Chapter 38. (FSolo, setup)
Morgana woke up late Saturday morning. She knew it was late before even checking her phone. She didn’t fall asleep until almost 2:30AM, after Tommy left.
She bolted up in her bed, looking around. As if a dam burst open, memories of the night before flooded her mind. They all came at her like a jumbled mess. Then she looked down. She was naked in bed, and the sheets were a mess. Without checking her phone, she jumped up and went to the bathroom. She checked herself out in the mirror. No bites, no scratches that couldn’t be explained other ways, but she could tell that last night wasn’t a dream.
She had fucked Tommy in her and Drew’s bed. Morgana immediately broke down and sat on the toilet for a while, replaying all of the events from last night, only getting up to start the shower. She remembered getting dressed, Tommy picking her up, flirting a little during dinner, Tommy looking fine, flirting a little more after dinner, then they went on the dance floor. “Oh my God.” She remembered how she threw herself at him, was grinding on him like some cheap slut, how she felt when his hands roamed her body, how she made every first move. She remembered how she justified this like it was her own dirty little secret. It wasn’t even like she was too drunk, she remembered all of it. She remembered making out with him on the dance floor, telling him “Let’s go back to my place”, how she basically made him finger fuck her on the drive home. Then the sex. Holy shit. The sex. She remembered all of it, how many times she came, how many different positions, how they just kept going and going and how it all ended with him ejaculating in her when she wouldn’t let him pull out. Then she remembered how she just had her IUD taken out earlier in the week.
She sat and cried for a minute before jumping in the shower. Everything she just did was of her own free will, her own volition. She couldn’t believe how she just threw herself at Tommy like that. She was mad at herself, mad at Tommy, mad at James, mad at Aislinn, mad at Drew, mad at Bianca, mad at the world. “Stupid, stupid, stupid.” She said over and over, berating herself as she washed everything. She thought back to the previous night. Whatever it was that came over her, it was just so sudden. She went from playful flirting to acting like a whore in less than a half hour. But she felt so good, so alive. Every inch of her body was alive and electric last night, and Tommy, wow. He was everything she needed him to be. Assertive yet demure at the right times, tender but aggressive, caring and selfless yet focused. She hadn’t felt like that since, since… She couldn’t remember. She’d been with Drew so long that their love making, while still exciting and pleasurable, had almost become routine. She missed her husband immensely, but wouldn’t forget how she felt.
As she let the water wash away the guilt and frustration, she tried to count how many times she orgasmed last night. There was once in missionary, once while on top, once on her side, at least once from his tongue, and again while in doggy. At least 5 times. Morgana became weak in the knees as she remembered them, relived each moment over and over again. She played with herself, replaying the entire night. She thought of Drew, doing the same to her, then imagined Tommy and Drew worshiping her body, enveloping her with their bodies. She nearly collapsed in the shower from her orgasm, barely keeping her balance. As she recovered, she laughed, thinking how silly it would be to hurt oneself in the shower from masturbating.
It was well after noon by the time she exited the shower and dried off. She still wasn’t sure what to say or how to explain things to Drew or Aislinn, let alone how she’d deal with Tommy. When she checked her phone, she saw a slew of texts and messages from Drew and her sister and various group chats. Her heart caught in her throat when she opened them. Drew’s texts came in throughout the night and the morning, ranging from concerned to worried to relieved. Before she answered any of them, she checked the other messages first. Aislinn asked for a call at some point in her morning, same with Drew. The most recent messages were in the four friends group chat with her, Tommy, James, and Drew. Cautiously, she opened them.
Drew asked how things went and what time everyone was out till. James said he bugged out a little early after meeting a cougar named Samantha. Tommy replied that he and Morgy were out till almost closing, then had another quick drink before he left, a sloppily made Gin and Tonic, but he couldn’t find the tonic so it was Gin and Water. “So in other words, just gin.” Drew’s last message was a couple hours ago around 10AM EST. She replied in the group chat and in the personal text to Drew, letting everyone know that she was up, sleeping off one hell of a hangover. “Vodka and Red Bull is not a good idea.” A couple emojis later and Drew quickly responded, telling her that he missed her and can’t wait to see her again and that he’s glad she had a good time. She had to fight crying and spilling her guts out right then and there. Instead, she just texted back “I love you, sleep tight” and waited for his reply of “I love you too, c ya in morn.”
