Author Topic: The Mindstone (CYOA,includes MF,oral,anal,ncon,viol,mc,scifi) {SciFi}  (Read 4829 times)

Offline LtBroccoli

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Author's Note:  The following story is a work of fiction.  None of the actions do not take place in the real world.  This story includes examples of non-consensual sexual acts, violence, submission, money laundering, teleportation, and traveling to alternate realities.  The author does not condone any of these actions, except for visiting alternate realities.  The author thinks it would be cool to see the differences on how major events played out.

This story is a Choose Your Own Adventure, and part of August 2022's RavishU story contest.  I will post all of the pieces of the story, then link through to them to connect them after posting the first section of the story.  It might take a few hours to complete.



John Simpson sits around his 2 bedroom apartment in a pair of gym shorts and a faded t-shirt for the Cleveland Cavaliers championship season.  While the apartment itself isn’t messy, it sure isn’t tidy.  He cleans up for the most part, and goes out of his way to put things back, but there’s something off about the place.  He stands up, taking his empty dishes to the kitchen sink to wash them.

He’s lived alone ever since she left him 6 months ago.  “It’s not you, it’s me.”  She said.  Funny how she said that then two months later ‘found herself’ by dating a new man.  When they were together, they used the spare room for storage and her craft work.  Now, it’s turned into a sparsely decorated office.  For everything he did for her for those 3 years, just to get dumped unceremoniously like that, it crushed him. 

John knew he had to make some changes.  He was in his mid-30’s, living alone by himself in an apartment where he was surrounded by wasteful junk.  When she left, she didn’t take anything of theirs, just the clothes she liked and necessities.  He was left with all of their shit around the apartment.  He figured he needed to tidy up.  He read that book on the Joy of Tidying, only keeping things that sparked joy.  Right now what would spark joy was telling her how he really felt.  Instead, he’d have to settle for throwing out some trinkets and her old clothes that she left behind.

There was a knock at the door.


« Last Edit: February 02, 2025, 02:07:43 PM by The Claire »
Always close the program you were running before exiting the holodeck

Offline LtBroccoli

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There was a knock at the door.  Then another knock.  John walked to the door and looked through the peephole.  It was a man wearing a large brimmed hat and a jacket, soaked through.  John was confused, it hasn’t rained in a couple days and they were in the middle of a heat wave.  The man knocked again.

“Who is it?”  John said.

“John, we need to talk.”  The voice shot back.  It sounded familiar in a way that John couldn’t place.  Before he could say or do anything, the door unlocked itself.  John jumped back in shock.  He ran out of the small hallway and headed toward the kitchen, looking for a weapon.  The door opened as John grabbed a knife.  ‘Do I have time to get my gun?’  He thought to himself.  He didn’t have time, the man was already in the apartment, closing the door behind him.

“Who are you?  I’m calling the cops!”  John said, holding the chef’s knife in his right hand.

“Freeze it, broby.  Put that noise on the back back.”   The words sort of made sense, but didn’t.  And the voice, it was clearer now, very familiar but different at the same time.  The man stood in front of John, soaking wet, arms up in the air, but then flapping down like he’s patting something in the air, then back up again.  He had just stepped in from a massive storm, but there wasn’t a cloud in the sky in John’s hometown of Harbor City.

“Who are you?  You’ve got 5 seconds or I’m calling the cops.”  John said, more curious than afraid at this point.  If this guy wanted him dead, he’d have shot by now.

“How long is 5 seconds?  Is that a lot?”  The voice sounded genuinely confused.

“No.  It’s already passed since you came in my kitchen.  Who are you?”  John said.  The wet man took off his hat. 

He looked just like…

“What the fuck?”  John said.

“First sensible thing you’ve said since I got here.”  The man said back to John.  In John’s voice.   From John’s face.  He looked just like John, just a little…off.  “I don’t have a blarge of time, so I have to make this quick.  You’re me and I’m you, from parallel Earths.  More or less.  Mind if I sit?”  The man said slowly lowering his arms and grabbing one of John’s dining chairs.  Before John could say anything in protest, the man sat down and put his hat on the table.

John just sat there dumbfounded for a moment before the wet man motioned for him to sit at the table with him.

“C’mon, I won’t bite and I won’t zarf ya.  Sit, please.  If that last part didn’t make sense, I’m still learning your language.  I didn’t have time to absorb it properly.”  The wet man said, pushing some hidden button on his coat, splitting it open like a zipper.

“What’s going on?”  John said as he sat down.

“My name is Bonham.  I come from a parallel Earth.  I came looking for you because I need you to do me a favor.”

“Parallel world?”  John said.

“Yes.  Please don’t get hung up on that, we don’t have time.  The more I speak, the more I understand your language.  Short, short version.  Technology is amazing, world hopping exists, time travel exists.  I come from, well it doesn’t matter what my universe is called.  My Jumper says you’re on Earth 32Gamma68, Subsector 54.18980.094145.  I can get more specific, but that’s not important.  The multiverse is levels of infinite that make your brain hurt.  I didn’t have time to study the differences between your universe and mine, but we don’t usually come to these primitive backwater pieces of shit like yours.  But I didn’t have a choice, I needed you to help me.”  Bonham said, talking a mile a minute.

“Me?  How?”  John said.  Bonham reached into his jacket and pulled out a small yellow rock.  It glowed in his hands.  He placed it on the table and slid it over to John.  It stopped abruptly in front of him, almost like the rock stopped of its own will.

