Chapter 65(FF,oral,mast)
“Remember when Honeybear said that everyone had to cum to earn dinner, but left the women out of it? Well, here’s what’s going to happen. Us ladies are going to have a little fun, a little game of spin the bottle. Except, instead of just a little kiss, it’s this.” She held up her Magic Wand. “Each girl will get 3 minutes to get their target off. If you do, you’re done. If you don’t, you go back in for another round. You can do whatever you wish to make it happen, but if one of the guys calls out requests, you have to do them. You get one veto, and that’s it. If you land on a woman you vetoed the first time, you have to do her. Last two left 69 each other. Now, who’s up for a lesbo orgy?” Bubbles said, laughing to herself. The bound women stared on in horror as to what this meant and implied.
Morgana cast a glance at Aislinn and shuddered. Somehow, someway, they were going to force her to fuck her own sister.
Aislinn looked at Morgana a moment later, the realization hitting her like a hockey stick to the face. Field hockey stick, not an ice hockey stick. But still, before this was over, they’d be forced to commit incest with each other, if these sick fucks had their way.
“Hey Dave, get me a beer bottle. And you guys better be recording, I want to watch this back later.” Bubbles said as she cleared a space on the floor in front of the bed. Steve returned a moment later with an empty beer bottle from dinner while Sam set up the cameras and JC cut the women loose from their seats. Then, before sitting them all down on the floor, he uncuffed them.
“Don’t get any funny ideas. You try any shit, the men suffer.” JC said as the girls sat down on the floor.
“Oooh, this is so exciting.” Bubbles put the bottle on the floor and looked around. In a circle from her left to right was Aislinn, Morgana, Bianca, and Mari. JC put Bianca between Mari and Morgana to keep them from fighting again. Bubbles grabbed her cell phone from earlier and put it next to her. It was in Airplane mode to be on the safe side and anything other than the alarm required her passcode. She looked around, making sure everyone was in position before starting. Sam manned Tommy’s camcorder and had Joe’s camera on the tripod set to record whatever happened on the bed. Steve and JC kept an eye on things in the background. When Sam gave her a thumbs up, she began.
“So, does everyone remember the rules of spin the bottle? Well, if you forgot, you spin the bottle. It has to go around at least one whole time. If it doesn’t, one of those guys gets to punish you. Don’t give them a reason to, you know they’ll like it. Anyway, each of us gets one veto, and either the spinner or the target can call for a veto. But if you do, that’s your only one so if it comes back to you again, too bad. And don’t balk or dawdle. When it’s your turn, you go do the nasty in the pantsy and no crying about it. Like my dad used to say ‘quit crying or I’ll give you something to cry about.’ Now, who should go first?” Bubbles said, looking over the circle gathered on the floor with her and the crowd gathered behind them. She looked over the order again from her left to right. Aislinn, Morgana, Bianca, Mari, her. Bubbles pushed the bottle over to Morgana. “For the first round, no toys, only mouths and fingers. We’ll go in a circle, starting with you Morgy. Remember, you only get to veto one time, so use it wisely. Who are you gonna land on? Will it be your sister, your boss, or one of the women that got your husband off?”
Morgana reached out for the bottle and breathed a deep sigh. For a moment, she thought about using the bottle as a weapon but quickly pushed that thought out of her mind. One beer bottle against 4 people with guns was a bad idea. She knew she had no choice. All she could hope for was that she got lucky on this spin and it didn’t land on Aislinn. Morgana twisted the bottle, watching it spin around and around. It slowed down after a few rotations, slowing down past the pink haired woman, almost stopping on Aislinn, nearly stopping on her but just barely pointed toward the woman sitting to her left, her friend and boss Bianca.
“Morgana, you’ve chosen Bianca. If either of you wish to veto, say so now. Otherwise the clock starts when you both get on the bed.” Bubbles said cheerfully. The two friends looked at each other. Before Morgana could say anything, Bianca grabbed Morgana by the hand and stood up, leading her to the fold-out bed. Morgana followed, lead to the bed by her friend. Bianca sat on the bed, and Morgana followed.
“What do we do?” Morgana asked Bianca quietly. She hoped that no one else heard that, but the evil, horny men watching had great ears.
