Author Topic: Pharma (Chapter 89 Posted)  (Read 48960 times)

Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 35 Posted)
« Reply #105 on: April 19, 2022, 03:50:44 PM »
Chapter 35 (offscreen descriptions of FF, M+F+, ncon, setup)

Tommy spent the next few days hating his life.  The ribbing from the Club was funny and relentless, and James seemed to take special joy from watching Tommy squirm.  To top it all off, things were now even more awkward between him and Morgana.  He couldn’t believe how dense he could be, thinking this plan would work.  Instead, he just went along with helping her on the house hunt.  Morgana, for her part, was confused as well.  She just went through a traumatic experience and nearly made a life altering decision when she leaned in to kiss Tommy.  If it weren’t for her nerves getting in the way, who knows how far she would’ve gone.  She thought about it a lot over the next few days.  She would’ve gone as far as he’d let her.

Things were sort of back to normal on Friday night when they went out to look at a few houses.  They tried to put Wednesday behind them as best as they could, but something was hanging between them.  The pair stopped for dinner and drinks after looking at a two-story colonial in Westchester.  They talked about Wednesday, trying to play it off like it was nothing.  For Tommy, he felt like he missed out on a once in a lifetime opportunity.  For Morgana, she hid her true feelings.  The more she hung out with Tommy, the more confused she got about how she felt.  She shook it off, though.  Drew would be back on Tuesday, and they had some big things to talk about.  She wondered if she should tell her husband about the attack, but decided against it.  She wasn’t worried about how Drew would view her, but how he might overreact.
 ‘Besides, I got away and nothing too bad happened.’  That’s how she justified this secret to herself. 

Saturday and Sunday were more open houses.  This time they only focused on Farrell Township and the Hillside area.  They had seen a few they really liked but with it being a crazy fast market, houses that were listed on Tuesday often had an offer by Friday.  However, as the end of the summer was fast approaching, things seemed to slow down a little bit.  More houses were available longer than a week.  They paid particular attention this weekend as Drew would be back in town the middle of next week.

Since most of the open houses had a different realtor than their own, they decided to keep things quick as far as explanations went.  Still, that didn’t stop Morgana from playing along and acting like Tommy was here for more than help.  In a few of the houses, she’d playfully lean up and kiss him on the cheek.  At the last house he decided to be, as she called him a “cheeky monkey” when he turned his head, accidentally of course, right as she was going in to kiss him on the cheek.  Instead she planted one right on his lips.  She wasn’t sure how to react, but was flustered the rest of the open house.  It wasn’t so much that she was angry, but surprised.  Surprised, hurt, and excited.  Surprised by his little trick, hurt that he would do that to her, and excited by how much that little peck on the lips woke something up in her.  The rest of the afternoon was a blur for her, and she barely remembered the house other than she liked it.  Tommy took the video of the walkthrough and shared it with her later that night.  Morgana made sure to mention this house to Drew as a possible finalist.  No mention of the kiss with Tommy, however.  If she didn’t mention the sexual assault, she sure as hell wouldn’t mention kissing Tommy.  Drew wasn’t the jealous kind, but he’s been away long enough.

Drew’s plane arrived Tuesday night of the next week.  This time he was able to get a flight from Melbourne to L.A. then L.A. to Harbor City.  It took a little longer of layover but he made the most of it by trying out some new food.  He found a nice steak place in the airport called BGrill.  Nothing like a Bloody Mary and a New York Strip for brekky.  By night he was back in Harbor City and before midnight he was back in his bedroom, in his wife.  He took the next day off to recover from his trip and she worked from home that day.  They talked about the houses and narrowed it down to a few she and Tommy looked at.  Drew really liked a couple in Hillside, and was almost in love with the last house she saw that weekend.  They scheduled a second visit that afternoon and by dinner were putting together an offer. 

Over dinner, Morgana brought up the idea of starting a family.  Drew was taken aback with the timing of everything, but it is something they discussed before.  All she’d have to do is schedule an OBGYN appointment to pull the IUD out.  What she didn’t mention was that she already scheduled the appointment, so it wouldn’t take three more months to see the doctor.  Instead, a few more days and that would be that.  She’d tell him later on.

It didn’t take long for them to find out about the house.  They put in their offer on Wednesday evening, heard back from the sellers on Thursday afternoon about a counter offer, then two little counters dealing with contingencies and a house warranty later and their offer was accepted.  It would take about a month for them to close and go through the whole process, before autumn they would own their own home in Hillside.  It wasn’t far from the office and it was in a pretty good school district as well, for when they eventually have kids.

The happy couple told Tommy and James about the house that Friday over dinner.  They were excited for their friends.  Morgana asked James and Tommy if they had someone he’d recommend for doing a housing inspection.  James said he knew a few blokes that would help, and recommended a sewer cam as well.  Tommy said he’d talk to Chuck about the sewer stuff Monday at work.  Drew also asked James about looking at the security system.  “It might be a nice neighborhood, but can’t be too careful these days.”  James smiled, and said he’d get his friends to help with that, too.


Tommy put on a brave face, but he was feeling miserable.  He was so close to making Morgana his, just to watch it all slip away.  The way she acted toward him made him feel like what he was; just a friend.  She even started this little cutesy little thing over the weekend at the open houses of kissing him on the cheek.  He played it cool, but each time she teased him a little, he boiled up inside.  At the last house he said to himself ‘two can play this game’ and turned his head quickly when she aimed for his cheek, kissing him on the lips.  She was shocked.  He played it like it was a joke, but deep inside he wanted take her into the walk-in closet and fuck her brains out.  She behaved a little different after that, but still stuck close and flirty.  Either she didn’t know what she was doing or she definitely knew and enjoyed teasing Tommy.

He was so frustrated with how things went the last few days, he told himself that he would try to limit how much time he spent on the Club’s website the next few days.  Instead, Tommy was so mad with things he spent more time there than normal.  He’d check in on Morgana and see that she was cleaning like a mad woman for Drew’s arrival.  He also popped in on his favorite lesbian college co-ed’s, Riley and Jordan.  They spent quite a bit of time practicing making love to each other, experimenting with finding new ways of getting each other to climax.  Jordan’s birthday was coming up soon and Riley decided to get her a nice gift and a naughty gift.  He couldn’t see exactly what she ordered, but she seemed excited.  When Drew arrived, Tommy watched some of the Club’s video backlog instead of watching Morgana fuck Drew in real time.  Most of them were simple and straight forward, but a few stood out to him over the setup.  There was the punk rock girl whose boyfriend set her up but wanted to watch so they went to a party but showed up at the ‘wrong address’ and 3 guys gang raped her in front of her boyfriend.  Another one was the grad student who was visiting her sister who was the target of two men from the Club and they included her in the festivities, making the sisters dyke out.  Then there was the Teagan and Aly attack.  Tommy read through all of the details and notes he could find on the matter.  Four men planned the attack, one of them was on the inside.  The inside man, Blaine, set up a fake drug deal gone bad and three men from the Club came in and beat the crap out of him in front of two college-aged girls.  The main target was Teagan, a skinny blonde dancer.  The other girl was Aly, Blaine’s stepsister.  They then assaulted and raped the girls, making them do everything they could think of, including Blaine.  The men used the cameras in the threat, telling the girls that if they went to the cops, everyone they knew would see them fucking each other.  These videos gave Tommy some ideas.  He knew that he’d blown his chance with Morgana, but he could still have her.  He could have her, but he’d have to share her.


After the dinner, James was already scheming and plotting.  Drew didn’t even finish the sentence about security systems before James was already planning things out with Steve in his mind.  He would have them set up a similar system in the house that they had in the condo, with the hidden cameras in the smoke detectors.  It would be a little harder to pull off, but the security system Drew wants would cover the network traffic.

Another thing that James noticed was that there was some tension in the air between Tommy and Morgana.  He could see that the younger man’s lust didn’t die down after the assault.  Instead, it somehow increased.  That’s why he wasn’t too surprised when he received a message through the Club chat that next weekend saying that Tommy ‘had an idea.’  He sent a couple links and a broad outline.  A broad outline for an attack against Morgana.

James smiled when he read the message.  Finally, Tommy was sliding down the path of corruption.  This time, he’d make sure Tommy’s plan worked, and that he would get to sample the fruits of his labor.
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Online To-Get-Her

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 35 Posted)
« Reply #106 on: April 19, 2022, 08:10:18 PM »
And the tiny secrets beging between our happily married couple. How long before Morgana accidently lets Tommy's Name out when intimate with Drew? Can't wait to see what James has up his sleeve! merit to be awarded from me when allowed!
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Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 36 Posted)
« Reply #107 on: April 22, 2022, 08:10:03 PM »
Thanks TGH.  There's an old saying, Preparation + Timing = Luck.  Also, sometimes it's better to be lucky than good.  The next couple chapters help bring that point home.

Chapter 36 incoming.  This next chapter is almost all setup, but things heat up after that.
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Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 36 Posted)
« Reply #108 on: April 22, 2022, 08:16:55 PM »
Chapter 36 (nosex, setup)

It was crunch time on the construction site.  A lot needed to happen this week to keep the project on schedule.  The ironworkers and crane operators were wrapping up the superstructure and needed to complete that to finish this major phase by the end of the week.  If they completed this, then they could start buttoning up the exterior before the weather turned.  Meanwhile, the parking garage work would need to start this week.  If they didn’t break ground within two weeks, then the foundation would not be finished before the first thaw came.  If the foundation wasn’t finished before winter, the whole garage would likely have to wait until March or April.

James focused on the tower while Tommy worked on the parking garage.  This wasn’t James’s first rodeo, so he knew what had to be done to finish this step.  The ironworkers would be given top priority for all tradeswork happening on the site.  They were also authorizing overtime to anyone who wanted it.  Not that anyone wanted to work even more hours outside in August, but at least the option was there.  James was confident that by the end of the week they could wrap this up, but confidence without execution is foolishness.

Meanwhile, Tommy was attached to the hip with Chuck and his crew making sure that the parking garage was ready to start.  The surveyors had checked and double checked the location of where the garage would go, the permits were signed off on, and the only thing preventing ground breaking was the fact that the very large crane that was used to lift the steel beams into the sky for the tower was sitting precariously close to where they needed to dig.  Because of how the crane needed to move, they couldn’t dig up too much of the ground around it without stranding the crane there.  This did frustrate them, but by this point they were used to things going sideways.  After talking it over with James, they figured the crane would be finished by the end of the week, allowing Chuck and his crew enough time to dig that big hole they needed.  In the meantime, they could get to work on the utility tunnels.


As Tommy and Chuck worked closely with each other, they got to talking and learned some stuff about each other.  Tommy grew up in Chicago, then moved to Harbor City for college.  He had an older sister that was doing good back home, looking to have her first kid by the end of the year.  Chuck was in his 40’s and had seen some shit growing up but had pretty much calmed down after meeting his wife.  They had three kids, two girls and a boy.  Chuck loves to ride motorcycles but hasn’t gotten on one since the kids were born.  Tommy’s favorite hobby growing up was playing video games but the only sport he was halfway decent at was basketball.  That was something they both agreed on.  Tommy is tall at 6’3”, but Chuck is even taller by an inch or two.  They talked about basketball for a bit.  They both grew up fans of the Bulls.  Tommy grew up in Chicago and the Harbor City Storm sucked for a long time before the last couple seasons.  Chuck was a teen back in the 90’s, so of course he was a Bulls fan.  Chuck opened up a little more to Tommy throughout the week when Tommy asked about a weird moment at the 4th of July party when he mentioned that James went up to the lake for the weekend.

“That’s because George walked in the room.  I changed the subject as quick as I could.”  Chuck said, sipping on a cup of coffee from his thermos.  The two men sat on some rocks that were unearthed and used as makeshift chairs.

“Why?  Does he hate fishing?”  Tommy asked.  Chuck laughed hard enough to almost spit out his coffee.

“No, not that.  It’s a long story, but the short of it is my brother and Angie’s brother hate each other with a passion.  Her brother’s a cop, and my brother, well, let’s just say he’s been on the other side of the law for a while.  Plus, they don’t get along.”

“Why?  Haven’t met your brother yet but he sounds like a nice enough guy, and George wasn’t a complete dick.”  Tommy said.  Chuck looked for a way to phrase his statement before just blurting it out.

“George hates Bob because Bob and Angie used to be married.  They dated on and off for a couple years starting when she was in high school.  Keep in mind, Bob’s about a decade older, and George is a cop and a protective older brother.  They got married when she was in college because financial aid sucks.”

“Tell me about it.”

“Well, it didn’t work out too well because Bob had another wife.  Bob married Angie while he was still married to his baby momma.  We had to keep it on the down low from everyone.  Well, Bob is trying to make things work with Angie while putting up with Tara, his other ex-wife, and Angie had enough.  She filed for divorce.  Bob can be stubborn, so he kept trying to do the ‘let’s make it work’ routine well past the time he should’ve called it off.  Instead, he starts getting mad, refuses to accept the paperwork.  It all went to shit at his boy’s first birthday party, when a process server and a uniformed cop show up delivering divorce papers.”