“What is this?”  John asked, unsure what to do next.

“Let’s call it a Mindstone.  It’s some old and illegal tech where I come from.  I borrowed it for a job.”  Bonham said as he sealed his jacket back up.

“Wait, what?”

“Long story.  Job was a combover from start to finish.  Now, I have to hide this, but I need to use it again in a few…what do you call them?  DAYS!  That’s right, days.  I’m getting better at this English thing.”  Bonham smiled, proud of himself for how quickly he picked up this primitive tongue.

“Why me?  Us?”  John asked, still unsure if he should touch the yellow stone.

“The Mindstone is old tech.  It takes a while to acclimate to the user, it’s based off of DNA sequences.  The longer a person holds it, the more it becomes one with them and the less they need the stone, but if another person takes possession it breaks that old connection.  And you know what we have in common?”

“We have the same DNA?”  John said.

“It’s close enough.  There’s some minor differences like radiation damage in your atmosphere and different diseases we’re each exposed to, but for where it counts, we’re the same person.  Of course, only one way to tell.  Go ahead, touch it.”  Bonham motioned to the Mindstone.

John hesitated for a moment before picking it up.  It glowed yellow, staying the same brightness it was before.  He felt a surge run through him, exciting and scaring him at the same time.  He looked at Bonham and heard…something.  No, he saw something now.  Thoughts and images coming to him.  He couldn’t understand any of it beyond the mundane, but the gist of it made sense.

Bonham smiled.  “Good, it’s keyed to both of us.  Keep it with you all times.  Don’t let anyone else hold it and use it for anything more than a brief moment, as it will slowly cut the connection.  The more they use it, the less we can use it until it dies.  I need this in 3 of my days, so I’ll come back here soon.  Maybe tonight, tomorrow, a moon time, whatever.  Time’s kinda fucky that way.”

“What does it do?”  John asked.  Bonham shook his head.

“It’s the MINDSTONE!  Think about it.”  Bonham exasperated.

“How does it work?”  John asked.

“Ask it.”  Bonham said as he looked at his left hand.  Weird writing that John couldn’t read came up on his hand but he could faintly hear Bonham curse to himself.

“What’s going on?”  John asked, thinking he already knew the answer.

“I have to go.  Ask the stone how it works.  Or don’t.  I’ll be back soon.  Don’t do anything too crazy, don’t try to take over the world or shit like that, they’ll see it.”  He said as he grabbed his hat and stood up.  John got up to follow him to ask what trouble he was in, but before he could, Bonham left, walking through the door.  He didn’t open it, he just walked right through it, like it wasn’t there.  As soon as Bonham passed through the door, he couldn’t hear any more thoughts.

John sat back down in his chair, the table still a little wet from Bonham’s hat.  He played with the Mindstone in his hand.

“How does this work?”  John said to himself.


« Last Edit: August 31, 2022, 07:27:09 PM by LtBroccoli »
Always close the program you were running before exiting the holodeck

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There was a knock at the door.  Then another knock.  John ignored it.  They’ll go away soon.  They knocked again. 

“John, we need to talk.”  The voice shot back.  It sounded familiar in a way that John couldn’t place.  Before he could say or do anything, the door unlocked itself.  John jumped up in shock.  He ran toward the kitchen, looking for a weapon.  The door opened as John grabbed a knife.  ‘Do I have time to get my gun?’  He thought to himself.  He didn’t have time, the man was already in the apartment, closing the door behind him.

“Who are you?  I’m calling the cops!”  John said, holding the chef’s knife in his right hand.

“Freeze it, broby.  Put that noise on the back back.”   The words sort of made sense, but didn’t.  And the voice, it was clearer now, very familiar but different at the same time.  The man stood in front of John, soaking wet, arms up in the air, but then flapping down like he’s patting something in the air, then back up again.  He had just stepped in from a massive storm, but there wasn’t a cloud in the sky in John’s hometown.

“Who are you?  You’ve got 5 seconds or I’m calling the cops.”  John said, more curious than afraid at this point.  If this guy wanted him dead, he’d have shot by now.

“How long is 5 seconds?  Is that a lot?”  The voice sounded genuinely confused.

“No.  It’s already passed since you came in my kitchen.  Who are you?”  John said.  The wet man took off his hat. 

He looked just like…

“What the fuck?”  John said.

“First sensible thing you’ve said since I got here.”  The man said back to John.  In John’s voice.   From John’s face.  He looked just like John, just a little…off.  “I don’t have a blarge of time, so I have to make this quick.  You’re me and I’m you, from parallel Earths.  More or less.  Mind if I sit?”  The man said slowly lowering his arms and grabbing one of John’s dining chairs.  Before John could say anything in protest, the man sat down and put his hat on the table.

John just sat there dumbfounded for a moment before the wet man motioned him to sit at the table with him.

“C’mon, I won’t bite and I won’t zarf ya.  Sit, please.  If that last part didn’t make sense, I’m still learning your language.  I didn’t have time to absorb it properly.”  The wet man said, pushing some hidden button on his coat, splitting it open like a zipper.

“What’s going on?”  John said as he sat down.

“My name is Bonham.  I come from a parallel Earth.  I came looking for you because I need you to do me a favor.”

“Parallel world?”  John said.

