Author Topic: Pharma (Chapter 89 Posted)  (Read 48942 times)

Online To-Get-Her

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 63 Posted)
« Reply #195 on: August 17, 2022, 01:58:39 PM »
Loved it, totally realistic interlude. Only way it could have been made grosser for Sophie would have been if James kissed Bianca while she was on the phone with Sophie! Can't wait to see the reaction to Bianca's cooking. Kind of hoping that Sophie contacts the Lake Hiawatha police to do a wellness check on her mom! Merit awarded from me!
When I get around to it, I'll write

Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 64 Posted)
« Reply #196 on: August 20, 2022, 12:09:03 AM »
Thanks TGH.  I thought about trying to gross out Sophie a little more, but too many questions would get asked if they had to go Facetime.  Chapter 64 is coming soon, though I did lose some writing time the last couple weeks.  Should be good for staying on track next week but will see how the next week comes.  I like to work with at least a week leeway and I just started next Friday's chapter this morning.  Had some things pop up in the past week, like Covid.  A very minor case, but still I really hate getting it.  Reminds me when it's time for a booster.

I do like the idea of a wellness check.  It'd be a shame if that happened during the story.   >:D

Chapter 64 incoming.
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Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 64 Posted)
« Reply #197 on: August 20, 2022, 12:09:25 AM »
Chapter 64(MF,oral,bond,viol)

“Your five minutes starts now.  You bite anyone, hubby loses a finger.  Get to work.”  Steve said, disguising his voice once again as he used an old timer he found in the kitchen earlier.  Mari didn’t have a choice but to blow her husband as everyone watched.  She kneeled between his legs, cuffed hands stroking him to erection so she could go down on him.  It didn’t take Joe long to get hard, and in just a few moments she took him into her mouth.  She licked and sucked, getting into a good rhythm.  Joe had told her about how they’d played this game with some girl a while back, made her go down the line in a timed game and if she didn’t make them cum after two rounds, they’d fuck her ass.  The thought excited her, but she still wanted to see if she could beat the clock.  She knew what her husband liked and what he loved and what drove him wild.  Once she had him good and hard, she’d do a combo deep throat and crying move along with some tongue twirling that would send him to the stratosphere.  Joe recognized the move and moaned in pleasure.  A few more times of this and it was all she wrote.  He couldn’t hold her head down as he came, but blasted his nut in her mouth all the same.  Mari pulled back, letting his seed splash on her tits.  A few more strokes and he was done.  As she bent down to finish cleaning him up, the timer went off.

“Holy shit, she beat the clock on that one.  C’mon bitch, move down the line.  Think ol’ Drew here needs a little luvin’” JC said, guiding her down the line.  She was covered in Joe’s cum, letting it dribble down her chin before she aimed his eruption at her boobs.  Mari moved between Drew’s legs, and he looked pathetic as she reached out and grabbed his dick.

“Oh, by the way…” Sam said, stopping before he made his way back to the kitchen.  “This one’s for the guys, but the ladies need to pay attention, too.  If you don’t cum, you don’t eat.  Bianca’s making dinner, won’t be too long she’s making burgers and fries.  She’s even doing a couple of those Impossible patties she found.  I’m assuming Aislinn or Morgana are vegetarian, since no one would eat that slop out of taste or flavor.  You ladies are going to earn your dinner soon enough.  But you guys, you don’t get to eat until Mari there makes you cum.  You get two rounds of her blowing you before things escalate.  So, think sexy and hungry thoughts.  Oh, someone regag James.”  Sam kept on to the kitchen as Steve went over to James and put the gag back in his mouth.  JC made a move at first, but Steve stopped him.

As Mari did her best to get Drew hard, she looked up and saw Morgana stare daggers at her.  Mari smiled a little evil grin as she took Drew’s manhood into her mouth.  She sucked on him like a vacuum, just to piss her off.  She sucked and licked on him, eliciting groans of pleasure from Drew, who was almost completely broken emotionally at this point.  After all he’d seen and caused and been through, having this pain in the ass suck his dick was too much to fight against.  Plus, as per the instructions from the chubby masked man, if he didn’t orgasm he didn’t eat.

While Mari was going to town on Drew’s dick, Sam and Bubbles were in the kitchen with Bianca.  She’d decided on burgers and fries and was preheating the oven for the fries.  She knew she had to be careful here, and was still shaking after the call with Sophie, but she made her way through a life or death crisis.  They uncuffed her so she could cook.  All she needed now was to make sure she could cook a decent meal.  That wouldn’t be too hard normally, but doing so mostly naked in someone else’s kitchen raised the difficulty.  Bianca was mostly naked because Bubbles found her an apron to wear.  No one cared about her modesty, they just didn’t want to deal with titty grease burns. 

Bianca prepped the skillet for the Impossible burger patties and the vegan buns.  She knew enough about food cross-contamination and how picky vegans get if their fake meat gets in the same zip code as real meat from Sophie’s brief vegan phase last summer.  That lasted all of a week after finding out where her meat came from, but didn’t last past Phil fucking it up on purpose the following weekend.  Bianca had the patties going on the skillet, then would toast the vegan buns on it after and before putting the beef patties on.  While that was going, she went to the fridge and grabbed the veggies, cheeses, and condiments for the burgers and fries.  After seeing how much there was, she also decided to make a quick salad.  They had enough for toppings and a salad.  A few minutes later, and the salad was almost ready. 

She stopped when it came time to cut the onions and tomatoes.  As she looked for the knives, Bianca felt Bubbles’s eyes on her.  She turned to face the pink haired Asian girl.  “Am I cutting the veggies or are you doing that?”

Bubbles looked around and saw the knives in the knife block.  She held her pistol and waved Bianca over to the block.  “No funny stuff.  Do what you need to do, then put the knife in the sink.”  Bianca nodded, then continued slicing the onions and tomatoes.

As Bianca made dinner, Mari sucked Drew as hard as she could, but teased him when she thought he was getting close.  She did this just long enough for the buzzer to go off.  She lifted her head off of his lap and moved down the line to the next man, skipping over Morgana and Aislinn and landing between Tommy’s legs.  Tommy was already semi-erect from watching everything that happened, and Mari smiled up at him as she settled into position.  She eagerly took his cock in her mouth and began.  As she did this, Tommy lost himself in how experienced she was, how skilled she was, and how much she seemed to be into this.  Tommy knew that she was a mole, but so far she’d done a good job hiding it.

Back in the kitchen, the Impossible burgers were done, the fries were in the oven, and the salad was almost ready to go.  She was now cooking the beef burgers and laying out the fixings on the dining table.  It would still be a while before the fries were done, but the fake burgers were good to go.  As Bianca kept cooking, Sam called JC over.

“Bring Aislinn and Morgana over, they can start.  Then bring Joe.  We’ll eat after they eat.  I’ve got an idea for dessert.”  Sam smiled.  JC wasn’t sure what he was thinking, but noticed the severe lack of women getting fucked and put two and two together.  He nodded, then returned to the living room.

Aislinn was in her catatonic state now.  After the assault, the only noises she made was when being manhandled by the skinny man in the mask.  She retreated into her mind, trying to make sense of it all when the skinny man grabbed her again.  She shrieked as he grabbed her hair and drug her to her feet.  “Get up bitch, dinner time.”  She didn’t hear what he said, and didn’t care.  She screamed into her gag he dragged her to the table.  Steve followed behind with her chair, putting it down in front of the table.  Once it was down, he dumped Aislinn on her seat then pulled the gag out of her mouth.  “Eat up slut.”  She barely registered what he said.

Morgana followed after JC cut her zip tie from the chair.  “Pick it up unless you want to sit on the floor.”  She carried her chair with her, watching Mari suck off Tommy as she passed.  She couldn’t help but kick Mari in the leg and ‘accidentally’ hit her with the chair.  Mari looked up, seeing Morgana scowl at her.  Mari went back to sucking Tommy’s dick, feeling him get ready to cum soon.  Morgana set up station next to Aislinn. 

As they sat, Bubbles put a couple cans of Coke in front of them and opened them.  “You cunts need your energy.  Eat up, drink up.”

JC went to retrieve Joe just as Tommy shot his load into Mari’s mouth.  Unlike earlier with Joe, Mari swallowed it.  He tasted different, in a good way.  Plus, she knew that doing so would piss off Morgana and she couldn’t say shit about it.  Mari smiled, knowing how much she’d enjoy tomorrow.

Joe dragged his chair to the table but had to wait a bit as Bianca finished the beef burgers.  The fries were done and doled out for everyone at the table so far.  He looked around, trying to gauge the women at the table.  Aislinn was ping-ponging between freakout and nothingness.  Morgana was getting by, but at this point was spending more time trying to get Aislinn to calm down and eat.  Funny thing with that was as soon as Aislinn realized it was okay to eat, she slammed down her dinner in a flash.  It was almost like some ancient survival instinct kicked in.  Once Aislinn was on her second burger, Morgana started hers.  Joe was about to say something, when Bubbles interrupted.

“No talking.  We don’t trust you to not make any plans.  Just eat your food.  Yours is coming up right now Joe.”  Bianca brought the first plate of burgers over as the second batch was already on the skillet.  Joe grabbed what he could and ate.  A minute later, he was joined by Tommy, who dragged his chair over and sat down across from Morgana and Aislinn. 

Tommy knew that all of this was his fault, but still knew that his job wasn’t done.  Morgana was much stronger than even she knew, and there was a lot left to do to her and with her.  He smiled at her, softly, letting her know he’s here for him.

Back in the living room, Mari was blowing James.  To be honest, James wasn’t her type and she was getting a little tired.  About 20 minutes of dick sucking with another 10 minutes at least before getting dinner was getting on her mind.  Her knees were sore and she was bored.  But that didn’t stop James from enjoying it.  He played with her hair as best as he could, thinking back to how Aislinn screamed while getting fucked.  He played that back through his mind, imagining what he’d do to her when he had the chance.  Then seeing how Mari wasn’t into it seemed to help him get more excited.  But then the buzzer sounded.

“Okay.  Mari, go back over to Drew.  James, you were a good boy during that phone call.  Here’s what we’ll do as a reward.  Instead of waiting for your next round, you follow Mari and fuck her.  Pick a hole, any hole but her mouth.  She’ll be busy using that.  And no timer this time.  After James cums, if Drew still hasn’t Mari has to fuck him.  Dave, go help him with that.”

Nobody really expected that change of plans, but James was glad that it happened.  He’d much rather fuck Mari than watch another round of her blowing Drew.  Plus, he was ready to nut soon.  Steve came over and cut the zip-tie keeping him in the chair.  He followed Mari over to Drew, who was already on her knees between Drew’s legs.  He waited for her to start sucking Drew’s dick before James stuck his cock in her pussy.  As he suspected, all of this excited her and she was enjoying herself.

Steve deposited James’s chair at the table as the next round of burgers and Coke’s made their way to the dining table.  No one dared speak.  Aislinn was eating like a woman possessed and Morgana hurried up, knowing that Aislinn would eat all of the veggie burgers if she didn’t.  Tommy and Joe ate, knowing that they might not get anything else until much, much later.  But Morgana couldn’t help but look at Joe with disgust and hatred.  His wife was sucking her husband’s dick across the room, and here he was just eating a burger.  It almost made her sick.