“What?”  Tommy was leaning on the edge of his rock.  Chuck’s hand motions got more animated.

“Shit hits the fan.  A big fight breaks out, Tara stabbed Bob a few times, her family is trying to fight us, and I’m dressed like a birthday clown, looking to bash the cop in the head with a bottle of seltzer.  He turns around and pepper sprays my ass.  You know who that was?”



“No way.”

“Way.  It turned into a nightmare.  We go back home, Bob’s bleeding on the carpet with multiple stab wounds, I’m crying like a little girl because pepper spray fucking hurts, Vinny’s on the porch arguing with the local cops, and Paul and Gary are trying to play medic.  They’re dumping milk on my face, bandaging his wounds, all of it.  Cops took Bob to the hospital to get stitched up then arrested him for bigamy.”

“God damn.  Those two had a serious beef.”  Tommy said.  Chuck sipped more of his coffee.

“Next time they saw each other, they beat the living shit out of each other.  I’m not talking a few scrapes or cuts, but broken bones, a dislocated shoulder, concussions, the works.  Crazy shit was that was the night I met him and his wife for the first time.  He comes rolling in with a limp and a shiner, all like ‘you should see the other guy.’  I saw the other guy, they both looked like shit.”


“Hey, you go camping at all?  Ever think of doing a weekend trip up to Lake Hiawatha?”  Chuck asked Tommy.  The younger man shook his head.

“Not really.  Heard it was pretty nice.”  Chuck reached behind him and pulled out a wallet.  He pulled out a card and gave it to Tommy.

“Here.  If you ever want to go up there for a weekend, call this number and ask for Bob.  Tell him that I told you to call.  He’ll ask how you know me and just say from work.  He’ll hook you up.”

“Thanks.”  Tommy looked over the card before putting in his wallet.  It read ‘Hiawatha Resort and Recreation’ on the front with the name Robert Kuntzmann on the front, and ‘Bob’ and a phone number on the back.  He put it in his wallet that he dug out of his jeans.  “Is it nice up there?”

“Oh yeah.  We go a few times a year.  The kids have a blast up at Uncle Bob’s.  It’s quiet enough to forget the world for a few days but close enough to civilization that you aren’t in danger of being mauled by a bear.  Unless you go looking for a bear.  Be careful, there’s bears in the woods.”  Chuck laughed a bit to put Tommy at ease.

As the two sat there, Tommy thought about how nice and relaxing a trip up to the lake could be.  He also thought about how it could be the perfect location to take Morgana, in more ways than one.


As the week progressed, the tower inched closer to superstructure completion.  James was too tired to deal with any of Tommy’s bullshit when he got home, so he didn’t respond to any of the messages he received on the Club’s website.  He didn’t see Tommy’s notes and questions about locations, nor his request for some of the stuff he used to knock them out and get them horny last month.  By the time James saw any of the notes late Thursday night, he was too bleary eyed to even think straight.  He did have the wherewithal to prepare a little package for Tommy, for whatever evil he was planning.

When Friday came, James knew that he was close.  There were only a half dozen beams left.  There were too many to finish yesterday before they lost daylight, but they would get them done today.  One of the building inspectors was onsite, verifying that all of the welds were properly done and that they could sign off on the job today.  Tommy spent most of the day with the inspector, learning how this part of the job went.  For the most part, everything looked good.  There were a couple spots where the welds could’ve been a little cleaner or where things might’ve been a little neater, but all in all, everything looked good.

While Tommy placated the inspector, James was on the roof finishing the last of the beams with the ironworkers.  This was his favorite part of the job, watching the final pieces go into place.  From here on out, for the next 50, 100, maybe 200 or more years, this building would stand on its own, the superstructure holding it in place.  These last pieces meant that the building could support its own weight and provide strength against the wind and weather.  This was the moment that the Pharma North American Headquarters went from being a building under construction to a building nearing completion.  From this point on, he had built a skyscraper.  As the last beam was lowered into place and the last welds, bolts, and rivets were installed, he cried.  Most people focused on opening day, but he knew that this was the moment the building truly became a building.  He knew that from now on it’s no longer about making the building but completing the building.

Tommy and the inspector came up to the roof just as James finished watching the crew install the last beam.  He wiped the tears from his eyes as the other men approached and blamed it on the wind and dust.  The inspector liked what he saw and verified that the superstructure had passed inspection. 

Now, it was time to move forward.  It would take a week to move the crane out of the way and the ironworkers had a lot of work to do, but this large part of the job was done.  One major step down, 700 more to go.

James was proud.  He may be a foul-mouthed ballbuster, but he knew how hard everyone on the crew worked and how much this accomplishment meant to the team.  He was high-fiving people, thanking them and congratulating them.  Even offered to pay for dinner and drinks at Antonio’s that evening.  More than a few people took him up on his offer, including Tommy.  James sent an invite to Morgana in the group chat.  She accepted right away.


Morgana said goodbye to Drew at the airport Sunday night.  She was getting sick and tired of this back and forth stuff with him.  She just wanted him home with her.  Instead, she had to handle all of the stress of the house purchase without him.  There were so many things to do, like inspections and scheduling moving and purchasing furniture, and she had to do all of this by herself, more or less.  She didn’t want to lean on her friends too much, even though James and Tommy offered to help where they could. 

The advantage was since they lived in company owned housing, they didn’t have much furniture of their own.  The condo came fully furnished for them, so all they had to do was bring their clothes and personal belongings.  That meant a lot of shopping in the future.  They would have a beautiful 4-bedroom house and lawn furniture in each room if needed while they sourced what they needed.

She texted Tommy a few times Monday and Tuesday night.  He said he was busy, that it was a long day at work and they were under some major deadlines.  She wondered if his being distant had anything to do with what happened with the runner and the accidental kiss.  He seemed okay, but was just a little less responsive than normal.  She wondered if she did something wrong and hurt him.  She hoped not, the last person she wanted to hurt was Tommy.  Well, Drew, but Tommy was quickly becoming a close second.

Morgana had an appointment with her new OB/GYN Wednesday during lunch.  She scheduled this appointment a few weeks earlier for her annual checkup, but asked to make sure that they could remove her IUD as well.  They said that wouldn’t be a problem when she called them last week.  Monday, however, they called her with an update.  Her originally scheduled doctor had fallen ill and would have to reschedule.  If she wanted to keep her appointment, she’d have to visit one of the other doctors in the practice.  She wasn’t thrilled to find out that this doctor was a man, but it was either wait another 6 weeks or more for her doctor or just get it over with.  Besides, the reviews she found online for Dr. Hofstetter showed him to be old and caring.

She’s never liked these appointments, but they were a necessary evil.  The exam went as well as it could, more or less.  He checked her breasts, nipples, skin, vagina, vulva, the works.  Though, she could’ve sworn he spent a little longer than normal checking her out.  When he asked about her sex life and she told him that she would like to remove the IUD, he politely obliged.  A minute and some small pressure later, and the device was out.  Dr. H told her that she might have some cramping and spotting for the next couple days, but otherwise should be okay.  He also told her to keep an eye out for when her period would start up again.  If he had to guess, it would probably be a couple weeks.  She left, feeling a little different.  She was going through with this, she was going to try to have Drew’s kid.  He wouldn’t be home for a few more weeks, but that should give her body plenty of time to get back into baby making rhythm.

Thursday was pretty quiet, aside from some Facetime calls with Aislinn and Drew.  She did get a hold of her old friend Tabitha, who was being a little cagey about work.  Morgana had heard through the grapevine that her former Maid of Honor was looking for a transfer to the states, but so far it was still under review.  If she could do anything to bring her old bestie over, she’d do it.  She thought about running again, but decided against the old path.  Instead, she used the gym in the Condo’s public space.  After a half hour, she gave up trying to run on the treadmill next to the old granny who was watching Fox News at full volume on her phone without headphones.  What’s worse, the old lady went into a diatribe about how ‘they’ keep taking good jobs from Americans.  She shuddered, wondering why anyone would force feed themselves that much hatred.  She made a point that when they moved into the new house they would put the V-Chip on Fox News and all other crazy news channels.  The old lady tried again to start a fight with Morgana, but the younger woman just shook her head, wiped down the controls, and left.  When the older lady tried one last time to incite a fight, Morgana only said one thing.  “GFY Karen.”  That would be the last time she set foot in that gym.

Friday at work, she got a text from James.  She hadn’t heard from him for a while, so she checked out what was up.  Apparently, they had put the last beam in place, and he was over the moon about it.  He invited her out to dinner and drinks that night, doing so on the group chat.  Drew asked if James was okay, and it took both James and Tommy to convince them that he hadn’t suffered any head trauma and was genuinely happy.  She accepted right away.  She hadn’t seen her friends in a week, and there was so much to catch up on.  Slyly, she asked Bianca if she was free tonight to join, but she wasn’t.  Phil had backed out of another weekend of watching Sofie and she couldn’t get a babysitter on short notice.  But she did tell her to give her best to James for her.  Morgana promised that she would.


James was ecstatic to end the workday Friday.  The building superstructure was complete and they started the crane disassembly and moving process.  This would take until Tuesday to complete, but it gave Tommy hope that they could start main excavation for the garage by next Friday.  Once the crane was moved, it could be set up and used again in a month or two when it was ready to work on the parking garage.  It was cheaper to leave the crane onsite for a month than it was to remove it, pack it up, have it do other work, then get caught behind someone else’s schedule.  This way, they weren’t reliant on some other dipshit general contractor who believes that ‘Two Weeks’ is code for never do it.

As the crew was busy patting themselves on the back, James took Tommy off to the side for a walk to his truck.  James made sure that he parked away from any cameras today.

“What’s going on?”  Tommy asked.  James opened the truck’s back door and opened lowered the rear seat, exposing a section that the younger man didn’t know was in the truck.

“Got ya somethin’, a little gift.”  James said, pulling out a manila envelope.  From that he pulled two small envelopes, the type used for getting cash from the bank.  “Well, two.”  He handed them to Tommy.  The younger man looked at them, then opened them.  The first had a packet of a whitish powder with a slight blue tint.  The second had a packet of pills.

“What’s this?  Is this…?”  Tommy’s voiced trailed off at the realization of what he was holding.

“Saw yer messages askin’ if I had any left.  Here’s a little bit.  The powder is some good ole fashioned Rohypnol, use sparingly.  There’s enough there to knock out an elephant.  The pills are, well, I’ll let ya guess.”


“Yep.  MDMA.  Ecstasy, Molly.  Whatever the kids call it these days.  One of them will get ya hot and bothered.  Any more and, well, you saw the video.  You starred in it.”  James laughed.  Tommy chuckled as he shook his head.

“Thanks.  Really, thanks.”  Tommy almost went in for a hug, but stopped.  James clapped him on the shoulder.

“Now, you get caught with these, I don’t know you.  Where’d you get these from?”

“Some weird creepo.  Didn’t get his face, it was dark, real ugly though.”  Tommy and James smiled.  The younger man put the envelopes in his pocket as they walked from James’s truck.  Tommy parked nearby, and put the envelopes in the center console, buried deep under some junk.  As he left the truck, he checked his phone, making sure he read the group texts right.  Morgana would be at the bar tonight.

Morgana would be at the bar tonight.  He’d be at the bar.  He had a pocket full of drugs. 

Tommy had some planning to do.
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Online To-Get-Her

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 36 Posted)
« Reply #109 on: April 23, 2022, 12:19:05 PM »
So with the superstructure in place. James an concentrate on external activities again!.  Nice to see James Deciding to help Tommy continue on his quest to get Morgana. Now I'm wondering if James is going to set Tommy up again so he can take advantage of a now impregnatable Morgana? merit awarded from me for advancing the story so easily!
When I get around to it, I'll write

Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 37 Posted)
« Reply #110 on: April 26, 2022, 09:19:57 PM »
Thanks TGH.  James has a plan inside of a plan.  Like they said on the A Team, he "loves it when a plan comes together."  Or was it cums together? 

Chapter 37 incoming.
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Re: Pharma (Chapter 37 Posted)
« Reply #111 on: April 26, 2022, 09:20:47 PM »
Chapter 37 (MF, oral, drug)

The bed creaked in a rhythmic motion as the couple he moved up and down, in and out of her.  She pulled him in into her as far as she could with each thrust.  Her legs wrapped around the backs of his legs, feet digging into his thighs, driving home one message.  Fuck me harder.  He obliged.  She grabbed him around the shoulders and pulled his face down to hers, meeting in a passionate embrace.


James was on cloud 9 as everyone showed up at Antonio’s Bar and Restaurant in Farrell Township.  Out of all the things he’s done in life – drinking, drugs, sex, skydiving, jet skiing, running with the bulls, going on safari, hunting wolves and crocodiles – nothing compared to the high he got from building a skyscraper.  It never gets old.  So when he invited a couple dozen people from work to dinner and drinks on him at Antonio’s, people were stunned.  This man, who barely cracked a smile and was known to more likely tell some to ‘go fook themselves’ than have a nice day, was so excited that he would gladly drop thousands of dollars on a bar bill.  Of course, this would be expensed on the corporate card as a team building exercise, but the fact that he even went to this trouble surprised people.  He invited everyone who was on site that day, and their spouses if available.  Several members of the work crews showed up, as well as some of the management and their spouses.  He definitely made sure to invite Morgana.

