Author Topic: Veto: A Club of Chester County Story (Story Completed with Part 3)  (Read 3312 times)

Offline LtBroccoli

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VETO: A Club of Chester County Story

A screenplay by LtBroccoli

AUTOHR’S NOTE:  The following story is completely fictional.  All characters and locations are made up.  This story includes graphic depictions of sexual violence, assault, rape, breaking and entering, distracted driving, and bigotry.  The author does not condone any of this.  Especially the distracted driving part, put the phone down while you’re driving, that text can wait.

This story takes place in the Harbor City Universe and includes characters from the Club of Chester County, Bob and the Mean Girls, Lake Hiawatha, Marital Strife, Pharma, and a couple other stories.  They are not required reading but would go a long way to understanding the background.

This story is my entry for May’s story contest, the Easter Egg Hunt.  I’ve wanted to write this story for a while and the opportunity presented itself.  It will be delivered in three parts.  The first part is released tonight.  The second part will be in a couple weeks.  The final part will be before the end of the month.

PART 1 (MF, MF/F, rape, bond, viol, bigotry)

In a different part of town in an upper middle-class neighborhood, a Bichon Frise puppy runs around the yard.  A woman in her early 40’s watches the dog run.  She stands at 5’2”, has a curvy figure, an ample bosom, and dark brown hair cut in a Karen.  Her name is MARI.  She wears a pair of white tennis shoes, a pair of yoga pants, and a gray workout shirt covering a sports bra.  She’s bent over, clapping for the dog.

Come on, Pippen.

The dog runs to her.  She picks up the little white fluffball and carries him inside.


Mari carries the dog inside and closes the door behind her.  A tween boy plays on a tablet on a couch in the living room.

Mari walks through the house, down the stairs and into the basement.  She passes by the family room.  A girl about 7 years old was playing with Barbie’s while a 5-year-old boy watched a Pixar movie about talking toys.  She passes the kids and approaches a door.  She knocks on it.

You in there?

Footsteps are barely heard and followed by a pair of door locks being undone.  The door opens and Mari enters.


Inside the home office, Mari closes the door behind her.  She locks both the door handle lock and the chain lock.  A man walks across the office and sits down behind a desk.  A pair of large monitors sat on the desk as he slid into the seat.  This is JOE, Mari’s husband.  He’s 5’7” with dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, and a widow’s peak hairline.  Joe wears a pair of gym shorts and a black zip-up hoodie.

You get my mail?

Pretty.  What do you know about her?

She’s one of my clients at work.  We’re pretty close as far as work goes, but...

You hate her?

She’s just so...It’s like she’s perfect without trying, and she’s always pointing out every little mistake we make.

Sounds like she needs knocked down a peg or two?

Yeah.  You know, that thing we talked about-

Not right away.  I want to be there, make sure everything’s safe.  Unless you want someone I pick.

Yeah, no thanks.  I’d rather not do that with Sam.

What if he’s part of a package deal?

What is this, like a 2 for 1 coupon?

Joe navigates to the file Mari sent him.  He pulls it up on screen.

She’s cute.

Mari gives him a dirty look.

What?  I’m just saying she’s good looking.  Should get a nice trade in respond.

I know.  I’d love to see you make her scream, but I guess those are the rules.

You got everything?

Think so.  Address, schedule, when she goes out by herself.  Didn’t have an alarm, said her husband has some guns.

What about the neighbors?

I drove past once a while back.  It’s a quiet street, only a handful of houses.

Okay then.  Let’s make an offer.

Mari strokes Joe’s shoulders as he finishes his work on the Club’s website.  He’s uploading an offer.  The picture he attaches to the file is of Mari’s client...

Angie Hartman.




An empty house with a realtor’s For Sale sign sits among a collection of other houses.  A black pickup, a 2018 F-150 King Ranch edition, is parked in the driveway, backed in so the license plate can’t be seen by the neighbors.  The yard is a little long and all of the lights are out, indicating that the house is empty.  The closest street light is several hundred feet away, leaving the house in near total blackness.

A pair of figures, dressed almost completely in black, approach the truck.  They are both wearing black pants, black shoes, a black hoodie, and ballcaps.  The figure in front is a little shorter and more full-figured than the one behind.  The one behind carries a bookbag with them.  As they see the truck, the first figure almost breaks into a sprint.

Slow down!

The other figure, obviously a woman, forces herself to pull back the reigns on her running.  As she approaches the truck, it unlocks.  She climbs into the passenger’s seat.  The man, Joe, follows by getting into the driver’s seat.


Joe closes the truck’s door and hands the woman next to him the bag he was carrying.  He starts the truck.  She takes off her hat.  It’s Mari.  She leans across the console, grabs him, and kisses him.

I love you.

I love you too.

Joe puts the truck into drive and they leave.  The sound of dogs barking can be heard as they drive away.


Joe and Mari drive through the suburbs and the city, back to their home.  Joe does his best to keep the truck under the speed limit.


Joe looks nervous as he drives the truck.  Mari is a barely contained ball of energy.

Oh my God, that was amazing.  I can’t believe that happened.  That was so, so intense.  Let’s do that again!

One thing at a time, honey.  One thing at a time.  First, we have to get this uploaded and sent off.  Once that’s done, you’re officially in.  Whatever we want to do from there, we can do.

Want to watch it?

Not tonight.  Besides, it’s Wednesday night and we both have work tomorrow.

How are you-

Listen, I know you’re excited.  I am too.  It’s the adrenaline talking.  We’re gonna come down and crash soon.  Listen, as soon as we get home I’m gonna fuck you like you deserve, but right now we’re riding that high of a job well done.  Best thing to do is get home, fuck, go to bed.  Tomorrow we’ll upload the footage.  Then we’ll watch everything Friday night.

Saturday, Justin has a sleepover Friday.  Crystal’ll watch the kids Saturday night, we’ll have the house to ourselves.

Good call.

Mari sits for a second, thinking before she speaks.

Hey, speaking of my sister, you ever think about her and this?  Like, you know...

I...decline to answer that question under the grounds that it might incriminate me.

Mari laughs a little.

You seriously pleading the fifth on that?  I’ve seen how you check her out sometimes.

One of my rules, don’t burn the babysitter.  Not to say the thought hasn’t crossed my mind, but good babysitters are hard to find.  Besides, she’s real close and we would need air-tight alibis for that.  Like, vacuum of space air tight.  First people the cops suspect are those closest to them.  Usually after that they stop looking.  That’s why this is set up the way it is.

Mari puts the bag down on the floor.  She leans over, resting her arms on the console.  While Joe is driving, she reaches her hand out and grabs his crotch.

So, seeing Crystal like that, all tied up on her bed, crying for help, that doesn’t turn you on?

Joe breathes a little as his pants tighten under her hand.  She strokes him through his black jeans.

Yeah, watching her squirm as some stranger fucks her, hurts her, humiliates her, right on her bed.

Joe looks out the window to see where they’re at.  They’re turning into their housing plan.  Just another minute and they’ll be home.

Keep talking, we’re almost home.

How naughty was she?  What was she wearing when he came in the house?  Was she wearing that pink silk nightie that you’ve ‘accidentally’ walked in and seen her change into?  The one that can be ripped off with one good tug.  Or was it summertime, and she’s in that old Nirvana shirt that’s so big when she bends over you can see all the way down?  Too hot for shorts, just the t-shirt tonight.  Not even panties tonight.  Hmmm, like that.  She’s only wearing a t-shirt, when he comes in her bedroom.  Before she can move, he’s on her, covering her mouth.  See the look in her eyes, the fear, the panic, then the realization of the lust in his.  She tries to move, but she can’t.  He’s too big for her.  He’s gonna make her scream in more ways than one.  He’s tying her up to the headboard, pulling her shirt up.  He sucks on her tits, biting her nipples.  How’s that, hearing Crystal cry?  You like that?  Your dick tells me you like that.

He sees their house.  Joe pulls the truck into the driveway and opens the garage remotely.  Mari keeps stroking his dick through his pants as he stops the truck.  As soon as he parks, he turns it off and swings open the door.

Grab the bag.

He climbs out of the truck.  Mari grabs the bag and climbs out.


Mari gets out of the truck and walks into the garage, holding the bag.  As soon as she’s inside, the door closes.


The garage is messy and crowded.  Random junk is littered on the floor, with some more random housewares spread around the room and on shelving against the walls.  A door leads to the basement.  There’s a clearing in the middle of the garage floor, near an old weight bench.

