Driving her Austin A40 Devon almost like a racing rally pilot, Gabrielle got out of a bend, in a controled slide that had her gaining some distance over the pursuing military truck.
She could see the national road and the junction. She was so close to freedom!
Then she saw the boulders completely obstructing the way. The detour team had previously placed them there to prevent anyone from entering the local trail. It proved equally difficult to exit it.
Gabrielle had to break hard. She swerved to her right, thinking she could still pass using the bumpy roadside, but there was a ditch that was a lot steeper than she had reconned. She slid deep to the right and the front right side of her car struck the massive stem of a baobab.
She was stuck!
Her heart racing, she put the gear in reverse and stepped down on the gaspedal in an attempt to get unstucked and somehow making it out of the ditch and onto the cruelly near main road.
But the rear wheels spun in the soft earth to no avail.
The pursuing military truck was already stopping 10 yards from their prey.
Gabrielle had not one instant to lose. She quickly got out of the car and ran toward the main road in the tiny hope that there would be several oncoming cars with well-armed refugees or better still, an oncoming unit of Belgian paratroopers.
She felt stings of pain from the gravels hurting her bare feet as she ran away in her last-ditch attempt at making good her doomed escaped, knowing all too well she wasn't very likely to get any farther.
The road was desert, as it should be in all likelyhood. This wasn't the road from Brussels to Paris; this was inland Congo.
The dozen Congolese soldiers who had hopped in the truck easily overtook the hopeless pitter-patter of her barefoot running on the road dirt.
Gabrielle screamed and wailed, flailing her arms around as if she were going to fight them all off... The victorious pack of black uniformed men surrounded and seized her, lifted her off her feet and swiftly carried her away toward the truck.
The scout leader was with them. As the Sergeant in charge of the impromptu squad, he directed them to a spot where the bulk of their WW2 troop transport truck would hide most of them from any oncoming car approaching on the main road.
"Où est-ce que tu allais comme ça, ma petite dame !?" (Where do you think you were going, your little highness?!)
"Alors, tu nous as fait courir ! Tu vas nous payer ça !" (So, you made us run! You gonna pay for this!)
The men jeered and mocked her as they carried her to the designated spot. The Sergeant stood in front of her as soldiers firmly held her wriggling arms.
He violently slapped her, making her wince and shout out a cry. He slapped her again. And again! Her shoulder-long black hair sharply flew in wild waves of shiny tumult under the sun as her head violently twisted to one side, then to the opposite side, from the unbridled force of the blows...
"Petite salope blanche !" (Fucking little white slut!) the tall Sergeant called her, towering above her 5 ft. 1 in. petite frame.
He violently ripped her blouse wide open, without warning. Then he yanked off her white bra, taking great delight in undressing her topless with such unrestrained violence; his erection was already raging and pushing under his beige uniform trousers.
Gabrielle squealed in utter pain as he pinched her left nipple mercilessly hard, with a clear intent to punish her.
"Il va falloir la corriger, cette salope blanche !" (We'll need to punish this white whore!)
As she looked down, her dishevelled hair hiding part of her pretty face with its features distorted with dread and suffering, the Sergeant contemplated her bright pale complexion, which was highlighted by the contrasting light-blue torn fabric of her ruined blouse on either sides of her pale boobs.
He cupped her breasts and squeezed hard, greatly enjoying her renewed squeal of pain as well as the contrast of his dark brown hands holding her superbly white boobs. Doing this to an off-limit white woman was priceless!
As the soldiers kept their firm hold on her still-wriggling arms, while others taunted and groped her breasts, butt and legs, the Sergeant quickly undid and lowered his pants. He freed his enormous erect dick, which stood at attention and pointed at Gabrielle.
From Gabrielle's damaged car, men could faintly hear the radio playing the tune of Finger Of Suspicion by Dickie Valentine... The crazy-aroused Sergeant felt an unstoppable urge to RAPE! RAPE THE WHITE SLUT! PUNISH HER! The sense of having absolute power over the fallen privileged woman fed his raging erection just as much as the sight of her naked breasts flanked by the shreds of destroyed blouse and her bare lower legs and feet... Her very whiteness symbolized her fallen social power. This was ungodly erotic to these black Congolese men.