James put a reservation in for 6:30 but knew that most people would show up when they showed up.  He was there on time, as were a few of the workers that lived close by.  Most of the crew that showed up did so after 7 as they had to go home, clean up, then come back.  Chuck Hartman brought his wife Angie after getting the in-laws to watch their kids for the night.  Tommy and Morgana showed up a little after 7:30PM.  He picked her up in his work truck from her apartment.  She’d been a little skittish about leaving the apartment in the evening following the attack.  Also, this was the first time they’d seen each other since she accidentally kissed him on Sunday.  Tommy insisted on picking her up, but Morgana didn’t complain too hard on that front.  She wanted to spend more time with him, but was worried about him getting in trouble if he drank too much.  He did promise that he would keep the drinking down tonight.

She looked absolutely stunning when she walked into the bar.  Morgana wore a little black dress with a plunging neckline and skinny straps.  The dress ended about halfway down her thighs, and she wore a pair of almost 3-inch black pumps that matched.  Her makeup was subtle yet sultry, with red lipstick that screamed ‘kiss these lips.’  She dressed up for the occasion, looking like a million bucks.  Tommy was no slouch either, dressed in a baby blue button-up shirt, black slacks, black leather shoes, and his Clark Kent glasses.  Even with the pumps, she was still a couple inches shorter than her escort and friend.

Everyone saw a side of James they hadn’t seen before, and enjoyed his hospitality.  Morgana and Tommy sat next to a couple of the ironworkers and the Hartman’s, at the opposite end of the table from James and a few managers.  They talked shop for a bit.  Morgana and Angie talked about other things, such as where Morgana was from and how she was liking the states so far. 


She grabbed his neck as she moaned, feeling him inside her, titillating her most sensitive self.  She was on the edge, she could feel it.  She was almost there, she could taste it.  He pressed his mouth to hers, kissing her fully.  She moaned into his mouth as she came, her body shaking and convulsing with an orgasmic pulse.


Dinner went until well after 9PM.  By that point, most of the people with families waiting for them at home left.  A few people stayed behind.  Morgana, Tommy, James, and several of the crew stayed behind and moved the party from the restaurant side of the building to the bar side of things.

Tommy and Morgana were friendly flirting through most of the night.  They casually touched each other, laughed a little harder at the other’s jokes, and sat a little closer together than others.  They’d say it was because of the cramped spaces and trying to fit 30 people around a table space made for 20, but even after people left they stayed close to each other.  Anyone watching from the outside would assume they were dating from the way they acted towards each other.  Well, except for the fact that neither kissed the other.

The group shared a few more drinks before some more of the crew left for home.  By 11, the only ones left were James, Tommy, and Morgana.  Even James was starting to feel tuckered out.  James was going to call it a night when he struck up a conversation with a woman at the bar.  A few minutes later, James settled up the tab and he was on his way out with this new friend of his.

Tommy and Morgana were all alone in a crowd.  Just how Tommy liked it.


She was on top now, riding him, maintaining control.  She set the pace, long and slow.  She gyrated her hips in just the way she wanted, the way she needed, the way she knew stimulated her in all the right ways.  She ran her hands over his abs, outlining each and every defined muscle he had.  He moved his hands from her hips up to her tits, grabbing them fully.  He leaned up, engulfing her nipple in his mouth as he sucked and licked.


Antonio’s was large enough that it had a restaurant and bar with an attached dance floor.  They played different kinds of music depending on the DJ they brought in for the night.  This Friday night, it was dance music from the 90’s and 00’s.  Tommy remembered this stuff from when he was a kid.  Morgana heard most of it, but didn’t have the same attachment to it as Tommy.  Still, after a couple drinks she wanted to dance.  They made their way to the dance floor, where the DJ was spinning some 50 Cent.

Tommy wasn’t sure how to play this.  Morgana dragged him onto the dance floor and they, well, danced.  If this were any other woman, he’d be up all up on that ass, grinding on her like it was high school again.  Instead, he let her take the lead for a few minutes while he came up with a plan.

For her part, Morgana was having fun with Tommy and was confused as well.  Since he hadn’t so much as made a move on her, she was beginning to doubt herself.  She got dressed up for him, was extra flirty for him, and was even dancing with him, but he wasn’t making a move.  It’s not like she’d do anything with him anyway, but there was a part of her that was growing louder and louder as the night rolled on.  This part was barely concealed by the music, the drinks, and the flirting.  There was a part of her that wanted Tommy, that needed Tommy.  She missed her husband so much, but at the same time there’s this awesome man who both played it cool and hinted at the slightest bit of interest.  If she didn’t know any better, she’d think he was gay.  At least that would explain why he hadn’t made a move.  Was it because he was that good of a friend to them or because she was losing a step in her game?

Self-doubt came over her when she realized that her drink was empty.  Before she could leave the dance floor, Tommy grabbed her drink.  “I’ll be right back.”


She was on her side, right leg up in the air, as he fucked her from behind.  The pace was slower, more sensual, as he rocked in and out of her love canal, kissing her neck and nibbling her ear as he went.  He held her leg up to help him get as deep as he could into her, making sure she felt every inch of his being in her.  Her right hand wandered, until he let go of her leg and kept it propped up with his leg.  He grabbed her right hand under his and directed it down to her pussy, searching for her clit.  He controlled her hand until she took the hint and rubbed her nub herself while he fucked her.


Tommy made his way to the bar, and he had a plan in mind.  He stopped at a table on the way to the bar and checked his pockets.  The pills and powder were still in there, hidden in the small pocket sewn into the main slacks pocket.  He checked his phone for a second, before continuing.  He packed enough of each with him to fuck up half the bar if needed, but he only needed two or three Molly for Morgana.  That much should make her horny enough to fuck half the construction crew.  But the delivery was the important part.  He couldn’t give her the pills straight away, so he needed to put them in her drink.  But to properly dissolve them, carbonated drinks work best.  This was a problem as Morgana didn’t like Coke, and she wasn’t drinking anything with tonic tonight.  She’d had a couple glasses of wine then switched to Vodka and Cranberry.  That’s when he had the idea to try something new.

Tommy took the empties with him and dropped them by the bar, then waited for the bartender to look his way.  After what felt like an eternity, a woman in her 30’s came over.

“2 Vodka Red Bulls, 1 with cranberry juice too.”  The bartender nodded.  A moment later, she came back with two drinks in rocks glasses.  One looked like piss, the other like blood-tinted piss.”

“$14.”  The bartender said as she pushed the drinks over.  Tommy gave her a 20 dollar bill and told her to keep it.  He grabbed the drinks and returned to the table.  Back at the table, he checked his phone again.  This time though, he reached into his other pocket and pulled out three little pills from the from the one pouch and palmed them.  He stood with his back to the bar and any bouncers just in case anyone got too nosy.  He put his phone back in his pocket with his left hand and slipped the palmed pills into the red glass with his right.  The pills started to dissolve and fizz, aided by the carbonation of the Red Bull.  Tommy stirred both drinks with a stirrer then took a sip of each.   Red Bull is an acquired taste.  At least the cranberry in Morgana’s made it taste palatable.

Tommy returned to find Morgana on the dance floor, trying to get away from some older businessman who was trying to relive his lost youth by dancing with the hot blonde who was obviously bothered by him.  Tommy made his way over, careful not to spill their drinks.  As soon as she caught sight of him, she nearly jumped into his arms and kissed him on the cheek.  The businessman caught this as the universal sign to fuck off.  Tommy handed Morgana her new drink, and she immediately winced.

“What the fuck is this?”

“Red Bull and vodka, with a little cranberry.  Something new.”

“Red Bull’s not new, sweetie.  Next drink, just a vodka and cranberry.”  She drank her drink, slowly moving closer and closer.  Tommy sipped his, taking his time.


Her mouth wrapped around his cock, her tongue flicking the sensitive spot right under the head.  She flicked back and forth before travelling all the way down to the base and back up.  She loved the feel and flavor in the moment, the way he filled her mouth, the curve, the way he breathed heavily as she bobbed her head up and down, pausing to put her tongue to work on his shaft.  She loved the control she both gave up and held all at the same time.


Morgana wasn’t sure what was coming over her, but there was something about, well, everything that made her burn.  The music, the dancing, the lights, the drinks, Tommy, all of it.  As she kept dancing, she looked at her drink and realized she liked this.  The drink relaxed her and she felt alive and electric.  Before Morgana realized, she dancing on Tommy, rubbing her ass on him and wrapping his arms around her.  As ‘Around the World’ by Daft Punk came on, she felt a warmth and electricity come over that she hadn’t felt in, well, it had been a while.  She looked around the dance floor, seeing other people dancing and felt alive.

Alive and aroused.

She pulled herself in closer to Tommy, her ass rubbing on his crotch and his arms around her torso.  She adjusted them, ‘accidentally’ brushing them against her boobs.  As the bass dropped, she moved her ass against his crotch vigorously.  That’s when she felt his hard-on for the first time.  ‘Cheeky fella, that’s what it takes.’  She thought to herself as she kept dancing on him, teasing him.  Teasing herself.  She was toeier than a roman sandal.  She was losing herself in the dance, in the music, in Tommy’s arms.  She reached behind her and ran her fingers through Tommy’s hair, pulling his head closer to head.

The song changed to some 90’s hip hop just before she pulled him in for a kiss.  Instead, she directed him to her neck, where Tommy lingered in her scent for a bit before kissing and nibbling on the nape of her neck and her ears.  This shit drove Morgana wild.  She clenched her hands in Tommy’s hair, pulling him into her more if it were possible.  She was so turned on at this point she legitimately worried about cumming on the dance floor.  Another electronica song came on, something from Moby, and she did something she’d have never done normally.  She grabbed Tommy’s hand and guided it to her breast.  Tommy took the clue.

While Tommy was playing Morgana’s body like a Fender Stratocaster, he did his best to focus on anything other than the feeling of the extremely gorgeous woman grinding on his cock.  When she put his hand on her tit, he kept playing, grabbing, licking, and biting.

Morgana felt physically wonderful, but her conscience nagged at her.  She thought of Drew, of her wedding, of her vows to him, how much he loved her and she loved him.  She also thought about how he was half a world away, how Tommy was right here right now.  Drew was spending all this time down there, doing who knows what.  They had no secrets between them.

Morgana wanted a secret.  Just one secret.  One tiny, little secret that was just hers and hers alone.  One that she’d take to her deathbed, surrounded by her grandkids long after Drew passed.  One last, lonely secret.  In that moment, Morgana made up her mind of what she was going to do.

As ‘Magic Sounds Better with You’ played, she pulled Tommy’s head from her neck and forward to her face.  She kept a hold of his head as she leaned in and kissed him on the lips.  He kissed her back, lightly at first then with more passion.  By the time the song finished, they were making out on the dance floor, her left hand on his left hand on her dress over her right tit and her right hand clutched deep in his hair.

Tommy would be her little, lonely secret.


He kissed her tenderly on her southerly lips, savoring her taste and living in her aroma.  The most powerful and intoxicating smell in the world is the scent of a woman.  He kissed and licked every part of her femininity until he focused on her special button.  He licked and kissed lightly at first, teasing the sensations from her until he settled on a method that made her toes curl. 


The couple didn’t talk as they left dance floor.  He finished his drink a while back after making sure she finished hers.  They made their way back to the front door and out to the parking lot.  The lack of music was unsettling, but just left everything else in her body to experience the feel of the cool night air on her sweaty skin, the sound of the traffic driving past, the feel of Tommy’s hands on her body, his tongue in her mouth, his dick pressing against her crotch and belly.  She reached into his pocket, looking for the keys to open up the truck.  Tommy grabbed her hand first and opened the truck.  Thank goodness for keyless entry.  He helped her up into the cabin of the F-150, not even breaking the kiss.  Tommy did his best Barry Allen impression and climbed into the driver’s seat faster than he ever did before.

The drive home was a blur for both of them.  He tried to focus on driving, but she was focused on Tommy and how he felt.  It was only a ten-minute drive back to her place.  He found a Spotify channel with 90’s club music.  Technotronic came on as he drove the large pickup with his left hand.  Morgana grabbed his right and was running his right hand up and down her thigh.  It was the fastest and longest ten-minute drive of his life.  He did his best to keep the large truck under the speed limit and obeyed all the rules of the road, but it’s kind of hard to focus on the road when the hottest woman in the world starts fingering herself with your hand.

Morgana was beyond horny.  On a scale of 1-10, she was flirting with triple digits.  Like Pam from Archer said “You could drown a toddler in my panties.”  As Tommy drove, she grabbed his free hand and slid it up her thigh, all the way to her crotch.  She couldn’t believe she was being this forward with him, but after everything they’ve done tonight and been through in the last few months, and with as turned on as she was, she needed to feel him in her.  His free hand was on her pussy now, not having to worry about shifting.  Thank God for Yanks and their obsession with automatic transmissions.

