Author Topic: Cho And The Pirates Of Java Sea {Gang}  (Read 13707 times)

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Cho And The Pirates Of Java Sea {Gang}
« on: April 28, 2022, 06:02:14 AM »
The following story is a work of FICTION. It is intended for consenting adults who appreciate a nice sexual fantasy. The author does not condone illegal activities such as rape or sexual activities with underage persons. If you can’t differentiate real life from fiction, don’t read this story.

All characters featured in this story are 18 years old and up. Any resemblance with real-life persons is purely coincidental.

Edit: Pics added for the main characters!


Cho And The Pirates Of Java Sea

Cho was happy with her trip in Bali overall. The scenery was magic! Enchantment-blue seas, fair heavens and warm breeze! She had plenty of nice mornings on the beach, taking short swims, then spending more time lying down on her blanket in bikini and feeling men’s gazes on her petite Asian body. If such gazes came from tall and strong men who looked like they could overpower her with one arm only and rough her up the whole night through, then all the better!

The 24-year-old New Yorker knew full well that her alluring figure, exotic skin tan and raven hair cast a spell on some men. Granted, many men preferred the Hollywood-bombshell type, that is, busty with blonde hair, but the men who did hit on her were usually quite intensely aroused and unable to keep themselves from eye-raping her. Of course this didn’t mean they were attractive to her or a good lover.

Most men simply didn’t take care of themselves enough to make themselves worthy of her time. She put time and effort in making herself presentable; she didn’t obsess over it, but she did put the time. It was reasonable that her potential lover did likewise. Many men want a pretty girl, but can’t even clean up their own bedroom... or their clothes.

The last man who had hit on her was a 50-something husband whose Hawaiian shirt exuded a not-so-pleasant smell. He was kind of funny, but she quickly made an excuse and bailed out.

Her last sexual encounter had been a 22-year-old British pretty boy. Very handsome, but very selfish, especially in the bedroom. He simply had waited for her to take off her summer dress, then he had laid her down and pounded her until he had filled up his condom while closing his eyes and uttering some sort of guttural groan. Then he said “This was great!” and went to sleep. He didn’t even cuddle her. There was no second time with him.

Cho started wondering if an older man would be more interesting, but she didn't exactly relished the idea of intimacy with a balding, graying man; when she'd be 45 years old herself, then it would be different, but now... she wanted to live and enjoy her youth while it lasted.

This was her last day in Bali before taking a cruise ship tour around the island. After a short morning on the beach, she went trekking along with a group of German tourists.

Among that group was a man, about 40 years old, tall and thickly muscled, who spoke German with a weird accent. Upon noticing she didn’t speak German, he jokingly spoke to Cho in French...
“Vous parlez français Mademoiselle ? Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!”

She had a very foggy idea of what he said. She mostly got that he had called her “Mademoiselle” and then he had laughed. It was a warm, healthy laugh that got his shoulders moving in short, ponderous motions. Cho looked at him; he was so massive! He was towering over her; he was certainly a little over six feet tall, and it looked like he weighed around 250 lbs, but he wasn’t really fat. Just thickly built.

“I was just kidding,” he said in English. “Buy the way, my name is Daniel.” His English was fine, but his accent clearly indicated that French was probably his first language.

“Uh... Cho...” she answered, in her usual simple way. She took a better look at this man; he was clearly an older man; his hairline was receding to the point he was balding. She felt quite disappointed. If only he had been a few years younger, she would have considered dating him, but... no! He clearly looked like he could really rough her up in bed, but unfortunately, he was too old. She ruled him out. She knew she perhaps shouldn't have been so superficial and give him a chance, but she just didn't feel enough attraction for him on the physical side.

He started chatting with her. At one point, he let her pass through a door before him, and as she passed in front of him, he gently touched her shoulder, breaking the contact barrier. Cho quickly hurried away from his touch, hoping he'd take the hint. She felt this man’s enormous strength through this gentle touch, but since she didn't feel all that attracted to him, this only made her scared of him. It was clear he found her to his liking, and he wasn’t acting needy. He was just confidently showing his interest in her, but there was no way she was going to date him.

It turned out he was a sailor. He had been working in Bali for two years as a crewmember on a small cruise ship called the Enchanted Coral. Cho started. She was taking the sea tour on that very ship; she didn't exactly cheer to the prospect of having to avoid him the whole time she'd be on that ship... Tough luck! She even thought of cancelling, but it was too late.

Daniel had always been strongly attracted to petite, dark-haired girls. For as long as he could remember, these girls were his go-to fantasy. He had always been a shy person. He had gone through life without much bedroom action, in spite of the fact that some women did feel attracted to him, but this was until his mid thirties. Now he was beginning to display clear signs of aging; he felt his lackluster dating days with young women were headed for a future of zero dating, unless he was willing to stick to his age group, which was what women expected of him. Aging sucked.

He wasn't stupid. He noticed this Cho wasn't really attracted to him. Ten years earlier, it would probably have been a different story. He wished he had been more confident back when he had the looks to attract girls like Cho. Girls were so picky!

At the end of the trekking trail, he confidently asked Cho if she wanted to share dinner with him. Much like he expected, she made some excuse about a friend waiting for her and ran off without any hint of wanting to see him again.

This wasn't the first time Daniel got this kind of shabby treatment from girls who would have been quite attracted to him a decade earlier. The only luck he had had been two months before, with a 42-year-old Greek woman who was with her husband. She still had long black hair and a bodyshape that got Daniel turned on, but she didn't feel as tight or electrifying the way a younger girl feels. Yet he had fucked her while running a fantasy where pirates were raping her along with all other female passengers and had ended up quite noisily voicing his pleasure when he exploded.

Cho felt disappointed. Why this man had to be almost twice her age? And she didn't like his beard either! "Sorry guys, but men don't age like fine wine," Cho thought. Why did he had to be already greying, with his looks fading into a shadow of what she was after? If he had been around her age, she would have enjoyed so much being overpowered by him! She was already forgetting his name. What Cho didn't realize was that if Daniel had been still 25 years old, she wouldn't have met him in Bali. He would have been lifting monstrous weights in some training hall before an important competition.

Daniel was as gentle as he was strong. He had been an Olympic weightlifter, competing in Sydney 2000 at 21 years old as a Superheavyweight. Standing 6 ft 1 in., he had trimmed down from 310 lbs to “only” 245 lbs. For his tastes, Cho was a dream girl! A Yankee maid with a nice exotic touch! He knew he had zero chances to ever get to banging her! But what if he raped her? It looked like she was travelling by herself. It wouldn't be too hard to locate her cabin and grab keys from the maintenance guy, who was often drunk. But no! Raping a girl wasn't his style! He had morals.

