Author Topic: Jacquerie {Gang}  (Read 4199 times)

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Jacquerie {Gang}
« on: November 09, 2021, 06:57:24 AM »
Rape is a heinous, despicable crime punishable to the full extent of the law. If you don't understand the difference between real life and fantasy, or if you don't like stories depicting fantasy rape, then don't read them.

All characters featured in this story are at least 18 years old; the words "teenage" and "teen girl" or "pucelle" refer to girls aged 18 or 19 only.

Jacquerie... Here is the definition from The Free Dictionary...
1. The uprising of the French peasants against the nobility in 1358.
2. A peasant revolt, especially a very bloody one.

Combining the two definitions, you get the nobility's worst nightmare!
An uprising where the peasants revolt against the nobility and especially a very bloody one.

It started in some small village near a castle. The winter of 1344 had been especially harsh in these parts; food had become scarce and there were rumours that the rich and privileged had been hoarding food.

Sire Romuald, the village's knight and liegeman to Baron Hughes de la Blanche Colline, was celebrating his daughter's birthday. Gilberte had blossomed into a fine young woman, and her father was already thinking of marrying her to one of the still-unmarried sons of his Baron. His two sons, Pierre and René, were seven and eleven years old. Their two other offsprings didn't live to their first birthday.

Lady Isolde, Romuald's wife, was astoundingly young-looking for a woman in her thirties who went through five pregnancies. Much to her husband's joy, she was pretty much the same noble maid he had married some 20 years before. Many envious women in the village would say that she had some dealings with the Devil to be able to retain such a fair, spotless skin. With her raven hair and noble figure, she was indeed one of the most beautiful women in the entire Barony!

Jehane, the serving maid, had put a hefty piece of smoked ham on the fire; it was the very last one and they had observed a strict diet since Mardi Gras in order to save it for the arrival of Spring, which coincided with the New Year, Easter and Gilberte's birthday. Since it was a special occasion, the noble women wore their hair freely, as opposed to their usual way of wearing it plaited and under a veil.

All it took was a broken part in the window's shutters, the knight's slight cold making him forgetful and the wind's unknowing complicity.

A whiff from the smoked ham was caught by Jean Bon-Dur, a father of eight whose youngest didn't make it through the harsh winter.

His family only had bread from oak acorns left to eat. Hunting game was strictly forbidden and reserved to nobility. Some nobles did allow their peasants to hunt game when there was a famine, but Baron Hugues de la Blanche Colline hadn't see fit to give such licence.

The winter had been extremely cold, freezing rivers and streams and making fishing next to impossible. Now, people could fish again, but two well-liked forest men had been caught hunting and had been hung. It was the law, yet it had stirred bitter resentment among the local populace. Especially Jean Bon-Dur, whose elder daughter was to marry one of these two departed souls, now ghosts to be heard in the form of strange sounds near the sturdy oak where they had been strung up, or so old women said.

And now... This whiff! This bloody whiff!

"It smells like smoked ham!" said Jean to his wife.
Then he went to his neighbour, asking him if he smelt it too. Then they went to a third neighbour, who spoke to a fourth person. In each new house, the voices grew louder and angrier.

By the time this whiff thing reached the village's priest, it was already too late. There were at least twenty men who had armed themselves with pitchforks, knives and axes. And they were heading for Sir Romuald's strong house!

« Last Edit: February 04, 2025, 11:10:30 AM by The Claire »

Offline Nutcase7

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Re: Jacquerie
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2021, 08:16:26 AM »
Thanks for the effort. Looks interesting

Offline To-Get-Her

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Re: Jacquerie
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2021, 10:57:03 AM »
An interesting premise which I'm sure actually did occur during the rioting by the peasants. Can't wait to read more into the story you've created Merit from me if you can write faster without harm!
When I get around to it, I'll write

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Re: Jacquerie
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2021, 02:03:37 AM »
Thanks for the effort. Looks interesting

Thanks Nutcase7!

