Chapter 46(M+/F, ncon, oral, anal)
As soon as the text came through showing Aislinn and Morgana together, Tommy knew his plans were taking a turn. If he said no to her coming up for the weekend, then Morgana wasn’t coming. If he said yes, then either the attack would have to be called off or Aislinn gets thrown into the mix. Before he could react, James made the call and said the more the merrier. It wasn’t the worst thing that could happen, but it was still pretty unexpected. She was supposed to be on the other side of the world. The two argued a little bit about including Aislinn, how they could make this work, whether they’d have to make changes or call it off. As they discussed this, Bob texted James. “Drinks and dinner at hotel bar in about an hour. That favor will be tomorrow night.” A simple back and forth and plans were set.
Tommy drove the golf cart back to the hotel by the marina. He really enjoyed the scenery and all that nature had to offer. It helped get his mind off of Aislinn. He enjoyed how in a 15- or 20-minute golf cart ride they went from rolling hills and forests to a beach and marina. It felt so peaceful and serene. He could see why James enjoyed this place so much.
They arrived at the hotel and made their way to the bar. Before Tommy could order a drink, he was slapped hard across the shoulder. He turned. The bartender froze for a moment. It was Bob. Tommy saw who it was between him and James.
“Hey Franco, these two are with me, table 74 tonight. I’m gonna get this boy so shitfaced he’ll wrap a golf cart around a tree. We got top priority tonight. Send over a bottle of Macallan’s 15-year-old. Three glasses, no rocks. Also give me a Miller Lite bottle. And whatever else they want. You order yet?” Bob put $300 on the bar. Tommy shook his head. James spoke up. “Two negroni’s. If ya got Old Young’s Gin, we’d love that.”
“Yes sir. Want those here or at your table?”
“At our table.” Bob said.
“Unless you’re Barry Allen, they’ll be there waiting for you.” The bartender Franco said. James didn’t catch the reference, but Tommy and Bob both nodded.
“Barry Allen?” James asked.
“The Flash. The fastest man alive.” Tommy said.
“Don’t be surprised, his favorite super hero growing up was Crocodile Dundee.” Bob quipped. The three walked to the restaurant.
They ate well and drank better that night. Tonight’s special was blackened perch that was swimming in the lake a few hours ago. They also each enjoyed a filet mignon served au poivre with a side of risotto and caramelized Brussel sprouts. The three of them lived well on a Wednesday night, and Bob had no problem dropping a very large tip to cover the bill. James and Bob spoke their own language, but Tommy caught a lot of the double-talk between them. They were planning and discussing something.
After dinner, the three of them retired to Bob’s boat, the Ballbuster Deluxe VIII. Tommy hadn’t been on a lot of boats, but this was by far the nicest one he’d ever been on. They sat around, smoking cigars and finishing off the bottle of scotch. James brought up the first complication in the plan with Aislinn coming up. Bob asked to see what she looked like. The young man showed him the selfie from a couple hours earlier. Tommy almost half expected Bob to call things off, based on how reticent he was earlier. Instead, he laughed at the irony. He said that they, James and Tommy, needed to plan for this contingency. Also, Bob gave them a small change to their conditions. Those coming up should be here at the lake Friday night. He gave two reasons. First, to make sure they didn’t get stuck in traffic or lost and miss the window the cameras would be off-line. Second, he wanted to have a business meeting with Sam and Bubbles. He had a proposition for Sam for a future venture if he was interested and he really wanted to fuck Bubbles. If he could solve both issues at once, that would be amazing. Bob made sure to give James the name they should check in under when they arrive.
As far as Tommy could tell, everything was going according to plan. He wasn’t sure if he should be excited or miserable.
