The wait was long. While Jakarta Sugar was being interrogated along with his friend and coworker at the local jail, Ibrahim had learned that there was a major rumble in a Muslim neighbourhood where, among other things, a group of white students had been molested by a large gang who shouted "Allahu Akbar" as they beated up the teenage boys before gang-raping the white girls.
"God Lord!" said Rick, "if I know anything about Chief Inspector Campbell, our boys must have beaten these Muslim guys pretty bad once they had caught them!"
It was well known that their boss, Chief Inspector Campbell, hated all migrants, especially migrant criminals who harmed white girls.
"Yep!" answered Ibrahim. "They're in for a busy night and morning at the morgue!"
At long last, the long-awaited-for cavalry arrived in low-profile unmarked cars. Johnny wasn't there, and this told Ibrahim that something was a little off. The dozen cops were led by Chief Inspector Campbell, who looked remarkably like Captain Dudley Smith in the movie L.A. Confidential. Campbell was actually proud of his lookalike-ness and went as far as repeating the famous line when he beat up migrant criminals...
"This is the city of Angels and you got no wings!"
With Chief Inspector Campbell in charge, blood and gore was to be expected.
"I hope that this time, you haven't brought us here with a false alarm, Sergeant Aziz. Give him a gun."
There was contempt in Campbell's tone as he spoke to the migrant-born police Sergeant, whose résumé was impressive to say the least, and who would have been at least a Superintendant, one notch above Chief Inspector, if it wasn't for Campbell's downplaying his prowess and taking the credit for himself for the last decade. Ibrahim's wife was enraged by this situation. The difference in pay between Sergeant and Superintendant was significant, and the on-terrain risks for Sergeants were higher too.
Since the criminals thought they were safe and didn't care to keep watch outside the building, the police had no trouble encircling the place and moving into position. The main force busted the front door open and entered the premises up front while a few other cops, led by Ibrahim (who knew the place), entered by the back door.
All the wrestlers froze where they stood, utter stupor painted in their face. Most of them turned ghastly white, or lost a shade or two of their darkness of skin, as they saw the policemen pointing their guns at them!
Yiu Man was lying on top of Sumeyye and had just unloaded his cum inside her. Cho Lam was lying on the ring mat with her cunt utterly filled with Andy's cum. Andy dropped down back over Cho Lam and covered her with his arm in a protective gesture when he saw the many cops bursting in.
King Papeete was the first to unfreeze and react. He grabbed a 50-lb dumbbell and threw it at the nearest cop, which was the most stupid thing someone could do.
"NO! DON'T DO THIS, IDIOT!" the Sydney Millionnaire shouted at the Polynesian 330-lb powerhouse, who immediately was shot through and through by at least four bullets in his large and wide torso while the injured policeman reeled on the floor with both hands on his knee and the 50-lb dumbbell lying beside him.
Many other shots were fired. Chief Inspector only fired at the visible-minority wrestlers, shooting down Koko Savege like a dog, then emptying his magazine in a sumo's can't-miss belly.
"Take that! you fucking migrant dogs!" snarled the Chief inspector between his teeth as he finished shooting down the sumo wrestler, who had his hands up and looked at him with surprise and terror in his Japanese eyes.
When the gunshots died out in echoing sounds of tragedy, two thirds of the rapists lay down on the floor. Amy found herself screaming and terrified, her pale naked body covered with blood amid the three corpses that had been the Halal Butcher, Hal-Al Lamb Eater and Chinatown Warrior, whose cock she had been pleasuring when the shooting began.
Chinatown Warrior died as he was ejaculating inside Amy's mouth. His departed soul saw the entire scene from the warehouse ceiling --- The surviving criminals being arrested, handcuffed and escorted out; the deceased ones being soon put and carried out in large body-bags, with the dead sumo turning out to be a major problem since there wasn't any body-bag big enough for his immense frame. Someone came up with a large blanket, and four men moved his gigantic corpse out on a heavy-duty stretcher.
Amy's nakedness was covered with a blanket and she was whisked out to the nearest hospital along with two female officers.
"Nice work, Sergeant Aziz! You'll be recommended for promotion!" said Chief Inspector Campbell in a surprisingly friendly tone.
Ibrahim didn't like this tone; something was off. He looked around him. The female officers had gone off with Amy to the hospital. The two teenage boys had been taken in police custody; it was obvious they had been forced into this by their captors. The medico-legal team would soon be there to take all the evidence, which included the half-eaten pizzas since it contributed to indicate that the kidnapping and rapes had been a planned gathering. Other officers were outside the building and were processing the injured and otherwise surviving rapists to the hospital and/or the jail.
Inside the warehouse gym, there only remained Chief Inspector Campbell and eight white policemen, beside himself and his partner Rick. Everybody seemed to be oblivious of Sumeyye and Cho Lam, unlike Amy, the white Australian girl, who was already safe and away.
Chief Inspector Campbell added...
"You've earned a couple of days off, Sergeant. Now go home and take a well-deserved rest. You've earned it. You can consider yourself an Inspector, Sergeant!"
