Author Topic: Pharma (Chapter 89 Posted)  (Read 48991 times)

Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 26 Posted)
« Reply #75 on: March 18, 2022, 07:15:59 PM »
Thanks TGH.  There's a funny thing when someone starts walking down the road to Hell, eventually they take a few steps on their own.

Chapter 26 incoming.
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Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 26 Posted)
« Reply #76 on: March 18, 2022, 07:16:23 PM »
Chapter 26

Tommy woke up with one of the worst hangovers he’s had in his life.  This wasn’t a lights-are-bright kind of hangover but please-turn-down-the-volume-on-the-toaster kind of hangover.  Everything hurt.  He looked around the…. Wait, this wasn’t his apartment.  Tommy felt a sense of panic.  This wasn’t his place and it wasn’t Morgana’s place either.  As he moved slightly, he felt his head and stomach shift.  It took a moment for his eyes to focus.  The décor was crisp and cold, the couch was a fine leather couch, and the layout looked like he was in a living room.

He moved his head and smelled something.  Coffee, coming from the left.  Tommy moved his head slightly and saw a man sitting at a glass dining room table.  It’s James.  At least it looked like James.  He sat at the table, looking at a laptop drinking a cup of coffee and some toast.

“Huh?”  Tommy made a noise.  James looked up from his screen.

“Oy, mornin’ Tommy boy!  Howya feelin’?”  James was unusually chipper this morning.

“Uhh…”  Tommy took a moment but eventually pulled himself up to a sitting position.  He looked around.  James was sitting at the laptop, wearing a loose t-shirt with some band on it from the 80’s.  He couldn’t make it out without his glasses.  Even sitting up felt like toying with the fates.

“Get some brekky, you need it.”  James said, barely looking up from his computer.  Tommy was too miserable to even fight over using the term brekky for breakfast.  He stood on unsteady legs and wobbled over to the table, wearing only the shorts he passed out in.  The skinny young man plopped down in a chair at the dining table.  The table was clear, which surprised Tommy.  James wasn’t the friendly type or the type to host parties.  If anything, he expected this table to be covered in work stuff and tools and random items from around the world.

“Mornin’ sleepyhead.  Have fun last night?”  James was extra loud and happy this morning.  Even more so than he’s ever seen.  Tommy looked at James with the intense blinding hatred of a thousand suns.  Why did he have to be so loud?  Tommy carefully grabbed his coffee and took a sip, then another.  It was black.  Tommy normally liked his coffee sweet, but this morning it was more of a drug than anything.

Tommy thought for a second about the night before.  Everything after the last drink or two became a blur.  All images and scenes were weird, jumbled together.  They were talking, then he had another Negroni, Morgana was naked, he was in a wheelchair, he felt amazing, like he had sex on X, then some crying.  Then more talking.  He stared at his coffee for a moment, trying to make sense of it all.

“Havin’ trouble rememberin’?  This’ll jog yer memory.”  James turned the laptop to face Tommy and turned the volume up.  James was watching porn.  But it wasn’t just any porn, it was the secret camera from Morgana’s room.  It was nighttime, and Drew was fucking Morgana.  It took Tommy a moment to focus on the scene, but it wasn’t right.  That wasn’t Drew fucking Morgana, he was passed out on the bed.

It was Tommy.  He was fucking Morgana.

His eyes went as wide as saucers, but James just looked at him with a smile.  “So, remember things now?”  Tommy stared at the screen.  There was enough light in the room to make out everyone there.  Drew was passed out on top of the sheets.  Morgana laid on her back, legs spread.  Tommy, he was between Morgana’s legs, fucking her while she slept.  He wanted to turn away, but he couldn’t.  He knew this was from that website James and he used for the hidden cameras so this was real.  He looked around the rest of the screen, looks like a few other videos were saved from last night and this morning.  But try as he might, he couldn’t look away from his fucking the girl of his dreams.  He stared at the screen as the Tommy in the video violated the sleeping Morgana, over and over.

He thought he was going to be sick.  It could also be the hangover.

“Oh, here’s my favorite part.”  James said as Tommy pulls out and nuts all over her.  He then hears James at the doorway as he’s trying to clean Morgana off by rubbing her over the duvet.  “Not the best way to clean up after a root.”  The older man said as the video clip ends with Tommy waddling out of the room, pulling his shorts up.

Tommy looks stunned.  He can’t believe it, but he had sex with Morgana the night before.  No, this wasn’t sex.  It was rape.  He raped her.  His head swam and spun from the realization, the guilt, and the hangover.

“The next video is you whining like a little bitch in the living room.  The one after that is me taking my turn.  Then I saved the clip of getting your dumb arse outta there.”  James said all that with a chipper glee to his voice.  It took Tommy a moment to unwind all of that in his mind.

“Wait, your turn?”  Tommy looked at James like he was going to puke.

“Yeah, here.”  James leaned over and reached around on the laptop to click the desired video.  It showed James making sure that Morgana and Drew were still out cold.  Then, he made some joke about asking Drew if he could fuck his wife, then flipped her over on the bed and fucked her.  He fucked her for a few minutes before he came inside her.  The video then finished with James cleaning up both of their messes.

Tommy stared at the screen, jaw open, not sure what to make of what he just saw.  He had no words.  That’s when he jumped out of his seat and ran down the hallway.  He made it to the bathroom just in time to vomit in the toilet.  James brought the laptop back to face him while he heard Tommy retch a few times before flushing.  A minute and half a bottle of mouthwash later, Tommy returned to the table.

“Good, ya didn’t hurl on my lappy.”  James’s tone had returned to a more natural tone and volume.  At least Tommy thought so.  It could be that puking helped him feel better, too.  The younger man grabbed his coffee and sipped it a few more times.

“Did we-“

“Fook’er?  Yeah, we did.”  James said, pulling up some more stuff from the hidden cameras in the couple’s condo.

“What do we do?”  Tommy looked scared.  He was not in the shape to have a million thoughts run through his mind.  James looked at him, his scowl softening just a bit.

“We do nothing.  Not a bloody thing.  We just keep going on like normal.”  Tommy looked like he wanted to retort, but James cut him off.  “Look, one of two things’ll happen.  She’ll find out we fooked her or not.  She fooked Drew before passing out, so any signs of sex she’ll think were him.  In fact, let’s see what they’re doing.”

James pulled up the real-time camera in the bedroom.  The bedroom was empty.  He switched to the master bath.  Morgana stood in the shower.  Rewinding a bit showed her walk slowly into the bathroom to brush her teeth, followed by Drew coming in to do the same.  They both winced like they had bad hangovers, then kissed briefly and went about their business.  Drew was in the dining room, drinking coffee and playing on his phone.  Tommy was nervous, but James seemed to calm him down with what he said.

“See how they’re not losin’ their shit and calling the cops?  If they suspected anything was wrong, they’d be calling the cops or loadin’ guns or any bloody thing other than relaxing and showering.  If they suspected anything, they’d have blown up our phones by now looking for a fight.  But they’re hung over and sore, and blame it on the booze and a late-night smash before bed.”  Tommy looked at the screen again and relaxed a little bit.

