Chapter 22 (M/F, drugged, rape)
Stephanie Connors was looking forward to this all week. She couldn’t wait to be by herself for the night. At first the nights alone terrified her, but after a couple years of this she began to enjoy herself. Just her, a bottle of cheap sweet red, and some true crime documentaries. Her chance to unwind for the week. And this week was a little rougher than usual. As much as she loves teaching, she could do without so many parts of it. She loves the kids, even the older ones. It’s the parents that she can’t stand and make her want to drink.
Speaking of drinking, she was glad she didn’t have a long drive. Hell, if the weather was nicer or if Justin wasn’t so…no, it’s not his fault he doesn’t like to run yet. They’re only going a mile away for his weekly sleepover and she could cover that distance in a few minutes, but Justin didn’t like to run. Marching in band was enough for him. She was grateful that Justin had friends that he was this close with, and always enjoyed a drink or two at her friend’s house before returning home. Stephanie felt guilty that the kids always stayed over there and not at her house, but there were a couple good reasons. Emma and Casey. Justin’s friend had older sisters that he was smitten with, and they’d often have friends come over. Stephanie understood that he was going through that phase and that “boys will be boys.” Still, she offered to host sometime.
She looked in the rear view mirror, making sure everything was clear. She only had one drink, but it was a strong one. A screwdriver that was more screw than driver. Stephanie knew from experience that she would be fine, it took about an hour to feel the effects, and by then she’d be home, on her couch, drinking wine.
Speaking of wine, she just hoped that stupid cat didn’t knock down her glass again. She left a glass of sweet red sitting on the countertop when she left. She took a few healthy sips before leaving, but knew that she could easily finish it off when she got home and start her night. As much as she liked a nice, cold sweet red there’s something to be said about finishing a warm glass in a hurry. She even had a couple bottles of her favorite ready to go in the fridge. Just as soon as she was home.
Stephanie pulled her dark grey 2016 Mazda CX-9 into the driveway. It was a little after 9PM now, and it was dark outside. She parked and walked inside after unlocking the door. She went to disable the alarm, but it was already turned off.
“Hmm. Must’ve forgot when I left.” She shrugged, then plopped her keys down in the key basket by the door. She looked across the hallway at the nearly full-length mirror for a moment. Stephanie wore her comfy clothes, a dark blue sweatshirt and a pair of matching joggers. Her long, curly brown hair fell down around her shoulders, and her brown eyes were covered by her glasses. Even though her body was concealed by the frumpy clothes, she knew she was good looking. Sure, she wasn’t in her 20’s anymore, but she still had it where it counts. Her legs, breasts, and butt are more than impressive for a woman in her 40’s and she’s heard more than a few students over the years call her a MILF. They act like they’re being smart but Stephanie saw American Pie in the theaters. She was there when MILF became a thing.
Friday night was her night. No papers to grade that couldn’t wait until the weekend, no kids at home, no track practice, no meets, nothing. Just her, some wine, and some good TV. Well, TV anyway. No telling if it’s good or not.
She walked into the kitchen and found her wine glass, a little more than half full. She could’ve sworn it was a little fuller than this. Maybe Justin snuck in a sip before leaving? Maybe she had a little extra? Oh well. It was nice and warm, and she finished it in a couple gulps. That hit the spot. She grabbed the bottle from the fridge. She opened it earlier and put a silicone stopper in to keep the fridge smells out of it. A quick pop and pour, and she was topped off. She finished a third of the glass right there before topping it off again and heading into the family room.
Stephanie walked downstairs and turned on the ID channel, the one with constant true crime shows. She couldn’t help herself, but she always got a thrill out of watching these shows. Something about how the killer always made a mistake to get caught, how the victims always trusted the wrong person. Plus, these shows excited her. She’d never tell anyone, not even her husband, but she had some dark fantasies. She’d watch these shows about women getting beaten, raped, and murdered, and picture herself in their shoes. She’d fantasize about being out on a jog one day and a stranger would jump out and drag her into the woods and force himself on her, or how one of her students would have enough of her and attack her after class. Sometimes she’d even imagine the entire class raping her, even the girls. She’d never tell anyone about it, that was her secret.
This episode was about a man who raped and murdered a woman he met online. After 20 minutes or so, her eyes were getting heavy. Real heavy. She thought about how much wine she had, but her glass was…well, it was empty. She must’ve been more tired than she thought. She tried to stand, but her legs didn’t want to work. Stephanie did her best to get back to her bathroom, but every step was a struggle. She was definitely drunk now. Time to get to bed and call it a night. With considerable effort, she made it to her bathroom and nearly fell asleep on the toilet. She flopped on top of the bed, struggling to remove her clothes for bed. Her vision spun and the room tilted. She was out. The last thing she saw was something, or someone, move in the shadows.
