Part 2
JC always loved the hunt. There was nothing he loved more than tracking down prey, using his skills to subdue them, then taking what he wanted from them. One day on the Club’s forum, there was a vibrant discussion about whether or not one could acquire a target using nothing but an Apple AirTag. Some people said it was possible, others said it was too risky, and a few others said it was just media hype and didn’t work. JC said that he would try to put this to the test starting that weekend. There was an upcoming comic convention and a friend of his was an artist that had a booth at the show. These shows were no longer the collection of pasty neckbeard virgins living in Mommy’s basement but also it was a celebration of everything geeky. That included some fine ass nerdy bitches cosplaying as everything from Sexy Velma to Sexy Spongebob. Lots of fine bitches, a target rich environment.
That’s when he got the idea of how to make this work. He could buy a 4-pack of AirTags for $99 and pair them to a generic iPhone that he used as a burner or dummy phone. He was an Android guy himself but he used Apple devices when he needed to. After a little research he saw a few ways these tags could work. They were designed to be put in a backpack or a keychain or wallet so that when a person lost something, the tags would put out a Bluetooth signal that would be picked up by other iPhones and sent back to iCloud. But if a tag was purposely put on a person or their stuff, they could be tracked. Thing is, newer iOS versions have built-in defenses against the tracking. That meant he’d have to tag someone using an Android phone. The next part was getting the tag on them. That wouldn’t be hard, he would make a little trinket or trophy or bauble and put the tag in it, then give the trinket to the girl as part of her swag bag. He’d make some 3D models of Pokémon, probably Bulbasaur or Squirtle and give those to a few ‘special cosplayers.’ He also had to make some non-rigged models as well. A little road trip after that to find where they lived or went to and then pay them a visit. Just to be on the safe side, he made 12 of these models. If it didn’t work, he was out $300. If it worked, he’d be knee deep in nerd pussy.
The weekend of the convention came and he quickly figured out how things worked. It was a 3-day event with people traveling from nearby towns. Most of the exhibitors were there for the whole time, and the guests chose either a one, two-day, or full weekend pass. The pass was a wristband and an associated badge with an RFID tag in it, just in case one or the other was lost. During the first day, he noticed a few things off the bat. Most of the out-of-towners had a full weekend pass, or at least multi-day. If he wanted some local nerd pussy, he’d focus on the single day passes. If he wanted to hook up with some out of towners, the weekend passes were the way to go. Also, it was a heavier Android crowd than he expected, about half and half. Unfortunately, that meant a lot of lost opportunities like the hot blonde that hosted a podcast on iPhones, but it wasn’t worth the risk. It certainly helped that all iPhones look close to each other with the same camera layout patterns so he could focus on the women with cameras that looked a certain way. It might sound like the range of targets was gone, but there were more than enough opportunities.
Another thing JC discovered was that he didn’t need to try very hard to get laid at the convention. This was nerdy Coachella, and just being there with an artist was like having a gig on the side stage. They got invited to several parties that first night. This caused JC to change his strategy a bit. Instead of figuring out which bitches to rape that night, he used the AirTags he gave out earlier in the day to see which parties to go to. It worked. They went to one party where he hooked up with a blonde he met earlier who was dressed as Sexy Deadpool. At least he thought it was Deadpool, might’ve been Samus in a red body suit.
For Saturday and Sunday, JC focused giving the AirTags to guests with one-day passes. By his logic, they were probably local which meant they’d forget him when the weekend was over and by the time he’d pay them a visit at home, he’d be just another stranger. He gave out the remaining 7 AirTags, along with a few other fake statues he made. Once again, Saturday night was spent partying and networking. This time, he had a threesome with two girls that had way too much to drink and were more into each other than him, and were a little below his normal standards, but were still fun and good looking enough after a few drinks. They were cosplaying as Slave Leia’s. There was no way he was saying no to this. On Sunday, everyone was exhausted from the convention and everything was packed up. JC had an amazing time helping his friend out, and even got the contact info for a few new friends.
It was time to see how his experiment went. Logging on to a VPN and connecting to his dummy iCloud account, he tracked the 12 AirTags. He gave 4 of them to girls with weekend passes and 8 to girls with one day passes. He gave each of them a dummy name that he kept track of on his phone, along with who he gave them to. 2 of the 4 he gave to weekend passes ended up in the trash by Sunday night. One of those belonged to a girl at the party on Friday night, where he hooked up with Sexy Deadpool. That left 2. One of those two was on its way to Humdinger while the last one was on the Main Shore in an apartment or bar. The 8 that he gave out to single day passes were mostly in the area. 2 of them were out in the country but easily within a day’s journey. 2 more showed travel that put them in houses in the suburbs, 1 of them vanished, 1 was in a McDonald’s near the convention center, 1 in an apartment in Collegetown and the last was going all over. He noted the addresses of where they were on a spreadsheet and kept tabs on them over the next couple days while he researched what he could. JC admitted to himself that if this was a one and done, it would be much easier. He wouldn’t have to track down each and every individual tracker and see who had which one.