“You fuck her, that’s what you do.” Dad bod said. “Kiss her, lick her nipples, eat her twat, rub her clit, bite her ass, use the wand there, but you’re trying to get her off before the alarm goes off or you both go back in the circle.”
“Timer starts now.” Bubbles said. “You have 10 seconds to make a move or someone gets hurt Morgy.”
Morgana was almost shaking now, but knew what she had to do. “I’m sorry, I have to.” She said to Bianca before she leaned in and kissed her, lightly at first then more sensual. She pushed her friend down on the bed then laid down next to her. She kept kissing her friend as she slowly moved her hand down Bianca’s chest, grabbing her large breasts.
“2:30 left.” Bubbles said. Morgana hated what she was about to do, but had no choice. She slid her hand down Bianca’s stomach and down to her crotch. The matron spread her legs, letting Morgana have access to her nether region. Morgana took a deep breath, then pressed her fingers onto Bianca’s pussy.
“2 minutes left.” Morgana wondered where the time was going. She felt around, trying to get the lay of the land with Bianca. She didn’t know what she was doing with another woman, just how she liked to touch herself, and even then this time range wasn’t nearly enough. She rubbed around until she found her way into Bianca. She wasn’t excited, not at all. There was no way she’d get her off in the time remaining, and kissing her alone wasn’t doing the job.
“1:30.” Morgana found Bianca’s clit hood and started stroking her nub. It wasn’t much, but Bianca responded by gasping between their kisses. Morgana sped up her action, focusing on rubbing Bianca’s clit.
“1 minute left.” There was no way she’d get her off in time. Which, when Morgana thought about it, wasn’t a bad thing. Out of the four other women in the circle with her, Bianca was the least detestable one. She was horrified at the thought of committing incest with her sister and the pink haired Asian had already assaulted her earlier. Mari, she had a score to settle with her as well. Morgana hoped that if she did this just right Bianca might stick around for a while.
“30 seconds.” Bianca was finally feeling good. Morgana was doing a good job, but after the last few seconds just didn’t put her heart into it. ‘Probably realizing she can’t win this round, and doesn’t want to.’ Bianca spread her legs a little further, letting Morgana get a little better access to her.
“10 seconds.” Morgana rubbed Bianca’s clit, but the older woman showed no signs that she was going to cum anytime soon. “5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Time’s up. Get up.” Bubbles said. Morgana stopped almost immediately and went back to the circle, sitting down without looking at her friend. Bianca walked back, and placed her hand on Morgana’s shoulder as she sat down, like it was her way of saying “I know.”
“Wow, that was the first go. Gotta say, you need to do better next time Morgy.” Bubbles said, looking at the blonde. “Bianca, your turn. Let’s see who you pick.”
Bianca grabbed the bottle and spun it. As she spun it, she thought back to those times back in her marriage when Phil passed her around with other swingers and made her les out with their women. She knew how to do make love to a woman, she just didn’t like it. She watched the bottle slow down, going past everyone one last time. It went past Kim, the Asian woman too fast to stop on Aislinn or Morgana. She secretly wanted one of them, so she could try to get at least one of them out of this game early. It passed her one last time, and squeaked past Mari. She didn’t like Mari, and would probably phone it on her. The bottle stopped right after Mari, on Kim.
“Squee, that’s me! I’m not vetoing you eating me out. C’mon.” Bubbles said joyfully as she climbed up on the bed. Bianca could barely keep up with her as by the time she touched the bed, Bubbles already started the timer and had her legs spread wide.
“Clock starts now. Get your face in there and lick my pussy.” Bubbles said as Bianca knelt down between Bubbles’s legs and tentatively stuck her tongue out. She had to admit, she tasted a lot better than most of the women she was with before. Then again, Kim looked like she took care of herself, even with all of the weird tattoos and such. As she started, she could hear Kim gasp and breathe different as she licked on Kim’s pussy. She thought about how she liked to be eaten out, and tried to do the same to her. But she didn’t want to go too fast. If she did, she might make Bubbles cum earlier and she didn’t want her out of the game before at least one of the sisters was eliminated. Plus, she also knew that 3 minutes wasn’t a long time. She would need more time to get Kim off. Besides, something distracted her from the task in front of her.
Sam moved right behind Bianca to get close-up shots of Bianca eating out his lover. This was absolutely one of the sexiest things he could watch, and was enough to make him hard again. He stood close enough that when Bianca leaned back to catch her breath, he thwapped her in the back of the head with his dick.