One advantage with being as tall as Tommy at 6’3” is having longer arms.  Even then, trying to finger fuck the passenger in a Ford F-150 over the center console is no small feat.  This isn’t a Fiat 500 or a Nissan Versa or a Mazda 3.  Hell, with some creative use of straps, bungies, and a lift, he could fit one of those tiny cars in the bed of the truck.

Tommy felt how wet Morgana was, she was ready to cum right then and there.  But he played it smart.  Instead of trying to get her off in the seat, he teased her as he drove, just to drive her even more wild.  Plus, he couldn’t give this job the attention it deserved while trying to keep the truck on the road. 

He pulled into her parking lot and into one of the assigned spots for Morgana’s apartment.  It helped that he had his work truck with the logo of the maintenance company for the condos on it.  As soon as he stopped the truck, she leaned over and kissed him deep and passionately.  Born Slippy, that song from Trainspotting came on the stereo.  They took that as a sign.  Tommy unplugged the phone and kept playing it as he got out of the truck, got her out, and they made their way inside.  Morgana was already starting to unbutton Tommy’s shirt before the elevator opened and they climbed in.  A quick ride up the elevator and they were making out and practically dry humping at her door before she unlocked it, Tommy’s hands sliding high up her dress, over her hips and panties.  A moment of fumbling with the keys later and they were in.


The bed squeaked louder and louder as he thrust harder and harder into her from behind, holding her hips tightly.  She was on her hands and knees, pushing back into him.  The sound of slapping flesh competed with the squeaking bed, her moaning, and his breathing for loudest sound in the room.  He looked down at her ass, loving the way it rippled as they fucked, savoring the feel of his shaft sawing in and out of her sex, filling her completely.


Morgana was already peeling off Tommy’s shirt by the time the door closed behind them.  Tommy kicked off his shoes as Morgana took off her heels.  He picked her up off the floor and she wrapped her legs around him.  They kissed as they made their way to the bedroom, shedding clothes along the way.  First his shirt, then undershirt, her shoes, then her dress, then his pants and socks.  All that was left in the bedroom were both of them in their underwear.  As they fell on the bed, she pushed his boxer briefs down, freeing his cock.  He grabbed her lace panties and peeled them off over her hips and down her legs.

Morgana lay naked under him.  He climbed on top of her, kissing her titties on the way up to her mouth.  As he looked in her eyes, he felt a fire and desire he’d never felt before, and recognized it in her eyes.  She spread her legs for him, and he guided the head of his cock into her.  She gasped as he pushed into her.

Tommy was accomplishing his dream ever since he first saw her.  He was fucking Morgana Williams.  The bed creaked in a rhythmic motion as the couple he moved up and down, in and out of her.  She pulled him in into her as far as she could with each thrust.  Her legs wrapped around the backs of his legs, feet digging into his thighs, driving home one message.  Fuck me harder.  He obliged.  She grabbed him around the shoulders and pulled his face down to hers, meeting in a passionate embrace.

Morgana focused on the feeling of Tommy’s cock in her, the feeling of his lips on hers, his flesh on her.  Her whole body was on fire with arousal.  This was going to be her dirty little secret, and she was going to enjoy herself.  She grabbed his neck as she moaned, feeling him inside her, titillating her most sensitive self.  She was on the edge, she could feel it.  She was almost there, she could almost taste it.  He pressed his mouth to hers, kissing her fully.  She moaned into his mouth as she came, her body shaking and convulsing with an orgasmic pulse.

Tommy felt Morgana cum under him with an intensity he only contemplated before.  She shook and convulsed under him, eventually coming down and settling into a new rhythm.  That’s when she pushed up and he rolled over onto his back.  She was on top now, riding him, maintaining control.  She set the pace, long and slow.  She gyrated her hips in just the way she wanted, the way she needed, the way she knew stimulated her in all the right ways.  She ran her hands over his abs, outlining each and every defined muscle he had.  He moved his hands from her hips up to her tits, grabbing them fully.  He leaned up, engulfing her nipple in his mouth as he sucked and licked.  She rode him in just the right way to push her into another orgasm.  This time, Tommy didn’t kiss her, she moaned out loud, a sexy, guttural moan that can only be interpreted one way.  Passion.

He took over again after she came, laying Morgana on the bed.  She was on her side, right leg up in the air, as he fucked her from behind.  The pace was slower, more sensual, as he rocked in and out of her love canal, kissing her neck and nibbling her ear as he went.  He held her leg up to help him get as deep as he could into her, making sure she felt every inch of his being in her.  Her right hand wandered, until he let go of her leg and kept it propped up with his leg.  He grabbed her right hand under his and directed it down to her pussy, searching for her clit.  He controlled her hand until she took the hint and rubbed her nub herself while he fucked her.

As she felt herself edging ever closer, Morgana felt an urge, a desire, to feel him in her mouth, to see how he tasted.  She pulled herself off of him then pushed Tommy onto his back.  She kissed him, then kissed down his body, stopping at his nipples, then down his abs and down his clean-shaven crotch.  She licked around his member, kissing his balls before engulfing his cock.  Her mouth wrapped around it, her tongue flicking the sensitive spot right under the head.  She flicked back and forth before travelling all the way down to the base and back up.  She loved the feel and flavor in the moment, the way he filled her mouth, the curve, the way he breathed heavily as she bobbed her head up and down, pausing to put her tongue to work on his shaft.  She loved the control she both gave up and held all at the same time.

It took all of Tommy’s willpower to not cum right then and there.  Morgana was a master with her tongue, making him think that this must be a dream.  Once he was convinced that this was real, he let her continue for a few minutes before she rose up from his lap and came back up, ready to mount him. Tommy laid Morgana back down on the bed and decided to return the favor.  He started by kissing her mouth, then down her neck to her collarbone, then down her breasts, paying attention to every square inch of her tits and nipples, even the space between them.  He kept working his way down her abs and to her pussy.  He kissed her tenderly on her southerly lips, savoring her taste and living in her aroma.  The most powerful and intoxicating smell in the world is the scent of a woman.  He kissed and licked every part of her femininity until he focused on her special button.  He licked and kissed lightly at first, teasing the sensations from her until he settled on a method that made her toes curl.  She screamed out loud as she came again, pulling his head into her pussy as she did so.  Morgana squeezed Tommy’s head with her athletic legs, causing his ears to pop.

He climbed back up onto the bed and fucked her again, doing everything he could to extend this session.  This may be the one and only time he ever gets to fuck her like this, he needs to make the most of it.

Morgana had a similar thought.  This was likely to never happen again.  Tonight, would be her dirty little secret that she’d carry with her the rest of her life.  There’s one more thing she wanted to try.  She loved it when she was fucked doggystyle, and wanted- no, needed- Tommy to fuck her like a bitch in heat.  She took control again and pushed Tommy up to his knees.  She climbed off of him, then squatted on all fours in front of him.  He mounted her, filling her from behind.  The bed squeaked louder and louder as he thrust harder and harder into her from behind, holding her hips tightly.  She was on her hands and knees, pushing back into him.  The sound of slapping flesh competed with the squeaking bed, her moaning, and his breathing for loudest sound in the room.  He looked down at her ass, loving the way it rippled as they fucked, savoring the feel of his shaft sawing in and out of her sex, his shaft filling her completely.  She moaned again as she came once again.  She didn’t even try to count how many times he made her cum tonight.

Tommy was doing everything he could to keep going, but a man can only go for so long before he has to cum.  Fucking Morgana from behind was the most erotic sensation of his life, and he knew he was just a moment away from cumming.

Morgana felt Tommy tense and his movements get erratic.  She guessed that he was ready to cum, and she was right.  That’s when she told him to not pull out.  Tommy wasn’t sure what she said, but she leaned back, sat up on her knees, turned her head, and kissed him.  He was honestly impressed and overwhelmed.  He felt his balls contract and blast into her.  She felt him cum in her.  Blast after blast, jet after jet of his seed shot into her womb.  They snuggled and embraced, collapsing on the bed.

They lay in each other’s arms for a minute, not saying anything before Morgana realized she made a terrible mistake.  It wasn’t fucking Tommy, that wasn’t a mistake in the slightest.

She had just got off of her birth control.


As Morgana got up and went to the Master bathroom, Tommy made his way to the Guest bathroom.  He took a piss, cleaned himself up, and started getting his clothes together.  As much as he’d love to go again, he was exhausted and needed to sleep, and didn’t want to have to explain to Drew why he was in their apartment when he Facetimes her in the morning.  He gathered his clothes and pulled himself together as best as he could.

As far as Morgana, she looked in the mirror for a long, hard minute after taking a slash.  She looked like she just fucked someone.  She checked her phone.  There were some texts from Drew, asking how the night went then saying goodnight.  It was almost 2AM local time so 4 in the afternoon back in Melbourne.  She stumbled through a text with a bunch of bad spelling in it, saying they just got back from the bar and she was heading to bed, that she’d talk to him in the morning.  A little back and forth with a couple ‘I Love You’s’ and she bought herself enough time to come up with a story and to keep a secret.

When she came out of the bathroom, she threw on a bathrobe and saw Tommy getting dressed.  She smiled, knowing what just happened could never happen again but knowing that Tommy loved it too and that he would have to keep the secret as well.  He made a couple glasses of water, one for him and one for her.  She kissed him again, then drank her water.  Tommy finished his before he left.  They promised to meet up soon, probably tomorrow or Sunday.

Morgana was a bundle of nerves and feelings and sensations and emotions, but as she laid down in bed, she suddenly felt very tired.  Very, very tired.  It must have been the emotions of the night all catching up with her.


Tommy stood in the kitchen as Morgana finished up in the bathroom, filling two glasses of water.  He needed a drink and figured so did she.  But she would also need some help going to sleep.  Tommy pulled out his little packet of roofie powder and put a little in one glass and stirred it with his finger, then pushed it away from him.  When Morgana came out of the bathroom, she wore her bathrobe.  He gave her the water glass with the sedatives in it and watched as she quickly finished it.  They kissed again before promising to meet up soon, then Tommy left.

One advantage of Rohypnol, aside from being a strong sedative is that it also affects the short-term memory.  He’s not sure how much of tonight she’d remember after this, and how much of this she’d piece together of Tommy’s nefarious methods, but he’d give himself a head start to a good story.

Always close the program you were running before exiting the holodeck

Online To-Get-Her

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 37 Posted)
« Reply #112 on: April 27, 2022, 01:55:49 PM »
So Tommy finally gets balls deep in Morgana and plans to conveniently forget about their tryst. God tell me that James was videotaping them to have a little hold on the pair of them. or is Morgana going to experience a little pregnancy issue that can lead to even more secrets? merit awarded from me so I can learn more answers!
When I get around to it, I'll write

Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 38 Posted)
« Reply #113 on: April 30, 2022, 01:05:40 PM »
Thanks TGH.  This next chapter turns things on its head, but sets the stage for one of the biggest events I've ever written.

Chapter 38 incoming.
Always close the program you were running before exiting the holodeck

Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 38 Posted)
« Reply #114 on: April 30, 2022, 01:06:40 PM »
Chapter 38. (FSolo, setup)

Morgana woke up late Saturday morning.  She knew it was late before even checking her phone.  She didn’t fall asleep until almost 2:30AM, after Tommy left.


She bolted up in her bed, looking around.  As if a dam burst open, memories of the night before flooded her mind.  They all came at her like a jumbled mess.  Then she looked down.  She was naked in bed, and the sheets were a mess.  Without checking her phone, she jumped up and went to the bathroom.  She checked herself out in the mirror.  No bites, no scratches that couldn’t be explained other ways, but she could tell that last night wasn’t a dream.

She had fucked Tommy in her and Drew’s bed.  Morgana immediately broke down and sat on the toilet for a while, replaying all of the events from last night, only getting up to start the shower.  She remembered getting dressed, Tommy picking her up, flirting a little during dinner, Tommy looking fine, flirting a little more after dinner, then they went on the dance floor.  “Oh my God.”  She remembered how she threw herself at him, was grinding on him like some cheap slut, how she felt when his hands roamed her body, how she made every first move.  She remembered how she justified this like it was her own dirty little secret.  It wasn’t even like she was too drunk, she remembered all of it.  She remembered making out with him on the dance floor, telling him “Let’s go back to my place”, how she basically made him finger fuck her on the drive home.  Then the sex.  Holy shit.  The sex.  She remembered all of it, how many times she came, how many different positions, how they just kept going and going and how it all ended with him ejaculating in her when she wouldn’t let him pull out.  Then she remembered how she just had her IUD taken out earlier in the week.