Joe grabs Mari and kisses her, hard.  He grabs the bag out of her hand puts it on a stack of bins.  Before she can react, he pushes her toward the weight bench.  She almost trips, but catches herself.  Joe grabs the waistband of her black yoga pants and pulls them down.  She’s not wearing any panties tonight.  She lays down on the weight bench, shimmying her pants down and over her ankles.  She kicks her sneakers off.  Joe undoes his jeans and pushes them down, exposing his hard-on.

He pounces on Mari and plunges into her.  She’s already wet, and fucks her with great enthusiasm.  She moans and he breathes hard, covering her mouth with kisses to keep her from screaming.  After a couple minutes of hard, forceful fucking, he shudders as he cums in her.  This time, he kisses her again, much softer this time.


It’s the following Saturday afternoon.  The weather is nice and three kids run around the yard, playing with the dog Pippen.  The three kids, Justin, Juliette, and Jayden, run around in shorts and t-shirts, enjoying the warm weather.  Justin is the oldest at 11, Juliette is 7, and Jayden is the youngest at 5.  Watching them play, Mari sits on the porch, drinking water from a workout bottle.  She’s wearing black yoga pants and a red t-shirt that is barely big enough for her breasts.  As the kids are running around, Joe walks outside.  He’s carrying a travel mug of coffee.

They almost ready to go?

Soon.  Everything is packed up in the truck.  They’re just, well, you know.


Joe takes a sip of coffee.

Crystal’s watching them tonight, we drop them off, get a bite to eat, then we have the whole night to ourselves.

One big, empty house.  How good is the soundproofing from the basement?

Pretty good.  Can’t go crazy down there but can definitely enjoy ourselves.

Joe looks at his watch.  He turns to the kids playing in the yard.

C’mon kids, get in the truck.

Mari stands up, locking the door to the house behind her.

Time to go to your cousin’s.  Justin, grab the dog, he can sit in the back with all of you.  Let’s go.

The kids moan and mumble for a moment then get in the truck.  After a minute, Joe and Mari climb in and they leave.

Time passes.


A couple hours have passed and Joe and Mari have returned.  They enter the house. Pippen runs into the yard, relieving himself before going inside.


As soon as the door closes behind them, Joe has Mari up against the wall, kissing her, rubbing his hands all over her.  She returns the favor for a moment before breaking off the kiss.

You set up the video, I’ll get us some drinks.

Deal.  Which one you want to watch first?

Surprise me.

Got it.

Joe kisses her one last time, then grabs her ass as he heads toward the basement.  She smirks, walking to the kitchen.


The basement of their house is fully furnished, split into a family room and an office.  The office, Joe’s office, is closed and locked right now.  The family room has a large sectional couch in it where the whole family can sit and watch movies around a large screen TV.  Joe is busy hooking up his laptop to the TV.  As he finishes, Mari comes downstairs, carrying two drinks.  She has a glass of white wine for her and a rocks glass with a whiskey sour in it for Joe.  She hands him his drink as he logs in to the Club’s website, mirroring the footage on the TV.


Joe takes a sip, nodding in enjoyment.  Mari sits on the couch, putting her drink on the endtable.

Which one we watching first?

I think ours.  I know how ours went, and I want the surprise of seeing that bitch you work with suffer.


Mari takes a sip of wine as Joe starts up the video.  He then clicks on full-screen theater mode so there aren’t any interruptions.  He kills the lights in the room before sitting down next to Mari, drink in one hand and other arm around his wife.

It’s starting.


Inside of a small and messy bedroom, two masked figures walk around, scoping the place out.  They’re dressed in all black, but have masks on over their face.  They both have ballcaps on, generic ones for a local sports team.  One is a short woman with black hair, the other is a slightly taller man with very short hair.  It’s Mari and Joe, from a couple nights earlier.  Instead of looking for things to steal, they’re setting up things on a queen-sized bed.  They’re attaching handcuffs to the headboard and some leg restraints to the footboard.  They pull the covers down, getting down to the sheets.  A bag is off to the side of the bed.  Joe reaches in and grabs two ski masks and a gun.  He motions for Mari to turn away from the camera, so not to get their face in the frame.  The ballcaps come off and the masks go on, concealing their hair.  Joe checks the gun.  He reaches into the bag again, pulling out a pocket knife.  He gives it to Mari.

For a long moment, nothing happens on screen.  Then Joe looks at Mari and kisses her on the mask.

Get the second camera ready.  Only the use the knife to scare her.  Remember, no names.

Got it.

Joe leaves the bedroom.


Joe and Mari are cuddling on the couch.  He’s drinking his whiskey sour while she’s having her wine.  Her free hand rubs on his thigh.


Mari stands in the bedroom, unfolding the knife as best she can while wearing gloves.  They’re black nitrile gloves, but it’s obvious from watching she’s not used to them.  She pulls out a smartphone and turns on it’s camera feature.  In the distance, she hears something.  A door opens, followed by a quick scream, then a thump and a man’s voice.

Scream and you’re a dead bitch.  Now move!  Up the stairs, no fucking funny business.

A moment later, two figures appear.  A woman, slightly shorter than Joe, then Joe.  The woman was shoved into frame, then pushed on the bed.  She tries to push up, but Joe pounces on her, knocking the wind out of her and putting an elbow in the back of her neck.  Mari steps around the bed, shooting her face with the camera.  Joe puts the gun to the woman’s head.

What’s your name bitch?  I said what’s your name!?

Ivy.  Ivy Vasquez.

Well Ivy, here’s the deal.  You don’t scream for help, you don’t make a fuss, you do what we say, you make it through this.  You don’t, you die.  Comprende?

Si, comprende.

Joe slaps Ivy across the back of the head.

Fucking wetback bitch.  Arms up, reach for the sky.

Ivy moves her arms up towards the headboard.  Joe moves a pillow, exposing a pair of handcuffs.  He slaps the cuffs on one wrist then the other.  He slides down the bed, keeping his weight on her legs, preventing her from kicking.  He points to the shoes.  Mari reaches over, hand shaking as the pulls off the first sneaker, than the other.

Joe stands up.  Ivy is laying on the bed, face down.  She’s a thicc Latina, probably in her 30’s or early 40’s.  Her body says 20’s with it still being in good shape but the hair is a solid salt and pepper.  Her wavy graying hair comes down past her shoulders.  She’s wearing a pair of workout yoga shorts and a sports bra.

Please don’t hurt me.

Flip over.

Please, don’t.

Joe grabs her far leg and pulls it, flipping her over.  They finally get a good look at her front side.  Even laying down, her tits are huge, easily a DD or DDD cup inside of her pink sports bra.  Her gray shorts show a little pink underneath, likely her panties.  Her fingernails, toenails, and lipstick are all the same shade of pink as the hint of her undies.

Look at that.  Grab the leg.

Got it.

Joe grabs one leg while Mari goes for the other.  Ivy, tries to kick, but Joe points the gun in her face again.

Don’t.  Fucking.  Try it.

Ivy freezes.  Mari takes a moment to attach the leg cuff around her right ankle.  Joe keeps the gun drawn on Ivy as Mari makes her way back over and gets the next cuff.  Once she’s secured, he looks back at Mari.

You do the honors.  Strip’er.

Mari hands the phone over to Joe as she climbs onto Ivy’s bed, knife in hand.  She’s nervous as she touches the bound woman for the first time, but feels alive when Ivy jumps at the touch of the cold steel against her ski.

Don’t jump bitch, you don’t wanna get cut.

Ivy’s crying as Mari reaches under her the waistband of her shorts and starts cutting down the left side.  She does the same with the right side.  Mari pulls, yanking the shorts away, exposing the pink panties.  Mari feels Ivy’s pussy through her panties.


Watching the video, Mari finishes her glass of wine in a hurry so she can get to the fun part. Her right hand is creeping into Joe’s pants.  He leans back and undoes them, freeing Mari’s access to his cock.  As soon as it’s free, she strokes it.

Was that the first time?

First time?

First time you’ve ever touched a woman like that.

Pretty much.

What’s that mean, pretty much.

I fooled around with a girl or two in college, but never went too far.  Most was making out and grabbing some boobs.

Well it’s fucking hot.

Where’d you find her?

Who, Ivy?  Guy who offered her says she’s his sister-in-law.  She’s recently divorced but got the house.  Oh, here’s a good part.