Hearing her loud screams of protest with unmitigated enjoyment, he roughly pulled Gabrielle's grey plaid skirt all the way up to her waist and then -- with a loud groan of anticipation -- he tore off her black panties, revealing her wonderful patch of black cunt hair and the ungodly feminine gap between her delicate thighs! She was so fucking feminine!
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!..." Gabrielle protested and wriggled her arms with her last hopeless surge of fight as the jeering Sergeant roughly opened her legs wide and quickly inserted his hard cock inside her entrance to cunt paradise!
Gabrielle screamed louder and even shriller, her despair echoing against the baobabs standing their indiferrent watch at a safe distance, as she felt the Sergeant's immense dick forcefully invading and filling her stretched vagina.
Then, as he felt himself all the way inside her, he grabbed her waist and began pounding her like a madman, putting all his brawn and weight into his hipthrusts, impaling Gabrielle's tight pussy in a relentless ramming.
Gabrielle's tiny body was now completely horizontal and utterly shaken, her arms held by soldiers at one end and the Sergeant holding her waist on the other end as he frantically raped her. Her naked white thighs wildly brushed against the rapist's flanks and further highlighted the racial contrast between revolted black soldier and fallen white woman.
Head bobbing and hair flying against the soldiers who held her arms, Gabrielle could only submit and endure the incredibly brutal pounding she was once again subjected to.
The Sergeant raped her angrily, making a point of ramming his enormous dick deep and painfully inside her and imposing a relentless tempo.
Gabrielle uttered short high-pitched cries as his unrestrained hipthrusts kept viciously shaking her from head to toe, making her firm breasts jiggle so rapidly that her pale mounds were almost a blur of exposed whiteness under the satisfied gazes of her black squad of rapists.
The Sergeant groaned louder, louder and louder still in an animalistic crescendo of pure male carnal contentment. He picked up his fury to an even harder beat and was now driving her hips hard toward him each time he thrusted his dick forward, raping her in total frenzy with his sweating head wildly moving back and forth above her jiggling breasts!
Gabrielle felt herself shaken and utterly taken right down to her core. Her womanhood was nothing but a shaken centre of pain and debasement.
She heard the Sergeant's roar and felt the now-all-too-familiar wetness of successful invasion as he violently cummed inside her...
The Sergeant felt like he was dying of bliss as he enjoyed the unfathomable relief of warm bolts of semen he shot deep inside Gabrielle! The hot pursuit had completely turned him on, but the actual rape had far exceeded his expectations!
Raping these
salopes blanches was so much FUN!
He pulled out and gleefully indulged in voyeuristic pleasures as he watched the next Congolese man inserting his own dick -- equally massive as his own, if not even bigger -- and then starting to rape Gabrielle with a barbaric frenzy!
His mouth was wide open with exhilaration as he panted and said...
"Je ne l'avais pas encore essayée celle-là !" (I had not sampled this one yet!)
Gabrielle was once more shaken like a forgotten shirt on a clothesline during a hurricane!
The man raping her was positively screaming his blissful satisfaction...
Then the man was taken by a very sudden and violent ejaculation! He roared in a long-enduring scream of enjoyment as he shot several bolts of warm jizz inside their common white fuck doll...
He pulled out and was immediately replaced by a third man, who began raping her with the same vengeance and angry will for inflicting punishment as he savagely plowed her with his giant Congolese rape stick.
As Gabrielle was being raped with her body shaking horizontally and none of her touching the ground, she was closely surrounded by a swarm of negroes, who slapped her and kept calling her "salope blanche" and telling her how she was going to pay!
The third man cummed just as hard as the two first ones. Then a fourth rapist immediately took over and he was quickly done and dumped his load of semen inside Gabrielle.
The fifth one wanted to go doggystyle, so he had Gabrielle bent over, then he madly pulled down her grey skirt down her legs and frantically inserted his long, thick black dick amid the firm curves of her pale butt, the African sun greatly highlighting her whiteness of skin contrasting with the shadow of her butt crack and her rapist's dick.