JC immediately ruled out the tags out of the city. He thought it was too much of a risk for a chance at some pussy. Same for the tag 3 hours away in Humdinger. Still, he’d look into them a little, just to see what popped up. The ones in the trash were crossed off as well. Over the next few days, a couple more were thrown away. But they were in the houses long enough to give him an address. The one in the McDonald’s just stayed there. He crossed that one off as well. It was probably sitting on the manager’s desk, distracting them from how much they hate their life. That left the one on the Main Shore, 2 in the suburbs, one in the apartment in Collegetown, and one travelling all over the city. He shared his findings with the Club every step of the way.
Right away he received a message from another member of the Club, asking him to remove the Collegetown apartment from the list. He told JC that he owned the building and him hunting there could bring unwanted attention. He did point JC to her livestream and said that once she moved she was fair game. She was a brunette who hosts her own OnlyFans page and went to the convention to cosplay. When JC saw her, she was dressed as Violet from the Incredibles.
The Main Shore apartment tag belonged to a blonde cosplayer named Holly. She kept the statue with the tag for a couple days before she threw it out. She was a cute, skinny blonde with a tight frame. She lived in an apartment overtop of a vegan bakery. From what JC could tell, she currently lived alone as she was between roommates and boyfriends at the moment. He was going to check her out a little more.
The one travelling the city occasionally stopped for stretches at an apartment building in Ambrose. Her name was Lily, a cute Asian girl who cosplayed as a bunch of anime characters JC had no clue about. It looked like Lily was an Uber driver in her spare time and put Bulbasaur in her car for luck. He hoped his luck continued and he’d see her again.
The last two statues were in the suburbs. He crossed off one of them right away when he found out she was only 16. As cute as she was dressed like Sexy Velma, she was too young to fuck with. Club Rules, though she’d be fun to check in on in a couple years. The other one lived nearby to JC, a little too close for comfort. She too lived at home with her family. He put that one at the bottom of the list. Such a shame, too. Mercy had some nice titties.
JC decided that he’d look into both remaining targets and see if he couldn’t give at least one of them a ride to Poundtown. Holly was up first. It didn’t take much to figure out her schedule, she worked in the vegan bakery downstairs during the day and was an OnlyFans streamer at night. She advertised her site on the pegboard in the bakery under her gamer alias, and seeing as it was still there, it seemed like the owners were okay with it. He blended in without having to change his look at all. JC looked like a guy that would go to a vegan bakery. He visited a couple times, getting a cupcake and a coffee each time. Holly worked another station when he went to the counter, so he never spoke to her directly. He did hear Holly and her co-worker talk about how Holly’s classes “were a drag and boring AF lol.” He shook his head slightly at how old he felt hearing that. Here was a grown woman talking like that in the real world.
He checked out her OnlyFans page and used a dummy account to get a show. She streamed a few times a week and did get nude, showing off her pierced nipples. She had bars going through each nipple and a small tattoo on her chest that probably meant something but he didn’t really give a fuck. He figured out which apartment she lived in above the bakery and could get in unnoticed. Her door had a basic deadbolt and door lock from the same company. He didn’t even need to pick these locks, he had a master from another job and a quick pick. There was no external security aside from the door to the outside world which locked at all times but not nearly as secure as the landlords thought. The landlords also owned the bakery.
As tempting as it was to break in during her one of her streams and fuck her in front of a crowd, he figured that was a good way to get caught. Instead, he thought about doing the ‘Interrupted Break In’ attack. The Main Shore was a hip and trendy neighborhood, but it also had its fair share of break-ins, robberies, and assaults. He would show up, break in before she would go online for one of her sessions, then have his way with her. Just as he was preparing for this move, the unexpected happened.
Holly sat down at his table one day while he was eating his cupcake, planning how to rape her. She recognized him from the convention, the “cute guy from one of the art booths.” They talked for a bit, asking why he was in the area when he lived across town. JC told her that he worked for a company doing IT nearby and every so often would stop in the neighborhood. He found out she was 19, the typical art school anime nerd except for the fact that she also livecammed. JC put on the charm, a little surprised that she’d be so upfront about it. Holly said that she didn’t like to date in the traditional sense, but guys get possessive about women and her job was to be sexy on camera. She’d dress up in various cosplays and if the money was right for the night, she’d either masturbate, play with some toys, or whatever felt right that night. He asked her how much she made from this, and her answer surprised her. She made more money than he did, and he made a good living. After they finished their coffee, she asked him if he was busy. He wasn’t. “My place is upstairs, want to check it out?” JC wasn’t used to a woman making the first move, but he wouldn’t complain about it, either.
