Author Topic: Pharma (Chapter 89 Posted) {Mix}  (Read 49297 times)

Offline Lager
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Re: Pharma (Chapter 77 Posted)
« Reply #240 on: December 23, 2023, 11:13:18 AM »
Great stuff, Thanx, Have enjoyed all of your stories I have found so far

Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 78 Posted)
« Reply #241 on: July 31, 2024, 10:52:02 PM »
Chapter 78(nosex, setup)

The night at Running Bear cabin was relatively quiet.  Well, quiet except for the rapes in the middle of the night.  Mari decided she wanted to fuck Drew in front of Morgana and JC wanted one last go with Bianca alone.  He told her everything he would do to her daughter if she ever talked, and her panic turned him on more.  Steve gave a visit to Aislinn to wake her up with a dick in the ass, and Sam got one more ride on Morgana before the morning came.  Once the sun was up, it was time to pack up and leave.

But first, they had to clean up.

After the members of the Really Useful Crew showered, ate, and dressed, they split into two teams.  Shower team consisted of Bubbles, Sam, and Steve. They took Morgana, Aislinn, and Bianca to the showers and made them wash themselves thoroughly.  Joe, Mari, and JC were on clean-up duties in the public areas while this was going on.  Tommy and James were left alone in their rooms until it was time for the next phase of the plan.

As Bubbles watched Morgana shower, her phone buzzed with notifications from Bob about the plans for the rest of the day.  He’d let her in on some of the plan and people involved, but for the most part she was still finding out the scope of everything.  He asked that she be seen wearing certain shoes by the ‘fuckmeat’ left behind.  It was a bit unusual, but his reasoning was that she needed to be seen in them so that when they were found in the woods with someone else’s blood and bits on them, the local cops would stop looking for her and would instead chalk her up as just ‘another dead jap or chink or whatever they hate around here this week.’  Bob then asked her if she’d ever seen The Big Lebowski, and she said no.  ‘Well ask your boyfriend about the toe part.’  A few minutes later, after Sam recounted almost half of the movie to her and described how a group of Nihlists cut off the toe of one of their members to send as proof of holding another woman hostage, she returned to the group message with a greater understanding of what Bob was looking to do.  As long as it wasn’t her toe, she was down for whatever.


Joe and Mari helped JC swiftly clean up the main floor.  Being two of the only parents in the Really Useful Crew gave them an upper hand on being able to clean in a hurry.  While JC took his time doing a deep clean on the fold-out couch, Joe and Mari had the entire dining area, kitchen, and open areas cleaned.  The dishes were washed, wiped down, and put away.  The cameras and toys were put away, and the guns were stashed away on the truck.  The only items they left behind was some rope and bandanas to bind everyone for after they left. 


For the girls, the night was another one spent in Hell that didn’t get any better when they woke up.  Each of them was herded into the bathrooms and watched while they relieved themselves and then showered.  Bubbles laughed at Morgana as she threw up shortly after getting into the bathroom.  Morgana’s only moments of peace came when Bubbles was focused on her phone.  Once she was out and dried off, she was led down to the dining room where she was tied to the table by her wrists.

Minutes later, Aislinn and Bianca joined her at the table, tied to the large piece of heavy wood with ropes long enough to be moved around but not long enough to reach the kitchen to grab a knife to free themselves.

Drew was the last one brought down, but unlike the girls, he was tied to the bench, bent over it with his feet and hands tied tight to it, and gagged as well.  He was in a powerless position to see everything and anything that might happen.


Bob sat in the passenger seat of the 4-seater Polaris side-by-side, smoking a cigarette.  He checked his phone again.  8:25.  He played a mobile game while waiting for the next message.  He had a rough idea of the plan ahead, but always remembered Murphy’s First Law of Combat. 

“The best plans go straight to shit when the first bullet flies.”  He said to himself.

“Huh?”  The voice came from next to him.  It was Troy, one of his friendly minions who has helped him on these special missions more than once.

“Just thinking to myself.”

“Murphy’s Law?”

“Sort of.”  Bob took another hit of his cig.  A WhatsApp message came through.  It was from his old friend Paul.  “At checkpoint.”  It was one of two messages he was waiting on.  Half of the people for this were now in place.  He ashed his cig then went back to his mobile game, trying hard to figure to get those five pieces of candy to line up just right.  As he sat there, the side-by-side rocked a little.  He didn’t need to look, he knew it was Pete climbing into the back seat.