Tommy and James woke up Thursday with a hangover in the cabin. They had no idea how they got back home, but the golf cart was parked sideways and half up the ramp to the cabin. Somehow, they didn’t die. After a breakfast of toast and jam, they decided to relax for a bit after making a few arrangements with the Club. Inside the Club’s encrypted chatroom, they discussed Aislinn’s last minute addition to the weekend’s festivities, and this threw things for a loop. Sam and Steve agreed that they could still pull this off with just the three of them, but just to be on the safe side reached out again to JC. JC declined, saying that he had plans Friday night that he couldn’t cancel. He was fucking his cosplaying FWB on her OnlyFans channel that night. They were doing some video game themed stuff which went right over James’s head. They still couldn’t get a hold of their “other friends” to confirm their arrival until later on that night, something about whether or not they could get a babysitter for the weekend. They’d have an answer by Friday at the latest. Steve had a plan if that failed, but admitted it would be a lot easier if they were there. James also told them that he talked to Bob. They had a room set up for them Friday night under an assumed alias that should be paid for, and that he wanted to meet Sam and really, really, really wanted to meet Bubbles. When Bubbles asked why, an unknown account that was loitering in the chat pipped up. It was Bob. He said he was a fan of her work and rambled on for a bit before all but saying he wanted to fuck her brains out. She reciprocated the fandom, asking about some stuff from the ‘early to mid 2000’s’ and how much of it was true. They agreed to discuss these things on his boat Friday night.
As the conversation continued, Tommy began doubting himself. As much as he wanted this plan to go through, he was worried with all of the extra variables. He missed Morgana but having Aislinn here could put a damper on his plans. She was innocent in this mix. The more he thought about it, the more he worried if they were in over their heads.
Tommy calmed himself down. Maybe she would disappear before the attack and spend the weekend doing other things? Maybe she’d have a change of heart and go to Vegas for the weekend?
As long as nothing else unexpected occurred, he’d be okay.
Morgana spent as much of the day at work filling time as she could. It was one of those days that was painfully slow. She completed her work for the day before 10AM, and couldn’t find anything else to do. She volunteered to show Aislinn around the building but her little sister was stuck in meetings all day filling out immigration paperwork and work permits and the like. Aislinn talked with Tim from HR and they agreed that since Drew and Morgana would be leaving their apartment shortly that Aislinn could move into it and assume the company-sponsored lease. She balked a little when she saw the rent amount and that her stipend didn’t cover the full amount, but it wasn’t the end of the world. She agreed to either find a roommate from the company who also qualified for this same benefit or pay the remaining portion on her own.
They met up for lunch, each grabbing a meal from the cafeteria’s Indian section. It was one of the few sections where getting a vegetarian or vegan meal was the standard, not the exception. They talked about how she was going to transition to her new role in the states shortly. Aislinn was excited to see the U.S. She was excited to go new places, meet new people. But she was absolutely excited to finally meet Tommy face to face. She admitted to her older sister that she had a bit of a crush on him and always enjoyed talking to him or messaging him. She thought of going out of town for the weekend, maybe hit up Vegas on the way home, but as soon as Morgy told her what Tommy was doing for the weekend, she was game.
Morgana couldn’t help but act a little jealous about how Aislinn was talking about her hidden lover. Aislinn chalked it up her being a protective sister and how she was trying to have a kid with Drew and knew Tommy was off limits for her. Morgana knew what she was doing with Tommy but couldn’t say anything to anyone, even her sister. The fact that she knew that Aislinn very rarely lets go of someone she has her sights on until after she gets them in bed meant that her Tommy would likely be sleeping with her sister by Sunday. She just wished it was her instead. Still, she could be very cheeky and sneak in some alone time with him, maybe get him to compare and contrast the two of them.
After lunch, Morgana looked at the clock as it crawled along. She was going to leave a little early today, just needed to tell Bianca about it. She tried to reach Bianca through Slack, but her boss wasn’t showing online. She walked over to her office. She looked through the smoked glass windows and saw a silhouette and the lights on. Morgana knocked.
“One moment.” Bianca said. There was some movement, and the door unlocked and opened. Bianca’s eyes were red. She’d been crying, a lot. Before either could say anything, Bianca waved Morgana in and closed the door behind her.
“What’s going on?” Morgana asked, taking a step to one of the chairs in front of Bianca’s desk and sitting down. Bianca made her way back to her seat.