Morgana wasn’t sure how to proceed, but she knew that this could never happen again. She could live to 120 and this could never, ever happen again. At least…. She shook her head, trying to excise the ‘what if’s’ that floated through her mind now like ‘What if Drew wants a threesome?’ or ‘What if we’re being held hostage and this was the only way to prevent the bomb from going off?’ or ‘What if Tommy started it and Drew was watching?’ She sat for a few minutes, thinking of someone, anyone she could confide in. Aislinn was out. As much her and her sister shared everything, including a boyfriend once in school, this was too explosive and she worked with Drew. Tabitha was very busy with work and wouldn’t look fondly on Morgy cheating on Drew. Bianca was definitely out as her opinion of cheaters was slightly less than that of Nazi’s, and her opinion on them was “the only good one is a dead one.” Her ex-husband cheated on her many times and even brought the clap home from one of his little trysts. She knew who she needed to talk to.
Morgana picked up her phone and texted Tommy. “We need to Talk.” Then she deleted it. “What’s Up?” Deleted. “Hey.” Deleted. “Did you eat yet?” Deleted. “Nice cock.” Deleted. “What are you doing this weekend?” She pressed send. It wasn’t too accusatorial, didn’t lead him on too much, just neutral enough to elicit a response without hopefully getting too crazy. She waited for a response. The bubbles appeared and disappeared several times before she received a simple “Nothing much, U?” She thought for a moment about how to respond. “Nothing much.” That part was easy. She knew she needed to talk to Tommy about what happened, but where, and when? If she invited him over he might take that as a signal to have Fuckfest 2: Electric Boogaloo. But it might get weird and awkward and some crying, so doing that in public might not be a good idea. All she needs is some jackass recording their fight and uploading it to TikTok, it goes viral, then Drew’s asking questions. She then added. “How about getting something to eat? Food truck in a park or something?” Send. Food can distract from what was going on and in a park people generally minded their own business. Besides, there was a food truck gathering in the park next door later on today. A little more back and forth and they agreed to meet outside.
Morgana breathed, trying to plan out what would and could happen. She had to be very, very careful here. The last thing she wants to do is destroy her marriage. The next to last thing is break Tommy’s heart.
Tommy stayed up for an hour or so after he got home the night before and spent some time on the Club’s website. He saved and downloaded all of the footage from him and Morgana’s sexual escapades. This would keep him warm on many a cold, lonely night. He checked out the footage. He was satisfied. Fuck, more than satisfied, he fucked her good. Apparently, he wasn’t the only one who thought so. A couple other members who watched the footage thought so too, and gave Tommy a few virtual high-fives. He’s still getting used to the thought of strangers jerking off to him having sex, but in this case, he wasn’t opposed. He also made sure to save some of the footage from his favorite lesbos in training, Riley and Jordan. They came home from a party and were really, really horny. Jordan was going to have a very sore jaw in the morning from how much pussy she ate last night.
Tommy passed out around 4AM and woke up around 8AM to piss. That’s when he saw some messages from Drew. Oh shit. He thought fast and woke up quick. Drew was asking about Morgy, he’d better think fast. Tommy almost blurted out some line about going out for a late dinner after drinking, but that was a bad idea on multiple fronts. First, if he has tracking on Morgana’s phone he’d see that she went from the condo to the bar and back, no detours. Second, Morgana’s a vegetarian leaning towards vegan and wouldn’t eat most drunk Yankee food. Finally, if they were at the restaurant, why didn’t she text or call if everything was normal? Instead, Tommy just stretched the truth a little. They stayed out late, had a few more drinks than they should, and he made one for the road before he left. He knew they had gin in the cabinet but didn’t know about the tonic water, so it was just a Gin and Water. Drew bought it, then probably went to bed. Tommy was tired but up. As much as he wanted to go back to bed, he couldn’t. He thought about taking a shower but didn’t. He had Morgy’s scent all over him and didn’t want to wash it off yet. Instead he logged back onto the Club’s website and watched the footage of him fucking Morgana. He jerked off as he watched him fuck this amazing blonde from just a few hours earlier. His favorite part was when he was fucking her. After a nut, he went back to bed until a new alarm went off at 11AM.