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Re: Jacquerie
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2021, 02:06:24 AM »
An interesting premise which I'm sure actually did occur during the rioting by the peasants. Can't wait to read more into the story you've created Merit from me if you can write faster without harm!

Thanks To-Get-Her!
I know at least where the first part is leading too --- very obvious --- and I have a general idea of where the entire story is headed to. I'll take SoftGameHunter's words and say I loosely follow a plotline, fleshing out things and adding details as I go, as long as somebody gets abused in the process!

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Re: Jacquerie
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2021, 05:33:41 AM »
Note: I am very much thrilled to be writing this! This fantasy of peasant revolt has been running in my dreams since my early teenage years! All the movies I watched were just fucking teases next to what I'm about to depict! Hope you'll enjoy this trip in Northern France's 14th century!


Sire Romuald heard the clamours at the same time he heard the first massive blow slamming against the sturdy entrance door, while another group of peasants began hacking down the small, thick backdoor (the one used for access to the latrines).

While Isolde and Jehane quickly tossed the table aside to open the cellar trap door, Sire Romuald yelled at the front door and asked his peasants "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!" using his battlefield commanding voice.

"WE'RE HUNGRY! WE'RE HUNGRY! WE'RE HUNGRY!" answered angry voices from the other side of the sturdy door, which shook greatly from a second loud BANG from the large beam that several men were using as a battering ram; these men were the strongest in the village, especially the blacksmith, a mountain of a man with a respect-commanding face and a fearsome beard!

This blacksmith -- Martin le Fort by his name (meaning Martin the Strong) -- gave all he had in the third blow against the great door, which caved in just enough to prevent Sire Romuald from bolting it.

Father Jehan kept telling them to stop, that they would go to Hell if they persisted in their madness, until Jean Bon-Dur told him that if he shut up his big lousy mouth, they'd give him the privilege to be the first man inside Gilberte when they'd be finished capturing this noble house!

There were only two ways to get inside; the windows were far too narrow to allow anyone to pass, and these windows had bars and shutters. The back door was small and thick, and it was bolted at all times --- the people in the house unbolting it only when they had to use the back-yard latrines; the axe-wielding peasants had a tough time hacking it down, but they were progressing.

Gilberte and Jehanne, along with our two sons, were already in the cellar; Isolde shut the trap door and quickly ran to the masters' room, where she grabbed her husband's morningstar mace, a far more powerful weapon than her last-resort dagger. She came back wielding it with both hands as the door gave in while Sire Romuald kept shouting at them and offering them food from his house, only to be yelled at by the enraged peasants telling him this was too little, too late --- Now they were coming to take the entire house and everything in it!

The first peasant who passed the front door, holding a pitchfork and moving its double tip menacingly toward Romuald, was quickly dispatched with the sword tip through his throat, but two other peasants came in, one of whom had his skull shattered in a bloody mess by a wicked blow from Isolde's mace!

"STOP THIS MADNESS!" screamed Sire Romuald as he swung his sword to keep the assailants at bay, forcing the surviving peasant out of the front door with Isolde menacing another man on his right, both of them effectively holding the main door against the pressing mass of peasants!

Then a loud scream was heard... "MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!" And the bull-strong blacksmith along with the other strong men rammed the beam straight at Sire Romuald, who had to move out of the way as the six men ran past him into the assaulted house...

Two men were bloodily put out of commission by Romuald's sword and Isolde's mace, but the four survivors were closely followed by a dozen screaming villagers who stormed inside the room! Others followed, soon packing the room full of invaders.

Romuald and Isolde were forced to retreat, now cornered with a swarm of angry peasants all over the place! The back door was about to give way too, axes feverishly hacking at the hard wood.

"FATHER JEHAN! DO SOMETHING!" Romuald shouted as he saw the churchman entering the place in his tawny robe, flanked with Jean Bon-Dur and joining the bull-strong blacksmith --- Martin le Fort, an enormous six-feet tall man with muscles of steel from decades of hammering iron.

Romuald started to deal deadly blows as he saw that no help was coming from Father Jehan, who stood by as the mass of peasants forced the couple in their last-ditch corner!

