Author Topic: Pharma (Chapter 89 Posted)  (Read 48957 times)

Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 40 Posted)
« Reply #120 on: May 06, 2022, 06:21:12 PM »
Thanks TGH, JustVisiting.  We're coming up awfully quick on the main event, Tommy had better do something to guarantee success.   ;)

Chapter 40 incoming.
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Re: Pharma (Chapter 40 Posted)
« Reply #121 on: May 06, 2022, 06:21:37 PM »
Chapter 40(MF, setup)

The workweek started with a return to normality.  Things were crazy, everyone had their heads up their asses, and James was a dick.  Tommy felt good seeing how things were back to the usual.  It took all day Monday to disassemble and move the large tower crane so that Chuck’s crew could begin excavation for the foundation of the parking garage.  He went through the day, doing paperwork while keeping a loose eye on the work.  He didn’t need to babysit Chuck, but just be available in case something crazy happened like they unearthed a sailing ship or struck oil.  More likely that they’d hit a septic tank, but still crazier shit has happened on a construction site.

Tommy took this time to disappear and make a call to Chuck’s friend Bob.  After a couple rings, a deep voice answered the phone and the two talked for a bit about renting a cabin for Labor Day weekend.  Since it was a holiday weekend, the price would be higher than normal but Bob knocked a few hundred off the price if he booked it from Wednesday through Monday and went with a 4BR off in the middle of nowhere with only one other cabin nearby.  Tommy wasn’t sure he would need that much space, but when he found out he could get a 4-bedroom cabin for the price of a 2 bedroom if he signed up for the extra days, he agreed.  Plus, the larger one had a built-in home theater and hot tub on the deck and one of the baths had a jacuzzi tub.  The smaller one had a pool in the basement but the larger one had a pool in the backyard.  It was also a little further from the resort itself, but this was something Tommy was looking for.  After a quick gathering of details, getting a credit card on file, and bullshitting a little about Chuck and how Tommy knew him, everything was booked.  He asked if there was anything else he needed to do or should bring, but Bob just said that if he needed something, there were places nearby to get what he desired.  Tommy wasn’t so sure of that but went along with it anyway.

Monday finished more or less on a quiet note.  Excavation continued throughout the day and Tommy was able to escape into the office for a little stroll.  Thanks to a little Outlook stalking he knew when Tammy would be in a meeting so he strolled over to her cube.  No one in her row was around so he had a free minute to find her keys and get a better picture of them.  Fortunately for him she was very trusting and left them sitting on top of her desk.  Using the encrypted chat for the Club, he asked Pedro if he needed a better pic of the key, then sent it to him.  Pedro said he was able to confirm what he made earlier matched what Tommy sent.  He smiled to himself.

Morgana texted the group chat, talking about all of the errands she’d have to run for the upcoming move.  Also, Chuck had texted her and said they would do the sewer cam test Wednesday after work.  As long as the test was good, they could close on the house the last Friday before the end of the month.  Drew was excited, as he would be arriving the shortly before and staying in Harbor City for almost a month after that.  Tommy was happy too, as that would be the weekend before Labor Day, not the holiday weekend itself.  He told everyone that he secured the cabin for the weekend.  After a little back and forth, he disclosed the details of the cabin, saying he was able to get a 4-bedroom for the price of a 2 if he selected a couple extra days.  Tommy and James had some vacation time coming up and they would head up a day or two early.  Morgana and Drew would follow up Friday.  Drew made a joke about having all that extra room that went right over everyone’s head.  Morgy mentioned that she had a lot of shopping to do for furniture coming up and that she might need some help looking over the next week.  James politely declined, saying something about how cutting his eyelids off instead of going to IKEA sounded like the preferable alternative.  Tommy agreed to help, but only if they got Swedish Meatballs for dinner.  He assured her they had a veggie alternative and would be good for a trip the next day on Tuesday.  Drew was hesitant, but agreed with her judgement.  Besides, she was only getting furniture needed for the first couple months, they could get more over time.  Anything they picked up that they replaced would be moved to guest rooms and the like.  Once he was in the states on a more permanent basis, he could pick out stuff he liked.

Later that night, JC messaged Tommy for some more details on Tammy.  He wouldn’t tell him when he was going to ‘accept the gift’ but Tommy inferred that it would be sometime later in the week.  Tommy told JC all that he knew about Tammy’s schedule for the week.  She was going to karaoke on Tuesday at a nearby bar named Patti’s to sing with a couple friends, then a coffee date with Tommy on Wednesday and a friend’s birthday party on the Main Shore Thursday night.  Friday was going to be a day off.  JC also asked for some more details on her apartment, car, and if she carried any weapons on her or had any self-defense training.  The most she carried was a can of pepper spray.  JC thanked Tommy for the info, then told him that he’d let him know when things were done.

Tuesday was more of the same at work.  Chuck’s crew kept working at making a big hole for the parking garage while construction continued on the main Pharma HQ.  Morgana made a message in the group chat about going over to IKEA after work.  Tommy said he’d meet her at her place and they’d drive the truck over.  This way if they did get something, they could haul it in the bed of the truck.  James made a joke about that being a good idea since Tommy didn’t carry any tools and had an empty truck bed.

After work Tommy stopped home, took a quick shower, then arrived at Morgana’s place.  When he knocked on the door, Morgana was on a Facetime call with Drew where they were talking about their days and going over some ideas for the furniture.  Drew saw some stuff he liked online and asked her to get some pics of them, get her opinions, and if they had space in the apartment, pick up some of them.  Tommy suggested a storage unit place nearby they could store things at in the time-being.  Drew seemed to like that, and asked if that was something they could do soon.  After a little bit of looking online, they found a place that was still open and located between IKEA and the new house.  While Morgana stepped into the bathroom, Drew and Tommy talked for a bit.  It had been a while since they’d talked and they caught up on some meaningless stuff while Morgy was applying her makeup.  Drew asked Tommy what he thought of Aislinn, seemingly out of the blue.  He told her that she was funny, cute, and fun to talk to.  A moment later, he changed the subject again.  After a few minutes, she returned.  A couple quick goodbyes and I love you’s later, and the call ended.

As soon as Morgana was sure the call was over, she leaned in and kissed Tommy.  He returned the feeling as they made out in the living room.  As much as they wanted to strip each other and fuck right there, they had to get these things done or else have a lot of questions to answer with awkward answers.  They said they didn’t have time, only about 10 minutes or so.  Well, 10 minutes was all they needed for a quickie in the kitchen.  Their kissing and petting increased in activity until Tommy bent Morgana over the countertop, pulled her panties to the side, slipped a rubber on, and fucked her in the kitchen.  A few minutes later, he came, Morgana panting and moaning as he did so.  A few more minutes of cleanup for both of them and they left.

The first stop was the storage locker.  It took about 15 minutes to book a storage unit and they paid for the first two months ahead of time.  They shouldn’t need it any longer than that, but one never knows with a move.  A few minutes later they drove to IKEA for some dinner and furniture shopping.  While driving over, they added another rule to their list.  No public displays of affection.  Hugs and friendly flirting were one thing, but the last thing either of them needs is some co-worker taking a pic of them kissing in a store and Drew getting tagged in it.  That was a smart enough precaution, he thought.

When they arrived at the Swedish furniture store, they immediately got something to eat.  Fortunately, they had vegetarian meatballs and some salads for Morgana.  Tommy crushed a double order of the traditional Swedish meatballs, potatoes, and lingonberry sauce.  After dinner they did a quick walk-through of the store, looking for enough items to fill a bedroom, living room, bathroom, and kitchen.  Since Tommy was still well-versed in college living, he focused on small pieces that were relatively cheap while Morgana went for tastes more like those of a newlywed.  They were there most of the rest of the night but only purchased a few odds and ends.  Tommy mentioned they could take some stuff to the unit and she said it gave them an excuse to meet up later this week, before Drew makes his way home the next week.  Tommy caught the hint.  Morgy sent some pics of some couches and bedframes to Drew and looked at some of the things he asked her to investigate, mostly kitchen equipment and office furniture.  The pair purchases a few of the things Drew said to get, and stopped by the unit before going back to her place. 

When she saw what time it was, she knew she had to call Drew and go to bed.  As much as she wanted to ‘give him a root’, there wasn’t time.  Tommy mentioned that he should have some time after his coffee with Tammy on Wednesday.  Morgana was a little hurt that he was meeting her but said it was just for appearances.  He stumbled across a text from her and they talked a little on Sunday.  At least this way if Tammy starts talking about seeing him again, no one should suspect anything.  Morgana asked him to promise that if he did anything with her to tell her about it.  Better yet, give her a chance to show how she’s better at it.  The ‘cheeky fooker’ look crossed his face before she playfully scolded him.  After a kiss and grope goodnight, he went home and she called her husband.

Wednesday afternoon, Morgana left work early and went to the new house for the sewer cam test.  She met one of Chuck’s people there and after a few minutes, the house was given a clean bill of health.  A little quick back and forth with the realtor and the closing was scheduled for the next Friday.  Drew should be in town a couple days before then and after that they would own a house together.