“Yes.  Please don’t get hung up on that, we don’t have time.  The more I speak, the more I understand your language.  Short, short version.  Technology is amazing, world hopping exists, time travel exists.  I come from, well it doesn’t matter what my universe is called.  My Jumper says you’re on Earth 32Gamma68, Subsector 54.18980.094145.  I can get more specific, but that’s not important.  The multiverse is levels of infinite that make your brain hurt.  I didn’t have time to study the differences between your universe and mine, but we don’t usually come to these primitive backwater pieces of shit like yours.  But I didn’t have a choice, I needed you to help me?”  Bonham said, talking a mile a minute.

“Me?  How?”  John said.  Bonham reached into his jacket and pulled out a small yellow rock.  It glowed in his hands.  He placed it on the table and slid it over to John.  It stopped abruptly in front of him, almost like the rock stopped of its own will.

“What is this?”  John asked, unsure what to do next.

“Let’s call it a Mindstone.  It’s some old and illegal tech where I come from.  I borrowed it for a job.”  Bonham said as he sealed his jacket back up.

“Wait, what?”

“Long story.  Job was a combover from start to finish.  Now, I have to hide this, but I need to use it again in a few…what do you call them?  DAYS!  That’s right, days.  I’m getting better at this English thing.”  Bonham smiled, proud of himself for how quickly he picked up this primitive tongue.

“Why me?  Us?”  John asked, still unsure if he should touch the yellow stone.

“The Mindstone is old tech.  It takes a while to acclimate to the user, it’s based off of DNA sequences.  The longer a person holds it, the more it becomes one with them and the less they need the stone, but if another person takes possession it breaks that old connection.  And you know what we have in common?”

“We have the same DNA?”  John said.

“It’s close enough.  There’s some minor differences like radiation damage in your atmosphere and different diseases we’re each exposed to, but for where it counts, we’re the same person.  Of course, only one way to tell.  Go ahead, touch it.”  Bonham motioned to the Mindstone.

John hesitated for a moment before picking it up.  It glowed yellow, staying the same brightness it was before.  He felt a surge run through him, exciting and scaring him at the same time.  He looked at Bonham and heard…something.  No, he saw something now.  Thoughts and images coming to him.  He couldn’t understand any of it beyond the mundane, but the gist of it made sense.

Bonham smiled.  “Good, it’s keyed to both of us.  Keep it with you all times.  Don’t let anyone else hold it and use it for anything more than a brief moment, as it will slowly cut the connection.  The more they use it, the less we can use it until it dies.  I need this in 3 of my days, so I’ll come back here soon.  Maybe tonight, tomorrow, a moon time, whatever.  Time’s kinda fucky that way.”

“What does it do?”  John asked.  Bonham shook his head.

“It’s the MINDSTONE!  Think about it.”  Bonham exasperated.

“How does it work?”  John asked.

“Ask it.”  Bonham said as he looked at his left hand.  Weird writing that John couldn’t read came up on his hand but he could faintly hear Bonham curse to himself.

“What’s going on?”  John asked, thinking he already knew the answer.

“I have to go.  Ask the stone how it works.  Or don’t.  I’ll be back soon.”  He said as he grabbed his hat and stood up.  John got up to follow him to ask what trouble he was in, but before he could, Bonham left, walking through the door.  He didn’t open it, he just walked right through it, like it wasn’t there.  As soon as Bonham passed through the door, he couldn’t hear any more thoughts.

John sat back down in his chair, the table still a little wet from Bonham’s hat.  He played with the Mindstone in his hand.

“How does this work?”  John said to himself.


« Last Edit: August 31, 2022, 07:27:17 PM by LtBroccoli »
Always close the program you were running before exiting the holodeck

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John sat in his chair, stroking the Mindstone in his right hand.  The yellow light it gave off was both calming and discomforting at once.  He felt a connection to it, but wanted to explore it more.

“How do you work?”  John asked out loud.  As soon as he did, a voice spoke in an unknown tongue, completely alien to him.  Then again, and again, each time getting more and more recognizable.  It was only when John focused on listening to the voice that it became clear.

~“Thank you, for a moment I wasn’t sure you would draw me out.  Though, I do have to say I’m surprised I sound like this.  What do you call this language, English?  That’s new.”~  The voice echoed in John’s mind.  It sounded exactly like Paul Bettany.  ~“Why do I sound this way?”~

“I don’t know.  First disembodied voice I thought of was Jarvis.”  John said out loud.

~“Jarvis, is he a friend of yours?  Wait, I see it now.  He’s a character in a movie.  Movies, how quaint.  Jarvis was a character in the Avengers, Tony Stark’s AI.  And the Mindstone, which is such a primitive name, was one of the Infinity stones.  Seriously?  This is why I sound this way?So, what do you want to know.”~  The Mindstone said in John’s brain.

“How do you work?”  John asked.

~”Oh, so Bonham left me with a clone of himself who is dumber than a box of rocks.  How lovely.  No, not a clone…A copy on another world.  A world where I am by far the most sophisticated device in existence.  Oh my, I’m stuck here for 1 of your days.  Maybe longer?”~ Jarvis said.  John was going to call him Jarvis at this point by accident anyway, might as well get used to it.

“Listen, I’m-“ 

~”It’s bad enough you’re going to call me Jarvis, but you don’t have to use your voice.  Speak with your mind.  Think about what you want to say and say it.”~  Jarvis replied.

John thought for a moment, not forming any words.  Pictures and scenes of how the world works and what he wants to do came to the forefront.

~”Use your grown-up words.”~  Jarvis chided John.