I know, I was there.


Mari’s gently stroking Ivy’s pussy through her panties as she crawls up the latina’s body.  When she gets to the sports bra, she lifts the bottom up, slipping the blade underneath.  In a couple slices, the bra is gone, exposing her big, luscious tits. 

Mmm, nice.

Mari leans down and licks Ivy’s large nipples.  As she does so, she slides the blade of the knife under the hip of the panties, slicing them.  She bites down on Ivy’s nipple as she cuts.  Joe holds the phone with one hand and the gun with the other.  Mari pulls what’s left of the panties off of Ivy, exposing darker skin underneath nearly shaved bush.  Maybe a couple days of growth at most.  Mari moves to the far tit to lick and suck on it as she lets her hand roam Ivy’s nether regions.  Mari finds Ivy’s slit and pushes a finger in.  Ivy yelps.

Please don’t do this, please don’t do this.

Mari puts her hand over Ivy’s mouth as she explores Ivy’s pussy with her fingers and licks her nipples.  Joe moves around the bed, getting good shots of the action.  He puts the phone down, keeping it pointing at the bed as he strips.  He takes off his hoodie, his t-shirt, unfastens his jeans and lets them fall to his ankles.  He strokes his dick a few times to keep it hard to put a condom on.  As he finishes, he gets into view behind Mari.  He starts rubbing her ass and pussy through her pants.

Think it’s time we shut her up?

No, please don’t.

Good idea.

Mari climbed off of the bed and unzipped her hoodie.  She only wore a loose blouse that tied up front.  She untied it, exposing her ample bosom.  It was almost as big as Ivy’s.  Mari pushed down her black yoga pants.  She wasn’t wearing any panties.

Who wants a taste?

No, please, I’m begging, no.

Mari climbed up over top of Ivy’s face and sat down, her pussy over Ivy’s mouth and nose.  Joe handed Mari the camera, who filmed Ivy’s look of terror.

You better do a good job and make me cum.

Mari began rocking her pussy back and forth in front of and on Ivy’s face.  Ivy relented, sticking her tongue out and licking Mari’s twat.


Once Ivy was in the pussy-eating mood, Joe climbed on top of the bed between her legs.  With little to no warning, he shoved his dick into her twat, pushing all the way to the hilt in one thrust.  Ivy screamed into Mari’s pussy.

God damn, you feel good bitch.  Fuckin’ A.

Ivy cried between the man violating her and the woman smothering her.  When she looked up, she saw the mostly naked woman filming her.

Smile for the camera you spic cunt!  Lick my clit, lick it.

Mari grabbed Ivy’s head and held it in place as she moved back and forth over Ivy’s face.  Mari shuddered as she came on Ivy’s face.  Ivy panicked as she couldn’t breathe.  Mari collapsed on Ivy, nearly suffocating her, only moving at the last moment to let the bound woman get a much-needed breath.  Joe kept fucking Ivy.

Here it comes, puja!

Joe grabbed Ivy’s hips and slammed into her as hard as he could as he came in her pussy.  He sat there for a moment.  The only noises on the video were Joe and Mari’s heavy breathing and Ivy’s crying.


Joe is naked from the waist down as he pulls off Mari’s top.  She’s shimmied out of her pants.  He’s fingering her as she’s alternating between stroking and sucking his cock.  They’re both engrossed by the video they starred in.

The way she cried, so fucking hot.

Mari returned to sucking Joe’s dick.  He fingered her to an orgasm as the video continued.


Mari had climbed off of Ivy’s chest.  Joe pulled himself out of Ivy, the condom full of cum dangling off of his dick.  He pulled it out, then moved to Ivy’s face.

A little reward for your hard work.  Open up, puja.

Ivy opened her sore mouth.  Joe dumped the condom’s contents inside, filling her mouth with his seed.  Just to get the point across, he covered her mouth with his hand.

Swallow if you know what’s good for you.

Ivy swallowed.  Joe removed his hand, then grabbed her tits.

Please, let me go.  I swear I won’t tell anyone.  Please, take whatever you want, just please don’t kill me.

Take whatever we want.  Hey, that sounds like a good idea.  What do you think?

Joe turned to Mari.  She pulled something out of their bag.  It was a vibrator.  Ivy couldn’t see what was happening, but felt the vibrator turn on and pass against her clitoris.  Joe covered her mouth with a hand as he looked for something to shut her up.  He found the sliced up panties and shoved those in her mouth.  Before she could spit them out, he grabbed a roll of silver tape from their bag.  Duct tape.  He pulled off a small section and covered her mouth.

Just in case you get any ideas about screaming in the next few minutes.  But you had a great idea.  Take whatever we want.  She’s gonna take a good cum from ya, and I’m gonna take that ass. 

Ivy’s eyes went wide with fear.  Then she felt the other woman playing with her, toying with her until she felt it coming closer, a climax she didn’t want, being forced upon her.  The man played with her tits, twisting her nipples as the other woman used the vibrator on her clit.  Then she felt something wet.  Mari was eating Ivy out.  She toyed and licked Ivy’s clit until the Latina couldn’t take anymore and moaned into the panties stuffed in her mouth.  As she came down from her climax, she sobbed uncontrollably.  Mari stood up, and kissed Joe.  He could taste Ivy on his wife.

Think it’s time for a little double trouble, what about you?

I think so.  I’m taking her pussy.

I’ve got her ass.

Joe and Mari each grab something from the bag.  He grabs a bottle of lube, she a harness with a strap-on dildo.  Ivy sees the two of them as they prepare and know this isn’t going to end well.


Back on the couch, Mari was riding Joe in a reverse cowgirl position as they both watched the action on the screen.  They watched and fucked as they undid one of Ivy’s ankle restraints and twisted her onto her side.  They watched and fucked as Mari coated up the strap-on and raped Ivy’s pussy.  They watched and fucked as Joe lubed up and raped Ivy’s ass.  They watched and fucked as the two pounded Ivy at the same time, then made out over top of their victim.  And as Joe pulled out on the screen and moved to the head of the bed to cum on Ivy’s face with his shit-covered cock, Joe held onto Mari’s hips and grunted as he came inside the love of his life.  The pair collapsed on the couch, finishing the video.


Joe and Mari disappear for a minute as Ivy lays on the bed, sweaty, her face covered in Joe’s cum, after he used her hair to clean off his dick.  They returned from the bathroom, dressed in all black once again.  Joe grabs the gun and the phone.  Mari has the keys to the cuffs and a thick zip-tie.  Joe points the gun at Ivy.

Here’s what’s happening.  You’ve been a good girl so far, so don’t fuck it up.  She’s going to uncuff you, then tie your hands together.  We’re going to undo your ankle, too.  You don’t go anywhere.

Mari climbs onto the bed.  Joe gets very close to Ivy, so she doesn’t misunderstand the next part.

Here’s the deal.  We’re going to let you go, but you try any shit before we leave, we kill you.  You tell anyone about what happened, we come back and kill you.  You go to the cops, we kill you.  You try to track us down, we kill you.  And we have video of you, too.  So not only do you die, but everyone thinks you died a whore’s death.  Got it?

Ivy nods her head.  Mari uncuffs Ivy then zip ties Ivy’s wrists together.  Ivy behaves as Mari gets the handcuffs from the headboard.  She repeats the process with the ankle restraints.  Joe keeps the gun pointed at Ivy during the process.

That’s good.  Now, sit up bitch.  Sit up.

Ivy pushes herself up into a sitting position.  Joe grabs one of her scarves they found from earlier and ties it around her eyes, then ties her to the headboard.  He makes sure that she can get out eventually by herself.

Here’s what’s going to happen next.  When I tell you to start, you are going to count to 200.  You sit here and count.  Once you get to 200, then you can start getting yourself free.  Try anything before getting to 200, you die.  Understand?

Ivy nods.

Good.  Who says all wetbacks are dumb as shit?  You’re catching on, puja.

Joe and Mari clean up the room, grabbing their stuff and the camera they set up earlier.  The rest is shot solely on the smartphone they used during the rapes.  After doing a double check, Joe and Mari take off their ski masks and make sure their ballcaps and sunglasses are on.  The do a triple check before leaving the room.  They find Ivy’s phone in her purse.  They take her phone and put it under center of the bed.  Before they leave, Joe walks toward Ivy and slaps her tits as hard as he can.  Ivy cries again.