“You mean we got away with that?”

“As long as you don’t do some stupid shite like call’er and tell’er we fooked’er and have video to prove it.  Then we both go to jail and the friends of friends make us disappear.”  James took a sip of his coffee.  Tommy shook for a moment.

“Wait, what?”

“Did you ask any questions about this website?  You’ve done IT work right?  You know how much planning goes behind a hidden server, live camera streams, and a bunch of hidden network traffic?”  Tommy nodded.
“Yeah, a lot.  Now that you mention it, I see some weird stuff when I log in.”  Tommy looked closer at the screen.  It was similar but different to the one Tommy saw when he logged in.

“How so?”

Tommy took a sip of coffee before continuing.  “Well, when I log in, for a brief second I see a lot more available streams than just Morgana’s.  I’ve tried doing a screen capture, but it hasn’t worked.  I’ll see a bunch of names but after a moment only Morgana’s appears.”

“And what does that tell ya?”  The older man asked Tommy.  He thought for a moment before responding.  The fog of the hangover was slowly wearing off.

“That tells me that I have restricted access and there’s more women they’re spying on.  There’s a lot more to that site than you’ve told me.”

James smiled.  Tommy wasn’t dumb after all.

“Yer right.  There’s a lot more than ya know.  First, brekky.”  James said before sipping his coffee.  Tommy relented with the questions and had some black coffee and buttered toast.


James spent the next two hours explaining the Club to Tommy.  What it was, who they were, how they worked.  Tommy guessed fairly quickly that Steve was a member since he helped with the IT setup of getting the spy cams up and running.  He didn’t know anyone else, and James said that was a good thing.  Tommy thought James was pulling his chain with these stories until James showed Tommy through the site unrestricted.  He showed Tommy the rape of his neighbor Debbie, a good looking Asian American stewardess and James’s drugging and rape of Stephanie Connors.  He showed a few other clips, mostly of women he didn’t know and of perpetrators that all went out of their way to stay hidden.  There were a couple videos that confused Tommy.  There was one with Steve and a few other men raping two young women and making a light-skinned black man watch, but another video showed the man wearing a ski mask fucking a woman in the back of a van.  James explained that in one video he was a plant and treated like shit to get the women to believe he was on their side.

Tommy was dumbfounded.  Was he no better than an average rapist?

“Of course yer better, these men are above average rapists.  They’ve done this a long time and’ve never been caught.”  James said before sipping his coffee again.  Tommy looked shocked.

“Wait, they don’t get caught?  How?”

“Most of these women never go to the cops.  Those that do usually get a shitty cop that accuses them of askin’ for it or lyin’ about it.  They’d much rather go ‘bout their lives then deal with this shit.”

Tommy sat back, watching the action on the screen.  In this next video, a man built like James’s friend Steve and a chunky man were fucking a cute Asian woman and her girlfriend.  It was a short best-of video one of the members put together, but it encapsulated the tone.  The little woman used the men to capture and rape the bigger woman, then played along in the attack.  He shook his head at the craziness of the whole thing.

“This whole thing is, just, wow.  I mean, I knew you were into some crazy shit months ago when you told me to help you fuck Morgana, but I never thought in a million years shit like this existed.”  Tommy tried to act like he was disgusted or reviled by this, but he couldn’t.  The videos intrigued him.  If he were at home and alone, he’d be jerking off like a caged monkey right about now.  But the fact that these were real women, he was both excited and curious.

“So, once again how does this work?  And why tell me about it now?”  Tommy leaned in closer, trying to tune out the muffled screams of the big athletic lesbian getting buttfucked on the video.

“Basic rules, no kids, no killin’, no beatin’, no talkin’ ‘bout the Club.  There’s normally a vettin’ process but you’ve already passed.  They looked into you when I was brought in.  You’re a low-level member already so you can view Morgana’s cams and vids.  If you want more, need to do more.  Normally it’s a trade, you offer up a woman to someone, they have their fun-“

“You mean rape them.”  Tommy interrupted James with his statement.

“Yeah, what are’ya, a fookin’ fed?  Record the attack so there’s proof and video of the fun times, then you get one in return.  That’s what I did with that teacher bitch.”  The last statement caught Tommy’s attention.

“Wait, you said Stephanie Connors was a teacher.  A few weeks back you left dinner for a blind date with a teacher named Stephanie.  That was this?”

“Yep.”  James said.  Before he could continue, he received a message through IM on the site.  He opened the chat window.

“Shit, it’s Pedro.”

“Who’s Pedro?”  Tommy asked.  James read the message and responded.  Another message, and another reply.

“He’s the admin of the site.  Don’t know much ‘bout him besides he runs this in the background.  Askin' if I think you should be brought in the full way, said that little video with Morgana was pretty hot and would open the site up the rest of the way for ya.”

Tommy thought for a moment.  He should be absolutely disgusted by this, even the mere thought of doing anything like this is beyond the pale.  But at the same time, he crossed an uncrossable line last night when he fucked Morgana.  The more he thought about it, the more he realized the uncomfortable truth.

If he had the chance, he’d probably do it again.

“I don’t have to do anything I don’t want to, right?”  Tommy asked.

“Nah, our end is completely voluntary.  If ya wanna be a full member, need to make an offerin’.”  James said, typing in a response to Pedro.  Tommy thought for another moment before nodding.

“Ever seen Boondock Saints?” 


“I’m Willem Dafoe in drag and I just went too far.  Instead of backing down, I’m whacking all the mobsters.  Fuck it, I’m in.  But no one else goes after Morgana until or unless I say so.”  Tommy said the last part sternly.  James caught the message and typed.  Pedro responded.

“Good, yer in.  He’ll have yer full access ready by the time you log in next.  Remember, don’t say shite to anyone.  I don’t know all the details, but they know people that can make ya disappear if ya fook with’em.”  James put some earnestness into voice to get the point across to Tommy.  The younger man responded by nodding.


The two men spent most of the day going over basics about the Club.  Tommy saw a video with a woman he hooked up with once.  It was kind of weird seeing her get dicked by some middle-aged man in a mask.  Still, she never screamed like that for him.

At some point in the afternoon Morgana put a message in the group chat asking how everyone was doing.  Everyone was hungover earlier but were doing fine now.  They all wished Drew luck on his upcoming trip as the married couple spent the day at home. 