Romuald's sword and Isolde's mace were effective in keeping vital distance between them and their revolted peasants, but Martin le Fort suddenly threw a small hammer and hit Isolde straight on her forehead, knocking her down as she let fall her mace and burried her bloody face in her hands.

"ISOLDE!!!" screamed Romuald, forgetting the fight for a split second, and it was all it took...

Two peasants outflanked him; Romuald quickly shifted his position and dealt a terrible sword blow that severed one man's hand, but the second peasant viciously thrust his pitchfork straight into the knight's neck while a third peasant striked from behind and opened the back of his skull wide with a terrible blow from his axe...

Isolde was seized by a jeering pack of peasants as she was trying to unsheath her dagger through her groggyness. Another group of villagers opened the trap door and rushed down into the cellar, soon filled with the shrill screams from Gilberte and Jehanne, both of whom were seized and carried back up the ladder, up into the main room, where the light of day would do justice to their youthful figures!

Peasants grabbed Isolde's arms, then restrained her legs and carried her to the massive wooden table while two men violently cleared the tabletop for action, sending all the tin platters and cups and wooden bowls down on the flagstone floor...

"NOOOO!!! DON'T!!! STOP THIS! PLEASE! STOP THIS! I'M YOUR NOBLE LADY! STOP!..." Isolde screamed and begged the jeering men who roughly shoved her on the tabletop, pinned her back against it, discarded her dagger and urgently ripped her dresstop down her shoulders and arms, taking the top of her linen smock along with it and effectively pinning her arms against her flanks, while suddenly filling their entire gazes with the forbidden sight of her perky breasts, their shocking nakedness jiggling in white orbs of female splendour as Isolde kept begging and squirming under their collective clutches!

All the men looked at her tiny wine-red nipples that stood in terror amid small areolas on top of her moving perky mounds of exposed flesh! The sight fed their post-battle erections, giving them even more raging hardness!

She was panicked and oblivious of the bleeding wound on the left side of her forehead, even oblivious of her freshly slain husband. She started shrieking in panic as she felt the air and the men's gaze in direct contact with her suddenly exposed breasts, while men urgently tucked her dress and smock all the way up to her waist, effectively uncovering her black-haired cunt...

With their hunger-sensitized smell, all the nearby men became extremely turned on by the scent coming up from her exposed cunt! Her shrill screams multiplied their unbearable lust!

It was organically decided that the blacksmith was to go first, as the strongest man in the village and since he had thrown the fateful hammer.

Martin le Fort grinned under his greying beard as he quickly dropped his braccae and approached screaming Isolde, whose limbs were tightly restrained and her breasts constantly assaulted by a forest of dirty hands. He roughly spread her legs wide open and wedged himself between them, making Isolde scream her life out as he urgently pushed his cock against her entrance, and since she had previously given birth five times, his dick readily went all the way inside with a wicked hipthrust that had her screaming with pain and utter shame.

The huge man let out a loud grunt of unfathomable satisfaction as he began urgently raping Isolde, fiercely grabbing her shapely thighs and revelling in her shrill screams and contemplating the ungodly paleness of her jiggling breasts, the prettiness of her face, intensified by her bleeding forehead, her shiny waves of night-coloured hair...

Isolde screamed even louder and shriller in utter horror as she became aware of Gilberte's shrill screaming of acute pain; even more horrific to her ears were the animalistic groans that mingled with her daughter's innocence-loss screaming --- She recognized the voice of Father Jehan...

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! GILBERTE!!!... GILBERTE!!!... MY BABY!!!... NOOO!!!" Isolde wailed as she frantically shook her bobbing head as her half-naked body was rocked under the force of her own rape...

As he brutally raped Isolde, shaking her slender body and making the massive table creak under her, the huge blacksmith remembered the numerous times he had dreamed of sex with her! He had known her for fifteen years! Ever since his village knight brought his new wife home. Now he was bucking her like an unbridled beast and it was so fucking good! He did his best to make this last!