They went upstairs to her apartment, and she was aggressive. By the time the door to her apartment was closed, she was out of her bakery work shirt and naked from the waist up. He joined her, removing his shirt and helping her out of her jeans as they made out. They moved to the bed and before she told him her last name, he was eating her out. After he made her cum, she insisted on returning the favor. The lithe blonde knew what she was doing with her mouth. If she wanted to, she could’ve made him cum right then and there. Instead, she mounted him and rode him cowgirl style on the bed, letting him suck on her tiny titties and play with her pierced nipples. They fucked for 15 minutes in that first session, him bringing her to orgasm twice. As he was about to cum, she made him pull out and cum on her face. He had no problem with that, and coated her like a glazed donut.
After the cleanup, it was during the post-coital cuddle that she confessed that she had an ulterior motive, if he was up for it. She made quite a bit on her solo shows, but really made a lot on her girl-girl shows and guy-girl episodes. Her last boyfriend quit on her a few weeks back and she needed a new stunt cock. When she saw him hang around the store after meeting him at the convention, she took it as a sign that maybe she should talk to him. She also surprised him by telling him that she had a couple cameras set up in the apartment for security but also to film any of her impromptu auditions. “You weren’t some creepy stalker, at least I don’t think you were. What’d ya say?” JC was completely caught off guard, but decided that this could be fun. He’d fuck this hot chick once or twice a month on camera, she’d pay him a little, and they’d hang out.
JC reported this to the Club. They thought he was full of shit until he shared a couple videos. The first was their initial fuck session. The second was a clip from her cam show where she was dressed as Tifa and he fucked her while wearing a Cloud mask. The members went all Zapruder film on it showing that yes, this was JC and he was fucking her.
But this raised some concerns that he hadn’t completed the task at hand. Sure, he fucked a girl he tracked down from an AirTag, but it was more like a proof of concept. He still needed another data point.
He needed Lily.
This was one a much tougher and simpler option. He wouldn’t get close to her or track her down and learn all of her habits. No, he was going to do this differently. He’d use the AirTag to track her car, wait till he got nearby, then grab her. Nothing difficult or fancy, no pizzazz in the plan. The only difficult decision he had was whether to play the Passenger game or Rapewagon game.
Passenger was the game where he’d book an Uber using a fake ID and account, get her to drive him somewhere, then subdue her and take her there. The Rapewagon game was grab her at a neutral site, throw her in the back of his van, take her somewhere, and fuck her brains out. While the Rapewagon game was simpler, it left a lot up to chance. If he grabbed her at a place with security cameras like a gas station or fast food restaurant, then someone would call the cops and they’d have his plate and description. He could get around that with a fake plate, but that ran other risks. The Passenger game required her to be on the clock taking fares. One time he tried the Passenger game and kept getting dicked around when the woman refused to pick him up, leaving someone coming from across town to grab him.
He decided that the Passenger Game was the right play, and he’d throw in the ‘Picking up a friend’ variable as well. If it didn’t work, he’d track her down and carjack her ass at night, taking her to the middle of nowhere then have is way with her.
It was Thursday night when JC put his plan into action. He had his workvan cleaned out and his equipment with him. He had dummy plates on his van from out of state. They used to belong to another windowless white van, just in case he gets stopped. He had fake paperwork and everything. He tracked her to a strip mall. She drove a silver Honda Accord from the late 00’s. She exited, wearing a grey button up shirt, glasses, a choker collar, and a pair of Adidas workout shorts. She had a pair of tennis shoes on, looked like Adidas from this distance. Her long dark hair was pulled back into pigtails and she wore a pair of round glasses. Her body was amazing. Her legs were smooth and toned, but not too muscular. Her tits seemed to defy gravity as she walked, and from this distance they seemed at least a C-cup, maybe D. He thought about his plan and when he would order a ride when he realizd he made a mistake.
She walked into a Chipotle restaurant, carrying a delivery bag. Lily wasn’t an Uber driver, she was a Grubhub driver.
This threw his plans for a loop. JC thought for a bit, going over his own rules.
Rule 1: Know your prey. He had the right type of job but the wrong job.
Rule 2: Understand your prey. She wasn’t dressed for a fight. Hell, she was barely dressed for going out. She was probably low on cash and wanted to make a few bucks.
Rule 3: Understand your tech. He tracked her using the AirTag, which was somewhere in her car. She hadn’t discovered it yet. He could still use it to track her throughout town.
Rule 4: Prepare for your environment and terrain. He planned on getting her to drive to an abandoned house he knows of. Instead, if he’s driving he’ll take her to another one of his haunts.
