Earlier I responded briefly with dismay, now having had time to think about it, I'm responding with profound anger.
1) RavishU was down for me for a couple of days. On site it was explained that it was the result of a clerical error in billing. Are we sure RavishU was actually taken down over this issue?
2) I looked at jugendschutz.net and it appears to be a private advocacy site not an official one of the German government. The types of material it opposes goes far beyond sexual issues and includes collecting reports of 'right-wing extremism online', 'dark patterns in Free2Play games', 'More eating disorders in children and adolescents due to pandemic', 'sexting via messenger', 'Telegram: Between violence propaganda and 'information war''. At the bottom of their page they mention they are financed by KJM-Commission for Youth Medical Protection. A search for the "KJM Kommission fur Jugendmedienschuts" on DuckDuckGo turns up not found.
Followed by an image saying 'the media institutions' with images of all German STATES, not Federal, coats of arms. Then "Gefordert vom "Requested/required by" followed by Bundesministertum for Familie, Seniornen, Frauen and Jugend - The Federal Ministry for Family , Seniors , Women and Youth. This Ministry appears to be real, but there is no connection displayed between the Ministry, which seems to be a social welfare agency, and the censoring of American internet content.
Then we have "im Rahmen des Bundesprogramms" "Demokratie Leben!" - 'as part of the Federal Program Democracy Lives!', which is a project for promoting democracy, shaping diversity and preventing extremism.
3) Based on the above, I'm highly suspicious of this document as being in any way a communication from any office of the German government, but rather a threat from either this pressure group or some disgruntled individual using the group as a cover.
4) On a personal level, as a former soldier who was stationed in Germany for eight years on the line protecting the German, who were too cheap to fully fund their own defense, against the Soviet Union, I'm FURIOUS. As far as I'm concerned these Neo-National Socialist wanna be tyrants can take this document attempting to censor US internet Free Speech, roll it up, stick it up their asses and light it with a flamethrower. Thousands of Americans died and were maimed freeing the German people from Nazi rule and Trillions were spent to rebuild their country and to defend it from the Soviet Union. Vlad Dragul's policy toward Germans trying to rule his country, impalement with a stake up their ass, is starting to seem more and more attractive and reasonable.
5) A more realistic, but less satisfying, solution would be the one suggested by another member of the site:
Blocking all the German IPs with a error page stating:
YOUR ACCESS TO THIS WEBSITE AND FORUM HAS BEEN BLOCKED AS PER REQUEST OF THE GERMANY GOVERNMENT. Also, double check, I forget, that the requirements but 18 years or older. Possible, add something like, "Due to a demand claiming to be from the German Government by clicking to enter our Free Speech Adults Only site you affirm-state-swear on your mother's grave-whatever that you are neither younger than 18 or a German citizen, both of which are banned from entering."
6) I have only recently discovered this group and am a fan of it and the ppl in it. In addition, to catering to some of my dark side, I find many of the comments by members to be therapeutic as some of my thoughts at least skit on the sinful. It has also inspired me to actually work on writing up some of my story ideas with the intent of sharing them with a sane, responsible audience. As weird as it may sound, this groups is socially nourishing. I have run into stories that were over the line even for me, however as an adult running into someone else's expression of free speech, I just move on. I doubt that many here know this, but as far as I can tell the US is the ONLY country in the world where Free Speech is legally protected. For example, it most certainly doesn't exist in Europe where you can be jailed for wrong speech in the EU. To those who have made it to the end of my tirade, thanks and stand strong.