While Isolde was getting raped on the table, a few peasants rushed at the piece of smoked ham and the basket of fresh bread and began devouring the food! They were so starved! They stuffed pieces of meat and bread inside their clothes and ran home to share it with their wives and children. They would soon be back, some with their teenage sons, to claim their rightful share of the captured noble women!

In the meantime, the back door finally surrendered to the peasants's axes and six more men stormed in the already-packed house, whose flagstones were bloodied with their knight's blood. They knew there was no turning back from this!


As the pack of jeering peasants were seizing Lady Isolde in order to gang-rape her on the table, Father Jehan had knelt by Sire Romuald's corpse and said a short prayer...

O Domine! Oro... Dimitte nobis peccata acta atque peccata actura!
(O Lord! I pray you... Forgive us for the sins we have committed and the sins we are about to!)

Then he quickly signed himself... "In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti, Amen!"

As he prayed, peasants opened the trap door and quickly went down into the cellar, soon filled with the shrill screams from Jehanne and Gilberte, both of whom were seized and carried back up the ladder, up into the main room, where the light of day would do justice to their youthful figures!

While her mother was being violently stripped and her intimate flesh exposed and defiled...
Giberte was to be made unmarriageable!

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Isolde screamed in shrill powerless horror amid her debasement, surrounded by all these jeering, evil-grinning men who only yesterday were God-fearing peasants who showed her near-religious respect...

Gilberte screamed shriller and louder as a laughing pack of men restrained her and brutally ripped down her green dress, roughly pulling everything --- dress and smock --- down her arms, torso and hips after a knife had snapped her thin leather belt; they were all eager to see their knight's daughter Eve-naked before gang-raping her in front of her mother!

The screaming teenager's small breasts and brownish-red nipples were displayed in a pale-flesh show of girly defilement, then her slim tummy, navel and waist, as the men voraciously stripped her down... Then she was half bent over, as men violently pulled the torn dress and smock all the way down her slender legs, revealing the mind-boggling sight of her tight butt curves --- glowing as twin moons of young flesh amid the indoor daylight and the men's unbelieving gazes!

Father Jehan's erection was MASSIVE!

He had already stepped out of his churchman's robe and watched the brutal and vulgar rape of Jehane, as she was pinned in a corner of the room, her dress tucked up and peasants holding her in place while one of them took his turn inside and facing her --- in this common-place rape, the serving maid's alluring thighs brushing against her rapist's flanks nonetheless offered a decently erotic show, which wasn't all that much next to naked Gilberte!

The naked churchman shamelessly delighted in hearing Isolde's screams of shame and horror while peasants lifted shrieking Gilberte off the floor and discarded her small leather shoes from her arousingly small feet! Father Jehan felt his dick was about to burst as he took hold of her white legs and spread them wide open, enjoying the first-rate view on her delicate patch of raven cunt hair and her inviolate slit. He felt himself becoming crazy from anticipated pleasure!


Wedging himself right against the naked girl's crotch, he feverishly pushed his precumming cock against her tighter than tight entrance. Uncaring of the girl's pain, he screamed and pushed harder, harder and harder still, until he felt his cock entering the holy temple!

Gilberte's screaming, begging and groaning of searing pain were music to Jehan's ears, who also perceived the mother's shrill screams of horror added to the mix; all this on top of the laughing and jeering of the victorious peasants! The noise inside the house was almost deafening!

He felt God-defying elation as his cock was tightly gripped by Gilberte's violated virginity as he roughly forced himself farther and farther into her uncharted inner walls, while she kept filling the entire house with her shrieks!

He expected to meet her hymen, but surprisingly, there was no sudden resistance to tear, just a narrow hole of ungodly tightness, which he conquered little by little... Then came his final powerful thrust...


He uttered this mighty groan as he fully enjoyed being all the way inside Gilberte! He began urgently pounding her as she kept shrieking amid the jeering men restraining her and constantly assaulting her small breasts! One of them seized her bobbing raven head of hair and forced-kissed her, giving her his foul breath and adding violation to her rape!