What she would see in a few minutes would make her lose all sense of her situation.  It started when James came, grabbing onto Mari’s hips and moaning as he orgasmed inside her.  Without any words or prompting from Sam, as soon as he pulled out, Mari pulled her mouth off of Drew’s engorged cock and mounted him.  She started slow, then fucked him harder and harder.  Drew couldn’t believe what was happening, but also knew that even with everything going on, he had to cum if he wanted to eat.  That didn’t make it seem any better, but he lost himself in the moment as he let loose inside of Mari, riding him for all she had.  She caught her breath, then kissed Drew on the lips.

The next thing Mari felt was a half-full can of Coca-Cola hit her in the back of the head.

“You fookin’ cunt!”  Morgana was on her feet and kicked her chair back before anyone standing guard could stop her.  She only saw red as she tried to get over to this woman who just kissed and fucked her husband.  It was bad enough with the fucking given the situation, but the kissing was too much.  Morgana was a few steps away from the table by the time Steve grabbed her in a bear hug.  Mari was checking her head, feeling sticky from what she hoped was soda spilling over her.  

“You bitch!”  Mari climbed off of Joe and made a bee-line for Morgana.  JC was closest and caught her, nearly tackling her to the ground.  The two women yelled and screamed at each other unintelligible phrases before Bubbles fired her gun into the air.  Everyone stopped.

“You two will settle the fuck down!  Right now, everyone sit down and finish your dinner.  Any more shit like this and I will fuck you up so bad you will beg me to kill you.  Got it?  Now sit the fuck down, don’t say shit, and finish your dinner.  When you’re done, sit there quietly and don’t do a fucking thing.”  Bubbles was pissed, but not as mad as Sam was.  He knew why Bubbles fired her gun, but if anyone was really paying attention they wouldn’t see a bullet hole anywhere and guess she had blanks.  Then they might guess that if she had blanks, the rest of them did too.  And if it got bad enough, he might have to shoot at someone again.  No, not shoot at someone, shoot someone.  He’d talk to her later on, away from everyone.

Steve dumped Morgana off in her chair and JC made Mari bring her chair over and sit as far away from Morgana as possible.  Drew joined them a moment later after being freed from his chair.  He could barely look at his wife and see how much she hurt.  He didn’t kiss Mari, she kissed him, and her breath smelled like dick.  Once he was ungagged, he just sat there for a moment, trying to put everything together while eating a basic cheeseburger.  Drew kept his eyes on his plate.  Every time he looked at Morgana, he almost cried.

Bianca brought the next plate of burgers over for her friends, and that slut bitch Mari and her pussywhipped husband Joe.  She was busy in the kitchen, so she didn’t have much time to focus on the fighting.  That’s why she liked cooking, it kept her busy and away from the family drama.  Before she could relax, though, Sam approached.

“You’re doing a good job so far.  But we haven’t eaten yet.  Grab a bite, get something to eat, then start up the next batch of burgers for us.  As long you don’t try to poison us, we’ll be nicer to you for the rest of the night.  Understood?” 

Bianca was shocked.  He was being almost nice to her.  She nodded.  “Yeah, got it.”

“Good.  Cook yourself whatever you want.  Once everyone else is secured and you’ve had something to eat, you’re making our food, and we’re watching everything so no fuckups, or it will go very badly for you.”  And there’s the threat from the chubby man.  For some reason, she actually felt better after he was mean to her, and he caught that.  Sam wanted to ask why, but fought the urge to do so.  Instead, Bianca grabbed herself one of the chicken breasts from the fridge and some lemon pepper she found around and made herself a chicken breast.  When Bubbles saw that, she asked how much chicken there was.  Instead of making another batch of burgers, she was now making lemon pepper chicken breast for her and her rapists.

Once Morgana and the rest of them were done with dinner, they were told to take their chairs back to the living room and were regagged and zip-tied again to their chairs.  Joe and Mari took up their original positions, as did Drew and Morgana.  Tommy and Aislinn swapped places, with Tommy between the two sisters.  He was close between them and more importantly, next to his secret lover.  James sat down next to Aislinn with Bianca’s chair on his other side.  They all sat there as their attackers ate a nicer meal, along with Bianca.

For her part, the chicken came out pretty good.  A second batch of fries and the rest of the salad rounded out their dinner.  They were pretty quiet with Bianca at the table, and for the most part kept their hands off of her during dinner, aside from Sam rubbing her leg as he ate.  As soon as Bianca finished, she was told to do the dishes.  She did them slowly, knowing that as soon as she finished she’d be led back to her chair where she was once again gagged, handcuffed, and zip-tied to the chair.  And that’s exactly what happened after everyone else was done with dinner and Bianca was done.

The rest of the Really Useful Crew, as Tommy called them to himself, finished dinner, had a couple beers, and relaxed.  They were having the time of their lives.  At everyone else’s expense.  They talked in codes, not saying specifically what they were going to do next or what the sleeping arrangements would be, but everyone could piece together the basic plan.  The women would do something coming up, and from the way they talked and joked, it wasn’t going to be completely innocent.  They also tried to figure out what do to for sleeping arrangements, seeing as everyone would be staying inside for the next couple days.

It was close to 8:00PM when everyone returned to the living room.  Everyone’s heart dropped in the living room when they grabbed the cameras again, making sure they worked.  Steve grabbed the camera while JC stood off to the side with scissors.  Bubbles approached the front of the room by the fold-out couch.

“Remember when Honeybear said that everyone had to cum to earn dinner, but left the women out of it?  Well, here’s what’s going to happen.  Us ladies are going to have a little fun, a little game of spin the bottle.  Except, instead of just a little kiss, it’s this.”  She held up her Magic Wand.  “Each girl will get 3 minutes to get their target off.  If you get off, you’re done.  If you don’t, they go back in for another round.  You can do whatever you wish to make it happen, but if one of the guys calls out requests, you have to do them.  You get one veto, and that’s it.  If you land on a woman you vetoed the first time, you have to do her.  Last two left 69 each other.  Now, who’s up for a lesbo orgy?”  Bubbles said, laughing to herself.  The bound women stared on in horror as to what this meant and implied. 

Morgana cast a glance at Aislinn and shuddered.  Somehow, someway, they were going to force her to fuck her own sister.
Always close the program you were running before exiting the holodeck

Online To-Get-Her

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 64 Posted)
« Reply #198 on: August 20, 2022, 12:15:24 PM »
Okay I expected Bianca to cook perfectly for all, so it can a no surprise to me when that happen, I did though expect Bubbles to 'goose' Bianca every now and then.  Loved that Mari actually managed to get the timing down correctly. Might have been a bit nastier if she 'accidentally' scrapped Drew when Morgana hit her as she passed by.

Love that the guys have a plan for the girls, can't wait to read it being enacted on them! Merit awarded from me!
When I get around to it, I'll write

Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 65 Posted)
« Reply #199 on: August 23, 2022, 10:59:43 PM »
Thanks TGH.  Their plan for the girls will take the next several chapters, but it starts in earnest in the next chapter.  As soon as I edit and proofread it, I'll post it.

Chapter 65 incoming.
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Re: Pharma (Chapter 65 Posted)
« Reply #200 on: August 23, 2022, 11:29:30 PM »
Chapter 65(FF,oral,mast)

“Remember when Honeybear said that everyone had to cum to earn dinner, but left the women out of it?  Well, here’s what’s going to happen.  Us ladies are going to have a little fun, a little game of spin the bottle.  Except, instead of just a little kiss, it’s this.”  She held up her Magic Wand.  “Each girl will get 3 minutes to get their target off.  If you do, you’re done.  If you don’t, you go back in for another round.  You can do whatever you wish to make it happen, but if one of the guys calls out requests, you have to do them.  You get one veto, and that’s it.  If you land on a woman you vetoed the first time, you have to do her.  Last two left 69 each other.  Now, who’s up for a lesbo orgy?”  Bubbles said, laughing to herself.  The bound women stared on in horror as to what this meant and implied. 

Morgana cast a glance at Aislinn and shuddered.  Somehow, someway, they were going to force her to fuck her own sister.

Aislinn looked at Morgana a moment later, the realization hitting her like a hockey stick to the face.  Field hockey stick, not an ice hockey stick.  But still, before this was over, they’d be forced to commit incest with each other, if these sick fucks had their way.

“Hey Dave, get me a beer bottle.  And you guys better be recording, I want to watch this back later.”  Bubbles said as she cleared a space on the floor in front of the bed.  Steve returned a moment later with an empty beer bottle from dinner while Sam set up the cameras and JC cut the women loose from their seats.  Then, before sitting them all down on the floor, he uncuffed them.

“Don’t get any funny ideas.  You try any shit, the men suffer.”  JC said as the girls sat down on the floor.

“Oooh, this is so exciting.”  Bubbles put the bottle on the floor and looked around.  In a circle from her left to right was Aislinn, Morgana, Bianca, and Mari.  JC put Bianca between Mari and Morgana to keep them from fighting again.  Bubbles grabbed her cell phone from earlier and put it next to her.  It was in Airplane mode to be on the safe side and anything other than the alarm required her passcode.  She looked around, making sure everyone was in position before starting.  Sam manned Tommy’s camcorder and had Joe’s camera on the tripod set to record whatever happened on the bed.  Steve and JC kept an eye on things in the background.  When Sam gave her a thumbs up, she began. 

“So, does everyone remember the rules of spin the bottle?  Well, if you forgot, you spin the bottle.  It has to go around at least one whole time.  If it doesn’t, one of those guys gets to punish you.  Don’t give them a reason to, you know they’ll like it.  Anyway, each of us gets one veto, and either the spinner or the target can call for a veto.  But if you do, that’s your only one so if it comes back to you again, too bad.  And don’t balk or dawdle.  When it’s your turn, you go do the nasty in the pantsy and no crying about it.  Like my dad used to say ‘quit crying or I’ll give you something to cry about.’  Now, who should go first?”  Bubbles said, looking over the circle gathered on the floor with her and the crowd gathered behind them.  She looked over the order again from her left to right.  Aislinn, Morgana, Bianca, Mari, her.  Bubbles pushed the bottle over to Morgana.  “For the first round, no toys, only mouths and fingers.  We’ll go in a circle, starting with you Morgy.  Remember, you only get to veto one time, so use it wisely.  Who are you gonna land on?  Will it be your sister, your boss, or one of the women that got your husband off?”

Morgana reached out for the bottle and breathed a deep sigh.  For a moment, she thought about using the bottle as a weapon but quickly pushed that thought out of her mind.  One beer bottle against 4 people with guns was a bad idea.  She knew she had no choice.  All she could hope for was that she got lucky on this spin and it didn’t land on Aislinn.  Morgana twisted the bottle, watching it spin around and around.  It slowed down after a few rotations, slowing down past the pink haired woman, almost stopping on Aislinn, nearly stopping on her but just barely pointed toward the woman sitting to her left, her friend and boss Bianca.

“Morgana, you’ve chosen Bianca.  If either of you wish to veto, say so now.  Otherwise the clock starts when you both get on the bed.”  Bubbles said cheerfully.  The two friends looked at each other.  Before Morgana could say anything, Bianca grabbed Morgana by the hand and stood up, leading her to the fold-out bed.  Morgana followed, lead to the bed by her friend.  Bianca sat on the bed, and Morgana followed.

“What do we do?”  Morgana asked Bianca quietly.  She hoped that no one else heard that, but the evil, horny men watching had great ears.

“You fuck her, that’s what you do.”  Dad bod said.  “Kiss her, lick her nipples, eat her twat, rub her clit, bite her ass, use the wand there, but you’re trying to get her off before the alarm goes off or you both go back in the circle.”