Tommy went home in the evening.  He had a lot of work to do and really wanted to spend more time on the Club’s website.  On the spycam, he recorded a couple of Morgana and Drew’s fuck sessions, including once where Morgana gave Drew a little ‘going away present’ by letting him take her in the ass.  The way she looked with a dick up her butt was intoxicating.  He wished he had a better close-up of her face when he popped her ass.  By the time they went to bed, they were both sore and Tommy’s arm and dick were worn out from a long night watching them.
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Offline To-Get-Her

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 26 Posted)
« Reply #77 on: March 21, 2022, 01:23:15 PM »
Is it wrong of me to be thinking that in the future Tommy is going to be a full member of the 'club' by offering Tammy as he ticket in? Will Tommy set Tammy up for inclusion like James did to Stephanie! Really wondering when Tommy accidentally reveal to someone that he had Morgana! Merit awarded from me!
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Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 27 Posted)
« Reply #78 on: March 22, 2022, 09:38:19 PM »
Thanks TGH.  I wouldn't say you're wrong at all.  He might be in, but can he be trusted without having some skin in the game?  >:D

Chapter 27 incoming
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Re: Pharma (Chapter 27 Posted)
« Reply #79 on: March 22, 2022, 09:38:40 PM »
Chapter 27

Trips to the airport are often bittersweet.  One couple says their goodbyes, another reunites after a break.  New adventures begin and old roads are travelled once again.  Sadness, love, loneliness, excitement and anxiety all live at the airport.  It’s the people that change, sliding into their roles as needed.  Today, it was Drew and Morgana’s turn to cry as the newlyweds parted so that the husband could travel across the world for a few weeks.  They cried as they parted, kissing several times before he reluctantly pulled himself away and towards the first security checkpoint.  Morgana stood back, crying as she watched her husband, her love, walk away with his luggage. 

She stood there for a few minutes before she made her way back to the parking garage.  She could have easily just dropped him off outside, but wasn’t sure how long this would take.  This was the first time they’ve been apart since they started dating a few years earlier.  Ever since they moved in together back in college, the longest they’ve been apart was a long weekend trip.  This was going to be a few weeks, and she was missing him before she even made it to the parking pass machine.

Morgana drove home.  She originally was going to take a long lunch and return to work, but she just didn’t feel like it.  She was a mess and didn’t want to deal with any of her coworkers wanting to know what was wrong.  The only one in her group she trusted was Bianca, and even that she couldn’t go too far.  Her boss was her friend, but still her boss.  She texted Bianca from the parking lot and said she’d skip the rest of the day.  A simple “K” back was all she needed.  As Morgana continued home, she figured that Bianca knew this was the likely outcome.

A quick detour to a drive-thru and she was back at her condo a little after 2PM.  She hated this stuff on a conscious level but felt lonely and what fills loneliness more than a fake meat hamburger and fries?  Drew texted her a couple times, letting her know that he was through security and getting on the first plane.  There were no direct flights from Harbor City to Melbourne.  Instead, he had to take 3 flights Harbor City to Second City Chicago, then Chicago to L.A. then Los Angeles to Melbourne with 4 hours of layovers between the two stops.  His first flight would take off in a few minutes, and she Facetimed him while having her lunch.  She wouldn’t feel calm until he touched down in Melbourne.  Hell, she wouldn’t relax until she saw her husband and her sister in the same place at the same time.  Then, she’d know he was safe.

Speaking of her sister, Morgana scrolled through the Facetime app and dialed Aislinn.  It wasn’t until her younger sister picked up and the room was filled with darkness that Morgana realized the time.  It was 5:30AM for her sister.

“Huh?”  Aislinn mumbled, the phone bouncing around before settling on its owner’s chin.

“I’m sorry, I forgot what time it was back home.  I’ll call ya later.”

“What’s up?”  Aislinn said, finishing the question with a yawn.

“Sorry.  Drew’s on the first plane ride to Chicago and is on his way.  I’ll call back in a couple hours.”  Before Morgana could hang up the call, Aislinn was snoring.

Morgana spent the next few hours sitting on the couch, depressed.  She lightened up when Drew called her from Chicago.  His layover was long enough for him to get some deep-dish pizza for dinner.  They talked while he ate and made some weird observations about the food.  So far he’s had pizza from a few different places in Australia and the United States, but nothing compared to this Chicago-Style pizza.  It was “more like a bread casserole than a pizza.”  It tasted good, but calling it a pizza wasn’t right.  “It is its own category.  This needs a fork and knife, pizza shouldn’t need a bloody fork!”  The mini-rant about bread covered in sauce, meat, and cheese made Morgana laugh.  It was short lived as she realized he wouldn’t be with her tonight, but at least she could talk to him this way.

Drew’s rant about the mislabeling of deep-dish pizza was inspired and lengthy.  How a society could have the same type of food, watch them evolve to completely different meals yet call them the same thing frustrated and intrigued him.  He was already looking forward to what Californians called pizza.  He figured it would probably have avocados, vegan cheese, and organic grass-fed meat where the animals weren’t butchered but slowly talked to death to the point where they gave up the will to live.  He went on longer than he should, but the truth was he already missed his wife and just wanted to talk to her a little more.  Eventually his phone started to lose battery life and he went in search of a charger before his next flight.  By the time he was on his next flight it would be evening in Harbor City and he would land at around 11PM for her.  He let her know he would text soon before his next flight took off.

She tried to pass the time by herself but was lonely.  She had some of the masala he made her yesterday but wasn’t too hungry.  She cleaned a little, neatening up a few small messes they made over the weekend.  She thought about doing laundry, but didn’t want to deal with that now.  Besides, the bed still smelled like him and she didn’t want to give that up yet.  She checked the sheets and duvet again, they were a mess but it was their mess. 

Morgana gave up for the night on trying to be productive around 7PM and texted Tommy and James in the group chat.  Drew was in the air and just wanted some friends to chat with.  She tried calling Aislinn but her sister was already at work.  Tommy responded, asking her how she was doing and if she needed anything.  She felt better knowing that she had good friends in these two blokes.  James was like that gruff uncle that was surprisingly sweet when he needed to be.  Tommy was that funny, kind, and flirty friend that never took things too far.  Her thoughts drifted for a moment about Tommy and how good looking he was.  If she were single…

She quickly scolded herself for thinking about him like that.  He’s made no moves on her, and is too good of a friend to even try.  He wasn’t like most guys that get all sad or mad because she’s married.  If he hadn’t dated Tammy, she’d have thought he might be a pufter.  Not that there’s anything wrong with that these days, but Tommy didn’t strike her as the type that would pressure her or hit on her and expect it to go anywhere.  Plus, he’s always so well dressed and groomed, she just assumed he was gay when they first met.

It was a little after 11PM when Drew called her from LAX.  He was tired and looking forward to a long sleep on the flight to Melbourne.  She wasn’t asleep and they talked for a while he had dinner from California Pizza Kitchen.   To his surprise it was an actual pizza and not some crazy experiment.  He ordered the BBQ Chicken Pizza and enjoyed it.  And he recognized it as pizza, a piece of bread covered with a sauce and cheese that is held by the hands and eaten in slices.  It wasn’t that he didn’t like the deep-dish pizza, but it needs to be in a category of its own.  Comparing the two pizzas was like comparing a Ute and a Tram.  They both get someone from Point A to Point B but do it in completely different ways. 