He woke up and finally decided to shower. The scent of a woman late in the morning isn’t all it’s cracked up to be after lying in bed for hours. A shower and shave later, and he’s getting dressed for the day. He had some ideas about what to do, but wasn’t sure how to proceed. He had no clue how much Morgana remembered, how much she’ll believe him if he told her nothing happened or that she started it, and he had no clue if she suspected him at all of drugging her. He spiked her drink with enough Molly to make a nun want to fuck a fire hydrant and gave her a big enough dose of roofies to knock her ass out when he left. One by itself will fuck with her mind, both might turn her into a retard.
Tommy breathed a sigh of relief when Morgana answered in the group chat “Vodka and Red Bull is not a good idea.” A couple laughing emojis later and all was good in that chat. Drew responded quickly, then disappeared. It was after 2AM in Melbourne when she sent that message. Later on, Morgana texted Tommy. “What are you doing this weekend?” He thought about answering right away but took his time while he logged onto the Club’s website and saw her spy cams. He typed a couple things, deleting each one before settling on “Nothing much, U?” He zipped through the camera feeds quickly, catching Morgana crying in the bathroom then crying in the shower then fucking herself in the shower then agonizing over what to text him. She then spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out what to say. Eventually she offered to meet him for a trip to the nearby food trucks. He agreed, but she was adamant about not meeting in her place. He checked the feeds again, making sure that she didn’t suspect anything about the cameras or whatnot before going in. She didn’t find them. He tried to play it out in his head, but the best he could come up with was she didn’t want to do this again and meeting in her living room would lead to her bedroom.
He saved the footage before he left for her place.
Tommy showed up to the condo building around 2PM in his work truck. He could’ve brought his car, but he barely used it anymore and as long as Pharma and H2C are paying the bills, might as well use it. Plus, no one asks questions if a truck from the maintenance company parks in the parking lot. He sat in the truck for a minute, thinking through what he knew so far. She mentioned the Vodka Red Bull from last night, she was cautious about what she wrote, and didn’t want to meet in her apartment. He sat there, listening to the stereo. Dua Lipa’s “New Rules” was playing. He thought about the song for a bit, and if it played into the current situation. ‘If you’re under him, you’re not getting over him.’ That line made a lot of sense to him right now.
As he was about to text Morgana, she came downstairs and stood by the door. She wore a cute yellow floral sundress, sandals, and a pair of sunglasses. She waved at him when she saw him, he waved back. Tommy unplugged the phone from the truck but started the voice recording app before slipping it in his pocket. ‘Just in case I misunderstand something’, he told himself. He exited the truck. Tommy wore a V-neck gray shirt, khaki shorts, and a pair of sneakers. He threw on a pair of sunglasses and approached her.
It was an awkward meetup. Tommy almost went in for a hug, but Morgana sidestepped then she went for a hug but Tommy deflected. They eventually settled on a hug. He could feel how tense she felt in his arms. He let go, and the pair walked down the path to the neighboring park, side by side. This was also the first time she’d walked this way since the attack on her a couple weeks ago. Tommy grabbed her hand and walked with her when they got to the spot where that masked man jumped out at her. After a moment, they were clear. She leaned in to him a little bit more as they walked. He made sure that no one was around when he opened his mouth.
“Listen, about-“ Morgana cut him off and stopped in the middle of the path.
“No, don’t. Let me get this off my chest, ‘kay?” Morgana said. Tommy nodded, waiting for her to continue. “I-I don’t know what came over me last night, but that’s not normally me. I don’t ever act like that, and I sure haven’t done anything like that before. I threw myself at you like a cheap whore. It’s not like I could say I was that drunk, I only had 4 drinks all night. I was straight sober when we left. I did something last night I’d never done before, I gotta live with that. That’s my burden. If Drew finds out what happened, it’ll crush him, and he doesn’t deserve that. I’ll take this to my grave, but it has to be a one-time thing.” Morgana was on the verge of tears as she talked.
“One-time secret thing? So I should take down that Facebook post that I tagged all of your family members in about us?” He tried to deliver it as a joke. Morgana didn’t pay attention to the tone and nearly lost it.
“Not. Fucking. Funny!” She looked like she was about to hit him. Tommy laughed, waiting for her to drop her hands.
“It’s just a joke, you look like you could use a laugh. Besides, I don’t want to hurt anyone either. It was, a crazy night all around.” He moved in to grab her by the shoulders. She flinched away for a second.