“Timer starts now.”  Bubbles said.  “You have 10 seconds to make a move or someone gets hurt Morgy.”

Morgana was almost shaking now, but knew what she had to do.  “I’m sorry, I have to.”  She said to Bianca before she leaned in and kissed her, lightly at first then more sensual.  She pushed her friend down on the bed then laid down next to her.  She kept kissing her friend as she slowly moved her hand down Bianca’s chest, grabbing her large breasts.

“2:30 left.”  Bubbles said.  Morgana hated what she was about to do, but had no choice.  She slid her hand down Bianca’s stomach and down to her crotch.  The matron spread her legs, letting Morgana have access to her nether region.  Morgana took a deep breath, then pressed her fingers onto Bianca’s pussy.

“2 minutes left.”  Morgana wondered where the time was going.  She felt around, trying to get the lay of the land with Bianca.  She didn’t know what she was doing with another woman, just how she liked to touch herself, and even then this time range wasn’t nearly enough.  She rubbed around until she found her way into Bianca.  She wasn’t excited, not at all.  There was no way she’d get her off in the time remaining, and kissing her alone wasn’t doing the job.

“1:30.”  Morgana found Bianca’s clit hood and started stroking her nub.  It wasn’t much, but Bianca responded by gasping between their kisses.  Morgana sped up her action, focusing on rubbing Bianca’s clit.

“1 minute left.”  There was no way she’d get her off in time.  Which, when Morgana thought about it, wasn’t a bad thing.  Out of the four other women in the circle with her, Bianca was the least detestable one.  She was horrified at the thought of committing incest with her sister and the pink haired Asian had already assaulted her earlier.  Mari, she had a score to settle with her as well.  Morgana hoped that if she did this just right Bianca might stick around for a while.

“30 seconds.”  Bianca was finally feeling good.  Morgana was doing a good job, but after the last few seconds just didn’t put her heart into it.  ‘Probably realizing she can’t win this round, and doesn’t want to.’  Bianca spread her legs a little further, letting Morgana get a little better access to her.

“10 seconds.”  Morgana rubbed Bianca’s clit, but the older woman showed no signs that she was going to cum anytime soon.  “5, 4, 3, 2, 1.  Time’s up.  Get up.”  Bubbles said.  Morgana stopped almost immediately and went back to the circle, sitting down without looking at her friend.  Bianca walked back, and placed her hand on Morgana’s shoulder as she sat down, like it was her way of saying “I know.”

“Wow, that was the first go.  Gotta say, you need to do better next time Morgy.”  Bubbles said, looking at the blonde.  “Bianca, your turn.  Let’s see who you pick.” 

Bianca grabbed the bottle and spun it.  As she spun it, she thought back to those times back in her marriage when Phil passed her around with other swingers and made her les out with their women.  She knew how to do make love to a woman, she just didn’t like it.  She watched the bottle slow down, going past everyone one last time.  It went past Kim, the Asian woman too fast to stop on Aislinn or Morgana.  She secretly wanted one of them, so she could try to get at least one of them out of this game early.  It passed her one last time, and squeaked past Mari.  She didn’t like Mari, and would probably phone it on her.  The bottle stopped right after Mari, on Kim.

“Squee, that’s me!  I’m not vetoing you eating me out.  C’mon.”  Bubbles said joyfully as she climbed up on the bed.  Bianca could barely keep up with her as by the time she touched the bed, Bubbles already started the timer and had her legs spread wide.

“Clock starts now.  Get your face in there and lick my pussy.”  Bubbles said as Bianca knelt down between Bubbles’s legs and tentatively stuck her tongue out.  She had to admit, she tasted a lot better than most of the women she was with before.  Then again, Kim looked like she took care of herself, even with all of the weird tattoos and such.  As she started, she could hear Kim gasp and breathe different as she licked on Kim’s pussy.  She thought about how she liked to be eaten out, and tried to do the same to her.  But she didn’t want to go too fast.  If she did, she might make Bubbles cum earlier and she didn’t want her out of the game before at least one of the sisters was eliminated.  Plus, she also knew that 3 minutes wasn’t a long time.  She would need more time to get Kim off.  Besides, something distracted her from the task in front of her.

Sam moved right behind Bianca to get close-up shots of Bianca eating out his lover.  This was absolutely one of the sexiest things he could watch, and was enough to make him hard again.  He stood close enough that when Bianca leaned back to catch her breath, he thwapped her in the back of the head with his dick.

“Might want to get back at that pussy, running out of time.”  Sam said.  Bianca sighed, then put her mouth back on Kim’s twat.

Bubbles really enjoyed what the older woman was doing to her, but knew she had to hold out.  As much as she liked this, she needed to last long enough to make sure the sisters ate each other out.  Sure, even if they didn’t now they would at some point this weekend, but the opportunity was here and now.  She could feel herself getting a little too excited when her alarm went off.

“Okay, that’s enough.  Need to try again later.”   Bubbles said, fighting herself from giving in and just letting Bianca get her off.  She pushed herself up to her elbows just as Bianca stood up and walked back to the circle.  Bubbles joined her, glad she made this first round 3 minutes instead of 5.

“Next up, Mari.  Give a good spin on that bottle, bitch.”  Bubbles said, still acting mad at her from earlier.  Mari scowled at everyone and spun.  She tried to play it off like she hated everyone there.  The truth was she didn’t like a single one of them except for Bubbles and wanted to hurt them and humiliate them.  She really wanted to land on either Bubbles or Bianca.  She would go out of her way to make one of them cum, just to humiliate the sisters by making them les out with each other.  The bottle spun and spun, finally slowing down passing Morgana, Bianca, her, Bubbles, and landing on Aislinn.

“Shit.”  Mari said.  Aislinn wasn’t thrilled about this either.

“You sound upset.  Did you want to use your veto now, or save it till later?”  Bubbles asked.  Mari looked around.  Odds are that she could use it again, and if she played her cards right, wouldn’t get Aislinn off this round.

“No, I’ll keep it.  Get on the bed Twiggy.”  Mari said, not really hiding her disdain for Aislinn.  The skinny Aussie froze for a moment before realizing what would happen if she didn’t get up.  It also helped that Morgana pushed her a little to get her to stand up and walk to the bed.  Aislinn paused before the bed, the site of her vicious rape not even a few hours ago, and laid down, crying as she did so.

“Clock starts now.”  Bubbles said.

“Wow, real sexy there.”  JC said, watching Aislinn cry as she laid on the bed and slowly spread her legs like she was going to a gyno exam.

“Was that sarcasm or not?  Cause that is kinda sexy.”  Steve said, trying to disguise his voice.  Before JC could respond, Mari knelt between Aislinn’s legs, pulling her closer to the edge of the bed.

“Oh, quit crying.  You think I want to eat out your skinny cunt?  Just shut up and lay there.”  Mari wasn’t pulling any punches and started licking and kissing Aislinn’s pussy.  She wasn’t doing a good job of it, either.  Joe knew when she put the effort behind making a woman cum, and this was more of a stalling tactic.

“Two minutes left.”  Mari thought that seemed awfully fast.  She was just getting warmed up and had to admit that Aislinn tasted pretty good.  If the prospect of hurting her sister wasn’t on the table, she’d try to win the contest here.  Besides, she remembered what Joe told her about this game, something that Bubbles left out.  Whoever came first would then be passed around the men while the rest of the women kept going.

“One minute left.”  Okay, that was definitely fast.  This could only be a minute tops, and Aislinn was still dry as a desert.  Even with this wench, she should be showing some signs of excitement after two minutes.

“Thirty seconds.”  Mari knew by this point that Bubbles had cut the timer down.  There was no other way around it.  She smiled, knowing that they were on the same page in what they wanted to do and see and say.

“Ten seconds.”  Mari licked one last time, then stopped.  She wasn’t even going to try anymore here.  Besides, it would be the stick figure’s job soon.

“Time.”  Bubbles said as she reset the timer back to the normal 3 minutes.

Mari stood up and looked at Aislinn with disgust before walking back to the circle and sitting down.  Aislinn laid there for a moment before getting up after yet another violation.  She walked to the circle and sat down.
“Good.  Now it’s my turn.”  Bubbles said, spinning the bottle around.  She wanted to land on Mari or Bianca, so she could get them to cum and out of the game, let the guys use them for the next hour or so.  She watched as the bottle slowed down, past her, and Aislinn, and landed on Morgana.  Not a bad choice at all.

“Alright blondie, get on the bed.”  She started the timer a few seconds early as Morgana rose to her feet and walked to the bed.  When she laid down on it, she saw the faces of the men staring at her.  Well, the faces of Drew, Tommy, and James and the masked visages of the three kidnappers and rapists.  As much as she wanted to turn away, she couldn’t help but notice that several of the men were erect.  The rapists were all sporting hard-ons by this point, and she could see Tommy’s cock poking up.  Even James was sprouting some wood.  Drew, for his part, was bending over.  That told her that he was getting excited watching this, too.

Before any other thoughts went through her head, she felt the Asian woman climb onto the bed with her, laying behind her by the back of the couch, making sure the men got a good view.  She turned Morgana’s face towards hers and kissed her.  Morgana didn’t fight this, not like she could, and soon was making out with the freaky looking girl.  Soon, she felt a hand in her hair and another slide down her body, exploring her and teasing her.  After a moment, her hand rested between her legs, pushing her legs apart.  Morgana spread her legs for the other woman.  It didn’t take long for Kim to start fingering her, and she was pretty good at it.  She felt herself getting warm and wet, starting to enjoy the game and the ministrations of what was happening to her.  Just as she wondered how much longer, the alarm sounded.

Bubbles stopped fingering Morgana and kissed her one last time.  “C’mon, my little slut.  Let’s see who your sister has to fuck.”  The words broke Morgana out of her mini trance as Bubbles grabbed Morgana’s hand and led her to the circle.

“Okay, first round is almost over and no one’s cum yet.  Will that change next?  Aislinn, you’re up.  Spin.  Remember, if it doesn’t go the whole way around, you pay the penalty.”  Bubbles said the last part with an evil grin.  Aislinn didn’t want to find out what that meant, and spun it hard.  Round and round it went, passing everyone until it landed on…her.  Aislinn looked up, not sure what that meant.  “Well, well, well.  We’ve got a little dilemma here.  Now, to be fair I didn’t specify the rules before this round, but I think we’ve got two options.”  Bubbles said, making sure Aislinn was paying attention.  “We’ll let the guys decide this one.  Guys, should she get a chance to spin again, or should we make her fuck herself for the next few minutes?”

“Spin.”  Steve said, lowering his vocal range again.

“Fuck herself.”  Sam said from behind the camera.

“Spin.  Let’s see her eat some cunt.”  JC said.

“What about you other three men?  So far it’s two to one for another spin.  Do you let her off easy this round with fucking herself, or make her spin one more go and have her eat out whoever it lands on?”  Bubbles asked the bound men.  They were gagged so this would be a little difficult to understand them, but Tommy and James both made a noise that sounded like fuck, while Drew was quiet.  “Okay, nod your head yes if she should fuck herself, and shake if she should spin again.”  Tommy and James quickly nodded.  After a moment, Drew nodded as well.  “Well, looks like it’s 4-2 for her to fuck her self.  Honeybear, make sure you get some good shots of this.”

“Will do.”  Sam replied.

“Now, Aislinn, don’t think you’re getting off easy here.  You’ve got a do a good job here.  If any of us think you’re half-assing this, I will fist your ass.  Got it?”

