dressing: Sometimes, specially in kidnapping stories, I like to add scenes where the victim is forcibly dressed by her captor. They are also my specialty, but I don't use them a lot.

I'm still developing my skill with rape scenes per-se. Sometimes, it's not so easy to keep the story entertaining for a long time due to how short they are right now.

So, what are your specialty scenes?

Offline spunkjunk

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Re: Extra Scenes: Do You Like to Add Some?
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2022, 04:56:48 PM »
For posting it here, it´s vain.

It´s just for yourself.
Getting a feedback on old storys is rare. Must hit an euphoric newcomer...

The major public of the RU won´t read twice.
Seems the major even won´t read a story...
Sooner or later these short ' just rape scenes ' are the death of this forum! You could see it tiring allready...
Who will watch thousands of TV thrillers just the two minutes the victim was killed?
A recipe may be put some sex in each chapter of what tells at least a little, hopefully exciting story

« Last Edit: November 19, 2022, 05:26:04 PM by spunkjunk »
'Gone with the wind' like many others, is a fucking good story.
Unfortunatly, like many others, it lacks the fucking...

Offline Yukito

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Re: Extra Scenes: Do You Like to Add Some?
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2022, 05:54:47 PM »
For posting it here, it´s vain.

It´s just for yourself.
Getting a feedback on old storys is rare. Must hit an euphoric newcomer...

The major public of the RU won´t read twice.
Seems the major even won´t read a story...
Sooner or later these short ' just rape scenes ' are the death of this forum! You could see it tiring allready...
Who will watch thousands of TV thrillers just the two minutes the victim was killed?
A recipe may be put some sex in each chapter of what tells at least a little, hopefully exciting story

Yeah, haven't been getting much feedback from here. I added the extra scenes in the Yukito's Corner version. In here, the story only has the normal scenes. I don't really know if I'll continue posting here or not. My stories are quite elaborate and usually have more preparation before the rape really happens.
Anyway, thank you for replying.

Offline spunkjunk

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Re: Extra Scenes: Do You Like to Add Some?
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2022, 08:03:58 AM »
First of all, please forgive if my answer turned out a bit beside your actual intention.
Maybe this will help you:
Writing is a progress. A composition of words and Scenarios you never may stop to develop.
Because of this some of my storys have several versions, or:
With the time I do not bear my mental effusions any more and worsebetter in my stories here and there. (You can see in the edit-date) So to speak for my own honor...
This applies to stories I write only for myself as well as for the very very small part of them I publish exclusively here.
Write for yourself and have your fun!
And please...
Share some with us :]
'Gone with the wind' like many others, is a fucking good story.
Unfortunatly, like many others, it lacks the fucking...

Offline EnabranTain

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Re: Extra Scenes: Do You Like to Add Some?
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2022, 04:49:02 PM »
I'd agree that stories here are rather self-indulgent, so don't worry too much about how they'll be received. Even if people love your work, given the nature of this site, they may never comment or give feedback. So just write whatever you feel like doing!
Having said that...

The fact you're asking this question tells me you're concerned about the reader's experience and whether or not those "extra scenes" enhance their experience or detracts from it. So you're guiding principle should be "does this scene make the story better?"
As spunkjunk alluded to, this site is somewhat specialized in terms of what the reader is looking for. If you're writing for a reader that is mainly interested in the rape scenes and doesn't care about the story, characters, or plot, then the so-called "extra scenes" aren't really extra at all. The details of how aggressor and victim interact are the meat of what's exciting.

If, however, you're writing for a reader who wants a rich, enjoyable story where they care about the characters and plot, then the extra scenes could be a drag on pacing, getting bogged down in irrelevant minutiae. Generally speaking, any scene or action that does not have significance to the overall plotline or character development is a distraction that will bore the reader.
Personally, I find it essential to have characters people can believe and plots that make sense, otherwise the rape scenes have no emotional impact. I have no reason to care about (or get off on) things done to paper thin characters. This can often mean that the sexual or rape scenes end up being short compared to the overall story length. But I feel they are much more exciting for it.