~”What do you do?  How do you work?  What do we do together?”~

~”Ah, finally getting some good questions.  What you need to know is what I can or cannot do.  I will allow you some basic functions without much effort, such as reading surface thoughts and hearing what people say to themselves.  I will also let you block out people you don’t want to hear.”~. Jarvis said.

~”Wait, why’s that important?”~. John asked.

~”Do you want to hear and see every fat fuck’s thoughts as the hot girl in the sundress walks past?  Or listen to the little old lady comment on how much of a loser you?  Or feel the depression from your boss as they realize they made every mistake in their life?”~. Jarvis said.

“Good point.”  John said outloud, more out of reflex than anything else.  He could feel Jarvis grumble in disappointment.

~”On top of basic protections, I can also shield you from other telepathic and telekinetic powers, but I don’t sense that any of that is on this plane.  You won’t be with me long enough to develop strong TK powers, just enough to lightly brush something from across the room, or smack an object to make a noise.  And you can also choose to deep scan a mind, but there are limitations.  You can’t do it too often, and you can’t go too hard.  You are not strong enough to do this constantly, and pushing too hard into a mind can damage it.  Follow the mental river, don’t blast through doors.”~. Jarvis said.

~”I don’t follow.”~

~”Think of it like this.  The mind is like a series of rivers, streams.  Going upstream is hard, but following the current is easy.  If you want to find a piece of information, like a deeply guarded secret, busting in and pushing until you find it can leave damage.  But if you follow the stream of conscious thoughts, they’ll take you to them.  Get them thinking about similar thoughts, then follow those thoughts in.  Once inside, poke around carefully.”~

~”Okay, I think I get it.  Anything else you can do?”~

~”Like I said, I can help you plant thoughts and suggestions, and help you erase memories.  But you have to be specific about what you erase.  Make a mistake, and you render them braindead.  So select just a certain range, or features to wipe, or make a mental block so they cannot talk about what happened.  And you can only leave a mass suggestion as a top-level command, simple and succinct.  The more you try to do, the faster you will get tired and hurt yourself.”~. Jarvis told him.

~”There’s limits?”~. John wondered, still fidgeting with the stone in his hand.

~”Of course.  For example, I know you’re thinking about your ex and how’d you like to ‘make her pay’.  I won’t judge your morals or desires, as long as you don’t get me in trouble too.  But if you want to convince your ex to walk into the middle of a pack of strange men in a bar and have all of them gangrape her, it might be beyond your abilities.  First, you’d have to control her to go there above her own natural defenses.  Then you’d have to convince every man in the bar to override their higher cognitive functions and want to rape her.  Finally, you’d have to keep them focused on the task at hand.  I doubt you’ll be able to do that in a day or so.  You’d be better off either fucking her yourself or convincing one or two other men to do it, and those men would have to find her attractive to start with and have loose enough morals that raping her crosses their minds.  If you’re working on a crowd, plant simple suggestions.  One or two people, you can get more in-depth but like I said, if you are not careful you could permanently damage everyone involved.”~. One thing with a disembodied voice, they never have to stop to take a breath.

~”So I can read thoughts, hear thoughts which is a different thing.  What about seeing those thoughts?”~

~”Yes, seeing too.  Such primitive creatures, relying on visual stimuli for navigating the world.  You can see through their eyes as well, hear what they say and think, all of it.  Feel like taking a ride in someone’s mind as they fly a plane or skydive?  You can do that.  But you will suffer if you are in their minds when they die.  It’s not a pleasant experience, the less said of that the better.”~. Jarvis said, sounding a little different about the last point.

~”Ok, if I have you for one day.  What should I do?”~. John asked.

~”That’s your call.  You’ve thought a lot about sex during this conversation, so I figure that will happen at least once.  I’ve also seen your bank balance, that could use a jolt or two.  And your ex and her current lover are heavy on your mind.  I can almost taste your revenge.  Keep in mind that you will have to cover your tracks thoroughly.  I cannot help you after I leave, and whatever mess you get yourself into, you’re on your own.  You may want to practice wiping memories to defend yourself.  Your TK skills will not be anywhere near strong enough to kill a man with your mind by then, but if murder is on your menu I’d suggest planting thoughts in someone else’s mind, followed a strong desire to kill themselves.  Oh, don’t give me that, you aren’t the first person to plant ‘Kill your boss and then yourself’ into someone’s mind.  It’s right up there with changing how someone looks to another person so they can have sex with them.  So what will it be first?”~. Jarvis asked.  John sat on the couch, thinking long and hard.





« Last Edit: August 31, 2022, 07:28:31 PM by LtBroccoli »
Always close the program you were running before exiting the holodeck

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John twirled the Mindstone in his hand, then stood up.  He pocked it, then grabbed his keys.  He was going to go out and test his new toy.

As he left his apartment, he knew he made a huge mistake.  Old Lady Henshaw walked down the hallway and smiled at him.  What he heard and saw was a cacophony of jumbled thoughts, sounds, songs, and comments.  He followed her as best as he could to the elevator.  When the doors opened, a small family of African Americans were in the elevator.  The mom, father, and two kids.  Old Lady Henshaw smiled as she entered.  In the few seconds before the doors closed, he heard and saw so many nasty and vile things spew from what he thought was a little sweet old lady, and a few not-so-nice things from the parents.  Seems like Old Lady Henshaw was a racist who joyfully protested the forced integration of the schools in her neighborhood.  The words she thought when she saw that family shocked John.  Then the images of seeing them hung from a tree, interposed with memories of…wait.  John just realized that Old Lady Henshaw took part in a lynching.

