Note: This is the first actual rape scene for this story. For the first time in quite a while, I'm focussing on the woman's point of view.
Thursday July 7 --- 7:30 AM. Ambassador Igor Petrovitch Makarov phoned a General in Moscow about his concern for his family's safety in Léopoldville.
"I see your concern, Ambassador, but I've got reports that Belgian troops are about to arrive in the capital city to restore order and protect all white citizens, and in the different bases where troops have mutinied, negotiations are progressing. It looks like things are getting back to the safe side..."
"Yes, General... It looks like it, but this doesn't mean it IS. These things can change really fast, trust me on this. Now, General, if it were only me, I'd have no problem in staying, but there's my wife, there's my dear Tatiana! I am greatly concerned for their safety. I'd like to fly back to Moscow tonight!"
"Hmmm... Sorry Comrade Makarov; we can't get you a plane on such a short notice, but I trust your experience and I understand you perfectly well; I myself wouldn't stay there if my own family was with me. I'll see what I can do, but in all cases it won't be before tomorrow. I hope the situation stays on the good side..."
"I do to. And I am right into it! Mind you, I even got angry yesterday and slapped my wife!... Well, thank you General! Do the best you can!"
"Give your wife a good fuck and she'll forget this! I'll get you a Tupolev as soon as I get one! I won't let down an old friend! Take care, Igor!"
"Always nice talking to you, Misha!"
The Ambassador hung up the black phone and touched wood. In all likelihood, all was going to be fine and they'll all be safe aboard a Tupolev Tu-104 bound for Moscow by tomorrow afternoon. It wasn't only a problem of plane availability. The airport was getting very busy with all the Sabena flights being booked and scrambling to evacuate thousands of Belgian refugees.
By 10 A.M., Nadia was a little better. She had slept a few hours. She had some vaginal lesions, but any infection was being successfully treated by Dr. Ksenija Zakharova. Since Nadia wouldn't eat, she had her drinking a large glass of milk with honey and eggs mixed into it and some strong coffee. She gently persuaded Nadia to drink all, telling her she needed to get some strength back.
Tatiana was right there. She hadn't slept nor left Nadia's bedside. Now that she saw her abed and badly hurt, she realized how much she loved her. Nadia was really like an elder sister to her. Tatiana kissed her hand, held it and spoke to her softly while gently stroking her hair.
As she was finishing the glass of prepared milk, Nadia suddenly burst in tears and started to speak rapidly... Dr. Yuko Zakharova and Tatiana suddenly realized that she was telling the tale of what had happened to her yesterday.
Knowing full well that it was going to be a truly horrific tale, Dr. Zakharova wanted Tatiana to leave, but the latter wouldn't hear of it! She insisted to stay, kept holding Nadia's hand and urged her to calm down and recount her tale right from the beginning, telling and repeating her that what doesn't kill makes one stronger.
Dr. Zakharova closed the door after ordering her nurse that they were not to be disturbed for the next hour. Nadia told the entire tale of her ordeal in one go...
Wednesday, July 6...
Nadia discreetly left the hotel around 4 P.M and hailed a taxi. On her way, she saw a band of armed soldiers roaming the streets and stopping a white-driven car. She started panting, her petite body tensing and her heart racing; she forbade herself to think WHAT might happen if the taxi got stopped by soldiers and they decided to pull her out... At the same time, the images of herself getting gang-banged by Congolese soldiers were very arousing! She knew she was going to run this fantasy in her mind when the minister's son would be forcefully banging her and filling her up!
She made it safe to the Minister's house. The Minister was gone for a night-long session in the Cabinet; his son was there and they would have dinner with some friends, and then some alone time...
This was a large house with a heavy gate; a few policemen were there for added security, as there were some safety concerns due to factions being angry with the election results.
Once there, she and her black lover had an early dinner along with a group of friends --- two other couples, who left immediately after dinner.
At last! The two lovers were alone!
Nadia chosed not to call the hotel. She wanted her secret liaison to remain just that. She would report back next morning and face the ambassador's angry words. Besides, it would be her only time doing something so wild... But it was so GOOD... Being wild, just for once!
They began kissing; her lover started unbuttoning her blouse and kissed her pure-white upper chest, feeling an intense sense or arousal. Nadia's petite, perky body reacted strongly to this contact of dark flesh on her pale skin; her womanhood was getting properly flooded and preparing to receive her eagerly awaited guest!