“Oh, it’s, nothing.”
“Don’t look like nothin’ from ‘ere. What’s wrong B?” Morgana asked, sad that her friend was this upset. Bianca took a moment before responding.
“It’s Phil, again. This was supposed to be my weekend with Sophie. She just started school, just turned 11 a month ago, and is getting into that tween phase. I had planned a little getaway, just the two of us, going out of town to see my family. You know what that asshole did?”
“Somethin’ big and shiny that screams ‘look at me and my small peck…ing chicken?” Morgana caught herself a little late. Morgana paused for a moment to regain herself.
“Pretty much. He tells her ‘let’s go to Florida this weekend, Universal Studios and Disneyworld and such.’ What kid is gonna say no to that?”
“Are you kidding me?” Morgana was stunned. Bianca pulled out her phone and handed it to the blonde. Morgana didn’t recognize the app but it looked like some type of messaging thing.
“What is this?”
“It’s called OurFamilyWizard. The court required we get it after the last custody hearing. He refused to use it until the judge threatened him with a night in jail. All communication between us has to go through here. No texts or calls are allowed with trying through here, first.” Bianca said. Morgana swiped through a series of messages.
“Does it work?”
“Sort of. At least there’s a paper trail for every time he pulls his ‘I forgot it was my weekend’ shit. This time, he stomped all over my plans and wants me, no, DEMANDS that I bring Sophie over tonight so they can get to the airport early in the morning. Meanwhile, school just started yesterday. He’d know that if he actually gave a shit.”
“I’m sorry.” Morgana said. Bianca was getting worked up and had to catch her breath.
“No, I’m sorry for laying this on you.” The older woman replied. “Now, what’s up?”
Morgana felt guilty about even bothering Bianca during this, but she did come in for a reason. “I was lookin’ to head out early. Everythin’s done, half of everyone have already left, and I’ve got some packin’ to do tonight.”
“Going somewhere fun?” Bianca asked.
“Yeah, friend of ours rented a cabin up by Lake Hiawatha for the weekend, gonna relax up there. Taking my sister since she just landed here yesterday.”
“Wow, she’s finally in the states?”
“Yeah. Landed yesterday, took an interview, and starts in Legal in a few weeks.”
“That’s quick. I’ll have to congratulate her next time I see her. No problem heading out early, I was thinking of doing the same but didn’t want anyone to see me like this. Have a good weekend.”
“Thanks.” Morgana stood up and walked to the door, but as soon as she put her hand on the knob, she had an idea. Morgana turned back to Bianca. “What are you doin’ this weekend?”
“Now, just sitting at home, watching Netflix, hatescrolling my ex’s Instagram with all the ‘fun’ they’ll have.”
“Come up with us, get away from everything.” Morgana was surprised at what she said, and she’s the one that said it.
Bianca waved it off. “No, that’s okay. I’m okay.”
“No, you’re not. You need to have some fun, get yer mind off of that arse, and just get lost in the woods for a bit. I think you’ll have fun.” Morgana knew all the shit Bianca’s been through for the last few months. “Besides, they have an extra bed and it’s one of these cabins that fit a full footy team and staff.”
Bianca was going to say no on reflex, but thought about it for a second. “You sure they have room?”
“Sure. James said they had 4 bedrooms.” Morgana said. Bianca perked up a bit at hearing James’s name.
“Your friend James rented the place?” Bianca’s voice rose a little at the question.
“Tommy did, but James is up there with him. What’dya say?”
“I don’t know, that’s a long drive.”
“Nonsense. We’ll drive. We’ll pick you up morrow morn, then head on up. Say, 8 or 9ish. Pack stuff for outdoorsy things like a beach and hiking.”
“If it’s okay with everyone, I’m in. I’ll drop off Sophie tonight at Phil’s, put in the message app that I’m going out of town for the weekend to a lake that might not have good cell coverage, and relax. As long as we’re back by Tuesday.”