Yeah, morals... No matter how good a man you are, no matter how high your moral standards are, if you don't have the looks and proper height, this will not make a lick of difference. The attractive girls won't date you, period. He had thought his height would still make him attractive to 20-something girls, but now he was realizing he had been fooling himself. The girls would prefer a 5'8" guy with great looks over him any day of the week. It wasn't that he was ugly; he was simply a tall, average-looking man who had begun to age.

Alone in her room, Cho was soaking wet in her pussy. She was playing with herself. Daniel was no boyfriend material, but he was rape fantasy material for sure! He was so big! So overpowering. Cho masturbated to a fantasy where Daniel had followed her on a deserted beach late at night. He had grabbed her, put a heavy hand on her mouth to keep her from making noise, and once he had scared her into silence and obedience, he had ripped her clothes off and had started to use her, hammering her into the beach sand and grunting on top of her in the missionary style!

She was under him, utterly pinned and hopelessly overpowered! And he was a long laster. She felt the surge from deep within her womanhood; she touched her breasts, picturing him moving one hand on the same boob and cupping it. She bobbed herself into some sort of copulating motion as she intensified her fingering strokes. Then came the blissful relief! She let out a longlasting, liberating moan and enjoyed the millions of tiny timebombs that exploded all at once and filtered her entire body with waves of orgasmic tremors. She had such strong rape fantasies!

In his room, Daniel experienced a very powerful ejaculation at the conclusion of a masturbation session where he had repeatedly envisioned the moment where he ripped Cho’s top off to discover her magnificent small breasts and her exotic brown nipples as she vainly struggled under his nearly superhuman strength! (He still lifted weights and could push-press a 300 lbs barbell and make it look like a toy.)

His final explosion had come when he was picturing Cho face down on her bunk with him on top of her, raping her from behind and hearing her suppressed bawling through the gag he had placed on her mouth. Yes... Perhaps he could rape Cho.

When Cho boarded the ship the next morning, Daniel found her predictably cold and distant. He knew she was going to avoid him. He took a look at the other female passengers. Cho was the only solo traveller. The other passengers were four couples—two businessmen in their 50’s with their 30-something trophy wives; and two backpacking couples in their early twenties. Daniel might have a chance with one of these trophy wives, but the backpacking girlfriends were obviously off-limits.
If Daniel had been more familiar with women, he’d have noticed that one of these backpackers was eying him; for some impossibly crazy reason, this 22-year-old girl was finding him fascinating. This girl from Colorado had been completely flabbergasted by this, but she did felt definite attraction from this lone-wolf sailor. Her boyfriend offered her boring, vanilla sex and never gave her the proper loving attention she needed to find her own pleasure; perhaps this more experienced man could provide her something... different... and fun! If only Daniel could read her mind! Lol.

The Enchanted Coral left Bali and sailed under fair heavens. It was lovely. Such a lush coastline! Such unfathomable green-blue sea, all alight with tropical sunrays!

As Cho leant on the ship fence and contemplated the landscape just one mile away, Daniel kept looking at her. Her butt curves got him hard very quick. Could he seduce such a beautiful girl? From the interaction he'd had with her the previous day, he knew that it was a definite NOPE!

It was against company policy, but Daniel had to go and see her. If anything, he could say he had met her on shore the previous day, and she would confirm it. Yeah that’s OK, he thought, foolishly.

“Nice weather, isn’t it?... I mean... Hi Cho!”

Cho looked at him and felt uneasy. Couldn't this guy take a hint?! She felt creeped out. She said she had forgotten something in her cabin and made a beeline for the stairs leading below deck. Daniel was about to discretly follow her in order to locate her cabin when a lovely American-accented voice stopped him...

"Hi! I'm Sandy!"

Daniel looked around and... WTF?! This was one of the backpacker girls. She indeed sounded American. And oh God! She was so beautiful! She was a brunette; perhaps one shade darker than light brown. She was looking at him with sparkly eyes filled with curiosity. As he very cautiously took a quick gaze down south, he saw perky breasts shapes under an aquatic green tank-top that he felt like lifting off her!

"I'm... uh... I'm Daniel!... Vous parlez français Mademoiselle ?"

His French made her laugh. As she looked at him with eyes half-closed as she laughed, Daniel felt positively astonished. This girl who was clearly in her early twenties was... hitting on him?!

Of course, she didn't speak French. He told her he was from Montréal, more exactly from a small suburban town called Rosemère. She had time to told him she was from some small place near Denver, Colorado. But then her boyfriend was back from the bathrooms, and he didn't look exactly pleased. He wasn't going to confront a man whose arms were just as big as his thighs, but if he had the typical tamper tantrum with her, then Daniel knew his chances of fucking this cute 22-year-old backpacker would skyrocket, and so did his dick under his Bermuda shorts. Now, this was unexpected!

Cho was quickly getting bored. She craved for good, hard sex, but there wasn't any suitable man available on that ship. The well-off husbands kept eye-raping her as she stood in her summer clothes. Both these Australian men were over a decade older than Daniel; she ruled them out instantly. The cute backpacking boyfriends were lovebirds who were all over their girls. None of them had done anything more than simply acknowledging her with a laconic "hi".

“This is hopeless! I should have stayed ashore!” Cho thought. But then, there were going to be stops in marinas along the way. Perhaps she'd get lucky and meet some local man...

There were nine passengers and five crewmembers aboard the ship, counting the Captain, a 50-something Dutch man, fat and unkempt, who kept leering at Cho in a very creepy way; this was a case of "never find yourself alone with this man". Other than Daniel and the Captain, the three crewmembers were unattractive at best; two short men and some 45-year-old geezer-looking man who clearly looked like he drank too much.

Cho was the only solo traveller. The other passengers were four couples—two businessmen in their 50’s with their 30-something trophy wives; and two backpacking couples in their early twenties. The businessmen were Australian, and were also eye-raping Cho or one of the backpacking girlfriends whenever their wives weren’t looking.

The two young couples were Americans, from Colorado, and Canadians, from Ontario. The Canadian couple told Cho that Daniel was from Quebec. And yes, people from that French-speaking province could act quite weird. As Cho spoke with the Ontarian couple, Daniel saw her from a distance and waved at her, smiling.

“He likes you!” said the guy.

"I know." Cho replied with a tone implying the feeling wasn't mutual. As she spoke, she looked at this cute guy and slightly bit her lips while his girlfriend wasn't looking. Then she shifted her stance in such a way as to give him a view on her breast shapes from a three-quarter profile. Cho knew that her breasts were the "perfect cupping size" for many men. The guy looked a little too much south. "Touché" Cho thought. She found this quite thrilling to be doing this while the guy's girlfriend was looking at the seascape.

The girlfriend from Ontario kept talking as she looked at the sea... “Yep! Men from Quebec are often very shy! A friend of mine told me about a guy from Quebec City who was so hopelessly shy that she had to literally rape him! Yes! Rape him! Like an Amazon warrior queen!”