“Y..yes.”  Aislinn said meekly.

“And you go till either you cum or they’re done with the show.”

Aislinn nodded as Bubbles continued. 

“And no crying.  You can use whatever toys they throw you after the 3 minute alarm goes off.  Besides that, go have fun.  Remember, if you fuck around, you will find out.  Go.”  Bubbles wrapped her instructions as Aislinn stood.  She looked at Morgana quickly but before she could say anything felt a thwap on her ass as Bubbles spanked her.  She rubbed her asscheek as she walked to the couch bed and climbed on, sitting facing the crowd.

“Timer starts, but that just means 3 minutes until you can use some toys.”  Bubbles said.

“Give a show sweet cheeks.”  Sam said from behind the camera.  Aislinn shuddered as she spread her legs, a little at first but more lewdly as time went on.  She thought about how she was going to get through this, but knew that she had to do this.  She’d barely masturbated on her own, and only did it once in front of anyone else, that being an old boyfriend.  Even then, it was just for a moment as foreplay.  She took a deep breath and started by rubbing her tits and nipples with her left hand while she rubbed the inside of her thigh with her right hand, taking her time to get to her pussy.  She closed her eyes, trying to think of anything to distract her from what she was doing.  Anything to get her out of this Hell she was in.

As she touched herself, she thought back to one of her regrets from her college and modeling days.  Aislinn wasn’t sure how the thought came to her mind, but several years ago, right after she turned 18, she was approached by a photographer about shooting some bikini and swimsuit shots for a calendar.  He was very handsome and rugged, like Liam Hemsworth had just returned from a couple months in the outback.  Her tanned skin glistened in the Melbourne sun, and he was a sight to behold himself.  He controlled her with such confidence, getting her to open herself more and more throughout the shoot.  Suit after suit, pose after pose, she was under his spell.  She was so enamored by him that when he asked her if she was open to some topless shots or implied nudity, instead of saying no she asked “What do you want me to do?”  She took off her top and posed in a way that nothing peeked out, and it was the most excited she’d ever been on a shoot. She was clay in his hands, and was the most-turned on she was in her life to that point.  Her regret was not jumping his bones when she had a chance.  He left town that night and he asked her to dinner, but she was too shy and overwhelmed to say yes.  Instead, another model took the chance and they were together the next time she worked with him 6 months later.

Aislinn rubbed her clit and explored her cunny with her right hand as she played with her nipples with her left.  Her breathing shifted as she thought back to what could’ve been.

In her mind, she was back in Melbourne at the photo shoot.  The photographer instructs her to turn her back to the camera and stick her bum out while looking over her shoulder.  Her top is on one of the furniture props.  She looks at him seductively.  He snaps picture after picture, pushing her further and further.  Pretty soon she has one hand teasing her bikini bottoms down while covering her boobs with one arm.  Then the moment she wasn’t expecting, he tells her to move her left hand behind her head.  She’s topless now, and he’s snapping picture after picture of her.  She feels hurt for a moment, but that passes immediately as he praises her.  She hears the camera click more and more as her breasts come into view, the sexiness in her eyes growing with each shot.  He asks, no… tells her to turn away from him and tease him.  She obeys as he instructs her to grab her waistband and slowly slide it down over her bum.  She does so, hands trembling.  His only words are encouraging, telling her how good she is and how beautiful she is and to keep going.  She bends over in front of him, looking back at the camera.  She’s keenly aware now that he can see everything.  She should say no, but he controls her now.  A few more poses away from the camera and with her legs crossed in a chair before he has her sitting with her cunny exposed for the world, for the camera…for him to see.

The alarm goes off, but she’s in the midst of her fantasy now.  Aislinn doesn’t stop, doesn’t care about the crowd watching, or the toy that was thrown on the bed.  She only cares about the photographer telling her what to do.

The next instruction doesn’t even catch Aislinn off guard at this point.  She’s never been this worked up on a shoot in her life, and with a man so handsome, so confident, so in control, she would do anything for him in this moment.  When he orders her to spread her legs a little wider, she does so with pleasure.  He has her rub her legs, rub her tummy, rub her tits before she even gets close to touching her cunny again.  She’s sopping wet and toeir than a Roman sandal, and she hasn’t even touched herself yet.  When he finally tells her to, she does.  But then he tells her to stop after a moment.  This process goes on, starting and stopping, teasing and pleasuring, as he tells her what to do after each step.  Further and further she goes, but he always makes her stop from cumming until everything is perfect.  He makes her edge herself until the lighting is just right, until the focus is perfect, and until the moment is just that, perfect.
“Cum for me.” Aislinn hears him say in the same voice he’s used the entire day.  On command, that’s when her legs shake, her belly quakes, and her breathing rocks as a series of moans escape her lips right before she collapses back on the bed.

She opens her eyes for the first time in several minutes.  She’s back in the cabin from Hell, the fat man recorded everything she did, and the men watching didn’t say a word.  No cat calls, no hooting and hollering.  They just sat back and watched.  And from the looks of the erections up and down the row, they liked the show.

“Wow.  Okay, come on over.”  Bubbles said to Aislinn.  It took the skinny Aussie a moment to collect herself and get back to the circle.  As she sat down, Morgana gave her a quick hug.  Aislinn reciprocated.

“Well ladies, it is time for Round 2.  This time, the clock is still 3 minutes long, and no one has used their veto.  Toys are in play.  In this round, no landing on yourself.  If you do, that counts as a fault.  if you use a veto I decide whether or not to enforce the clock rule or make you make the other cum.  Morgy, you’re up.”  Bubbles said, waiting for the blonde to grab the empty beer bottle.  Morgana grabbed the bottle and spun it, watching it spin and spin until it went past Aislinn, past her and Bianca, and landed on Mari.

“Fookin’ Hell.”  Morgana said, looking at Mari.  Mari wasn’t exactly thrilled at the prospect herself.
Always close the program you were running before exiting the holodeck

Online To-Get-Her

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 65 Posted)
« Reply #201 on: August 24, 2022, 01:52:34 PM »
Cum in three minutes, Don't think so, since most of the ladies were fucked for long than that before the came! For me the pairing is (hopefully!) up. Will either Morgana or Mari stay civil or will one bite the clit of the other "Accidentally" of course. Will one of the guys get frustrated enough to take on of the other women to task of sucking his cock?

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When I get around to it, I'll write

Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 66 Posted)
« Reply #202 on: August 26, 2022, 07:49:29 PM »
Thanks TGH.  When I planned out this part of the story, I just rolled some dice randomly, seeing who would land where.  For the most part, it worked out pretty well I think.  There was no way anyone was cumming in the first round, but who knows what will happen in round 2?  Maybe a little of what you guessed...

Chapter 66 incoming.
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Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 66 Posted)
« Reply #203 on: August 26, 2022, 07:49:52 PM »
Chapter 66(FF,oral,MF)

“Well ladies, it is time for Round 2.  This time, the clock is still 3 minutes long, and no one has used their veto.  Toys are in play.  In this round, no landing on yourself.  If you do, that counts as a fault.  if you use a veto I decide whether or not to enforce the clock rule or make you make the other cum.  Morgy, you’re up.”  Bubbles said, waiting for the blonde to grab the empty beer bottle.  Morgana grabbed the bottle and spun it, watching it spin and spin until it went past Aislinn, past her and Bianca, and landed on Mari.

“Fookin’ Hell.”  Morgana said, looking at Mari.  Mari wasn’t exactly thrilled at the prospect herself.  The two women glared at each other. 

“Do either of you want to use your veto now?”  Bubbles asked.  Morgana shook her head, knowing that she’d only get one chance to use it if her sister came up.  Mari thought long and hard before shaking her head.

“No.  Let’s get this over with.”  Mari said, standing up and climbing onto the couch bed.  She laid down on her back, legs spread hanging over the edge of the bed. 

Morgana stood up and followed her.  She looked at Mari, then looked at her husband.  She knew that Drew had no choice in what happened maybe an hour earlier, but Mari stepped over the line when she kissed him after fucking him.  She lost her temper at the bitch earlier, and was proud of how she managed to hit Mari in the head with a coke can from across the room with handcuffs on.  Morgana thought about hurting this woman more, but then one of the men spoke up.

“How ‘bout you eat your hubby’s cum out of her twat?”  It was the skinny guy, the one they called NotDave.  She wasn’t thrilled with the idea, but knew better than to fight them on this.

“Three minutes starts now.”  Bubbles said, starting her phone’s timer.  Morgana took a deep breath while looking away from Mari then dove in.  Mari had a different taste than Bianca or that Kim girl with the pink hair.  This one was different.  And since she really didn’t like Mari, the taste slightly disgusted her.  She worked her tongue into Mari’s cunt, licking away.  She found Mari’s clit with her right hand and started rubbing away.

“2:30 left.”  The woman with the phone said.  It felt like longer to Morgana.  She licked away at Mari’s cunt while playing with her clit with her hand.  For Mari’s sake, she started breathing a little different, a little harder and heavier.

“2 minutes.”  Morgana could feel this woman get excited on her.  She knew she had to keep up and put on a show, but if she did too good this woman would be removed from the game.  She did the math, knowing that if Mari was out then there were only Kim and Bianca and her and her sister.  The odds of having to have sex with her sister goes from a 25% chance per round to 33% if Mari came here.  Morgana changed up the rhythm of rubbing and licking, trying to throw the older woman off.

“1:30.”  Mari could feel Morgana change up her technique.  She knew that the Aussie bitch was trying to not get her off because it would remove her from the game.  For her part, she wanted to wait a little, too.  She knew what the men would do with the women who came first, and honestly wanted to see that happen to someone else.  But the part of her that wanted to hurt Morgana took control.

“Come on you fucking bitch, is that all you can do?  You’re not even trying.”  Mari’s words stung Morgana a little.  She stopped rubbing Mari’s clit and shifted her grip so she could squeeze it.  Mari cried out in pain.

“1 minute left.”  Morgana pinched Mari’s clit on and off, causing the woman on her back to scream.  She then proceeded to ‘accidentally’ scrape Mari’s twat with her teeth.  Mari was reeling, just wanting this part to end. 

“30 seconds.”  Bubbles said, watching the scene in front of her play out.  As much as these women could work together, they absolutely hated each other right now.  She smiled, knowing how much fun Mari was going to have tomorrow, putting Morgana and her sister through their paces.

Just as Mari felt another wave of pain run through her, she started to feel something else, something familiar.  What Morgana was doing it was working.  She tried to focus on just the pain, but even that wasn’t going to help her.

“Time.  That’s it.  Get up.”  Bubbles said.  Morgana stood and spit at Mari before wiping her face as she walked back to the circle.  Mari stood, thankful that the clock buzzed when it did.  As she made her way back to the circle, she noticed the looks from the men, especially her husband.  He hid a smile that said ‘we’ll have to try that later.’  She smiled back at him before sitting down.

“Now, I shouldn’t have to tell you, but don’t hurt each other during this.  The game is to get the other woman off, not kick her ass.  Bianca, your turn.”  Bubbles said.  Bianca reached out and spun the bottle.  It went around a few times before slowing down, passing Bubbles and Morgana before landing on Aislinn.

“Get on the bed.”  Bianca said to Aislinn as she stood, making her way to the bed and grabbing the magic wand.  Aislinn stood and walked over.  As soon as she touched the bed, the Asian girl with the pink hair spoke.

“Three minutes starting now.” 

Aislinn wasn’t even on the bed when Bubbles started the clock.  By the time she was on her back and spreading her legs, Bianca already had the magic wand in hand and turned on.