Ibrahim walked toward Sumeyye, who was still lying down naked under the blanket she had been hastily given.
"I'm taking her to the hospital with me; I know her."
"I said go home, Sergeant! That's an order! And you know the procedures as well as I do! We can't let a male policeman escort a rape victim all by himself. A team of female officers are on their way; they'll be here any second!"
"Good! Then I'll wait for them!"
"Go home Sergeant! This is my last warning! I wouldn't want to dig out the reports on the two instances where you flagged a false alarm and wasted thousands of tax-payer dollars! I've hushed these up, among others, because you're a friend of mine and a good blue heeler. GO HOME."
Several white policemen moved in and formed a compact line between Ibrahim and Sumeyye. Cho Lam was still lying down and sobbing, in a state of shock, on the ring mat.
"The filthy dogs!" Ibrahim thought as he ragingly retreated to his car.
"There's nothing we can do... Come on, Ibrahim..." said Rick, trying to comfort his enraged partner.
Ibrahim was crying. No matter how hard he worked and how outstanding he was as a policeman, a father, a husband and an Australian citizen, the white folks would never really see him as one of their own. Chief Inspector Campbell was a painful case in point. He knew what the crook was up to, but the Chief Inspector's word would always win against some migrant-born Sergeant.
The Sydney Millionnaire and the few other surviving rapists were taken to the hospital and/or jail under heavy escort. Chief Inspector Campbell was now master of the battlefield with his eight white male officers.
They took blanket-covered Sumeyye and carried her inside one of their unmarked cruisers. They did likewise with Cho Lam.
"We'll take them to the empty house. Don't worry; I'll write a convincing report. These fucking migrants! We'll hurt them in what they love most! Too bad we can't kill these girls after! But we'll disfigure and mutilate them!" ordered the crooked Chief Inspector.
Chief Inspector Campbell had inherited an old house, which he left empty and used for his most sordid interrogations. He also used the place for off-the-record play with the most vulnerable female offenders. His eight men had been in his confidence for several years. They were loyal to him first, their duty to protect the whole community being but a distant afterthought.
Sumeyye and Cho Lam were brought inside the empty house, and the policemen locked the door behind them. Cho Lam was gang-raped in the bedroom by four men, and Sumeyye was gang-banged on a table by Chief Inspector Campbell first, then followed with the four remaining policemen.
They each had their go inside the exotic girls and gleefully emptied their loads inside their overused pussies.
"Feels great to be getting back at these migrant scum!" said the Chief Inspector as he sat on a couch with his dick blissfully satisfied from Sumeyye's tightness.
"I don't want to start torturing the girls now; let's do this again!"
"Yeah... This little China fuckdoll is really something. I wanna have her in the ass!"
"Same for me!"
"I want to get some of the Turkish girl!"
"This is easily arranged!"
John Nichols, otherwise known as King Kong Canuck, was bitterly sobbing on his couch in his tiny apartment when the police came for him at around 6 A.M.
He met the incoming policemen by standing up and pointing at them the revolver he had been unable to use on himself for the last couple of hours, with a full cup of coffee gone cold in front of him.
He died before his body fell down; two bullets had taken him right between the eyes.
His departed soul flew in search of the little Turkish girl whose words were ringing in his mind as he died...
"I liked you!... I... liked you!"
His flying immortal being sensed Sumeyye's presence, and found the empty house.
It was full of blood and dead cops. Each and everyone of them had been shot through the head. Sumeyye was being attended by a tall man covered with blood; that man had a partner, who was attending to another girl, the Chinese girl. The departed soul sensed that these were good men.
He saw the tall Turkish-looking man taking care of Sumeyye as if she were his own daughter. If he could have cried, he had, but departed souls had no tears left.
Before taking Sumeyye to the hospital, Sergeant Ibrahim Aziz, former elite commando in Australia's military, knelt down near the corpse of Chief Inspector Campbell; he looked into his void steel-blue eyes and said...
"This is the city of Angels, and you haven't got no more wings!"
The departed soul of King Kong Canuck saw a repulsive fellow soul who felt lost and panicked; then came a swarm of demons; they took the repulsive soul in custody and flew away to Hell.
The former King Kong Canuck felt weirdly light as he flew elsewhere and found himself overlooking a team of inquiring policemen. They were sorting out evidence. He suddenly recognized the large gym-bag he had forgotten at Qudos Bank Arena.
Next to the black gym-bag, he saw the admission ticket, with its backside up. Then he saw the penned words...
"Sumeyye, 0425 361 977... Call me!"
"It didn't have to be this way! It didn't have to be this way!" thought King Kong Canuck's ethereal form as he did the closest thing to crying a ghost could do.
"At least, you've learned something, my son!" said an immensely soothing voice that stood right beside him.
"Come with me, my son! It's time for you to leave. Follow me."
The newspaper headlines were hot!
Australia National Broadcast Wrestling was exposed as the sordid money laundering machine it actually was. It folded within two months. Sugar Jakarta and Bollywood "Bad-News" Salman went on to wrestle elsewhere; they had been one of the few clean wrestlers, barring their steroid use.
