Chapter 7 --- A Dying Man's Wish
My legs were wobbly from the blissful rush I had when I shot my cum inside Cynthia... I was about to get back up as I felt myself violently pushed out of the way. "MY TURN! MY TURN!" said a muscular field slave in a frenzy. He seized Cynthia's hips, inserted his hard wood inside her pussy and, ignoring the girl's wailing and pleading, he began to pound her with frantic fury, grunting to the same rythm as the frenzied ramming... "Hrr Hrr Hrr Hrr Hrr Hrr Hrr Hrr Hrr Hrr Hrr..."
I had no sooner gotten back up than he already shot his full load of semen while continuing to pound her and grunting like a frenzied demon, until his gone-flacid dick forced him to stop. Then he got out and back up to his feet and another revolted slave took his place and Cynthia's pure white body got rocked and shaken again.
I went in a quiet corner, where I grabbed a cup of wine and started to eat some grapes, while contemplating the orgy, the intensity of which had started to wane. I was considering joining them for a while instead of fleeing to Rome right now; I wanted to taste the after-battle rush of storming a place… and taste some stranger's noble daughter!
The orgy kept going for the better part of the night. The men's lust and thirst for the masters' wives and daughters was long to fully satisfy. Most of them raped multiple times, as the after-battle rush is so intense that many men are able to maintain a full erection and keep at it for several cum loads. These gladiators were such studs! No wonder so many rich ladies in Rome would pay good money to have a couple of them use them as they will.
During the night, men ate and drank, got some sleep and then forced themselves yet again on the same maid or lady or a new one they wanted to fuck. I myself wanted to rape Lavinia, Cynthia's twin sister, but I fell sound asleep and only woke up with the morning sun. The atrium was now empty of women. I went out to see what was afoot.
The men were now plundering the place and gathering all the supplies they could get. Then I saw Porcius, the former slave master. He was being helped by two gladiators and the tall, massive blonde warrior I had first seen -- when the gladiators first entered the villa -- was talking with him. Many other gladiators were nearby and listening.
Porcius was a middle-aged man, balding with greying temples, yet still strong physically. He was bleeding from a sword wound in his lower left abdomen; I was now close enough to overhear what Porcius and the blonde German were saying...
"Yes, Roman, you have received a wound of Slow Death… You probably won't see sundown today. And we will grant your last wish."
The gigantic German ordered his men to bring one Lavinia over here. I said "I'll go with you. I know her!"
So I went back inside with the group of gladiators. What Porcius wanted as his last wish was plain as day, and I couldn't wait to watch beautiful Lavinia getting raped and fucked by the old slave master! … And this near the spot where her father had been beaten to death the day before.
The more beautiful captive girls and women had been brought in the cubiculi, where they had slept for a couple of hours. The rest of the women were up and attending to their slave duties; some of them ran away, but most preferred to stay and have food and shelter. Thus we went through the rooms and I quickly spotted Lavinia, who was still sound asleep. When the men woke her up, she just opened her eyes and let them seize her without offering any kind of resistance. She was completely silent and seemed dead in her sould while her body was still breathing.
"Come girl! said the senior gladiator. Your services are wanted outside! … This will be your first assignment as a fresh-new comfort girl!"
She looked at me with her soul-dead eyes…
I suddenly felt ashamed, but I still couldn't wait to see what was just about to happen.
Lavinia had slept as her group of rapists had left her: dead-hurt and naked except for her sandals.
The men walked her to where Porcius was waiting for her; the place was still covered with litter from yesterday's fighting. He was now lying down on his side, stark naked and he started to masturbate as he saw the pure white raven-haired teen being brought near him and ordered to lie down alongside of him. Lavinia obeyed and just lay there motionless, ready to let herself be used, as if only her body was there and her soul was gone. This, and perhaps also that she was learning that less resistance may mean a faster and less painful rape. All the men present, myself included, formed a circle around them. Porcius spoke to the large German, obviously the troop's captain:
"... Ooooooh... Thank You, Sir... It... It is something I had wanted to do for a very long time!"
Lavinia had her back to Porcius, who took her slender body in his arms and started to grope her breasts. Then he turned her head around and forced-kissed the now-obedient girl and ran his finger in her wonderful black hair. Then he started to masturbate again and got hard. He got his dick harder by stroking it against the teen's immaculate butt. He spat a full load of saliva in his hand and used it to lubricate his manhood, and then with a loud victory grunt, he entered Lavinia and started to fuck her sideways while caressing her delicate, petite breasts. Lavinia took his thrusts silently without resisting.