As the doors closed, he felt relieved.  He ignored the thoughts from them as they wondered why the weirdo wasn’t getting on the lift, and shoved aside the stray thought from the husband who thought John was cute and how he wouldn’t mind letting him fuck his wife if he joined in.

John was not ready for this.  He went back to his apartment, closed and locked the door behind him, then sat at the table. 

« Last Edit: August 31, 2022, 07:29:05 PM by LtBroccoli »
Always close the program you were running before exiting the holodeck

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John decided that the smart thing would be to do a few small tests.  When he asked Jarvis about the range, the only answer was “direct line of sight.”  He asked if this would work over a video call, and after understanding the premise from John’s mind, Jarvis said that it was worth a test.  John started by logging into work and joining a video meeting with his boss, Roger.  He didn’t care for him, but they got along well enough.  As the video call started, he could tell that something was different.  He could hear both what Roger was saying out loud and thinking as well, though the images were a little jumbled and slow.  Jarvis explained this was due to a slow connection and that he should focus only on spoken thoughts.  John said that he needed to take a few days off, that something had just come up.  When he heard Roger think this was bullshit and someone had better have died, John used that and said that he had to visit a sick aunt that was dying and that he would be back soon and that his work was already caught up.  It was a little hard to implant the “work was done” thought but after what felt like an eternity, Roger said that as long as everything was done he’d sign off on it.  A moment later, and John’s vacation was approved.  A couple moments after that, Roger forgot why but felt that it was a good idea.

After that, John went on to Fansly looking for a cam girl he had a thing for.  He asked Jarvis if the person needed to see him for the tricks to work.  Jarvis didn’t believe so, just as long as there was some direct communication open.  He found a young woman from Texas who only did non-nude shows.  As he logged in and typed some basic stuff like ‘hi’ and giving a fake name, he concentrated on getting her to take her top off.  The lag made things difficult, but after a couple minutes she stretched and took off her tank top, exposing her titties.  She was confused for a minute as the responses came in from the crowd, but John made her feel that this was perfectly normal.  He planted suggestion after suggestion, slowly pushing her boundaries until she was playing with her tits, stripped naked, then masturbating for the camera and fucking her pussy with her own hairbrush.  When the show ended, she didn’t know what came over her, but John made sure to leave a suggestion that she enjoyed doing this and would do this again, especially if she saw his username come back online.

John dressed nice and left the apartment to test the Mindstone out in his neighborhood.  He listened in on other’s thoughts when they were interesting, blocked out those he didn’t want to hear, and even saw the world through their eyes and ears for a few moments.  He planted suggestions in a few people, stirring up chaos and levity.  The young couple holding hands at the bus stop made out and groped each other like they were long lost lovers getting ready to fuck, and he planted a simple “ignore” command to everyone else to mind their own business.  He found an old asshole and after checking out his bank balance and bills, made him go to the ATM and withdraw $2,000, then hand it to John before turning around and forgetting the whole thing.  He tried it again with another person, but they were too strong willed to fall for this trick.

After getting some tacos for free from the local taqueria, he thought about his next move.  He saw an ad for a brokerage firm on the side of a bus that gave him an idea for permanently fixing his financial situation.  He also saw a fine ass chick walking down the street in a pair of cut-off shorts.  There was also getting back at his ex, or picking a fight between some strangers.




« Last Edit: August 31, 2022, 07:29:57 PM by LtBroccoli »
Always close the program you were running before exiting the holodeck

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John decided that a good use of his powers would be to increase his wealth by a substantial amount.  He could hang around wealthy parts of town and make people give him money, but there was an easier way of acquiring a small fortune, and the answer came to him on the side of a bus.  He’d go to a financial consultant’s office and work his magic there.

It didn’t take him long to get downtown and get to the nearest Charles Schwabb office.  From there, he just hung around in the lobby until he heard the thoughts of a financial consultant that was high up enough the food chain to work with and implanted a few suggestions and made him very eager to help John.  Jarvis listened along, curious how this world’s money system worked.

John’s target was Mark, an older man with enough know-how and pull to understand the in’s and out’s of the entire financial system.  After a little digging, it looked like Mark knew how to rip off the system because he’d been doing it for years.  Now, he would help John set up the same thing.

Mark was very eager to help John set up some back channels and offshore accounts and use some LLC’s to shield him from any money laundering charges as Mark transferred $10 million into accounts that John or his designated contacts would have access to, as well as a healthy investment into Berkshire Hathaway.  $1 million in stock options alone would set John up for life, but the extra money would go a long way to changing his world.  Plus, with John’s suggestions Mark was more than happy to move the money from various offshore accounts through unrelated LLC’s to make sure it went from drug dealers and mobsters and politicians to John.  From a little digging, that’s how Mark made himself his fortune.

Before John left, he planted a blocker in Mark’s memory about this incident.  Mark would remember bits and pieces, but couldn’t for the life of him figure out who John was or what he looked like.  Mark wouldn’t be able to explain his activities that day even if he tried and the clients wanting to know where their money went wouldn’t ask too many questions because they’d have to explain where it came from.

As John walked downtown, he wondered what else he should do today.  He listened to the thoughts of some of the passers by and heard them talk about an obnoxious street preacher down the street.  He also saw a gorgeous business woman waiting for a ride.  Or John could go back home and see where things went from there.



