Cho lost her notion of time. She spent the next eternity being standing doggystyled and sptit-roasted by a bunch of impossibly large pirates, their ponderous leader among them, laughing and jeering at her from their wide grinning faces.
The action of boarding the ship had given them all an incredible adrenaline rush that enhanced their erectile power. As soon as one man felt his boner coming back, he took Cho's mouth or pussy again. Cho's petite frame was constantly shaken senseless, her small breasts firmly bouncing under her ever-horizontal torso, except when a pirate violently cupped them from behind while he pounded her. Her shiny curtain of dark hair danced along with her defilement.
Cho confusedly saw the scenes of rape and mayhem around her. Seeing her fellow female passengers got her aroused in a shameful and weirdly unexpected way. These gang-rape scenes were appalling to say the least, but there was nonetheless something powerfully erotic in these huge Polynesian men relieving themselves inside these privileged white tourists; this was especially true of the young female backpackers...
Stacy's sandaled feet looked tiny and lost next to the immense Polynesian butt that kept powerfully flexing as the pirate repeatedly violated the Ontarian girl with grunting delight; the large man was standing, grabbing her waist and pumping his dick inside the naked girl, who was kept horizontal and restrained above the deck, jiggling breasts and all, by two equally massive pirates who kept mocking her and contemplating her wildly bobbing head and flying hair.
Stacy's shorty boyfriend felt both powerless and immensely aroused, with a raging boner, as he watched the huge Polynesian man speeding up his pace as he passed the edge and then pounded her all through his blissful explosion... NNNHHHHHHHHHHHRRRRRRRRRR!!!
The man quickly switched positions with one of his mates; he took Stacy's arm, wiped his cum-dripping dick on her face and then firmly held her suspended above the deck along with the third man while the aforesaid mate took his turn inside the pretty Canadian tourist, raping her in an inspired attempt to use her even more roughly!
The bouncing curves of Stacy's pale breasts under the Java sun encompassed the powerful reality of her predicament at the hands of these South Pacific pirates.
Daniel kept watching Sandy's rape with equal arousal and fascination. The 22-year-old backpacker was still wearing her tight-fitting top --- and nothing else --- while a big light-bronze man who was about Daniel's size was raping her, kneeling and lifting her butt off the deck, in such an abusive way that she got utterly shaken, nearly upside down with only her shoulder blades touching the deck!
Her hazel-brown hair magnificently contrasted with her pretty face as she kept violently shaking her head while repeating "No! No! No! No! Noooooo!!!...."
At one point, one of the men pinning her arms said something in his Islander tongue and then, with his huge hand, he grabbed the hem of Sandy's top and yanked it away from her torso, adding to Daniel's arousal with the sharp sound of tearing fabric. For a fleeting moment, her bikini top moved amid the shreds of her destroyed top, then it was grabbed and ripped off! Sandy's jiggling breasts burst into sight!
Daniel felt a monster erection painfully pushing the front of his Bermuda shorts as he saw her intimate orbs suddenly exposed in a tumult of violated flesh; these perky boobs soon disappeared under cupping hands, in a brown-on-white contrast that further intensified Daniel's unbearable arousal.
Sandy whimpered and kept repeating "No! No! Nooo!" whenever her shaken frame allowed her to. Her distorted features clearly indicated that she was in pain. Then the big brown man raping her bellowed a long roar out of his pleasure-open mouth and gleefully relieved himself inside the Denver university student, who was learning too late that travelling abroad could be very dangerous for her safety and her sexual integrity.
The next man flipped her around and took immense delight in raping her on all fours, contemplating her bouncing butt, the sight of which powerfully expanded his already-hard and throbbing erection!
Daniel couldn't believe his own eyes! While Cho had a smooth, exotic-bronze butt that made one think she might be still a teen, Sandy's derriere displayed a pale-skinned fullness that was impossible to describe in words. This was the kind of perfect butt a man could spend a year looking for in porn magazines and then fapping to an impossibly strong ejaculation once he'd found it!
Daniel realized how lucky he had been! Sandy had wanted to fuck him... But then he got impossibly unlucky as his ship got boarded and captured by these accursed pirates! Now Sandy was paying the price. And it got worse! After a minute of pounding her pussy, the big man smiled and pulled out, before reentering her, but this time he started raping her ass!
Sandy screamed her life out! She sounded like she was being skinned alive!