As that was going on, Tommy was thinking about his meeting with Tammy later that day when he received a text from her.  “Can’t meet tonight, feeling sick.”  A short conversation later and he now had a free Wednesday night to himself.  Just as he was about to tell Morgana that his schedule cleared, he received a weird message.


He didn’t know who the sender was, didn’t have any packages incoming to him, and Amazon was misspelled.  He looked at it a couple times before he realized that this wasn’t from the Messages app on his phone but the encrypted WhatsApp messenger used for Club business.  Tommy finished out the rest of his workday before making a beeline home and logging on to the Club’s website.  After a quick stop to check the cams from Morgana’s apartment and his favorite lesbians Riley and Jordan to save some of the highlights from the last few days, he found the section for messages about offers.  He had one pending message.  He clicked on it.  It started downloading a large .rar folder, a couple gigs in size.  After what felt like an eternity, he extracted and opened the folder.  It contained a few files.  Cam1, Cam2, Cam3, Offer 256712, and a ReadMe.  He clicked open the video.

It was the video of Tammy’s rape.
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Online To-Get-Her

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 40 Posted)
« Reply #122 on: May 07, 2022, 03:06:03 PM »
God with the money they make, you can't tell me that Morgana and Drew can't think of anywhere else to shop besides Ikea! Can't wait to read of Tammy's rape, wondering if Tommy will feel a bit of remorse over it, since he's the reason it's occurring! Merit awarded from me!
When I get around to it, I'll write

Offline justvisiting
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Re: Pharma (Chapter 40 Posted)
« Reply #123 on: May 07, 2022, 07:59:01 PM »
What a cliffhanger  :D

Definitely worth yet another merit.  Truly loving this amazing story!!

Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 41 Posted)
« Reply #124 on: May 10, 2022, 03:37:13 PM »
Thanks TGH, JV.  She likes the aesthetic that the Swedes somehow figured out to put in a box.  They'll pick up nicer furniture in the future, but for some reason supply chains suck.  The best quote they had for furniture delivery was at least 6 weeks.  At least with IKEA, they have some stuff right away.  Whatever they don't want as their main stuff will become Guest Room furniture or random pieces around the house until they get some nicer stuff.

Chapter 41 incoming.
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Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 41 Posted)
« Reply #125 on: May 10, 2022, 03:37:43 PM »
Chapter 41(MF, oral, anal, rape, bond)

Tommy looked at the screen as the video flashed to life.  It was the back of a work van.  It had some shelving, cabinets, and a foam mattress in the middle of the floor.  He paused the video, remembering the ReadMe file.  He opened that up.  It was a plain text file.


Offer 256712
Target:  Tammy Peterson
Conditions for Offer:  1-way from 7050, claimed for services rendered
Location:  3500 Allen Blvd Parking Lot
Special Stipulations:  None

After receiving offer details from 7050, investigation began on how to pursue and acquire target.  Due to unpredictable nature of key for apartment and status of security cameras in building, alternative location was needed.  7050 provided vehicle make and model and schedule for target during the week.  Target was tracked to a local bar where acquisition was contemplated but initially turned down.  Security in parking lot of bar prevented acquisition there.  Plan changed to acquiring target in apartment parking lot with off-site performance.  Security cameras were circumvented via vandalism by flying a drone overtop of and then damaging the camera.  Precautions were taken to keep vehicle from being identified.

Video files included are 3 camera angles and an edited version of all three assembled in Premier Pro.  First angle was overhead from inside of vehicle (Master shot), second angle was tighter shot of where the target was stationed, and third was a handheld shot.

Enjoy.  I know I did. :)


Tommy unpaused the video.  The interior lights flashed to life as the back doors opened.  A pale red-haired woman wearing a red shoulderless long sleeve shirt, a white pleated skirt, and a pair of knee-high white leather heeled boots is dumped unceremoniously in the back of the van.  This is Tammy.  A man wearing a ski mask and coveralls stands over her.  As she starts to move, the man zaps her with a stun gun, eliciting a scream before she goes limp.  Before she can defend herself, her arms are pulled behind her back and her wrists are zip-tied.  A gag is forced into her mouth, followed by a small rag.  The gag looks like some kind of circular ring.  Her feet are pushed into the van and chained together, then connected to chain on the floor that has no slack.  The door closes, and the light goes out. 

The video cuts to Tammy squirming and crying in the van for a couple minutes in mostly complete darkness, driving over some rough terrain as things bounce around in the back.  After a bit, the door opens and the lights come back on.  Tammy is petrified.  The man grabs her and unchains her feet before pushing her back down hard on the foam mattress.  He grabs at her shirt and pulls it down, exposing her tits.  They’re pale, somewhere between a B and a C cup, and have nipples about the size of half-dollars.  She wasn’t wearing a bra tonight.  The man in the mask stands over her and pulls her to the edge of the van.  He flips up her pleated white skirt, exposing a pair of white tights or stockings.  A couple rips at it and the tights tear open.  He rips at them more, exposing her bodysuit and panty-covered crotch.  A couple unsnaps of the bodysuit and another yank as he tears her panties off, exposing her pubic hair, a neatly trimmed red landing strip.  The man unzips his coveralls, showing that he’s naked and aroused underneath.  Tammy shakes her head violently back and forth, knowing what’s coming.

The video cuts to the man grabbing some lube and spreading it on Tammy’s pussy and his cock before he puts it back.  He grabs another smartphone and records his assault on her.

“Smile for the camera, bitch.”  The man says, focusing the camera on her face, then tits, then her pussy as he pushes his cock in, then back to her crying face as he rapes her.  He fucks her, the camera moving up and down showing what he’s looking at.  Her face, her tits, the way the boots and tights feel against him, her face again as he pulls the rag out of her mouth, showing the ring gag. 

The screen cuts to the various angles, whichever was better for the current shot.  The man’s actions sped up as he approached his orgasm.  Before he blew his load, he grabbed Tammy’s long, red hair and pulled her up off of the mattress as he pulled his dick out of her twat.  In one move that has been practiced before, he plunged his dick into hole in her mouth that was forced open by the ring gag and nearly choked her.  Her eyes bulged as she felt him cum in her mouth, and she panicked as she couldn’t breathe.  Only after he was done did he let go, and she involuntarily coughed, spitting most of his semen onto her red bodysuit.

“Uh oh, someone made a mess.  Guess I’ll have to make a mess in return.  How about that nice little ass of yours?  Ever been fucked in the shitter, you little whore?”  Tammy shook her head in futility, knowing what he was going to do.  The man reached over and grabbed a pair of bungee cords and used those to secure Tammy’s feet over her head, bending her in a very awkward angle.  Her ass was exposed as she laid on her arms behind her back.  He grabbed some more of the lube and applied a generous portion to her puckered little asshole and his dick.  After taking a closeup with the phone, he aimed it at her ass as he forced his dick into her ass.

“You…might want to relax a little.  Just saying.”

The man pushed into her bowels, causing her to shriek in pain.  The other cameras caught her agony as he pushed further and further into her until he bottomed out.  Once there, he fucked her ass in this bent over position for a solid 10 minutes before he came inside her bowels.  When he pulled out, her ass was a mix of semen, blood, shit, and santorum.  He let it all drip out, making a big mess of her white skirt.

After this, the man spent some time cleaning himself and Tammy up, spraying bleach cleaner on her red bodysuit shirt.  It will stain her shirt, but will kill the seed she spit up.  He also cleaned up her ass and pussy a little bit, but not much.  Just enough to destroy some potential evidence.  He then closed the door.  The lights in the back of the van turned out.

A few more minutes of driving in the dark and the door opened again.  This time he had a weapon in his hand.  It looked like a pistol.  He leaned in close to her.

“I know who you are, I know where you live, I know everything about you.  You tell anyone about this, I’ll come back and fucking kill you.  Got it?”

Tammy nodded.

“I’m going to untie you and remove this from your mouth.  You scream, you die right here.  Got it?”

Tammy nodded.

The man removed the bungees from around Tammy’s ankles and pulled her up by the hair to a sitting position.  He undid the gag from around her head.  She didn’t say anything, too afraid to speak.  He pulled her shirt back up, covering her tits.  He held something in front of her.  It was her purse.  Instead of handing it to her, he tossed it behind him.

“Go, get.”  She leaped out of the van and out of view.  The door closed and the lights turned off.  End of video.


Tommy couldn’t believe what he fucking saw.  Here was his ex-girlfriend being the victim of a vicious attack by a complete stranger, because he set her up for it.  He was disgusted with himself, not sure whether he should be sick or turned on.

He unzipped his pants and replayed the video.
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Online To-Get-Her

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 41 Posted)
« Reply #126 on: May 10, 2022, 06:49:22 PM »
Damn I was hoping that at least two would use Tammy in a little spit roasting action! Maybe she'll be used once more. I love how Tommy started to feel conflicted about what he caused but didn't take his eyes off the video while it played!  Merit awarded from me!
When I get around to it, I'll write

Offline justvisiting
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Re: Pharma (Chapter 41 Posted)
« Reply #127 on: May 10, 2022, 08:28:01 PM »
Merit earned

Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 42 Posted)
« Reply #128 on: May 13, 2022, 08:52:08 PM »
Thanks TGH, JV.  I also just posted another story in the Mixed Grouping section called VETO.  The events in that tie in to the upcoming events and over the next couple weeks a lot of questions will be answered.  It also puts a couple more pieces on the chess board for this story.