James sat in the truck as Stephanie loaded her son into the car. It took a few minutes for them to leave. He got a few looks at her. She was dressed for a quiet night alone. Too bad he’ll have to ruin her plans. When she pulled out, he waited for a minute before moving his truck further down the street. He saw a house down the block that was dark and had a For Sale sign in the front yard. A dark house with a For Sale sign meant that no one lived there, which meant no nosy neighbors calling the cops because a cable repair truck was parked out front for hours. He parked the truck, put on some black nitrile gloves, then grabbed his gear. His rape kit was in an old tool box. He carried cuffs, tape, a gag, rubbers, lube, a knife, cameras, chargers, cables, spare gloves, an extra mask, and a set of lockpicks. And tools, too. He had the roofie powder in an envelope, ready to use. All he’d have to do was get in, add it to a liquid, and wait. If he chose some kind of alcohol, he wouldn’t have to wait as long. The drug would interact with the alcohol and intensify the effect. That’s why it’s so effective at bars.
He kept an eye out along the street. No one was outside playing, and no one was hanging out on their porch. That was a plus. It was dark enough that the street lights turned on, but they were far enough away from each other that James could avoid them. A few houses had their lights on, but no one was staring out their windows. He got nervous when he passed by Stephanie’s neighbor and saw a dog in the front lawn. It was a big dog, like a malamute or husky. The dog looked at him, then put its head back down. It was an old dog with no fucks left to give.
James made it to Stephanie’s house. Before walking up to the door, he took a look at the doorbell from the street. Just a regular doorbell, not one of the Ring doorbells. A plus for him. He was still out of the brightest of the streetlights and the lights from the house when he steeled his nerves and walked to the front door. A quick glance didn’t show anyone watching him. Good. Another moment, and he was on the porch. It was now or never. Another breath and he opened the door with the key his friend gave him.
It worked. James was in the house. He turned and saw the house alarm console. It beeped at him to enter a code. James typed in the code given to him. “5 4 2 1”, the address in reverse. The alarm beeped twice, then said “DISABLED” on the screen. He studied it for another moment. It was a basic home alarm system that would’ve been state of the art 10 years ago. These days, it’s just there.
The first major hurdle was cleared, he was in the house. Now, he had to get to work. He made his way to the kitchen, keeping an eye and ear open for anything around the house. That’s when he realized if anyone was home, they’d see his face. He quickly stopped and pulled his gaiter mask up over his nose. They came in handy hunting on a cold morning. A moment later, he had a mask covering most of his face. He didn’t know how much time he’d have, but assumed it was a few minutes. He made his way to the kitchen. It was a mess. The dishes were piled up, a couple pizza boxes sat on the oven, and a nearly full glass of wine sat on the countertop. James’s eyes lit up when he saw it. It was still cool to the touch. He took a sip, then another.
“Shit.” He said, realizing that she’ll notice someone drank from her wine glass. James went to the fridge and found an opened wine bottle with one of those little stoppers in it. He grabbed the wine and was about to pour more in when he remembered the roofies. He grabbed the small envelope, the kind that a person might put keys in for an apartment, and poured some in. After pouring in the powder, he added some wine to the glass to help the drugs mix and dissolve. He dumped some more of it into the wine bottle before putting it back where he found it.
That’s two hurdles cleared. Next up was setting up the cameras in her room. It didn’t matter where he took Stephanie, but he needed to film it. He went to the Master Bedroom. It was perfect for his plan. He put a couple small spy cameras facing the bed. They were great in low-light conditions so he could wait until she passed out, then have her. He also had two more small cameras that he would set up after she was subdued. At least, that’s what he thought originally. Instead, he placed one on a nightstand facing the bed and the other up high enough to get a good shot of the action. They would need the lights to be on, and that would happen one way or another. He also checked the curtains. They were closed. No pesky neighbors looking in.
Now, he had to wait. If he and his friend were right, Stephanie would come home, finish her wine, have some more, then go into the family room and watch TV. James needed a place to hide until she came home. The Master Bedroom was out, as her bathroom was connected to it. She might need to have a slash or change, even though she was already dressed for lounging about. He thought about the garage but ruled that out quickly. If she came home through the garage door, she’d spot him right away. Same thing with hiding near the back door. Plus, he doesn’t know if she has a motion light or not. His best bet is a kid’s room or the office. He immediately settled on the oldest daughter, the one in college. James’s logic was simple. No one is home, but if Mommy decides that nothing screams Party Time like doing laundry, she’ll go into each of the rooms to get dirty clothes. The boys live here, the girl doesn’t. There’s no reason to enter unless she’s looking for that stupid cat he saw traipsing around. He would enter the daughter’s room and waited out of sight. He had to be careful where he stood, the bedroom faced the street and could easily see when Mommy came home.