Her boyfriend shouted slurs and four-letter words at her rapist, until he was beaten down into silent submission again. The fierce pirates didn't tolerate little boy-scouts shouting at them! Daniel's gaze was locked on Sandy's pale-cream butt cheeks while the man gleefully sodomized her. The only good news in her anal ordeal was that the man was unable to last very long; he suddenly let out a loud growl and flooded her lower intestines. But Sandy screamed "NO!!! NOO!!!!" in a panicky voice as the next man also raped her ass.
Sandy and the other pretty backpacker now survived in a high-sea world of pain and debasement. Their youthful bodies readjusted to this nightmarish ordeal and coped in a very resourceful way. In Stacy's case, this took the form of a loud moaning orgasm as she was forced into this shameful state amid the laughing men raping her.
The high-end Australian women also got their fair share of pirate brutality. There was a rolling cart that the steward used to make drinks. The pirates used it for their sexual needs; they took the 32-year-old yoga instructor from Melbourne and bent her over this cart. Her naked athletic figure was then used as a cum dump for five Polynesian men who all took their second turns in this position. Other men came and took her mouth from the other side. Her auburn hair became handles for her successive face rapists. She found the Polynesian sauce salty and very rancid.
The 36-year-old bank executive was sampled in the eagle position. One man had fucked her with her legs up against his shoulders, and it turned out that this particular position got the blonde Australian woman moaning and groaning into a quickly approaching orgasm. The next rapist had thus used the same position and then hit the jackpot. Using this Aussie slut like this was so much fun! Hearing the unmistakable sound of her sexual surrender, right in front of her gray-hair husband was priceless!
They kept powerfully bucking her in this position, one man after another. The one and only privilege she kept was being raped with her shirt on. Her aquatic green shirt intensified the slight tan and erotic power of her long legs as she kept receiving one cumload after another in this same eagle position. All the men laughed whenever they heard her orgasming.
At this point, the sun was getting lower on the horizon. Cho was half unconscious as she kept receiving dick thrusts either inside her pussy or in her mouth. She didn't care anymore. She started thinking that she might die. Then something cold was splashed on her breasts and she felt two mouths licking her boobs. The pirates had found cold beer and decided that it would be fun to spill some on Cho's breasts and lick it off.
This became a trend. They tasted beer on the Aussie yoga instructor's butt as she was still bent over on the drink cart. They tried it on Stacy's breasts. Then on Sandy's...
At long last, the pirates were dick-exhausted and took the girls in for a bathroom break. They then gave them food, but most of the girls were not hungry; they were in shock.
One-by-one, the male prisoners were also taken to the heads. Each was escorted by two armed men; except Daniel. The pirates used four armed men to escort Daniel, who attempted nothing, knowing this would be futile. He also had a secret hope that the pirates would start playing games and perhaps allow some male prisoners to fuck one of the female passengers. He had heard stories to that effect; it was a twisted means the pirates could use to gain some cooperation from the crew.
Once all the prisoners had been offered food and some of them had eaten and drunk sparkling water, the pirates tied them all and cooked steaks for themselves after finding an impressive barbecue cart. They drank more beer, but the leader carefully limited the amount. They couldn't afford to get drunk.
Then the games began! Daniel had a raging boner when he heard King Haku's offer to his Captain...
King Haku stopped speaking and looked at the Captain's face. The 55-year-old man's features came alight with hope and anticipation when he heard the word "reward". There was also fear in his eyes. In the background, the entire western horizon was ablaze in a deep gold that seamlessly morphed into a delicate dusk. Lights came alive on the ship. The quiet waves were troubled by some splashing sound; perhaps a tiger shark that had caught a prey; these sharks were very active at dusk.
Daniel couldn't believe what he just heard. His heart started racing in his chest. Was he also going to be offered a fuck? Then which girl would he choose? He hesitated between Cho and Sandy. Raping Cho, who had rejected him, would be a once-in-a-lifetime bliss. Raping Sandy doggystyle would also be a life-altering experience. Either way, he'd love the ride. Then he was stricken with shame and guilt for looking forward to something so immoral!
"YOU HEARD ME, CAPTAIN! DESCRIBE HER AND WE'LL GIVE HER TO YOU! WE'LL EVEN HOLD HER IN PLACE FOR YOU! HA! HA! HA! HA!" (The pirate crew laughed along with their leader.)
The Captain looked intensely at Cho and spoke, his voice hesitating...
The grinning pirates untied Cho, who went nuclear in a frantic panic as soon as she understood that she was going to get raped by this disgusting man! This fat, pudgy-faced 50-something geezer! How dare he even consider getting intimate with her! She looked at the scene with terror as the pirates untied the Captain.