“Might want to get back at that pussy, running out of time.” Sam said. Bianca sighed, then put her mouth back on Kim’s twat.
Bubbles really enjoyed what the older woman was doing to her, but knew she had to hold out. As much as she liked this, she needed to last long enough to make sure the sisters ate each other out. Sure, even if they didn’t now they would at some point this weekend, but the opportunity was here and now. She could feel herself getting a little too excited when her alarm went off.
“Okay, that’s enough. Need to try again later.” Bubbles said, fighting herself from giving in and just letting Bianca get her off. She pushed herself up to her elbows just as Bianca stood up and walked back to the circle. Bubbles joined her, glad she made this first round 3 minutes instead of 5.
“Next up, Mari. Give a good spin on that bottle, bitch.” Bubbles said, still acting mad at her from earlier. Mari scowled at everyone and spun. She tried to play it off like she hated everyone there. The truth was she didn’t like a single one of them except for Bubbles and wanted to hurt them and humiliate them. She really wanted to land on either Bubbles or Bianca. She would go out of her way to make one of them cum, just to humiliate the sisters by making them les out with each other. The bottle spun and spun, finally slowing down passing Morgana, Bianca, her, Bubbles, and landing on Aislinn.
“Shit.” Mari said. Aislinn wasn’t thrilled about this either.
“You sound upset. Did you want to use your veto now, or save it till later?” Bubbles asked. Mari looked around. Odds are that she could use it again, and if she played her cards right, wouldn’t get Aislinn off this round.
“No, I’ll keep it. Get on the bed Twiggy.” Mari said, not really hiding her disdain for Aislinn. The skinny Aussie froze for a moment before realizing what would happen if she didn’t get up. It also helped that Morgana pushed her a little to get her to stand up and walk to the bed. Aislinn paused before the bed, the site of her vicious rape not even a few hours ago, and laid down, crying as she did so.
“Clock starts now.” Bubbles said.
“Wow, real sexy there.” JC said, watching Aislinn cry as she laid on the bed and slowly spread her legs like she was going to a gyno exam.
“Was that sarcasm or not? Cause that is kinda sexy.” Steve said, trying to disguise his voice. Before JC could respond, Mari knelt between Aislinn’s legs, pulling her closer to the edge of the bed.
“Oh, quit crying. You think I want to eat out your skinny cunt? Just shut up and lay there.” Mari wasn’t pulling any punches and started licking and kissing Aislinn’s pussy. She wasn’t doing a good job of it, either. Joe knew when she put the effort behind making a woman cum, and this was more of a stalling tactic.
“Two minutes left.” Mari thought that seemed awfully fast. She was just getting warmed up and had to admit that Aislinn tasted pretty good. If the prospect of hurting her sister wasn’t on the table, she’d try to win the contest here. Besides, she remembered what Joe told her about this game, something that Bubbles left out. Whoever came first would then be passed around the men while the rest of the women kept going.
“One minute left.” Okay, that was definitely fast. This could only be a minute tops, and Aislinn was still dry as a desert. Even with this wench, she should be showing some signs of excitement after two minutes.
“Thirty seconds.” Mari knew by this point that Bubbles had cut the timer down. There was no other way around it. She smiled, knowing that they were on the same page in what they wanted to do and see and say.
“Ten seconds.” Mari licked one last time, then stopped. She wasn’t even going to try anymore here. Besides, it would be the stick figure’s job soon.
“Time.” Bubbles said as she reset the timer back to the normal 3 minutes.
Mari stood up and looked at Aislinn with disgust before walking back to the circle and sitting down. Aislinn laid there for a moment before getting up after yet another violation. She walked to the circle and sat down.
“Good. Now it’s my turn.” Bubbles said, spinning the bottle around. She wanted to land on Mari or Bianca, so she could get them to cum and out of the game, let the guys use them for the next hour or so. She watched as the bottle slowed down, past her, and Aislinn, and landed on Morgana. Not a bad choice at all.