“Uh... Stacy... Could you please calm down? I told you many times about keeping these Amazon queen games for just between ourselves, haven’t I?...”

As the couple left, Cho saw the boyfriend turning his head to get one last look at her. She waved at him and smiled. Now this was a guy of her age range, but he was taken! He felt some attraction for her, but that certainly didn't mean he would act on it. At least, there was some potential for adding some spice to her cruise tour.

Next day, the sea had got rougher. Cho could feel the weather was changing. She found Daniel near the fence, where they had spoken the previous day. She quickly walked to the opposite side of the ship.

Daniel loved the quiet of the sea in the morning. The sea was now very choppy, but he still had some leasure to enjoy his post-coffee downtime before attending to his many daily tasks.

“Uhh... Daniel, isn't it? Daniel, there’s a broken light bulb in our cabin. Could you come and fix it?”

Daniel turned to his right. That voice belonged to Sandy, the girl from Colorado.

“Uh... Sandy... Uh... This isn’t my job... I’ll... I’ll speak to Tim. He’s the repairman for these kind of...”
“Daniel! I want my light bulb fixed. By you ALONE.”

She had put so much emphasis in her last word that Daniel suddenly realized where Sandy was driving.
"Wh... What about your boyfriend?" he asked with a low voice.

Sandy walked close to him. Daniel took this opportunity to break the touch barrier. He lay a hand on her shoulders as she whispered... "He just went to the breakfast buffet. I know him; he's going to be there a full hour, seeping coffee and stuffing himself."

Daniel's heart began racing! Such opportunity wouldn't come back in quite a while, if ever. He looked around carefully to make sure no other crew member—nor the Captain—was nearby. Then he followed Sandy down to the cabin she shared with her boyfriend. The element of risk made the affair more arousing.

As soon as they were alone, Sandy locked the door behind her and faced Daniel, looking at him with eyes that clearly said “FUCK ME NOW”! This time, Daniel took the hint.

He rushed at Sandy, grabbed her in his mighty arms and powerfully kissed her. He felt the wild excitement in her! He pinned the 5'4" girl between him and the cabin door and feverishly cupped her breasts through her light tank-top; he felt Sandy's teenage-like firmness softly yield under his touch; he felt her hardening nipples through the summer fabric; he found that she wasn't wearing any bra; his erection was quickly surging!

Sandy felt his immense strength; her legs were melting under her! She was already getting soaking wet!
“Fuck me, Daniel! I want to feel you inside me! Come on!”

Oh God! Did he hear her right? He was going to fuck a pretty backpacker! A youthful university student! He better be in good shape!

Daniel grabbed Sandy's tank-top and did exactly what he had been daydreaming of doing since the very moment he had first seen her. He lifted her tight-fitting top with feverish hands and watched her perky breasts follow the upward movement, then bounce back down to settle in their natural, naked position! Her pale nipples were now in full erotic display!

"Oooohhh GOD!! You're so beautiful!" he said as he stooped down and started kissing and sucking her left boob while gently caressing the other one.

Sandy grabbed his head and ran her girly hands through his thinning hair. She noticed he had a few white hair here and there. Perhaps sex would be better with a 40-year-old man... She hoped so. She was all wet and fuck-ready!

Then something Beeped on Daniel’s belt. Daniel had to stop sucking Sandy’s breasts and answer, which he did very reluctantly while swearing something that the American girl didn't understand at all; it sounded like "krriss de tabarnak d'osti d'kaliss". She overheard the Captain’s voice. He didn’t sound happy.

Overheard voice: “Daniel?! Where the fuck are you? There’s a typhoon on it’s way toward us! Get your ass up here!”

Daniel hung up. Sandy saw frustration painted on his features.

“Shit! Why did it had to be NOW?!” exclaimed Daniel. Then he looked at Sandy, who stood topless and looking up at him. She looked like some college girl about to have sex with her teacher in the classroom after hours. She looked like she was 19 or 20. So young! The thought of banging a college-age girl took his erection right up to the raging status. "FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!!!" he thought. (Actually he mentally said "Ostie de siboire de marde!" in his own Quebec French; we just use FUCK! for ease of reading.)

“I'm so sorry Sandy! I really need to go! I want you to know that I’m very disappointed! I didn’t mean to leave you cold Turkey like this again!”

Then the tall man stooped down and tenderly kissed Sandy while gently stroking her hair. He kept kissing her for a good 20 seconds, then very reluctantly broke the contact. Kissing her was like magic! Her scent alone was enough to get him horny.

“You are so smoking hot, Sandy! I really like you!” Before leaving the cabin, Daniel took one last long look at Sandy's college-girl boobs, topless with her inviting pale nipples within easy reaching distance. Tough break! He kissed her again, albeit more briefly this time.

“That’s all right! Go take care of your ship, big boy! Then you can come back here and RAPE me later! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!”

Thus, Sandy was disappointed again in her sex life. At least the disappointment was shared. It seemed like the entire universe was conspiring against her to make sure she never got good sex no matter what she did. She fapped. Yet again. Then her boyfriend came back from his excessive breakfast and kissed her with horrible coffee stench in his breath. So much for romance in the high seas!

Cho was alone in her cabin. Fapping. Yet again. In her fantasy, she was a prisoner of some sort of Polynesian tribe; every man was 6 ft 2 in. or more; they were all muscly and each could individually overpower her with one arm only. She had been forcibly stripped naked and they were now spit-roasting her! That is, taking their turns, but two at a time!

But soon enough, the boat was really tumbling and rocking! Cho had to hold on and sit down to avoid losing her balance. She had been standing while holding a bent-over position and using three fingers to simulate the tribal man's bick dick; she had been keeping her mouth wide open to mimick the huge dick she was taking from the other end.

She peeked through the porthole; the sky was oppressively dark, although it was only 2 P.M. The sea was a nightmarish sight of moving grey mountains of foamy water. Suddenly, a huge wave came splashing and Cho received what felt like ten gallons of salty water on her face. She closed the porthole and snugly settled herself on her bunk after taking her top off and getting changed after drying herself with a towel.

All men aboard the ship would have loved to see her in a wet T-shirt like this, she thought, smiling.


That typhoon was no ordinary typhoon. The Captain had understood he had no time to make it back to Bali. He had headed North into the Java Sea, since the typhoon had been forecasted to past directly over Bali, but it had veered North and then the boat had been caught in the middle of Hell!

Cho was being roughed up on her cabin bunk, but not in the way she had wanted. Most passengers were seasick. For the next 48 hours, the ship was a toy in the hands of the mighty gods of the seven seas!

Daniel was far too busy to see Sandy again. Sandy was busy being seasick anyway. Lives were at stake! There were tiger sharks in these waters.

The boat was pushed and tossed about. Far! Too far!

One morning, on the third day, the sea finally settled down. Cho had no idea where they were, but she was confident that the Captain would quickly steer them back to Bali using the GPS and all that.