“Think sexy thoughts.”  Bianca said to Aislinn.  She brought the wand to Aislinn’s nether regions and applied some gentle pressure.

“2:30.”  Bianca wasn’t keeping track of time, but that felt a little quick.  Still, she’d just started playing with Aislinn when the young Aussie woman made a gasp.

“2 minutes.”  Bianca started counting in her head as she tried to gauge Aislinn’s reactions to the magic wand.  She wasn’t used to this toy, but had used one before.  It was a long time ago during one of their swinging sessions, and she found it quite effective.  She was hoping that Aislinn would give some guidance on how to perform.

“Minute thirty.”  Bianca focused on the count.   There was no way that 30 seconds just passed.  That was 15, 20 seconds at most.  She counted, knowing that there were shenanigans afoot.  Not that she could do anything about it.

“One minute.”  Another 20 seconds at most.  Bianca gave up, knowing that they weren’t going to let Aislinn get off here.  These sick fucks were going to make the sisters screw around, and weren’t going to be denied.

“Thirty seconds.”  For her part, Aislinn tried as hard as she could to get in a sexy mood, but this was near impossible.  She’d just came hard a few minutes back and there was no way she could go again so soon.  Instead, she just hoped that this ordeal would be over soon.

“Time.”  Bubbles said.  Bianca turned off the magic wand and brought Aislinn back to the circle.  She patted the younger woman on the shoulder, who reciprocated with a small hug.  They whispered something to each other, but it was out of earshot of everyone else.  As they sat down, Bubbles fiddled with the timer, putting it back to 3 minutes.

“Okay, Mari, it’s your turn.”  Mari grabbed the bottle and spun it.  It went around and around, going past Bubbles and Aislinn to land on Morgana.

“Veto.”  Before Bubbles could say anything, she blurted out her veto and grabbed the bottle again to spin.  Bubbles looked on, a little confused as it spun.

“Any reason?”  Bubbles asked.

“Fuck that fucking cunt, I don’t want her getting any satisfaction from me.”  Mari spit those words out while looking at Morgana.  The bottle kept spinning until it eventually rested to a stop next to her, pointing in Bubbles’s direction.

“Okay Karen.  Three minutes starts when I lay down on the bed.”  Bubbles stood and laid down on the bed.  Mari climbed up between her legs and eagerly ate her pussy as Bubbles started the clock.  She shrank it back down to about 2 minutes before pressing the start button.  As much as she knew what Mari was getting to, she needed to play along.  Besides, no one was as good with the magic wand as she was, and she knew that whomever she used that on would cum almost right away.  She was hoping that the next turn would be either Mari or Bianca, then she could go out after that.

There was no timer warnings as Mari lapped away at Bubbles’s cunt.  She was very tempted to use the wand here, but held off for a little bit.  Besides, this unspoken alliance was working out for them for the most part.  They knew the men were getting one hell of a show and they wanted to top it off with the ultimate humiliation, making the sisters eat each other out.  But to do that they needed to get Bianca out of the game first, then they could be eliminated.  Mari had to admit that Bubbles had a nice, unique taste to her.  She could see why she was so popular with this crowd.  That, and she was as sadistic as any of the guys.

It didn’t take long for the phone to buzz, but to Bubbles it felt like an eternity.  Mari was getting better as the time went on and she was getting more turned on as this game went further.  She wondered how many more rounds until she could let herself go.

The women walked back to the circle and sat down.  “My turn.”  Bubbles said as she spun the bottle.  If she had any way to rig it, she would’ve and still wouldn’t have gone any better than it did.  The bottle spun around a few rotations until squeaked past the sisters and landed on Bianca.  Bubbles smiled.  She checked to make sure her phone was set to five minutes as Bianca looked around the circle, then stood and walked to the bed.  A side glance to the men watching was enough to let her know how this would end.

“Just lay back and enjoy yourself.”  Bubbles said, climbing between Bianca’s legs with the magic wand in hand.  Bubbles wasted a few seconds before hitting the start button, and she made sure that Sam was in position to film the whole thing.  Bubbles started by kissing and licking Bianca’s pussy, focusing on her clit.  After sucking and nibbling on it for a moment, she moved her mouth out of the way to make room for the magic wand.

As much as Bianca didn’t want to cum right here and now, she didn’t have any choice or say in the matter.  She could try to fight it off, but there was no point.  She knew what they were trying to do, and as soon as Kim landed on her, she knew it was over.  This woman brought her to an orgasm earlier after a vicious beating and rape, she might as well just lay back and enjoy it now.  And enjoy it she did.  Whatever the Asian girl was doing, alternating between tonguing her and using the vibrator, it worked.  She felt really good, relaxed, and turned on.  She couldn’t keep track of the clock, but at this point she didn’t care.  That familiar feeling came to her as her breath became ragged and her skin flushed.  She moaned lightly a couple times as her belly shook and legs quaked.  She covered her mouth as she came, trying to cover her scream. 

As Bianca regained her composure, Bubbles turned off the phone’s timer.  2:06 remaining.  She smiled, seeing how she cheated for no reason.  She turned off the magic wand, letting Bianca lay on the bed for a moment before going back to the game.

“Oh, boys, mind taking Bianca over with you?  She’s a little spent from our game, a little tuckered out.”  Bubbles said, faking a southern accent.  Steve approached the bed and grabbed Bianca’s arm, pulling her up from the bed and dragging her to a chair, sitting her down next to James.

Bubbles looked around the circle of women one more time before continuing.  “So, we’re down to four women, and it’s Aislinn’s turn to spin.  Go on Ais, you’re up.”

Aislinn reached out and grabbed the bottle.  She spun it.  She had a bad feeling as it spun slowly past the Asian girl and landed on herself.  She sighed.

“That’s a fault.  Happens again, the crowd decides what you do.  Spin again.”  Bubbles said.  She could sense the nervousness coming off of the skinny Aussie girl as she spun the bottle again.  It went round a couple times before passing Mari, then her, then Aislinn again before coming to a stop on Morgana.

“VETO!”  Both women shouted out veto at the same time.  They looked at each other, then over at the Asian girl with the pink hair and tons of tattoos.

“So, you’re both using your veto AND Aislinn had a fault.  So, what to do, what to do?  Hmm, I know!  You’ll spin the bottle one more time.  Whoever it’s closest to, me or Karen over there, you have to 69 with her until she cums.  Got it?”  Bubbles said.  Either way, this was going better than she hoped.  Both sisters used their veto at the same time, and after this round Morgana will have no choice but to les out with the remainder, and that will just leave the sisters to put on a show for all of the guys.

The bottle spun, and on the last time around it passed the halfway part of the circle, heading towards Mari.  Aislinn looked at Mari, who had a mischievous smile on her face.

“Ok ladies, get on the bed.  No timer this time, but if I think that you need help Aislinn, I will jump in.  And boys, if you feel the need to relieve any tension, remember that Bianca is right over there.”  Bubbles said as the two women walked to the bed.  Bianca’s eyes went wide with surprise for a moment, then back to normal as she realized what Kim meant.  The guys would fuck her while watching the lesbian show in front of them.

Mari climbed on up on the bed, laying down.  “C’mon Twiggy, get your face in my pussy.  Hope you’re better at this than your slutty little sister.”

“Get bent you fucking hag.”  Aislinn said as she climbed the bed, mounting her hips over Mari’s face.  She settled her cunny over Mari’s face, waiting for the matronly woman to get to work as she swallowed, took a deep breath, then dived in between Mari’s legs.

There was no foreplay with any of these events, no warming up, just straight to the action like a bad porno.  Aislinn felt the unusual sensation between her legs as Mari’s tongue darted in and out of her.  She stuck her tongue out, trying to think about what she liked and how to give that in this topsy-turvy world.  Only once before, a couple hours prior, had she ever eaten pussy.  Okay, there were a couple times in uni where she fooled around with a girl after a party or at the bar, but nothing ever came of those.  Still, her mind did wander…

It was her second year of school and she went on the town with a few mates.  They hit the bar one night when a bunch of guys they were flirting with egged her on to kiss her mate Chelsea.  She kept saying no to it, but eventually Chelsea made it where the boys threw down some money, but it couldn’t just be a ‘quick peck.’  Once the kitty got up to 100 dollars, the two broke university students went for it and made out.  They kissed each other for over a minute, tongues intertwining.  Aislinn had never kissed lips so soft in her life.  After the kiss, she played it off like it was nothing, but she’d be lying if she didn’t think of that night from time to time.

Right now, in her mind, it wasn’t Mari beneath her but her old mate Chelsea.  Not only was she physically beautiful, but she was also one of the kindest and sweetest women she’d ever known.  There was a brief time when Aislinn thought she might be interested in women, and Chelsea was at the top of the list.  What she wouldn’t give to really have her beneath her right now.  Aislinn licked and sucked the twat in front of her, knowing who it belonged to but pretending that it was someone else.  She knew at this point the only way she’d survive this weekend was to go wherever her mind would let her.

Mari was enjoying what Aislinn was doing to her.  It took a bit of time, but somehow the twiggy little bitch became very enthusiastic.  Almost like she found a new purpose.  Mari figured she was pretending that she was someone else.  Mari thought about snapping her back to reality, but decided against it.  She was going to cum all over this bitch’s face in a couple minutes.

Back in the crowd, Bianca watched the show with the other men.  They hadn’t bothered to cuff her or tie her up yet, but she knew better than to try some crazy shit.  Even if she could get to the guns in time, she hadn’t shot anything in years.  She’d be lucky to hit one of these guys, and would probably just get everyone else killed.  Besides, she didn’t have much time to think about this before the masked man with the dad bod came over.

“Stand up and bend over the chair.”  That was all the foreplay she was going to get.  She stood, walked around the back of the chair and held on, bending over.  She felt him grab her hips and push himself into her, bottoming out on the first stroke.  As soon as he was in, he picked up a brutal rhythm. 

Sam turned the camera back and forth between Steve fucking Bianca and Aislinn and Mari 69ing.  He paid attention to whom was doing what, but when it became apparent that Mari was going to cum soon, he kept his attention and the camera on the women.

Aislinn ignored the world around her as she licked and sucked Mari’s pussy, pretending it was her old friend Chelsea.  She felt a flutter in her own stomach start to grow right before the licking in her cunny stopped and the legs around her head tightened. 

Mari screamed into Aislinn’s pussy, her nails digging deep into her thighs and buttocks.  She squeezed her legs, making sure to keep the skinny bitch in place until she came.  After what felt like an eternity, she relaxed, letting the Aussie stand up.

Bubbles clapped as the two women separated themselves from each other and stood up.  “Good job, good job.  Who wants to take Karen over here over to the chairs?”  No sooner than Bubbles said that then JC approached, pushing Aislinn off of Mari as he grabbed her.

“Get the fuck over here.  You bite me, you lose your teeth.”  JC sat on the chair next to Joe, holding Mari’s head in place and forcing her to suck his dick.  Aislinn wasn’t even off of the bed yet and JC was already skullfucking Mari.