This is a dilemma I feel like I'm constantly struggling with in my own writing. A rape scene, or any detailed description of action, does not not actually tell a story. This is why so many action movies, for example, might have an exciting ten minute fight and car chase scene that is simply one line of text in the script such as: "protagonist fights with antagonist". But that doesn't mean the scene is useless or extra. It's a big part of why the audience came to see the movie. But if the movie is nothing but car chases and explosions without enough context and plot, it'll be still be boring (see Michael Bay for reference).
What scenes to include and how long to make them is a judgement call on your part as the author. But for them to have an impact in the mind of the reader, some groundwork has to be laid down first. So if you've laid enough groundwork that the reader can empathize with and care about the what happens to the characters during those "extra scenes", then have at it!

Another way to approach this issue is to make the detailed action scenes part of how you tell the story. Then it's not something extra at all, but essential. This kind of thing is much more challenging to do, but will make for a much more engaging story. Character description can be interwoven with a binding scene, for example. So while you're telling us how a victim is being tied up, you're also telling us what they look like and how they behave can be used as character development. A forced dressing scene could be important to the plot if what the victim is wearing becomes relevant later on and is not just a superfluous detail; or maybe we learn clues about the aggressor's motives through what clothing they are forcing upon the victim. If the reader is asking themselves "why is this guy making the girl wear that specific outfit?" and you then pay that off later by revealing an interesting reason, it's an engaging read. If, however, the aggressor forces the victim to wear something just so you can describe a sexy outfit, the scene has little utility in the storytelling.

Overall it's up to you decide what kind of story you want to tell. Scenes are either extra or essential depending on your intentions, but whichever way you go, be clear about it and serve that goal throughout.
No one bad is ever truly bad, and no one good is ever truly good.

More of my stories can be found at
AO3KB, or RU

Offline Yukito

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Re: Extra Scenes: Do You Like to Add Some?
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2022, 08:51:03 PM »
First of all, please forgive if my answer turned out a bit beside your actual intention.
Maybe this will help you:
Writing is a progress. A composition of words and Scenarios you never may stop to develop.
Because of this some of my storys have several versions, or:
With the time I do not bear my mental effusions any more and worsebetter in my stories here and there. (You can see in the edit-date) So to speak for my own honor...
This applies to stories I write only for myself as well as for the very very small part of them I publish exclusively here.
Write for yourself and have your fun!
And please...
Share some with us :]
All my stories are at my website. I do have several versions of my stories too. When I created the nuclear family for my stories(The Blakes), I had multiple versions of them, before settling with the one that I use today. I also have multiple versions of rape stories like Pool Trophy, Frozen Beauty and others.
I always wrote for myself, but these days, I'm trying to get some revenue from them, as I spend about 3 days on each story.
That's why I'd like some feedback on those.

I'd agree that stories here are rather self-indulgent, so don't worry too much about how they'll be received. Even if people love your work, given the nature of this site, they may never comment or give feedback. So just write whatever you feel like doing!
Having said that...

The fact you're asking this question tells me you're concerned about the reader's experience and whether or not those "extra scenes" enhance their experience or detracts from it. So you're guiding principle should be "does this scene make the story better?"
As spunkjunk alluded to, this site is somewhat specialized in terms of what the reader is looking for. If you're writing for a reader that is mainly interested in the rape scenes and doesn't care about the story, characters, or plot, then the so-called "extra scenes" aren't really extra at all. The details of how aggressor and victim interact are the meat of what's exciting.

If, however, you're writing for a reader who wants a rich, enjoyable story where they care about the characters and plot, then the extra scenes could be a drag on pacing, getting bogged down in irrelevant minutiae. Generally speaking, any scene or action that does not have significance to the overall plotline or character development is a distraction that will bore the reader.
Personally, I find it essential to have characters people can believe and plots that make sense, otherwise the rape scenes have no emotional impact. I have no reason to care about (or get off on) things done to paper thin characters. This can often mean that the sexual or rape scenes end up being short compared to the overall story length. But I feel they are much more exciting for it.