“Awesome. You won’t regret this.” Morgana said. For the first time in a while, Bianca had a smile on her face. ‘She’s gonna have a great time this weekend,’ she thought to herself as she left her boss’s office.
As Morgana packed up everything for the day, she checked with Aislinn and Drew about when they would finish up and head home. They’d be ready to go in a half hour. She rounded everything up and headed home. A half hour head start wasn’t much, but she did try to make the most of it. She called Tommy, but he didn’t pick up. She sent him a message on WhatsApp, asking how he’s doing and that she missed him. As she pulled into her parking spot at the old apartment, he replied that he missed her too. They chatted for a bit, getting lost in how crazy things have been. They talked about Aislinn, when they were coming up, and other things. She had to wrap things up when she saw Drew’s car pull into the lot and she was still in the car.
Morgana was so wrapped up in talking to Tommy that she forgot to mention Bianca. ‘I’ll tell him later tonight.’
The three of them visited the new house, went shopping, ate some dinner at an Indian restaurant, then went back to the apartment to pack. It was a long and busy night for them. Morgana told Drew and Ais about Bianca, but she felt like she was forgetting something. Drew took the whole thing in stride. He shrugged his shoulders and agreed. It wasn’t until late at night, well after Midnight going into Friday, that she realized that they were bringing Bianca. She sent a message in the group chat, but no one responded. ‘Probably asleep, they’ll see it in the morn.’ With that, she went back to bed, excited for the next day.
As Tommy sat around on the deck, overlooking the forests before him, his phone buzzed. It was Morgana on WhatsApp. He missed her, and she him. They chatted for a bit, talking about how crazy the past week has been, how much they all need a weekend off, and how she missed him. It was that nothing conversation that means everything, and Tommy was glad to have it with her. But it didn’t last, because Morgana said that Drew and Aislinn were coming home soon and she needed to go.
He sat there for a bit, lost in thought when James found him. One of the great things about not having anything to do was the lack of rush. However, it’s quite unsettling to a man like James, who always seemed to be under deadlines. Having a few hours with nothing to do felt weird. After sitting on the deck for a while, they went downstairs for a few games of pool. They played traditional 8-ball, and much to James’s surprise Tommy was quite good at the game. It turns out that one of Tommy’s past times at his fraternity house was playing pool. He preferred 9-ball over 8-ball because of the differences in strategy. In 8-ball, one only has to eliminate their colored balls then pocket the 8-ball on a called shot. In 9-ball, the players have to go through the balls in sequence but if one can sink the 9-ball on a called double shot, they win. James played some in his time and was pretty good in his own right, but couldn’t hustle Tommy even if he tried.
They settled on burgers for dinner when James’s phone buzzed. It was Bob. He needed to meet them about the favor he was calling in. They’d meet up for dinner, hand their phones over, get their supplies, then go to Bob’s boat. The phone part confused Tommy for a moment, but James didn’t fight it. A little back and forth and they chose met at this little place that sold burgers and chips. And fries. They sold fries and chips. They sold what Americans call fries and the rest of the world calls chips but they also sold chips which everyone else calls crisps. HAPPY NOW???!!!
Bob joined the two men for a quick meal. Tommy was in a blue polo shirt, checkered shorts, and boat shoes. James was in a button-up linen shirt and tan shorts with boat shoes, and Bob wore a Hawaiian shirt that was only buttoned up a couple spots and swimming trunks. They all looked like tourists, which is how Bob liked to travel around. As they finished up their meals, a taller, skinny acquaintance of Bob’s arrived, several years younger than him. Bob didn’t introduce him, but the friend knew who Tommy and James were. He asked that they put their phones, ID, wallets, smart watches, and anything else that could have a GPS tracker inside of a small safe. It was a time locked safe, programmed to open at 9AM Friday morning, in a little over 12 hours. They would be driven around the beach and the shops for the next hour before being taken back to the cabin, where they would sit on the kitchen counter, secured to the wall. The whole thing seemed strange to Tommy, but he understood the kind of precautions this entailed. After one last check of the messages, everything was safely locked away. As his associate left, Bob walked James and Tommy over to his boat.