Cho sobbed bitterly and wailed her life out as the pirates spread-eagled her tiny figure on the deck. Her petite body looked amazingly erotic under the evening sky. The Captain not-so-erotic naked figure walked right up to her, then the old fat-bellied man gleefully laid himself on top of Cho, before urgently inserting his throbbing dick.
Cho's screams were probably heard from more than a nautical mile around as she felt herself drowning under the old man's flabby weight, his sickening cologne and the even more sickening force of his dick pounding her, not to mention the animalistic grunts against her face and the frothing saliva spilling from his open mouth onto her. The man had bad skin and his foul breath reeked of chewing tobacco.
Cho cried and whimpered as the Captain raped her, holding her wrists firmly pinned and banging her, his eyes demented with crazy arousal and disbelief. He was fucking this girl he had been lusting after since she stepped foot on his ship! Each and every one of his dick strokes was a life-altering pleasure! She was so tight! It had been so long since he had fucked such a young pussy!
He closed his eyes and remembered his girlfriend from 1990. Yes, it had been that long ago! The 55-year-old Captain looked right into Cho's crying face as he turned all his basic instincts loose and banged her with unrestrained delight as he felt almost dying when his dick detonated inside her! Each rope of jism was a near-death experience when it came shooting out of his pulsating dick! He spilled a lot of saliva on Cho's face when he flooded her cunt. AT LAST!!!
Daniel felt his heart almost bouncing out of his chest when King Haku asked which girl he wanted to fuck now.
"THE CUTE AMERICAN GIRL WITH BROWN HAIR!!!" he said without thinking. Really, it had been a tossup between Sandy and Cho. Then Stacy screamed as men were untying her.
"NO! NOT HER! NOT THE ONE WITH THE SANDALS! THE ONE WHO'S BARE FOOT!" Daniel shouted. The pirates looked puzzled, but then they untied Sandy and shoved Stacy back among the prisoners.
Sandy cursed with her full Colorado accent! She resisted so strongly that it took no less than three big men to restrain her. Daniel came at her, and since she was pinned on the deck with her face up, he laid himself down on her and felt unfathomable elation as he inserted his hard cock inside the panic-screaming girl. NOW, HE WAS FUCKING SANDY!
"NO!!!! NO!!! DANIEL!! NO!!!" Sandy screamed. Upon hearing his girlfriend speaking Daniel's name without a hint of hesitation, her boyfriend felt a fierce rage surging within himself. It was clear that Sandy had been doing things behind his back!
Daniel was like a demon! Sandy's protests only made him hornier. He grunted like a savage orc raping some farm girl in the erotic version of a Tolkien novel! As he pounded her hard, he kept mentally repeating "ALLEZ ! ON VA LA VIOLER !!!" in his native French. (COME ON! LET'S RAPE HER!!!) It was so much fun to watch Sandy's face bobbing under him, and her college-girl's breasts jiggling along as he enjoyed her nubile tightness!
He suddenly stopped raping Sandy. The grinning pirates readily understood his gestures. They flipped Sandy over. Before long, Daniel was kneeling behind Sandy, who was raped doggystyle with her face sliding on the deck and her protruding butt offering a too-powerful show for the men, many of whom began masturbating.
Daniel fucked Sandy while grunting like a rutting gorilla! This was so much fun! Then it got even better. Sandy began moaning and calling Daniel's name...
As he heard Sandy's complete sexual surrender, her boyfriend shouted... "SANDY! YOU'RE JUST A FUCKING WHORE!!!"
Sandy cried as she kept being fucked senseless by the burly sailor, but she kept moaning and calling Daniel's name. Then she filled the ship's deck with a detonating groan, filling her boyfriend's soul with shame and envy as she very powerfully climaxed.
Then Daniel followed suit and spewed a biblical-scale load inside her while screaming her name...
He almost fell face first on the deck while the last drops exited his spent dick. He was helped back up to his feet and tied up again. Then the two remaining crewmen were offered a claim to one of the female captives.
Daniel looked on with fascination as the steward/cook fucked Stacy, the Ontario backpacking girlfriend, in front of everybody as well. The 50-year-old short man with greasy hair couldn't believe his luck when he dumped his load inside this girl who was normally completely out of his reach. Then came the turn of the ship's navigating officer. He chose to have Cho. Daniel saw the look of jealousy on the Australian women's face. This was priceless!
The 45-year-old sailor bucked Cho in the exact same position as Daniel had whored Sandy. Cho spent a few minutes with her Asian-featured face sliding on the deck and her butt propped up while the sailor firmly held her lithe waist and took his pleasure! This forced sex finished predictably with a savage growl and yet another big load of jizz for Cho! The New Yorker tourist would have a lot to write home about.