Chapter 42 incoming.
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Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 42 Posted)
« Reply #129 on: May 13, 2022, 08:52:38 PM »
Chapter 42(MF, setup)

After Tommy’s offer was accepted by the Club, he discussed his crazy plan with Pedro.  As Pedro said, “It’s not the craziest thing I’ve heard this year, but it’s in the top 5.”  The Club’s Admin gave Tommy authorization to discuss this with one or two other members, and if the plan was solid they could go ahead with it.  He sent messages to the only two other members of the Club that he’s met in person, James and Steve.  They agreed to meet Sunday for breakfast at Steve’s house.

It was getting late into the evening when Morgana messaged Tommy, asking how his coffee date went.  He froze, completely getting lost in what he saw happen to Tammy and talking to Pedro and such.  He replied that she cancelled on him at the last minute and he got lost in some work.  She asked if he’d be free to come over tonight or if he wanted to meet tomorrow after work?  After a cheeky ‘Why not both?’ GIF he waited until she messaged him in WhatsApp that she was calling Drew and he could head over any time after 15 minutes.  He decided to take his personal car instead of the truck, just to change things up.  Just in case any of the neighbors suspected something with a work truck there all the time.  A little after 9:30PM, Morgana messaged him to let him know it was clear to come over and to wait until she pinged him again when the coast was clear.  About a half hour later, Tommy was in her parking lot, waiting for the go-ahead.

As he sat in the parking lot, he thought about everything that had happened in the last few weeks, and how he ended up here.  Everything he was told to believe about how to be a good man and how the world worked failed him, but every deceitful and dastardly thing he’s done has led him here.  Sitting in his car, waiting for a most beautiful woman to message him to come up and fuck her.  Instead of walking away or finding another way to get Morgana to leave Drew or something else, he’s toying with one of the craziest ideas ever.  There were so many ways this could go horribly wrong.  What if things got out of hand and someone got hurt or killed?  What if some random passerby goes by the cabin and asks ‘what’s that noise?’  What if someone slips a name?  What if this isn’t enough to push Drew away?  But most importantly, what if this is too much for Morgana and she never recovers?

Those thoughts took a backseat as his phone dinged.  It was Morgana, the coast was clear.  He exited his car and climbed the stairs.  She opened the door, leaning from behind it.  As she made sure he was alone, she let him in, closing and locking the door behind him.  It was only after the door was closed that he realized why she was leaning from behind the door.

She was naked.

They didn’t say anything.  She kissed him right away and they made their way to the bedroom, stripping off his clothes along the way.  Morgy was already hot and bothered when he arrived, and it didn’t take him long to rubber up and get down to business.  They screwed on her bed multiple ways for almost an hour before he came.  He made sure that she had at least a couple orgasms of her own in the mix.  They collapsed on the bed, getting lost in conversation.  She told him that she’d been thinking of him all day and couldn’t help but think of him talking with Tammy, him going through the motions, imagining it was her he was fucking instead.  She was a little disappointed when the date didn’t happen. 

That’s when she had a naughty idea.  Morgana climbed on top of Tommy and slid down his body and engulfed his cock in her mouth.  Between kisses and licks, she asked him to tell her a story, a naughty story of one of the times he fucked Tammy.  If she liked the story, she’d let him know.  He was stunned for a moment, trying to keep his focus but eventually got going, telling a story of how one time when they were dating they went to the bar and she wore this little red and black checkered skirt and a spaghetti strap tank and after a few drinks they go back to her place and they start fucking.  “Gimme details, what’s she like?”  Morgana said between sucks.  Tommy stumbled on the details but got the story out.  During the story, the details got muddied and he included things that didn’t happen that night.  She wasn’t tied up, it wasn’t the back of a van, she wasn’t wearing a white skirt, and he didn’t cum in her mouth.  He interposed details of one of his sessions with the video he just watched.  Morgana kept sucking his dick until it was time to shift into a 69.  Tommy was glad, because he couldn’t focus on the story anymore.  After a few more minutes and him bringing her to climax with his patented alphabet technique, he exploded in Morgana’s mouth.  A roll, spit, and wipe later and they were kissing on the bed.  She checked her phone, making sure the alarms were set.  She asked if he could stay there until she fell asleep before he left.  As much as they both wanted him to stay, they knew it was a bad idea.

About twenty minutes later, she was asleep and he was driving home.  He arrived, logged in to the Club’s website, saved footage from the spy cams, and went to bed.

The next day Chuck sent the sewer cam footage confirming that the pipes were good.  Morgana was ecstatic as this meant they could close on the house as soon as the next Friday.  After some congratulation messages in the group chat, everyone came up with a battle plan.  James would work with someone early next week to set up the security system and that could be installed as soon as they closed.  Tommy would help Morgana with furniture shopping and moving things into the storage unit, and Drew would wire the down payment money to the bank.  Morgana would also have to call all of the various places like homeowner’s insurance companies and the like.  Morgana mentioned that they had a lot of stuff to get as far as furniture and home goods were concerned and that it would take most of the weekend.  They would buy as much as they could, put it in the storage unit, then move it in after the house closing.  Morgana asked James if he wanted to come along and go drapery shopping.  The older man laughed.  Drew made an excuse about how he’d love to, but couldn’t.  She almost took that as a key to start a fight, but Tommy intervened and volunteered to ‘take one for the team.’  Drew said he owed him one when he came back.

‘He has no idea’ Tommy thought to himself.

Both Thursday and Friday nights consisted of the same pattern.  After work, Tommy would take a shower and meet Morgana at her place.  After a quick fuck, they’d grab a bite somewhere nearby then grab a few things from stores like IKEA, BBB, Target, or wherever.  They’d go to the storage unit, drop off everything, fool around for a bit out of view from everyone, then drive back to her place and say goodnight before Morgana called Drew to wrap up the night.  Saturday things changed up.  Morgana woke up early to call Drew when it nighttime for him.  For the first time in a while, Drew was feeling a little frisky and was down for some fun on Facetime.  Morgana gladly obliged.  After sending Drew to bed satisfied, she called Tommy and told him to come over.  He didn’t need to be told twice and they fucked before going furniture shopping.  They spent most of the day out and about, trying very hard to stick to the no PDA rule and almost failing a couple times throughout the day.  After a few trips to the storage unit, they had enough furniture and items to live in the new house.  It might not be the greatest or stuff they would keep long-term, but it was good enough for moving in.  They wrapped up the night with dinner at a Thai place before retiring to her place for another roll in the hay, so to speak.

Since Drew would be flying back in a few days, they agreed to put a pause on things after Sunday night.  Just in case one of them got clumsy and left a bruise or bitemarks or something, this would give them time to heal.  They would do one more shopping trip Sunday afternoon into evening, and by shopping trip they’d get takeout and fuck until it was time to leave.  As much as Morgana missed Drew and his cooking, there was something to be said about the simple pleasures like bad, simple food.  But first, Tommy had to do something for brekky.


Throughout the week, Tommy tried to figure out how to pitch this to Steve and James.  James already knew the basics of the plan and probably told Steve, but Tommy needed to sell it.  More importantly, he needed to sell it to himself.  He even brought his laptop and made a quick PowerPoint if that’s what it took to get them on board.

Tommy arrived at James’s townhouse around 8AM, then the pair drove over in James’s truck to Steve’s house.  The reasoning was that James already knew how to get there but if Tommy drove, he’d have to put the info into GPS.  They had Tommy turn off GPS location data on his phone and laptop after getting to James’s house, as a precaution.

James drove up at a brick Craftsman house in Empire, west of Harbor City.  It was a drab looking building, the brick a depressing shade of brown following years of neglect.  The yard looked like it was similarly neglected with large patches of brown scattered throughout.  The house was a two-story on a level lot with a small front porch.  A detached garage stood to the left of the house.  Three vehicles sat in the stone driveway.  The first was a Dodge Magnum sitting on jack stands which was parked close to the garage.  The next vehicle was a white Quad Cab RAM 1500 with “Red Briar Security” blazoned on the side.  The third vehicle was an older red Toyota Tacoma access cab with “Mapleton Realty” on the doors in white vinyl.  James parked his “Harbor City Contracting” F-150 work truck in front of the red Tacoma.  James and Tommy both hopped out and walked to the front porch.  Tommy saw two trucks parked in front of them.  James knocked, waiting for a voice.

“It’s open.”  Steve’s voice came from the dining room.  James walked in first, followed by Tommy.  The older man led the way to the through the living room and a quick turn into the dining room, where Tommy saw two people sitting at the table and another bringing in food from the kitchen.  He recognized Steve, the barrel-chested man with the slightly graying hair and glasses wearing an old t-shirt and a pair of gym shorts bringing a bowl full of scrambled eggs to the table.  He didn’t recognize the other two people.  One was a middle-aged white man also dressed in an old t-shirt.  He was chunkier than Steve, his hair was balding at the top of his head but still kept a dark hue.  The other person was a young Asian woman, maybe mid to late 20’s dressed in a sports bra that contained and concealed her breasts.  She had a tight body, a couple ear piercings, a small hoop in her nose, and pink hair that went down to the middle of her back.  Tommy recognized her from some of the videos on the Club’s website.