Aislinn walked over to the circle and sat down next to Morgana, her face still covered in Mari’s juices.  Bubbles leaned over and kissed her, then did the same to her sister.  “Now, it’s down to just us three.  Once it gets down to two, they’re going to put on a nice little show for the boys until they both cum.  But who will be the final two?  I have an idea. We’re skipping your turn Morgana.  Instead, we’re going to have ourselves a little contest.  Each of us will pick one of the bound boys over there, you know the ones sporting some serious wood, and we will each suck a dick.  I’ll set a timer for 5 minutes.  Whenever the alarm goes off, you move one spot to your left.  Whoever gets their man to cum first wins.  The other two will keep going, because how fair is it to your men to keep them blueballing like that?  After the contest, the two losers put on a show for everyone.”  Bubbles said all this while setting the timer on her phone.  “The clock starts as soon as the last mouth lands on a cock.  And go!”
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Re: Pharma (Chapter 66 Posted)
« Reply #204 on: August 27, 2022, 11:56:36 AM »
Now why did I think that JC would have stepped up to take Bianca for fuck punishment! I can see it coming down to Morgana and Aislinn for until cum separates them! Would love to see Morgana sucking Tommy while Aislinn had to do Drew, just think of how both would try to prevent their guy from cumming. Aislinn how to hurt Morgana's feeling, Morgana so Drew Doesn't think that they seems to have experience with one and other! Merit to come when allowed!
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Re: Pharma (Chapter 67 Posted)
« Reply #205 on: August 30, 2022, 10:02:49 PM »
Thanks TGH.  I had fun writing the upcoming dick sucking contest.  That's a sentence I've looked forward to writing for a while.  Friday's chapter should be on time, but I've spent some time the last couple weeks working on a CYOA story that I'm posting tomorrow.  There's a chance it might not be ready on time.

Chapter 67 incoming.
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Re: Pharma (Chapter 67 Posted)
« Reply #206 on: August 30, 2022, 10:03:17 PM »
Chapter 67(MF,oral,anal)

Aislinn walked over to the circle and sat down next to Morgana, her face still covered in Mari’s juices.  Bubbles leaned over and kissed her, then did the same to her sister.  “Now, it’s down to just us three.  Once it gets down to two, they’re going to put on a nice little show for the boys until they both cum.  But who will be the final two?  I have an idea. We’re skipping your turn Morgana.  Instead, we’re going to have ourselves a little contest.  Each of us will pick one of the bound boys over there, you know the ones sporting some serious wood, and we will each suck a dick.  I’ll set a timer for 5 minutes.  Whenever the alarm goes off, you move one spot to your left.  Whoever gets their man to cum first wins.  The other two will keep going, because how fair is it to your men to keep them blueballing like that?  After the contest, the two losers put on a show for everyone.”  Bubbles said all this while setting the timer on her phone.  “The clock starts as soon as the last mouth lands on a cock.  And go!”

Bubbles leapt up from her spot and made a bee-line over to Tommy.  Before Tommy could do or say anything in protest, Bubbles was on her knees stroking his dick.  Morgana got up and made her way over to her husband Drew. Morgana stroked his cock for a moment, upset that he was so aroused from watching the forced lesbian shows they put on.  That left Aislinn.  She stood there for a moment, confused.  The Asian girl had just made a move for her man.  She looked around, trying to make sense of what to do, when the chubby man with the camera spoke up.

“Move it Aislinn.  Clock doesn’t start ’til you suck dick, and it’s either James or Joe.  Pick a dick and get to work.”  Sam said, catching her reaction on camera.  She was stunned, but shook herself out of it and made her way to James.  Aislinn kneeled between his legs and looked up at him.

“I’m sorry.”  Aislinn said as she grabbed his cock with her right hand and pushed her hair out of her face with her left.  As soon as her mouth touched James’s dick, the chubby cameraman yelled.

“Start the clock.”  Bubbles, who was already sucking Tommy’s dick with glee, pressed the start button.  What she didn’t tell anyone was that she already pressed the button before she stood up, and momentarily paused it and resumed it, just to fuck with the other girls.  She thought about the plan for this moment as she was saying it.  When she saw JC skullfucking Mari and Steve fucking Bianca, she knew she needed to do something to give the girls a slight hope of not having to eat each other out.  Of course, she was going to crush that hope as fast as she could.  She knew Tommy could easily hold his own load, and going to him first would throw Aislinn off her game.  Morgana would make her way to Drew before anyone else unless ordered to, which meant Aislinn would likely go to James.  But when the alarm goes off, Bubbles scoots over to James while Aislinn has to run across the room to Joe, who has a dry dick or go directly to her brother-in-law Drew.  Her main competition will come from Morgana, who goes from Drew to Tommy, but a Tommy she was sucking.  Fortunately for her, she had ringers in James and Joe.

James sat back and watched as the proper skinny Aislinn kissed and licked his dick before finally taking it into her mouth.  It must’ve been a minute at least until he finally felt that cutie’s mouth on his cock.  And the way she apologized, that was so precious.  She was still getting into a rhythm when he heard Bianca grunting next to him.  He turned his head and watched Steve fuck her raw.

Meanwhile, Morgana went down on Drew and noticed a slightly different taste.  Of course, that bitch Mari fucked him a short while ago and he hasn’t had a chance to clean up.  She could taste her on him, and it upset her, almost as much as seeing him hard as a rock from watching their forced lesbian sessions.  She didn’t have time to scold him or anything, and with everything they’ve been through today, tasting a woman she hated so much on her husband’s dick wasn’t even the most disturbing thing about this spectacle.  If she didn’t win this race, or whatever they were doing, then she was going to have to have sex with her sister in front of this group.  Her only chance to avoid that was by beating Aislinn and that Kim girl in a race.  If she could get Drew to cum from a blowjob right here and now, she’d be spared her fate.  Now, if only Drew would cooperate.

Drew for his part was still shellshocked from earlier.  After getting his ass kicked and watching his wife get raped for a couple hours, he himself was sexually assaulted 3 times so far today.  Was it 3 or more?  Drew lost focus for a moment before seeing how crazy things got when Morgy tried to beat the shit out of that Mari woman after she blew, fucked, and kissed him.  He didn’t want to do any of it, but it’s not like he had a choice.  He’d been fucked by the Asian psychopath, forced to fuck his wife then ass-raped by the Asian woman until he came again, then forced again to do all that stuff with Mari.  By this time of the night, the only thing that kept him aroused was watching the women put on a lesbian show, and even that was difficult.  He’d always imagined being in a threesome with Morgy, maybe even sitting back and letting her and a friend go down on each other, but this was completely different.  Even still, he’s still a man and seeing all this got him hard, which is what Morgy needed right now.  He tried to think about  whatever sexy stuff he could to help her along, but like Captain Brannigan once said ‘the spirit is willing but the flesh is spongy and weak.’

Bubbles took a peek at her phone.  2 minutes left.  She didn’t have much time left and had to make a decision.  Should she continue going hard on Tommy to make him cum sooner, or hold back?  If she went hard and didn’t make him cum, Morgana would likely succeed.  If she hadn’t been playing all loosey goosey with the timer, she might have enough time.  Instead, she held back.  Besides, she knew she would win with one of the next two dicks, as long as Tommy didn’t do something stupid and nut too early.

For Tommy’s part, he was just sitting back and enjoying this moment.  Watching the women on the couch was a nice change of pace, and Aislinn’s show was hot as fuck.  Still, he needed to hold out a few more minutes.  He knew he shouldn’t have thoughts like this, but as soon as he saw Aislinn and Morgana together, he couldn’t help but think how sexy they both were and how exciting it could be to get them to fool around.  It was one of those taboo fantasies that he never thought would happen, but now it’s on his doorstep.  All he has to do make it happen was either cum in Bubbles’s mouth right now or hold off at least 5 minutes.  Considering that Bubbles wasn’t sucking him with as much gusto as she had before, he took that as his cue to think about basketball.

The alarm went off.  Bubbles killed the alarm as she took her mouth off of Tommy’s cock.  “Okay, everyone move down one to the left.”  She said, standing up.  Aislinn had just got into a good rhythm when she felt a kick on her leg.  “Move it, time’s up, unless you want to eat out Morgana right now.”  Bubbles said.  Aislinn got the clue, but realized she made an error.  To her left was no one.  Well, technically dad bod was fucking Bianca, but no one was bound here.  She looked around the room and found Joe at the end of the line.  She walked over to him, resigned to having to suck another dick.  But unlike James, this dick wasn’t even hard.  She cursed and cried, having to spend a solid minute getting Joe’s dick to attention before she could even start sucking on it.

Bubbles was already taking James’s dick in her mouth by the time Morgana got off of Drew and was moving over to Tommy.  This was a dick she knew and loved, almost as much as Drew’s.  She knew some of what Tommy liked, but his one talent, his staying power, could likely be a curse right now.  She normally loved spending 15 or 20 minutes sucking his dick while he played with her, worshipped her, made her feel like a woman.  But now, Tommy’s innate ability to hold off cumming could be her downfall.

Tommy looked down and saw Morgana shuffle between his legs.  She looked up at him and smiled, then immediately went to work sucking his dick.  She was inspired to make him cum as fast as he could, and all he could think of was how the Chicago Bulls had one of the greatest dynasties in sports history, but due to bumbling management they squandered everything and ran the greatest coach Phil Jackson out of town and he immediately won another three championships with the Lakers.  Fuck the Lakers.

By the time Aislinn got Joe hard, it felt like she barely had time to do anything before a voice said “Two minutes left.”  She wondered why this guy was taking so long to get hard.  It wasn’t until she was almost crying that he showed any sign of life whatsoever.  What she didn’t know was that Joe was in on the fix.  They’d described this situation in the hotel room last night and this morning, about what to do if this came up.  They didn’t have specifics like seating charts or batting orders, but if a dick sucking race occurred, he’d make sure that the Aussies lose.  Right now, he was focusing on a small spot on the wall that looked like two ducks arguing over a pizza crust.  That kept him deflated long enough to give Aislinn a little taste of his manmeat and feel like she’s almost doing good.

James was torn.  On one hand, he knew the score and that him cumming right now would make Bubbles the winner.  On the other hand, another minute or so and Morgana would have her lips around his cock, like he’s dreamed about for months.  When Sam yelled out “30 seconds”, he knew he didn’t have time, so he’d just go along with the flow.  He’d hold out as long as he could under Morgana’s oral assault while Joe brought the game home, if the plan was still the same.

“Time.  Move down one to your left.”  Sam said, watching the phone go off next to his partner.  Bubbles stood and took the phone with her, restarting the timer.  Once again, Aislinn was just getting into the rhythm of things when she felt a kick in the leg.

“Move, your cock’s over there.”  Bubbles said, pointing to Drew.  Aislinn stood, realizing what she’d have to do.  As Aislinn stood, Bubbles shoved her over to her brother-in-law, dick still at a solid half-mast.  She knelt, whispered ‘I’m sorry’, then leaned down to kiss Drew’s cock before taking it in her mouth.

Drew was conflicted, but he couldn’t help but feel excited about Aislinn licking his member.  He’d be lying if he said he never thought about her that way, but she might as well be his little sister.  Still, he’d always wondered what she would be like.  He focused on her technique, her tongue, her mouth, all of it.  As much as he hated saying it, he wanted to cum for her.

Morgana had moved off of Tommy and was now focusing on James.  She was mad with herself that she didn’t have enough time to make either her husband or her lover cum, but there was always James.  James was warmed up by this point, having both Aislinn and Kim blow him in the last 10 minutes.  Morgana went to work on his dick, licking and sucking for all that she had.

While all of this was going on, Steve kept fucking Bianca while JC had moved from facefucking Mari to now just fucking her.  He threw her down on the bed and was fucking her doggystyle, eventually pushing her head down on the mattress as he pulled out and lined up his cock with her asshole.  With a few pushes, he was fucking her ass and she was crying along with the fucking.