This is a dilemma I feel like I'm constantly struggling with in my own writing. A rape scene, or any detailed description of action, does not not actually tell a story. This is why so many action movies, for example, might have an exciting ten minute fight and car chase scene that is simply one line of text in the script such as: "protagonist fights with antagonist". But that doesn't mean the scene is useless or extra. It's a big part of why the audience came to see the movie. But if the movie is nothing but car chases and explosions without enough context and plot, it'll be still be boring (see Michael Bay for reference).
What scenes to include and how long to make them is a judgement call on your part as the author. But for them to have an impact in the mind of the reader, some groundwork has to be laid down first. So if you've laid enough groundwork that the reader can empathize with and care about the what happens to the characters during those "extra scenes", then have at it!

Another way to approach this issue is to make the detailed action scenes part of how you tell the story. Then it's not something extra at all, but essential. This kind of thing is much more challenging to do, but will make for a much more engaging story. Character description can be interwoven with a binding scene, for example. So while you're telling us how a victim is being tied up, you're also telling us what they look like and how they behave can be used as character development. A forced dressing scene could be important to the plot if what the victim is wearing becomes relevant later on and is not just a superfluous detail; or maybe we learn clues about the aggressor's motives through what clothing they are forcing upon the victim. If the reader is asking themselves "why is this guy making the girl wear that specific outfit?" and you then pay that off later by revealing an interesting reason, it's an engaging read. If, however, the aggressor forces the victim to wear something just so you can describe a sexy outfit, the scene has little utility in the storytelling.

Overall it's up to you decide what kind of story you want to tell. Scenes are either extra or essential depending on your intentions, but whichever way you go, be clear about it and serve that goal throughout.
Sometimes, I think more detail helps set the scene. And yes, RavishU's focus is the rape, but bringing other stories here helped me get some reviews on those. The thing about writing rape scenes is that, it's not so easy for me to write those, as you'll see in Three Vs Three(Sexy Tales #09).
About creating an experience, I think adding more detail on what is happening is good, specially when it really involves the whole scene, not just a line, like the scene I added to ST#08 in my site, which gave some more detail.
Sometimes, they may be irrelevant and are added just for "pleasure". And I try my best to apply the personalities I added to my characters.
Scenes alone don't tell a story, we all know that, but a well-crafted scene can help move the story along and give new ideas on how to continue.
About the forced bathing and dressing scenes, they are usually added so the reader gets a feel on how it is for the character to be controlled(control is a big part of the world my stories are set in). And also, what the character is wearing comes into play later in most of my stories, like for example:
In a discarded story, the main character(Felipe from ST#01, #06, #07 and #08) abducted a girl from her home and trained her to be his wife. And the girl was dressed with a pajama set that could be used to easily keep her unable to escape. I also showed a bit of her feelings in it.
Most of the devices and outfits I create have an use within the story it is in, like the membrane in ST#04 and ST#06, the drone in ST#07 and the bolas in ST#08, and also the exercise machines in ST#09.
Anyhow, I feel like they add to my story like a detail that helps it move along.

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Re: Extra Scenes: Do You Like to Add Some?
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2022, 03:45:59 AM »
I think I was guilty of this a lot when I first started out.
Readers are all different, but a large number like to see some solid build-up and character development. When I find a scene doesn't bring much to the story, I will cut it and in the vast majority of cases, the story will be better off without it; it saves me some space to work on the important scenes.

As a brand-new writer, I was afraid to bore out the reader with the build-up and character development, while in fact, I think that most readers will get tired of chapters upon chapters where it's rape, rape and more rape. This problem is amplified when the rapes are all alike and the rapists don't have much individuality.

I can give one example of this issue---"Soviet Delegation Africanized". The idea of having a Soviet delegation, the Russian ambassador, his wife, his daughter and his staff, staying in a hotel that gets raided by a battalion of mutinied Congolese soldiers was a fantastic set-up that allowed for a nirvana of gang-rape intensity. I basically spoiled what could have been an amazing story; it still has its good moments, but it could have been a lot better.