« Last Edit: August 31, 2022, 07:30:33 PM by LtBroccoli »
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John saw the brunette woman walk past, wearing a pair of cut-off jean shorts, a crop top, and tennis shoes.  Her ass caught his eyes first, but the rest was sweet as fuck.  He tried to get her to stop, but she was already getting out of range.  Apparently line of sight also means ‘stay within 100 for best results.’  John walked after her, picking up the pace to get within range of hearing her thoughts.

Her name was Carley, and she was in a hurry.  Something he was picking up from this little mind reading tutorial, people in a hurry or preoccupied make great targets.  She was so focused on getting home and feeding her cat and charging her phone that she didn’t notice John get close to her.  She didn’t hear him as she opened the door to her apartment, and didn’t even realize she left the door open a smidge longer than usual so John could follow her in.  The only thing she felt was weird was how she momentarily forgot which apartment was hers before saying 303 to herself.  She climbed the stairs to the third floor and once again paused for no reason she could think.

When she opened the apartment door, she was shocked as this strange man followed her in, but she didn’t scream or yell.  In fact, a moment later and she thought this was perfectly normal.  So normal that as she fed Archminster Felinius, she kicked off her shoes and took off her crop top.  She skipped the bra today, not that her A-cup titties really needed a lot of support.  She was jealous of other women with bigger boobs but always thought her legs and ass were her best features.  A wave of warmth came over her as she thought that, almost like she was excited and overheating at once.

As she turned around, she saw this man standing in front of her, still dressed as she unbuttoned her shorts and slid them down, stepping out of them.  Now he was taking his clothes off.  She tried to place where she knew him.  This wasn’t her boyfriend or any guy she met online.  He looked familiar but different.  Carley tried to place where she knew him from as he took off his shirt and loosened his pants.  She thought more and more about where she knew him as she knelt down between his legs and took his cock into her mouth.

She felt confusion and panic for a moment, but John made that go away with a simple thought.  Instead, she became so focused on sucking his dick that she didn’t even bother to ask him his name.  Not that he would’ve told her, anyway.

While Carley bobbed her head up and down on his dick, she felt the urge to play with herself.  Normally she wouldn’t do this, but for some reason this felt like the right thing to do.  She knew that she was going to fuck him soon, right as soon as she led him to her bed.  Which was something she did, without saying a word.

John wanted to fuck her brains out, and planted the idea that it was time to head to her room.  She led him, all the while taking inventory of what she thought.  Each new thought of panic she had about this stranger fucking her was pushed away, but the more it became real to her, the more she struggled.  It took a lot of his efforts to make her think she wanted this.  He’ll have to remember this down the line.  Instead, he remembered what Jarvis said “go with the flow.”  She thought of sex and didn’t want to fuck John, but this let John go through her mind to find someone she did want to fuck, and a little twist of her perceptions and suddenly John was ‘close enough’ for her tastes.

As much as he hates fucking with a rubber, he went along with it when she had a thought about how she wasn’t sure if she took her birth control this morning.  He left a reminder for her to do that every morning, but went along with the condoms for now.  He made her put it on him, then started fucking her.  John wasn’t prepared for the overload of senses that came from being a telepath while fucking, but enjoyed it as much as possible.  Hearing her think about the instructions made it much better for both of them, and he was able to get her off, much to her surprise.

He fucked her for a solid 20 minutes before he felt the urge to cum.  When he said he was going to, he picked up where Carley thought she wanted him to bust his nut, on her belly.  He pulled out, sliding the condom off and shot his load all over her belly.

John collapsed on the bed next to Carley.  She looked at him with a look that alternated between shocked horror and content bliss.  She was freaking out about fucking a stranger, but for some reason enjoyed it.

As John sat there, he looked at her again.  He gave her a small instruction in her mind to stay on the bed while he went to the bathroom.  She needed to go to the bathroom, but would wait until he was done.

John thought for a moment.  Carley was hot as fuck and had a cute little ass.  From what he could sense, she really didn’t like anal sex.  Should he leave and go about his day, or take her ass?


« Last Edit: August 31, 2022, 07:31:32 PM by LtBroccoli »
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John felt his dick stirring back to life, surprised at how horny and ready he felt.  Jarvis knew what he was thinking and gave him some ideas on how to make this happen.  John was impressed at the idea.  He grabbed a washcloth and a bottle of lotion and left the bathroom.

Carley looked at him with confusion then fear.  When he said “Roll over” so forcefully, she felt like she had no choice but to obey.  Suddenly, out of nowhere, she had a washcloth shoved in her mouth and her hands, she couldn’t move her hands.  She blinked and saw that she was now tied to her own bed.  What, when, how?

John implanted the command for her to roll over then stick her ass up in the air.  He then instructed her to think that she was bound and gagged to her bed.  He shoved the washcloth in her mouth as insurance, but she struggled mightily against non-existent ropes.  John applied a little bit of the lotion to her asshole and his dick before he pushed into her ass.

Carley screamed into the gag and pulled against the ropes that only she saw as hard as she could.  She felt this strange man’s dick enter her ass, spearing her in two.  She cried as he started fucking her ass.  She hated this under normal conditions, but now, now he was raping her asshole and causing her so much pain and there was nothing she could do.

John felt and heard the thoughts Carley gave off and felt so alive, he couldn’t believe how close he was to cumming already.  He felt the pain he gave her and enjoyed it.  He tasted the humiliation he caused her and loved it.  He gripped her hips as hard as he could and held himself in place as he came in her ass.  Carley collapsed on the bed, crying.  She laid there for several minutes as he cleaned himself up.  After a minute or so, she realized that the ropes holding her down were gone.