The situation was far more serious than Cho thought. The storm had destroyed the ship’s communications and GPS system. They were back to navigating like in 19th century! The Captain’s safest bet was to head south, then follow the coastline and signal for help at the nearest port or resort.

Cho was back up on the deck for the first time. It was great to be getting some fresh air, at last! She even saw Daniel working some distance away. He didn't wave at her. She was surprised. At any rate, he wasn't a needy man! She found the cute Canadian boyfriend and started to chat; he girlfriend soon materialized beside him, and this time she noticed! She kissed her boyfriend and asked him if he had missed his fiery Amazon Queen while looking at Cho with eyes that spelled "DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT" in capital letters.


The Enchanted Coral had been sailing south for about an hour when Cho suddenly saw some strange dots near the horizon line. These dots were quickly gaining in size; these were power boats... Power motor dinghy boats. She could hear the motors presently. There were five of these boats. They were closing in fast.

“Oh my God!” thought Cho. “These motor boats are all filled with men!”

“Pirates! Pirates!!!” shouted Stacy with panic filling her voice. “Ron! Ron!!! They’re coming!!! They’re coming!!!...” Stacy flew in her boyfriend’s arms and started to bawl.

The Captain ordered all passengers to their cabins. He then tried to manoeuvre the ship away from the speeding boats, but found it was no use. Soon, the ship was swarmed by the pirate boats. The foremost boats quickly boarded the ship from two sides at once using thrown ladders.

These men were heavily armed while the ship’s crew was unarmed. One crew member, the repairman called Tim, threw a fire extinguisher at the upcoming pirates and was immediately shot dead on the deck.

Soon, the Captain and the three surviving crewmen were laid down on their belly and had their hands tied behind them!
Now all the pirates were on board! The ship was theirs! There were more than twenty of them. These were not the typical smallish Indonesian men. Most of them were tall and thickly built Polynesian men. Their leader was nicknamed King Haku, after a famous pro wrestler from the 1980s. He was a huge fan of pro wrestling.

The pirates made a thorough, systematic search of the ship. They soon found the passengers in their cabins. Stacy and the other women shrieked in terror as the AK-47 wielding pirates forced them out of their cabins.

All the passengers were herded outside and lined up on the aft deck, near the flag, where there was the most space available. The captured crewmen were nearby. The pirates took the reclining chairs and tossed them overboard to make more room for whatever they had in mind.

Cho looked at these hulking men. Most of them looked like some sort of demigods of the South Pacific islands. Their leader was a towering man, rather fat, but very powerfully built. He set his eyes on Cho and chuckled.

“Well well well! Look at what we have here!”

Cho felt his gaze scanning her figure from head to toe. She felt her body reacting strangely in spite of her great fear. She hoped these men were not going to gang-rape her along with the other women on board, but she also knew that under normal circumstances, she would have been willing for a nice gangbang with three or four of these men, who were presently eye-raping her with their fierce gazes. Feeling their gazes on her made her nipples erect under her top.

Stacy was wailing in frantic sobs, her head resting on her boyfriend’s shoulder. The American couple was equally worried. As Daniel already knew, Sandy was a spicy brunette with a very alluring body. What were these pirates going to do with her? They wouldn't... She didn't want to think of this. Her boyfriend was extremely concerned, yet secretly aroused at the prospect of watching such powerhouses gang-fucking his cute 22-year-old girfriend.

Anyone who knew what the world was really about already knew that the fate awaiting the women on board was inevitable. This backpacker girlfriend from Colorado was fuckmeat, yet she still clung to thinking she could only give them money and all would be good. She wanted so much to believe this was going to be this easy, like in the movies.

The older couples selfishly hoped the pirates would rape only the younger women and let them be; besides, they had a lot of money to buy them off with. They were fools. The 50-something husbands secretly wanted to watch these pretty young girls getting stripped naked and raped right here and there on the deck. They could feel the tension building up. They already had a boner.

Daniel was a shy guy with girls, but he knew how the world turned. He was already sobbing and knew that Sandy and Cho were going to be gang-raped along with all the other female passengers.

The white-bearded, fat Captain couldn’t get his eyes off Cho. His dick was already granite-hard with anticipation! He even hoped that at some point, the pirates would find it funny to see which girls the crewmembers would choose to rape if given the opportunity. He felt so ashamed for harbouring such evil thoughts!

King Haku gave the fateful order to his hulking pirates.

« Last Edit: February 04, 2025, 08:44:03 AM by The Claire »

Offline blondiecath

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Re: Cho And The Pirates Of Java Sea
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2022, 02:17:07 PM »
Nice start!  :D

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Re: Cho And The Pirates Of Java Sea
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2022, 11:33:32 PM »
Nice start!  :D

Thanks blondiecath! I love it when I'm reminded that some female readers get aroused while reading my stories! This makes my day!  >:D
« Last Edit: April 30, 2022, 05:10:41 PM by HistBuff »

Offline naor2a
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Re: Cho And The Pirates Of Java Sea
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2022, 02:13:58 AM »
Good start, i like pirate stories 🤭😜an Iam am looking forward, what people on board will get, I hope, some young male passengers are involved too🤔🤔🤭

Offline vile8r

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Re: Cho And The Pirates Of Java Sea
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2022, 09:03:03 AM »

Pirates on the high seas! Such a delightful scenario!  And I know you will present it to us in your usual graphic and well-detailed style.
I could rape your pussy, but I'd be in and out in a few minutes. So I choose to rape your mind, and I'll be inside you forever!

Offline Mudplugger
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Re: Cho And The Pirates Of Java Sea
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2022, 10:02:30 AM »
Fantastic start, more please!

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Re: Cho And The Pirates Of Java Sea
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2022, 05:07:40 PM »
Good start, i like pirate stories 🤭😜an Iam am looking forward, what people on board will get, I hope, some young male passengers are involved too🤔🤔🤭

Thanks naor2a! Male prisoners getting hard while watching the rapes is a staple in my stories, and at some point, thes male prisoners get to fuck their "own" women; it completely smashes ordinary social boundaries and it's highly arousing for both writer (in my case) and many readers (I think).

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Re: Cho And The Pirates Of Java Sea
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2022, 05:17:24 PM »

Pirates on the high seas! Such a delightful scenario!  And I know you will present it to us in your usual graphic and well-detailed style.

Thanks vile8r!
This was more or less a request from a member on the other site (her user name inspired me into calling the main character Cho). I'm working on being less wordy in my description to better capture the flow of action and to undescore the relationships between rapists and victims.

Highlighting the fact that this New York girl shouldn't even have been in contact with King Haku was quite arousing as of itself. This being said, I wouldn't want these exercises in style to detract from my personal style, which is quite graphic (this stems from using nude pictures in my very first stories --- I simply love seeing naked girls, and scenes where women get forcibly stripped drive me crazy).