Meanwhile, Bubbles was about to call in her ringer.  She knew Joe watching his wife getting her ass plowed while getting a deepthroated blowjob with a lot of eye contact was something he’s looked forward to for a long time.  Bubbles looked up at Joe, keeping eye contact with him as she took his whole cock into her mouth, damn near choking on it.  She would hold her position like this for several seconds at a time, even going to the point of making herself cry and cough, just to get Joe off.

This was all Joe needed, really.  Once he was in the right place, watching his wife get fucked while he was deepthroating a woman, he was in heaven.  A few heavy gasps and breaths, and he shuddered out loud as Bubbles pulled her mouth off of his cock, showing him shooting his seed all over her face and tits.  She caught her breath as Joe finished blasting his seed, then he did the same.

“Winner winner, chicken dinner.  Kimmypoo is the winner!”  Sam said from behind the camera.  He was sporting another hard-on, but focused on the job at hand, getting some good shots of Bubbles covered in Joe’s cum.  He then turned to Aislinn and Morgana.  “That means the losers are you two Aussie sluts.  First off, you finish what you started here.  Once you’re done, and NotDave’s finished over there, take up a place on the couch.  You two are going to put on a show for us.  But first, finish up your work.  Like my pappy used to say to grammy ‘a blowjob worth starting is a blowjob worth finishing.”  No one but Bubbles laughed at the joke, and she was too busy cleaning up Joe’s cum. 

As she went to the bathroom to clean up, she could see the look of resignation on Aislinn’s face.  It was going to happen whether she liked it or not, and she’d have to suck Drew’s dick first.  She looked over at her sister who had a similar thought.  They both sat there for a moment before Sam spoke up again.

“If you girls think you can get off without getting them off, I found some whips and clamps and other things in that suitcase.  Put in an honest effort sucking those dicks or we’ll beat your asses raw before we make you fuck each other in your pretty little assholes.”  Sam’s words caught both of the women’s attention and they went back to work, Morgana sucking off James and Aislinn the same with Drew.  The threat of being beaten like Bianca was earlier was enough motivation for them to continue doing what they’re doing.  Sam walked over to Tommy, still sporting some serious wood.  “As for you, as soon as my friend is done fucking Bianca, she’ll take care of you.  Dave, how much longer?”

“Al…most…there.”  Steve said in between grunts as he fucked Bianca hard.  She held herself up by her hands on the chair in front of her, hoping he would finish up soon.

“Good.  Bianca, you take care of Tommy Boy however you see fit, then we’ll take you back in the bathroom and you will call Sophie.  Faster he cums, faster you talk to your daughter.”  Sam said, moving around the room getting good shots of the sisters blowing James and Drew.  He caught some shots of Morgana sucking off James, and one of Aislinn transitioning to a technique he hadn’t seen in person before.

While Drew let a depraved part of him live out this nasty fantasy of getting a blowie from his sister-in-law, she was pretending for a moment that Morgana wasn’t in the picture.  She’d had a little crush on Drew for a while, but knew nothing could ever come of it.  But she’d have to be blind or an idiot to not see how attractive he is, how smart he is, and how sweet and funny he is.  She had an on-again off-again fantasy where Morgana didn’t marry Drew, leaving him open for her to make a move on.  There were different versions of it, but one of them involved her being his nasty little slut for the weekend, doing anything and everything for him.  That included making a porno with him, where she wanted him to cum all over her, just bathing her in his seed.  She went there in her mind, if only to make this experience slightly bearable.

Morgana felt deflated, but knew she had no choice but to keep going.  She really didn’t want to do any of this, but it’s not like she had a choice in the matter.  She tried to block out who she was sucking off, but when James would make a noise or grunt or moan every few moments, it snapped her back to what and who she was doing.  She was hoping that he was getting close.

Speaking of getting close, Steve grabbed onto Bianca’s hips with both hands and moaned, blasting a load deep inside her.  He held on to keep from falling down, then pulled out after he was done.  As he stumbled off to the side, Bianca gingerly made her way to Tommy.  She didn’t say anything, just knelt down and started sucking his dick.  At this point, she had a mission and just wanted to finish it so she could talk to her daughter.

On the bed, JC felt his orgasm build and shot his load deep into Mari’s ass.  He laid on top of her for a minute, catching his breath as she whimpered beneath him.  When he started snoring, Sam had to shake him back awake.  JC then climbed off of Mari, taking her back to her seat.  All he knew was he was going to sleep good tonight.

Back at the chairs, Aislinn, Bianca, and Morgana were blowing Drew, Tommy, and James respectfully.  None of them with their men, and the Really Useful Crew were enjoying the show.  Bubbles had returned from the bathroom to take in the scenery.

Bianca was exhausted but working like a woman possessed.  She knew what was required of her, and if sucking Tommy’s dick was the only thing standing between her and talking to Sophie, then she’d give the cute young man the best blowjob he’s ever had.  At least, one well enough to cum from.  Which, by the way Tommy was moving, would be any minute now.

Morgana was in auto-pilot mode, just trying to do a good enough job to keep from being beaten while at the same time delaying the inevitable.  Bubbles could tell that Morgana was slightly disgusted at having to blow her older friend but just kept her head and did her duty.  James seemed to be loving it.

She was most intrigued watching Aislinn blow Drew.  There was a tiny part of her that almost felt sorry for everything they were putting them through, but that part was dragged outside and beaten up while the rest of her enjoyed the nastiness of everything.  Aislinn for her part was doing a pretty good job as Drew sat there, mostly quiet during the whole thing.

Just as she guessed, Tommy was the first to cum.  Bianca felt Tommy’s cock pulse and clamped down on it, swallowing his load.  As he came down, Sam came by and asked her to show him.  She opened her mouth for him, showing that she had swallowed his semen.  After that, Steve guided her to the bathroom to get cleaned up a little bit.

“Now we’re just down to the sisters.  You know what I think would look great on film?  If one of you girls took a big, old load right to the face.  So, one of you do your best to get your man to cum on you, not in your mouth.  Who should be the one-.”  Before Sam could finish his statement, Drew let out a moan and Aislinn pulled her mouth off of his dick as he shot his load, hitting her in the face and on her tiny little tits.  Drew sighed, then cried, looking at what he did to his little sis.

“Well, that answers that question.  Aislinn, climb on the bed and sit there, facing the camera.  Don’t clean yourself.  Morgana, when you make James cum, hold it in your mouth, as much as you can.  Ever watch Clerks?  No?  Well, you’re about to find out what a snowball is.”  Sam said, focusing the camera on Morgana and James.  The older man smiled, knowing it was his time shine.  James had been holding back his nut for several minutes, ever since Bubbles sucked him like a hoover.  He cried out something guttural, finishing up with a load of his baby batter in Morgy’s mouth.  For her part, she did her best to keep from choking or spitting it out.  He had no clue he could cum that much from a blowjob.

“Excellent.  Morgana, open wide for the camera.”  Sam said mockingly, and Morgana complied, showing a full mouth of cum.  “Perfect.  Now, we’re about to have some serious fun.  I want you to sit next to your sister on the couch bed, and face the camera.  Just sit there for a minute.  I have to change the battery and card, this won’t take long.  When I tell you to, I want you to kiss Aislinn, and share some of James’s juice with her, share what you have in your mouth.  Give her a taste.”  As Sam said this, he walked over to the camera equipment to get a fresh card and battery for Tommy’s camera.  Meanwhile, Steve retrieved the tiger-striped iPhone from the box and made his way to the bathroom, where Bianca waited to call her daughter.
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Re: Pharma (Chapter 67 Posted)
« Reply #207 on: August 31, 2022, 07:28:56 PM »
Of course leave it to a Oriental broad to cheat her way to a victory! I know that was the way to story would go best  but i would have loved to see Bubbles fail!  Still hoping that James friend Bob decides to come check on his friend! merit awarded from me!
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Re: Pharma (Chapter 67 Posted)
« Reply #208 on: September 03, 2022, 08:31:22 PM »
LOL, thanks TGH.  I thought about making Bubbles lose even with cheating, but decided against it.  At least this way there was still a chance of fairness.  All pretenses of that will disappear Sunday and Monday.  As for Bob, let's just say he has a plan.  I'll show him coming up soon, give a catch-up on his story. 

I'm a day late posting Chapter 68, according to my own schedule.  Life got in the way.  But also, since this part of the story is set on the Saturday of Labor Day weekend, or Labour Day for our Canadian friends, why not post this chapter when it happens in realtime?  It is a bit more of a setup and deviation from normal, but only because I saw that I was on chapter 68.  Should I have a setup chapter here or have the sisters 'have fun'?  One of either 68 or 69 will involve a 69 scene, so why not get meta with it?

Chapter 68 incoming.
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Re: Pharma (Chapter 68 Posted)
« Reply #209 on: September 03, 2022, 08:32:01 PM »
Chapter 68(nosex,snowball)

“Excellent.  Morgana, open wide for the camera.”  Sam said mockingly, and Morgana complied, showing a full mouth of cum.  “Perfect.  Now, we’re about to have some serious fun.  I want you to sit next to your sister on the couch bed, and face the camera.  Just sit there for a minute.  I have to change the battery and card, this won’t take long.  When I tell you to, I want you to kiss Aislinn, and share some of James’s juice with her, share what you have in your mouth.  Give her a taste.”  As Sam said this, he walked over to the camera equipment to get a fresh card and battery for Tommy’s camera.  Meanwhile, Steve retrieved the tiger-striped iPhone from the box and made his way to the bathroom, where Bianca waited to call her daughter.

Bianca was in the bathroom, cleaning herself up when Steve approached.  She hadn’t bothered closing the door, hoping he would be there soon with her phone.

“Here.  Keep the door open for the call, no funny business.”  Steve said, once again disguising his voice.  Bianca had just finished washing Tommy’s cum off of her when he returned.  She could hear some commotion in the background, sounded like they were going to do something with Morgana and Aislinn.

“Can we do this call in the bedroom?  I don’t want Sophie to overhear anything out there.”  Bianca said, and Steve nodded.  They walked into the bedroom, Bianca leading the way.  She thought for a moment about trying to trick him and attack him, but knew there was no way it would succeed.  He kept his eyes on her like a hawk, waiting for its prey to make a wrong move.  She sat down in the chair in the corner of the room.  Steve walked over and stood next to her.

“Show me what you’re doing.”  Bianca unlocked the phone and checked the text messages first.  There were a couple new ones from Sophie.  They talked about how she feels better having gotten a hold of her, but still a little worried that it took so long.  Bianca replied, apologizing for the bad service, being busy, and leaving her with her dad and Cathy.  She then texted, saying she was going to call in a minute if she was free to say goodnight.  Sophie liked that message.


It was getting late when Mom texted Sophie.  She was happy for any distraction from Dad and Cathy’s constant bickering.  They walked back to the hotel, the two adults doing their “quiet arguing” that they did when they didn’t want to draw attention to themselves while out and about.  This time the argument was about how Phil wanted to spend the next day going to one of the associated theme areas.  Cathy wanted to see the Star Wars section.  Phil wanted to go to Hollywood Studios.  Sophie wanted to see Star Wars too, but knew it would be pointless fighting with Dad.  If they won, he’d moan and bitch the whole time.  If he won, they’d still have fun and find a way to make it to Star Wars later in the day, though they’d miss all the cool stuff.

When the texts came through Sophie immediately responded.  A little back and forth and next thing she knew Mom was calling.