“No one can ever find out. Ever.” She looked up into his eyes.
“Ever. I won’t tell anyone.” Tommy said that with a straight face. Technically he didn’t tell anyone about it in the Club, it was on video for anyone to see. “C’mere.” Tommy pulled her in close. She hugged him tight, letting all of her emotions come flooding out at once. She sniffled a couple times on his shirt before talking.
“Why couldn’t I have met you 4 years ago?” Tommy didn’t know how to respond. After a minute, she let go of him, wiping her eyes.
“How about tacos?”
“Tacos sounds good.” She replied. The pair walked through the park, arms wrapped around each other until they reached the clearing to the food trucks.
The pair grabbed some food from a truck serving vegan tacos, deep fried sweet potato tacos. Tommy had to admit they were pretty good. As they walked, they had a hard time getting back to normal. Each time they’d talk, he could sense the awkwardness in the air. Each time they touched, she pulled back. After a half hour of this, they walked off to a private area with some benches. They sat, Tommy holding Morgana’s hands as he talked.
“Can you at least tell me what’s going on? What can I do to fix this?” She tried to pull both hands away, but he held on tight to one of them. Morgana started to cry again.
“I don’t know. It’s not you. It’s me that I don’t trust.” Tommy looked at her confused.
“What do you mean?” He said, looking at her. Morgana sat for a moment, wiping her eyes with her hand while trying to come up with the right words.
“I haven’t been able to get last night out of my mind all day. Every time we touch, I think back. It’s, it’s hard to explain. I get weak in the knees. Hearing you, smelling you, touching you, all I want to do is jump your bones right here and now, but I know I can’t. I don’t know what happened last night, but at least I had an excuse then. Now, no. No excuse. I’m not drunk, not high, just lonely and missing my husband and here you are, and I damn near ripped your clothes off last night.”
“I could’ve said no. I should’ve said no.” Tommy didn’t believe himself either when he said it. Morgana looked like he just said that he likes to eat shit.
“Really? When, after I started grabbing yer dick on the dance floor or after I grabbed yer hand and made ya finger me in yer truck? The only way I could’a been more obvious was if I started blowin’ ya during a Daft Punk song. Don’t give me this ‘taking advantage of me’ shite. It takes two to tango, and I was doing more than the tango out there. I’dda been mad if ya had said no, wondering if I were that hideous or if went ya puft on us the last few weeks.” She was getting animated, letting her Aussie accent rise to the surface. She then took a deep a breath to calm herself. “Sorry, I get a little bogan when I get worked up.”
“I know, it’s okay. It’s kinda cute.” Tommy replied. Morgana looked at sideways, like a dog that gets confused by a passing car it doesn’t recognize.
“Okay, it’s actually pretty hot but saying that might not have been the best idea.”
“Yeah. Your accent is sexy as hell.” Morgana was taken aback by what Tommy said.
“You never said that before.” She looked at him as he fidgeted a little on the bench.
“Well, it’s a common thing. Us Yanks love it.”
“When we met you said you liked it. You didn’t call it sexy.”
“I’d known you for like 10 seconds. You don’t open with ‘That’s a sexy voice’ or ‘Damn, I think you’re sexy’. Especially at work, that’s a one-way trip to HR and having to sit through the mandatory sexual harassment classes.” Tommy sat there, trying to gauge her reaction. She smiled and shook her head.
“As much as I didn’t want to hear that right now, it’s nice to hear.”
“You calling me sexy.”
“I said-“
“I heard what you said. You said ‘Damn, I think you’re sexy’.” She attempted to imitate Tommy’s voice. “Don’t deny it.” Morgana pointed at him playfully as she said that. He just shrugged his shoulders. She scooched a few centimeters closer to him on the bench. He put his arm around her. They sat in silence for a long moment before Tommy spoke.
“What do we do now?” Tommy asked. Morgana took a deep breath and sighed.
“You know this can never happen again, right? Ever. This stays between us. No one can ever find out.”
“I know.” Tommy sounded deflated when he said that. She sighed again, resting her head on his chest.
“Listen, as much as I want to play the ‘what-if’ game, this needs to be a one-time thing only. We’re just…friends that hooked up once and tried it out. No matter how great it was, it couldn’t work out.”
“So you’re saying I’m good at sex.”