There were sudden gunshots outside along with a growing clamour. The noises grew louder and nearer; further gunshots were heard. Both lovers froze in the middle of the living room. Nadia screamed as she heard a window being smashed! The house was under attack!
The black lover told Nadia to run upstairs and hide under a bed. He said not to worry; he would handle this crowd and all would be well. His voice still faltered a bit as he spoke while she took to her heels...
Nadia ran upstairs in panic, kicking off her evening shoes to move faster, her dainty feet making a hurried pitter-patter on the wooden floor; she was now barefoot, as she wasn't wearing stockings. She heard many loud shouts from downstairs... The house was being invaded by an angry crowd!!!
In full terror, she found a bedroom, closed and locked the door and threw herself under a bed. She heard men's voices coming nearer, then it occurred to her that she was "hidden" --- under the bed --- in the very first place where these men were going to look... And she had stupidly locked the door, clearly indicating someone was in the room! She couldn't stay like this.
She then remembered seeing a high armoire chest cabinet, where she'd be quite well hidden and much less likely to be discovered... and captured...
Her heart racing, she quickly got out from under the bed, quickly unlocked the door and --- trying to keep her calm in spite of her wildly racing heart --- she took a firm hold on the upper edge of the armoire... If only she could get there and hide behind the high curvy decorative façade, then she'll be s...
As she takes her leap in order to hook her ankle on this edge and then hoist herself up there, the door bursts open and many black men storm inside the bedroom, immediately spotting her! She's too late!
"AAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! NIET!!!!... NIET!!!!!!!...." she shrieks in full horror and panic as the negroes --- all dressed in dirty civilian clothes --- grab her! She's screwed and she can't do anything about it... She screams in shrill notes of despair and powerlessness. She knows all too well the fate that awaits her...
"Hé les gars, regardez ce qu'on a là !" (Hey guys! Look what we got here!)
"Une Blanche !" (A white girl!)
"Le petit ministro se farcit une Blanche !" (The minister-boy is fucking a white girl!)
"NIET!!!!... NIET!!!!!!!...." (NO!!!!!... NO!!!!!....)
"Et elle parle drôlement, cette putasse ! C'est pas une Belge..." (And this little hooker speaks funny! Not a Belgian girl!)
"... Un beau petit bout de femme, ça ! Salut ma belle ! T'as un joli minois !" (A nice little cutie! Hello pretty! I like your face!)
"NIET!!!!... NIET!!!!!!!...."
"Je crois qu'elle est russe, cette fille..." (I think she's Russian...)
"Allez les gars ! On va la violer !" (Let's go boys! Let's rape that bitch!)
"Ah oui ! Ce qu'on va se la farcir, cette petite bolchevique !!! AH! AH! AH! AH!..." (YEAH!!! We gonna get some nice fuck-time with this cute little Bolchevik!!! AH! AH! AH! AH!...)
"NIET!!!!... NIET!!!!!!!.... OTPUSTITE MENYA!!!... OTPUSTITE MENYA!!!... NIAAAAAAHHHEEET!!!" (NO!!!... NO!!!... LET ME GO!!!... ALL OF YOU, LET ME GO!!!... NAAAAOOOOO!!!!...)
"Emmenez-la en bas ! Il faut que le petit ministre voie comment on va la violer !" (Take her downstairs! The little minister-boyscout needs to see how we're going to rape his girl!)
"On va bien rigoler !" (It's gonna be fun!)
"NIEEEET!!!!... NIEEEEEET!!!!!!!...."
Nadia, squirming with all her girly strength and quickly getting tired as she struggled, screamed and protested to no avail, was taken downstairs amid her too many assailants. Laughing and jeering, constantly calling her "white slut" and "rich little whore!", they carried her into the spacious dining room, where she was brutally pinned onto the massive table that they had just hastily cleared for action, carelessly throwing empty cups, pots and what-not onto the well-laquered floor.
"NIET!!!!... NIET!!!!!!!.... OTPUSTITE MENYA!!!... OTPUSTITE MENYA!!!..." She kept begging and protesting as her small body squirmed in panic as the mass of jeering men pressed themselves around her, surrounding her with their overwhelming mass of black manliness! They kept telling her that they were all going to take their turns inside her!
"NIET!!!!... NIET!!!!!!!.... OTPUSTITE MENYA!!!... NIET!!!!!!!..." Hearing her screaming in Russian only fed their arousal and growing erections!
Her lover had been forced to sit on a nearby chair; he was tied up painfully tight where he'd be forced to watch his white girlfriend being gang-raped!