As I went, I started adding scenes with minor characters that were unrelated to the Soviet delegation. I added a lesbian subplot that led me to a needlessly lengthy scene; it was hot, but it revealed how Tatiana looks naked and this weakens the main rape scene. Worse, I had one of the main characters gang-raped outside of the hotel, so when the main rapes happen, she is already recovering from a litany of injuries, and this created a believability issue and diluted the plot, and it made the story needlessly long and harder to follow.

Such blunders were easily avoidable. Lesbian subplot is fine; all I had to do was to leave much of it implicit and avoid showing Tatiana's amazing body. Nadia should be kept nice and healthy to get apprehended and forcibly stripped and used by the mutinied mass of jeering soldiers.

Adding some juicy sex to "give something to the reader" early on... I could show Nadia a bit, having sex with the King of Belgians, in a brief scene where His Majesty gives Nadia the joy of fucking a monarch in exchange for arranging a meet with Tatiana in Moscow, Tatiana being the real prize for the King, who has a thing for teenage girls. Such a scene could be done nice and short, and there would be some sound motives at play; it would be a commercial transaction and an interesting one if I do my job as a writer ;D.

I messed up this whole story so bad that it's worth a complete rewrite with a new title, something like "Snegurochka Melts In Congo" and the entire story will be centered around Tatiana, the ambassador's daughter; you show her reading tales about Snegurochka, the Snow Maiden and voilà, you've just linked her with the title.

As for the extra rapes, the poolside gang-rapes would stay since this scene where many European tourists get "africanized" gives a nice feel of complete pandemonium and it shows that the entire hotel is getting sacked, but then I would go about it in a very concise style.

This is only one example. It shows how easy it is to drown a story with too many rape scenes with no real build-up to back them.

Another example... My story with Adele Blanc-Sec. The scene where she gets gang-fucked by her escorting soldiers is probably quite erotic and interesting, but it blurs the build-up to the main episode--- the siege of the convent, which gets overrun and Adele gets utterly thrashed along with the Abbess and all the nuns.

If I have such an upcoming orgy of rape on the horizon, I have no need to have Adele gang-fucked by the soldiers of her own side. Here again, I showed Adele's naked charms before the main event. In my opinion, a scene of undressing (and I love the ripping off of clothes with the breasts suddenly flashing out) will be more powerful when the reader is just like the rapists -- he sees the woman topless, then naked for the very first time.

Now, Adele develops a relationship with one of the soldiers who eventually becomes her husband. I could have shown consenting sex between her and one or more of the soldiers using a very concise style and without showing Adele's body by having the soldiers take a quick and quiet fuck while fully clothed. This would also create interesting tensions of jealousy among the soldiers.

Thanks for the thread, Yukito, this is an interesting and open discussion.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2022, 03:54:46 AM by HistBuff »

Offline Yukito

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Re: Extra Scenes: Do You Like to Add Some?
« Reply #7 on: November 28, 2022, 05:25:10 AM »
I think I was guilty of this a lot when I first started out.
Readers are all different, but a large number like to see some solid build-up and character development. When I find a scene doesn't bring much to the story, I will cut it and in the vast majority of cases, the story will be better off without it; it saves me some space to work on the important scenes.

As a brand-new writer, I was afraid to bore out the reader with the build-up and character development, while in fact, I think that most readers will get tired of chapters upon chapters where it's rape, rape and more rape. This problem is amplified when the rapes are all alike and the rapists don't have much individuality.

I can give one example of this issue---"Soviet Delegation Africanized". The idea of having a Soviet delegation, the Russian ambassador, his wife, his daughter and his staff, staying in a hotel that gets raided by a battalion of mutinied Congolese soldiers was a fantastic set-up that allowed for a nirvana of gang-rape intensity. I basically spoiled what could have been an amazing story; it still has its good moments, but it could have been a lot better.

