College years. A few songs from my college years that stand out.
I was in there from 2004-2007 but some of the songs are older and today make me think of clubs, pubs and parties, not to mention the commute on the train everyday.
Harvey Danger. Flagpole Sitta
This song by an obscure US band that this is their only hit in the UK made popular by the hit show that I adored called Peep Show which came out and was watched in my college years. Great times.
From one of my favorite bands Feeder.
Feeling a Moment. Just a beautiful powerful song and one I grew up to as I grew out of the teenage rebellion songs, and more into easy listening.
However one of those revolt bands remained in my playlist and that was Evanescence. This one was just marvelous in the Summer of 06, had my first car then and this was played down the motorways, streets, country lanes and along the coast! Nostalgic now.
Graduation!!! Love this summer jive from a former Sugababe
Not very heard outside the UK Imagine but thank goodness I’ve heard it
Song for Mutya by Groove Armada
It’s not college without Green Day and this is was and always will be one of my favorites. My high school graduation song so just the start of a new phase in life.
It’s Green Day Time of Your Life
And about this time I began listening to Soundarden. Nothing else said just sex……..and even sexier songs and singer. RIP Chris Cornell!
Soundgarden. Burden In My Hand!
Enjoy xxx