"Allez les gars ! On va enfiler cette fille !" (Come on boys! We're gonna gang-bang this girl!)
"Ahhhh... Ça va être du bon cul, ça..." (Ahhh YEAH... This is going to be some real good fucking!)
"Oh Oui ! Qu'est-ce qu'on va lui mettre, à cette petite catin russe !" (Oh Yeah! This little Russian strumpet is going to get a real thrashing!)
More rioters poured into the house, Nadia found herself on the large wooden table, surrounded with dozens of black men in dirty clothes! Countless hands began ripping her clothes off, their frantic energy increasing as more and more of her white petite body got exposed under this moving jungle of dark-brown hands...
She screamed, begged, began to bawl... called for her powerless lover's help... The crowd was mad! MAD WITH LUST! Raping this pretty girl in front of the Minister's son was going to be so much fun!
Her blouse is ripped apart in three opposing directions, in a loud sound of tearing fabric that fills up her soul with unfathomable horror, at the same time her senses are hijacked by many hands directly cupping and squeezing and kneading her breasts as she tries to remember when exactly her bra has been yanked off...
"NIET!!!!... NIET!!!!!!!.... OTPUSTITE MENYA!!!... OTPUSTITE MENYA!!!..."
"AAAaaaahhhh... Elle a de beaux petits nichons !" (OHHH God!... She's got real nice little tits!)
"Ooooh la vache... Mais elle est belle, cette fille russe !" (Ooooohhh wow!... This Russian girl is a real beauty!)
"Mâtin ! Il s'ennuie pas, le petit ministro !" (Gee! The minister-boyscout sure gets his fun!)
Then she vaguely realizes her skirt is being brutally pulled down off her legs and feet while other hands take a tour of her alluring legs, enjoying and commenting on the smoothness of her pale skin while another hand presses itself directly against her cunt through the thin fabric of her panties...
Then she hears someone yell in French "Allez ! Voyons voir sa toison !" (Come on! Let's see her bush down there!) and this same hand ruthlessly rips her panties off... Her loud shrill scream fills the entire room...
Many voices comment on her intimate spot of black hair; Nadia feels all the more humiliated as she perfectly understands their French...
"Ohhh... Elle en a du bouquet !" (Oh gosh... She's got a real nice bushy asset there!)
"Ça c'est de la belle touffe de Blanche !" (Now, this is some real white girl's cunt bush!)
"Toute noire, bien soyeuse !" (All black! All silky-soft!)
"Allez Jean-Maurice ! Vas-y en premier ! Bourre-la !" (Come on, Jean-Maurice! You go first! Fill her up!)
She screams again as the first rapist happily drops his pants to let out his raging erection, her mind unable to fully register that she is about to get gang-raped by a mob of Congolese men, and brutally at that! Those same citizens that had been peacefully cheering the President of the Republic on June 30. Now she was being introduced to their darkest side.
Many arms forced her legs wide open and she frantically shrieked and called for KGB's help in Russian, as she felt this Jean-Maurice pushing his cock against her entrance. She closed her eyes, not wanting to see this black man who was painfully forcing himself inside her unlubed pussy, his massive erect dick forcing her walls open, deeper, deeper and deeper still as he grunted and thrust his manhood further down his paradise, which was her HELL!
Her screams were deafening as she started to wail, pinned on the table, her proud perky breasts constantly assaulted by all these jeering men and her soul overwhelmed under the crushing weight of her debasement.
She felt him powerfully taking hold of her petite legs and thrust his dick all the way inside her, making her scream in pain as the other men laughed, called her "salope blanche" (white slut) and kept pinning her on the table, her arms on either sides of her small torso as they played with her breasts nonstop...
This Jean-Maurice started pounding her, grunting like a gorilla as he did so gleefully and commenting on how tight she felt, while her pain-overwhelmed senses barely registered his words against the background of clamorous jeers...
"Ahrrrr OUI ! NHHH, NNHHH, NHHH, NNHH, HRRAAHHH... ELLE EST BONNE LA PETITE SOVIET !" (Ahrrr YES! ... ... ... HRAAHHH... Oh this cute little Soviet girl is a real good fuck!)
"Alors, la petite poulette de luxe, tu aimes ça te faire enfiler par le peuple ?" (Hey little rich courtesan, how do you like getting fucked by the people!)
"T'es moins fière maintenant !" (Not so proud now!)
"Allez Jean-Maurice ! Dépêche-toi ! Nous aussi, on veut la sauter !" (Let's go Jean-Maurice! Hurry up! We want to mount her too!)