“The bitch is secured in the chest in the other ride.  Everyone on our end is ready.  Ready for some poonany.”  Pete cracked a joke as he handed camo hunting masks to Bob and Troy.  When no one laughed, Pete continued.  “Darren and the bros just finished loading everything up.  Everyone’s up to speed on the plan.  The rest of their crew will meet us on the path there.  We come rolling in like a methed-out redneck hunting party, find some tied-up twats, and fuck’em for an hour or so until front desk security comes rolling in with a shotgun, blasting off a few warning shots.”

Troy turned to look at Pete.  “Won’t that alert the nearby cabins?”

“They’re empty.  They checked out already.  Only one with any people up there is Running Bear.”  Bob said, not even looking up from his phone as he tried to align those stupid candies.

“How long we got?”  Troy asked.  Bob mumbled something under his breath about the mobile game he was playing as an ad played and he looked up at his co-passengers.

“Hour to an hour and a half, two at the most.  That includes the after show as well.  Checkout time is 10AM.  When no one shows up by 10:30, they’ll dispatch a security squad to check out the cabin.  They should be here between 11 and Noon.  We’ll skip out when they get close, and when they come in and see a roomful of cunts, they’ll be too busy with that to come chasing after us.  High level protocol in this situation is to call me directly.  I’ll change into something neat, meet Marcus on-site, and do my best shmoozing to make this disappear.  Security will call the Sheriff, but he’ll have bigger fish to fry than coming after us.”

“Bigger fish?  What, is Don Corelone showing up and making an offer we can’t refuse?”  Pete said jokingly.  Bob gave him a look that said more than a thousand words.  “Oh, shit.  How bad?”

“Yakuza bad.  Paul and Gary got themselves in a little bit of a mess, and the good Sheriff will help us clean it up without knowing.  You’ll see.”  Bob took another hit of his cigarette as his phone buzzed.  McDonald’s now offered free delivery in select locations, oh joy!  He grumbled to himself about these stupid notifications when he saw that two messages come in through WhatsApp.  The first was from Bubbles.  “Fifteen minutes, twenty at most.”  The second was from another account that was just a random string of numbers and letters.  “Standing by.”


Joe looked forward to leaving the cabin.  Not only was he tired with a long drive ahead of him, but he wanted to put some distance between him and this place.  He did his best acting job over the past weekend, but he’s not Daniel Day Lewis.  He’s having a hard time keeping the act up as much as he has.  Pretending to be only grudgingly on board this morning is pushing credulity to it’s breaking point.  Mari slipped in and out of character a couple times this morning, and almost called Steve by his real name in front of the girls.  They were getting sloppy and needed to leave.

He packed up the truck with most of his stuff, though a couple of the toys and lubes were left behind for Bob’s crew to use, if they wished.  With JC’s help they made quick work of the main floor and had the girls and Drew bound in the living room.  It was coming time for the group to head out. 

It was time for the plan to move to the next phase.


James and Tommy basically stayed out of the way this morning.  After the girls and Drew were bound in the dining room, the two men were each handcuffed and left in the shower stalls, ostensibly cuffed to the plumbing.  Tommy was in the basement bathroom while James was in the bathroom attached to his original room.  All they had to so was sit tight, not make a mess, and stay out of Bob’s way when they showed up.

Tommy sat naked in the tub, hands zip-tied together and those connected to the plumbing hardware.  He was conflicted on how he felt.  On the one hand, he was absolutely miserable for what he put Morgana and Aislinn through.  Everything that happened was his fault.  Their pain, humiliation, violations, all of it was his.  And for what?  On the crazy chance that this might get Drew to leave her?  All of this while Aislinn was sitting right there.  She’s a great girl, and he just put her through Hell for this.  Of course she wasn’t part of the plan.  Neither was Bianca.  It was just supposed to be Morgana and Drew.  Then things got out of hand when they got involved, and he had to think fast.  Did he go overboard?  Probably, but they were too far into things to walk away.  Sometimes, the only option available is to swim through the shit.

On the other hand, he felt terrible for how much he enjoyed himself.  Bianca was one hell of a fuck and cocksucker, and Mari is a secret freak.  He’d have to keep tabs on them in the future.  But knowing how much he enjoyed himself at the girl’s expense made him feel sick.  This was like setting up Tammy’s rape, but cranked up to 11.  Not only was this someone he loved, but he was in the room the whole time, even participating in it.  He had no clue how to move forward from here, aside from keeping his mouth shut

For James, he took the time in the shower to relax.  It’s been a long weekend and he was looking forward to seeing the videos when he got home.