Start count, cunt.

Joe and Mari leave the room.  The video finishes.


Back on the couch, the couple finish the video cuddling with each other.  They’re both naked, just having finished fucking on the couch.  Mari is curled up in Joe’s chest.

So, how was your first time?

Exciting, scary, thrilling.  And I’m not even bi, just the thought and thrill of doing that to another woman was...just wow.

What about doing that to a guy?

You mean raping a guy?  Like a stranger?


Mari thinks for a moment before responding.

I guess.  If you’re okay with it.

It depends.  As long as he’s clean, you’re on the pill and whatnot, and it can work out.  It would be different than seeing another guy fuck you or rape you since you’d be in control.  Not gonna lie, I’m a little conflicted.

Mari looks up into Joe’s eyes and kisses him.

Same rules apply.  The other has to know and all precautions taken to keep it safe.  Besides, with them it’s fucking.  Us, it’s making love.

I love you.

I love you too.

The couple kiss.  She gets up and grabs the glasses.

If you’re getting refills, could you get me another sour?  I’ll get the second video going here soon.


As Mari grabs the empty glasses, Joe slaps her ass before she leaves.  She jumps a moment, then laughs as he laughs.  On the laptop Joe navigates to the video of their offer, one of Mari’s clients.  She’s a very good looking brunette in her early 40’s with 3 kids.  She’s about Joe’s height at 5’7” and has an amazing figure. 

He couldn’t wait to see what happens to her.

« Last Edit: May 22, 2022, 12:37:23 AM by LtBroccoli »
Always close the program you were running before exiting the holodeck

Offline rexmundi

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Re: Veto: A Club of Chester County Story
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2022, 09:26:27 PM »
I really do love this. Of course the end of Lake Hiawatha was a sneak preview for this story. Your whole universe seems large from the outside and quite daunting to undertake but it always has satisfying payoffs. Now that Angie is firmly in The Club's sights, this universe feels very cozy.

I see Joe still has the casual racism down to a tee and Mari is very adept at it as well.

Mari's first time was a smashing success and she seemed to be a natural. I'm still surprised she ended up joining but her inclusion feels oh so right. Really hot scene with Mari getting everything she wanted from Ivy and seeing the couple double team the helpless woman. Dare I say Mission Accomplished?

You did a great job of establishing the basics of The Club for any new readers. Very excited for the next installment. Hope they don't regret targeting Angie because you never know what might eventuate. Can't wait to see what happens next.

Good luck in the contest, Lieutenant.  :emot_thumbsup.gif:
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Re: Veto: A Club of Chester County Story
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2022, 11:07:44 PM »
Thanks Rex.  I'm glad you enjoyed it.  Part 2 is incoming.  Part 3 will be sometime after Friday, probably next week.  I might've spoiled a little of what happens in Part 2, but Part 3 has a scene that appears in Friday's installment of Pharma.

Hope you like the rest.
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Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Veto: A Club of Chester County Story
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2022, 11:11:35 PM »

Mari, naked, makes a whiskey sour and pours herself a glass of wine.  She returns downstairs.


Joe pulls up the second video on his laptop, which is connected to the large screen TV.  Joe starts the video, then enlarges to full screen and pauses it.  Mari comes downstairs, carrying their drinks.  She hands Joe his next whiskey sour while she drinks another white wine.


Mari sits down next to Joe.  The video starts.


A neatly made king-sized bed sits on an oak bed frame.  A nice black and grey comforter is spread out over the bed.  From an angle high up on a wall, most of the bedroom layout can be discerned.  A window sits to the left of the screen with some plants on the windowsill.  An ensuite bathroom is to the right of the screen.  The walls are painted gray and the black curtains match the comforter.  Two oak nightstands matching the bed frame flank either side of the headboard.

A man, wearing an Ortho Chemical shirt and mask comes into view, checking the camera.  He walks around to another part of the bedroom, fiddling with another device.  It’s another camera, set up on the windowsill, between two potted plants.  He stops and sets up another camera, this time on a makeup table between some wedding pictures of a young couple.  She’s wearing a traditional white gown and he’s wearing a tuxedo. 

The point of view shifts from the first camera overlooking the room to the one that sees the top of the bed from the window to the one from the makeup table.  The man disappears from view.

Do all of these videos start with a setup?

JOE (V.O.)
Not all, but the good ones.  Usually the guy’s way of bragging that this was real, that they did the setup, and that this isn’t fake and wasn’t staged.

The man returns a short while later, wearing a black t-shirt, a black ski mask, and a GoPro style helmet on his head.  Once again, the footage is tested, showing the point of view of the camera.  He checks a text, then answers it.  He leaves the room.

A beat.

The door opens to the bedroom.  A brunette woman walks in.  She’s dressed in a pair of light blue jeans and that hug her in all the right places and a teal tank-top that shows off her figure.  She walks into the bedroom and stops at the head of the bed, facing away from the camera.  Her hair is pulled up into a messy bun on the top of her head.  She grabs the scrunchee in her hair and pulls it out, letting her hair fall.  She fluffs out her hair, then grabs her tank top and pulls it off.  She glances over her shoulder quickly, confirming that the door is closed, then begins to unbuckle her jeans and take off her bra.  She sits on the bed, peeling off her jeans before walking into the bathroom wearing only her panties.  Through the walls, the sound of a shower starting up can be heard.

A beat.

From the headcam, the man from earlier makes his way through the house to the back door and opens it.  Three more men, dressed in a similar fashion follow him, each wearing matching ski masks.  They make their way upstairs, stopping right outside of the bedroom.  The door is locked, but is quickly unlocked with a tool that one of the other men hands him.  The door opens, and all four men enter.

Back from the main view camera, the men close the door behind them and take up positions around the room.  Two of the men carry bookbags with them.  They rummage through them, reaching for some items.


Mari and Joe finish their drinks and are petting each other.  Joe is playing with one of Mari’s tits while rubbing her thigh with the other hand.  Mari is playing with Joe’s cock and balls, stroking him to hardness.

It’s the anticipation.

I know.  Oh, she’s coming soon.


The sound of the shower ends.  A minute later, the door to the bathroom opens.  The woman walks out, a towel wrapped around her head and another around her body, cinched up between her boobs.  It takes a step before she realizes something is wrong.  Before she registers the danger, the original man tackles her onto the bed.

Scream and you’re dead bitch.  Where’s the safe?  Where’s the safe?

The second man climbs into view, holding a ring gag.  The third has a pair of handcuffs.  Before the woman can answer, the third man has the cuffs around the woman’s left hand.  The original man covers her mouth while the third man takes her right arm and bends it behind her, cuffing her arms behind her.

Oh, don’t want to talk.  Fine by us.

The first man yanks the hair towel off of her then pulls back on her hair, stretching her neck.  The second man pinches her nose.

Say aaahh.

The first man moves his hand long enough to get the woman to open her mouth.  She only complies because she can’t breathe.  The second man inserts and tightens the ring gag.

Let’s see what this bitch got.

The first man stands up, then flips her over.  The body towel comes loose, and she’s naked underneath.  The helmet cam shows her for the first time.

She’s a beautiful brunette woman with an amazing body and piercing eyes.  Her tits are full and round, her cheekbones high, her skin smooth.  She is a dashing and normally confident woman.

One thing she is not is Angela Hartman.

The first man stares down at the woman, then grabs her legs and throws her onto the middle of the bed.


Joe and Mari continue fondling each other, lost in the action on the screen.

What was her name again?

Amy Pastorini.

Cute.  Real fucking cute.


Mari stroked Joe’s cock as they watched the attack unfold.


The first man jumped onto Amy as she tried to wriggle away.  He licks and nibbles her neck as she struggles to get him off, but to no avail, he gets down to her breasts, sucking and biting on the nipples as he fumbled with his pants.  The other men stripped naked as they waited their turns.  Amy saw the other men get naked and knew what was coming.  She tried to keep her legs closed, but the first man was between them soon enough, his dick at the edge of her pussy.  He didn’t care if she wet, moist, or as dry as the Sahara, he wanted in.  He fiddled and pushed until he forced his way into Amy.  She screamed in pain as he raped her.

The second man made his way to Amy’s head and grabbed her by the hair.  He twisted her head to face him, then guided his dick to her mouth.

Pweaa o!

Bitch says ‘fuck my face’, I oblige.

The second assailant pushed his dick into her mouth, forcing a blowjob from her.