She sat and cried for a minute before jumping in the shower.  Everything she just did was of her own free will, her own volition.  She couldn’t believe how she just threw herself at Tommy like that.  She was mad at herself, mad at Tommy, mad at James, mad at Aislinn, mad at Drew, mad at Bianca, mad at the world.  “Stupid, stupid, stupid.”  She said over and over, berating herself as she washed everything.  She thought back to the previous night.  Whatever it was that came over her, it was just so sudden.  She went from playful flirting to acting like a whore in less than a half hour.  But she felt so good, so alive.  Every inch of her body was alive and electric last night, and Tommy, wow.  He was everything she needed him to be.  Assertive yet demure at the right times, tender but aggressive, caring and selfless yet focused.  She hadn’t felt like that since, since… She couldn’t remember.  She’d been with Drew so long that their love making, while still exciting and pleasurable, had almost become routine.  She missed her husband immensely, but wouldn’t forget how she felt.

As she let the water wash away the guilt and frustration, she tried to count how many times she orgasmed last night.  There was once in missionary, once while on top, once on her side, at least once from his tongue, and again while in doggy.  At least 5 times.  Morgana became weak in the knees as she remembered them, relived each moment over and over again.  She played with herself, replaying the entire night.  She thought of Drew, doing the same to her, then imagined Tommy and Drew worshiping her body, enveloping her with their bodies.  She nearly collapsed in the shower from her orgasm, barely keeping her balance.  As she recovered, she laughed, thinking how silly it would be to hurt oneself in the shower from masturbating.

It was well after noon by the time she exited the shower and dried off.  She still wasn’t sure what to say or how to explain things to Drew or Aislinn, let alone how she’d deal with Tommy.  When she checked her phone, she saw a slew of texts and messages from Drew and her sister and various group chats.  Her heart caught in her throat when she opened them.  Drew’s texts came in throughout the night and the morning, ranging from concerned to worried to relieved.  Before she answered any of them, she checked the other messages first.  Aislinn asked for a call at some point in her morning, same with Drew.  The most recent messages were in the four friends group chat with her, Tommy, James, and Drew.  Cautiously, she opened them.

Drew asked how things went and what time everyone was out till.  James said he bugged out a little early after meeting a cougar named Samantha.  Tommy replied that he and Morgy were out till almost closing, then had another quick drink before he left, a sloppily made Gin and Tonic, but he couldn’t find the tonic so it was Gin and Water.  “So in other words, just gin.”  Drew’s last message was a couple hours ago around 10AM EST.  She replied in the group chat and in the personal text to Drew, letting everyone know that she was up, sleeping off one hell of a hangover.  “Vodka and Red Bull is not a good idea.”  A couple emojis later and Drew quickly responded, telling her that he missed her and can’t wait to see her again and that he’s glad she had a good time.  She had to fight crying and spilling her guts out right then and there.  Instead, she just texted back “I love you, sleep tight” and waited for his reply of “I love you too, c ya in morn.”

Morgana wasn’t sure how to proceed, but she knew that this could never happen again.  She could live to 120 and this could never, ever happen again.  At least…. She shook her head, trying to excise the ‘what if’s’ that floated through her mind now like ‘What if Drew wants a threesome?’ or ‘What if we’re being held hostage and this was the only way to prevent the bomb from going off?’ or ‘What if Tommy started it and Drew was watching?’  She sat for a few minutes, thinking of someone, anyone she could confide in.  Aislinn was out.  As much her and her sister shared everything, including a boyfriend once in school, this was too explosive and she worked with Drew.  Tabitha was very busy with work and wouldn’t look fondly on Morgy cheating on Drew.  Bianca was definitely out as her opinion of cheaters was slightly less than that of Nazi’s, and her opinion on them was “the only good one is a dead one.”  Her ex-husband cheated on her many times and even brought the clap home from one of his little trysts.  She knew who she needed to talk to.

Morgana picked up her phone and texted Tommy.  “We need to Talk.”  Then she deleted it.  “What’s Up?”  Deleted.  “Hey.”  Deleted.  “Did you eat yet?”  Deleted.  “Nice cock.”  Deleted.  “What are you doing this weekend?”  She pressed send.  It wasn’t too accusatorial, didn’t lead him on too much, just neutral enough to elicit a response without hopefully getting too crazy.  She waited for a response.  The bubbles appeared and disappeared several times before she received a simple “Nothing much, U?”  She thought for a moment about how to respond.  “Nothing much.”  That part was easy.  She knew she needed to talk to Tommy about what happened, but where, and when?  If she invited him over he might take that as a signal to have Fuckfest 2: Electric Boogaloo.  But it might get weird and awkward and some crying, so doing that in public might not be a good idea.  All she needs is some jackass recording their fight and uploading it to TikTok, it goes viral, then Drew’s asking questions.  She then added.  “How about getting something to eat?  Food truck in a park or something?”  Send.  Food can distract from what was going on and in a park people generally minded their own business.  Besides, there was a food truck gathering in the park next door later on today.  A little more back and forth and they agreed to meet outside. 

Morgana breathed, trying to plan out what would and could happen.  She had to be very, very careful here.  The last thing she wants to do is destroy her marriage.  The next to last thing is break Tommy’s heart.


Tommy stayed up for an hour or so after he got home the night before and spent some time on the Club’s website.  He saved and downloaded all of the footage from him and Morgana’s sexual escapades.  This would keep him warm on many a cold, lonely night.  He checked out the footage.  He was satisfied.  Fuck, more than satisfied, he fucked her good.  Apparently, he wasn’t the only one who thought so.  A couple other members who watched the footage thought so too, and gave Tommy a few virtual high-fives.  He’s still getting used to the thought of strangers jerking off to him having sex, but in this case, he wasn’t opposed.  He also made sure to save some of the footage from his favorite lesbos in training, Riley and Jordan.  They came home from a party and were really, really horny.  Jordan was going to have a very sore jaw in the morning from how much pussy she ate last night.

Tommy passed out around 4AM and woke up around 8AM to piss.  That’s when he saw some messages from Drew.  Oh shit.  He thought fast and woke up quick.  Drew was asking about Morgy, he’d better think fast.  Tommy almost blurted out some line about going out for a late dinner after drinking, but that was a bad idea on multiple fronts.  First, if he has tracking on Morgana’s phone he’d see that she went from the condo to the bar and back, no detours.  Second, Morgana’s a vegetarian leaning towards vegan and wouldn’t eat most drunk Yankee food.  Finally, if they were at the restaurant, why didn’t she text or call if everything was normal?  Instead, Tommy just stretched the truth a little.  They stayed out late, had a few more drinks than they should, and he made one for the road before he left.  He knew they had gin in the cabinet but didn’t know about the tonic water, so it was just a Gin and Water.  Drew bought it, then probably went to bed.  Tommy was tired but up.  As much as he wanted to go back to bed, he couldn’t.  He thought about taking a shower but didn’t.  He had Morgy’s scent all over him and didn’t want to wash it off yet.  Instead he logged back onto the Club’s website and watched the footage of him fucking Morgana.  He jerked off as he watched him fuck this amazing blonde from just a few hours earlier.  His favorite part was when he was fucking her.  After a nut, he went back to bed until a new alarm went off at 11AM.

He woke up and finally decided to shower.  The scent of a woman late in the morning isn’t all it’s cracked up to be after lying in bed for hours.  A shower and shave later, and he’s getting dressed for the day.  He had some ideas about what to do, but wasn’t sure how to proceed.  He had no clue how much Morgana remembered, how much she’ll believe him if he told her nothing happened or that she started it, and he had no clue if she suspected him at all of drugging her.  He spiked her drink with enough Molly to make a nun want to fuck a fire hydrant and gave her a big enough dose of roofies to knock her ass out when he left.  One by itself will fuck with her mind, both might turn her into a retard.

Tommy breathed a sigh of relief when Morgana answered in the group chat “Vodka and Red Bull is not a good idea.”  A couple laughing emojis later and all was good in that chat.  Drew responded quickly, then disappeared.  It was after 2AM in Melbourne when she sent that message.  Later on, Morgana texted Tommy.  “What are you doing this weekend?”  He thought about answering right away but took his time while he logged onto the Club’s website and saw her spy cams.  He typed a couple things, deleting each one before settling on “Nothing much, U?”  He zipped through the camera feeds quickly, catching Morgana crying in the bathroom then crying in the shower then fucking herself in the shower then agonizing over what to text him.  She then spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out what to say.  Eventually she offered to meet him for a trip to the nearby food trucks.  He agreed, but she was adamant about not meeting in her place.  He checked the feeds again, making sure that she didn’t suspect anything about the cameras or whatnot before going in.  She didn’t find them.  He tried to play it out in his head, but the best he could come up with was she didn’t want to do this again and meeting in her living room would lead to her bedroom.

He saved the footage before he left for her place.


Tommy showed up to the condo building around 2PM in his work truck.  He could’ve brought his car, but he barely used it anymore and as long as Pharma and H2C are paying the bills, might as well use it.  Plus, no one asks questions if a truck from the maintenance company parks in the parking lot.  He sat in the truck for a minute, thinking through what he knew so far.  She mentioned the Vodka Red Bull from last night, she was cautious about what she wrote, and didn’t want to meet in her apartment.  He sat there, listening to the stereo.  Dua Lipa’s “New Rules” was playing.  He thought about the song for a bit, and if it played into the current situation.  ‘If you’re under him, you’re not getting over him.’  That line made a lot of sense to him right now. 

As he was about to text Morgana, she came downstairs and stood by the door.  She wore a cute yellow floral sundress, sandals, and a pair of sunglasses.  She waved at him when she saw him, he waved back.  Tommy unplugged the phone from the truck but started the voice recording app before slipping it in his pocket.  ‘Just in case I misunderstand something’, he told himself.  He exited the truck.  Tommy wore a V-neck gray shirt, khaki shorts, and a pair of sneakers.  He threw on a pair of sunglasses and approached her.

It was an awkward meetup.  Tommy almost went in for a hug, but Morgana sidestepped then she went for a hug but Tommy deflected.  They eventually settled on a hug.  He could feel how tense she felt in his arms.  He let go, and the pair walked down the path to the neighboring park, side by side.  This was also the first time she’d walked this way since the attack on her a couple weeks ago.  Tommy grabbed her hand and walked with her when they got to the spot where that masked man jumped out at her.  After a moment, they were clear.  She leaned in to him a little bit more as they walked.  He made sure that no one was around when he opened his mouth.

“Listen, about-“  Morgana cut him off and stopped in the middle of the path.

“No, don’t.  Let me get this off my chest, ‘kay?”  Morgana said.  Tommy nodded, waiting for her to continue.  “I-I don’t know what came over me last night, but that’s not normally me.  I don’t ever act like that, and I sure haven’t done anything like that before.  I threw myself at you like a cheap whore.  It’s not like I could say I was that drunk, I only had 4 drinks all night.  I was straight sober when we left.  I did something last night I’d never done before, I gotta live with that.  That’s my burden.  If Drew finds out what happened, it’ll crush him, and he doesn’t deserve that.  I’ll take this to my grave, but it has to be a one-time thing.”  Morgana was on the verge of tears as she talked.

“One-time secret thing?  So I should take down that Facebook post that I tagged all of your family members in about us?”  He tried to deliver it as a joke.  Morgana didn’t pay attention to the tone and nearly lost it.

“Not. Fucking.  Funny!”  She looked like she was about to hit him.  Tommy laughed, waiting for her to drop her hands.

“It’s just a joke, you look like you could use a laugh.  Besides, I don’t want to hurt anyone either.  It was, a crazy night all around.”  He moved in to grab her by the shoulders.  She flinched away for a second.

“No one can ever find out.  Ever.”  She looked up into his eyes.

“Ever.  I won’t tell anyone.”  Tommy said that with a straight face.  Technically he didn’t tell anyone about it in the Club, it was on video for anyone to see.  “C’mere.”  Tommy pulled her in close.  She hugged him tight, letting all of her emotions come flooding out at once.  She sniffled a couple times on his shirt before talking.

“Why couldn’t I have met you 4 years ago?”  Tommy didn’t know how to respond.  After a minute, she let go of him, wiping her eyes.

“How about tacos?”

“Tacos sounds good.”  She replied.  The pair walked through the park, arms wrapped around each other until they reached the clearing to the food trucks.


The pair grabbed some food from a truck serving vegan tacos, deep fried sweet potato tacos.  Tommy had to admit they were pretty good.  As they walked, they had a hard time getting back to normal.  Each time they’d talk, he could sense the awkwardness in the air.  Each time they touched, she pulled back.  After a half hour of this, they walked off to a private area with some benches.  They sat, Tommy holding Morgana’s hands as he talked.

“Can you at least tell me what’s going on?  What can I do to fix this?”  She tried to pull both hands away, but he held on tight to one of them.  Morgana started to cry again.

“I don’t know.  It’s not you.  It’s me that I don’t trust.”  Tommy looked at her confused.

“What do you mean?”  He said, looking at her.  Morgana sat for a moment, wiping her eyes with her hand while trying to come up with the right words.

“I haven’t been able to get last night out of my mind all day.  Every time we touch, I think back.  It’s, it’s hard to explain.  I get weak in the knees.  Hearing you, smelling you, touching you, all I want to do is jump your bones right here and now, but I know I can’t.  I don’t know what happened last night, but at least I had an excuse then.  Now, no.  No excuse.  I’m not drunk, not high, just lonely and missing my husband and here you are, and I damn near ripped your clothes off last night.”