“Hi, I’m Bubbles.  You must be Twinkletoes.”  She extended her hand.  James got a chuckle out of seeing Tommy squirm a little.  Tommy shook her hand.

“I guess I am.”  He shook her hand, then let go.  She was very attractive on screen, and even better looking in person, but he did his best to hide that.  Tommy turned to the chunky man and stuck out his hand.  He reached out and grabbed Tommy’s in return.

“Most of us know each other’s real names.  We’re a small enough crowd here.  I’m Sam.”


“Yeah, we’re all mates ‘ere.”  James said, before going over to Bubbles.  “James.”

“Bubbles.  Name’s Kim but around here I go by Bubbles.”  She shook the Aussie’s hand.  “We all know the big man behind me, Steve.”  She tilted her head behind her in Steve’s direction.

“Sup?”  Steve said, bringing the bowl of eggs to the table.  “Sit, eat, I’m bringing coffee.  How you guys like it?”

“Like their women.”  Sam said between bites of food.

“Ground up and in the freezer?”  Bubbles quipped.  Tommy’s eyes shot wide open.  ‘Who the fuck are these people?’ he thought.  It wasn’t until Sam and Steve laughed that he caught the joke.

“Dude, really?”  Tommy laughed nervously at Bubbles, the only other person in the room young enough to know what Skrillex or Snapchat are.  James put his lappy down on the table and helped himself to some eggs and bacon.  Tommy did the same.

The group made some small talk while they finished breakfast.  Tommy learned that he was the newest member of the Club.  Sam and Steve brought in James a few months back and Bubbles met Sam and Steve a month or so before that when they helped her with her then-girlfriend.  Tommy asked if that was the Brittany video, and Bubbles said yes.  It was kind of awkward at first talking about sex and rape over eggs and bacon when everyone in the room has seen the others naked at least once on video and some in the flesh.  After splitting up with Brittany, she moved into an apartment complex near Collegetown that Sam owned.  Sam owned Maple Gardens, the rental company that had shitty apartments all over the city but some nicer places too.  Sam and Bubbles have become a team over the last few months.  They’re not exactly dating but like going hunting and they occasionally team up for a little fun with some girls she brings home from the bar.  She’s still gay, but appreciates Sam for more than just a dick.  Steve and James talked about setting up a cam system in Morgana’s new house similar to what they have in the apartment.  Steve said he’d look into it, but it might not be him or anyone else they know that can do it if they’re involved in whatever Tommy had to pitch.

As Steve cleared the table, Tommy opened his laptop and pulled up a PowerPoint he made over the last few days.  Before he could say anything, Sam motioned everyone to go down to the basement.  He and James followed Sam and Bubbles downstairs.  It was fully set up and remodeled as a well-equipped gym.  This also included a 70” 4K TV mounted to the wall.  Sam pointed to it.

“Use that for your pitch.”  As Tommy went and connected to the big screen, everyone else sat on the chairs and a small loveseat across from it.  Sam and Bubbles were in the loveseat, Steve and James each in a chair.

“Wow, it’s like Pampered Chef, but for rape.  Do we each get a free spatula?”  Bubbles quipped, squeezing in next to Sam on the couch.

“Only the double-ended kind with bumps on it.”  Steve said dryly.  Tommy figured his way around Steve’s TV and started the PowerPoint.  On it, a rather innocuous picture of a cabin from Lake Hiawatha came on the screen.  The title text was “Vacation to Remember”.

“Good morning everyone, I’m Tommy, and here’s my proposal for a Vacation to Remember.”  Tommy hit the space bar on his laptop.  The next screen showed a couple pictures of a cabin, along with one of Drew and Morgana Williams.  Tommy read from the screen.

“The purpose of this is to plan a Club-related event in which the guest of honor is one Morgana Williams.  It is to take place over Labor Day weekend at a rented cabin in a nearby lakeside resort.”

“How nearby?”  Sam asked.

“Lake Hiawatha.” 

“Seriously?  That’s a three-hour drive.”  Steve spoke up.

“Please leave all questions until the end.”  Tommy replied before continuing.  “The purpose of this for me is to drive a wedge between the couple to the point they separate.  For everyone else, well, see for yourselves.”  Tommy clicked the space bar.  It showed a collection of pics of Morgana dressed to the 9’s, from her wedding, from the night she wore that little black dress a week ago, pics of her naked, and so on.  “This would be an opportunity for anyone who takes part to get them a piece of this.”  Tommy waved his hand at the screen as he skipped forward to a collection of GIF’s he made of her fucking.  Most were of Drew but a couple had him in there as well, as well as her masturbating.

“They’re both pretty cute.”  Bubbles said.

“Yes.  They’re both cute and it is a long drive.  That’s why this isn’t the normal grab-and-go or home invasion.  The idea we’re currently moving along with is a combination of multiple tactics.”  Tommy clicked to the next slide.  It was labeled ‘Family Activities’.  He kept reading.

“All of us here are members of this Club.  I’m the newest so I don’t know if there’s a specific name to these methods so I’ll call them what I’ll call them.  Because of the high stakes involved and the main purpose of driving Drew away, he has to see things he can’t unsee.  That means not just one or two guys fucking Morgana, but everyone.  Even tainting their lovemaking by perverting it.  That means using all of us.  But that brings us to a problem.  James and I are good friends with the couple.  The only way we could be involved is if we were forced by the assailants to take part.  It gives us plausible deniability while also giving us a chance to enact some fantasies.”  Tommy looked right at James as he said that last line.

“How many people you need?”  Steve asked.  Tommy clicked on the computer and brought up the next slide, titled ‘Party Supplies’.  It listed the people and equipment needed that he knew of so far.

“I figure at least 2 armed or several unarmed.  It’s easier to get two guys with guns than a half dozen guys with knives.  It has to be convincing that we were overpowered or scared into letting this happen.”  Tommy said.  He looked over the others in the room, gauging their reactions.  Bubbles whispered in Sam’s ear.

“Two guys and a girl if you’re talking to us.  She could be crowd control on the inside.”  Sam said.

“You get two of them out of the cabin, then run across a wounded hiker who hurt her ankle.  That’s me.  I limp in with one of them.  Down the trail a couple minutes, these two jump out in masks and with guns and coral the rest and bring them back.  I’m inside the cabin so when they come back and the one who helped me tries to run, I pull a gun on them and we start this whole party.”

“Make it look like a robbery first, then when we don’t find what we want, we take it out on Morgana.”  Steve said.

“Exactly.”  Bubbles replied.

“This is why it’s important to have SME’s do the plannin’.”  James said, smiling a little. 

“Sounds like Inside Man with a hint of Damsel in Distress.”  Sam said.

“How long this gonna be?”  Bubbles asked.  Tommy looked back at the slide.

“I’m expecting a day or two at least, maybe three at the outside.  Depends on the planning and when everything is in place.”  Tommy said.

“Three days.  That’s gonna require a lot of supplies.  How you getting those up there?”  Sam asked.

“We’re goin’ up as tourists, bringin’ cameras and shite.  Food too.”  James said.

“Doesn’t give me much to get my kit up there.  Looks kinda sus if a woman robber busted out a strap-on from her luggage that she just happened to have nearby.”  Bubbles said, looking at the shopping list on the screen.

“Agreed.  How kinky are they?”  Sam asked, his arm around Bubbles.

“Not that kinky that she’s peggin’ ‘im.”  James replied.

“Oooh, I got an idea.”  Steve said excitedly.

“You have an idea.”  Sam instantly retorted.

“Shut up Grammar Nazi.  We have some friends that might be able to help with that.  I don’t know if they’ll be available, but they could pull Karen goes on a Romantic Getaway.”  Steve said.  It took a moment for Sam to catch on about who he was talking about.

“Oh, that’s right.  She’s been trying to have some fun for a while.  Took a bit but she finally had an offer that went through.”  Sam said.

“Wait, who?”  Tommy asked, lost in the conversation he was supposed to lead.

“A couple friends of ours.  You’ve probably seen his work if you’ve seen any of ours and you’re talking about an Inside Man job.  Anyway, his wife recently joined but she’s only dabbled a bit.  Still looking for the right conditions to go all out.  Took her a while to get a second offer on the table since the first one fell through.”  Sam said.

“Fell through?”  James asked.

“Yeah, Pedro vetoed it.”  Sam replied.

“Wait, Pedro vetoed an offer?”  James sounded shocked.

“Yep.  Only the second time in 15 years.  Something about she was married to the mob or something.  I didn’t get all the details.”  Steve said.

“I heard her husband was a suspect in six murders, and her brother in law was some straight up monster.  Like one time killed a dude in a woodchipper in front of his girlfriend then made her eat him while he made her brothers fuck her.  Then killed the brothers while they were fucking her.”  Bubbles told the group. 

Tommy read the room.  This was a crazy story.  Steve looked shocked.  Sam shrugged it off as too unbelievable.  James, he looked like he’d heard this story before and knew a little more than everyone else.  Tommy was more than intrigued by that.  Then Sam spoke up.