The first man fucked her pussy as the third and fourth men waited in turns.

Rock paper scissors?

Yeah, 1, 2, 3, Shoot!

The third assailant put out rock.  The fourth man paper.



The first man pulled out and came on Amy’s belly.  As he gathered himself, Number 4 jumped on the bed, taking his place in Amy’s pussy. 

Aww, yeah.  This cunt feels good.

Yo, roll da bitch over a little.

Number 3 pulled a tube of something out of his bag.  It was lube.  He was squirting some on his dick as he made his way to Amy and the other two on the bed.  Number 4 pulled Amy onto her side, exposing her rump, tight little ass.  She felt Number 3 squirt something between her asscheeks and she screamed onto Number 2’s dick.

Yeah, just like that on daddy’s cock.  I love the way you feel on my dick when you cry.  Go ahead boys, pop that bitch’s ass.

Number 3 pushed into Amy’s ass, stretching and tearing her sphincter as he violated her.  Number 4 kept fucking her pussy as Number 2 raped her mouth.  She screamed until she couldn’t breathe, then sort of gave up.


Mari was bent over the back of the couch, facing the TV.  She rubbed her clit as Joe slowly fucked her ass.  She moaned and groaned, bringing herself to a climax.


Number 2 grabbed Amy’s head with both hands and held her head in place as he came in her mouth, nearly choking her.  She had no choice but to swallow.  As soon as he was done, he stepped aside so that Number 1, now sporting another hard-on, could take his place.  Amy cried as the original rapist came back for a second round. 

The one in her ass, Number 3, slowed down his pace while Number 4 quickened his.

Oh shit oh shit oh SHIT!

Number 4’s body stiffened as he came in Amy’s pussy.  Number 4 pulled out and walked up to Amy’s head.  Number one pulled out for a moment, allowing Number 4 to take his place.

Get a taste, bitch.

He shoved his dick into her mouth, wiping his dick off with her tongue, forcing her to taste herself too.

Hurry up man, I gotta go.

Number 4 pulled out as Number 3 pulled out of Amy’s ass and made his way for her head.  She could smell how foul he was from a few feet away, but could do nothing to stop it.  He grabbed her hair and stuck his dick into her mouth through the ring gag, coming in her mouth right after fucking her ass.

That’s nasty.

Fuckin’ A.  Swallow all of it you fucking whore.

Number 1 had taken up position behind Amy, and was fucking her ass.  He was the first man to complete the cycle on her today.  He came in her ass, then was followed by Number 2 in Amy’s pussy.


Mari and Joe cum simultaneously while watching the action on the screen.  They make their way back to the couch and collapse, watching the rest of the video.

They cuddle as they watch each of the four men fuck Amy over and over for the next two hours of video, skipping ahead a little to get to the part where all four men bukkake Amy.  After each man has had 3 or 4 rounds with her, they clean up and get dressed, collecting the cameras. 


The men are cleaned up and dressed.  Amy is an absolute mess.  Number two reaches behind her head and undoes the ring gag.  Her jaw is too sore to move.  The first man undoes her handcuffs.  She’s nearly catatonic from the abuse.  He moves in front of her face.

One more time for the camera, tell me your name and address.

Amy doesn’t say anything.  He slaps her as hard as he can across her tits, barely getting a response.  She’s crying again.

Like I said already you stupid fucking cunt, what is your name address.

Amy Pastorini, 139 Meadowchase Drive, Hillside.

You know what’s gonna happen if you tell anyone?  We show everyone you know how much of a whore you are, including your kids teachers.  I don’t think they’ll like how much of a whore Grayson’s mommy is, might even call CPS on your well-fucked ass.  Want to watch little Grayson go to a fucking foster home?

No.  Please no.

Then say it.

I swear I won’t tell anyone.  No one will ever know.

Good.  Hate to have to come back and make a real mess of things.  Now here’s your instructions.  You’ll count to 100 before you do anything.  Once you get to 100, you can clean up and do laundry or fuck yourself thinking about how good of a fuck we gave you, but you don’t fucking move until 100.  Got it.

Yes sir.

Good, start counting slowly.

The men leave the room, heading for the back door.  Amy can be heard counting.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5...

The video stops.


Mari and Joe sit on the couch, exhausted.

That was so fucking hot.  She was a mess for days, wouldn’t look anyone in the eye.  You know how hard it was to not peek?  Fuck.

I know.  Holy shit that was hot.

Still, would really have liked to have seen Angie.  Would’ve really loved to see that bitch suffer.

Well, you know the deal.

I know, Pedro vetoed it.  Did he ever tell you why?

Nah, but I did get that weird message one day.

Mari looks to Joe with concern.

What weird message?

I didn’t tell you?

No.  Tell me now.

Well, they’re both tied together.  You were out with the kids one day when right after the veto.


It’s two months earlier and Joe sat in his home office, perusing the Club’s website.  He’s looking at the attempted offer for Angela Hartman.  The comments say “FILE LOCKED, OFFER VETOED BY ADMIN”  Joe looks at the file options.  Retry, Rescind.  He hovers the mouse click over the Retry button for a moment before hitting Rescind.  After an ‘ARE YOU SURE?’ box pops up, Joe clicks yes and a dialog box saying “OFFER RESCINDED, INFO WILL BE ARCHIVED AND DELETED FROM ACTIVE DIRECTORY.”  Joe breathed a sigh of resignation.  He really wanted to see Mari’s client scream.

As Joe was looking through another page on the Club’s site, a message window appeared.  User account number 2236.  Joe looks at the screen, and pulls up his spreadsheet of users.  He’s never seen this one before.

A prompt appears on the screen.  ‘2236 WANTS TO CHAT.  ACCEPT Y/N?’  Joe clicks Yes.  A chat window appears.


2236:  Hey, you Joe?
Joe:  Who’s this?
2236:  A friend.  Someone whose glad you didn’t fuck up.
Joe:  How so?
2236:  You rescind that offer for Angie?


Joe looked at the screen in shock.  That wasn’t the name Mari told him, she said Angela.  Whoever 2236 is, he knows her.


Joe:  Yeah, I rescinded it.  Pedro vetoed it, pretty sure he has a good reason.
2236:  That’s good.

A link to a news article showed up in the chat window. 

2236:  I’d hate to take you fishing.
2236:  I won’t ever see her around here again, will I?

Joe clicked the link.  It was from the Hiawatha Dispatch from a few years earlier.  ‘LOCAL MAN FOUND DEAD AFTER FISHING ACCIDENT’. Joe went white as a ghost.

2236:  u there?
Joe:  Yeah, just checking out the news.
2236:  Funny thing how accidents work.  I’m never gonna see her again on this site, am I?
Joe:  Not from us.
2236:  Good.  If by some chance anyone else tries and Pedro’s not around, do me a favor and hit me up.  If they don’t get the hint, I might have to plan a fishing trip.
2236:  Have a good one.

The chat ends.  Joe stares at the screen in silence for a long minute.  He takes a picture of the screen from his phone instead of using the screenshot option on the laptop.

Holy shit.


Mari looks up at Joe, who was visibly shaken from the story.

Was that story legit?

As far as I can tell.  The link was from a few years ago, someone from Harbor City was found dead in Lake Hiawatha, Sheriff Ryland Holmes declared it an accident, said that it was called in by a good samaritan named Bob Kuntzmann who just happened to be boating in the area when he saw the body near the shore.  I checked out what I could on them but nothing much.  Apparently Bob owns half of Hiawatha County including the resorts up there and supposedly has the Sheriff in his pocket.  When I looked up Angela Hartman, one record comes up with an old marriage license for her and Bob.

She’s his ex?

Maybe he still has a sweet spot for her.  I didn’t go much deeper because things got weird after that.

Mari looked at Joe with worry, then hugged him.

Promise me we won’t get caught up in too much crazy shit, okay?

What’s the fun in that?

Joe chuckled.  Mari looked at him with a look of concern when the computer beeped through the speakers. 


What?  Is that-


Joe clicked on accept.  A chat window appeared, followed by a little graphic showing that the microphone was live.



A voice came to life over the computer speakers.  It was tinny and metallic, going through heavy distortion.

Joe, Mari, how you doing?

Joe listened to the voice.  It sounded like a mix between a Cylon and Darth Vader trying to have a pleasant conversation.  Joe noticed that the accent was not Hispanic or Latino in any way, shape, or form.

