You write "to be continued" but I do not see any peak to climb from here.
Thanks for the feedback, Nutcase7!
Spoilers ahead!

This is only the start of a jacquerie that spreads over several villages. The Baron's small castle is assaulted and overrun; there's an even bigger climax there as the Baron's and a couple of other noble families are captured and abused. I already have the pics for the Baron's wife and daughters!

Then the neighbouring lords organize themselves, band together and launch a very brutal repression, systematically slaughtering all the revolted peasants and of course, raping the wives and daughters once they ride in every village of the countryside. They are extremely brutal as they do not want their own peasants getting any ideas.
I'll grant you this, it starts off very intense, but the gradation in the overall story is not in intensity, but in scale of climax.
I hope you enjoyed reading the chapter! The main purpose is to get aroused and have fun!