Author Topic: NEW RULE: NO UNDERAGE CONTENT  (Read 27788 times)

Offline Broken_Rose

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« Reply #30 on: December 11, 2021, 05:12:51 AM »
Only new to the site and I can see the reasons behind it, but less face it, real pedophiles are going to get their content through the dark web, not a small site that just produces word matter so I don’t think this is protecting anyone.
This in fact may take anyone with urges towards children away and make them dig underground where they will get onto real nasty things and the content we should be fighting.

My second point is, that how many here waited until we were 18 to have sexual intimacy, stories reflect real life or at least I’ll try to. As a teenage girl you are naive, thinking you are invincible and take risks or at least I did. Many of us explore our darkness through happenings at a younger age. I was 14 when I lost my virginity in bad and regrettable circumstances, it’s the source of my fantasies and trying to fix it. So now I can’t do that.

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« Reply #31 on: December 11, 2021, 09:11:10 AM »
When is this going into effect Lois?

And will stories be removed and sections be modded more?

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« Reply #32 on: December 11, 2021, 11:09:48 AM »
A story set with a girl or boy in high school can't easily be upshifted to age 18 without appearing faintly ridiculous. Of course, the notion that high-schoolers are not insanely rampant sexual beings defies all sense of respect for the human intellect. Yet, the American high school serves as a setting for probably at least 20% of the stories here if not more.

Well, it's not my site. I'd be fine with something along the point where a person can be in high school without having skipped a grade. Some clarification on an actual number would be nice. 18? 14?
The rumors about me are scurrilous, depraved rantings of a sick mind, and I categorically deny any sense of falsehood attributed to them.

Offline Between Angela's Legs

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« Reply #33 on: December 11, 2021, 12:21:39 PM »
A story set with a girl or boy in high school can't easily be upshifted to age 18 without appearing faintly ridiculous. Of course, the notion that high-schoolers are not insanely rampant sexual beings defies all sense of respect for the human intellect. Yet, the American high school serves as a setting for probably at least 20% of the stories here if not more.

High school seniors are often 18 years old. In the story ideas, not fully developed yet, that I suggested in 'Writers Block', all of my proposed characters were based on real people who were in fact in real life either seniors about to graduate, or recent high school graduates. All the people were in fact barely legal 18 or 19 year olds.

I agree strongly with the idea of protecting youth, but do strongly disagree with the idea of a "big lie" that somehow high school students are asexual beings. We are in fact being asked to believe in such a big lie if we are denied the right to even write or distribute anything describing high school sexuality in fiction. I'm not encouraging the idea of actual physical real world sexual contact between adults and teenagers, but there is something very chilling about living in a world where we are not allowed to acknowledge, even in fiction, the obvious truth that high school students are sexual beings.

BTW has anyone verified whether the original complaint, allegedly originating from an Herr "Nathanael Lukesdorfer" of in Germany, is legit? I did some quick Googling. does seem to be a real German organization devoted to fighting abuse of underage kids. But I did a Google search on the surname Lukesdorfer and got back exactly zero hits. The surname Lukesdorfer appears to be a bogus surname. Is it possible that this person "Nathanael Lukesdorfer of" isn't legit and is just a random troll messing with RU and/or RU's ISP?
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« Reply #34 on: December 11, 2021, 12:45:09 PM »
there is something very chilling about living in a world where we are not allowed to acknowledge, even in fiction, the obvious truth that high school students are sexual beings.

You are allowed if the fiction you are creating is in a movie format. Preferably with hot actors.

BTW has anyone verified whether the original complaint, allegedly originating from an Herr "Nathanael Lukesdorfer" of in Germany, is legit? I did some quick Googling. does seem to be a real German organization devoted to fighting abuse of underage kids. But I did a Google search on the surname Lukesdorfer and got back exactly zero hits. The surname Lukesdorfer appears to be a bogus surname. Is it possible that this person "Nathanael Lukesdorfer of" isn't legit and is just a random troll messing with RU and/or RU's ISP?

Doesn't really matter, does it? The host suspended RU's account because they got information from someone that there were child exploitation stories being shared on one of their hosted websites. Do you really believe they'll just go "oops, well, since the dude sending the email wasn't legit, I guess should keep hosting child exploitation stories"? Like... The cat's out of the bag...

Regardless, it's fairly reasonable that this man has removed himself from having an online presence due to just this kind of instance, where there are people who take badly to what his professional emails lead to and who may try to infringe on the privacy or health of him or those close to him.

Offline Between Angela's Legs

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« Reply #35 on: December 11, 2021, 01:03:17 PM »
I agree that once the cat is out of the bag, it is difficult to get that cat back in the bag, even if it didn't originally get out for legit reasons.