“I could’ve said no.  I should’ve said no.”  Tommy didn’t believe himself either when he said it.  Morgana looked like he just said that he likes to eat shit.

“Really?  When, after I started grabbing yer dick on the dance floor or after I grabbed yer hand and made ya finger me in yer truck?  The only way I could’a been more obvious was if I started blowin’ ya during a Daft Punk song.  Don’t give me this ‘taking advantage of me’ shite.  It takes two to tango, and I was doing more than the tango out there.  I’dda been mad if ya had said no, wondering if I were that hideous or if went ya puft on us the last few weeks.”  She was getting animated, letting her Aussie accent rise to the surface.  She then took a deep a breath to calm herself.  “Sorry, I get a little bogan when I get worked up.”

“I know, it’s okay.  It’s kinda cute.”  Tommy replied.  Morgana looked at sideways, like a dog that gets confused by a passing car it doesn’t recognize.


“Okay, it’s actually pretty hot but saying that might not have been the best idea.”


“Yeah.  Your accent is sexy as hell.”  Morgana was taken aback by what Tommy said.

“You never said that before.”  She looked at him as he fidgeted a little on the bench.

“Well, it’s a common thing.  Us Yanks love it.”

“When we met you said you liked it.  You didn’t call it sexy.”

“I’d known you for like 10 seconds.  You don’t open with ‘That’s a sexy voice’ or ‘Damn, I think you’re sexy’.  Especially at work, that’s a one-way trip to HR and having to sit through the mandatory sexual harassment classes.”  Tommy sat there, trying to gauge her reaction.  She smiled and shook her head.

“As much as I didn’t want to hear that right now, it’s nice to hear.”


“You calling me sexy.”

“I said-“

“I heard what you said.  You said ‘Damn, I think you’re sexy’.”  She attempted to imitate Tommy’s voice.  “Don’t deny it.”  Morgana pointed at him playfully as she said that.  He just shrugged his shoulders.  She scooched a few centimeters closer to him on the bench.  He put his arm around her.  They sat in silence for a long moment before Tommy spoke.



“What do we do now?”  Tommy asked.  Morgana took a deep breath and sighed.

“You know this can never happen again, right?  Ever.  This stays between us.  No one can ever find out.”

“I know.”  Tommy sounded deflated when he said that.  She sighed again, resting her head on his chest. 

“Listen, as much as I want to play the ‘what-if’ game, this needs to be a one-time thing only.  We’re just…friends that hooked up once and tried it out.  No matter how great it was, it couldn’t work out.”

“So you’re saying I’m good at sex.”

“Shut up.”  Morgana playfully hit Tommy in his stomach.  He let out a gust of air. 

As she was about to say something, her phone buzzed.  It was Drew sending a text, asking if she was free for a call.  “It’s Drew, gotta take this.”  She replied yes.  She stood up and walked away from the bench as Drew called.  She was chipper and happy on the call.  It was early Sunday morning in Melbourne at this time, and Morgana walked through the park a bit as she Facetimed Drew.  They told each other they loved the other and couldn’t wait to see the other.  Drew mentioned how he had a lot of paperwork he was going to catch up on today then maybe go for a swim at his family’s house or visit the beach.  Morgana talked about how her and Tommy were trying out some local food trucks.  Drew acted like he was jealous, but more about the food trucks.  She promised to call Drew again later at night before she went down for the night.  They said goodbye.  As soon as the call ended, Morgana walked back to the bench and cried.  Tommy was there, holding her.


Morgana sat in her apartment and cried most of the afternoon and into the night.  The only time she pulled it together was when she called her sister Aislinn.  Aislinn was happy, talking about work, her friends, and hanging out with Drew.  He hosted a little barbecue the night before at his bungalow and invited a couple friends from work.  His new neighbor came over, some woman named Marie.  Everyone was pretty friendly.  After the party wrapped up, she relaxed for a bit, having a little of her ‘medicine’ before going to bed.  Morgana lectured her little sister again on smoking weed, but Aislinn’s defense was that this was medicinal as she was prescribed it to help with her anorexia from years ago.  She was still skinny as a rail, but at least she ate when smoking and didn’t obsess over a few hundred calories for days at a time anymore.  Aislinn asked about the night before, and Morgana told her about how much she drank and danced the night before.  Aislinn made a comment about Tommy being a ‘spunky bloke’ and seeing if he’s ‘up for a root’ if she ever visits.  Morgana tried to hide it, but she did get a little jealous at her sister’s statement about how she wanted to fuck Tommy.  When Aislinn confronted her on it, she played it off.  “He’s just a cobber, a good mate.  Don’t break his heart, though.”  Aislinn pushed on the subject a bit more, but Morgana wasn’t taking the bait.  As much as she told her sister everything, this was one secret she was going to keep.  Besides, if she was serious about coming to the states, she could find out for herself what fucking Tommy is like.  Maybe one day when this all passes she’ll ask him who was the better lay.

After the call with her sister, Morgana cried again until it was time to call Drew before bed.  She freshened up, put on a little makeup, and did her best to not look like she was crying for the last couple hours.  She barely remembered dinner, just some leftovers she had sitting in the fridge.  Her and her husband talked on the phone for about an hour, but it wasn’t about too much in particular.  Mostly how their days went.  Drew talked about work and how much he accomplished before going to lunch.  He briefly mentioned running into an old friend of his, Celeste.  Morgana tried to hide her disdain, but just hearing that name made her jealous.  Drew didn’t pick up on it and kept talking about how the two of them caught up on old times and how Celeste had just moved back to Melbourne from Brisbane.

As they talked, Morgana felt an urge come over her to get a little frisky with him over the phone, but he wasn’t picking up on the signals.  Normally he’d be all over this, but for some reason he either wasn’t in the mood for any kinky voice calls or was so dense he could form into a black hole.  They hung up, and Morgana went back to researching stuff for the upcoming move.  She couldn’t help but feel dejected and miserable.  Morgana hoped it was just that he had a lot on his mind, but couldn’t help but wonder if this Celeste character had anything to do with it.  She barely knew of Celeste except in passing a few years ago.  She was an old friend of Drew’s and they briefly dated for a few weeks before they met.

Morgana chastised herself for thinking that Drew would do anything this other woman.  It was the greatest of ironies.  She just cheated on her husband, and less than a day later with no evidence or provocation, she suspected him of doing the same to her.  She’d never even thought of anything like that before.

As she went to bed that night, she thought about everything she’d been through in the past month.  Buying the house, putting an offer in and it getting accepted, kissing Tommy, getting assaulted, getting her IUD removed, making love to Tommy, lying to Drew, all of it.  She wondered why he was so distant this time around.  She hated being alone, and even these brief calls barely helped anymore.  She wanted to feel her husband next to her in bed, needed to feel him.

That is what she told herself when she texted Tommy asking him “U up?”


Drew down in Australia was a different man than he’d been in the states for the last few months.  For starters, he was more relaxed in the nice weather of Melbourne.  Even though it was the middle of winter down there, it was still a nice 17 C and sunny.  They barely got that in Harbor City until deep into May.  And being in the cold states for the last few months helped him appreciate how sunny and warm ‘Winter’ can be.  He also ate differently back home in Melbourne.  He wasn’t going to fast food as often nor exploring every fat and greasy dish he could in the states.  Instead, he ate fresh fish, rice, and greens every day.  He was also exercising outside more than he was back in Harbor City.  His previous routine of waking up at 5AM and hitting the gym changed down here.  He even found a small bungalow close to the beach that was just a tram ride away from the office.

He was living the dream.  Too bad it wasn’t their dream anymore.

As much as he loved being home in Australia, he missed his wife more.  The 14-hour time difference was a major drag on their relationship.  When he was waking up at 6AM, it was 4PM in Harbor City and she was still at work.  By the time she’s done with work, he’s in the office.  When she goes to bed, he’s just wrapping up lunch.  When she wakes up, he’s winding down for the night.  They don’t ever seem to line up correctly.  And the last trip really sucked.  He was only in town for a few days so couldn’t get his internal clock to settle on EST instead of AEST time zones.  He was miserable most of the time he was back with her and even more miserable without her this past month.  Plus, she was doing so much for the house that he couldn’t do over in Melbourne. 

At least the next time he’d be back in the states, it would be an extended stay for about a month.  He’d arrive the last week of August and stay through the third week of September.  After that, he’d be on a pretty regular schedule back and forth every three weeks until the next Aussie Winter when he’d be back in the states full time, aside from the occasional trip.  Which he’d have more of in the future.

Drew hated keeping secrets from his wife, but he had two big ones that he was sitting on.  The first was that he had been offered and accepted a promotion.  He was now a Senior Legal Advisor for Pharma’s International Research and Development Division.  It came with a large raise and more perks, but more travel back and forth to the states and Melbourne, as well as the occasional trip to other countries like India, Japan, Ethiopia, France, China, and anywhere else he needed to go.  He was going to miss a lot of time with Morgana but the job paid enough that they would have the house paid off within 2 years.  He hadn’t told her yet because of how upset she was about the last trip’s timing.

The other secret he withheld from his lovely wife was how he ran into his old friend and one-time ex-girlfriend Celeste.  When he was looking for an apartment to stay at in Melbourne, an old friend of his from University recommended a place for rent in Port Melbourne.  Drew checked it out and loved it instantly.  A week after he signed the paperwork, his new neighbor moves in.

Celeste.  His old friend and ex-girlfriend.

Drew was astonished at how small the world was that they not only ran into each other but would be neighbors.  The two of them used to be thick as thieves.  At least until he started dating Morgana and she had issues with Celeste.  Morgana was always a little jealous of Celeste and how easily her and Drew would melt into some inside joke from long ago or how much they acted like each other.  The pair caught up on old times, and started hanging out more.  She’s currently dating a man from Brisbane who’s looking for work in Melbourne.  Drew’s travelling back and forth across the world.  He was going to tell Morgana all about Celeste, but even the mere mention of her name upset his wife.  He figured that he’d leave that detail out of future conversations.  The only hiccup to that plan is when Aislinn comes over to visit.  She never met Celeste but it’s not a common name.  Celeste had the bright idea that when he had company over and she needed to stay sparse, call her by her middle name, Marie.

He’s not doing anything with Celeste he told himself, just hiding an uncomfortable coincidence from Morgana to save her stress through this difficult time.  Nothing wrong with that, right?


After a while Tommy walked Morgana back to her apartment and then he went home.  There was a lot to unpack from the park.  For starters, she remembered everything and blamed herself for making the moves on Tommy.  The thought that he spiked her drink never crossed her mind.  She threw herself at him and she accepted full responsibility and blame.  Next, after getting that out of her system, she admitted in a roundabout way that she had feelings for him but that it couldn’t work as long as Drew was in the picture.  Finally, he sort of let the cat out of the bag on how he felt about her, but since she was the one that started everything in her mind, she didn’t hold anything against him.

Tommy drove around for a few hours. He thought of calling James, but decided against it.  He’d probably get some lecture about how real men don’t have feelings and that emotions are for pufters.  He thought about calling one of his other friends, but immediately nixed that.  Telling them ‘I drugged my crush then fucked her brains out and she confessed how much she likes me after’ would go over like a fart in church, and Reddit was straight out.  He did that last time after fucking Morgana in her sleep and the ‘go kill yourself’ comments still shake him.  Instead, he drove for a while, thinking about how to move forward.

The smart move would be to just act like this never happened, move on, and focus on a new woman.  But that’s not how he was wired with Morgana.  He tasted excellence and he wanted it again.  No, he didn’t want her.  He NEEDED her.  But how?

He played out the various scenarios in his mind as he drove around.  Any move he made or Morgana made would destroy her marriage and she’d have to live with the guilt.  Then every time she looked at him, she’d see how her marriage fell apart and would eventually blame him.  The best bet was to make Drew the bad guy.  If Morgana caught Drew cheating on her, or if he confessed that he was unfaithful or if something happened to him like a tragic accident or if he fell out of love with Morgana or something happened to Morgana to make him not want to be with her anymore, that might cause Drew to leave.  Or Drew decides to have an open marriage while he tours the world becoming a gourmet chef.

Yeah, that last one was a pipe dream.  Speaking of pipe dreams, Tommy remembered how he laid the pipe to Morgana the night before and he smiled remembering how she felt, tasted, and smelled.

At some point he was lost driving around and ended up in Pleasantview.  He was getting hungry and stopped by a wing place called Scorchers.  It was one of those local places that had wings range in hotness from barbecue and buffalo all the way up to ‘Pepper Spray on a piece of chicken.’  He grabbed a dozen wings in Smoked Jalapeño Honey with a tall beer to wash it down.  They were hot but flavorful and not painful.  He thought about his conundrum as he made sure not to get this sauce in his eyes.  Drew was halfway around the world most of the time and couldn’t set him up with a random girl even if he tried.  As much as he wanted to be with Morgana, he couldn’t pull the trigger and make her break things off, especially with the new house on the way.  Plus, he’d seen the conversations they had before he left recently about having a kid and he knew that she had an OB/GYN appointment this past week.  He had an evil thought for a moment about knocking her up, then fear as he put 2 and 2 together.  Morgana didn’t say it, but she mentioned before the appointment to her doctor about having her IUD removed.  If that happened, and he came in her last night, that meant there was no protection.