When they arrived on Bob’s boat, there were 3 other men already on it waiting. They introduced themselves under aliases of Troy, Pete, and Darren. Darren was a clean-cut good looking man, like he could be an actor. Pete looked like a drug addict that does stand up, and Troy had a real bad-boy thing going with all of the tats and burns he had. All of the burns were superficial, mostly likely from working in a kitchen. The three of them wore swimming trunks and sandals. Bob introduced James and Tommy as Kanga and Roo. James recognized the men from the last time he was on the beach. Once on board, they unmoored from the dock and James took the wheel at Bob’s request. Tommy didn’t have a clue what was going on, but pretty soon the boat headed for the middle of the lake. The five sat around, playing Texas Hold-em. Tommy was confused, but too nervous to ask what was going on. Bob broke the tension.
“Relax Roo, we ain’t doing shit to you two. You’re here to help with a negotiation I’m working on.” Bob said, dealing the cards for the next round. They had some playing chips they were playing with. Tommy’s stack was right in the middle, behind Troy’s and Pete’s but above James and Darren’s. Bob stayed out of the hand.
“It’s a long story, but the short of it is someone refuses to play by the rules up here. I’ve tried being nice, I’ve tried being mean, I’ve tried playing to their ego and I’ve tried threats. Nothing seems to get through to them. Well, tonight, I found something that will get through to them, and you and Kanga have a specific set of skills that are perfect for making this negotiation a success. I’ll just leave it at that.” Bob said. It was very vague, very oblique, almost like he was talking to Tony Soprano. He left it at that. It took two more hands until Darren was out. James was barely paying attention to the game and was out on the next hand when he went all in on a pair of 3’s against a 3 Jack King showing on the flop. When the Turn card showed a 3, James went all in. The only way he could lose was if the Pete had a pair of Jacks or Kings. Pete had a King and Ace and when the River card came up King of Clubs, he hooted and hollered. While James had 3 of a kind or a full house 3’s over Kings, Pete had a Full house Kings over 3’s, and a Full House beats 4 of a kind. James was out. Next out was Pete, who blew everything in the next three hands to Troy and Tommy. Troy won when Tommy, who was already the short stack, had Ace King when King 2 10 flopped. The turn and River were both 2’s. He would’ve won if Troy didn’t have 2 10 offsuit in his hand and just wanted to see how that hand went. Troy won, so he would go first, followed by Tommy, Pete, James, and Darren. After that, it was anyone’s game. Tommy was still confused until the boat slowed down around a small island in the middle of the lake.
The island didn’t show up on any maps, only cresting a few feet above sea level. There were some beaches on it and a little bit of grass, but that was about it. The entire island was smaller than a football field or a soccer pitch. There were three structures on the island, the pier where another small boat was already docked, and two sheds. They were the kind that was used to store garden tools and whatnot. Bob stood, and flashed a flashlight a couple times to the island.
As Bob’s boat approached, a motor started up on the island, and a series of lights turned on. Tommy couldn’t see what was going on yet, but saw that the lights were pointed at a clearing on the beach and there was some kind of skinny thing in front of it. From this distance, it looked like a camera tripod.
As James maneuvered the boat closer to the island, Bob reached into a box and pulled out ski masks. He gave one to each of the men except himself. Tommy wasn’t sure exactly what was going to happen, but had a feeling that they weren’t going to a bake sale.
They exited the boat onto the dock and then the beach. Two men stood nearby, both wearing similar masks. One was a little taller and skinnier, and the other a short guy. The short guy was fidgeting with the equipment. Upon closer look, Tommy could see two cameras pointing at the landing. The shorter man grabbed a gimble mounted DSLR camera with a mini boom mic attached to it. The taller man approached Bob.
“We’re ready. She’s been awake for about an hour, screaming and crying in the shed. We recorded footage earlier of her identifying herself under the guise we were making a travel documentary. Proof of life has already been shot. She’s still dressed the way she was earlier, like she was headed to a bridal shower or party or something. Security wasn’t a problem. Though, I would like to request a little time with her after your party here.” The man said.