“Nah, that wasn’t what J..our friend told us.  He didn’t go into too many details but his wife made an offer for someone she worked with.  Real cute woman in the construction business.  Turns out Pedro knows her.  He didn’t veto because he knew her, but because she knew some people Pedro didn’t want getting involved in our business.”

“Like her brother’s an FBI Agent?”  Steve said.

“Nah, not FBI, but damn close.  She knows people that know FBI, let’s put it that way.  That scared the shit out of Pedro.  But that’s not what scared our friend the most.  He got a message from another member one day, from an account that’s never used, telling him he’s glad he followed Pedro’s advice.  He’d hate to take him fishing.”  As Sam said that, James’s eyes went as wide as saucers.  Only Tommy saw this.

“Fishing?”  Bubbles asked.

“That guy sent our friend a pic from an old newspaper, ‘Local Man Found Dead After Fishing Accident.’  Our friend heard about it through the grapevine, but years ago one of the members was sloppy and was almost arrested.  Not by some local cop either, but one of those detectives that knows what they’re doing.  Man gets sent out of town to lay low for a couple days.  Next thing anyone knows, he’s murdered and his body dumped in the middle of a lake.  Washed up on shore a couple days later.  The clipping was of that guy that washed up onshore.”  Sam looked a little different after telling the story.

“Jesus Christ.”  Steve said.

“Jesus Christ wants nothin’ to do with that fooker.”  James said under his breath, just loud enough for the others to hear.

“What?”  Bubbles said, looking at James.

“Huh?  Oh, nuthin’.  Just a story I heard a few years ago.  Anyways, Tommy, what’s the plan for the week and documenting things for posterity?”  James turned to the young man up front to change the subject.

“Right.  A big part of this depends on the timing of when Drew and Morgana can come up to the cabin.  I’m paying for it, so they don’t have an excuse for not showing up.  Initial plans are we, James and I, show up either Wednesday night or Thursday morning.  We set up the cabin with hidden cameras if needed that day.  Drew and Morgana arrive either Thursday or Friday.  Enjoy the lake, have fun.  Saturday morning, this plan gets executed.  Then spend the next two days doing everything to Morgana and Drew you can think of while we, James and I, are forced into things.”  Tommy went back to the computer and hit the space bar.  The next slide was ‘Questions and Concerns’.  “So, any questions, problems, or concerns?”

“I have one big problem with this.  I know them.”  Steve said at first to Tommy, then turned to the rest of the crowd.  “It’s been almost 6 months, but I’ve met them.  I’ve been to a meeting with him and might’ve bumped into both of them at a soiree back in March.  I didn’t see them in the June party, and Drew wasn’t in the last quarterly meeting.  I’ve spoken to him a while back and in meetings he’s been in.  That could be an issue.”  When Steve finished, he looked around the room.  “Doesn’t mean I don’t wanna fuck her brains out, just that I shouldn’t be the one talking.”

“Where they from?”  Bubbles asked.

“Melbourne, Australia.  He’s going back and forth for work every few weeks, she’s up here.  Currently live in Farrell but they’re buying a house over in Hillside.”  James added the extra bit, because he had a feeling she’d ask about their schedules and locations.

“So they’re basically white?  Got it.  I can be the voice if needed, dye my hair back to black, take out the colored contacts, or keep everything crazy, get some good looking fake tats, and really lay it on thick with the Chinky Engrish.”  The men looked at Bubbles, unsure how to react.  “What?  It’s okay if I say it.  Planning out a gang rape is cool, but casual racism is where we draw the line?”  Sam started laughing, then hugged her.  “Besides, I know my advantage.  Most white people can’t tell the difference between us, and when I dye my hair black, I’m just another cute Asian girl named Kim.  There’s millions of us running around.  If I do most of the talking, they’ll focus on me more than the guys.  Plus, if I’m doing the Damsel in Distress, they have to see my face to trust me.  They’ll have my face and voice, but I blend in to a crowd when I want to.  They’ll have to stay masked up the rest of the weekend.”  Bubbles pointed to Sam and Steve.

“Good point.  You’re the bait, have to be the voice and MC for the most part, unless someone else joins the party.”  Sam said to the woman next to him.

“What about you?”  Bubbles asked.

“I can talk, but I should keep it to a minimum.”

“What about other supplies, like guns?”  James asked.

“I got that.  You’d be amazed what you’d find cleaning out apartments in the hood.”  Sam said.  Steve nodded along.

“Figure a pistol each, maybe a shotgun and an AR between us.  We’re not using them, but will scare the shit out of them.  Need blanks and maybe one to two with real rounds just in case.  Like with Teagan and Aly.”  Steve said.

“Agreed.”  Sam replied.

“Food will be on us, we’ll bring enough to stock the fridge, throw some beers and booze in there.  One more thing.  Morgana’s off her birth control and trying for a baby with Drew.  Had her IUD removed two weeks ago, still no period yet.”

“That’s common.  It can take a while for her to be fertile.  Some women it’s right away, others their cycle has to restart.”  Bubbles responded.

“Anything else?”  Tommy asked the group.  They looked at each other as he advanced to the next screen which just said ‘Thank You.’

“Give us a few minutes to discuss this, go hang out upstairs in the dining room.”  James said.  Tommy thought for a moment about arguing to stay, but changed his mind.  He went upstairs.  As soon as he was there, the group talked.  Steve spoke up first.

“Gotta say, not a terrible plan.  Still a hundred ways it can go wrong, but pretty solid.”

“Wait, so his ultimate goal is that we rape his girlfriend so hard in front of her husband that he brakes mentally and Tommy swoops in like some White Knight to save the day?”  Bubbles put it as succinctly as she possibly could.

“Yep.”  All of the men said at once.

“Crazy shit men do for love.”  Bubbles said.

“Huh?”  James asked, like he wanted her to clarify her statement.

“He obviously loves her in his own way, but has the weirdest way to getting to it.  Instead of just confronting her and her husband or getting her to leave him or waiting until their infidelity caught the best of them, he’s going to force the issue by putting her through so much hell that he leaves her in disgust.  Dumbest idea I’ve heard in a long time but planning is good and they’re both pretty hot.  If we do this, I’m fucking them both at once.  I’m gonna fuck him in front of her and then fuck her in front of him then fuck them both, maybe both in the ass while they’re fucking.  I’ll peg his ass while he’s fucking her.  God damn…”. Bubbles trailed off for a moment lost in thought.  The guys looked at her a little shocked and confused, but surprisingly cool with it.

“So sounds like she’s in.  You Sam?”

“If she’s in, I’m in.  You?”  Sam turned to Steve.  He nodded, then spoke.

“We have to work out the final details, but it’s just crazy enough to work.”  Steve said.

“Three should be good enough, but I want to run this past Joe and Mari, they might be useful getting stuff in.  They show up at the wrong place at the right time for a romantic getaway, carrying a whole bunch of sex toys and stuff right as some armed hoodlums break in.  Plus, he might be willing to take a hit or two.  That could keep everyone else in line.”

“Good idea.”  Steve said before continuing.  “I’ll check around with a couple people if we need more.  This right here and Joe and Mari are more than enough for just Drew and Morgana, but if more come in we might need a backup for crowd control.  We have to subdue, what, 6 people realistically at most with just us three?  Any more show up, we need another body.”

“Who you thinking?”  Bubbles asked.

“Either Ray or JC.”  Steve added.

“Not Ray.”  James interjected.  Everyone looked at him.  James had never worked with Ray on a project like this, but immediately shut him down.

“Why not?”  Steve asked, slightly offended that James didn’t want to work with his friend.  James leaned in closer, motioning everyone in to a tight circle.

“A friend of mine told me not to trust him, and I trust that friend.  He told me that Ray’s ticker has some issues and that he’s one coke-binge away from dying on a job.”

“Who’s this friend of yours?”  Steve asked.

“Ever hear of Bob Kuntzmann?”  Just at the mere mention of his name, Sam’s eyes went wide.  He could barely contain his excitement.

“Holy…you mean Big Bobby K of Hiawatha County…The guy who owns, well, that?  He’s your friend?”  Sam pointed to the TV that showed clips of the presentation.

“Yeah, and he’s yours too as long as ya don’t piss in his Cheerios.  Which, by the way, Joe came very close to doing.”  James had to bring his voice back down to a whisper.

“What do you mean?”  Sam asked, his expression changing from excited to confused.

“That offer from Joe that Pedro vetoed.  Was her name Angie?”  At the mention of the name, Sam’s expression changed from confused to fearful.

“Mari’s, but yeah.  Angela.  What do you know?”  Sam said, waiting for James who paused for a moment.

“I didn’t know anything about the offer until just now, but those stories lined up with what I know of her.  Her name’s Angie Hartman, she’s a good friend that we work with.  Her and her hubby own a construction business.  Chuck’s a good guy but grew up in Veneto, gang banging with Bobby K.  Before she got with Chuck, she was Bob’s girl.  They ran into some crazy shit with the neighbors up at the lake.  They broke up when her asshole brother cop served Bob divorce papers at his son’s birthday party.  Years later she’s dating Chuck when the asshole cop, who Bob only calls That Mother Fucker, starts investigating a fookin’ cult for sex trafficking.”