James tried to open the daughter’s room, but the door was locked. He looked at the lock. It was a normal indoor bedroom doorknob that locked from the inside and used a key from an old can of SPAM to unlock from the outside. No bother, he had something for that. He’s had to pick so many locks like this over the years he always carried a key for them. Even more handy now that he’s in the rape game. A moment later he was in the oldest daughter’s bedroom. He carried his tools inside and left them out of sight from the door. He sat on the floor, out of direct view of the door.
James checked his watch. It was a little after 8:30 at night. She could be home any minute. That’s when he realized a gap in his plan. If she’s downstairs and gets rip roaring drunk and passes out, how will he know? He won’t if he’s hiding upstairs. He didn’t have a lot of time, so he thought fast. He put two cameras in the bedroom that work in low light. He’ll take one of them and put it downstairs in the family room. He can stream it to his phone and see what she does.
He got up and moved quickly through the house, undoing the one spy camera and moving it downstairs. He placed it near the TV facing the large couch. It was small, had its own battery, and looked like just another random piece of tech. He placed it among some video game controllers. He doubted she’d go near them, but the first rule of trying to get away with a felony is don’t assume things will go right.
A quick move back up to the daughter’s bedroom and he closed the door behind him. He locked it just to be on the safe side. It was locked when he came in, it should be locked to anyone else coming around. He looked around the room. He didn’t have any kids so he wasn’t sure if this was normal or not. There were a couple small stuffed animals on the bed, likely since childhood. Several pictures were taped up on the wall. The same brunette was in all of them. He assumed that this was her room. She was quite a looker. Her hair was shorter and straighter than Stephanie’s, but her body was smoking hot. The only other difference between the two that James saw was that Stephanie has brown eyes while the daughter has blue eyes. Probably from her father. Looking around a little further, James found a picture of her with what he assumed was her boyfriend at a high school dance. It was taken a couple years ago, judging by the giant ‘2018’ stacked up in the background. A hanging certificate from some music competition said her name was Brenda Connors. James burned that name into his memory. He might have to pay her a visit sometime over at Harbor City University.
His attention jumped to the lights coming up the driveway. It was a little after 9PM when she pulled into the driveway. He fought his urge to look, but moved into position just in case. The door opened. He thought he heard her say something, but it was too muffled to understand. James froze, waiting to see what she did next. He didn’t hear any footsteps or running away. A couple minutes later, he heard the TV turn on downstairs.
Pulling up the spy camera on his phone, he saw Stephanie sitting on the couch, drinking a glass of wine. She was not going easy on the wine. He wondered if this was the glass she left on the counter or a new one. He didn’t have to wait long as he saw her start to nod off on the couch. She forced herself awake. James made sure that he was recording on this camera and started recording on the other spy camera as well. His other cameras recorded locally and had hours of charge and recording space. He found himself silently wishing that she would go upstairs. It seems like his wish was granted. Stephanie forced herself up off of the couch and up the stairs to her room. She was out of view of the camera when he heard her stumble down the hallway. That was the stumble of someone about to pass out soon. He switched to the bedroom spy camera. She made her way into the bedroom and barely into the bathroom. A few minutes later, just when he wondered if she fell asleep having a slash, she comes back into her bedroom, her sweats off and trying to take her top off.
This was it. This was the time to act. James opened the door to the hallway and crept into Stephanie’s bedroom. He was extra quiet about it, staying in the shadows. He paused when she moved her head a little, almost like she recognized the movement. But a moment later, she was snoring on top of the bed, half laying on half off, half dressed. He gave it another minute to make sure she was completely out. He walked right next to her, touched her for the first time by lifting her arm. She didn’t recognize the movement, nor notice him. He lifted it again. Nothing. He left the room for a moment, then returned with his rape kit. Once everything was in the room, he turned on the lights.
In front of him laid Stephanie Connors, dead to the world. She snored loud enough to drown out the TV downstairs. She wore only a pair of bikini brief panties pale blue panties, a blue sweatshirt, and her glasses. He stepped forward, taking her glasses off and putting them on the nightstand next to the bed. He then grabbed her panties and pulled them down. It was a little difficult getting them off of her while she was passed out, but once they were down over her knees, the rest was easy. After getting her naked from the waist down, he went to work taking off her sweatshirt. He knew he had to be careful and not destroy anything. Slicing this shirt would be an obvious clue he was here and did something to her. After a few minutes, he had her naked on the bed.
