Author Topic: Just discovered Talking Heads  (Read 1169 times)

Offline Counterspell

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Just discovered Talking Heads
« on: December 09, 2021, 10:41:42 PM »
I am peculiar when it comes to listening to music, I rarely get interested in a specific band, usually I just collect songs that I like and listen to them on repeat. But I recently discovered the band Talking Heads (I just turned 29 so a bit before my time) and I'm obsessed. The video that got me hooked was the live version of Life During Wartime from the Stop Making Sense concert film:

David Byrne is amazing! I love his vocal style, the weird noises, the speaking voice he does instead of singing sometimes. And his dancing is just great- I can't stop watching. I'm autistic myself, and sussed that out about him from this video before I started reading up about the band. It's refreshing to see someone like yourself able to be themselves in their art.

But anyway, now I'm madly going through the music, think I've only been listening to the more well known stuff at the moment but my other favorites are This Must Be The Place, Burning Down the House, and Psycho Killer. Any other fans? Any songs I should check out next?

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Re: Just discovered Talking Heads
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2021, 12:01:20 AM »
I don't know them so well I can recite their discography, but they're a pretty good group. I enjoyed them growing up in the 80s. Youtube can probably give you links from one hit to the next. My favorite was 'And She Was'. I'm also partial to the video someone did of Psycho Killer with scenes from the movie My Friend Dahmer. Wild Wild Life is also a pretty cool one. These are all hits, though, so you've probably found them.
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Re: Just discovered Talking Heads
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2021, 11:19:21 PM »
David Byrne is awesome.  Talking Heads was a great band in the "Burning Down The House" phase. I think he is doing a Broadway show now I read somewhere.  Very talented guy.

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Re: Just discovered Talking Heads
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2021, 09:49:18 AM »
I hadn't given Wild Wild Life a listen yet I don't think, so I'll go check it out. There's a good playlist I found on Youtube that has over 300 songs on it, I'm probably gonna start putting that on in the background at work.

I did hear about his broadway show, glad he's still doing things. I'm gonna give that a watch after I get around to finishing the concert film and watching True Stories.