“Wait, why does this sound like First-“

“First Union Holy Church?  Yeah.”  James cut off Steve.

“Holy shit.”  It’s all Steve could say.

“Long story short, Angie, Chuck, Bob, and That Mother Fucker were tied up taking down a cult that ran the largest child sex trafficking ring in North America.  TMF arrested about 200 people in total.  Somewhere between 50-100 either died or disappeared.  That’s where Bob and his friends come in.  Steve, yer right about her hubby being a suspect in half a dozen murders.  Chuck took out two corrupt cops then helped Bob and the crew take care of Natalie Daniels.  He and Bob put Natalie’s boyfriend through the woodchipper, then fed him to her while they fooked’er.  The shit with the brothers, that happened.  Bob pulled the trigger and watched as their heads exploded while they were forced to fook their sister.  Then after he had his fun, he sold Natalie into slavery.  TMF found her in South Sudan, missing a few body parts but still alive.  She lives in a state prison hospital as an example of why you don’t fuck with his girls.  He killed that guy that almost got busted just to piss off TMF.”  James looked at their faces.  Bubbles spoke up first.

“You’re joking, right?  Please tell me your joking.”

“Google First Union Holy Church Natalie Daniels.  I’ll wait.”  James looked at the other guys.  Steve turned to Sam.

“Wow.  Think Joe knows how close he came to being fish food?  Now I see why Pedro vetoed this.”

“I, I just-“  Sam started to say something, but Bubbles cut him off.

“OH MY FUCKING GOD!  ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME???!!!”  She looked a picture of Natalie Daniels from a website about the First Union case.  It showed a before and after picture.  Before she fled, and after she was apprehended.  Before, when she was a beautiful woman and figurehead for a megachurch.  After, when her arms, legs, and tits were cut off.  “Seen here, returning to the United States for the first time in seven years was the fugitive Natalie Daniels, being escorted by US Navy doctor Commander Sarah Khan, two US Marshalls, and Detective George Lewis from Chester County Police Department.  Detective Lewis was the original arresting officer and managed to get Natalie to confess to a multitude of crimes including the murder of police informant Jennifer Thibault.”

“Jen was Bob’s sister of sorts.  Nobody fooks with Bob’s girls.”  James took a look around at the shocked faces.  “I didn’t want to say this in front of Tommy.  He knew any of this now and he’d call the whole thing off.  I’ll talk to Bob and clear this mission with him, if yer still in.”  He saw the faces in the room think it over.  Then Steve spoke up.

“Look at the bright side.  If we fuck up, we won’t have to worry about the cops.  We’ll never leave the lake.  I’m still in.”  Steve said.

“Me too.”  Sam said.  Bubbles was still reading the stories.

“Did you know about this?  There’s an entire site dedicated to the crazy deaths around this case.  This one dude had his dick cut off and shoved up his ass while his balls were stuffed in his mouth?”

“To be fair, he deserved it.  He was a kiddie fooker and they sent a message.  Didya see the music director and his wife that were dismembered and delivered to the church in a piano?  Always had a sense of humor.”  James said.  Bubbles stared at him in disbelief.

“This, OMG.  Yeah, yeah, I’m in.”  Bubbles kept scrolling through the pages detailing one gruesome outcome after another.

“Good, let’s tell Tommy.”

The group invited Tommy back downstairs to tell him they were on board.  The plan was good to go. 

Now, all they needed to do was execute it.  It’s not like a plan has ever gone wrong before, right?

Always close the program you were running before exiting the holodeck

Online To-Get-Her

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 42 Posted)
« Reply #130 on: May 16, 2022, 06:22:42 PM »
Nice to see that Morgana is unwilling to give on her budding desire for Tommy. Beginning to wonder if they will get recognized by an unseen person and turned on by a survivor of the sex cult! Tommy's plan des seem to have so many possible holes in it that I for one can't believe it won't backfire! Say with Tommy getting disfigured down stairs! Merit awarded from me!
When I get around to it, I'll write

Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 43 Posted)
« Reply #131 on: May 17, 2022, 03:16:57 PM »
Thanks TGH.  There's about a hundred different ways things can and could go wrong, and that's just on the way up.  There needs to be a little chaos in life.

Chapter 43 incoming.
Always close the program you were running before exiting the holodeck

Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 43 Posted)
« Reply #132 on: May 17, 2022, 03:17:55 PM »
Chapter 43(MF, setup)

Drew was excited to finally be back in the states.  It had been too long since he felt his wife in his arms.  Sure, he had talked to her every day and night down in Melbourne and several times on the flight home, but now he was just glad to be back.  He left Tuesday morning and due to the time zone changes landed sometime in 1973.  At least it felt like it.  It was a 24-hour trip with a 14-hour time zone difference.  Leaving at 7AM AEST Tuesday means that arrives at 7AM AEST on Wednesday which is…carry the 2, divide by Pi, raise to the natural log, he arrived in Harbor City at 5PM Tuesday.

He picked up his luggage and texted Morgy that he was in Harbor City.  She was finishing up work and asked what he wanted for dinner.  She would pick it up and meet him at home.  A little back and forth and they settled on pizza.  He didn’t want anything fancy tonight, just dinner and time alone with his love.

Drew grabbed his luggage and made his way to his Mercedes in the long-term parking lot.  This was the first time he drove himself home from the airport after a trip like this.  They had an argument when he left last time and he drove, leaving his black E350 in the extended lot.  He was glad that he’d get reimbursed for the parking expenses.  He settled in to the car and relaxed for a moment before driving.

He stopped at a local florist and picked up a bouquet of flowers for Morgana, orchids of multiple colors.  She carried white ones for their wedding but he knew she liked the shape and variety.  Along with the bottle of Goldfield and Banks perfume he brought from home, he hoped that this would help make up for lost time.

Drew arrived at the condo a little after 6:30PM. The reality struck him that this would be one of the last times he’d arrive at this building after a trip.  They were scheduled to close on the house on Friday and move over the next few weeks.  It would take them a while to set up the new house, and Morgana has been doing all of the work on that.  While he was home on this stretch, he looked forward to doing as much as he could for the house.  The only time he didn’t have dedicated to the house or work were the couple days they were taking on vacation with Tommy and James.

Tommy.  Drew shook his head thinking of him.  While he’s been down in Melbourne, he’s been up here bending over backwards helping Morgana do everything for her and by extension him.  He was a real bloke, a true mate.  Still, he thought about how close he has grown with his wife over the last few months.  He saw how Tommy looked at her from time to time, but every man looked like that at Morgana.  Tommy’s had more than ample opportunity to do something, but so far nothing.  He hoped that his little surprise he had coming up next week would help give Tommy something else to pay attention.  Hell, he knew that he and Aislinn flirted each time they were on the phone together.  When she shows up in the states next week, maybe they’ll generate that spark in person.

Drew grabbed his luggage and the flowers and made his way inside.  A quick ride up the elevator and he was at his apartment.  He opened the door, and noticed a smell in the air.  Candles were burning, the room smelled sweet, like eucalyptus.  He closed the door behind him, leaving his luggage near the door.

“Hello?”  Drew called out.

“Oi, in’ere.”  Morgana responded from the bedroom.  He walked in, carrying the flowers in one hand.  What he saw made him stop and thank God he was a man.

Before him laid his wife, dressed in a set of sexy black lingerie.  She wore a lacy panty, stockings, a garter belt, and a half-cup bra that pushed her already ample bosom into a precarious position.  The only light in the room were the candles she had burning on the dresser and nightstand.  Drew dropped the flowers at the end of the bed and leaped toward his wife, savoring her smell and touch.  She stripped him out of his suit as they passionately embraced before making love.  The first time they did so, she was still dressed in the lingerie as he only slid her panties to the side before inserting himself.  The second time, she kept the stockings on.  She knew how much he loved the feel of her legs in stockings.

By the time they finished, the pizza was cold but that was okay.  They were just glad to finally be with each other again.


The next few days were a whirlwind for the young married couple.  They had a lot to catch up on and not much time to do it.  Morgana told him that she had her IUD removed a couple weeks ago right after he left but was still waiting for her body to return to normal.  So far, she hadn’t had her period, which is common after coming off of it.  He told her a little about work and how things were going.  She expressed displeasure at how much longer he had to go on this back and forth assignment but he assured her that things would change before too long.  They spent Wednesday night going over all of the furniture she had purchased while on her trips with Tommy.  She made some jokes about how he had an eye for “furniture shipped in a flat pack.”  They spent time trying to get the house’s utilities set up to start on Friday.  They also made up for lost time, fucking like rabbits whenever they were home alone.  The best part about trying for a kid is the trying.