James admired Stephanie’s naked body for a moment. She was quite a spunk all right. Her tits were the right size, her ass was firm, legs toned, and a cute face. She’d stop traffic if she wanted to. Especially those legs, they were earned from lots and lots of running. He got hard looking at her on the bed. Any hesitation disappeared when he reached down and slid his hand between her legs, feeling her slightly damp slit. Whatever she was watching got her hot. He’ll have to check out the audio on the stream later.
He went to his toolbox and pulled out a few items. A rubber, a Ziploc bag, and a bottle of lube. He used the plastic bag as a makeshift rubbish bin, and opened a condom. After unzipping his pants and freeing his hard-on, he climbed back onto the bed, standing over Stephanie’s body as she lay mostly on the bed. A moment later, and the condom was on. A quick squirt of lube on his latex-covered cock and he was ready to go. He kept his clothes on for two reasons. One, he was still nervous that he might be caught. The second, he had enough scars on him that he’d be easy to identify.
He lined his cock up with Stephanie’s quim and pushed in. She moaned slightly as he entered her, but she didn’t move. She was out, and would be for hours. He bottomed out in her, enjoying how great she felt from the inside. A moment later, and he picked up the rhythm and fucked her.
The thing with fucking a bitch when she’s passed out is the guy does all the work. James shifted position a few times, but there’s only so much he could do without her getting involved. Pretty soon, it didn’t matter. He was about to cum. The rubber was still on, so he stayed in her and let loose inside. Shot after shot after shot sprayed into Stephanie’s pussy, the thin latex barrier the only stopping him from leaving a calling card for anyone who cared to guess who he was. Sure, he didn’t have any little swimmers after that vasectomy years ago, but why chance it.
James pulled out, jimmy hat full of cum. He took it off, tied it closed, then put it in the Ziploc bag. He grabbed another rubber then sat on the corner of the bed, making sure he didn’t block the cameras. He played with her tits while he caught his breath. After a few minutes, seeing this hot MILF laying on the bed made his dick rise to attention. Before fucking her pussy or ass, he decided to get himself a little oral satisfaction.
He kneeled on the bed and climbed up the bed, stopping by her face. He stroked her cheek for a moment before prying her mouth open. James slid his cock into her mouth, enjoying how her tongue and mouth felt. He thrust in and out of Stephanie’s mouth for a couple minutes before he felt that he was hard enough to fuck her again.
James pulled out of her mouth and put on the rubber. He grabbed some lube and spread it on his cock and some on Stephanie’s pussy. He started fucking her, nearly bending her in half by resting on her legs which he had up around his chest and shoulders. ‘She’s gonna be sore morrow’ he thought as he fucked her like she owed him money. Stephanie moaned a little, but didn’t move. She could still feel what was happening, but didn’t wouldn’t remember and couldn’t respond. He didn’t last long with the vigorous fucking he gave her, and came one more time. This time it felt great, amazing, wonderful.
So good he worried. When he pulled out, he knew why. The condom broke.
“Fookin’ shit!” He knew this was bad. His semen would only carry a little of his DNA if she moved fast, but she’d notice a piece of latex coming out of her twat. James cleaned himself up, grabbed some paper towels from the bathroom, and went on a treasure hunt. He laid out the condom on the towels. Looks like the head ruptured but when he reconstructed it, it wasn’t all there. He kneeled down between Stephanie’s legs and felt around looking for the rest of the condom. Doing this isn’t easy under normal circumstances, but doing this with black nitrile gloves is damn near impossible. James took the glove off of his right hand and went fishing, poking and prodding, looking for the missing piece to the treasure map.
At last, he found it! He pulled out a piece of latex, just a few centimeters square in area. He pieced it together with the rest and the puzzle was…missing a piece. A tiny piece. James shook his head, muttering under his breath. This wasn’t going to be easy.
He went back in to look, but couldn’t get a good angle to see anything, and a vagina evolved to keep things in, not let things out willy nilly. Even when he opened her up enough to see, he didn’t have any light. That’s when he went to his toolbox and grabbed a headlamp, some electrical tape, a couple more gloves, q-tips, rags, and two long shafted screwdrivers. He MacGyvered a gyno’s exam table in Stephanie’s bedroom. He used the screwdrivers like a speculum and taped them in place to spread her open while using the headlamp to shine some light on the subject. This wasn’t the kind of cave diving he thought he’d do this weekend, but such is life. The electrical tape leaves little residue and is easily cleaned, and if needed can be used to tie her legs back and out of the way. Duct tape is much stronger, but is messy and noisy. Electrical tape is quiet and when twisted acts more like a rope.