Rule 5: Don’t shit where you eat. She wasn’t near his home town of Peachtree, which cuts down on preparation. There’s a lot of windowless white vans between there and here.
Rule 6: Be prepared. Timing + Preparation = Luck. For the carjacking plan, he’d need a mask, a weapon, and put the fear of God into her. He had his stun gun and a gag, as well as a small pistol he kept under the seat.
Rule 7: Have a backup and backout plan. Ordering an Uber ride won’t work. He’ll either have to nab her outside of her house or get her in between deliveries. If his plans don’t work, he’ll have to abandon ship.
Rule 8: Have a reason to be there that isn’t hunting. Repair vans are pretty common. He could easily say he was looking for a house for a repair if needed.
Rule 9: Carry light. His gear was in his truck, but he had enough to pull this new plan off. It’s easy to travel light when everything needed is packed into the back of the RapeWagon Deluxe 3500.
Rule 10: Stay calm when getting away.
He had to think fast. The strip mall was too risky. Too many people would notice something, and she’d have an angry customer bitching about food that wasn’t delivered. He’d follow her for a bit from a distance. He didn’t know where she was going, but with the AirTag he could stay far enough behind to not directly follow her. He knew that a drop off would take a couple minutes at most, and as few as a few seconds. He would need a place to either grab her and throw her in his van or carjack her and make her drive where he wanted her to go. He ran into all of the possible ideas in his head as he pulled up to Lily’s destination. She didn’t stay long. Within a minute, the time it took him to pull onto the street and look for her car, she had already stopped, dropped off the food, and left again. She was about a mile away when he caught up with her. He saw her climb back into her car, the food delivery bag completely empty and folded under her arm when he saw where he was and how to use this. She wore a mask over her mouth and nose. Likely a company policy.
Prepare for your environment and your terrain.
He used to live in this area. Down the street was a park with some overhead lights in the parking lot but that was it as far as security goes. The rest of the roads were dark and narrow, nowhere safe to pull over. He had an idea.
JC reached into his glove box and grabbed a mask and put it on. He made sure his hair was stuffed up under his hat. He saw Lily’s Accord in the distance at a stop light. He approached, slowing, slowing, but didn’t stop in time. He bumped right into her car. There were no streetlights anywhere. Her car lurched forward after the van hit it. JC got out of the car, acting apologetic. Lily exited her car, furious.
“Dude, what the hell man?” Lily approached, walking back to him.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you. Are you okay?” JC feigned compassion, something he’d learned over the years. Lily rubbed her neck.
“No, I’m not. How bad is it?” She tried looking at the damage, but the quickly setting sun made that next to impossible to gauge.
“I don’t know. I can’t see. Hey, you from around here? There’s a park right over the hill. You can see it from here.” JC pointed right past her. He could see the park from here.
“Yeah that one?”
“Yeah. We’ll go over there, check out the damage, and exchange information. How about that?” JC put a trusting tone into his speech. Lily eyed him up and down, wearing a pair of khaki slacks and a black polo shirt with a Verizon logo on it. She shrugged.
“Okay. Just don’t hit me again while we’re driving. In fact, you pull around and I’ll follow.” Lily said.
“Deal.” JC climbed into his van and gently backed up, then pulled forward. He sighed when he saw that she followed him to the park. It was less than a quarter mile from where he hit her car. He backed his van into the spot, keeping the door facing the darkness of the adjacent trees and shrubs. She pulled into a space two spots down, head first. From how they parked, the damage would be shown under the overhead light. She got out of the car, seeing the damage for the first time. He looked at his, taking pictures with the iPhone he used to track her.
“God dammit, this is gonna fuck me over.” The bumper cover was cracked and the fascia was damaged. Some of the paint from the van carried over to her bumper. She stood up and looked at JC as he walked around the van, opening the rear door. He made sure everything for a quick snatch was within reach. Lily walked around her car again, stopping at the passenger’s door. She opened it, then fished her registration out of the glovebox.
As she exited the car, JC was right behind her. “Hey, what the-AAAIEEAH!” She let out a brief scream before her mouth was covered. Sharp, shooting, electrical pain erupted from her back. Before Lily knew what hit her, her legs and arms went limp. The only thing preventing her from collapsing onto the asphalt was JC catching her and dragging her to the fan. Her eyes started to focus after a few seconds. That’s when she fell onto something soft, like a yoga mat or a foam mattress. She started to regain feeling in her hands, but not fast enough to stop this man from binding them. Lily opened her mouth to scream, but something was shoved in her mouth. She felt someone sit on her as her head was pulled back and whatever was in her mouth was secured. She tried to kick him off, but another long zap of whatever that was earlier caused her to almost black out from the pain. By the time she regained her senses, her hands were bound behind her, her legs were tied together with some form of tape, and her mouth was filled with something, like a gag of some kind. Inside the ring was a rag. The door was closed behind her, and the engine was running.