She stayed up as late as she could, but by midnight she was barely hanging on.  His plane for Melbourne was about to board.  She asked Drew to text her sister the flight info so she could pick him up from the airport.  At least, that’s what he thought she said in between the yawns.  They said their goodnights and Morgana went to sleep.  Drew boarded his plane a short while later.

Morgana busied herself the next day with work.  She called Aislinn when it was 02:Fucking Early AEDT.  They chatted for a bit and her little sister promised that she would pick up Drew from the airport.  It would be a little early, but she could take the time off from work.  Besides, both her and Drew would be working in the same office.

It was around the end of the workday when she received the first text from her husband that he landed safely.  About a half hour later right as she arrived home, her phone beeped with an incoming Facetime call from Aislinn.  Morgana answered as she entered the building and saw Drew’s face squeezed into the frame with her sister.  She talked as she climbed the stairs up to her condo, not risking dropping the call in the elevator.  From what it looked like, Morgana was the only one who had a decent night’s sleep.  Drew said that he slept a little on the plane but wasn’t able to properly stretch out and the guy next to him watched an entire season of Big Bang Theory before finally passing out.  Aislinn had her brown hair pulled back in a ponytail and wore her glasses, a sign that she didn’t feel like screwing with her contacts this morning.  They talked for a bit before getting in the car for his hotel.  On this first trip, the company was paying for a stay at a nice hotel while he searched for a houseshare or rental nearby.  Aislinn had offered Drew the spare couch which he said he might take her up on, but seeing how she had roommates of her own and she was looking at leaving in the next few months, it might not be the best move long term.  If he was going to spend half of the next 6 months or year in Melbourne, he should find a place to stay while in town.  He was already planning the logistics of it and how to get out of this assignment early so he could stay full time in the states.

Morgana was sad when they hung up.  She was alone, thousands of miles from her family.  Her husband and sister were on the other side of the world, and he’s talking about renting an apartment down there.  She wanted them up here, with her.  She wanted to start a family up here, not bounce around the world.  She cried for a bit before her phone buzzed.  It was Tommy in the group chat, asking how she was doing.  She tried to put on a brave face over text, but Tommy kept poking in just the right ways.  It’s almost like he could read her thoughts sometimes.  Eventually she admitted that she could use some company and it was Drew of all people, worn out from his trip, that recommended that they get something to eat.  “Anything but deep-dish pizza.  That didn’t sit right the entire flight to L.A.”  Morgana agreed, but not for that night.  She had some cleaning to do and had just gotten home.  She offered the next night.  Tommy agreed and recommended a local Thai place.  James said that he’d try but he couldn’t promise anything since he had a lot of work to catch up on.  Thai it was, then.

For the first time in a couple days, she felt happy.  She was glad to have friends who cared about her so much.
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Offline To-Get-Her

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 27 Posted)
« Reply #80 on: March 23, 2022, 12:07:30 PM »
Wonder how she would feel if she knew just how intimate there friendship had become.. I agree with their view on Chicago style pizza or as I call it an open face sandwich! So how soon before James and Tommy make more moves on Morgana and will Bianca become involved as collateral damage? Merit awarded from me!
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Re: Pharma (Chapter 27 Posted)
« Reply #81 on: March 23, 2022, 06:13:35 PM »
Merit from me too.  I'm loving this story and can't wait to see who is offered to the group next!

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 28 Posted)
« Reply #82 on: March 25, 2022, 08:49:34 PM »
Thanks guys.  Tommy might have a thing or two to say about Chicago Style Pizza, though.

Chapter 28 incoming
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Re: Pharma (Chapter 28 Posted)
« Reply #83 on: March 25, 2022, 08:53:46 PM »
Chapter 28

Tommy spent most of his time away from work the past couple days going through an existential crisis.  Ever since the events of Saturday night, the same questions have rolled around in his mind like the stone in a can of spray paint.

‘Am I a rapist?’

‘Would I know if I was?’

‘When did I cross the line?’

‘Can I go back?’

‘Do I want to?’

That last question scared the hell out of him every time he thought about it.  By technical definition he could be called a rapist, but he had extenuating circumstances.  James drugged him with some Molly, and he was so drunk he didn’t remember anything.  But doesn’t that mean he was at his truest, most base version of himself then, with no rational thought process to hold him back or tell him right from wrong?  And if he is a rapist, has he always been one and just lacked the opportunity or desire, or is this a new development?  He didn’t feel any different than he did last week before he raped Morgana, and no one called him out on it.  But, who could he talk to about it?  James put him in this mess, and everyone that was part of the Club were also rapists, so they have a slanted point of view.  He couldn’t ask anyone at work, either in the office or on the construction site.  The office rumor mill would get back to Morgana and the guys in the field would high-five him for getting laid.  Plus, anything attached to him would probably get the cops involved.  No, he couldn’t talk to anyone about it.  At least not attached to him.

He made a vague post on Reddit using a throwaway account and posted it through a VPN, but all he received were comments calling it fake, drama, or bullshit.  A couple posts told him to go kill himself, and a few others went all White Knight on his ass.  Out of about 100 comments, maybe two or three were useful and not full of hate.  Even that left him confused.

Then there was the Club itself.  This website had so much to offer the newly graduated rapist looking to pursue a Master’s in Forced Sexual Intercourse.  He never knew this kink existed, and now that he’s tasted it he doesn’t want to go back.  There was something so disturbing, so visceral, so…real about this.  Even if he never watched the actual attack videos, the hidden livestreams he watched of random strangers was intoxicating.  He’d develop a few new favorites over the last couple days.  It looked like a lot of condos similar to the Williams’s were wired, as well as some cheap looking ones with dozens of young women in them.  Tommy assumed those were apartments in Collegetown, and he was right.  Almost all of them bitched about tests around the same time, classes, and being dirt poor.  His favorites from this new batch were a couple of roommates at Harbor City University named Jordan and Riley.  They were both athletes.  Riley was a sophomore on the women’s soccer team while Jordan was a freshman on the women’s tennis team.  Not only were they absolutely amazing to look at, they were also funny and flirty with each other.  They would both flirt with each other but stop right before things got too sexy.  They were gonna get drunk and fuck, Tommy knew it.  But being so caught up in these other stories confused the young man more and more.

The only thing that didn’t confuse him was how much his desire to be with Morgana intensified.  He’d fucked her once, but she was out of it.  He wanted her to know he was there, to know that he loved her and would do anything for her.  But, he couldn’t scare her off by acting like some love-sick stalker.  Even though he was now a love-sick stalker, he couldn’t let her know.  He’d watched and rewatched the video of him fucking Morgana’s unconscious body more than a dozen times in the last couple days.  The first few times he remembered bits and pieces, but now he’s couldn’t recall anything new.

When Tommy wasn’t exploring the Club’s treasure trove of rape porn and voyeur videos, he would check in on Morgana.  He knew that Drew was flying back to Melbourne soon, but needed to play it cool.  He’s the good friend that would never make a move, that’s why Drew seems to trust him.  Tommy knew that if Drew suspected Tommy of trying to take his girl for a second, he’d be on the next plane back and beat the shit out of him.  Not that Tommy didn’t think he couldn’t take him, but he’s learned to never underestimate Aussies by this point.