"Ah oui ! On va tous lui passer dessus, la salope blanche !!!" (You bet! We're all going to take our turns on this white slut!)
Nadia, sobbing as she quickly got tired of shrieking, her head bobbing in the great many men's arms, her pretty face now bizarrely distorted by the searing pain, felt herself being savagely shaken on the table, her body naked in full display for this mass of lowclass negroes...
Her vagina pounded nonstop by his pistoning pillar, she felt how extremely aroused her rapist was and heard him commenting on the beauty of her firm breasts, which she felt jiggling and constantly assaulted by countless hands; then Jean-Maurice suddenly let out a loud roar of satisfied victory as he blissfully shot massive bolts of Congolese cum inside her Soviet vagina...
"NNNNNNNNNNNHRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! Ohh, c'est trop bon !!!" (.... Ohhh, this is too GOOD!!!)
She sobbed as she felt the warm gooey flood sticking everywhere inside her womb. She confusedly heard voices telling her lover that "this is how you properly mount a white whore!" and "now you need to watch more!"... "we're just getting started!"
Then a second black rapist replaced the first one and her nightmare began all over again... Her entire universe was nothing but shouting, pain, stretched vagina, kneaded violated breasts, loud groans as each successive man ejaculated inside her...
She kept sobbing, trying to relax as much as she could, letting herself be used like a doll and hearing the humiliating remarks about how she was getting compliant, how she was loving this!
Nadia quickly lost count of how many Congolese men shot their loads inside her.
At one point, she felt herself being lifted up on her feet and quickly bent over amid the throng of over-aroused negroes...
"Oooohhh, saperlipopette ! Avez-vous vu son cul !" (Ooohhhh, not true! Did you see her butt!)
"AAhhhh, non mais... Quel cul !" (Oooohhhh boy!... What a fucking nice ass!)
"Oh oui ! Elle a un beau petit cul, la petite gourgandine !" (Oh yes! This little hooker's got a nice little tight butt!)
She felt someone forcefully grabbing her tight smooth hips, and then she had a large dick deep inside her semen-full vagina as the man started grunting loud and gleefully pounding her standing doggystyle amid the jeering throng!
Nadia was utterly shaken as many arms held her in place; she had no choice but to endure the endless rapes, but then it got even worse!
Another man forced his cock inside her ajar mouth, threatening her to kill her lover, and perhaps herself too, like a dog if he felt any of her teeth! This man began face-raping her while she kept on being raped from behind, surrounded by dozens of mad Congolese rioters who overwhelmed her ears with their deafening roar...
All her senses were being overwhelmed and obliterated by her countless successive rapes.
Soon, she heard a loud, animalistic groan and she was forced to swallow a rancid-tasting load of jizz as her mouth-rapist gleefully ejaculated inside her. She gagged and spat out some of the Congolese cum as another man immediately shoved his own dick inside her mouth; she confusedly heard her vaginal rapist let out a final groan as he ejaculated inside her, feeling his hand frantically holding her hips while he shot a massive load...
As she was receiving this steaming load, Nadia realized her new mouth-rapist was really big and she needed to open her mouth painfully wide to take all his meat in!
Then, she felt something terribly big filling up and utterly stretching her womanhood. Were they raping her with some foreign object now? She turned her face as much as her mouth-slavery allowed her to, and in the corner of her eye, saw a mountain of a man, all naked with his overhanging flab disgustingly moving wildly on his immense chest as he was holding her lithe, graceful waist with his gigantic hands and began to rape her with his truly enormous dick!
She felt the pain! She wanted to scream a loud "NIET!" of horror, but her mouth was filled up by the other negro's dick and she could only utter "MFFFFFFFFHHH!" as her mouth-rapist kept on blissfully pumping his dick inside her violated mouth...
The giant negro who was raping her so brutally and painfully constantly spoke aloud in a language she didn't understand -- it was probably lingala. He grunted very loud and was no doubt greatly enjoying the rape!
Nadia sobbed, tears running down her pale cheeks, her pretty face utterly soiled and smeared with Congolese cumshots, as she realized that a real-life rape was something entirely different from the fantasy she had ran in her mind not so long ago, yet seemingly ages ago.
The rapists had zero concern for her own comfort, much less for her pleasure. The entire ordeal was pain, pain and more pain with an overwhelming sense of humiliation. The only variation was the notes of her unfathomable defilement.