JC saw Lily go into the passenger side of the Accord. She was maybe 15 feet from him. He grabbed his stun gun and a rag and snuck up behind her. He was a step or two behind her when she climbed out of the car. She said something as she bumped into him, but he was already a step ahead of her. He hit her with the stun gun in the small of the back as he covered her mouth. He only had a second to catch her off guard. She slumped into his arms as he caught her and dragged her over to the van. After dumping her on the back, he bound her hands and inserted a ring gag in her mouth before she regained her composure. JC shoved the rag into the gag to stifle her screams, then shoved the rag in there to muffle the cries. At the first sign of struggling, he zapped her again with the stun gun, longer this time. She went limp. He finished tying her feet and legs together, then pushed her further into the van, allowing him to close the door.
Once the van tail door was closed, he went back to the front seat and rummaged through glove box for a couple things. It was a Bulbasaur statue and a pair of black nitrile gloves. He put on the gloves then approached her car. She left the engine running and dropped her phone on the passenger seat. It was still unlocked to his amazement. He went into settings and turned off GPS tracking then went into the photos. She took a couple of the van, including the license plate. He deleted those and emptied the trash right away. They hadn’t synched to the cloud yet, so those were gone for good. He scrolled a little bit further. There were quite a few selfies here, as well as some other videos. She even had a couple nude ones she sent to someone named Kyle. Probably a boyfriend or something. He thought about leaving the phone in her car, but had an idea. He pocketed it as he pulled out his iPhone. He used his phone to find the AirTag. It was sitting in the back seat, still in the swag bag. He laughed. She didn’t even know it was in her car this whole time. Still, he grabbed the Pokémon with the AirTag and replaced it with one that didn’t. Just in case the cops showed up and searched the place. He saw her registration laying on the ground. The car was in a man’s name, probably her father. He found her license and a school ID for Harbor City Beauty School. Lily O’Donnell. He took a picture of all of them, then put the registration back in the glove box. The ID’s were in a wallet attached to her phone so he put them back. JC then turned off the Accord and took the keys with him, locking the car behind him. He hopped in his van, started it up, and headed to one of his favorite places, the quarry.
Lily was just waking up from her stupor when the van lurched into gear. She screamed into her gag and thrashed as best as she could, but she was trapped. Fear and panic flooded her mind as she thought about what horrible things this man would and could do to her. She cried, hoping that this nightmare wouldn’t happen, that this was maybe some sick prank from her friends.
Meanwhile, JC kept Lily’s phone open as he drove. He didn’t know how to unlock it so he had to keep fiddling with it to keep it awake. Once he was out of the neighborhood and into more of the suburbs, he could pull off the road and investigate the phone a little better. He used her phone and went to a website that loaded a trojan on her phone that would allow him to check in on it whenever he felt like. He also made sure that her contacts were uploaded to the same site. That way, if she told anyone what happened, he’d show them how much of a slut she really was.
Lily felt the road change as the van pulled off the asphalt and onto something else, like stone. She tried to see where she was, but all she could make out were locked tool cabinets and some random tech equipment. It was dark, so she could only make out the outlines of what she saw. After a few more minutes of slow driving over the rocks, the van stopped. She wondered if she could move enough to escape, but she was tied at both the knees and feet. Her hands weren’t moving at all. If she could move, she’d try to bumrush this man as he opened the door. Instead, she was trapped.
JC stopped the van in the quarry. He thought about Lily in the back of the van. She was clearly Asian but with an Irish last name. Most likely Daddy liked a little kimchi on his potato. He was far enough from everyone up here that she could scream her head off and no one would hear her. He was still wearing the hat and medical mask from earlier, so he decided to change it for his ski mask. He let the engine idle as he reached behind the driver’s seat and flipped on a couple switches. The first turned on the lights inside the back of the van, illuminating the workspace. The second activated the series of secret cameras he installed in it for occasions such as these.
Lily flinched as the bright lights came on, blinding her. She lost her night vision, and it took a moment for her eyes to adjust. Before they did, the back door of the van opened. The man that kidnapped her stood in the doorway. She saw him holding up a phone.
“Smile for the camera, Lily. C’mon, don’t you wanna smile?” She panicked at the voice, it was the same as the man that rear ended her. And he knew her name. She still couldn’t make out any details, but it was him. He reached over and stroked her leg, feeling her bare skin. “I think it’s time that we get to know each other better, Lily O’Donnell. The man slid his hands further and further up her leg, reaching the top of the thigh before sliding them back down to her shoes. He did it again, causing her to cry as his hand lingered near her butt. She mewled into her gag.