Doing good, just spending a quiet night alone.  Watching some videos.  You?

You know, the usual, keeping things running.  Mari, just wanted to say congratulations.  Your first time on video was amazing.

Thanks, I think.

No, I mean it, you were amazing.  A lot of people freak out on their first run and screw something up.  You two were a well-oiled machine.  And what you did to Ivy, holy shit.

I guess.

This was her first time on video.  Like we never even made a sex tape before.

I’m a little self-conscious about my body.

Let me just say this in front of your husband, but you are fucking hot.  And now that you’re in, he’s been happy as a clam.  You two have a new hobby to share.

Pretty sure Hallmark doesn’t make Rapey Couple cards.

Someone would flip their shit over the cards with sayings like “The couple that rapes together loves together” and “Tell that special someone that no means yes.”  Anyway, I have a possible opportunity for you.  How much do you know about 7050?


User account 7050.  One of the new guys.

Not much.  Is he that skinny dude who’s stalking the Aussie chick?  That real Clark Kent looking mother fucker?

That’s him.  He’s upgraded to fucking the Aussie and just completed his first offering.  He has a crazy idea coming up in a week that he might need a hand with.  He’s talking with a couple of your boys about it tomorrow morning.  You might be interested in it.

How crazy?

If I were planning it, it’d be Inside Man meets Karen and Kevin with Reach for the Sky.

Copy that.  I guess we’re Karen and Kevin?

Mari slaps Joe in the chest.

Hey.  I’m not...okay, I am a Karen.  I guess I would crank it up to full, demanding to see the manager and that shit.

Pretty much.  Once your friends decide if they’re in or not, coordinate with them.  They’re aiming for next weekend, I think.

I’ll see if we can get an extended babysitter for the weekend.  Isn’t next weekend Labor Day?


We’ll see what we can do.  I’m guessing we’ll bring the party favors.  That’s how I’d plan getting things there.

Most likely, but work it out with your boys.

Cool.  Hey, while we got you here, I gotta ask.  What was up with that offer you vetoed?  You don’t do that very often, and Mari’s first try, bam.

Pedro was silent for a moment.  Something clicked on the channel.

You still there?

Yeah, I’m here.  I was double checking to make sure this was a secured channel.

It’s that crazy?

And then some.  This shit doesn’t leave this room.  Mari, how well do you know Angela Hartman?

Well, I’d say.  She’s a client, sort of a friend but she can be real bitchy, acts like she knows my job better than I do.  I’m the marketing executive, she runs a construction company.  We’ve been over their house for some parties and cookouts, but so has half of Hillside.

There’s three people that Angie knows that scare the bejeezus out of me and this Club.  Well, more than three but if one of the other two of them showed up we’re all dead anyway.

She helps her husband dig pipes and takes her kids to sports practices.  How are they that dangerous.

Like I said, there’s three people around her that scare me for this Club.  The first is her husband.


Yeah, him.  He’s a nice guy.  Now.  Back in 2004 he whacked a couple dirty cops and was a suspect in at least 4 other murders.  They never found enough evidence to pursue charges.  Then there’s her ex, an old-school gang-banger.  He and Chuck are brothers who grew up in Veneto, surrounded by some serious shit.  Them and their boys caused a lot of mayhem.

When you say her ex-?

Ex-husband.  You’re smart, you know who he is.  And yes, that is who reached out to you.  He told me he talked to you about preventing future mistakes.  If Tony Soprano liked hip-hop and focused on lakeside property, he’d be this guy.

Bob Kuntzmann.

Yep.  He’s a psychopath but loyal beyond belief.  He’s like having a guard dog that would set a bitch’s house on fire if they looked at you funny.  But he’s not the one I have nightmares about.  Angie ever tell you about her brother?

Once or twice.  Said he worked for the government.

That’s one way to put it.  He’s a cop.  And not just any cop, but he’s a detective in the county sex crimes department.


Yeah.  And he’s damn good, too.  How long you’ve lived in Hillside?

Almost our whole lives.

Then you know his handiwork.  Remember First Union Holy Church?  Natalie Daniels and all of her family.

I went to school with her and a few of her cousins.

Are you saying what I think you’re saying?

I’m saying that the brother of the woman you almost set up for an offering was the lead detective on taking down the largest child sex trafficking operation in North American history, and he’s the Dude Perfect of confessions.  When you read in the news about a county detective getting a confession for a rape or sexual assault, that was him.  I know a guy who knows a guy, told me a story about how this detective once got a confession out of a triple homicide by just staring at him for 20 minutes.  First Union was professional and organized.  He wiped them off the face of the Earth.  We’re set up in a specific way to prevent one person from getting caught and taking the whole place down, but one of my biggest rules is don’t fuck with George Lewis.  He broke First Union off of a money laundering case involving fraudulent car loans.  And I haven’t even covered his friends yet, like the Federal prosecutor, her husband the judge, all of the various other cops he knows, or the half dozen FBI agents that he hangs out with.  So, hearing that, what do you think he could do to us?

Holy shit.

Holy shit is right.  So that’s why Angie Hartman’s off limits.  Best case scenario, we all end up dead because her husband called up his brothers and they hunt us down.  Worst case, we all find out that there’s a fate worse than death and it’s delivering angel is George Lewis.

Joe and Mari look at each other, realizing how close their mistake came to fruition.

So, now that I shit in the punch bowl, just called about that thing for next week.  Sounds like it could be a fun party, if the new guy sets it up right.  Your friends will let you know soon.  Have a good one.

You too.

The chat line disconnects.  Another message pops up on the computer.  It shows some recommended videos.  One of them includes includes Joe.

That was something.  Want to watch another one or get ready for bed?

Why not both?  Maybe watch one more short one and we’ll talk about what pops up.

I like that.

Mari leans in and kisses Joe.  As he presses play on a video featuring him and a petite brunette in her 20’s, he leans back, Mari leaning on him.

Joe is staring at the screen, but only vaguely paying attention.  One question was solved, but another, more dangerous question now goes through his head.

How does Pedro know all this?

The camera zooms in on Joe’s face, as the noises of the rape on screen fall into the background, and he thinks about everything he knows about Pedro.  He gets lost in thought until Mari’s mouth on his dick brings him back to reality.


Coming Soon:  Part 3, where I answer a question I've been hinting at for over 2 years. 

Any bets on who Pedro is?
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Re: Veto: A Club of Chester County Story
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2022, 07:04:01 PM »
The big bait and switch reveal of Amy as the victim and not Angie was reminiscent of in Silence of the Lambs when you think the FBI is at Jamie Gumm's door but it's just little Clarice.

Who is Pedro? No idea. Might have fared better when the whole story was fresh in my mind. I did think Bob at first. Then we got 2236 which was obviously Bob.  No way it's Brandon or Eric.

I know it's not Natalie. LMAO

Has to be someone that would refer to Angie as Angie, meaning they know her.

Chuck came to mind. Maybe he hasn't totally reformed. He'd be well aware of both Bob and George and wouldn't want Angie touched. It would make her life almost cursed to have Chuck be involved. If it is Chuck, he's just lying to Joe and Mari to protect his true identity. He did refer to Chuck as a nice guy now. Perhaps that's his new cover.

Def.someone who knows Angie, Bob, and George. it's not Sheriff Ryland. He seemed like a good cop and Bob covered up when they killed the POS Sheriff Bufford. Probably not a Camp counselor or Tyrell, whatever the name was of the Black junior pastor.

Long shot. In the description of TCCC, you mentioned a Susan and I, for the life of me, do not remember ever seeing a Susan. Since she was a victim of The Club, I don't see her working with them

I haven't read Pharma so if the character is from there then no chance of me knowing him. I'm most likely wrong on my guesses anyways.

Maybe Jamie who flipped on his family got restless in Montana and now is part of the Club.  He obviously knows who Angie is and fears Bob and George a fuckton.I am guessing either Jamie or Chuck. My recollection of Lake Hiawatha is a bit muddled because I had a pretty rough case of pneumonia at the time. Fuck it. Jamie has returned. lol

If I ever find the time, I intend to read every story again. I'm sure whoever is revealed as Pedro will be perfectly consistent with your story.You do an excellent job with continuity and it's one of the reasons I like this saga so much. Everything has meaning and there always is some form of payoff.

Can't wait to see part 3. Very excited to read it.