“Thank you, Marcus. Shouldn’t be a problem. Once we’re done, have your fun and clean her up, then we’ll bring her back. I have some plans for her for the next couple days. But first…” Bob said, turning to the men assembled behind him. “You’re wondering why we’re here. Well, let’s find out.” With that, Marcus walked over to the other shed. He opened the door, and a woman came out of the shed. Even in the dark, Tommy could tell she was pretty. She had long dark brown hair, a cute face, and would probably have a pretty smile if she wasn’t screaming and crying. Marcus grabbed her from behind, causing a big scream, as he pulled her to the lit-up area. There, everyone got a good look at her. Especially the cameraman.
“Gentlemen, meet Madelyn Kosar, daughter of Henry Kosar and Barbara Kosar, the husband and wife team behind Kosar Development. They are currently driving up the price of a piece of property I wish to acquire and are not being good sports about things. After multiple attempts at working out a deal with them, I’m forced to play hardball. Madelyn, this isn’t personal, but your parents are making it that way. So we have a game we’re going to play. Right now, you are standing on the middle of a deserted island. No animals live here, no trees grow here, only two sheds stand on its surface. When the tide comes in, the area of this entire beach disappears. If we get a strong enough rain, this island will submerge. On top of that, there’s no food or water. You’re probably a little hungry and very thirsty by this point. I understand. So, you’re trapped here. You are trapped here on a deserted island with…1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8. 8 horny men. 8 very horny men and 1 good looking woman. What do you think is going to happen?”
Madelyn screamed. She couldn’t even form the words to describe her panic. Marcus held her by his side.
“But, I’m not a complete monster, I’m going to give you a fair shot at escape. Behind us are two boats. Both have enough fuel to get to shore and get help. You will have a sixty second head start. After 60 seconds, my friends will come after you. They have to grab you, bring you back here, and strip you completely before they can have any fun. Once they get you naked, they’re gonna rape the shit out of you in a predetermined batting order, then the rest of us are gonna fuck you, too. Do you have anything to say before the clock starts?” Bob said, watching the terror in Madelyn’s face grow as he explained her predicament.
“Please, please don’t do this. I swear I won’t tell anyone.” She was afraid, terrified.
Now Tommy understood why they all wore masks. A few months ago, he’d be sickened at the thought of chasing down and raping this poor, defenseless girl. Now, he’s only mad that the stakes of the poker game was the order of who gets her. If he knew that he would’ve played harder. He sees the way her chest swells with fear, her baby blue dress clings to her sweaty skin, and how ridiculous she looks with those heels on at the beach.
Bob raised his hand, looking at his Rolex. “Oh, you won’t. After we’re done with you, you’ll never want to tell anyone about this. Clock’s running.” Marcus let go of Madelyn, and she froze, trying to figure out where to go.
“50 seconds.” She stumbled towards the docks, her heels sinking into the sand. She tried to run further, falling into the ground. The guys around her laughed. “40 seconds.” Madelyn struggled with taking off her pumps. The strap to her left shoe wouldn’t unbuckle. “30 seconds, you’re nowhere near the boats.” Finally, she removed the last strap and could run. She didn’t get far fast as her feet were too soft for the rocky, sandy shore. “20 seconds.” She was a few feet from the pier. She moved as fast as her body could carry her to the small boat. “10 seconds.” She jumped into the boat, looking for the key to turn, or the start button, anything to turn it on. She couldn’t find it. “5, 4, 3”. She slammed the buttons on the dash, hoping one of them did something. “2, 1. TIME’S UP!” The guys each ran to the pier and the first boat. Madelyn searched for the key in the ignition, around the wheel, near the seat, in a cup holder, anywhere. She couldn’t find it.
Madelyn screamed in frustration as she couldn’t find the key, then screamed in horror as the first pair of hands grabbed her.