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Re: Cho And The Pirates Of Java Sea
« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2022, 05:21:36 PM »
Fantastic start, more please!

Thanks Mudplugger! Pirates on the high seas is a favorite of mine! A group of armed men gains and use absolute power over captive women, and unlike what we see all the time in bullshit movies that are teeming with frustrating close calls, the girls actually get gang-raped.

The political correctness zealots should be reminded that a great many female viewers are equally frustrated by the aforesaid close calls in movies; many women do have gang-rape fantasies and they come on forums like this one to finally get the stimulation they are after! I love providing them with imagery so much that I do it for free!  ;D

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Re: Cho And The Pirates Of Java Sea
« Reply #9 on: April 30, 2022, 05:25:54 PM »
This wasn't the first time these Polynesian pirates gang-raped tourists. Their ultimate fantasy would be to capture an Australian navy ship and rape all the female crewmembers, but this would be impossibly dangerous to try.

Cho looked at them. Their faces were bronze-tanned with some strange tribal tattoos. Most of them had necks thicker than her thighs. They kept looking at her with lust-crazy eyes. Nearly all of them stood six feet tall or more and weighed well above 200 lbs. And it wasn't only their sheer physical size; their faces and eyes were ablaze with unapologetic manliness and warrior's pride. Cho could tell they were going to rape her savagely without any afterthoughts. This thought made her wet.

When King Haku shouted "LET THE PARTY BEGIN!" they all set down their guns and equipment and removed their tank-tops, displaying their elaborate tattoos to their female captives as well as their thick brawny torsos. Cho looked at them with her eyes saucer-wide. She wished Stacy would stop screaming so loud; she almost felt like punching her face!

The pirates always began the rapes following the same pattern. King Haku would choose a woman and then they would hold the rest of the prisoners at gunpoint and force them to watch this woman getting raped by King Haku; then they grabbed all the women! The raped girls always squealed and wriggled more frantically when they had first watched one of them getting it. The moment when they realized it was their turn was priceless!

The big fat King Haku grabbed Cho, who choked with terror and remained violin-chord tense and dead silent. A large pirate walked near her and firmly held her tiny arms behind her back. Then King Haku plunged his wide fleshy face against hers and force-kissed her!

Then he slapped her, caught her by the shoulders and savagely ripped off her tank-top. He pulled the royal-blue tight-fitting top with both hands, yanking Cho sideways as the tearing fabric gave a sharp sound and her topless figure suddenly materialized!

Her brown nipples danced in front of King Haku and all men present as her small firm breasts settled back in their natural curves and resting position, casting daylight shadows on her pristine abdomen. King Haku's eyes followed her curves down her waist and hips. He grabbed her summertime blue skirt and violently pulled down with both hands.

As he pulled her short skirt down her smooth petite legs, he grabbed her lower legs and lifted her feet up to the point the terrified girl was almost horizontal, caught between King Haku at her feet and his crony holding her arms from behind. Cho was frozen; she vaguely thought of kicking, but remained frozen with terror mixed with some sort of weird arousal. She felt the salty breeze directly hitting her feet as her white shoes slipped off along with her discarded skirt.

Daniel, lying flat on his stomach and tied up along with the other crewmen, wanted to shout at these animals for them to leave Sandy alone, but he knew this would only get him rifle butts on his head. He felt greatly ashamed as he realized there was a second reason why he didn't say a word--- a part within himself enjoyed watching Cho getting stripped in front of him and looked forward to witness her gang-rape.

Cho now stood topless in front of everyone, wearing only a bikini bottom. The aquatic green highlighted her rich Asian complexion and cock-teased all men! Daniel forgot everything else; he had to know whether Cho shaved her cunt or not. Everybody on the ship was presently looking at Cho! The girl remained silent, tears flowing down her cheeks as she modestly looked down.

Then King Haku stripped himself stark naked, showing an eight-inch erect dick to the petite New York girl he was about to rape. Cho tried to scream, but only a feeble soprano-voice yelp came out her gaping mouth. King Haku's bronze dick was not only long, it was also thick with bulging veins! Two ponderous balls hung behind it, ready to deliver their contents.

King Haku walked right at Cho. He let out a savage grunt and yanked off her bikini top. Cho yelped briefly as she felt the sudden breeze on her most intimate body part. Knowing that everybody was seeing her naked had juices flowing into her pussy. The juices became a lot more plentiful as the pirate leader put his hand on her cunt and felt her small patch of dark hair. The ship's Captain and Daniel both experienced a mammoth erection as they saw a glimpse of Cho's vee between her legs.

The 300+ pound Haku grabbed and spread out Cho's small legs. While his crony kept her in place, he pushed his massive cock against her entrance. Cho screamed from the searing pain as her cunt was very brutally forced open; fortunately, the wet state of her cunt allowed King Haku to make headway inside her pussy.

Then the pirate leader gave a massive thrust forward and screamed his victory as he felt his dick going all the way into Cho's deepest vaginal reaches, his dick powerfully massaged by the tight glove of her Yankee pussy! Oh SHIT! This was so fucking GOOD!!!

King Haku began raping Cho, who was now sandwiched between the two giant Polynesian men! He filled the deck with out-of-control grunts while Cho, in great pain, aimlessly begged him to stop...

"HRR... HRRR, HRRR, HRRR, HRRRr... Ooohh YEAH!!! Ohh SHIT!!!... RRRHhhh... HRrr... hrrr... HRHRR!!!"
"Nnn... Noooo!!! Nooo!!... Nooo!!!... Ahh too big! Too big! Stop! It hurrrrts... Noooooo!!! ..."

King Haku just grabbed her hips and pumped his dick repeatedly inside her like the most complete maniac the world had ever seen; little Cho was utterly shaken like a lost sail amid a typhoon. Her cute brown hair was a shoulder-length blur. Cho was moaning amid her sobs and pleas. The fact she was being roughed up in front of everybody immensely aroused her thrashed body. She had no idea someone could ever fuck with such insane force!

King Haku grunted louder and louder until he finally exploded inside Cho...

His legs went jello-wobbly under him as his dick took a life of its own and shot thick gobs of semen inside the New Yorker tourist, who looked more like some Asian college girl than a girl close to her mid-twenties. King Haku knew this would be delightful, but he had underestimated Cho. What an amazing fuck this little slut was!

The man who had been holding her urgently forced Cho to lie down on the deck and fucked her missionary style. He banged her with unrestrained abandon, supporting his weight on outstretched arms and contemplating her perky breasts jiggling under him as he kept violating her until the final explosion.

Cho had lost control of her body! The nubile-looking girl tightly wrapped her legs around the big man as he screamed his bliss against the nape of her neck and gave her is cum. Her body ran even more wildly amok as she felt his warm stickiness spilling inside her. Then two other pirates came to pick her up. They bent her over and proceeded to spit-roast her!