As Joe and Mari packed up the truck, Bubbles stood off by herself, puffing on a vape.  She rarely did so anymore, especially since her work drug tested her regularly for everything including tobacco.  She wouldn’t lose her job over this, but would have to explain what happened and if it happened again in a short time her insurance premiums would go up.  She only smoked when she was nervous.  Once she was out of her residency, the hospital would stop testing her, and they’re only looking for hardcore narcotics and anything she might have access to as an anesthesiologist.

Bubbles looked over her shoulder when she heard someone approach.  It was Sam.  He saw her vaping and knew something was bothering her.

“You okay?”  He asked, stopping right next to her.  She shrugged her shoulders and refused to point out how dumb of a question that was.  “What’s going on?”  He asked, stepping closer and putting his arm around her.

“I don’t know.  Kinda nervous.  I know we’re working with Bob on some stuff, but this just feels, like, I don’t know.  Crazy.”  Bubbles said.

“How do you mean crazy?”  Sam asked.

“Look.”  She handed him her phone, opened on a WhatsApp message she just received.  Sam read it a couple times to make sure he understood it.  The look on his face was a mix of shock and incredulity.

“He’s not serious, right?  Right?”

“I don’t know.  He’s got a fucked up sense of humor, but even this is pretty far.  I mean, I asked him what it’s like to … do that, but still.  The fact that he laid out what his plan was and how I had to keep my cool when shit goes down.  Like, even more than what’s supposed to happen to me and the girls?”

“The girls and I.”  Sam instantly retorted, barely realizing that he blurted out a correction of her grammar before she glared at him.  “Sorry, force of habit.”

Bubbles inhaled from her vape and blew the smoke in Sam’s face.  She knows how much he hates it.  About as much as she dislikes getting corrected on her.  They stared at each other for a moment before Bubbles broke out in laughter, followed by Sam.  The pair cuddled for a moment, before Sam spoke up.

“It’ll be okay.  Just play along when they get here, go along with the attack, then just follow his lead when they go outside.  If you don’t trust yourself from making any noises, gag yourself.  We’ll be up by the road waiting.”  Sam hugged her a little tighter as her phone buzzed again.  She didn’t recognize the contact in the group chat, but it said “Standing by.”


Up by the town’s main road, a murdered-out Escalade sat along the side of the road near a little-known back entrance to Hiawatha Resort.  To any passers by, it would look like just another baller or rapper’s ride pulled off to the side of the road as someone hopped out to take a piss.  The out-of-state plates just helped it fit that story.  But the truth was far more sinister than those passers by would ever guess.

Inside the Escalade were 6 people.  4 sat and two were bound in the trunk area.  The third row was folded down as the trunk was occupied by a bound and gagged middle aged Japanese couple dressed in matching track suits.  The middle row sat two beautiful Japanese women, dressed in expensive business suits.  The one behind the passenger seat was obviously pregnant.  In the front row, two gaijin sat, dressed in sharp black suits and wearing sunglasses.  The two men were in their 50’s and bald, though not by choice.  In the driver’s seat sat Paul Damato, and to his right was Gary Spencer.  Paul and Gary, lifelong friends of Bob who went off the grid back in 2005 when things down in Chester County got a little spicy with First Union Holy Church.  After going on what the press described as a “serial killer spree not seen since the days of Bundy and Gacy”, the pair went into business for themselves, becoming guns for hire and problem solvers traveling across the world.  That was until a year ago when they were hired by a Yakuza family to wipe out a rival family that broke several traditions.  That’s when they met the Kono sisters. 

Kono Rin was the de-facto leader of her family, following the death of her father and older brothers.  Rin was the oldest sister, never married, trying to lead a crime family in Kyoto that had splintered into those loyal to the family, and those loyal to tradition that a woman can never lead in the Yakuza.  Those that followed her swore to defend the family to the death.  Those that betrayed her asked for outside help.  Paul and Gary were part of that outside help, provided by the Okada family.  It was in the Great Hall when they first met.  Gary followed a wave of Okada’s men into the hall where Rin finished off the last of her attackers with a katana.  She then knelt, wearing a kimono, covered in the blood of her enemies while she said a silent prayer.  She looked up and saw Gary, rage crossed her face.