John knew he had too much to do and left.  He cleaned himself up in the bathroom and gathered up his clothes while Carley lay on the bed. 

After he dressed, he gave her some instructions.  She would forget that this happened, but would recognize that he had power over her.  He gave her a command phrase that would cause her to be his whore going forward.  She would follow his suggestions going forward, but only when he told her about radioactive kangaroos in Siberia.  By the time he left her bedroom, she had forgotten what happened, but had this strange feeling that she couldn’t describe.


« Last Edit: August 31, 2022, 07:32:04 PM by LtBroccoli »
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John knew he had too much to do and left.  He cleaned himself up in the bathroom and gathered up his clothes while Carley lay on the bed. 

After he dressed, he gave her some instructions.  She would forget that this happened, but would recognize that he had power over her.  He gave her a command phrase that would cause her to be his whore going forward.  She would follow his suggestions going forward, but only when he told her about radioactive kangaroos in Siberia.  By the time he left her bedroom, she had forgotten what happened, but had this strange feeling that she couldn’t describe.


« Last Edit: August 31, 2022, 07:32:28 PM by LtBroccoli »
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Re: The Mindstone (CYOA Under construction, includes MF,oral,anal,ncon,viol)
« Reply #10 on: August 31, 2022, 05:04:16 PM »

John looked at his watch.  It was still too early for his ex to be home.  He could visit her later on in the evening.



« Last Edit: August 31, 2022, 07:33:08 PM by LtBroccoli »
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Re: The Mindstone (CYOA Under construction, includes MF,oral,anal,ncon,viol)
« Reply #11 on: August 31, 2022, 05:04:49 PM »

John wanted to test how far he could drive people to go against their own morals.  He sat there for a moment, trying to think of a way to do that when he saw two people walking towards each other in the street.  They were two average men in their 30’s, not important in any way he could tell, and neither with any pressing thoughts on their mind.  John pushed two thoughts into their minds about fighting, and wanted to see what happened.

Nothing.  No one did anything.

He tried again, but still nothing.  By the time he had a reason why, they were out of range and away from each other.  Turns out people don’t like to just fight each other without reason.  They didn’t have a reason to hate each other.  He needed to find two people that didn’t like each other.

Back at the bus stop, he found a woman looking at everyone with anger and disgust.  She was a middle aged white woman, standing next to a small group of Latina women.  John pushed into her mind.  Her name was Susan, and she was in her 50’s and spent a lot of time watching Fox News and various Right Wing Media.  She hated how the Mexicans near her spoke Spanish and assumed they must be talking about her.  It didn’t take much pushing for John to stoke her hatred and bigotry, causing her to slap one of the Mexican women.  A fight ensued, and one of the nearby witnesses called the cops.  Susan couldn’t explain why she hit the first woman, but admitted it felt good to do so.

John smiled, taking this as a lesson.  To get someone to commit violence, they have to be violent and hate-filled to begin with.



« Last Edit: August 31, 2022, 07:33:56 PM by LtBroccoli »
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Re: The Mindstone (CYOA Under construction, includes MF,oral,anal,ncon,viol)
« Reply #12 on: August 31, 2022, 05:05:24 PM »

When John heard the thoughts of the crowd around the preacher, he knew he came to the right place.  The preacher was one of those hypocritical ones that screamed about how evil the world is while he steals from his congregation.  John walked in through the preacher’s mind and began to work.

The preacher’s name was Samuel, and he was an asshole.  He preached about the evils of sin and homosexuality while his favorite thing to do when he was alone was to watch lesbian porn paid for by donations from his church.  He also cheated on his wife with a woman in the church who was much, much younger than him.

His assistant, Timothy, stood by his side every day and was a true believer who bought into the bullshit Samuel was shoveling.  Timothy was much younger and smaller than Samuel, probably fresh out of high school and getting ready to start his mission.

John had a plan, and asked Jarvis if he could copy and paste memories from one person to another.  Jarvis didn’t see why that wouldn’t work, and let him try it.  John copied the memories of Samuel lying and cheating, stealing and fornicating, and planted them into Timothy’s mind.  The young man was shocked and enraged.  He felt that everything he believed was a lie.  That’s when John implanted the notion that Timothy should kick Samuel’s ass.

Samuel didn’t see it coming.  Timothy beat him with one of their placards, then pummeled him with his bookbag and then his fists and feet.  John held the crowd back as long as he could to let Timothy kick Samuel’s ass before someone overpowered his suggestions and jumped in to save the older man.  When Timothy was asked why, he told anyone who would listen about Samuel’s secrets, vowing to destroy the man.  Several people watched and one person recorded the whole thing and uploaded it to YouTube.  For some reason, they had a feeling that this was worth recording.

John left the crowd, returning to the bus stop.  The businesswoman was still there.


« Last Edit: August 31, 2022, 07:34:26 PM by LtBroccoli »
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Re: The Mindstone (CYOA Under construction, includes MF,oral,anal,ncon,viol)
« Reply #13 on: August 31, 2022, 05:06:17 PM »

John followed the businesswoman down the street, trying to hear her thoughts.  She was in a hurry, trying to get out of downtown.  She was looking for her Uber, which should be here shortly.  He kept up as best as he could, but she was walking fast enough to almost be a sprint.  He sent a ‘slow down’ message that was followed for a moment before she looked at her watch and sped up in a panic.  He found that it was easier to speed up and make passers by ignore him than to get her to slow down. 