Powerless to resist between the pair of 240-lb Polynesian warriors, Cho was told to open her mouth and suck dick like a good girl unless she wanted them to start amputating her toes. She engulfed the throbbing dick, all seven-inch of it, and got face-raped properly while the other man enjoyed her from behind where she stood!

By this time, the other female passengers were put to unwilling contribution.

Stacy screamed so shrill and loud that it sounded like she was being eviscerated. The 21-year-old Ontario girl frantically writhed amid a pack of grinning men who swiftly removed her Bermuda shirt and her bikini top, before ripping her bottom down and starting to rape her; the sandals on her feet were her only piece of clothing left. She took the first man's dick deep inside her racked pussy while her boyfriend got beaten up. 

Each of these bronze-skinned men was 1.5 times larger than her boyfriend. Each was pounding her three times as fiercely as him on his most aggressive nights. Their powerful musc made her body respond in a way that greatly shamed her; she began to actively repress her moaning, sobbing bitterly... On top of being gang-raped in front of him, she was now unfaithful to him in her raped thoughts.

The Colorado backpacking couple was similarly dealt with. "Sandy!" the boyfriend called as he received blows. "Danl... Thomas! Help me!!!" the 22-year-old U.S. brunette kept calling as the fierce pirates had her pinned on the deck under them. They didn't bother with removing her top. They stripped her from the waist down and took their turns in urgently pounding her until each man in the group had powerfully discharged his load and screamed his relief in echoing accents that added to the couple's sense of debasement.   

The Australian trophy wives were raped with perhaps even more urgency in front of their unbelieving -- but turned on -- husbands. The first one was Lauren, a 36-year-old bank executive, dark blonde with a bodyshape that had everyone at her job lusting after her. The pirates pulled her denim shorts down, then ripped her panties off and started raping her from behind, each successive man grabbing her waist and ramming her into him. Another man was face-raping her. Like Sandy, Lauren had been allowed to keep her top, but this didn't protect her much.

The other trophy wife was Kim, a 32-year-old yoga instructor from Melbourne. Her auburn hair shone magnificently under the Java Sea sunlight as the grinning pirates brutally ripped all her clothes off. Raping white women was so much fun! Especially with their husbands watching! The Pirates adored doing this. Kim would spend the next hour naked and pinned on the deck with her arms held outstretched above her head while each man took his pleasure, raping her vagina while kneading, pressing or sucking her breasts.

Polynesian cum was a delicacy Cho was soon made familiar with. The man face-raping her delightfully flooded her mouth with his gooey stickiness. He kept his dick inside her mouth, forcing her to swallow. At the same time she was utterly disgusted with the taste, Cho felt an immense surge of arousal from the large dick constantly fucking her from behind. This rear man started bucking her with frantic abandon and then he growled and relieved himself!

Whenever her dainty mouth was free, Cho whimpered in uncontrolled outbursts. Each man banging her doggystyle was a well-built stud from South Pacific islands. But most often she had her mouth full and was busy getting spit-roasted.

At one point, a pair of immensely strong hands forced her down on all fours. Then she had a round of forced sex with her face down on the deck and her protruding butt feeding the all-mighty erection of King Haku, now taking his second turn by slam-fucking her and making her lovely head slide on the deck with repeated urgency, grunting and groaning the whole time. Cho had lost it! Do what she will, she powerfully orgasmed amid her pleas...
"Noo!!! ... Aaaahhh Nioaa... Too much... It's too much... No protection... No... No nothing... the pirrr... ates... AAhhh AAAAAahhh... AAaaaaaaa... AAaaa nnnnn  nnnnnnnnnn  nnnnnnnhhh Nooo... AAaahhaa AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaa!!!"

She screamed again, louder, as she was hit by a second orgasm even more powerful! King Haku kept relentlessly pounding her as steady as a never-failing piston. Cho felt every bit of his size and hardness as she endured the never-ending punishment! The heat from the sun on her naked backside reminded her this was daytime and that she was getting fucked in tropical waters by a well-hung tropical man. She had another orgasm!

Daniel watched the scene; his dick was granite hard and precumming even without him touching it! As he laid on the deck and kept looking on, the ship's captain kept moving his hips back and forth in a copulating motion. The two other crewmen were also watching Cho with similar arousal.

The flabby King Haku did his very best to last as long as he could, but the sight of Cho's teenage-firm derriere and her ungodly vaginal tightness proved too much. He submitted to nature's law and relieved himself, cupping her butt cheeks and enjoying her fleshy girliness as he did so. This cute little tourist was an epic fuck!

King Haku wiped his fluid-dripping dick on Cho's pretty face and then left. Another pirate, a less-flabby version of his leader, still very tall and heavy, took over and doggystyled the cute little Asian girl with equal fury and abandon until he powerfully filled her up too.

Cho couldn't wrap her mind around the peculiar horror she was experiencing. Usually, she was far away in New York, generally safe, while this King Haku and his men where lurking and preying in these waters more than 10,000 miles from her home. Such a thing wasn't supposed to happen. Even in movies where tourists were held at gunpoint and threatened by savage-looking terrorists, the women somehow remained unscathed. Yet there she was, Cho... Eve-naked on that deck and gang-raped in front of everybody!

« Last Edit: May 23, 2022, 03:53:52 PM by HistBuff »

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Re: Cho And The Pirates Of Java Sea
« Reply #10 on: May 03, 2022, 09:34:53 PM »
Cho lost her notion of time. She spent the next eternity being standing doggystyled and sptit-roasted by a bunch of impossibly large pirates, their ponderous leader among them, laughing and jeering at her from their wide grinning faces.

The action of boarding the ship had given them all an incredible adrenaline rush that enhanced their erectile power. As soon as one man felt his boner coming back, he took Cho's mouth or pussy again. Cho's petite frame was constantly shaken senseless, her small breasts firmly bouncing under her ever-horizontal torso, except when a pirate violently cupped them from behind while he pounded her. Her shiny curtain of dark hair danced along with her defilement.

Cho confusedly saw the scenes of rape and mayhem around her. Seeing her fellow female passengers got her aroused in a shameful and weirdly unexpected way. These gang-rape scenes were appalling to say the least, but there was nonetheless something powerfully erotic in these huge Polynesian men relieving themselves inside these privileged white tourists; this was especially true of the young female backpackers...

Stacy's sandaled feet looked tiny and lost next to the immense Polynesian butt that kept powerfully flexing as the pirate repeatedly violated the Ontarian girl with grunting delight; the large man was standing, grabbing her waist and pumping his dick inside the naked girl, who was kept horizontal and restrained above the deck, jiggling breasts and all, by two equally massive pirates who kept mocking her and contemplating her wildly bobbing head and flying hair.

Stacy's shorty boyfriend felt both powerless and immensely aroused, with a raging boner, as he watched the huge Polynesian man speeding up his pace as he passed the edge and then pounded her all through his blissful explosion... NNNHHHHHHHHHHHRRRRRRRRRR!!!