Tommy thought long and hard about his plans, his ideas on how to make Morgana his.  This would be difficult beyond words.  Here was a beautiful woman with a well-off husband who did everything for her.  Everything except be there for her right now.

The young man pulled up the video of Morgana in the apartment alone.  She was Facetiming Drew from some airport, probably O’Hare from the sounds of the rant about deep-dish pizza.  Tommy didn’t get the hate from the food purists out there, he loved a good deep-dish.  Last time he was in Chicago he went to Pequod’s and had a meeting with the food gods in the form of a pepperoni pizza.  If Morgana was a pizza, she’d be Pequod’s.  Eventually the conversation ended and Morgana tried to keep herself busy.  Around 7PM she texted Tommy and James on the group chat and they all talked for a bit.  She tried putting on a brave face, but Tommy could see in the camera that she was deluding herself.  He couldn’t be too aggressive with that line on the group chat, though.  He played it cool, waited for her change the subject.

After a while Tommy decided to peruse some of the Club’s video library.  This site was crazy.  He found a section where the trades were made and looked at some of the recent ones.  He watched some random man talk with another man about a trade, a stewardess for a teacher.  Tommy was intrigued and looked into it further.  He didn’t know who was who because no one used names, only numbers.  Everyone had a four-digit number.  Tommy’s was 1512.  He read the chat logs back and forth between the two men.  Looking at the details, Tommy surmised that this was James’s trade.  James had mentioned that the teacher was named Stephanie and sure enough, this was the trade in mention.  He skipped to the videos, watching Debbie get raped in her own bed and Stephanie get drugged and raped in hers.  He then explored a few other videos.  He watched one with a young blonde named Stephanie who was attacked in her apartment, and another with a college-aged girl that was picked up off the street and gangraped in the back of a van.  There were some low-quality films that looked like they had to have been filmed back in the early 00’s.  One in particular that was both disturbing and exciting was a video of a fat older man and a skinny younger man as they broke into a house and tied up a blonde mother with some big ole titties.  While playing with her, her daughter comes home and they capture her.  The fat one fucks the daughter in front of the mother while the skinny man slaps mom’s tits.  Then the skinny one fucks the mom, then they both take turns on the daughter and make the women fuck each other, then ass fuck them both and end the session by making the women eat each other’s asses.  Tommy added a few new things to his list of fantasies.

He let things simmer for a day before checking on Morgana again.  After he came home from work, he checked on the cameras again.  This time she was crying.  He rewound and listened to the conversation.  Drew had arrived in Melbourne and her sister picked him up at the airport.  Drew mentioned off-handedly about renting a house or apartment down there since he’ll be making a lot of trips in the upcoming months.  She hated that thought and broke down as soon as they hung up.  Tommy decided this was a good time to hit her up and take her out.  He pushed and prodded at just the right points to get her to admit she was lonely.  Of course, having a secret window into her life made knowing her so much easier.  This went on for a while until Drew recommended that she go out with Tommy.  She relented and agreed for a friendly date the next night, just two friends going out for dinner.

Tommy saw that as a major win.  Not only would he get some alone time with her, but he would do so as the non-threatening friend.  He knew that disinterest creates interest.  The sexiest cologne a man can wear is confidence.  By acting disinterested, that creates the illusion of confidence.  If a man can thrive without a woman, she then tries harder and gains interest.  But, there’s a fine line between disinterest and boredom.  Nothing puts off a woman faster than desperation except being boring and not caring.  He has to be interested in her as a friend and person, not as a sex toy.  No matter how much he wants to fuck her, he has to play this cool.

By the end of the summer, he’d fuck her again.  He knew it.  He promised it.
Always close the program you were running before exiting the holodeck

Offline To-Get-Her

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 28 Posted)
« Reply #84 on: March 26, 2022, 12:08:40 PM »
So can Tommy remain the innocent friends log enough to get Morgana interested in him, for some reason I don't think so. For me the more time he spends with her the more he's going to want to take her again! i give it a month before he tries something underhanded with her! mert awarded from me!
When I get around to it, I'll write

Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 29 Posted)
« Reply #85 on: March 29, 2022, 06:50:13 PM »
Have you been reading my notes, TGH?   ;)  I might have some inside info, but I'd say the over/under is about a month.

Chapter 29 incoming.
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Re: Pharma (Chapter 29 Posted)
« Reply #86 on: March 29, 2022, 06:51:15 PM »
Author's note:  This chapter is a little short.  The next couple more than make up for this one.  Enjoy.

Chapter 29

Morgana and Tommy had a wonderful night out that Thursday.  The food at ‘Thai and Stop Me’ was pretty good, a lot better than the punny name suggested.  It was rated better than Thai Foon, My Thai, Thai Tanic, 5 Thais, and AppeThaiZing, and the next highest rated one Thai Ranosaurs was too far of a drive to check out.  The two had a good night out enjoying each other’s company.

They went out a few more times over the next couple weeks while Drew was down in Melbourne.  Most of the time it was just for dinner or drinks, but they did go to the movies once.  It was the newest of the Marvel movies that makes some sense by itself but to truly appreciate requires a college degree in films based off of comic books.  They also went on a couple nature hikes.  The two of them went running a couple times, but Tommy wasn’t able to keep up with her pace for long.  She revitalized her enjoyment of running and he was lucky to not pull something during warmups.

Tommy played the caring friend who didn’t take things too far.  On the outside, he was calm and happy.  On the inside, being this close to her without being able to do anything was tearing him up.  He’d gotten past his guilt of raping her in her sleep and now desired to be with her, yearned to be with her.  But he knew he had one chance of playing this right and he couldn’t rush it.  The fact that he might destroy her marriage and hurt his new friends in the process seemed to be secondary to his wants and needs.  ‘Is this how psychopaths feel?’ He asked himself that more than once. 

The way he figured it was like this.  If he made the moves now, she’d run away and retreat to Drew, possibly even follow him back home to Australia.  If he made the first move at all, that showed her he was only interested in her as a lover, not a friend.  But, if she made the first move, he’d let it go to a certain point before pulling back.  Like, say they go out drinking and she wants to dance and gets all grindy. He won’t stop her on the dance floor.  But if she continued it later on in the Uber on the way home, then he might stop things.  Maybe.

As June went on, everyone fell into recognizable patterns.  Morgana would wake up, run near her apartment complex, shower, go to work, come home, eat, call Drew or Aislinn or her former Maid of Honor Tabitha and talk for a couple hours before going to bed.  On Thursdays and the weekend, her and Tommy would go out.  Tuesdays, he would bring over dinner and they’d hang out.  Sometimes Tommy would talk to Drew and Aislinn when he visited Morgana’s condo, talk about how things were going.  Tommy couldn’t help but be a little flirty with Aislinn.  First, it put Drew at ease that Tommy wasn’t trying to fuck his wife and second, Aislinn was hot as fuck.  Tommy found out that Aislinn worked in the same office as Drew so not only were they in-laws, she worked with him.  She’d finished up law school and was going for something called the Barrister’s Reading soon.  At least that’s what it sounded like.  It was the equivalent of passing the bar exam in the states and would let her practice law.  “Smart and good looking.  Nice.”  He caught himself saying out loud one day.  The flirting from both ends turned up intensity following that exchange.