“Shut up.” Morgana playfully hit Tommy in his stomach. He let out a gust of air.
As she was about to say something, her phone buzzed. It was Drew sending a text, asking if she was free for a call. “It’s Drew, gotta take this.” She replied yes. She stood up and walked away from the bench as Drew called. She was chipper and happy on the call. It was early Sunday morning in Melbourne at this time, and Morgana walked through the park a bit as she Facetimed Drew. They told each other they loved the other and couldn’t wait to see the other. Drew mentioned how he had a lot of paperwork he was going to catch up on today then maybe go for a swim at his family’s house or visit the beach. Morgana talked about how her and Tommy were trying out some local food trucks. Drew acted like he was jealous, but more about the food trucks. She promised to call Drew again later at night before she went down for the night. They said goodbye. As soon as the call ended, Morgana walked back to the bench and cried. Tommy was there, holding her.
Morgana sat in her apartment and cried most of the afternoon and into the night. The only time she pulled it together was when she called her sister Aislinn. Aislinn was happy, talking about work, her friends, and hanging out with Drew. He hosted a little barbecue the night before at his bungalow and invited a couple friends from work. His new neighbor came over, some woman named Marie. Everyone was pretty friendly. After the party wrapped up, she relaxed for a bit, having a little of her ‘medicine’ before going to bed. Morgana lectured her little sister again on smoking weed, but Aislinn’s defense was that this was medicinal as she was prescribed it to help with her anorexia from years ago. She was still skinny as a rail, but at least she ate when smoking and didn’t obsess over a few hundred calories for days at a time anymore. Aislinn asked about the night before, and Morgana told her about how much she drank and danced the night before. Aislinn made a comment about Tommy being a ‘spunky bloke’ and seeing if he’s ‘up for a root’ if she ever visits. Morgana tried to hide it, but she did get a little jealous at her sister’s statement about how she wanted to fuck Tommy. When Aislinn confronted her on it, she played it off. “He’s just a cobber, a good mate. Don’t break his heart, though.” Aislinn pushed on the subject a bit more, but Morgana wasn’t taking the bait. As much as she told her sister everything, this was one secret she was going to keep. Besides, if she was serious about coming to the states, she could find out for herself what fucking Tommy is like. Maybe one day when this all passes she’ll ask him who was the better lay.
After the call with her sister, Morgana cried again until it was time to call Drew before bed. She freshened up, put on a little makeup, and did her best to not look like she was crying for the last couple hours. She barely remembered dinner, just some leftovers she had sitting in the fridge. Her and her husband talked on the phone for about an hour, but it wasn’t about too much in particular. Mostly how their days went. Drew talked about work and how much he accomplished before going to lunch. He briefly mentioned running into an old friend of his, Celeste. Morgana tried to hide her disdain, but just hearing that name made her jealous. Drew didn’t pick up on it and kept talking about how the two of them caught up on old times and how Celeste had just moved back to Melbourne from Brisbane.
As they talked, Morgana felt an urge come over her to get a little frisky with him over the phone, but he wasn’t picking up on the signals. Normally he’d be all over this, but for some reason he either wasn’t in the mood for any kinky voice calls or was so dense he could form into a black hole. They hung up, and Morgana went back to researching stuff for the upcoming move. She couldn’t help but feel dejected and miserable. Morgana hoped it was just that he had a lot on his mind, but couldn’t help but wonder if this Celeste character had anything to do with it. She barely knew of Celeste except in passing a few years ago. She was an old friend of Drew’s and they briefly dated for a few weeks before they met.
Morgana chastised herself for thinking that Drew would do anything this other woman. It was the greatest of ironies. She just cheated on her husband, and less than a day later with no evidence or provocation, she suspected him of doing the same to her. She’d never even thought of anything like that before.
As she went to bed that night, she thought about everything she’d been through in the past month. Buying the house, putting an offer in and it getting accepted, kissing Tommy, getting assaulted, getting her IUD removed, making love to Tommy, lying to Drew, all of it. She wondered why he was so distant this time around. She hated being alone, and even these brief calls barely helped anymore. She wanted to feel her husband next to her in bed, needed to feel him.
That is what she told herself when she texted Tommy asking him “U up?”