The man quickly switched positions with one of his mates; he took Stacy's arm, wiped his cum-dripping dick on her face and then firmly held her suspended above the deck along with the third man while the aforesaid mate took his turn inside the pretty Canadian tourist, raping her in an inspired attempt to use her even more roughly!

The bouncing curves of Stacy's pale breasts under the Java sun encompassed the powerful reality of her predicament at the hands of these South Pacific pirates.

Daniel kept watching Sandy's rape with equal arousal and fascination. The 22-year-old backpacker was still wearing her tight-fitting top --- and nothing else --- while a big light-bronze man who was about Daniel's size was raping her, kneeling and lifting her butt off the deck, in such an abusive way that she got utterly shaken, nearly upside down with only her shoulder blades touching the deck!

Her hazel-brown hair magnificently contrasted with her pretty face as she kept violently shaking her head while repeating "No! No! No! No! Noooooo!!!...."

At one point, one of the men pinning her arms said something in his Islander tongue and then, with his huge hand, he grabbed the hem of Sandy's top and yanked it away from her torso, adding to Daniel's arousal with the sharp sound of tearing fabric. For a fleeting moment, her bikini top moved amid the shreds of her destroyed top, then it was grabbed and ripped off! Sandy's jiggling breasts burst into sight!

Daniel felt a monster erection painfully pushing the front of his Bermuda shorts as he saw her intimate orbs suddenly exposed in a tumult of violated flesh; these perky boobs soon disappeared under cupping hands, in a brown-on-white contrast that further intensified Daniel's unbearable arousal.

Sandy whimpered and kept repeating "No! No! Nooo!" whenever her shaken frame allowed her to. Her distorted features clearly indicated that she was in pain. Then the big brown man raping her bellowed a long roar out of his pleasure-open mouth and gleefully relieved himself inside the Denver university student, who was learning too late that travelling abroad could be very dangerous for her safety and her sexual integrity.

The next man flipped her around and took immense delight in raping her on all fours, contemplating her bouncing butt, the sight of which powerfully expanded his already-hard and throbbing erection!

Daniel couldn't believe his own eyes! While Cho had a smooth, exotic-bronze butt that made one think she might be still a teen, Sandy's derriere displayed a pale-skinned fullness that was impossible to describe in words. This was the kind of perfect butt a man could spend a year looking for in porn magazines and then fapping to an impossibly strong ejaculation once he'd found it!

Daniel realized how lucky he had been! Sandy had wanted to fuck him... But then he got impossibly unlucky as his ship got boarded and captured by these accursed pirates! Now Sandy was paying the price. And it got worse! After a minute of pounding her pussy, the big man smiled and pulled out, before reentering her, but this time he started raping her ass!

Sandy screamed her life out! She sounded like she was being skinned alive!

Her boyfriend shouted slurs and four-letter words at her rapist, until he was beaten down into silent submission again. The fierce pirates didn't tolerate little boy-scouts shouting at them! Daniel's gaze was locked on Sandy's pale-cream butt cheeks while the man gleefully sodomized her. The only good news in her anal ordeal was that the man was unable to last very long; he suddenly let out a loud growl and flooded her lower intestines. But Sandy screamed "NO!!! NOO!!!!" in a panicky voice as the next man also raped her ass.

Sandy and the other pretty backpacker now survived in a high-sea world of pain and debasement. Their youthful bodies readjusted to this nightmarish ordeal and coped in a very resourceful way. In Stacy's case, this took the form of a loud moaning orgasm as she was forced into this shameful state amid the laughing men raping her.

The high-end Australian women also got their fair share of pirate brutality. There was a rolling cart that the steward used   to make drinks. The pirates used it for their sexual needs; they took the 32-year-old yoga instructor from Melbourne and bent her over this cart. Her naked athletic figure was then used as a cum dump for five Polynesian men who all took their second turns in this position. Other men came and took her mouth from the other side. Her auburn hair became handles for her successive face rapists. She found the Polynesian sauce salty and very rancid. 

The 36-year-old bank executive was sampled in the eagle position. One man had fucked her with her legs up against his shoulders, and it turned out that this particular position got the blonde Australian woman moaning and groaning into a quickly approaching orgasm. The next rapist had thus used the same position and then hit the jackpot. Using this Aussie slut like this was so much fun! Hearing the unmistakable sound of her sexual surrender, right in front of her gray-hair husband was priceless!

They kept powerfully bucking her in this position, one man after another. The one and only privilege she kept was being raped with her shirt on. Her aquatic green shirt intensified the slight tan and erotic power of her long legs as she kept receiving one cumload after another in this same eagle position. All the men laughed whenever they heard her orgasming.

At this point, the sun was getting lower on the horizon. Cho was half unconscious as she kept receiving dick thrusts either inside her pussy or in her mouth. She didn't care anymore. She started thinking that she might die. Then something cold was splashed on her breasts and she felt two mouths licking her boobs. The pirates had found cold beer and decided that it would be fun to spill some on Cho's breasts and lick it off.

This became a trend. They tasted beer on the Aussie yoga instructor's butt as she was still bent over on the drink cart. They tried it on Stacy's breasts. Then on Sandy's...

At long last, the pirates were dick-exhausted and took the girls in for a bathroom break. They then gave them food, but most of the girls were not hungry; they were in shock.

One-by-one, the male prisoners were also taken to the heads. Each was escorted by two armed men; except Daniel. The pirates used four armed men to escort Daniel, who attempted nothing, knowing this would be futile. He also had a secret hope that the pirates would start playing games and perhaps allow some male prisoners to fuck one of the female passengers. He had heard stories to that effect; it was a twisted means the pirates could use to gain some cooperation from the crew.

Once all the prisoners had been offered food and some of them had eaten and drunk sparkling water, the pirates tied them all and cooked steaks for themselves after finding an impressive barbecue cart. They drank more beer, but the leader carefully limited the amount. They couldn't afford to get drunk.

Then the games began! Daniel had a raging boner when he heard King Haku's offer to his Captain...


King Haku stopped speaking and looked at the Captain's face. The 55-year-old man's features came alight with hope and anticipation when he heard the word "reward". There was also fear in his eyes. In the background, the entire western horizon was ablaze in a deep gold that seamlessly morphed into a delicate dusk. Lights came alive on the ship. The quiet waves were troubled by some splashing sound; perhaps a tiger shark that had caught a prey; these sharks were very active at dusk.


Daniel couldn't believe what he just heard. His heart started racing in his chest. Was he also going to be offered a fuck? Then which girl would he choose? He hesitated between Cho and Sandy. Raping Cho, who had rejected him, would be a once-in-a-lifetime bliss. Raping Sandy doggystyle would also be a life-altering experience. Either way, he'd love the ride. Then he was stricken with shame and guilt for looking forward to something so immoral!