She stopped by at a street corner, looking around.  She spotted him looking at her, then gave John a look that said ‘what’s this creep want?’  That’s what he heard her think.  He relaxed, sending an impression that he was just a nobody and no one to worry about.  Still, she resisted that thought.

John slid into her mind as he pulled out a phone and leaned up against a building.  Her name was Mina, and she was stressed out from work.  She was a pretty woman with black hair, pale white skin, and brown eyes.  She had a figure that just didn’t quit and wore a checkered gray and black jacket and matching miniskirt.  Her black pantyhose showed off her amazing legs and her 3 inch pumps made her look even taller than she already was.  She was a paralegal at a law firm, and hated her coworkers, especially the old creepy men and the way they always checked her out.  She just wanted to get home, work out, then take a bath and relax.  Too bad she lived all the way out in the suburbs and her car was broken down.  She could take the bus, but it would take longer than just getting an Uber, even in rush hour.

When he saw where she lived, he went through her memories to get her address.  He had her apartment number and how to get in her building.  Now, he thought about getting back to his apartment then going to her place when an idea struck him.  After talking it over with Jarvis, he had a plan.

A couple minutes later, Mina’s Uber pulled up to the corner.  She recognized the driver from his picture and the car matched the description.  She climbed into the car and for some reason slid over to behind the driver’s seat as John slid in right next to her in the back seat.  She barely noticed him, and the driver, Caleb, didn’t say anything after a small suggestion.  Mina finally looked at him in shock, but couldn’t say anything.  A moment later, she looked at the seat like it was empty.

John sent a message for Mina to ignore him completely.  She didn’t notice him sit next to her, or notice him touch her arm or leg.  She would feel something touch her, but looked and saw nothing.  Even when the touching felt like it was on her face or breasts or even inside her thighs, she didn’t see anything.  Strangely, over time she felt more and more aroused as Caleb drove.  But she didn’t know why.  Mina had no clue that John was molesting her the entire car ride.  He kept her clothes on as best as he could, but after 20 minutes of sitting in traffic playing with her over her clothes, he started unbuttoning her blouse and spreading her legs enough to caress her pussy over her hose and undies.

Caleb was getting a great show, but couldn’t say anything about it.  When he tried, his words failed him.  Still, he could see everything John did to this woman, and was amazed at how well she just ignored everything.

By the time they arrived at her place, she was on the verge of an orgasm, but didn’t know why.  She left and made a beeline for her door.  She didn’t notice John behind her, even as she held the door open for her.

John waited for the door to close before he made the suggestion that she should fuck him right now.  She tried to struggle against it, but being hot and bothered broke down her defenses.  He let her see him for the first time since the car ride started and suppressed a scream, causing her to panic inside even more.  What was worse for Mina was that she found herself taking off her jacket and sliding her skirt up as she mouthed “please, not this.”

A mental suggestion and Mina was gripping onto the countertop for dear life as she felt her hose pulled down over her sweet ass and her panties pushed to the side.  This strange man reached around and pulled her blouse open, exposing her bra-covered tits.  Then she felt this stranger, this man she didn’t know, slide something into her quim.  It was his cock.  He was fucking her in her living room, and she had no way to stop him.  She wanted to scream no, but the only words that came out were cries of encouragement and moans of pleasure.

Mina panicked, not knowing why she was fucking this stranger in her living room, let alone screaming how much she wanted his dick when she tried to scream for help.  She wanted to run away, not spread her legs further apart for him.  She wanted to cry, not moan.

John held onto her hips as he fucked her hard and fast, knowing that he would cum soon.  As much as he wanted to bust a nut in her twat, he felt that making her suck him off would be a great end to the day’s festivities.  With a quick command, he made her get on her knees and blocked her from biting down as he shoved his dick in her mouth.  It only took a minute until he was ready to cum.  When he heard her think that she didn’t want it on her face, he had no choice but to pull out and give her a facial, blasting his spunk in her hair, on her face, and on her tits.

Mina collapsed on the floor thinking about what happened.  John went to the bathroom and cleaned himself up.  When he returned, he implanted a few suggestions.  She wouldn’t remember the drive or the sex.  Somehow, she just zoned out when she got in the Uber.  When she got home, she took a nap but now needed a shower and to masturbate until she came twice.  However, he left a command phrase that would let her remember this and make her his whore again.  He also left some suggestions about her being a little more forthcoming at the office.  If she showed a little skin or flirted with the older lawyers, she might get a promotion a little faster, and she would be open to do whatever she had to for a promotion.

Whatever she had to do.

As soon as John left, Mina sat on her floor confused.  She was half dressed, covered in cum, and horny as hell.  She had no clue where the semen came from, and that should scare the shit out of her, but for some reason this just felt normal.  Right now, she knew she needed to get in the shower and soak up.  And maybe see what naughtiness she could get up to tonight.

John booked an Uber and left the area, returning back to his neck of the woods.  He wasn’t sure if he should go home, go to the college town, or go find his ex.


« Last Edit: August 31, 2022, 07:35:09 PM by LtBroccoli »
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Re: The Mindstone (CYOA Under construction, includes MF,oral,anal,ncon,viol)
« Reply #14 on: August 31, 2022, 05:06:37 PM »

He checked his watch.  From what he knew of his ex’s schedule, she wouldn’t be back at her place for another few hours.  He’d have to wait until later.

« Last Edit: August 31, 2022, 07:35:47 PM by LtBroccoli »
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