PS. If you didn't see my post, congrats on winning the April Story contest. I'm proud to have voted for you. Enjoy your weekend.

« Last Edit: May 20, 2022, 07:18:23 PM by rexmundi »
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Re: Veto: A Club of Chester County Story (Story Completed with Part 3)
« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2022, 01:03:53 AM »

In a nondescript hallway, a portly man of diminutive height walks to a door.  This is Pedro.  He opens it.  Inside, a server rack hums along.  Pedro closes the door, his face obscured from view.  He does the same thing again and again for each of the 4 doors along the hallway.

JOE (V.O.)
He’ll help set you up.  Pedro’s good with computers.

The man walks to the door at the end of the hall and opens it, carefully entering in a pin code, pressing his thumb print to a panel, and waiting for the door to unlock before he opens.

JOE (V.O.)
You mean paranoid?  He does a lot of shit for The Club.  He has to be paranoid.


The door opens.  Pedro walks in and turns on the lights.  His hair is a reddish brown, cut to a medium length for a man.

SAM (V.O.)
Pedro can’t be his real name.  I ain’t ever met a ginger Pedro before.

Pedro approaches a computer desk.  It could be a command center for an aircraft carrier.  12 monitors, each 32 inches, encircle his desk.  There are two rows of 5 with two more on the top row.  They’re each angled to give him an optimum view.  There is a top of the line sound system attached to this rig, as well as a mechanical keyboard and gaming mouse.  To the untrained eye, this looks like the ultimate gaming rig.  In a way it is, but this is for a different game.

The Game of Rape.

He sits down and logs in.  The computer screens come to life.  One shows a network security page, another shows server health, another shows The Club’s website, another the fake front page, and another shows all activity going on.  He pulled up one of the logs, showing recent users logging in.  He clicks on a few files.  One of them is a listing of new videos uploaded in the last week.  He searches through them.

Some group, some club, is out there organizing a bunch of rapes and have been doing so for over a decade, if not longer.  They’re smart, organized, careful.  The only links they have to the victims are second or third hand connections.  It breaks all the rules on how most victims know their attackers.  They do this to keep from getting caught.  The common denominator in the attacks are that they video everything.

Pedro looks at the video of one of the most recent attacks.  It was offer 256712, a young redhead named Tammy.  He pulls the info that only he can see.  Offered by Thomas Gearheardt, performed by Jonathan Crenshaw.  Taking a look at the notes, he sees his little part in action.  Pedro forced his way into her home network and onto her phone to track her.

Wow. How?

Don’t ask questions you don’t want answers to.

Pedro plays the video a little, showing her being attacked in the back of a van.  He stops, then goes to another file.  It’s background checks for various members of the Club.  Joe Collins, Mari Collins, Sam Mapleton, Thomas Gearheardt, James St. Croix, Steven Wilcox, Kim Park, Raymond Hibberton, Jonathan Crenshaw.  The information was fresh, straight from a police database.

They know!  They know how we work!


Wait, you think cops are in that club you’re talking about?

Pedro looks at the conversation he had with Tommy about his plan, sees it mentions Lake Hiawatha.

BOB (V.O.)
Sounds like this crazy ass club I heard of down in Chester County.  Like a mutual rape society, booty club of the month.


It’s modern days, and an older, grayer, and fatter Bob sits on a boat with a skinny Australian man in his early 50’s, around Bob’s current age.  The Aussie is James St. Croix.  The men are drinking Miller Lite.

How did you-

I know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy, and that last guy said some things they weren’t supposed to.  I was approached about joining a few years back but declined.  Didn’t matter because I didn’t pass their background check.  Pedro said I was ‘hotter than the surface of the sun’ and would draw too much attention.  Can’t blame him at all, he’s right.  Besides, I’m not sure I’d want part of any club that would have me as a member.  Got an ID for watching some shit but I prefer the real thing. 

How the bloody fook you get wrapped up in this shite?

I don’t know.  One day I’m minding my own business, next day I get a call from someone named Pedro.  Not his real name, but he makes a deal.  I do him a favor, he does me one.  I thought it was shady as fuck, but he proved that he knew someone in a police department down in Harbor City was looking into something I was involved with.  Didn’t know what it was at first but fucker gets a copy of someone having a case of lead poisoning on camera, and I’m the one delivering the lead.  They were trying to tie me to a murder from ’02.

Didya do it?

That’s not important, but if anyone asks we were out ballroom dancing 2 towns over that night.  Anyway, Pedro makes a deal.  He tells me that he has someone that’s on the radar of Chester County PD’s sex crimes unit for a string of rapes that needs to disappear before this one detective catches his ass and breaks him in the box.


Several years ago in a much different looking conference room, George Lewis works out the details of a case of a young woman’s rape.  He compares his notes with the details of the file, and one name floats to the surface.  Brian Hanks.

Which detective?

BOB (V.O.)
That mother fucker.


An average looking man dressed for camping shows up in the woods around Lake Hiawatha.  He looks nervous.  That’s when he meets Bob.  They shake hands.

Oh, him.  I could see why ya wanted to help.


Bob is on an older, smaller boat with Brian Hanks.  They’re sitting by the rear end, fishing poles hanging off of the edge of the boat.

BOB (V.O.)
Yeah.  Pedro didn’t need to say anything else.  It’s like from Jerry Maguire.  ‘Stop, you had me at ruin George’s day.’  Turns out that the mother fucker was hot on this guy’s tail and he was a member of the Club.  The guy needed to lay low for a few days and it was recommended that he come up here for a little getaway.  Well, he got away all right.  Had a boating accident and was found by one of the locals.  I convinced the Sheriff to look the other way on this one and George’s case ended before it began.

Bob gets up and grabs boat oar.  He swings it once.  CRACK!  Brian never saw it coming.  He falls over.  A couple more swings from the oar and Brian is hanging on for dear life.  Bob reaches down and removes Brian’s flotation device.  Bob cracks Brian with the oar one more time, then pushes him off of the boat and into the lake.  The dark water consumes Brian.


A couple days later, Brian’s body washes to shore.  A photographer from the local newspaper is there along with Sheriff Ryland Holmes, another deputy, a reporter, and the witness that called it in.

At this time, we don’t suspect foul play.  It looks like a boating accident.  This man was not wearing his life preserver.  We’ll need to wait for the toxicology report to come in, but we’re operating under the assumption that this man was inebriated, slipped, hit his head, then fell overboard.  He struggled to get back up on the boat but by that point he was too far away and drowned shortly after.


Bob answers the door of his cabin.  There’s a package for him.  He opens it.  It’s a VCR tape.

BOB (V.O.)
Next thing I knew, I get a copy of the original security tape with my face on it.  There was a glitch in the evidence room and the copies disappeared.  After watching the tape, I recorded over it with a Harbor City Whalers game.

Bob’s watching a hockey game between the Harbor City Whalers and the Winnipeg Jets.  The Whalers are winning 4-1.


Pedro looks through at one monitor and pulls up a piece of software.  It’s a network intrusion tool, the same one he used to help Tommy.  He pulls it up, showing the current target of his interest.

The Chester County Police Department Evidence Server.  He navigates through the file directory, looking for something in particular.  It’s the cloud backup for a series of case notes about a sexual assault that occurred a few years ago.  One that a member of the Club performed and had recently gotten the attention of two of the county’s finest, George Lewis and Xavier Harrison.

Slow down, what?

Maybe not cops, but close to cops.  They know our procedures, how we run, what we look for.  If not a cop or two, at least cop adjacent.  Family members, work in PD’s, cop nerds.  Something.

Pedro remotely alters the data, corrupting it.  The file is now useless.

And if they know how screwed up Chester County is with all the different departments-

Then they can ration out where they take place, who their victims are.

Focus on areas where cops don’t go, don’t play nice, or don’t give a fuck.

Pedro gets into another file and changes an address.  The address change claims the victim lives in a different borough, where the cops are less than appreciative of the county’s efforts.  He exits the evidence server and logs in to the HR server.  He pulls up the info on the CCPD SCU squad, starting with George Lewis.

He’s not the one I have nightmares about.  Angie ever tell you about her brother?

The record shows George’s vitals.  His work record, home address, family details, his education including his PhD in Criminal Psychology, his citations, commendations, his two retracted claims of assaulting a suspect, and his projected retirement date, a few years in the future.  He pulls up George’s case history, and it reads like a who’s who of scumbags in the county.  Clergy, politicians, heads of industry, CEO’s, sports stars, they’ve all broken in the box by George.  He’s put hundreds of people behind bars for thousands of years.

