Hi guys, for those who don't know there is a video game series called Mass Effect, it is a sci-fi series with a fair number of Alien species as well as humans. As it is a Bioware game a fair number of these Aliens are fuckable in game (not that sort of game, always fades to black before the good stuff happens). I was wondering for the good folks of the RU, which of these species would you like to fuck most?
I'll give a few examples with pros/cons for you.
Asari, all female race, skin tone ranges from purple to green, uses a mental for of procreation, allowing them to breed with pretty much any sentient race, downside is all offspring will be Asari but with genetic traits of the partner. General considered sexy.
Turians, evolved from birds, has a different chirility from Humans, meaning humans are probably allergic, so try not to ingest. Very strong, martial culture. Known for reach and flexibility. known to be physically compatible with humans
Quarians, nomadic race, probably the most human like in terms of features, suspeted to be the only other species with hair, again different chirility, cannot share food and ingestion of fluids is probably a bad idea. No immune system so they live in biosuits. Faces are never shown in game. known to be compatible with humans physically.
Humans, well if you don't know what humans are then i cannot help you at this point, just hit your erection till it goes away for the sake of the rest of the species.
Krogans, big lizards, four balls, live incredibly long lives, have redundant biological systems to increase survivability, eg two hearts. have four balls, unknown number of penises, unknown if compatible with humans.
Drell, lizard like, have perfect recall, skin secretions are a halucigenic in humans, so you could have a great trip while fucking. Short lives, physically compatible with humans.
Batarian, four eyes, humanoid, hate humans, great for hatefucking. generally proslavery.
Geth, robots created by the Quarians, kinda took over their native planet. they are robots it is unknown if a human could have relations with them, but hey, anything is a dildo if you're brave enough.
Those are a few of the species, more can be found on the Mass Effect wiki.
So what do y'all think?