As I went, I started adding scenes with minor characters that were unrelated to the Soviet delegation. I added a lesbian subplot that led me to a needlessly lengthy scene; it was hot, but it revealed how Tatiana looks naked and this weakens the main rape scene. Worse, I had one of the main characters gang-raped outside of the hotel, so when the main rapes happen, she is already recovering from a litany of injuries, and this created a believability issue and diluted the plot, and it made the story needlessly long and harder to follow.

Such blunders were easily avoidable. Lesbian subplot is fine; all I had to do was to leave much of it implicit and avoid showing Tatiana's amazing body. Nadia should be kept nice and healthy to get apprehended and forcibly stripped and used by the mutinied mass of jeering soldiers.

Adding some juicy sex to "give something to the reader" early on... I could show Nadia a bit, having sex with the King of Belgians, in a brief scene where His Majesty gives Nadia the joy of fucking a monarch in exchange for arranging a meet with Tatiana in Moscow, Tatiana being the real prize for the King, who has a thing for teenage girls. Such a scene could be done nice and short, and there would be some sound motives at play; it would be a commercial transaction and an interesting one if I do my job as a writer ;D.

I messed up this whole story so bad that it's worth a complete rewrite with a new title, something like "Snegurochka Melts In Congo" and the entire story will be centered around Tatiana, the ambassador's daughter; you show her reading tales about Snegurochka, the Snow Maiden and voilà, you've just linked her with the title.

As for the extra rapes, the poolside gang-rapes would stay since this scene where many European tourists get "africanized" gives a nice feel of complete pandemonium and it shows that the entire hotel is getting sacked, but then I would go about it in a very concise style.

This is only one example. It shows how easy it is to drown a story with too many rape scenes with no real build-up to back them.

Another example... My story with Adele Blanc-Sec. The scene where she gets gang-fucked by her escorting soldiers is probably quite erotic and interesting, but it blurs the build-up to the main episode--- the siege of the convent, which gets overrun and Adele gets utterly thrashed along with the Abbess and all the nuns.

If I have such an upcoming orgy of rape on the horizon, I have no need to have Adele gang-fucked by the soldiers of her own side. Here again, I showed Adele's naked charms before the main event. In my opinion, a scene of undressing (and I love the ripping off of clothes with the breasts suddenly flashing out) will be more powerful when the reader is just like the rapists -- he sees the woman topless, then naked for the very first time.

Now, Adele develops a relationship with one of the soldiers who eventually becomes her husband. I could have shown consenting sex between her and one or more of the soldiers using a very concise style and without showing Adele's body by having the soldiers take a quick and quiet fuck while fully clothed. This would also create interesting tensions of jealousy among the soldiers.

Thanks for the thread, Yukito, this is an interesting and open discussion.

Scenes that don't work out: I usually rewrite them if I think they don't work well, but I rewrite according to the outline I made previously(I don't usually write without outlines). I talk about the outlines in this post.
We all have that fear of boring the reader with the buildup and character development. Rapes that are all alike is a common thing here in RU. Sometimes, it's not easy to diversify depending on the environment you choose for the story. And I usually have that problem with mine. For example:
In Sexy Tales #02(the student and the IT tech one[Blackmailed Bitch]), I did a rape scene where the female is held against a column and penetrated right there, and I had to repeat this scene in #08, as I didn't knew what to do with the second victim.
And yes, when the victim is fragilized by being assaulted one time, it will be hard to put her in another scene in the same story, hence why I didn't put Nathalia through the second rape I planned for #08 and chose to do with Victoria instead.
I remember a few stories of yours that I read, which looked like a total rapeapocalypse(which was nice, by the way) and I tried to do that with #09, but I'm not so good with total chaos.
About undressing, I like to do them slowly like #08 itself or fast(like #09's girls getting their pants/underwear pulled down), and having the rapists have a good look at the girl's body. I try to not make them feel like Nathalie Lartilleux's sex/giving birth scenes(Lartilleux is a french-born mexican telenovela producer).
Anyway, thanks for your comments, HistBuff.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2022, 12:44:48 PM by Yukito »