As Isolde was pinned and gang-raped on the family table, her lightly bleeding head kept bobbing on the tabletop along with her violently shaken body and jiggling breasts while her shrill screams mingled with the blacksmith's grunts... Cheered on by the many onlookers who restrained Isolde and squeezed her breasts and forced-kissed her now and then, Martin le Fort was paradise-happy with this long, amazing fuck!

He presently picked up his pace to a frantic ramming frenzy, before he finally let out a loud-echoing roar of joy as he blissfully shot three massive bolts of hot stickiness inside the violated noble lady!

Martin felt his legs go weak under him as his dick pulsated with a life of its own and shot the massive bolts of semen inside the shrieking raven-haired lady! Tears welled in her eyes, then streamed down her cheeks as she failed to fathom the horror of what had just happened, all this amid the peasants's loud jeers while her naked breasts were assaulted nonstop. Someone poured wine on her tits and men began sucking them!

He looked at her as he exited her and she let her head rest against a man's arms and started sobbing as she felt his seed spilled deep inside her... She was so beautiful, almost too beautiful to be raped! But unbelievably good to rape BECAUSE she was so beautiful... Since it was a feast day and she wouldn't have to leave her roof, she wasn't wearing her usual long socks and her leather shoes had been yanked off by foot-fetish peasants; Martin briefly caressed her ungodly erotic legs and feet in a parting gesture as he left her to be enjoyed by the next rapist, none other than Jean Bon-Dur (lit. John Good-Hard)...

As Jean Bon-Dur gleefully introduced his manhood inside her, grabbed her immaculate thighs and started raping her in sloppy seconds, Isolde kept hearing her daughter's shrill screams --- higher-pitched than hers --- and wailed with rivers of tears streaming down her grief-distorted face as her head kept bobbing under the relentless pounding... Her thoughts all taken by her daughter's horrific defilement, she was barely aware of Jean Bon-Dur's massive load of cum flooding her own womanhood as her rapist screamed his brutal joy! The next man, her own neighbour, eagerly took over...

Father Jehan enjoyed every second of raping Gilberte, his dick utterly gripped by the virgin's unbelievable tightness! As he gloated over Gilberte's defilement, the Good Lord reminded him of his holy duties by entering in his mind the picture of his younger self baptizing the newborn Gilberte back when he was a young man, but the beyond-lost churchman evilly tossed the picture aside and intensified his pain-inducing pace, urgently pounding the shrieking girl!

She was SO GOD DAMNED TIGHT! IT WAS SO FUCKING GOOD! He gleefully kept pounding the screaming teengirl like the violating beast he had been morphed into!

Holding the girl's slim thighs and looking down on her quivering young breasts and her bobbing head with her long, shiny black hair waving in despair amid the multiple men's arms, Father Jehan kept pounding her like a demon until he felt himself passing the delightful point of no-return...

He roared a loud victory scream as he frantically pounded Gilberte while unloading a biblical-scale shot of jism DEEP inside her destroyed virginity and marriageability.

He was panting, happy and almost didn't feel his legs as he joyfully pulled his contented dick out of the defiled noble daughter, who bitterly wailed as she felt the evil warmth flooding her womb and spilling out of her entrance...

Then a peasant forced his cock inside her tight paradise, groaned loud as he made her shriek with renewed pain and brutally invaded her womanhood, then finally took hold of her youthful ankles, totally enjoying this forbidden contact with her fairy-like feet on either sides of him as he started raping her like a hellish fiend, his facial features distorted in some weird mix of anger and lust...

All this time, Gilberte was held in place amid the pack of lust-crazed peasants with none of her limbs touching the floor; she kept being mercilessly pounded as she shrieked in pain, surrounded and overwhelmed by all these men who were all going to take their turns inside her, fulfilling their most secret and darkest fantasy!

While the daughter was forced to endure the assaults of eight or ten men, her mother had as many forced lovers on the creaking table while their serving maid took a bunch of men in the corner of the room.