Knocking her up would be one way to make sure she leaves Drew, or at least makes for some awkward conversations down the line.  Then he thought back to the videos he watched earlier this week that he messaged James about.  The punk rock girl, the sister, the Teagan and Aly video, they all had a theme in common.  They all were videos where the victim was set up by one of the other people in the video as an inside job.  The punk rock video was about a man wanting to live out his cuckold fantasies.  The sister one was about one woman living out her dirtiest and nastiest fantasy ever, fucking her own sister.  The last one was an inside job by Blaine to fuck his step-sister and her very hot bff.  He thought for a second, wondering if anything like that would work in this situation.  If, and this was a big if, if he could orchestrate an attack against Morgana in front of Drew that was so bad that he broke down and viewed her as damaged goods, that would let Tommy swoop in and save the day.  Main problem with that was that it would have to be vicious, violent, and vulgar beyond anything he’d ever thought of before.  He’d have to live with knowing that he put the woman he loved through some serious shit, and that she might not come out the other side the right way.

Wait, did he just tell himself he loved her?  Shit.  That could complicate matters.

If this went through, it would have to be through the Club, and would have to look like some kind of other attack, like a robbery gone wrong or something.  And it couldn’t happen down at their apartment.  Not only does it go against one of the rules about shitting where one eats, but Tommy heard enough tales about Chuck’s brother-in-law at this point that he had a healthy fear of George Lewis’s professional ability.  It would have to take place somewhere else, but where?  Then he remembered the card that Chuck gave him with Bob’s number on it.  Tommy would call early the next week and book a cabin coming up, hopefully for Labor Day weekend.  Drew would be in town then.  Everyone would go up to the wood for a nice, relaxing weekend, then BAM!  Shit hits the fan.  Tommy thought about playing the hero, but whatever happens he would have to appear stronger than Drew while Drew saw shit he could never unsee.

Tommy took a second thought and shook off the whole idea.  It was crazy.  Last time he had an idea like this, it went tits up in his face as a stream of vomit went up his nose.  Besides, if this was just a one-off, she’s probably doing her damndest to bury that this every happened.

That’s what he told himself, right before seeing a text message on his phone from Morgana.  “U up?”  He’s been on the other end of that text enough times to know where this was heading.  He picked up his phone called her, waiting for her pickup.

“Hello?”  He heard her voice on the other end of the phone line.

Always close the program you were running before exiting the holodeck

Online To-Get-Her

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 38 Posted)
« Reply #115 on: April 30, 2022, 04:04:59 PM »
So now Tommy is acting all innocent and shocked while inside he thinking of when he was going to fuck Morgana senseless one more.  Now we have been given the idea that Drew isn't as innocently as he's making himself out to be! How long before he succumbs to Celeste picturing Morgana. Now a nasty guy like me would love of him doing that at the exact time that Morgana is being fucked silly by Tommy! Merit given from me and can't wait for more!
When I get around to it, I'll write

Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 39 Posted)
« Reply #116 on: May 03, 2022, 06:50:23 PM »
Thanks TGH.  What can I say, there's a duality to life.   ;)

Chapter 39 incoming
Always close the program you were running before exiting the holodeck

Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 39 Posted)
« Reply #117 on: May 03, 2022, 06:50:54 PM »
Chapter 39

She told herself that it would only be a one-time thing.  She would never, ever, ever do that again.  Then she called her husband on the other side of the world.  That conversation left her miserable and depressed.  Considering the only friend she could confide in or find comfort in was also the same one that helped put her in this mess to begin with, she figured it wouldn’t hurt to talk things through.

“U up?”  Morgana sent the text to Tommy to see what he was up to.  Did she intend on it turning into a 15-minute phone call?  No.  Was she thinking clearly when she invited him over to her place around Midnight on a Saturday?  Maybe.  Did she think one thing would lead to another when all she really wanted was to feel a warm body next to hers?  Probably.  Was she glad that Tommy had the wherewithal to carry some protection with him when he visited?  Absolutely.  Did the post-cum clarity help them both think about how this was going to work going forward?  Yes.

When Tommy arrived at her place, Morgana was already wearing her pajamas, a loose t-shirt and a pair of loose shorts.  Somehow, he found this just as sexy as her in that little black dress the night before.  She talked about how distant Drew had been the last few months with this back and forth stuff and how she was stuck doing all of this house-hunting by herself, and now had to set up the move and all that came with it by herself, and that if it weren’t for Tommy and James she’d be completely boned right now.  She told Tommy after her second glass of wine that she wanted to start a family with Drew when he came back but wasn’t sure how much on board he was with that idea.  He sat there as she poured her heart out, right before she kissed him.  One kiss led to several, which led to a trip to the bedroom and another ‘proper root’ in her bed.  It wasn’t as electric as the night before, but was more tender and exploratory.  The night before felt like a once-in-a-lifetime shot to excise any demons they had.  Tonight, it was more about caring for each other and providing needed companionship.  Of course, that didn’t stop Tommy from making her toes curl again with his skilled tongue or Morgana letting him know that she liked it a little rough with some spanking and hair pulling.

After sex, they laid in bed and talked about how things would be going forward.  They couldn’t tell anyone about what happened.  Their circle of friends was too close.  They couldn’t text since those could be traced or tracked easily, and so can her phone if Drew decided to use the ‘Find My Phone’ feature on her device out of jealousy.  Neither could sleep over without a proper reason that could be easily explained away.  Nothing that would leave marks, like hickies and shit like that.  Absolutely nothing while Drew was in the states or in the air.  No pics or videos on each other’s phones, and no sexting.  That’s a real quick way to get busted.  They should use WhatsApp or some encrypted messaging if they needed to say anything sexy in a chat.  Stuff with Drew takes priority, such as when he calls or when he’s back.  No sneaking off for a ‘quick root in the walk-in when he’s downstairs’ as she said.  And this was all likely temporary until she started squeezing out little ones and he found the future Mrs. Gearheardt.  It all made sense, and they had their terms.

Tommy was now Morgana’s sidepiece.

She just asked for one more thing before he left.  Stay in the bed until she fell asleep.  She missed feeling someone next to her as she drifted off for the night.  He agreed.  Within a few minutes, she was cuddled up on his chest and snoring.  He rolled her off of him, got dressed, kissed her on the head, and left.  The apartment door locked behind him, so that wasn’t something to worry about. 

He stopped for a quick cup of coffee on his way home, then logged on to the Club’s website and saved the footage from the night.  He also checked out the Jordan and Riley show.  Nothing much exciting tonight, they were still worn out from partying the night before.  That didn’t stop them from fooling around a little bit before going to sleep.  One of Riley’s presents to Jordan was a remote-controlled vibrator with a built-in app that she could control anywhere from her phone.  Another was a strap-on set that they could use on each other when they wanted to.  They played with the app for a bit until Jordan was about to scream out loud.  Riley then jumped on Jordan’s face as Jordan came for the first time.  They went a solid half-hour like this before calling it a night.


James was still riding the high of completing the superstructure through Saturday and into Sunday.  He hooked up with some woman named Sharon or Shannon, whatever her name was.  She was about his age in her early 50’s and was recently separated from her husband.  Her kids were teens or in college, so they weren’t home.  After a quick trip to Poundtown, he thanked her for a lovely evening and came home.  Saturday, he spent most of the day driving and hiking.  He ran into some lovely hikers in a nearby park that invited him out to a local pub.  Much to his surprise, they weren’t trying to harvest his organs and were actually nice people.  He made some new friends who weren’t complete self-obsessed twats and listened to his construction stories.

He didn’t log in to the Club’s website until Sunday afternoon.  By that point he was finally settling in for another week of work.  He made his plans for the week on his work lappy while checking out the Club on his play one.  When he checked in on Morgana’s camera feeds from the weekend, he was surprised to see so much footage saved on the server.  And that there was quite a bit of buzz over the contents.  He played the first one from Friday night, after he left the bar.  The door opened, and Morgana was all over Tommy.  They stripped and made their way to the bedroom where they fucked for quite a while.

James was stunned.  Looks like Tommy’s plan of drugging Morgana worked.  The next video was her waking up in the morning, freaking out over what happened and wrapped up with her flicking her bean in the shower.  The next video after that was Tommy coming over Saturday night for a booty call.  Then they spent a while talking about the logistics of their newly-formed affair, and she went to sleep.

He shook his head in disbelief.  Tommy had fucked Morgana.  Now it was his turn to get some, but how?  He rolled this one over in his mind for a while, then looked back at the old notes that Tommy sent him the week before.  He listed three videos from the website to check out.  The first was a punk rock girl getting gangbanged in front of her boyfriend who wanted to watch.  The second was a woman who had a nasty fantasy about fucking her sister and found a way to make it work with the Club’s resources.  The third was the Teagan and Aly video.  Tommy mentioned in the videos that he had an idea but needed to run it past him.  James had a feeling where Tommy was going with this train of thought.  If he could set up Morgana in a controlled environment, they could all get a piece of her.  James liked the idea, aside from it being a logistical clusterfuck with a margin of error was so thin it might as well be invisible.  All it would take was one man saying something stupid or going too far to cause everything to blow up in their faces.  The hard part wasn’t the rape, it was getting away with it.

James was already in planning mode when a message popped up on his screen.  It was Tommy.  He said he needed to talk about something.  James told Tommy to come over, and to bring his lappy.  He had a feeling what this was about.


Tommy woke up and checked his phone.  The group chat was pretty quiet aside from Drew talking about things he was doing down under.  Tommy kept up the idle chatter for a bit as Morgana joined in.  After a pause, Drew was back on, talking about things for the new house.  The new house had a wet bar in the basement, so he was already planning a bunch of things for the bar, like some Australian boozes, some merch for the Melbourne Storm, and a few other things.  Tommy mentioned that he got a hold of a friend of his for the sewer cam and they could do it later in the week.  Assuming that went well, then closing could take place the Friday after he returned to the states.  It would still take a couple weeks before they could fully move in to the new house and get out of the corporate lease, but they were making progress.

As Tommy arrived at James’s townhome, he had an idea.  If the timing lined up, they would have a new, completely empty and unfurnished house and nowhere to sleep, nothing to eat, and they would need help moving and setting things up.  He pulled the card Chuck gave him from his wallet, looking at it for a moment.  His plan was coalescing in his mind.

The younger man turned off his truck and approached James’s place.  The door was unlocked remotely and Tommy let himself in.  Before he could make his way to James’s dining room, he was already putting his idea into the group chat.

“I’m going to see if I can book us a cabin or something for Labor Day weekend.  Nice chance to get away from everything for a nice, long weekend.”  Before Tommy even looked up from his phone, he heard James ask him a question from across the room.

“Da fook is this ‘bout?”  James said, looking at the message he sent to the group of four.  Morgana chimed in first.

“Love it.  Any idea where?”  They looked at the message.  James realized that Tommy was up to something.

“Not sure yet.  There’s a local lake that has a resort and cabins, I’ll call there tomorrow.  If not there, I’ll find somewhere.”  Tommy sent the message.  A moment later, Drew responded.

“You sure about this?  Could be expensive?”  James nodded his head.  Tommy responded in chat.

“That’s okay.  Shouldn’t be too bad.  Besides, I’m getting a bonus from James for all the work I’ve done.”  James shook his head then typed.

“That’s called a salary Twinkeltoes.”  James sent the message.  Drew and Morgana laughed.  Then James replied.  “He can afford it.  Besides, I can chip in if he needs it.  You got your hands full with the house and could use a break.”  James sent the message.  Tommy put his laptop bag down on the table.  Drew and Morgana said it was a good idea if they could make it work.  Tommy smiled at James. 

“That’s what this is about.”  Tommy sat at the glass dining table and pulled out his laptop.  The conversation in the group chat went on for a bit until it petered out, but what needed to be said was said.  He had laid the seeds for getting Drew and Morgana out of the city for the weekend.


“Lemme see if I get this straight, yer idea is to so thoroughly fuck Morgy in front of her hubby that he wants nothing to do with’er and leaves her high and dry for you to sweep in and save the day?”  James said, trying to hold the contempt for the ridiculousness at bay.

“Yeah, when you say it like that it sounds bad.”  Tommy replied, sipping a glass of water.

“Of course, cause it’s fookin’ daft.  You have any clue how bad this could go?”

“Completely tits up.”  Tommy said before continuing.  “There’s about a million ways this could go wrong.  Assuming I get the crew involved, they have to abide by some rules.  Keep everything professional, no names until they’re told, make a scene but don’t cause any permanent injuries or damage, do enough things to her to drive Drew away but not enough to make him do something crazy.  Then there’s making sure that we’re involved against our will so that Drew has that image burned into his mind.” 