"YOU HEARD ME, CAPTAIN! DESCRIBE HER AND WE'LL GIVE HER TO YOU! WE'LL EVEN HOLD HER IN PLACE FOR YOU! HA! HA! HA! HA!" (The pirate crew laughed along with their leader.)

The Captain looked intensely at Cho and spoke, his voice hesitating...

The grinning pirates untied Cho, who went nuclear in a frantic panic as soon as she understood that she was going to get raped by this disgusting man! This fat, pudgy-faced 50-something geezer! How dare he even consider getting intimate with her! She looked at the scene with terror as the pirates untied the Captain.

Cho sobbed bitterly and wailed her life out as the pirates spread-eagled her tiny figure on the deck. Her petite body looked amazingly erotic under the evening sky. The Captain not-so-erotic naked figure walked right up to her, then the old fat-bellied man gleefully laid himself on top of Cho, before urgently inserting his throbbing dick.

Cho's screams were probably heard from more than a nautical mile around as she felt herself drowning under the old man's flabby weight, his sickening cologne and the even more sickening force of his dick pounding her, not to mention the animalistic grunts against her face and the frothing saliva spilling from his open mouth onto her. The man had bad skin and his foul breath reeked of chewing tobacco.

Cho cried and whimpered as the Captain raped her, holding her wrists firmly pinned and banging her, his eyes demented with crazy arousal and disbelief. He was fucking this girl he had been lusting after since she stepped foot on his ship! Each and every one of his dick strokes was a life-altering pleasure! She was so tight! It had been so long since he had fucked such a young pussy!

He closed his eyes and remembered his girlfriend from 1990. Yes, it had been that long ago! The 55-year-old Captain looked right into Cho's crying face as he turned all his basic instincts loose and banged her with unrestrained delight as he felt almost dying when his dick detonated inside her! Each rope of jism was a near-death experience when it came shooting out of his pulsating dick! He spilled a lot of saliva on Cho's face when he flooded her cunt. AT LAST!!!

Daniel felt his heart almost bouncing out of his chest when King Haku asked which girl he wanted to fuck now.

"THE CUTE AMERICAN GIRL WITH BROWN HAIR!!!" he said without thinking. Really, it had been a tossup between Sandy and Cho. Then Stacy screamed as men were untying her.

"NO! NOT HER! NOT THE ONE WITH THE SANDALS! THE ONE WHO'S BARE FOOT!" Daniel shouted. The pirates looked puzzled, but then they untied Sandy and shoved Stacy back among the prisoners.

Sandy cursed with her full Colorado accent! She resisted so strongly that it took no less than three big men to restrain her. Daniel came at her, and since she was pinned on the deck with her face up, he laid himself down on her and felt unfathomable elation as he inserted his hard cock inside the panic-screaming girl. NOW, HE WAS FUCKING SANDY!

"NO!!!! NO!!! DANIEL!! NO!!!" Sandy screamed. Upon hearing his girlfriend speaking Daniel's name without a hint of hesitation, her boyfriend felt a fierce rage surging within himself. It was clear that Sandy had been doing things behind his back!

Daniel was like a demon! Sandy's protests only made him hornier. He grunted like a savage orc raping some farm girl in the erotic version of a Tolkien novel! As he pounded her hard, he kept mentally repeating "ALLEZ ! ON VA LA VIOLER !!!" in his native French. (COME ON! LET'S RAPE HER!!!) It was so much fun to watch Sandy's face bobbing under him, and her college-girl's breasts jiggling along as he enjoyed her nubile tightness!

He suddenly stopped raping Sandy. The grinning pirates readily understood his gestures. They flipped Sandy over. Before long, Daniel was kneeling behind Sandy, who was raped doggystyle with her face sliding on the deck and her protruding butt offering a too-powerful show for the men, many of whom began masturbating.

Daniel fucked Sandy while grunting like a rutting gorilla! This was so much fun! Then it got even better. Sandy began moaning and calling Daniel's name...

As he heard Sandy's complete sexual surrender, her boyfriend shouted... "SANDY! YOU'RE JUST A FUCKING WHORE!!!"

Sandy cried as she kept being fucked senseless by the burly sailor, but she kept moaning and calling Daniel's name. Then she filled the ship's deck with a detonating groan, filling her boyfriend's soul with shame and envy as she very powerfully climaxed.

Then Daniel followed suit and spewed a biblical-scale load inside her while screaming her name...

He almost fell face first on the deck while the last drops exited his spent dick. He was helped back up to his feet and tied up again. Then the two remaining crewmen were offered a claim to one of the female captives.

Daniel looked on with fascination as the steward/cook fucked Stacy, the Ontario backpacking girlfriend, in front of everybody as well. The 50-year-old short man with greasy hair couldn't believe his luck when he dumped his load inside this girl who was normally completely out of his reach. Then came the turn of the ship's navigating officer. He chose to have Cho. Daniel saw the look of jealousy on the Australian women's face. This was priceless!

The 45-year-old sailor bucked Cho in the exact same position as Daniel had whored Sandy. Cho spent a few minutes with her Asian-featured face sliding on the deck and her butt propped up while the sailor firmly held her lithe waist and took his pleasure! This forced sex finished predictably with a savage growl and yet another big load of jizz for Cho! The New Yorker tourist would have a lot to write home about.


Offline blondiecath

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Re: Cho And The Pirates Of Java Sea
« Reply #11 on: May 04, 2022, 01:49:07 AM »
Good story for sure, please more  :D

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Re: Cho And The Pirates Of Java Sea
« Reply #12 on: May 04, 2022, 05:01:35 PM »
Good story for sure, please more  :D

Thanks blondiecath! I'm always glad to know some users are enjoying one of my stories. In this case, I'll be especially thrilled when it's a female user who can picture herself getting gang-fucked by these big Polynesian men! Parhaps some pictures would be nice to give a more precise idea of how they look.

Offline Great_Satyr

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Re: Cho And The Pirates Of Java Sea
« Reply #13 on: May 23, 2022, 08:36:16 AM »
Lovely story, but I miss a picture of the scrumptious rape victim Cho, which phonetically makes me picture little porn star Lulu Chu in her place.
I am for interracial sex,; white fucking black, black fucking white, and everybody fucking asian girls.

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Re: Cho And The Pirates Of Java Sea
« Reply #14 on: May 23, 2022, 09:03:38 AM »
Lovely story, but I miss a picture of the scrumptious rape victim Cho, which phonetically makes me picture little porn star Lulu Chu in her place.

Oh yes! I realize... You need to know that this first started as a request from a female member, on another site, who wanted to pose as Cho in this story. However, I never heard anything from her again. This was why, out of respect for her, I didn't post any picture of Cho, nor of the other female characters as it would have been completely weird to show pics of supporting characters only.

I'll shortly remedy this defect and find a the picture of some Asian cutie! Thanks for bringing this up!