“Oh, you want me to take your shoes off? They too uncomfortable?” She shook her head no, but he went ahead anyway, taking off her sneakers and her socks. Next, he cut the electrical tape that he used to bind her feet and knees. She looked for a moment for any gaps past him. Before she could move, he was on top of her, rolling her onto her stomach. He shoved her face down into the foam mattress, forcing her to turn her head or possibly break her nose. He reached above her and opened a cabinet door. In it was a that was a chain about 6 feet long and a pair of handcuffs. He put the cuffs in front of her so she could see them. She then felt her arms being moved and her hands cut free. For a second she struggled, but that ended with a slap across the back followed by JC grabbing her arm and pushing it up the middle of her back.
“Don’t try anything stupid, or I’ll have to hurt ya, and I don’t wanna hurt ya Lily. Do you want me to hurt you?” He put more pressure on her arm, and she cried. He released the hammer lock on her and put the handcuff on her left wrist in short order. He did the same with her right wrist. She was now chained up in the back of his van.
JC climbed off of her. She pulled at the cuffs, seeing that they were attached to the van itself. He thought about his next steps and decided to extend her torture a little bit before he fucked her. He exited the van and stood at the doorway. She curled up away from him, but could see him stand there. He took off his shirt, throwing it in the back of the van. He then unbuttoned his pants and pulled them and his boxer briefs down. She wanted to get away and keep him away from her. He reached for Lily’s leg, but she tried to kick him.
She forgot about the stun gun. JC didn’t. He grabbed it and gave a quick shock to her leg. She screamed into her gag again. He then climbed into the van and grabbed her by the hair.
“I’m only gonna say this once Lily. Try that again and I’ll zap you on the tit. Any more outbursts after that, and I’ll fry your fucking clit with this. Got it?” She tried to nod but couldn’t. He zapped her on her left boob. She shrieked. “Next one’s on the clit. Do you want me to do that?” She cried and shook her head no. “Good.” He hopped off of her and grabbed her legs. JC dragged her to the rear of the van, her legs dangling out of the rear. He jumped back on top of her, taking a good look at her and taking more pictures of her. He pulled the cloth gag out of her mouth, leaving the ring gag in place. He leaned down and kissed her cheeks as he began unbuttoning her shirt. He could feel her shiver underneath him as he undid the last button. He took another picture, showing her in her black bra. He thought about taking the bra off, but thought she looked sexy as hell this way. Besides, it doesn’t matter if her underwear survives the night.
“God, you are so sexy Lily. I could see why Kyle likes you. You suck his dick?” Her eyes went wide. Well, as wide as they could. She might only be half Asian, but the eyes are from her mom’s side. ‘How did he know about Kyle?’ She wondered as she saw his hard-on approach her face.
“Nooa, pwea no.” She could talk a little but couldn’t close her mouth. She finally came to understand why this metal ring was in her mouth as this man positioned himself over her head and shoved his dick into her mouth.
“Use that tongue, bitch. Use it. Yeah. You love this, don’t ya?” JC slowly started fucking Lily’s mouth, feeling her try to move her tongue under this assault. He went for a minute, kneeling on her shoulders and forcing a blowjob this way until he changed position. He inverted, climbing over her to where his head was over her shorts. He grabbed her shorts and panties at the waistband and in one go tugged them down her legs. She unconsciously tried to keep them closed, but that only drew a slap to the hip. He pushed her legs apart, getting a look at clean shaven pussy.
“Want Senpai to teach you a lesson? I think so.” JC leaned in and started eating Lily out while he fucked her face. He assaulted her with vigor and wouldn’t stop until she came. Every so often he’d forget to move his hips and she’d panic underneath him because she couldn’t breathe. He loved the way she felt on him when she panicked. Before he could come, he decided to stop fucking her mouth and make her cum. He pulled out until he brought her to the edge, then he went back to assaulting her mouth. JC wanted to, neigh needed to feel her moan and cry on his dick as he made her cum. He got his wish, hearing and feeling the most excellent cries escape Lily.
JC pulled out and decided that it was time to take her pussy for his own. He climbed off of her and stood outside of the van. He lined up with his dick with her pussy and inserted himself. She felt even better than she looked, and she was fucking beautiful. He grabbed the camera and recorded him fucking her. As he got closer, he pulled out and moved up her chest, and aimed for her head.
“Oh, here it cums!” He blasted his nut all over Lily’s face, coating her forehead, cheeks, and mouth. He put his dick back in her mouth. “Lick it clean, whore.” She did as told, and he was electric with the post-cum sensations on his dick. He climbed off of her, wiping his dick on her belly. While he was down here, he pulled her bra up over her tits and played with them. He squeezed and sucked her tits until he was hard again.
This time, he decided to really make her cry. He rolled her over, her tits now on the mat and her ass up in the air. He slid her shirt and bra up her arms before climbing back out of the van. Once outside, he reached into the van and grabbed some lube he kept nearby.