The peasants immensely enjoyed raping their former Lady and her beautiful daughter over their departed knight's dead body! The rapes were truly brutal and urgent, and fully vaginal as the men were intent on marking their victory by taking possession of the women! The low-caste serfs were by far the most intensely happy of the bunch; each of them uttered a loudly echoing roar of carnal joy as he shot his load of serf-cum inside Isolde's or Gilberte's womanhood!

Above the massive fireplace, Sire Romuald's family shield overlooked the ghastly, unbelievable scene; an observer would think that its deep blue grew paler from the sheer horror, but then his/her thoughts would be tainted by the unfathomable horror of it all.

Some housewives peeked through the open door and watched their husbands raping their Lady or their young Milady with a mix of jealousy and satisfied envy. One of the youngest among them suddenly let out a loud cry of grief and fell to her knees, next to her husband's bloody corpse, sobbing on his lifeless chest where he had been slain near the door...

The other women didn't dare enter the house, for they saw Sire Romuald's corpse and feared that his ghost was there, helplessly watching the ghastly and immoral scene...

Without the shadow of a doubt, their village would be a haunted village from now on...


Note: All in all, I am reasonably happy with this chapter. I love the pictures of Isolde and Gilberte; these two brunettes greatly arouse me, so I was very eager to write the initial gang-rape scene. Since the forces at work inside the text have killed the husband, I "brought him back" to watch the horror from beyond the grave. I love ghost stories! Don't you?

Note: Superstitious beliefs are fine. If the ghost actually appeared and became an active character in the story, then it would have to be moved to the Supernatural section, which I do not want to do. :angel:
« Last Edit: December 12, 2021, 03:28:36 AM by HistBuff »

Offline To-Get-Her

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Re: Jacquerie
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2021, 02:49:11 PM »
Well some peons have a good case against Isolde, there was no need to mace a peasant! They we're in their full right to 'pole' her right back over her actions! Nice try having the daughters hide in the root cellar, but most peasants would look there first! Merit given for the macing!
When I get around to it, I'll write

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Re: Jacquerie
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2021, 05:29:02 PM »
Well some peons have a good case against Isolde, there was no need to mace a peasant! They we're in their full right to 'pole' her right back over her actions! Nice try having the daughters hide in the root cellar, but most peasants would look there first! Merit given for the macing!

Thanks To-Get-Her!
It's always an interesting challenge to write rapes happening simultaneously without losing the erotic flow of each rape scene. I've done some rewriting, since having Gilberte raped so late wasn't realistic at all! LOL. By the time they have Isolde's breasts uncovered, the peasants have already taken hold of Gilberte and are very eagerly taking her up to the main room where they can have a better look at her, with the added pleasure of defiling her in the presence of her mother.

Characters don't bother waiting for their writer when they're horny!  :emot_rotf.gif:

Needless to say, this story can't be posted on my other site! ... And the story wouldn't work nearly as well without Gilberte!

Offline Nutcase7

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Re: Jacquerie
« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2021, 10:24:54 PM »
You write "to be continued" but I do not see any peak to climb from here.

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Re: Jacquerie
« Reply #9 on: November 12, 2021, 12:47:21 AM »
You write "to be continued" but I do not see any peak to climb from here.

Thanks for the feedback, Nutcase7!

Spoilers ahead!  ;D
This is only the start of a jacquerie that spreads over several villages. The Baron's small castle is assaulted and overrun; there's an even bigger climax there as the Baron's and a couple of other noble families are captured and abused. I already have the pics for the Baron's wife and daughters!  >:D

Then the neighbouring lords organize themselves, band together and launch a very brutal repression, systematically slaughtering all the revolted peasants and of course, raping the wives and daughters once they ride in every village of the countryside. They are extremely brutal as they do not want their own peasants getting any ideas.

I'll grant you this, it starts off very intense, but the gradation in the overall story is not in intensity, but in scale of climax.

I hope you enjoyed reading the chapter! The main purpose is to get aroused and have fun!