A few minutes of examination found all the pieces, and while he was in there he decided to clean up after himself. He hadn’t planned on this much work, but was glad he brought his tools. After undoing his handiwork, he checked the time. It was after 11PM. He thought about giving her another go, but after this last debacle decided against it. James cleaned up his tools, Stephanie, his rubbers, and lastly his cameras. He made sure that he didn’t leave any marks on her that couldn’t be explained by an awkward night’s sleep, and packed up. He locked the daughter’s bedroom before leaving, making sure it was just like he left it and grabbed the spy camera from the Family Room. The TV was still on and showing some show about true crimes. This one was about a serial rapist terrorizing a town. James laughed to himself. If this is what she watched that turned her on so much…
The last thing he did before heading out was empty the wine bottle down the sink, rinse out the bottle, and throw it out. There was still a ton of roofies inside and he didn’t want to chance that she was a morning drinker. If she saw a bottle of wine from last night and decided to polish it off before picking up her kid from the sleepover, she’d crash before getting home. He took a quick look around the house and saw that they recycled glass. He put it in a container next to the rubbish bin. There wasn’t any other glass in there, but he wasn’t sure. He bet on her thinking she was so drunk that she forgot what she did with it.
One last check around the house and he was set. Stephanie laid on the bed, sprawled mostly on the comforter but her legs hanging off. All of his items were in their places in his toolbox, and he was ready to leave. A minute later, and he’s walking out the front door. Better to go out the way he came than through an unknown and uncharted path. He avoided the streetlights as best he could and made his way back to his truck without any nosy neighbors peeking out their windows. He got to his truck, put his toolbox on the floor of the back seat, and left for home.
James was still riding the high of what he did and couldn’t sleep. He checked the footage from the cameras and uploaded that to the Club’s website. He sent his friend a copy of the footage first, and it was released to the general public after the friend viewed it later Saturday. Steve and Sam congratulated James on ‘popping his cherry’ and they met up for a workout and lunch on Sunday.
James’s new friend was ecstatic and loved the video. He said he enjoyed watching her get fucked even more than fucking Debbie, and Debbie was one of his favorite fucks of all time.
Stephanie woke up Saturday morning feeling like shit. She was on top of her bed with a four-alarm hangover, and didn’t know how she got there. Her head was sore, her back was sore, her legs were sore, her neck was sore, her mouth was sore, and her crotch was sore. She looked at the clock. 10:13 AM. She shook her head, causing it to hurt her more. She knew that sleeping in felt good for a moment but she was old enough now that she’d probably regret it later. Speaking of regret, how much did she drink last night? And where were her clothes? She looked around, realizing everything was fuzzy and couldn’t find her glasses. She found them on the night stand. At least there’s that. She put them on, and found her underwear on the floor, her sweats in the bathroom, and her sweatshirt halfway across the bed. She stood up on groggy legs and went to the bathroom.
As she sat on the toilet, she tried to replay last night’s events. She dropped off Justin, had a really stiff drink, came home, alarm was off, finished her wine on the counter, had another glass right away, topped it off, then went downstairs. After that, everything was fuzzy. She remembered nearly passing out watching TV, then forced herself to bed. The room was spinning when she landed on the bed. For a moment she thought she saw something move, something bigger than the cat, but the room was spinning too much. Then she woke up.
After a quick brush and shower, she dressed in some fresh clothes and went downstairs. The wine was in the recycling bin. She didn’t remember finishing it off, but she was pretty drunk and tired. She might’ve had more or finished it off on the way to bed. No one else was there, so no one to blame. As she got breakfast ready, she heard the TV play from downstairs. It was still on. After making some coffee and a quick breakfast sandwich in the microwave, she went downstairs and turned off the TV.
She was too tired and sore to run today. She’d go for a quick run later at night after picking up Justin. Her middle boy was out at a hockey trip all weekend and her daughter was away at college. She’d probably stay up at campus this weekend, party a little, then come home during the week to do laundry.
The rest of the weekend was uneventful. Cook, clean, run, groceries, that sort of thing. On Monday she went back to school and bumped into David, the AP History teacher. He was always a little too flirty with her, she thought. They were both married, but she could tell that he, how did the kids put it? Oh yeah, ‘wanted to hit that.’ They chit chatted about their weekends. David and his kids went out for a little on Sunday to do some hiking. She stayed in. Stephanie couldn’t help but notice that he was looking at her different, especially when he thought she wasn’t looking. She shook it off, thinking that maybe he had some interesting dreams over the weekend or thought of her while banging his wife.