“Alright blondie, get on the bed.” She started the timer a few seconds early as Morgana rose to her feet and walked to the bed. When she laid down on it, she saw the faces of the men staring at her. Well, the faces of Drew, Tommy, and James and the masked visages of the three kidnappers and rapists. As much as she wanted to turn away, she couldn’t help but notice that several of the men were erect. The rapists were all sporting hard-ons by this point, and she could see Tommy’s cock poking up. Even James was sprouting some wood. Drew, for his part, was bending over. That told her that he was getting excited watching this, too.
Before any other thoughts went through her head, she felt the Asian woman climb onto the bed with her, laying behind her by the back of the couch, making sure the men got a good view. She turned Morgana’s face towards hers and kissed her. Morgana didn’t fight this, not like she could, and soon was making out with the freaky looking girl. Soon, she felt a hand in her hair and another slide down her body, exploring her and teasing her. After a moment, her hand rested between her legs, pushing her legs apart. Morgana spread her legs for the other woman. It didn’t take long for Kim to start fingering her, and she was pretty good at it. She felt herself getting warm and wet, starting to enjoy the game and the ministrations of what was happening to her. Just as she wondered how much longer, the alarm sounded.
Bubbles stopped fingering Morgana and kissed her one last time. “C’mon, my little slut. Let’s see who your sister has to fuck.” The words broke Morgana out of her mini trance as Bubbles grabbed Morgana’s hand and led her to the circle.
“Okay, first round is almost over and no one’s cum yet. Will that change next? Aislinn, you’re up. Spin. Remember, if it doesn’t go the whole way around, you pay the penalty.” Bubbles said the last part with an evil grin. Aislinn didn’t want to find out what that meant, and spun it hard. Round and round it went, passing everyone until it landed on…her. Aislinn looked up, not sure what that meant. “Well, well, well. We’ve got a little dilemma here. Now, to be fair I didn’t specify the rules before this round, but I think we’ve got two options.” Bubbles said, making sure Aislinn was paying attention. “We’ll let the guys decide this one. Guys, should she get a chance to spin again, or should we make her fuck herself for the next few minutes?”
“Spin.” Steve said, lowering his vocal range again.
“Fuck herself.” Sam said from behind the camera.
“Spin. Let’s see her eat some cunt.” JC said.
“What about you other three men? So far it’s two to one for another spin. Do you let her off easy this round with fucking herself, or make her spin one more go and have her eat out whoever it lands on?” Bubbles asked the bound men. They were gagged so this would be a little difficult to understand them, but Tommy and James both made a noise that sounded like fuck, while Drew was quiet. “Okay, nod your head yes if she should fuck herself, and shake if she should spin again.” Tommy and James quickly nodded. After a moment, Drew nodded as well. “Well, looks like it’s 4-2 for her to fuck her self. Honeybear, make sure you get some good shots of this.”
“Will do.” Sam replied.
“Now, Aislinn, don’t think you’re getting off easy here. You’ve got a do a good job here. If any of us think you’re half-assing this, I will fist your ass. Got it?”
“Y..yes.” Aislinn said meekly.
“And you go till either you cum or they’re done with the show.”
Aislinn nodded as Bubbles continued.
“And no crying. You can use whatever toys they throw you after the 3 minute alarm goes off. Besides that, go have fun. Remember, if you fuck around, you will find out. Go.” Bubbles wrapped her instructions as Aislinn stood. She looked at Morgana quickly but before she could say anything felt a thwap on her ass as Bubbles spanked her. She rubbed her asscheek as she walked to the couch bed and climbed on, sitting facing the crowd.
“Timer starts, but that just means 3 minutes until you can use some toys.” Bubbles said.
“Give a show sweet cheeks.” Sam said from behind the camera. Aislinn shuddered as she spread her legs, a little at first but more lewdly as time went on. She thought about how she was going to get through this, but knew that she had to do this. She’d barely masturbated on her own, and only did it once in front of anyone else, that being an old boyfriend. Even then, it was just for a moment as foreplay. She took a deep breath and started by rubbing her tits and nipples with her left hand while she rubbed the inside of her thigh with her right hand, taking her time to get to her pussy. She closed her eyes, trying to think of anything to distract her from what she was doing. Anything to get her out of this Hell she was in.