I'm not sure if you got my point about the surname Lukesdorfer though. It is not simply that this particular guy has decided to keep a low profile online, which I would certainly understand even if I don't agree with him. It is that, at least according to Google, there is absolutely no one with that surname in the world. If that were a legit name, I'd expect to find other Lukesdorfers with a Google search, even if this particular guy has made himself hard to find.

Although it may not be possible to put the cat back in the bag, I still think it is useful to know whether the original complaint was valid or bogus. More information is almost always better than less information even when you can't go back to the original situation.
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Offline Yukito

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« Reply #36 on: December 11, 2021, 01:45:45 PM »
Now that you said, seems really bogus to me too. In the legal notice of, there are no names mentioned in the legal section of the website of the agency. Also, the website seems way too simplistic for a government website. And, another thing is, government websites use .gov, not .net.

And, see this:

At least a government official would have his/her name mentioned in the legal notice section. Transparency leads to people believing it's true.

Offline Between Angela's Legs

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« Reply #37 on: December 11, 2021, 02:24:03 PM »
Now that you said, seems really bogus to me too. In the legal notice of, there are no names mentioned in the legal section of the website of the agency. Also, the website seems way too simplistic for a government website. And, another thing is, government websites use .gov, not .net.

And, see this:

At least a government official would have his/her name mentioned in the legal notice section. Transparency leads to people believing it's true.

There is a link to Startseite | at Bundeszentrale für Kinder- und Jugendmedienschutz - Startseite, and the latter website does look to me more like an official government website. appears to me to be a much smaller private organization that does receive some government funds to educate people about the exploitation of children. It is unclear to me to what extent, however, is empowered to officially threaten someone with criminal prosecution or whether this Herr Lukesdorfer is a real person empowered to speak for and/or the German authorities.

As previously noted, I agree with Grumpy it is going to be pretty tough to get this particular cat back in the bag, but I'd still like to get as complete a picture of what happened as possible.
"Four to five days every month before my period I would just basically be kind of a crazy person.  I would suddenly be extremely moody.  I would get into fights with people."--Angela describing her PMS

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« Reply #38 on: December 11, 2021, 02:41:40 PM »
Earlier I responded briefly with dismay, now having had time to think about it, I'm responding with profound anger.

1) RavishU was down for me for a couple of days.  On site it was explained that it was the result of a clerical error in billing.  Are we sure RavishU was actually taken down over this issue?

2) I looked at and it appears to be a private advocacy site not an official one of the German government.  The types of material it opposes goes far beyond sexual issues and includes collecting reports of 'right-wing extremism online', 'dark patterns in Free2Play games', 'More eating disorders in children and adolescents due to pandemic', 'sexting via messenger', 'Telegram: Between violence propaganda and 'information war''. At the bottom of their page they mention they are financed by KJM-Commission for Youth Medical Protection. A search for the "KJM Kommission fur Jugendmedienschuts" on DuckDuckGo turns up not found.

Followed by an image saying 'the media institutions' with images of all German STATES, not Federal, coats of arms.  Then "Gefordert vom "Requested/required by" followed by Bundesministertum for Familie, Seniornen, Frauen and Jugend - The Federal Ministry for Family , Seniors , Women and Youth.  This Ministry appears to be real, but there is no connection displayed between the Ministry, which seems to be a social welfare agency, and the censoring of American internet content. 

Then we have "im Rahmen des Bundesprogramms" "Demokratie Leben!" - 'as part of the Federal Program Democracy Lives!', which is a project for promoting democracy, shaping diversity and preventing extremism.

3) Based on the above, I'm highly suspicious of this document as being in any way a communication from any office of the German government, but rather a threat from either this pressure group or some disgruntled individual using the group as a cover.

4) On a personal level, as a former soldier who was stationed in Germany for eight years on the line protecting the German, who were too cheap to fully fund their own defense, against the Soviet Union, I'm FURIOUS.  As far as I'm concerned these Neo-National Socialist wanna be tyrants can take this document attempting to censor US internet Free Speech, roll it up, stick it up their asses and light it with a flamethrower.  Thousands of Americans died and were maimed freeing the German people from Nazi rule and Trillions were spent to rebuild their country and to defend it from the Soviet Union.  Vlad Dragul's policy toward Germans trying to rule his country, impalement with a stake up their ass, is starting to seem more and more attractive and reasonable.