Drew down in Australia was a different man than he’d been in the states for the last few months. For starters, he was more relaxed in the nice weather of Melbourne. Even though it was the middle of winter down there, it was still a nice 17 C and sunny. They barely got that in Harbor City until deep into May. And being in the cold states for the last few months helped him appreciate how sunny and warm ‘Winter’ can be. He also ate differently back home in Melbourne. He wasn’t going to fast food as often nor exploring every fat and greasy dish he could in the states. Instead, he ate fresh fish, rice, and greens every day. He was also exercising outside more than he was back in Harbor City. His previous routine of waking up at 5AM and hitting the gym changed down here. He even found a small bungalow close to the beach that was just a tram ride away from the office.
He was living the dream. Too bad it wasn’t their dream anymore.
As much as he loved being home in Australia, he missed his wife more. The 14-hour time difference was a major drag on their relationship. When he was waking up at 6AM, it was 4PM in Harbor City and she was still at work. By the time she’s done with work, he’s in the office. When she goes to bed, he’s just wrapping up lunch. When she wakes up, he’s winding down for the night. They don’t ever seem to line up correctly. And the last trip really sucked. He was only in town for a few days so couldn’t get his internal clock to settle on EST instead of AEST time zones. He was miserable most of the time he was back with her and even more miserable without her this past month. Plus, she was doing so much for the house that he couldn’t do over in Melbourne.
At least the next time he’d be back in the states, it would be an extended stay for about a month. He’d arrive the last week of August and stay through the third week of September. After that, he’d be on a pretty regular schedule back and forth every three weeks until the next Aussie Winter when he’d be back in the states full time, aside from the occasional trip. Which he’d have more of in the future.
Drew hated keeping secrets from his wife, but he had two big ones that he was sitting on. The first was that he had been offered and accepted a promotion. He was now a Senior Legal Advisor for Pharma’s International Research and Development Division. It came with a large raise and more perks, but more travel back and forth to the states and Melbourne, as well as the occasional trip to other countries like India, Japan, Ethiopia, France, China, and anywhere else he needed to go. He was going to miss a lot of time with Morgana but the job paid enough that they would have the house paid off within 2 years. He hadn’t told her yet because of how upset she was about the last trip’s timing.
The other secret he withheld from his lovely wife was how he ran into his old friend and one-time ex-girlfriend Celeste. When he was looking for an apartment to stay at in Melbourne, an old friend of his from University recommended a place for rent in Port Melbourne. Drew checked it out and loved it instantly. A week after he signed the paperwork, his new neighbor moves in.
Celeste. His old friend and ex-girlfriend.
Drew was astonished at how small the world was that they not only ran into each other but would be neighbors. The two of them used to be thick as thieves. At least until he started dating Morgana and she had issues with Celeste. Morgana was always a little jealous of Celeste and how easily her and Drew would melt into some inside joke from long ago or how much they acted like each other. The pair caught up on old times, and started hanging out more. She’s currently dating a man from Brisbane who’s looking for work in Melbourne. Drew’s travelling back and forth across the world. He was going to tell Morgana all about Celeste, but even the mere mention of her name upset his wife. He figured that he’d leave that detail out of future conversations. The only hiccup to that plan is when Aislinn comes over to visit. She never met Celeste but it’s not a common name. Celeste had the bright idea that when he had company over and she needed to stay sparse, call her by her middle name, Marie.
He’s not doing anything with Celeste he told himself, just hiding an uncomfortable coincidence from Morgana to save her stress through this difficult time. Nothing wrong with that, right?
After a while Tommy walked Morgana back to her apartment and then he went home. There was a lot to unpack from the park. For starters, she remembered everything and blamed herself for making the moves on Tommy. The thought that he spiked her drink never crossed her mind. She threw herself at him and she accepted full responsibility and blame. Next, after getting that out of her system, she admitted in a roundabout way that she had feelings for him but that it couldn’t work as long as Drew was in the picture. Finally, he sort of let the cat out of the bag on how he felt about her, but since she was the one that started everything in her mind, she didn’t hold anything against him.
Tommy drove around for a few hours. He thought of calling James, but decided against it. He’d probably get some lecture about how real men don’t have feelings and that emotions are for pufters. He thought about calling one of his other friends, but immediately nixed that. Telling them ‘I drugged my crush then fucked her brains out and she confessed how much she likes me after’ would go over like a fart in church, and Reddit was straight out. He did that last time after fucking Morgana in her sleep and the ‘go kill yourself’ comments still shake him. Instead, he drove for a while, thinking about how to move forward.