“Lily, anyone ever take your booty to Poundtown? Go driving down the Hershey road? Give your chocolate starfish a sausage? You know, anyone ever fuck your ass?”
“Nooo, nooo, nooo!” Lily shook her head and cried as she looked over her shoulder behind her to see him grab a bottle of something and squirt it on her ass. While he was prepping her ass for a good fucking, he took her pussy again, slamming the top of her thighs into the van’s bumper. Once he got enough lube on and in her asshole, he pulled out of her pussy and pressed himself into her butt. She screamed something fierce as he kept struggling to get in.
“Fuck you’re one tight little bitch. Relax and it won’t hurt as much.” He pushed into her a little further until he was completely buried in her ass. Once in, he kept going until he built up a good rhythm. He fucked Lily’s ass for what must’ve been 20 minutes before he was ready to cum. When he was ready, he held on for everything he had as he blasted his nut deep in her ass, taking pics the whole time.
When JC pulled out of her ass, he needed a rest. He rolled her back into the van while he sat on the edge of the doorway. He looked at the clock on the phone, it wasn’t even 10PM yet. He could fuck her for another hour or two before he had to get back home. But she didn’t know that. He had a brilliant, sick idea. He checked his cabinet for an item. He pulled out a rabbit vibrator, one with the clit movement and the rotating sections in the middle. He grabbed the phone and climbed up to Lily.
“You see this? You’re gonna use this, and you’re gonna fuck yourself with it, and you’re gonna cum. You don’t have a choice in the matter, Lily. If you don’t, you don’t go home. I could kill you out here and no one would ever find you. I could leave you out here by yourself and you’d get lost in the woods and starve to death or get eaten by wolves. But if you do what I say, I’ll take you back home. Would you like that? You want to go home?” He stroked her hair as he talked. She cried again, the fear of being left for dead or worse up wherever the hell they were frightened her. She nodded.
“Yes. Yes what?”
“Yeth, I’ll be goo.”
“Beg me. Beg me to let you fuck yourself.”
“Pweeae, wet me fuck me. Pweae.”
“Call me Master.”
“Pweeae Ah er.” Close enough with a ring gag. JC stuck the vibrator in the gag.
“Get it nice and wet first.” He fucked her mouth with it a few times before he handed it to her. Each time he moved it in and out, he stared at the choker collar around her neck, highlighting her movements.
She was still handcuffed so had to crawl up further into the van. He stepped out, getting a good view of the action. Lily took the rabbit and started exploring herself with it. She knew what she liked but this was a different toy. She flicked and fiddled around, figuring out the controls that worked for her. After a few minutes, she started getting into it. It took about 15 minutes, but Lily was able to bring herself to orgasm as she fucked herself in full view of this stranger recording her. She felt ashamed, but shame she can live with.
Watching her do this at his command got JC hard again. He waited until she was done, then decided it was turn for another round. This time he fucked her doggystyle, using her pigtails as handlebars. Lily’s neck wasn’t designed to bend this way, but JC didn’t care. He fucked her with abandon, completely forgetting about where he wanted to cum. After the first blast shot inside her womb, he couldn’t and wouldn’t stop. She felt too good. He finished, blasting his last few spurts deep inside her. She cried when she realized what he did, cumming in her. The fear of having his seed in her distracted her from the pain on her head. He pulled out, once again telling her to clean his dick with her mouth. She reluctantly did so.
JC looked at his handiwork. Lily was a mess. She had cum on her face, in her hair, a little on her tits, she had bruises on her legs, and her makeup was terrible. She had cum leaking out of her pussy and her ass. Lily looked amazing. He took several pictures. But it was time to clean her up. He handed her some baby wipes and told her make herself presentable. As she did this, he played with both his iPhone and her Android phone. He set it to record the whole thing and the video was now on the cloud. He gave her back her clothes and she got dressed as best as she could while wearing handcuffs and a chain. He got dressed and cleaned up. As soon as she was mostly dressed, he moved closer to her. He held her phone in one hand and the stun gun in the other.
“Here’s the deal Lily. You will do everything I say going forward. I have photos and video of you being my little whore. If you try anything, I’ll kill you. You tell anyone, I’ll show everyone you know how good of a little fucktoy you are. I’ll put this video up on the dark web along with your address and tell every pervert in the area where they can come and get a piece of that sweet ass. And they won’t be as nice as I am. You go to the cops, I’ll hunt you down and finish the job, and kill your family too just for raising you. Do you understand?”
“Yeth.” Lily responded.
“Good. I’ll know if you tell anyone about tonight. Anyone asks why you didn’t respond to their texts, you were sick. Got it?” Lily nodded.