5) A more realistic, but less satisfying, solution would be the one suggested by another member of the site:
Blocking all the German IPs with a error page stating:
YOUR ACCESS TO THIS WEBSITE AND FORUM HAS BEEN BLOCKED AS PER REQUEST OF THE GERMANY GOVERNMENT.  Also, double check, I forget, that the requirements but 18 years or older.  Possible, add something like, "Due to a demand claiming to be from the German Government by clicking to enter our Free Speech Adults Only site you affirm-state-swear on your mother's grave-whatever that you are neither younger than 18 or a German citizen, both of which are banned from entering."

6) I have only recently discovered this group and am a fan of it and the ppl in it.  In addition, to catering to some of my dark side, I find many of the comments by members to be therapeutic as some of my thoughts at least skit on the sinful.  It has also inspired me to actually work on writing up some of my story ideas with the intent of sharing them with a sane, responsible audience.  As weird as it may sound, this groups is socially nourishing. I have run into stories that were over the line even for me, however as an adult running into someone else's expression of free speech, I just move on.  I doubt that many here know this, but as far as I can tell the US is the ONLY country in the world where Free Speech is legally protected. For example, it most certainly doesn't exist in Europe where you can be jailed for wrong speech in the EU.  To those who have made it to the end of my tirade, thanks and stand strong.

Offline Yukito

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« Reply #39 on: December 11, 2021, 03:06:59 PM »
Master Sergeant,

1) About that, was really there a discussion about billing?

2)Damn, that's really revealing about the demeanor of this "agency". Looks more like those bogus "fact-checking" agencies here in Brazil. Looks like a private censorship agency. I tried looking up the name(Nathanael Lukesdorfer) on both google and DDG, no dice.

3)Yes, it brings suspicion. For me, it sounds more like those woke groups that plague the USA and Brazil.

4)Damn, man. I don't live in the USA, but, thanks for your service. You're right, you have all the reasons to get mad over this. After all, free speech is a guaranteed right in the US constitution. Brazil has too, but, it has "limits", more like not saying what disagrees with certain communities. In Brazil, even a right wing story(like my Echaria universe) can lead to getting jailed. For example, disagreeing with a judging panel in a university admission exam text(see my argumentative writing guide in my Writer's Tips folder), can lead to failing the exam directly.

5)Thanks for the support on that suggestion. The best way to make a government back down on a decision is to make the internet community in that country angry at their government. Even though some people wouldn't care about an adult website.

6)I've come in here I think two years ago, back when the "More rape in the media" thread was going on here. Check my "Do You Share Your Stories with Your Peers" thread to know what I'm talking about.

I'm not against combating child porn, but, we have to have sense on what is really wrong. There are no pics of sexual acts being shown here, only stories, only fiction.

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« Reply #40 on: December 11, 2021, 03:09:18 PM »
So I have quite a few stories involving UA characters. They all have to come down I'm presuming?

I only found and joined this site a month ago to read your wonderful Mexican stepsister story again. I hope it and you don't disappear.


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« Reply #41 on: December 11, 2021, 03:35:38 PM »
Underage means anyone below 18? Also, isn't this a USA website? Why a german institution hit the site?

Exactly! I was under the impression the United States protects fictional story writing. They want our work deleted or blocked, can't we block them from viewing the site?
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« Reply #42 on: December 11, 2021, 03:42:18 PM »
Underage means anyone below 18? Also, isn't this a USA website? Why a german institution hit the site?

Exactly! I was under the impression the United States protects fictional story writing. They want our work deleted or blocked, can't we block them from viewing the site?
I think there are some tools to block certain IPs and DNSs, even in a forum you can IP ban someone.


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« Reply #43 on: December 11, 2021, 03:46:08 PM »
What pisses me off, is I used to write more on another site, but they set limitations there so I just shifted more of my writing here.  But now I'm going through it all again! This is as bad as Literotica, which I'd never write on because of the stupid 18+ rule. I read stories there years before finding Kristen's Board and you could tell a lot of the stories had underaged characters who were changed to 18 but there was no way they were that old!
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« Reply #44 on: December 11, 2021, 03:50:36 PM »
What pisses me off, is I used to write more on another site, but they set limitations there so I just shifted more of my writing here.  But now I'm going through it all again! This is as bad as Literotica, which I'd never write on because of the stupid 18+ rule. I read stories there years before finding Kristen's Board and you could tell a lot of the stories had underaged characters who were changed to 18 but there was no way they were that old!
I've moved from website to website, trying to find a safe harbor for my stories(which, any point can generate problems[not just rape or sexualization of minors]), but, I knew there was none until finding RU. Next thing gone is the website itself if it gets attacked by anti-rape communities like MeToo(yes, they do attack games and media that talk about this matter[rape], see the Rapelay case for example).