Tommy did something that surprised James and made him proud at the same time.  He was poking holes in his plan to find ways to solve them.  This is something that any project manager and leader should do on a regular basis.  Take a solution, find a way to break it, then move forward.  Repeat until the plan is airtight.  But James wanted to test how far Tommy thought this would go.

“Ok, run this by me again.  You get them up there with a free vacay.  How they not gonna suspect you were involved?  Or me?”

“We’re victims alongside them.”

“Run that by me again.”  James wanted to hear this part explained in detail.

“Look, you know those videos I sent you?  They all had one thing in common, they were inside jobs.  Each of them had someone on the inside that had to play the part to set up the attack.  In two of them, they were forced, or at least looked like they were forced, to participate in the attacks themselves.  The third, he wanted to watch.  Not only will it help sell the attack, it’ll further drive Drew and Morgana apart.”  Tommy finished his thought as James shook his head.

“So, let’s say you book the cabin, or hotel-“

“Cabin.  Has to be a cabin or somewhere in the middle of nowhere.”  Tommy cut off James.

“Why?  Tell me why.  I’m gonna ask stupid questions, I want real answers.  Why a cabin?”

“We have to be far away from the neighbors so no nosy neighbors come over and interrupt.”  Tommy said.  James took a sip of water before continue.

“Okay.  Has to be a cabin far away from anyone else.  You have an idea for a place?”

“Yeah, here.”  Tommy pulled out the card that Chuck handed him and gave it to James.  The older man laughed and gave it back.  “What’s so funny?”  Tommy looked at James sternly.

“I know the place.  Chuck said to drop his name?”

“Yeah.”  Tommy said.  James nodded before continuing.

“Good, use Chuck’s name but don’t tell the couple.  Don’t wanna implicate him if shit goes sideways.  Now, let’s say you’ve got the location and you get us all up there.  Next up, who’s doing the attack?  How they gettin’ up there?  It’s a long fookin’ drive.”

“It’ll have to be members of the Club, at least 2 I think.  Couldn’t trust some shmoe off the street for this, might turn ugly real fast.  At least Club members will operate within some rules.”

“That might not fly too well with Pedro, y’know.  He doesn’t like people going that far away, and you already used one favor with that jogging stunt.”

“I know.  I’m working on something.  I’ve got an idea if it comes to that.”  Tommy paused, going to the next point.  “The guys will have to drive up and stash their car somewhere else.  Hopefully the idea of fucking Morgana is enough payment but if not, I’ll have to come up with something else, like gas money.”  James didn’t dig further on that point.  He knew that Tommy hadn’t made an offering yet, which is probably what Pedro would ask for.    At least Tommy knew what he’d be asked to do.

“Y’know the Club wants to see all this shite.  Howya gonna pull that off?”  James asked, studying Tommy’s reactions.

“Not sure yet.  We need cameras, set up ahead of time.  Maybe if we bring some for touristy reasons, then the guys use them and take them.  Be kind of weird if they brought cameras along to a robbery.”

“Good point.  Yer gonna lose a camera or two in the process.”

“I know.  Cost of admission.”  Tommy said.  He stood up and helped himself to a drink in the fridge, a can of seltzer water.

“No, go ahead, help yourself.”  James said sarcastically as Tommy opened a can of lime-flavored seltzer water and made his way back to the table.

“This can’t be quick, y’know that right.  No one’s makin’ that drive for a quickie.”  James said, gauging Tommy’s reaction.

“I figured this would be a long day, maybe 2 or the whole weekend.  It has to be enough to break Drew’s heart and mind, to push him away.  Every time he sees her going forward, there’s something in the back of his mind showing him all the dick she had in one weekend.  Pretty soon, all he’ll see is that weekend and several guys fucking her at once.”  Tommy sat for a moment, checking something on his laptop.  James leaned back and looked at his expression.  Tommy wasn’t confident, not excited, but resolute.

“Let’s assume this works.  Ya set up Morgy and Drew, stage a break-in with a couple thugs, and we spend the entire weekend fookin’ her senseless.  What’s to say she doesn’t break before Drew does?  Or you weighing all this on it being the straw that breaks the camel’s back in their marriage?”  As James said that, Tommy sat still for a long time before answering.  He wanted to say he was doing this because he loved her, but knew that wouldn’t work.  The older man would probably make fun of him for it or call it some stupid infatuation or whatnot.  He also knew that James knew the two of them, so his assessment would have to be spot-on.  Tommy breathed before speaking.

“Morgy’s tougher than she looks, and she thinks Drew’s already drifting away.  The whole buying a house and having a kid thing are her ideas to keep him around.  She wants to stay in Harbor City, but he keeps mentioning how great it is down in Melbourne.  She literally texted me and cried because Drew wouldn’t talk about anything other than what he was doing at work and hanging out with his friends.  And he ran into one of his exes down there.”


“It’s the ex that was a really good friend of his but cut off contact when he and Morgy started dating.  She was always a little jealous of Celeste, and in a city of a few million people he just happens to run into her.  You know how when people cheat they suspect everyone else of cheating?”

“Go on.”  James nodded his head as he replied.

“Well, not that it’s likely he is cheating on her, but now she’s looking for the signs.  Combine that with a ton of oncoming PTSD from what’s about to happen, and he’ll want to retreat to Australia for good.  She might go too, but my job after that is to be there for her to bring her back to a normal state.  Each time Drew isn’t there for her, he pushes her further away.”

“And you’re there to pick up the pieces?”

“Yep.”  Tommy said.  James just shook his head.  That was a crazy plan if he ever heard one.  As he was going to say something, both of their laptops pinged.  It was Pedro, and he was starting a group chat for the two of them.

“Should take this.  See what he says.”  James said as he opened the chat window.


The chat screen window flashed to life.  A series of random numbers popped on the screen.  Tommy looked at his cheat sheet to line up the numbers with names, then modified the local avatars to show the names instead of numbers.  He was 7050, James was 5859, Pedro was 0000.

Pedro:  What’s going on?
James:  Hey.
Tommy:  Hey.
Pedro:  Fuck is up Twinkletoes!  Saw you fucking Morgana the other night, nice play.
Tommy:  Thanks.
James:  Twinkletoes here had an idea he wanted to run by you.
Pedro:  An idea?  How stupid?
James:  Pretty stupid.
Tommy:  How far does the Club go?
Pedro:  Stop.  Before you so much as even think of a plan, you need to put some skin in the game.  You haven’t paid your dues yet, and that jogger trick was your one free favor.  Not my fault she puked on you instead of went down on you.
Tommy:  I know.  I have one ready but I need to get her key and schedule.  Here’s a pic.

Tommy uploads a couple pictures of Tammy, his ex-girlfriend.  She’s a cute, petite redhead with pale skin and blue eyes.  She’s maybe 5’4” without heels and her breasts are a solid B to C cup.  She’s in her early to mid-20’s but honestly looks younger.  Each pic shows her dressed in some stylish outfit.

Pedro:  Nice.  Gingers are hot as fuck.  What’s the hold-up on making an offer?
Tommy:  Don’t have a key to her place or her exact schedule coming up.
Pedro:  How you know her?
Tommy:  Ex.
Pedro:  Copy.  What do you have?  Name, address, what?
Tommy:  Tammy Peterson, 25 yo, lives in Glendale Township in an apartment building, no roommates.  Gimme a sec on the address.
Pedro:  Take your time.  Secured building, condo, townhouse?
Tommy:  Secured building, 1 BR place.  3500 Allen Blvd, Glendale.  Apt 221.
Pedro:  Outside security, what’s it like?
Tommy:  Box for buzzing in, rent a cop patrols the lot every so often, real dicks about parking.
Pedro:  Know what kind of key she has? 
Tommy:  Not sure.  It’s a key for a deadbolt and lock.  No RING or any like that.
Pedro:  You make an offer of her, I’ll listen to your stupid idea.  But I need info for her.  Schedule, door code, copy of key or details of lock.  I can’t send a member in to pick the lock.  Is there cameras in the hall?
Tommy:  Not that I noticed.
Pedro:  Did you ever connect to her wifi when over?
Tommy:  Yeah, my phone.
Pedro:  Turn on mobile hotspot and go to this URL.  Approve scan for network settings.

Pedro listed a website with a Bitly tag in it.  Beneath that was a QR code.  Tommy took a pic and went to a shady looking website about bum fights.  A moment later, a popup came up asking for permission to scan network settings.  He reluctantly pressed yes.  A moment later, Pedro texted again.

Pedro:  Thanks.  I got the network info for all of your stored wife accounts.
Pedro:  WiFi, not wife.
Pedro:  Is she Fashoinista4Life?
Tommy:  Yeah, that’s her.
Pedro:  Good.  Got some network settings, gimme a minute.  Meanwhile, get a pic or physical copy of her keys.
Tommy:  Wait, a picture?  Of her key?
Pedro:  Yeah, it’s not the middle ages.  We got a guy who can make a copy based on a pic of the key.  They’re not that difficult to make.  What does she drive?
Tommy:  Toyota Rav4.  Don’t have the plate.
Pedro:  Got it.  She doesn’t have a smart lock or stuff like that, and the neighbors are leeching off her network.  Looking from her tv, she’s not home right now.  You follow her medias?
Tommy:  Still on Insta, don’t know if she blocked me anywhere else.
Pedro:  Her Insta @?
Tommy:  @TammyPeteFashion
Pedro:  One sec.

Pedro hopped offline for a moment, then returned a minute or two later.

Pedro:  No fancy security and I can read her phone.  She needs to stop with the Candy Crush.
Tommy:   Wow.  How?
Pedro:  Don’t ask questions you don’t want answers to.  Phone says she’s out in a park of some kind, assuming she has her phone with her.
Tommy:  How good of a pic do you need?
Pedro:  Something that shows the key shape and size.
Tommy:  One sec.

Tommy searched through his phone, looking for a pic she sent him of her key chain, a little Doctor Who Tardis.  He bought it for her when she said she liked sci-fi stuff but he didn’t hear exactly what.  In the background of her keychain pic were her keys.  Her car key fob, two storage locker keys, and two generic keys, one of which says “Property of Allen Gardens Do Not Duplicate.”  Tommy sent the pic to his computer and uploaded it.

Tommy:  How about this?
Pedro:  AYFKM?  You had this all along?  Yes that fucking works.  I’ll get dups of those made tonight.  Work with James on how to set up an offer.  I believe someone has dibs on a one-way.
Tommy:  Ok.
Pedro:  Don’t go growing a conscience now.  This is so you can do some even more fucked up shit down the road.  Speaking of that, why you wanna ask about how far?
Tommy:  Had an idea for staging an incident with that blonde, but need to set it up on a vacation trip.  We go to Lake Hiawatha?
Pedro:  Really? 
James:  The idea’s crazy enough it might draw attention.
Pedro:  How much attention?
James:  Weekend long gangbang.
Pedro:  He doesn’t do anything straight ahead, does he?
James:  No.
Pedro:  What’s the play?
James:  Inside man, robbery gone wrong, take out frustrations on the hot chick in front of her husband, make him watch and join in until he breaks.
Pedro:  Not bad.  If Twinkletoes can book the cabin and his offer goes through, I’ll allow it if I get some good plans.
James:  Solid but needs refining.  You know Murphy’s Law.
Pedro:  Fucking A.
Tommy:  I’ll get her schedule, book the cabin, make the offer, then we’re good.  Right?
Pedro:  Right.
James:  Right. 
Pedro:  You’ll find out when your package is delivered.  Until then.

The chat window closes.


James and Tommy look at each other before they say anything.  They spend the rest of the afternoon plotting and planning what they can without having all the resources in place.  When Tommy’s on his way home, he stops for a quick bite and texts his old girlfriend Tammy.  She replies, asking how he’s doing.  He always thought she was nice but a little too clingy.  They chatted for a bit before he asked her out for coffee sometime during the week.  He found that the best method to get this info was ask about a day he knew she’d probably be busy, hear her counteroffer, then try again.  She was going out to a Karaoke bar on Tuesday and Thursday was a night out with her friends before she would ‘call in sick’ on Friday.  They agreed to get some coffee on Wednesday night.  He told her that he’d see her then.

When he got home, he uploaded her information into the Club’s website for an official offer.  He listed her name, age, vitals, and had her schedule and that Pedro had a copy of the key ready to go.  After posting a couple of her pics, he received a message from JC.  It simply said “I’m calling in my favor.”
Always close the program you were running before exiting the holodeck

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 39 Posted)
« Reply #118 on: May 03, 2022, 07:45:31 PM »
How despicable of Tommy to offer up Tammy without key facts right at hand! Amateur!
have to say that seems to be a nice plan to get Morgana away from Tommy, wonder what could happen if the couple couldn't make it on that weekend? What will the club require if plans have to be delayed? Merit awarded from me  for this superb story!
When I get around to it, I'll write

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 39 Posted)
« Reply #119 on: May 03, 2022, 08:40:53 PM »
Looking forward to Chapter 40.  Hope it's Tammy