Well what do you know a sexed "Dragnet' story. Nice use of the existing technology to give an authentic feel to the story. You had the dry delivery of the characters down to a pact! All in all an enjoyable read! merit to come when the sight says 24 hrs is up!
Thanks To-Get-Her!
I've watched a lot of Dragnet episodes, this and Higway Patrol, but Broderick Crawford as Chief Dan Mathews was somewhat more lively in his delivery; he had a grumpy voice and a style more reminiscent of westerns than the urban-dry Jack Webb. Some said that Jack Webb was a second rater compared to Crawford. I think they simply had two very different styles. I absolutely love Webb's delivery whenever he was interviewing a suspect.
These episodes offer a good deal of rape opportunities when one bothers to look for them! I also completely adore the actresses from these years; they were usually more lithe and daintier than today's stars. Most of them were a glamorous version of a girl next door with perky charms and exquisitely feminine figure!