The group went out Thursday for dinner to a local Thai place.  They caught up on everything.  Tommy told Drew that he missed a rare moment, a genuinely happy James.  It was so rare that he was upset he didn’t get pictures.  Drew asked Tommy if he was seeing anyone.  Tommy shook his head no but followed it up with “just met a girl on Tinder named Samantha.  Nothing serious yet.  What’s up?”  Drew then told him that he might have a co-worker coming up in a couple weeks that might be interested in meeting him.  He told her about him and she seemed interested.  Drew said her name was Dawn, and she was nice, smart, good looking.  In other words, Tommy’s type.  As he said this, he paid attention to Tommy’s and Morgana’s reactions.  The younger man played it off without issue but Morgana wanted to know more about her.  Drew spun a yarn about one of his associate lawyers coming up to apply for a job in the states and if that went well, they’d be moving to Harbor City.  They also talked about the logistics of the move.  James and Tommy agreed to help to get everything over from the storage unit to the new house in their work trucks, however James was not keen on building IKEA furniture.  His direct response was that he’d rather ‘slam his nuts in a car door than build that fookin’ shite.’  That meant Tommy and the couple would get to spend the weekend playing with Allen wrenches.

Morgana and Drew took off Friday to close on the new house.  A few minutes after 1PM, they were officially homeowners.  They stopped by the new house, 145 Garden Lane in Hillside, and took a bunch of pictures, tested the keys, and took a moment to ‘break-in’ the new house.  It might be the only time the walk-in closet is empty enough to fuck in.  When they came outside, they met a couple of the new neighbors and spent time walking around the house and the street.  It was different than the apartment and far different from Melbourne.  They were officially suburbanites.

Since there was no rush to move out of the old apartment, they could take their time on the move.  They had until the end of October to move and find new tenants or let HR give the place over to a new employee looking for housing.  Drew told HR that they would get back to them in a couple weeks.

Tommy and James helped Morgana and Drew move their stuff in to the house from the storage unit on Saturday and Tommy helped set up the IKEA furniture.  James helped with cleaning and told Drew that he was able to get someone from Red Briar Security to come over on Monday during the day. Neither Drew nor Morgana could take the day off, so James asked for a copy of the key to let the security team in.  They’d give him the walkthrough then he’d give them that info after work.  Drew and Morgana agreed.

Because Morgana had used so much time off working on the getting the house set up, they wouldn’t be able to head up to the cabin until Thursday night or Friday morning.  Tommy understood.  He said that he was going to “pull a sickie” on Wednesday and drive up.  James pointed out how stupid it was to say that in front of his boss, but they both agreed to head up Wednesday.  They argued about who would drive until they settled on James.  He had the nicer truck and if Tommy drove like he built flat pack furniture, they’d arrive sometime around the heat death of the universe.

Drew, Tommy, and Morgana spent Sunday picking up odds and ends for the house.  Drew and Morgana fit what they could in her white Mercedes GLB while he packed up the larger items for carrying in the truck.  They also did a hardcore clean of everything in the house.  What better time than before people move in?


While everyone was at work on Monday, James skipped out and met Steve at the Williams’s new home.  Steve brought JC along with him to help set up the equipment.  Steve and JC went to work setting up the same security system they had in the apartment, plus a little more.  Steve tried to get Ray to help on this project, but no one had heard from Ray all weekend.  They installed a top-of-the-line smart home security system, complete with the option for future nanny cams and motion sensors all over.  This included cameras around the yard, garage, and the doorbell.  Of course, Steve upgraded the smoke detectors to the same smart ones that were in the apartment building.  They did everything the ones in the apartment did, including record video and audio and upload it to a secure server of Steve’s choosing.  All four bedrooms, the garage, family room, dining room, kitchen, library, study, walk-in closets, basement bedroom, wet bar, finished basement, and storage room had one.  For the bathrooms, he had to get creative but decided on just putting hidden cams in two of them; the master bath and the basement bath.  He figured the master bath would be the one used the most by Morgana, and if they ever had any houseguests or parties, they’d use the basement bath.  No need to screw around with the powder rooms or potential kids’ bathrooms.

When everything was wired, Steve tested the cam feeds on the Club’s server to see that they worked.  He did a similar permanent VPN feed through the ISP with a cellular backup connection just in case there was a fiber cut or the cable went out.  After a half hour of testing and setup, the hidden cams were live.  He tied them in with the main cameras on the back end to hide the traffic through the Red Briar switch and everything was good to go.  Steve gave James the spiel on how the owner’s system worked.  Steve would normally give this speech directly to Drew and Morgana, but considering he had a date with her this weekend that she didn’t know about yet, he figured it would be a good idea to cut down on that risk.

James passed the info along to Drew on how to set up the system and create accounts and door codes.  What he didn’t pass along was that James created a second Admin account just for him and anyone he deemed fit.  That way they could create door codes at leisure.  The way the system was set up was that everyone got their own code to access the security system.  That way if an in-law was visiting, Drew could check the system and see that the system was deactivated by Aislinn.  It also meant that anyone who entered could be traced, so if there was a code just for packages and the place got robbed at the same time, it would be pretty easy to track.  What James did was create an account that could make its own codes and delete log entries.  So, if James wanted to slip in and slip it in Morgana in her sleep, he could create a code for it and wipe it from the records before Drew ever got an alert for it.

James checked out the feeds later on as Drew explained the system to Morgana.  Drew left out a couple of the features until she asked about them, like the cameras around the yard and how to create new codes.  The more Drew went over the system, the more he seemed to conveniently forget things that could catch Morgana in a lie.  James sent a message to Tommy to have him check out that conversation later on.


Tommy missed spending time with Morgana while Drew was back in town.  Their last get-together was Sunday night, where they decided to have an impromptu math quiz, and when the question 34+35 came up, they both got it right.  He left before she called Drew, then went on to the Club’s site to save the footage from the previous week.  He also spent some time checking out Riley and Jordan on their hidden cams.  They argued a little about Riley’s parents coming to visit and about how much they should tell them.  Riley wanted to tell them about the relationship, but Jordan said it wasn’t time.  After a little back and forth, they decided to wait until later on to come out to anyone.  Jordan went out of town for a couple days while they visited to see her family in between the summer sessions and before tennis season started up.  Riley’s family left right before Jordan returned and a day before Riley started soccer.  They would both be dead tired for the next couple weeks.

He communicated with Steve and Sam about the planned excursion over the Club’s WhatsApp channel.  Most of it was about logistics for the upcoming trip.  Steve had to shift weekends with the baby momma but that wasn’t too hard to do.  Sam and Bubbles made up some excuses about where they would be.  They had trouble reaching out to Ray and JC had turned them down when they asked him.  JC said he’d love to, but that Friday night he’s doing something with his girlfriend of sorts.  Steve was confident they could pull this off with just the three of them, but if anything else cropped up, they would need some backup.

When Tommy saw Drew during their dinner, he got the distinct impression that he was feeling him out for something.  It was almost like he sensed that Drew knew about him and his wife, but was looking for evidence.  But then the way he talked about this Dawn girl made him wonder if he was up to something else.  It was cute seeing how defensive Morgana got about this new girl that had yet to exist, acting like a defensive parent grilling a kid.  If Drew were looking for signs of her cheating on him, he’d have to try harder than that.

The weekend came and went as Tommy helped them move and set up furniture.  As much as James hated doing this, Tommy found building IKEA furniture soothing and relaxing.  There was something very Zen about trying to assemble this stuff and forced a level of concentration and attention to detail he found enjoyable.  With the couple’s help, they managed to build an entire living room set, a dining set, a bed frame, a dresser, and a couple end tables.  It didn’t look like much in this large house, but it was enough for them to start with.

James messaged Tommy after work on Monday about Drew leaving out some details from Morgana about how the security system worked.  Mostly it was about how the phone integration worked.  He left out some of the vital info like he could watch the doorbell camera from across the world or see who walked in the yard at any time of the day.  The system was set up with no outside gaps in the camera coverage, which would make approaching the house difficult.  Tommy kept hold of this info, trying to figure out how to tell Morgana that Drew had eyes on the house when she didn’t.  He knew she’d have to know at some point, but couldn’t just tell her without raising too many questions.  Eventually he settled on an idea where he asked in the group chat how the install went and he’d get James to discuss the features and send a link for the app.  Morgy thanked James and Drew apologized, saying it slipped his mind.  They then chatted about trying to find a decent local restaurant in Hillside.  So far everything he’d seen was either chain franchises or pizza shops.  James recommended a local Greek place, and Drew figured that would be dinner on Tuesday.

Steve contacted Tommy again.  No one had heard from Ray in a few days, and he was getting worried.  Usually Ray would vanish for a few days on one of his benders but then reappear.  He still had a few weeks before he’d have to be back at school to teach, so no one from there was looking for him yet.  He was glad he hadn’t asked Ray to join along on the mission.


Morgana was thrilled to have her husband back home.  She missed him more than she could describe, and when he arrived home with the flowers and her favorite perfume, she knew they were both in for a good time.  She missed making love to Drew.  Still, that didn’t stop her from occasionally thinking of Tommy while she was making love to Drew.

To her surprise, he didn’t react badly to the news that she was off her birth control.  Far from it, he seemed excited and eager.  As she sat in bed in the condo Monday night, she counted how many times they made love during the last week.  Must have been in the twenties, maybe thirties.  Even when they should’ve been too tired, they still found time.  It was almost like ‘why wear pants anymore?’