JOE (V.O.)
Holy shit.


It’s a barbecue, looking like a recent Fourth of July party from the decorations.  Dozens of people are milling around.  Kids swim in a pool while adults lounge about.  A tall skinny man named Tommy looks like he’s lost until Angie approaches him and they make small talk.  They walk over to grill, where Chuck stands at the grill, cooking various foods.  As Chuck meets Tommy and says hi, he introduces the young man to bald man with a red beard standing next to him, his brother-in-law George.

Holy shit is right.  So that’s why Angie Hartman’s off limits.  Best case scenario, we all end up dead because her husband called up his brothers and they hunt us down.  Worst case, we all find out that there’s a fate worse than death and it’s delivering angel is George Lewis.

In the background, from a safe, healthy distance, Pedro watches Tommy and George shake hands.  His face is still obscured.  Pedro has a plate of picnic food and a can of beer.  He’s not spying, he’s a guest.


Pedro peruses the remaining files, ending on Captain Janella Jenkins.

BOB (V.O.)
Pedro knows.  He vetoed that shit right away and told them to back off.  He hasn’t had to do that in years.

He’s vetoed before?


Janella Jenkins and George Lewis are having an animated conversation in front of several other officers.  The content is hard to make out, but Janella is yelling at George to do something and he’s yelling back.  Xavier Harrison and Carly Graspper are holding back laughter.

BOB (V.O.)
A few times many years ago.  Mostly when stuff was starting up, guys would offer up teenage nieces or neighbor girls, but most of those were underaged and against the rules.  One thing to fuck a grown woman, but raping and filming kids is a big no-no, too much risk.  Other big one I remember was a long while back, some guy offered up this older black woman.  Good looking if you’re into black women in their late 40’s or early 50’s.  Turns out she was a cop and that this guy got busted by her a while back for rape.

The person watching the fight walks past everyone.  George and the other detectives leave while Janella shakes her head in disappointment, then closes the door to her office.

Their face is obscured, but the person watching is Pedro.


On the lake in the middle of the night, a man runs, diving off of a boat.  He tries to swim away, but the boat turns, chasing after him.  A figure stands at the helm of the boat.  It’s Bob.  A thump is felt as the boat hits the man in the lake.

BOB (V.O.)
Somehow he got through the background check, but as soon as Pedro found out he kicked the guy out and called in a favor.  This was another guy I took fishing.  Legend has it if you listen real close in the middle of the night, you can still hear him beg for his life.  Good times.

Bob finds the man, bruised and injured, holding on to the edge of the boat, begging for help.  Bob grabs the boat oar and WHACK!


The man washes up on shore the next morning, another apparent drowning victim.  A reporter, a photographer, a witness, a deputy, and Sheriff Ryland Holmes stand around the body.

At this time, we don’t suspect foul play.  It looks like a boating accident.  This man was not wearing his life preserver.  We’ll need to wait for the toxicology report to come in, but we’re operating under the assumption that this man was inebriated, slipped, hit his head, then fell overboard.  He struggled to get back up on the boat but by that point he was too far away and drowned shortly after.


Pedro looks at the screens surrounding him.

SAM (V.O.)

JOE (V.O.)

As the voices become faster and louder, more of him comes into view.  His chubby body, his work shirt from Chester County Police Department, and finally, his face slowly comes into frame.


RAY (V.O.)




BOB (V.O.)



It’s back during the First Union Holy Church investigation.  George stands at the murderboard, pinning a picture of a big man with a receding hairline under a section titled ‘CHICAGO’.  Janella enters the room holding a folder, and closes the door.  She sees George at the board.

There was a knock at the door.

Come on in.

The door opens.  A short, chunky man with reddish brown hair pushes a cart with a computer, monitor, and speakers into the room.

You order a computer?

Yes, thanks Pete.  Anywhere on the table, as long the monitor faces away from the door.

Adam shakes his head and starts setting up the computer.

What’s up with that?

My friend gave me this.

George picked up the DVD.

What’s on it?

Not sure.  They said a lot of something horrible.

Adam moves the desktop and monitor onto the table, and fishes some cables under it.

You tried playing it already?

Yeah, it didn’t work.  I put it in the DVD player and it sounded like cats fucking in a garbage disposal.

It’s a data disc, that’s why.

Excuse me?

Adam climbs up from under the table.

Your friend gave you a data disc that wasn’t formatted for autoplay in a video player.

George turns back to Janella.

And that’s why Pete here is installing this new PC.


George turns back to Adam.


My name’s Adam, not Pete.  No one in our office is named Pete.

I’m sorry.  I’ve been calling you Pete for the last few months.

Yeah, I know.  Every time I tried to correct you, you moved on to something else.

Adam continues hooking up the PC, setting up the monitor, speakers and connecting the network cable.

Listen, I’m sorry Pe...Adam.

And I’m sure as Hell not Pedro or Pietro.  Do I look like a Pedro?  Call me Adam, call me IT Guy, call me Mr. Finnegan, Call me Asshole, but don’t call me Pete or Pedro.  Got it?

George nods his head.

Sorry Asshole.  Got it.

Push the button.

George pushes the power button, the computer goes through the power-up process. 

Adam watches as this borderline uses one of his computers to solve a major crime.


It’s been 15 years at least, and Adam Finnegan looks a bit more worn and tired, especially sitting behind a wall of monitors.  He peruses all of them, settling on one that focuses on a website for sex abuse survivors.  He looks through it, and recognizes a name.


A moment later, he sees someone online in the Club.  After activating his voice distortion program, he tests it.

1,2,1,2.  Good.

He presses a button, starting a voice chat with a member of the Club.

Hey, it’s Pedro.  How would you like to have some fun and do me a favor at the same time?


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Offline rexmundi

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Re: Veto: A Club of Chester County Story (Story Completed with Part 3)
« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2022, 02:20:01 AM »
I absolutely loved this. I remembered all the conversations except for the Pharma ones and did remember the tech guy George called Pete. I did not remember the specifics of the conversation but it certainly was all explicitly stated with the Pedro reference. As I was reading the lead up, I got excited because I knew it was going to be Pete, well Adam.

You did a great job of using all those voice overs because it instantly puts you back to those scenes. It's always the guy you don't notice, the most inconspicuous one. Felt almost like a Verbal Kint is Keyser Soze moment. I got totally excited at seeing the reveal. As I surmised, if I had re-read this, I may have actually picked up on it because I would have been looking for plausible candidates.

Bob sure has an ally for life with Ryland after he dealt with Bufford. Can't get used to Bob being The Man right now. He must be loaded now.

Oh well. great finish to Veto and eagerly awaiting to see where the story takes us next. I simply love your stories. chef's kiss emot_applaus.gif emot_beerchug.gif
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Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Veto: A Club of Chester County Story (Story Completed with Part 3)
« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2022, 04:57:51 PM »
Thanks Rex.  I was definitely going for a Verbal Kint vibe with this.  To me, it was the best villain hidden identity reveal in movie history.  I came up with this idea that Adam was Pedro right at the beginning of the story arcs a couple years ago and wanted to write his reveal for a while but didn't have the right time.  With the contest and how everything was going in Pharma leading up to some major stuff, it fell right into place.

As far as Ryland, let's just say he has a blind spot when it comes to Bob.  I'll delve into that more in a future story but they have enough info on the other to have a MAD scenario up in Hiawatha County.

The Pharma story is going to be a big event for the Club, but I think I've got a good idea where I'm going with some other events.  Events will unfold that will force Adam will have a much larger role going forward.

Once again, thanks for your praise and support.
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Offline JustJess_33

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Re: Veto: A Club of Chester County Story (Story Completed with Part 3)
« Reply #8 on: May 31, 2022, 06:20:47 AM »
Really love the way you write and the style is unique and sexy. Haven’t got through it all yet but it’s started out well. Like deep stories and I’m going to enjoy this one and your other here in this section that needs my attention. Merit

Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Veto: A Club of Chester County Story (Story Completed with Part 3)
« Reply #9 on: May 31, 2022, 05:14:38 PM »
Really love the way you write and the style is unique and sexy. Haven’t got through it all yet but it’s started out well. Like deep stories and I’m going to enjoy this one and your other here in this section that needs my attention. Merit

Thank you JustJess, your kind words mean a lot.
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