“Good. I’ll give you this back when I drop you off. But first, turn your head. Now.” JC raised his voice at the end when Lily hesitated. He reached behind her head and undid the ring gag from around her head, and removed it, slowly. She stretched her jaw a couple times.
“Turn back.” She turned her head back, eyes pleading with him. He reached behind him in a cabinet and pulled out a small bottle of water and a packet of pills. He opened the pills and gave them to her. She looked at them suspiciously.
“Plan B and some bottled water. Take it, or I leave you in the woods.” She quickly swallowed the pills. He gave her some water, letting her finish the bottle. “You might feel a little drowsy in a few minutes. This bottle is laced with a sedative that if you drink the whole thing like you just did, you’ll be out for an hour or two. You should still be able to drive home by the time we get back. This is why you have to listen to instructions. Do you understand.” Lily again nodded her head. “Good. It’s fast acting but also wears off fast. You’ll be back at your car when you wake up.” JC left the van’s rear. Lily looked at him with fear, but didn’t know what to say. He grabbed the cloth gag from earlier and put it between her teeth. Using a piece of electrical tape, he secured the gag in place. As he finished packing things up, he saw that she was starting to get drowsy.
“Eh, what the hell, right? Oh Lily…” JC climbed back up into the van, pulling her shorts down one more time. She was too out it by this point to fight back as he fucked her one more time. She’d barely remember this part, but she just looked so sexy that he couldn’t help himself. He fucked her one more time in the pussy and another in the ass while she lay there on the mat. He’d already cum in her so might as well do it again. After fucking her while she was passed out, he cleaned her up and uncuffed her. Instead, he tied her hands with electrical tape in front of her.
He sat in the driver’s seat, going through her phone. He made sure that he had access to her device remotely and checked her messages. Apparently, her roommate asked where she was, so JC pretended to be Lily in text and said she was working late and would be home before too long. Her mom also texted a couple times, asking how she was doing. JC said that Lily was sick and would text her tomorrow. A thumbs up emoji was all that was needed. He also spent some time finding any sexy videos or pics she had of her or her friends on the phone and uploaded them to his cloud server. If she ever told anyone about tonight, those would be included in the info dump.
He was only 15 minutes away from the park where he left her car, but the drugs would start wearing off any minute now. He drove out of the quarry and headed back to where the evening started. It was well after Midnight by this point, so if she was still too messed up to drive home, she’d get pulled over for a DUI and the cops would think she was a junkie. But he figured she’d be good to go by the time he got to the park and dropped her off in an empty parking lot.
JC was half right about that thought. She was awake and alert in the back, but the parking lot wasn’t empty. As he drove past, a cop car was pulling into the lot. Instead of pulling in and explaining why there was a bound and gagged girl in the back of his van, he had to play it cool. He drove down the street and around the block once to get a better vantage point. The cop saw that Lily’s car was parked in the lot, but didn’t do anything else about it. Instead, he sat in his car, likely taking a break.
Lily was in the back of the van, scared. She couldn’t see what was going on and they were just sitting there. That’s when he had an idea. He grabbed Lily’s phone and made an emergency call.
“911, what’s the nature of the emergency?” A woman’s voice came over the phone.
“I just saw a car swerve and hit a parked car on Battery Avenue and drive off. A black SUV.” JC said, sounding concerned.
“Was anyone hurt?”
“Not that I could tell, I don’t think. SUV was all over the place. 1200 block of Battery.”
“What’s your name, sir?”
“Jim Smythe, S M Y T H E.”
“Thank you for your report, sir.”
“Thank you.” JC hung up the phone. As much as Lily thought about using this moment to escape, she didn’t dare try anything. This man could kill her right here and now. Still, she had a clue they were close to the park. Battery Avenue was about 15 blocks away.
Just as JC guessed, they called the cop that was sitting in the park. Since it was a low priority call, they didn’t turn on their siren. JC put the van into drive and headed to the park. He arrived in time to see the cop leave the park for Battery Ave.
JC parked the car far enough away from the Accord to not look suspicious, rear facing a clearing of trees. He grabbed Lily’s phone, keys and a knife. He opened the rear of the van, letting her out. He quickly cut off the tape around her wrists and gag and gave Lily her stuff. He grabbed her wrist before letting her go and pulled her close.
“Tell no one. Got it?” She cried as she pulled away and ran to her car. He hopped back in his van and pulled out. He was a few blocks away and returned to his vantage point overlooking the lot when he saw Lily leave about 20 seconds before the cop returned. JC drove home, waiting until the next morning to upload the footage from van’s cameras and his phone.
A couple days later he shared the footage and his findings. There were more than a few members that loved seeing Lily cry. And JC proved that one could hunt down a target using nothing more than an AirTag and guile. Now, if he could just find a way to get that bitch from work all those years ago. He looked through his old records and dummy accounts, seeing what Bianca was up to nowadays.