The ANBW directors were tried and found guilty with the proper prison sentence; some big fish in organized crime followed them; others perished in dubious accidents. A top-level politician was exposed, arrested and also found guilty for condoning too many illegal activities to be enumerated here. The ruling party's next elections were put in jeopardy by the scandal, which was soon nicknamed The Rape Arena Case.
All the wrestlers who had made it alive to stand trial were properly sentenced to prison, where they would be inducted to a new life in a world where inmates hated big men who harmed girls.
Chief inspector Campbell was found dead along with eight Sydney white policemen. Although he was exposed as the crooked policeman he actually was, along with these eight dead policemen, most of the good white folks in Sydney were outraged and said that they had been killed by some migrants; politicians had been too soft on them for too long!
This and the gang-rape of a white girl at the hands of migrant pro wrestlers, sparked a wave of anti-migrant hate. The shooting of popular Muslim wrestlers, plus the gang-rape of a Muslim Turkish girl by "white Australian" wrestlers, sparked a wave of anti-white violence in the Muslim neighborhoods. The police had more busy nights on their hands.
The Sydney newspapers never mentioned the fact that Campbell and his men had been gang-raping migrant girls when they met their demise.
Amy became even more leftist than before. She wrote a book entitled "I Am A Victim Of White Supremacy" where she explained in full detail that the migrant men who raped her were themselves victims of the white-dominated system and should be forgiven. The book was a best-seller in the woke community and Amy received a great many invitations to speak at university conferences in Australia and abroad.
In her private life, she became a sex addict who often hooked up with migrant men and let them gang-fuck her to their heart's content. She had been white-privileged; she owed it to them.
Cho Lam broke up with her highschool sweatheart. Yiu Man never recovered; he took his own life two years later; it didn't have to be that way. Cho Lam is presently a brilliant medical student; she's living with her parents and the family cats. What happened to her on that night will always remain a taboo subject.
Sumeyye recovered most of her former self, thanks to the help of Sergeant Ibrahim Aziz. Her parents shamed her when they learned her fate; her relatives shamed her too; some of them openly called her a negro-loving slut. Sergeant Ibrahim Aziz and his kind wife sheltered her in their house for almost a year as she recovered.
She became an olympic weightlifter and made astoundingly fast progress. Ibrahim, who was coaching Sumeyye, returned himself to competition as a Master lifter. Within another year, Sumeyye Levent would be good enough to make the national team as a 58-kilo lifter! She loved the sport! She became friends on Instagram with Sumeyye Kaya, a member of the Turkish national team in her weight class. She planned visiting her in Istanbul.
Andy often came to visit her. Sumeyye eventually started dating him. Andy felt ill-at-ease to become intimate with her, after what had happened, but one evening they had dinner together in a Rock'n'Roll themed restaurant, Sumeyye told him...
"You know, Andy, I'm not a porcelain vase that needs to be kept from the wind; I'm a human being, and right now, I long for your loving attention! I want to live! And I want to share it with you! Let's live and share while we're young."
She said this while looking intensely at him with passion filling her magic night-brown eyes. Andy felt his dick growing fast in a powerful erection as he realized what Sumeyye meant. It had been almost a year since THAT horrible night. Luckily, none of the girls had gone pregnant; this had been taken care of at the hospital.
Sumeyye was now well enough to be longing for a boyfriend's loving touch! For HIS touch!
As soon as they were alone in Andy's student room, Sumeyye stripped him naked, then she let him take off her clothes and take a long, passionate tour of her wonderful petite body! Then she rode his cock, her perky breasts dancing and jiggling up and down in Andy's full view, and often cupped and pressed by his loving hands, as he enjoyed her girly tightness roughly massaging and pressuring his hard dick! She told him she took the pill as he blissfully erupted inside her.
Later, Andy fucked her doggystyle, like he had dreamed of on that night he was eying her as they watched wrestling together. Her weightlifter's peachy butt and her silky-soft backside were even more gorgeous than he had anticipated; she had gained some muscle and Andy found her strong, soft and feminine under his touch!
"Come on, Andy! Harder! Harder! Fuck me hard! I love you!"
His plowing dick powerfully gained in girth and hardness as he held her slim waist and kept pounding her! The spat! spat! spat! sounds of Sumeyye's butt repeatedly colliding with his lap was the most elating music he had ever heard! What a great fuck they were having!
Sumeyye climaxed hard, filling the tiny room with her high-pitched groan as she pictured herself as a Turkish princess gang-raped by victorious crusaders in some forlorn castle. Andy's second ejaculation was even more powerful than the cowgirl one. He let out a wild scream of delight as he blissfully filled up his Turkish girlfriend.
Note: The entire film of the story was in me; I simply wrote it as I saw it. I hope you've enjoyed this story and I'll most probably write some prequels involving these colourful rapists who had been victimizing so many girls before they were finally caught.
Note: I often write the near-full recovery of a victim at the end of a story. I like to leave my readers with a message of hope.