She heard her lover crying like a child; she felt deep contempt, since he had stopped shouting abuses and verbally defending her, which was the least he could do! Instead, he was crying like the powerless manlet he truly was...
While she was being shaken by the giant negro raping her doggystyle, and also forced to take one dick after the other inside her mouth, Nadia felt ashamed for having taken this crying manlet as a lover. This was something that really hurt her Russian pride! Perhaps even more than her very rape. She had failed to choose a strong man! She had been mistaken in her judgement!
Then, Nadia was forced to listen to the animalistic vocal expression of the giant negro's utter contentment when his immense dick suddenly exploded inside her!!! He erupted in one truly massive bolt of oozing jizz...
"Elle est bien africanisée, cette petite salope riche !" (Now this little rich slut is Africanized real good!) someone commented.
The negro face-raping her shouted these words as he massively relieved himself clear of his compounded load inside her Soviet mouth! After dumping half his big load deep inside her mouth, he pulled out and splattered the rest all over her pretty face... Nadia felt a large dollup landing smack on her forehead and sliming down her nose...
It was so horribly humiliating!
His dick was immediately replaced with another. Amid all this roaring clamoring and jeering, Nadia confusedly noticed her new mouth-rapist was a teenager of perhaps 19 years old at the most. He was smiling with a full show of white teeth illuminating his black face as he forcefully grabbed her disheveled hair of broken raven dreams and began taking his turn in face-raping her, while yet another black man took his powerful turn inside her from behind...
It lasted forever!
Then one man decided to rape her ass. Although the jeering and shouting were positively deafening, Nadia screamed even louder as she discovered the true meaning of pain while a massive negro dick was pounding her up her ass!
She probably was dead and serving eternal damnation. All of a sudden, her repressed Christian instincts surfaced, almost exploded and imposed itself and dissipated her more superficial Communist upbringing, while her rectum kept being stretched in uncharted territories of PAIN!
Endlessly bent over and ass-raped, she was shaken amid countless ebony arms amid the jeering throng of men, her head endlessly bobbing with her black ruined hairstyle hanging and waving on either sides as she felt her firmly overhanging breasts being assaulted by some dirty hands from time to time.
"FILTHY NEGROES!!!" she loudly screamed in Russian as the trigger-happy teenager exited her mouth and fired an epic load that splattered her with hot steaming cum all over her face and hair!
Her ordeal went on, and on, and on...
"Hé les gars ! La police ! Filons !!!" (Hey boys! It's the police! Run!!!)
"Vite ! Vite !" (Quick! Quick!)
Nadia became vaguely aware of many noises and movements and shouting voices around her. After a while, her rapes resumed. Her body had got weirdly used to the rocking and pounding. It was in survival mode, saving as much energy as it could. She let herself be gang-fucked by the assembly of rapists.
She felt utterly polluted. Africanized!
At some point during her hellish ordeal, she became aware that her rapists were suddenly wearing police uniforms.
Thursday, July 7 --- 11 A.M.
When Nadia finished her dreadful story, Tatiana burst in tears and called Nadia "my lovely elder sister!" The doctor left both girls crying in each other's arms and reported to the ambassador that Nadia was getting better, but she needed rest and could only see female persons for the time being. She was in a state of shock and needed a pregnancy test. The ambassador understood, positively horrified.
He asked where his daughter was, and was relieved to know that Tatiana was comforting Nadia. He said his daughter had a gift for soothing her peers, and added that he loved Nadia as if she were his own daughter.
He repeated his strict orders, that no one was allowed to leave the hotel under any circumstances. He called Moscow again to ask for a plane that wouldn't show until Friday afternoon. He wished they were all in Moscow now!
In the bedroom turned into sickbay, Tatiana kept comforting Nadia, who was wailing and sobbing out her unfathomable pain in her companion's sisterly arms...
Tatiana kept telling her soft comforting words...
"It's over... It's over... Your little dievochka is here... You're safe now!"
Note: I had written the chapter in one go, as I often do when I'm feeling inspired. Now I've just reread it and checked the spelling and little things. Hope you enjoyed it!
Note: I've added a picture of Dr. Yuko Ksenija Zakharova at the end of the previous chapter. She's a beautiful Japanese-born woman in her thirties with a face and figure worthy of some loving attention!
Note: I have to give credit to GaggedKitty, Jessica_33 (no longer around, sigh!) and Roxxon for their immense talent in depicting rapes from the woman's point of view; there is no way I'd be able to write such rape scenes the way I do without having read their masterful stories.