As she touched herself, she thought back to one of her regrets from her college and modeling days. Aislinn wasn’t sure how the thought came to her mind, but several years ago, right after she turned 18, she was approached by a photographer about shooting some bikini and swimsuit shots for a calendar. He was very handsome and rugged, like Liam Hemsworth had just returned from a couple months in the outback. Her tanned skin glistened in the Melbourne sun, and he was a sight to behold himself. He controlled her with such confidence, getting her to open herself more and more throughout the shoot. Suit after suit, pose after pose, she was under his spell. She was so enamored by him that when he asked her if she was open to some topless shots or implied nudity, instead of saying no she asked “What do you want me to do?” She took off her top and posed in a way that nothing peeked out, and it was the most excited she’d ever been on a shoot. She was clay in his hands, and was the most-turned on she was in her life to that point. Her regret was not jumping his bones when she had a chance. He left town that night and he asked her to dinner, but she was too shy and overwhelmed to say yes. Instead, another model took the chance and they were together the next time she worked with him 6 months later.
Aislinn rubbed her clit and explored her cunny with her right hand as she played with her nipples with her left. Her breathing shifted as she thought back to what could’ve been.
In her mind, she was back in Melbourne at the photo shoot. The photographer instructs her to turn her back to the camera and stick her bum out while looking over her shoulder. Her top is on one of the furniture props. She looks at him seductively. He snaps picture after picture, pushing her further and further. Pretty soon she has one hand teasing her bikini bottoms down while covering her boobs with one arm. Then the moment she wasn’t expecting, he tells her to move her left hand behind her head. She’s topless now, and he’s snapping picture after picture of her. She feels hurt for a moment, but that passes immediately as he praises her. She hears the camera click more and more as her breasts come into view, the sexiness in her eyes growing with each shot. He asks, no… tells her to turn away from him and tease him. She obeys as he instructs her to grab her waistband and slowly slide it down over her bum. She does so, hands trembling. His only words are encouraging, telling her how good she is and how beautiful she is and to keep going. She bends over in front of him, looking back at the camera. She’s keenly aware now that he can see everything. She should say no, but he controls her now. A few more poses away from the camera and with her legs crossed in a chair before he has her sitting with her cunny exposed for the world, for the camera…for him to see.
The alarm goes off, but she’s in the midst of her fantasy now. Aislinn doesn’t stop, doesn’t care about the crowd watching, or the toy that was thrown on the bed. She only cares about the photographer telling her what to do.
The next instruction doesn’t even catch Aislinn off guard at this point. She’s never been this worked up on a shoot in her life, and with a man so handsome, so confident, so in control, she would do anything for him in this moment. When he orders her to spread her legs a little wider, she does so with pleasure. He has her rub her legs, rub her tummy, rub her tits before she even gets close to touching her cunny again. She’s sopping wet and toeir than a Roman sandal, and she hasn’t even touched herself yet. When he finally tells her to, she does. But then he tells her to stop after a moment. This process goes on, starting and stopping, teasing and pleasuring, as he tells her what to do after each step. Further and further she goes, but he always makes her stop from cumming until everything is perfect. He makes her edge herself until the lighting is just right, until the focus is perfect, and until the moment is just that, perfect.
“Cum for me.” Aislinn hears him say in the same voice he’s used the entire day. On command, that’s when her legs shake, her belly quakes, and her breathing rocks as a series of moans escape her lips right before she collapses back on the bed.
She opens her eyes for the first time in several minutes. She’s back in the cabin from Hell, the fat man recorded everything she did, and the men watching didn’t say a word. No cat calls, no hooting and hollering. They just sat back and watched. And from the looks of the erections up and down the row, they liked the show.
“Wow. Okay, come on over.” Bubbles said to Aislinn. It took the skinny Aussie a moment to collect herself and get back to the circle. As she sat down, Morgana gave her a quick hug. Aislinn reciprocated.
“Well ladies, it is time for Round 2. This time, the clock is still 3 minutes long, and no one has used their veto. Toys are in play. In this round, no landing on yourself. If you do, that counts as a fault. if you use a veto I decide whether or not to enforce the clock rule or make you make the other cum. Morgy, you’re up.” Bubbles said, waiting for the blonde to grab the empty beer bottle. Morgana grabbed the bottle and spun it, watching it spin and spin until it went past Aislinn, past her and Bianca, and landed on Mari.
“Fookin’ Hell.” Morgana said, looking at Mari. Mari wasn’t exactly thrilled at the prospect herself.