The smart move would be to just act like this never happened, move on, and focus on a new woman. But that’s not how he was wired with Morgana. He tasted excellence and he wanted it again. No, he didn’t want her. He NEEDED her. But how?
He played out the various scenarios in his mind as he drove around. Any move he made or Morgana made would destroy her marriage and she’d have to live with the guilt. Then every time she looked at him, she’d see how her marriage fell apart and would eventually blame him. The best bet was to make Drew the bad guy. If Morgana caught Drew cheating on her, or if he confessed that he was unfaithful or if something happened to him like a tragic accident or if he fell out of love with Morgana or something happened to Morgana to make him not want to be with her anymore, that might cause Drew to leave. Or Drew decides to have an open marriage while he tours the world becoming a gourmet chef.
Yeah, that last one was a pipe dream. Speaking of pipe dreams, Tommy remembered how he laid the pipe to Morgana the night before and he smiled remembering how she felt, tasted, and smelled.
At some point he was lost driving around and ended up in Pleasantview. He was getting hungry and stopped by a wing place called Scorchers. It was one of those local places that had wings range in hotness from barbecue and buffalo all the way up to ‘Pepper Spray on a piece of chicken.’ He grabbed a dozen wings in Smoked Jalapeño Honey with a tall beer to wash it down. They were hot but flavorful and not painful. He thought about his conundrum as he made sure not to get this sauce in his eyes. Drew was halfway around the world most of the time and couldn’t set him up with a random girl even if he tried. As much as he wanted to be with Morgana, he couldn’t pull the trigger and make her break things off, especially with the new house on the way. Plus, he’d seen the conversations they had before he left recently about having a kid and he knew that she had an OB/GYN appointment this past week. He had an evil thought for a moment about knocking her up, then fear as he put 2 and 2 together. Morgana didn’t say it, but she mentioned before the appointment to her doctor about having her IUD removed. If that happened, and he came in her last night, that meant there was no protection.
Knocking her up would be one way to make sure she leaves Drew, or at least makes for some awkward conversations down the line. Then he thought back to the videos he watched earlier this week that he messaged James about. The punk rock girl, the sister, the Teagan and Aly video, they all had a theme in common. They all were videos where the victim was set up by one of the other people in the video as an inside job. The punk rock video was about a man wanting to live out his cuckold fantasies. The sister one was about one woman living out her dirtiest and nastiest fantasy ever, fucking her own sister. The last one was an inside job by Blaine to fuck his step-sister and her very hot bff. He thought for a second, wondering if anything like that would work in this situation. If, and this was a big if, if he could orchestrate an attack against Morgana in front of Drew that was so bad that he broke down and viewed her as damaged goods, that would let Tommy swoop in and save the day. Main problem with that was that it would have to be vicious, violent, and vulgar beyond anything he’d ever thought of before. He’d have to live with knowing that he put the woman he loved through some serious shit, and that she might not come out the other side the right way.
Wait, did he just tell himself he loved her? Shit. That could complicate matters.
If this went through, it would have to be through the Club, and would have to look like some kind of other attack, like a robbery gone wrong or something. And it couldn’t happen down at their apartment. Not only does it go against one of the rules about shitting where one eats, but Tommy heard enough tales about Chuck’s brother-in-law at this point that he had a healthy fear of George Lewis’s professional ability. It would have to take place somewhere else, but where? Then he remembered the card that Chuck gave him with Bob’s number on it. Tommy would call early the next week and book a cabin coming up, hopefully for Labor Day weekend. Drew would be in town then. Everyone would go up to the wood for a nice, relaxing weekend, then BAM! Shit hits the fan. Tommy thought about playing the hero, but whatever happens he would have to appear stronger than Drew while Drew saw shit he could never unsee.
Tommy took a second thought and shook off the whole idea. It was crazy. Last time he had an idea like this, it went tits up in his face as a stream of vomit went up his nose. Besides, if this was just a one-off, she’s probably doing her damndest to bury that this every happened.
That’s what he told himself, right before seeing a text message on his phone from Morgana. “U up?” He’s been on the other end of that text enough times to know where this was heading. He picked up his phone called her, waiting for her pickup.
“Hello?” He heard her voice on the other end of the phone line.