“Hey Sophie.”

“Hey Mom.”

“How’s Disneyworld?”

“It’s great.  Having lot’s of fun.  How’s the lake?”  Sophie said.  She had that sound in her voice that Bianca could pick up from a mile away that said ‘I can’t be honest now.’

“It’s good, having a good time, relaxing with some friends.”  Bianca tried her best to sound relaxed, but Sophie picked up a hint of the same thing she was doing.  Or was she projecting her struggles onto her mom?

Cathy and Phil kept arguing as they walked, and Sophie felt embarrassed by them.  Nothing could ever be nice and easy with them.

“It’s getting pretty late, are you back at the hotel yet or on your way there?”  Bianca asked her daughter, trying to deflect from anything she overheard.

“Yeah, going back now.  Should be back there soon, then going back out tomorrow.”  Sophie said as Cathy and Phil’s arguing got loud enough not to ignore.  “Listen, Mom, I have to go soon.”

“Same here.  Goodnight Sweetie, I’ll text in the morning and call when I can.”

“You too.  Love you Mom.”

“Love you too.”  With that, Sophie hung up and put the phone back in her jeans shorts pocket.  Now it was just another half mile back to the hotel with Dad and Cathy fighting.  ‘Mom’s lucky, she’s not stuck down here, probably having a ton of fun with her new boyfriend.  Sounds like a fun place, maybe we can visit there sometime.’  Sophie thought to herself as she stayed a few paces behind the bickering adults.


Bianca watched the phone call end, then sighed.  Another call down, another moment where she can relax.  But she knows that this moment won’t last long.  Almost as if on cue, dad bod motioned at her.

“C’mon, let’s go.  Don’t want to miss the show.  Gimme that phone.”  He said, once again changing his voice.  She stood, handing over her cell phone as they walked out of the bedroom.  Bianca was led back through the kitchen and into the living room.  She sat down on her chair, next to a tied and gagged James.  She didn’t look at the couch bed right away, trying to avoid the show that the sisters were putting on.  Instead, she checked out everyone else.

The dad bod rapist that kept changing his voice that was just with her went over to the box of phones.  He knelt down, looking for something in particular.  He was down for much longer than it should take to just drop her phone off.  The rapist with the camera was shooting video, while the Asian girl Kim was snapping away some stills with her phone.  The one that beat the shit out of her that they called NotDave stood guard by the back wall, struggling to stay awake.  It had been a very long day so far, but he was falling asleep on his feet.  While everyone else in his crew was still going, he was crashing, and hard.  She figured that he had to know her from somewhere, and so did dad bod as well.  Why else would he keep changing his voice?  The fit one with the dad bod called Dave had to know someone here from somewhere.

Looking at everyone else, Mari was on her chair, still crying after her last assault.  Bianca felt a pang of sympathy for her, the same amount she’d feel for a wounded animal.  She couldn’t get a read on Joe.  He came off originally as this whiny, pussy whipped man but for some reason he’s acting differently ever since dinner.  Drew tried to avert his gaze from the show in front of him, but each time he did and was caught, Kim would swing some riding crop or something she had by her.  Tommy’s view was focused on the sisters, as was James’s.  She realized she was once again the only one either not secured or incapacitated.  She wondered how long she could stay like that, and how long they’d ignore her.

Over at the box, Steven sifted through the various phones and smart watches.  At some point earlier in the night, he put his phone in there as well.  Keeping them all in the same spot served two purposes.  First, it was only place that needed protecting.  If he left his phone lying around, someone else might use it.  Second, he left it lying around and Sam grabbed it earlier and put it there.  Once his found his Galaxy, he checked the notifications.  A couple texts from his oldest daughter letting him know that she was going on a date and Mom said it was okay, another text and a missed call from his second ex-wife asking about whether their son left his video games at his place and if so when could he pick them up.  Then there was a follow-up saying nevermind, she would find something else for them to do.  Steve responded, telling her that he was in a place with bad signal, but if she really needed to get the games he’d disarm the security system remotely.  A little back and forth ensued and she decided to just wait until tomorrow to pick them up.  Finally, he saw a slew of texts from his old buddy and fellow Club member Ray.  They thanked him for offering him a trip out of town this weekend but didn’t remember when he was leaving.  Then they changed tone, sounding almost accusatorial about how he was left behind.  Next was a few paragraphs bitching about how he was always left out of the good decisions.  A half hour later was a long apology along with a request to overlook what he said, claiming that he wasn’t in a good spot right now.  Finally, a few more messages, with one of them talking about how he got lucky and had a new plan for the weekend.  He’d tell Steve all about it later on.  ‘If he’s lucky, he’d show him’ Ray wrote, followed by a winky emoji.

Steve could only guess what his friend meant by that.


Raymond Hibberton was feeling good Saturday.  Of course he was in the tail end of one of his favorite times of year, the pre-school year binge.  He did this every year after the last summer session at Chester County Community College ended.  After finishing up a teaching gig for the summer students in the Economics department, he’d get himself an assload of cocaine, grab some other drugs, and party until classes started back up on Wednesday.  He was several days deep into the biggest bender of the year.

Well, he figured out it was Saturday after finally checking the time on his phone, his calendar, his computer, and the television.  He thought it was Thursday most of the week.  But he’d joke that at his age, calendars are meant to remind us of when we’re going to die.  He had just turned 60 a few months back, and at his last physical his doctor remarked that he should get out and exercise more.  Then again, he didn’t go anywhere or do anything for the most part during his bender except to do some blow and go onto the Club’s website.  Even that was hard, as he was so high for most of the time that he stumbled once or twice on the process to log in.  He was a little out of sorts when he looked at his messages and saw that he was part of a trade.  One of the other members proposed a trade a week or two back and everything looked good.  He had to go through his old messages to see who or what he offered.  He relaxed when he saw it was one of the associate professors, a sexy little Asian girl named Kim.  She lived nearby in the foreign exchange apartments, working on her PhD in Economics from HCU, Harbor City University, but on loan to the community college.  He had access to her accommodations, but knew her too well to fuck her himself.  And since he was technically her boss, he couldn’t lay the pipe to her without risking his job.  Fucking a student or other professor was about the only thing that could get him fired.  However, the rules said nothing about setting her up for someone else to fuck, as long as he didn’t get caught.

He was a bit of an emotional mess throughout the day.  The last couple days all melted together, but at some point his good friend and fellow Club member Steve messaged him about possibly going on a road trip with a few members up to Lake Hiawatha.  He was glad they offered, but he really didn’t want to go back so soon.  Lake Hiawatha is where he met his coke dealer, and he had a bad feeling that he wasn’t too welcome back there so soon.  But after thinking about it he called Steve after he woke up to see if the offer still stood.  Then he fell asleep at some point Friday night and woke up at 9AM on Saturday, then freaked out because he missed his ride, then had a bit of an existential crisis about his life, the universe, and everything, then crashed again before waking up at 2PM and having an 8-ball for breakfast.  Once a little more clear, he sent some messages to Steve, then felt like shit and apologized.

At some point during the day, he received a package at this PO Box.  A notification he had set up to go to his Club’s burner number alerted him to it.  It was the details he needed for his trade.

After a quick shower and bite, he made it to the post office just in time before they locked the main doors and he’d have to use his access code to get in.  He took the package home and checked the contents.  Just as he figured, it was the information on his target.

Her name was Meg, and she was a 19-year-old HCU student.  She was a cute girl with blonde hair and blue eyes.  From the photos he saw she was somewhere between 5’6” and 5’9” with a skinny body and nice tits.  She lived in a shared house with 3 other girls off campus in the edges of East Oakville.  It was a dump of a place, but then again everything near there was a dump.  It was far enough away from campus to be almost affordable but close enough to the traditionally black neighborhoods that it had to scare their parents to know end that little Meg was so close to the hood.  Of course, where she lived was all college students which would make the parents think it was safer but in reality let to more problems.  Whoever supplied Meg gave her address, a copy of her key, and her schedule and that of her roommates.  He didn’t normally fuck around with girls with roommates unless it was a team op, but it was a holiday weekend.  Most students would return home for the weekend, but a few would stay up on campus and party as much as they could.  From what his source said, Meg came from out of state and didn’t want to drive home just for a weekend.  Her roommates though should be gone for the most part.  Two of her roommates were on the school’s marching band and with a big game this weekend out of the city, they wouldn’t be back until sometime Sunday afternoon.  As for the last one, she left for a trip to Humdinger and wouldn’t be back until Monday.  

There were some other windows and ideas given, but Ray knew an opportunity when it fell in his lap.  Which is why he was sitting in his car at around 6PM, parked in an apartment building in East Oakville a few blocks from where he needed to go.  He knew this building well enough, his friend and fellow Club member Sam owned it.  Hell, Ray even parked in Sam’s parking spot.  He figured his friend wouldn’t mind.  He’d be back long before Sam got back from his trip up north.

He looked at the clock in his late model BMW, figuring it was about time to go to Meg’s house, his rape kit in a bookbag he’d carry with him.  He’d leave his phone and ID behind, just in case something went sideways.  Ray took a bump of coke, then sent a final text to Steve letting him know that things were good and he had some weekend plans of his own.  All he’d have to do is walk over to Meg’s house, enter, wait for her to come back from her work shift at the nearby Starbucks, then have a little party of his own.


As Steve checked his messages, a weird feeling came over him, an almost ominous feeling.  He’d known Ray for a long time, probably at least 10 or 15 years.  They’d met as friends in the Club and became buddies outside of it.  He hated this time of year, knowing that one of these years Ray’s heart would give out and that’d be it.  There weren’t too many coke heads in their 60’s.  But Ray was too stubborn to listen to anyone about cutting back.  His wife gave up on him years ago and his son barely spoke to him anymore.  It was just a matter of time before something bad happened to him.

Steve shook off the feeling, then took a quick look through the box of phones while Sam and Bubbles took pics of the girls playing with cum against their will.  He’d have to catch up on that later.  He remembered that there was an awesome home theater in the basement.  As soon as he saw that, he knew wanted to fuck one of the girls while watching him fuck that same girl.  He’d have to make that happen tomorrow.  Most of the phones just showed several missed notifications.  Some just listed missed texts or WhatsApp notifications like Tommy’s phone.  Steve figured out for the most part whose phone was whose, and before they all went to bed each of the victims would get some screen time.  At least some missed texts at night can be answered.  He didn’t go into detail, but noticed that the sisters had a ton of Instagram notifications, James had next to nothing, and Drew had several missed texts from Charles.  There was another phone that also had a picture of Drew and Morgana on it, and Steve figured one of these was Drew’s work phone.  There were even some texts from Charles on that phone, too, but these ones could be read.  They talked about missing him and being alone and wanting to feel Drew next to them, then lamenting how they were so far apart and knowing that Drew couldn’t respond right away but to “text or call whenever you can Bubby.”  Steve was confused.  Confused and tired.  He’d have to talk to Sam about this later on.

Steve walked over to JC, standing by the doorway.  “Did I miss anything?”  Steve asked in hushed tones.  JC shook himself awake. 

“No, just about to get to the good part.”

Steve turned his attention to the bed.  Morgana and Aislinn sat on it.  Aislinn was covered in Drew’s cum.  Morgana leaned over her sister, slowly letting the semen that was in her mouth, James’s semen, drip into her sister’s open maw.

“Excellent, keep going.  Aislinn, once it’s all in there, show me.”  Sam said from behind the camera.
Always close the program you were running before exiting the holodeck