Tommy ran past the boat to the end of the pier. At first it looked like he was just an idiot, but Troy caught on pretty quick that he was covering for a potential escape. Pete and Darren reached into the boat and grabbed Madelyn, making her scream. Darren pulled her up by her hair as Pete bear hugged her. Troy moved in to grab the back of her dress while Tommy closed in and got her legs. She tried to kick and claw and scratch, but she wasn’t enough for four men.
“Back to the light.” Troy said, leading the group back to the lit-up area. The cameraman followed, recording the action.
When the guys arrived, they dumped Madelyn on the ground, letting her get to her feet. They circled her, waiting to see which way she’d jump. She looked around. The only one she was bigger than was Pete, so she lunged between him and Tommy. They closed the gap, grabbing her as Darren and Troy grabbed at her dress and pulled. The top half gave way, exposing her in a white strapless bra. With the first look at her tits, they had to be at least a healthy C-cup. Darren pulled harder at the dress while Troy grabbed the back of the bra and pulled, snapping the clips and breaking it off. Madelyn screamed.
“Break.” Bob yelled. The guys looked at him. “Let’er go for a moment, let’s all get a good look at that cunt.” Tommy and Pete let go, pushing her into the center of them. She turned to move, seizing on the opportunity, but Troy grabbed her by the remnants of her dress. “Continue.” Bob yelled. James walked over, enjoying the show. This time Troy held her in place as Tommy and Pete pulled on the last bits of her dress. During the struggle she broke free, but was now almost completely naked, aside from her panties and stockings. She didn’t get far barefoot.
“Bring her back.” Bob said. James leaned in to ask Bob a question.
“Where’s the key for the boat?”
“In my pocket.” Bob said, making James laugh. “C’mon, gotta give’er some hope. Makes it a fun game to watch.”
As the two older men talked, Madelyn was surrounded once again by the guys. This time, she lunged at Tommy, the only one of them not dressed for a swim. Tommy grabbed her and held her tight. “Get the bitches’ britches!”
“Hey that rhymes!” Pete yelled, grabbing her panties in his hand and yanking up hard, giving her a painful wedgie. This gave Darren enough slack to grab the other side and pull them off, ripping them into pieces.
She was now naked, and knew where this was heading. Tommy carried her to a spot under the lights where, while they were playing Strip The Bitch, Marcus had set up a large beach towel. Tommy dumped her on the blanket, holding her down. Troy walked up first, pulling his trunks down.
“Yo, flip the bitch over, I want her to see me. You two, grab her legs.” Pete and Darren helped flip Madelyn over and Tommy kneeled on her wrists once she was in position. Pete grabbed her right leg and Darren the left. Troy knelt, spit on his cock, and lined it up with her trimmed pussy. Madelyn let out a horrible scream as Troy penetrated her, causing her back to arch up. The cameraman caught the look of fear, pain, and disgust on her face as Troy fucked her on the beach. It didn’t take him long before his motions became quick and he was ready to cum. “Oh fuck!” He screamed as he spurted inside her, slamming his hips into her as hard as he could. She cried as he pulled out and climbed up.
“I’m up.” Tommy said. He waited until Troy took his place with Madelyn’s hands before he stood. She felt him get up, then saw him strip. If this were any other situation, she’d love to see him naked. Not tonight, though. Tommy knelt between her thighs and enjoyed the view before he pushed into her. He unzipped his shorts and pulled his dick out after pushing his underwear down. This time, there was no middle ground, no room for debate. He wasn’t drunk like when he raped Morgana in her sleep. He wasn’t fucking Emma and losing control. This time, it was a full-on rape. And he was ready. He pushed into her twat, causing her to wince and cry. She screamed and moaned. As much as he enjoyed fucking her, it was her screams that were hurting his ears. He had an idea.
“Hey, you wanna shut this bitch up?” Tommy said to Pete, the next in line. Pete’s eyes lit up.