Morgana’s day to day routine was helped by Tommy’s presence, but all it did to do was remind her of her husband overseas.  She was incredibly lonely that first month and would often cry herself to sleep.  The only thing that helped with the unbearable weight of loneliness was counting down the days until Drew was back in her arms again.  He’d return at the end of the month, then would be up in town for a couple weeks before going back to Melbourne.  The day to day and week to week routines helped pass the time.

Another thing that passed the time was looking at home listings around Harbor City.  The two of them had talked about moving into a new home within the next year once they saved up enough for a good down payment.  What helped was that Harbor City’s cost of living was relatively low for the country.  Before they moved, they figured it would be 3 or 4 years before they’d have enough saved up to get even a small house in California.  But over in the Rust Belt, they had enough saved up after 6 months for a down payment.  And this wasn’t for some cheap little bungalow but a large 4 to 5 bedroom house that could easily hold a few families in one of these new neighborhoods with an HOA.  Morgana would often share a listing in their group chat, getting Tommy and James’s opinion.  James always pointed out the HOA’s and how he didn’t like them.  He also wasn’t a big fan of the newer houses and the ‘cookie-cutter’ designs but offered to help them if they went ahead.  He knew some building inspectors that would lend a hand and owed him a favor.

Meanwhile, Tommy’s routine was much of the same.  Wake up, check Morgana’s cams, save footage, go to work, come back, check on Morgana, watch something, work out a little, look at Morgana’s video feed again, go to sleep.  Depending on the mood, he’d watch something on Netflix or one of the videos from the Club.  Sometimes it was recorded videos of attacks but recently he’s been perusing the live streams of the apartment buildings in Collegetown.  Most of them were empty due to summer break but the ones that were filled offered great videos.  He often found himself going back to Jordan and Riley’s videos.  Recently they had a fight because Jordan invited her boyfriend over without telling Riley but the boyfriend was actually a gay guy.  At least Tommy thought he was gay.  No way he could be that dense and not pick up on her signals.  Riley was madder that Jordan wasn’t spending more time with her.  One of these days, they’d have a drunken make-out session to clear out their built-up stress.  He didn’t have to ask if he had a problem, he knew it. 

When Drew’s first stint in Melbourne ended, everyone gave the couple the weekend alone.  Well, almost alone.  Tommy still recorded their round-the-clock fuckfest.  Every which way, every position, and every toy they had lying around was used.  Tommy saved all of it for future viewing.  And current viewing.  All the porn watching got him so horny he almost called his ex, Tammy.  Though, cooler heads prevailed and he decided against it.

The last week in June rolled into the July 4th weekend.  Drew and Morgana decided to take a trip down to D.C. for that weekend.  It would be their first time there as tourists.  They said they had a layover there once before, but didn’t have enough time to go out and see the sights.  James asked Tommy if he wanted to come along with him up to his friend’s place by a nearby lake, but Tommy declined.  The younger man was going to hang out with some of his friends from college one last time and get into ‘some stupid shit.’  James sighed and wished Tommy well.

That Thursday, everyone cut out from work a little early.  Tommy wrapped things up and got a hold of his friends from school.  Drew and Morgana packed up the Mercedes and drove down to Washington, D.C.  And James loaded up his truck for the 3 hour drive up north to Lake Hiawatha to hang out with his old friend, Bob.
Always close the program you were running before exiting the holodeck

Offline To-Get-Her

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 29 Posted)
« Reply #87 on: March 29, 2022, 08:04:32 PM »
This chapter was perfect for advancing the story, if you tried to write a paragraph about the entire time Drew was gone then you take a chance of alienating the readers. now you can concentrate on the true action! Merit warded from me!
When I get around to it, I'll write

Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 30 Posted)
« Reply #88 on: April 01, 2022, 03:45:23 PM »
Thanks.  These next two chapters definitely pick up the action, and the pace quickens from here for the most part.

Chapter 30 incoming.
Always close the program you were running before exiting the holodeck

Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 30 Posted)
« Reply #89 on: April 01, 2022, 03:48:37 PM »
Author's note:  Some of the mentioned characters in this chapter have possibly offensive nicknames.  They're old friends from college who have seen and done a lot worse than this to each other.  Names mentioned in the second paragraph and near the very end.  The rest is just borderline sexual assault.

Chapter 30 (M/F, con->ncon)

Tommy got the text from James after he’d already agreed to hang out with his old college buddies.  While he was intrigued, he’d given his word to a few of his old friends that they’d spend the weekend together.  They’d planned on going whitewater rafting, do some camping, and maybe pick up some chicks on the way.  10 long time buddies from Delta Tau Delta.  Well, that was the original plan.

The first to fall from the group was Lawrence a.k.a. LL.  Work caught up with him this weekend and he had to fly out of town Friday morning.  Next was Mason 1.  He and his wife had a big fight about him going out “with the guys” and he decided it would be better if he stayed along with her.  Mason 2 dropped out next when his girlfriend invited him to their summer home in the Hamptons for the weekend.  Gay Carl got sick and Straight Carl was depressed.  Sully’s wife was expecting soon so he was out of any plans for the next 20 years.  Reverend Roy was on house arrest, and The Wop ghosted everyone for the last week.  That left Tommy and Mitch, and Mitch confessed that he hated camping.  He only did it because everyone else was doing it.  This all happened by Friday afternoon.  Instead of going camping, they figured they’d just go out drinking a couple times this weekend.

Friday night they decided to hit up some bars in Collegetown.  That didn’t go too well for them.  First off, none of the colleges were in session so the only people around were those that stayed over the entire summer, and most of them didn’t frequent the bars.  Eventually they bounced from Collegetown and made their way to the Main Shore.  They ran into a different problem here.  They were the “old guys” at most of the bars they went to.  Tommy and Mitch were both 26, but there’s a world of difference between a 26-year-old going to the bar and how a 21-year-old acts.  There’s not nearly as much to connect over, and it feels kind of awkward to make a move on them.  Sure, everyone’s legal here, but it’s like playing a video game on Easy, almost not worth the effort.  Friday night was more of a bust than anything else.

Saturday, the pair decided to just stay local and hit up a restaurant with a bar in it.  Nothing too crazy, just one of the spots out in the Farrell Township area that was close to where they worked and lived.  It was an Italian restaurant called Antonio’s.  It had good food but was one of the more popular places to hang out on the weekends in the area.  Nothing said getting old like looking forward to a night at Antonio’s.  But hey, at least it wasn’t Buffalo Wild Wings or Olive Garden.