This fifth one was Corporal Fabrice Mikumba, THE Corporal she had first flirted with. Presently, Corporal Fabrice was mad with a rape urge that had been fed by the act of pursuing her. It was him who had been driving the truck!
He greatly enjoyed contemplating Gabrielle's naked butt, which had the shape of an upside-down heart with her inter-thigh gap clearly visible. The fact she still had her light-blue torn blouse on her back only enhanced the erotic nakedness of her exposed butt!
He entered his throbbing dick and felt an unspeakable rush of pleasure as he felt her tight vagina, beyond lubed by the truckload of cum she already had taken.
He firmly grabbed her hips and began pounding her with all his massive strength, putting her under a savage pistoning and making her black head of hair shaking like a tiny shrub in a blowing hurricane. Beneath her horizontally shaking torso, her small breasts were jiggling in some sort of overhanging blur of pure female flesh.
The Congolese stud was raping a gorgeous white woman -- one of the most beautiful girls he had ever seen in his life.
He put all his might and fury into it. All the men who witnessed this incredibly savage rape agreed that this one was the most brutal rape witnessed thus far. He perhaps even outclassed Sergeant Loemba.
The Sergeant present -- the scout leader who had first spotted the refugee convoy -- watched with unmitigated glee, feeling his erection returning and starting to masturbate. He made a mental note to himself that this Corporal shall be recommended for promotion and for a citation of exemplary duty.
Corporal Fabrice screamed at the top of his lungs as his dick exploded inside Gabrielle and released torrents of African semen inside the Belgian nice girl!
"salope blanche" was the real deal! WHAT A FUCK SHE WAS!
They would use and reuse her, defile and redefile her until the sunset.
They thrashed and punished Gabrielle for her escape attempt!
With their huge Congolese dicks. With unbridled savagery.
Three soldiers who stood some distance away became aware of the sounds of someone trying to start a car engine. They saw a white Peugeot at the side of the main road some 50 yards away. One of the men became frantic. There's a nice young woman in that car! There's a pink gem! A pink gem!!!
This man was a 17-year-old recruit with very sharp eyes. He ran to the truck and quickly took his rifle. No self-respecting soldier ever goes anywhere without having his weapon at hand -- this is one of the first things they teach you in bootcamp.
Other soldiers did likewise. Word quickly got around that there was a stalled car only 50 yards away with a pink gem in it.
Inside the car, the young Belgian wife was screaming
"Démarre ! Démarre !" (Come on! Come on!) as her husband was frantically trying to ignite the dead motor. He had noticed the truck and something strange that was going on behind it, and he had stopped to take a peek. Then as he had wanted to quickly drive away, the carburetor betrayed him.
His wife saw the half dozen soldiers running toward the car and alerted him. He went for his rifle, which was on the backseat, but it was too late!
The mutinied soldiers smashed the car windows broken and quickly forced the doors open and pulled out the unfortunate couple! The man was beaten to a pulp with rifle butts by the jeering troops who mocked him and called him a "white pig". The woman had got out of the white Peugeot and fled toward the bushland, but of course she had been very quickly overtaken and captured by the laughing men, who told her husband they were going to have a lot of fun with his cute young wife.
The captured young couple was then quickly half carried, half walked to the spot where the rest of the squad was giving Gabrielle the most brutal thrashing of her life.
The husband was very swiftly tied to the truck's rear bumper and forced to sit uncomfortably where he would watch his wife getting brutally gangraped.
As the Congolese men took a longer look at the newly captured pink gem, they whistled and catcalled. They couldn't believe their luck! This woman was an almost perfect look-alike of Princess Paola of Belgium! She had the same golden blonde hair, the same aristocratic allure and the same rich complexion of skin as the fabled princess!
Her husband cried
"NADINE ! NADINE !... Sales fumiers !" (Nadine! Nadine!... You fucking bastards!). He kept powerlessly yelling at them as a handful of lucky soldiers surrounded the gorgeous blonde woman, who let out shrill screams of protest as they started groping her breasts and butt through her fine summer clothes.
They were going to have so much fun with her! The savage Congolese troops were about to humiliate and strip naked a woman who perfectly personified the oppressing Royal regime they had mutinied against.[/color]