“With pleasure. Bitch, you bite down I’ll knock your teeth out.” Pete said as he pulled his dick out of his trunks and held it in front of Madelyn’s face. She kept her mouth shut until he pinched her nose, cutting off her air supply. As soon as she opened her mouth, Pete shoved his cock into it. Meanwhile, Tommy knelt down and sucked on her titties as Pete forced a blowjob from her. Well, blowjob implies she did something. It was more of a facefucking than anything else. Tommy kept fucking her twat while Pete fucked her face. James was up next and took up position near the group. Tommy was nearing his first orgasm of the night when he grabbed onto her hips and slammed hard into her, cumming with force. Madelyn cried at the assault, but it only got worse as Pete busted a nut in her mouth, nearly drowning her. As the two men pulled out and moved, Madelyn laid on the beach blanket.
“Flip the cunt over. I’m coming for her arse.” James said, stripping down. Darren held her in position as he said something to James.
“Wait, let’s do this together. Turn this bitch into a starfish.” Darren laid down on the ground, pulling Madelyn onto him. He slid his dick into her abused pussy, then held her in place. James figured out what was going on when Troy climbed up to Madelyn’s face and slapped her a few times, causing her to open her mouth.
“Make sure she doesn’t bite. I’m going in.” James pushed his dick into her ass without any lube. It hurt like hell, so he could just imagine how much pain she was in. Troy had slipped a ring gag into her mouth as she screamed. James wondered where it came from, but figured it was either Bob or Marcus. Madelyn screamed at the anal intrusion stretching her worse than she’d ever felt before. Troy, satisfied that the ring was in place, pushed his dick into her mouth. Tommy and Pete looked at each other, then went to each side of her, grabbing a hand and wrapping it around their dicks. Madelyn had one dick in her pussy, one in her ass, one in her mouth, and one in each hand. 5 dicks. More than she’d ever had in her life to this point, and all this was likely to get worse.
The cameraman got some great footage of all five men turning her into a ‘starfish’ for a few minutes. Eventually Darren came in her pussy, followed by James in her ass and Troy in her mouth. Tommy then took up position in her mouth as Pete went for her pussy than ass. After those two came on her, Marcus arrived with a riding crop, whipping her on her tits, ass, and the arches of her feet before he made her beg to fuck him. As he was fucking her, the cameraman managed to keep the camera steady while he fucked her in the ass.
The fucking marathon went on from after 10PM until about 2AM. By the time it was all said and done, the men were sore and exhausted and Madelyn was a mess. They had fucked her about 15-20 times and treated her like a whore. She was covered in piss, blood, and cum. A lot of cum. She had bruising over a lot of her lower body and a few slap marks on her face. Nothing that would give her a black eye, but she’d be wearing concealer for a few days. They tossed her in the lake to give her a quick rinse before throwing her in one of the bedrooms on Bob’s boat. At the end, she was a shell of herself when the night started. And since it was a long trip back to the shore, they tied her up and attached some toys to her to force her to cum. She moaned, screamed, and cried most of the way back to shore.
By the time they arrived back at shore, James and Tommy were exhausted. Still, they weren’t the only ones out at 3AM in the Lake Hiawatha Resorts on a Thursday night. They ran into some tourists who were rip roaring drunk and some boat owners who were too drunk to fish, let alone power a boat. That didn’t stop them from getting a few drinks on the way back to the cabin from a guy named Sal. Or was it a Sal named Guy? Somehow, they were able to drive back to the cabin in the golf cart and didn’t get into too much trouble with any of the guards, other campers, employees, or bears. They might’ve scared off a deer with some crazy rendition of Seven Nation Army, but they made it back in one piece.
Tommy passed out around 4AM but had to figure out the manual alarm clocks and old-style telephone to set up a wake-up call. His phone was his alarm, and in the time-lock. James had some plans for brunch or lunch that he knew everyone would enjoy, if they could get there on time.
Tommy thought to himself about how crazy the night turned out. He almost doubted that he had it in him to do that to a woman, but being a stranger made it easier. As long as nothing threw his plans even further into disarray, like a missed text message about another person joining, then he’d feel better about Saturday.