Much to Tommy’s surprise, the place was packed and lively.  Recognizable music played at an acceptable volume for people to have conversations without screaming but also let people dance if they wanted, the drinks were a little higher quality, and the patrons ranged from the upper 20’s to their 60’s.  There were a lot of good-looking women dressed nice.  That’s when he realized the unspeakable truth.

Tommy had outgrown the club scene.

Mitch, on the other hand, hadn’t realized that the slow creeping hand of Father Time was catching up to him.  He was still in the Thots and Shots stage of life.  He bitched and moaned about the place for a while until he was ready to bounce.  That’s when Tommy noticed a woman across the bar.  She was blonde, pretty, a little on the shorter side, and sat alone.  She looked a little like Morgana.  Tommy decided that he was going to say hello.

While Mitch was calling for an Uber, Tommy made his way over and introduced himself.  He did the quick check of both of them.  His breath was okay, he wasn’t too drunk, she looked like she was alone, no wedding ring that he could tell.  She wore a light dress, airy looking with lilac accents.  Her blonde hair had a slight wave to it, ending at her shoulders.  When she turned her head, he saw her ice blue eyes.  She smiled briefly at him as he approached her.

“Hi.”  Tommy said as he smiled, letting his charms take over.  He saddled up next to her at the bar.

“Hi.”  She smiled in return.  She took a look at him, taking in his tall skinny frame and thick-rimmed ‘Clark Kent’ glasses.  His purple button-up shirt worked well together with his black slacks and black dress shoes.

“See that guy right there.”  Tommy pointed at Mitch, who was playing on his phone.  “If he comes over, just say anything in a foreign language and pretend that you know me.”  Tommy smiled a little as he said that, taking a quick glance as the blonde.


“He’s my friend, but he wants to leave and I saw you over here, wanted to say hi.  Hi.  I’m Tommy.”

“Ella?  Why the foreign language?”  She looked a little confused at his request.

“Give me time to put on a disguise and lose him.  Plus, I figure it’d sound cute coming from you.”  Tommy pulled a pair of fake glasses with a Groucho Marx nose and mustache and put them on over top of his regular glasses.  “Think it’ll work?” 

Ella laughed at the ridiculous scene in front of her.  Here was this tall, cute younger man pulling a ridiculous trick to get to know her.  He was laying it on thick, but just thick enough to still be cute.

“If yer gonna go that far for my name, whatchya doin’ for my number?”  Ella asked, letting a little smirk cross her face.

“I don’t know, I haven’t gotten that far yet.  Might need magic kit, maybe pull a hat out of a rabbit.”

“You mean a rabbit out of a hat.”  Ella said.  Tommy put a shocked look on his face.

“Oh, I’ve been doing it wrong all these years.  Shouldn’t have gotten that magic kit from the Dollar Store.  Feel bad for Colonel Floppityflop.”  Tommy tried to repress a laugh until Ella laughed.  It didn’t take more than a second for her to laugh.  She motioned for him to sit, shaking her glass of wine in her free hand.  He took the glasses off.

“What brings ya ‘round?”  When Ella spoke, Tommy picked up her Australian accent.  It was subtle, more like Drew and Morgana’s but slightly different.

“Came out for the night, chance to meet new people.  You?”

“Same.  Where ya from?”  Ella asked.  Tommy took a sip of his beer.

“Me, I’m from Chicago originally but moved out here for school and then work.  What about you, what brings you all the way across the world to Harbor City?”  Tommy said, catching Ella a little by surprise.  She changed her voice, putting on a fake American accent, almost Texan.

“What says I’m not from the States like Texas?”

“Well, if you were Texan you’d introduce yourself as Texan before American.  And you’re not carrying an AR strapped to your back, and I haven’t been shot yet.”  Ella chuckled at Tommy’s response.

“I’m from Australia.”  Ella said, taking a sip of her white wine.

“Cool, which part?”  Tommy took a sip of his beer.

“The capital.”  Ella took another sip.

“Canberra.”  Tommy replied, Ella almost choked on her drink.

“How?  Yanks never get that on the first try.” 

“My boss is from Perth and I have some friends from Melbourne.  I kept guessing wrong and he made me walk home.  What are you having?”

“This?  Just a Riesling, unless you’re buying something different.”  Ella smiled.  Tommy flagged down the bartender.

“What can I get for you?”  The bartender was in his late 30’s, dressed nicely for the bar staff.

“Do you have Old Young’s Gin?”  Tommy asked.  Ella looked on in surprise.

“Yes, we do.”

“Could we get 2 Negroni’s made with Old Young’s?”  Tommy asked.  The bartender nodded.

“Sure thing.”  The bartender went off and prepared the drinks.  A minute later, he handed them to Tommy.  He took one and gave one to Ella.  They both took a sip of their drinks.

“Very nice.  So, how did you-“ Ella stopped mid-sentence, then uttered something that Tommy didn’t understand.  He took that as his cue to put his Groucho glasses back on.  Mitch walked over to Tommy, who pretended not to know him.  Mitch just shook his head.

“I’m heading out, getting an Uber.  Text me later.”

“Copy that.”  Tommy said before giving Mitch a bro-hug.  Tommy left the glasses on for a moment.  Ella laughed at the ridiculousness of the moment.


Ella and Tommy spent the next hour or so talking and drinking.  He found out that she was in work for business.  She worked for a company that specialized in consulting other companies on green building initiatives.  She was a few years older than Tommy at 31, but still looked damn fine.  She was flying back to Australia in a few days.

Ella had a good buzz going on and was feeling relaxed and a little flirty.  This Yank was pretty cute, and seemed into her.  She was leaving the country in a few days, ‘might as well have a little fun’ she thought.  Her hotel was maybe a kilometer and a half away, or as Tommy said ‘about a mile.’  She was glad that she wore lower heels for the walk but she was definitely shorter than Tommy as they walked together.  Even with the heels she was barely 1.3 meters tall, and Tommy’s close to 2 meters.  ‘What did he say, 6’3”?’  Whatever it was, it’s tall.  They walked together, at first holding hands then pulled in closer, arms around each other.  He leaned in for a kiss right outside the hotel door.  They kissed for a moment before breaking.

Tommy looked down at Ella as they walked, and he felt a fire grow inside.  He knew he had to fuck her.  She moved to go inside and he followed her, staying with her.  A brief moment later and they were in the elevator, full-on making out.  A minute later, and she’s getting her key card for her room out.  Before Ella realized it, the door was open and they were on her bed, Tommy on top of her.  His hands explored her, sliding up underneath her dress rubbing her ass and grabbing at her panties.

Ella felt a shock flash across her body as she laid there on the bed under him.  All of this was happening so fast.  She just met him, still barely knew his name, and here he was undressing her on her hotel bed.  She had a moment of clarity as she felt him grab at her panties and tug.