She was beyond grateful for Tommy and everything he’s done for her, but especially what he didn’t do.  He didn’t say a bloody thing.  Sure, he had a lot to lose too, but she would lose her husband, probably the new house, a chance at them having a kid, all of it.  She knew that keeping this affair going was stupid, but she justified it to herself that it would only be for a little while longer.  Soon, Tommy would get bored and find a new woman to love and next thing she’d know she’d have a couple of little ones watching reruns of Bluey all day long.

Drew…something seemed off during the last couple days.  Maybe she was just paranoid because she’d spent the last week cheating on him and looking for the signs that he was up to something or that he knew what she did, but something felt out of place.  When he left for the last trip, they had an argument and didn’t say goodbye properly, and they had more than a couple terse conversations across time zones.  As far as she could tell, everything should be back to normal, but he seemed a little too…eager when he came home and for the last few days.  At first it was almost like he was trying to make up for something, like he forgot a small holiday or something.  Then he was extra attentive to Tommy and how those two reacted.  Then he conveniently forgot to tell her how half of the features on the security system worked, especially the ones used to track who comes in and out of the house.  It could just be a long weekend where they’ve gone full steam with the move, setting up the house, and trying for a baby.  Or, he could suspect something.  She’s glad Tommy and James put that web page in the group chat when they did.  Otherwise she’d have no clue what it was capable of.

As she sat in bed, listening to Drew snore after a solid root, she thought about how much Drew suspected, but didn’t know how to proceed.  She could try to check his phones sometime, but she’s never had a reason to check before, why start now?  And how would he do that?  It’s not like he’d have a Notes file titled ‘Reasons I think my wife is shagging my bloke.’  Even if he did, he was a lawyer and knew that he couldn’t come forward unless he had the answers to the questions he sought.  That’s how he worked.  It was her job to not give him any evidence.

Before she drifted off to sleep, she sent a message to her sister Aislinn, but didn’t get a response.  She might be busy.  It was the middle of the afternoon back in Melbourne after all.  She’d text her soon and see how things were going.  She missed having her sister around.


Drew woke up in the middle of the night, needing to piss.  He stumbled his way to the bathroom, barely remembering where he was.  Between this condo, the new house, and the bungalow in Melbourne, he was doubly confused.  The only thing he wasn’t confused about was that he loved his wife.

‘So why the fuck did I sleep with Celeste?’  He thought to himself as he stood at the loo and drained the lizard.  This became difficult as the memories came flooding back to him.  He forced himself to think of AFL box scores and legal opinions about property rights to make his growing chub relax so he could finish the job.  After the last couple shakes, he flushed and washed his hands.  After a very healthy twenty seconds washing his hands, he splashed some water on his face, then just stared in the mirror, the events of the Friday night before his flight came flooding back to him.


After a long day at the office, he was looking forward to a nice, relaxing night in front of the tele.  Just him, a bag of Maccas, a six-pack of Port City Pilsners, and nothing to do for the rest of the night.  He’d already talked to Morgy on the way home as he worked late and she was just heading to work.  He hated this time difference.  The math was easy, just drop two hours and flip the AM/PM.  He hated that they could never get on the same page, and a day like today where he has to work late just throws everything off.  Still, it was an excuse for this to be his cheat day.  He ordered a Big Brekkie Burger, and a Ham, Cheese, and Tomato Toastie, an order of fries, some McNuggets, a Cadburry McFlurry, and an Iced Long Black.  He looked forward to pigging out and getting lost with some footy, or if that wasn’t on maybe Wentworth.  Instead, he found Celeste on her front steps, crying, smoking a ciggie. 

“Oi, what’s wrong mate?”  Drew said to Celeste as she sat there.

“He left me.  Brian left me.”  She took a drag on her ciggie.  Her long chestnut hair was pulled back in a ponytail and she wore a set of matching lavender jammie sweats.

“Oh my god, what happened?”  Drew sat down next to her.  Her mischievous smile she normally wore was replaced with misery.  He put his food down on the steps next to them, and put his arm around his old friend.

“He dumped me.  He turned down the job he lined up here and is staying in Brissie.  He said things weren’t workin’ out.  Guess that’s code for he’s fookin’ his secretary.  I’m so fookin’ stupid, how’d I not see this comin’?”  Celeste broke down as Drew put his arm around his old friend.

“Hey, it’ll be okay.  Why don’t we go inside?  It’s cold and I got enough Maccas to feed a small army.  Come in my place.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah, we’ll watch the game, eat lousy food, and get pissed like old times.  You look like you need it.”  The way he smiled at her made Celeste feel happy for the first time all day.  She put out her ciggie and they went in his place. 

They sat next to each other on the couch, eating fast food and drinking beer.  He put on the NRL game of the week, Melbourne Storm versus the Penrith Panthers.  He wasn’t a huge rugby fan, but Morgana followed the Storm across the ocean, so the least he could do was watch.  Fortunately for him, Celeste wasn’t interested in the game.  The pair sat and talked about how her now ex-boyfriend Brian decided not to move down from Brisbane after all, after she took out a lease on the bungalow next door.  She could barely afford to live there on her own, and would likely need to move in the next few months to a cheaper place.  That is when Drew said quite possibly the sweetest and stupidest thing he’s ever said in his life.

“Why don’t you move in here?  Y’know, until you get things settled elsewhere and get back on yer feet.”

Celeste looked at him like he was crazy.  Drew wasn’t thinking when he said that, and she tried her best to get him to back off from the offer.  She knew the shitstorm this would bring.  He’s a married man, and she’s his old friend that used to date him.  The minute his wife found out about this, even if nothing happened, she’d flip her shit.  He’s 10,000km away from her and has his ex-girlfriend sleeping in his flat. 

One thing Drew is good at is winning an argument when it suits him.  He made the case that he’s only in Melbourne half the time and that this place is fully paid for by Pharma.  All she’d have to do is keep it neat and maybe hide once in a blue moon when his sister-in-law Aislinn came to visit.  Even then, he was angling for her to get a job in the states soon so the only people visiting would be blokes that wouldn’t say shit to his wife.  As much as she wanted to say no, Drew made a good point.  She eventually acquiesced and agreed to move in, if things were cool with everyone involved.  He told Celeste he would clear it with Morgana and make her see how this was okay.

Somewhere between “You’re such a good friend” and “I don’t deserve you”, something happened.  Drew wasn’t sure who made the first move, but early in the second half she kissed him.  When she pulled back and got up to leave, he chased after her and stopped her at the door.  He kissed her back.  The two of them made out in the living room, then made their way to the bedroom.  They made their way to the bedroom, stripping the whole time.  Maybe it was the sadness in Celeste’s plight, the loneliness he felt at missing Morgana, or the fact that he hasn’t had sex in nearly two months, but Celeste being here and now made him forget all about his loneliness.  They stripped each other in quick order, shedding clothes like it was laundry night.  The foreplay was lacking, but they soon fell into a familiar rhythm of where they were years ago when they dated.  It didn’t take long before Drew was inside of Celeste, nibbling on the nape of her neck while he fucked her.  At some point, this went from “we should stop” to “fuck me harder.”  She grabbed onto the headboard of the bed, begging to be fucked harder and harder each time.  He sucked on her tits as he felt his orgasm build, and she pulled him in close for a kiss while she came.  He followed a minute later, planting his seed in her.

They passed out on the bed, falling asleep in each other’s arms.  It was only when he woke up to a text from his wife in the morning asking if he was free to chat did the error of his ways hit him.  He panicked, and immediately jumped out of bed and into the living room, throwing on a bathrobe to cover up any marks or scratches he may have on his body.  When he Facetimed her, they talked about mundane stuff like furniture and visiting friends.  He made damn sure to not mention Celeste in any of his conversations with her, especially when she was waking up in the room next door.  After a few minutes, Drew hung up and returned to his bedroom.  Celeste was busy gathering her clothes when he came in.

They agreed that this would be just a one-time thing.  If they were going to stay roommates, they couldn’t fuck again.  That’s when she conveniently pointed out that it would take a few days at least to break her lease and he’d be back in the states by then.  He should’ve told her to leave right then and there.  Instead, they cuddled and eventually screwed again before they went next door to grab her things.


Drew knew he was in deep shit.  He couldn’t keep up this thing with Celeste.  It was a one-time thing, and he was about to have a kid here in the states, especially if the last week told him anything.  Still, he looked at himself and realized who he was.  He was a man with two lovers on two continents.  A man trying to make his wife happy in the states but feeling drawn to a past he no longer controls in Melbourne.  He knows he has to end things with Celeste, and he knows that she’d understand, and that he doesn’t deserve either of them.

‘Once I’m back in Melbourne, I’ll break it off with Celeste.  We’re just mates going forward.’  That’s what Drew told himself, right before going back to bed.
Always close the program you were running before exiting the holodeck

Online To-Get-Her

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 43 Posted)
« Reply #133 on: May 17, 2022, 07:47:17 PM »
So who's guilty conscious is going to ruin them first Drew, Morgana or Tommy. I agree with James on the Ikea crap stuff shouldn't be exported from Sweden, saves tress that you! Can't wait to read about their time at the cabin! Merit awarded from me!
When I get around to it, I'll write

Offline amandablonde

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 43 Posted)
« Reply #134 on: May 18, 2022, 05:13:04 PM »
I am enjoying this story.  Merit!
accomplice of evil