He pounded her softly, in a smooth rhythm, taking his time to enjoy his last fuck to its fullest measure; anyway, his wound wouldn't allow him to play it rough. The scene positively turned me on and I quickly took off my tunic and started to masturbate. Then, much to my surprise, as he kept enjoying her, Lavinia started to moan softly; it was barely audible.
It was as if some secret part within her had been aroused and was liking the way he touched and fucked her gently. Her body couldn't but notice the contrast with the nightmarish ordeal she had endured the previous evening and all night long.
Porcius kept fucking her and grunting and saying how satisfying it was to be fucking the teen girl.
"O! By Jove! Sweetest Lavinia! I have been... wanting to f... fuck you for quite some time!... Now, before I leave for the waters of the Styx, I'll give you my semen!"
Porcius was now on another plane. He was in deep pain, but he ignored the pang as he spent the last of his strength in gently ramming the noble maid and enjoying the softness of her skin, feeling her sandaled feet striking against his lower legs as she kept moaning feebly. So many dark dreams had come true on that fateful day. All the gladiators had the most sincere respect for this man who ignored the pain from his stab wound as he kept fucking her like a centaur.
Then, at last, he let out a final scream of gleeful triumph as he released a full-blown load of sperm. Some of it oozed out in a second burst on her butt as he exited her.
Then two gladiators helped Porcius to his feet and they took him away.
"He wants to die looking at the clouds moving through the sky and hearing the wind playing with the tree leaves!"
This explanation came from the giant blonde German. I hadn't noticed I was now standing next to him. He towered one full head above me. His upper arms were bigger than my thighs. I was still holding my dick, and some cum had spilled in all this excitement.
The German placed a big hand on my shoulder...
"And what are your plans right now, Sonny?" he said grinning, while I heard the men jeering and laughing as they gathered around poor Lavinia and started to rape her again, this time under the Italian sun.
I told him I wanted to become a gladiator, to become strong and fierce like his men.
"Well, Sonny, you're older than most of us have begun training, but sometimes a newly sold man turns out to be quite good. You never know..."
"So you're going to train me, mein Herr?" He seemed to like my attempt at his native language.
"Where I come from, we say Min Horr... We have to move fast and travel far south, so we can raid some more villas and pile up more supplies, steal more horses and keep moving. I tell you this in confidence. From looking at your young age and the way you raped your matrona yesterday, I don't think you're a spy, and besides it's way too soon for Rome to react and send spies... This afternoon, we're on the move again. We're the vanguard… I hope you're good at horseback riding! You'll be a messenger boy and a scout if you ride well enough."
Then, his hand still on my shoulder, he turned to his men and shouted:
"GLADIATORES, NOVU' DISCIPULU' HABEMUS!" (Gladiators, we have a new apprentice)
All the men shouted back at once "AVE!... SALVE NOVE DISCIPULE NOSTER!" (Salute!... Hail, new apprentice of ours)
They raised their right hand to salute me before resuming their business. These men had a clear code of honor. I was now one of them and I felt immensely proud. I was going to become a wartime gladiator! I wasn't the only one; I noticed that a few of them were my age.
I looked at them gang-raping Lavinia, a dozen of them on her. I felt immense pity for her and decided not to join them, and so did many other gladiators present; at one point, enough is enough. However, some of the dirty dozen went back in to fetch Cynthia so they could have both sisters. One suggested it would be a great idea to make them give cunnilingus to each other...
One day, I vowed to Aphrodite goddess of Love, if both of us survive all this and meet again some day, I'll ignore social conventions and take Lavinia as my wife and try to make up for what she was going through, at least I'd do the best I can. I realized that I was falling in love with Lavinia and I started to cry.
I went back to the villa and ate some olives and goat chese along with some of the finer wine, my first actual meal as a free man. I saw no sign of Medus, my fellow Greek slave who had planned to escape to Rome and then sail to Greece. He was most likely on his way.
Then someone discovered a naked body, floating face down in the impluvium. They got it out. It was a Patrician mother who had taken a small knife, cut her own throat and thrown herself in the pool. Fuck! This water won't be good now!
I helped my new companions building three pyres where they stacked the dead bodies. Once it was all done, our Captain said a short prayer to Pluto and we put the pyres ablaze. Fire of the night under the day's sun.
In the afternoon, a second gladiator troop arrived at the villa on horses and they immediately went inside to refresh themselves. Soon enough, I heard the screaming and protesting (… Ahhh! No! Not again! Please… Don't!) of the women from the cubiculi; they had found them; the noble ladies would taste some more gladiator dicks, and feel more of their strong, muscular bodies frantically pounding them with revengeful glee and hear again their grunts and screams of victory, and receive the warmth of their semen in their violated terrae feminae. They were to get used to their new duties as comfort women for the revolted slaves.