“Wait, wait, let’s slow down a-“ Ella didn’t finish that sentence as Tommy went in and kissed her, silencing her protests.  She felt him lift her bum just a bit as he pulled them over her hips and down her legs.  She wanted him to stop for a moment, but everything happened so fast.  She tried to push him off of her to get her bearings, but he just held her tighter and undid her dress.  She again tried to push this man off of her, but he moved her hands to his dress shirt.  Instinctively, she unbuttoned his shirt while he undid his pants.  Before she knew it, they were naked on her bed.  She tried to protest, to get him to slow down, to stop, to listen, but each movement he made either silenced her or ignored her.  When she tried to slow things down, he played with her little tittes, exciting her.  When she tried to keep her legs closed, he went to work on her twat, rubbing her clit to get her to open up for him.  Even if she could say it, he wasn’t taking no for an answer.  The only thing she could get out was making sure he had protection.

Tommy wasn’t going to let this opportunity get away.  Ella was too sweet to let get away.  She was a cutie in her own right, but the way she talked and walked reminded him so much of Morgana it wasn’t funny.  She even wore the same type of perfume.  He wouldn’t be denied.  He ignored the pushing and pawing him away and kept going.  He had her panties off quickly and had her dress loosened before she knew what was going on.  When she went to talk, he’d kiss her to shut her up.  When she tried to shy away, he’d play her body like a fiddle.  He wasn’t going to stop until he was satisfied.  All normal rules of conduct were out the window.  ‘Besides, it’s not like she said no.  She even asked if I had a condom.’  He told himself that this counted as consent.

While he slid himself into her, Tommy could her Ella gasp.  She was wet, at least wet enough to get to the action soon.  He slid in and out easily at first to make sure that he didn’t hurt her, but after a minute he picked up the pace.  She still had her hands pushing up on his chest, but the more he fucked her, the less she pushed.  A couple minutes more and she started fucking him back, moving her hips to the rhythm.  Tommy was hitting the right spot and she at least wanted to have her fun.  He might not have listened to her protests about slowing down, but at least she can cum from what he was doing to her.

Tommy kept fucking Ella as her breathing became ragged and short.  She reached around his neck, guiding him to keep fucking her at the right angle.  Tommy looked down and saw Ella on the cusp of an orgasm.  He thought about where he was, and how much this cute little blonde under him was just like Morgana.  The thought of fucking Morgy over and over again kicked over a new gear in him and his thrusts into Ella gained strength and speed.  In his mind, he was fucking Morgana like no one ever had.  Ella was a glorified sex toy for him.

This new rhythm threw off Ella.  She focused as much as she could on reaching orgasm, but something changed.  He was no longer fucking her, he was beating her with his dick.  It started to hurt.  She wanted to cum so bad, but Tommy changed when she was so close.  She wondered how long he could go like this.  ‘Surely, he had to finish soon.’  At least that’s what she thought.

Tommy fucked her like this for another 15 minutes.  Ella no longer felt a part of this act.  He wasn’t a partner trying to get her off, he was using her body.  And she was so close, too.  Now, she just wanted him to finish.  She even tried faking an orgasm a few minutes ago to get him to wrap it up.  She knew this assault would leave her sore and possibly bruised for a couple days.  She tried talking dirty, but didn’t know what he liked so just started making some moans and noises like a porn star.  And he still didn’t notice.  Not even when she started crying a little.

For his part, Tommy did notice the tears, but not the way she wanted.  Watching all that rape porn over the past few weeks really fucked up his fantasies, and here was living one of them out.  Ella, underneath him, in pain and distress.  She was so, so…

So.  Fucking. Sexy.

He leaned down and bit on her nipple, causing a slight cry to escape her lips.  The added discomfort was enough to push Tommy over the edge.  He planted himself deep inside of Ella as he blasted jet after jet of semen into the condom around his dick.  Just one blast after another until he collapsed on top of her.  When he regained his breathing, he showed some tenderness by gently kissing her and stroking her face.  She pulled away.  When he got up and went to the bathroom, she wrapped the sheets around her. 

Tommy was in the bathroom for almost 10 minutes, thinking about what happened.  Something different took over inside him, and he wasn’t sure what to do or how to say.  When he was dressed and cleaned, he went to talk to Ella, but she was already asleep.  He tried to wake her with a gentle shake, but he gave up and left.

As soon as Tommy went into the bathroom, Ella covered herself with the covers and cried.  She couldn’t believe that his cute, sweet man at the bar just an hour ago could be so rough, so mean in bed.  She’s had enough partners in her life to know that this wasn’t normal.  He didn’t care a flying fuck about her, just used her as a wet hole.  She felt sickened, disgusted.  Almost violated.  Her ‘date’ took long enough in the bathroom that she could’ve fallen asleep.  She figured that was her best bet.  When Tommy came out of the bathroom, she didn’t want to talk to him at all.  Instead, she simply pretended that she was asleep.  He tried to wake her, but she kept the act up.  Besides, he didn’t notice how she felt or acted during sex, why would he care now?  He gave up after a few seconds, not saying anything as he left.  Once the door was locked and she was sure he was gone, she cried in her pillow.  This wasn’t how her last Saturday in the states was supposed to go.  But in a few days, she’d be back home down under, safe with friends and family.  And a few guys that weren’t selfish pieces of shit like this guy.


Tommy made it home in one piece.  He even made it back to the bar in time to get another drink.  He thought about hanging out until last call, maybe pick up some cougar and fuck her good and hard, but he was worn out and tired.  He drank his last beer of the night, then hopped in his company truck and drove home.  After getting home, he had another beer before going to bed.

He saw some texts from Mitch throughout the night, but mostly ignored them until the next morning.  Apparently, Mitch went back to Main Shore but struck out with some cosplay models.  Somehow it was Tommy’s fault that Mitch can’t pick up a girl at the bar by himself.  Tommy told Mitch to aim low, real low, then go up from there.  They talked about Tommy’s escapades, and he regaled his friend with the tale of fucking Ella in her hotel room.  They each figured they drank too much at the bars the last couple days and were going to hang out at Tommy’s place on the 4th until The Wop finally responded and invited them to his family’s picnic in Hillside.  His parent’s neighbors like to host a big party every year on the 4th when they’re in town.  Tommy felt a little weird about showing up but soon felt better when he recognized the neighbor.  It was Chuck Hartman, the owner-operator of Hartman Construction and one of the largest contractors on the Pharma HQ project.  They had a good time relaxing and partying.  Tommy met the families, hung around and met what felt like half the neighborhood, and even got to see a couple firework shows.  Hillside’s official show took place right over the hill from where Chuck’s house was, so they had a front row seat to that.  The second show, that one was a little different.  Several large fireworks were set off by Chuck’s brother-in-law and his co-workers.  Well, they work in the same office.  Chuck’s brother-in-law George is a cop and invited his friends from work over to the party.

Tommy had never asked the question “What does a firework show set up by the Chester County Police Bomb Squad look like?”  After that weekend, he never needed to ask again.  Though, he would have to ask everyone around him to speak up a little for the next few days until the ringing in his ears stopped.
Always close the program you were running before exiting the holodeck