For Gary, it was love at first sight.

He observed all of the traditions that he knew of when engaging in a sword fight, and Rin was slightly amused when the gaijin picked up the Katana and didn’t act like an American who watched too much anime.  Her rage gave way to piqued interest when he deflected a couple blows and showed himself a more capable swordsman than the half dozen Yakuza men lying at her feet.  She was perturbed when he didn’t take obvious opportunities to kill her, and left himself open a couple times as well.  At first she thought this was his inexperience, but then realized that he didn’t want to kill her.  At least, not yet.  The two sparred with katana’s for what felt like ages, saying with the actions of warriors what are impossible to say with words.  She found a man who could best her in combat without resorting to relying on brute strength, and he found a woman worth living for.

Their fight was cut short when Paul entered the Great Hall, only to be met by a shuriken to the stock of his AR-15.  The next one caught him in the left bicep, and he barely dodged the last one in time that was destined for his head.  A small figure emerged from the shadows, a young woman dressed in a schoolgirl’s uniform, wielding a katana like a demon.  Paul did his best to deflect the swings and redirect the knife fight into a gun fight.  He was successful, but all this did was cause the young woman to change tactics in her attack, once again pushing Paul onto the defensive.  This back and forth continued until eventually Gary and Rin made their way over to their comrades, moving between Paul and the woman.  Rin yelled for the woman, her sister Aki, to stand down.  Paul and Aki were confused as to what was going on, right until the next wave of Okada’s foot soldiers burst into the Great Hall.  Rin and Gary fought side by side.  Paul and Aki swore at both of them as they were dragged into the fight, knowing damn well they couldn’t leave anyone alive from Okada’s side.

The four fought through close to 30 men, not leaving a single one alive.  Their path of destruction resembled the end levels of a video game.  Bodies of men from both the Kono and Okada families strewn about as the group made their way out of the shitstorm.  The four of them left Kyoto that night before planning their next moves.  Rin and Gary made love for the first time that night, realizing that they each found a person worth burning the world for.  Aki and Paul, on the other hand, got along like chlorine and ammonia at first.  It took several weeks before they didn’t try to kill each other at least once a day.  Even then, they still didn’t like each other outside of the bedroom until it became obvious that Rin and Gary were not giving up on each other.  Several months earlier, Rin found out she was pregnant, and Gary did something he swore he would never do: he asked Rin to marry him.  They had a traditional Japanese wedding in a shrine in a town outside of Osaka.

As they tried to hide in the shadows, their past came back to remind them that their enemies would hunt them until they were as good as dead.  A former member of Kono’s family, Bunji Minami betrayed their whereabouts to what was left of the Okada family.  Paul and Aki went on a honeymoon of their own, seeing all the sights that the Okada’s had to offer, taking in a few shows of watching their enemies burn and writhe in pain.  Once there were no more members of the Okada gang, it was time for Rin and Aki to disappear forever, as well as tie up any loose ends.  They tracked Bunji to a Chinese laundromat in the South Side of Chicago and captured him and his wife Emi two days ago.  Since they were back in the states, they called up Bob to see if they could get his help in disposing of some trash, and possibly help them with another problem they had.  As long as Rin and Aki were thought to still be alive, rivals in Japan would hunt them down if they ever came up for air.  But if their enemies thought they were dead, they would stop the hunt.  They had already faked Aki’s death in Vietnam via a boating accident.  Now it was Rin’s turn.

On the seat between Rin and Aki sat a small refrigerator.  It’s not uncommon for something like that to be in a partymobile such as an Escalade, but there was no champagne or booze of any kind in this fridge.  Instead, it was a vampire’s buffet.  4 pints of Rin’s blood, withdrawn over the last few months, were stored away for just this situation.  It was vital for the plan at hand.  Just as vital as the last piece of the puzzle, currently sitting in a small box in the fridge.
Rin’s toe.  The left pinky toe to be precise.

Their plan was simple.  They would plant the blood and toe out in the woods near known bear activity, and then a random hiker would stumble upon a ton of blood and a toe.  Law enforcement would come out, get samples and the leftover toe, and a few weeks later the DNA would come back positive for Kono Rin.  When they match the toe to known pics of Rin’s feet and how part of a tattoo was on the toe, she’ll officially be dead.

But they know how plans can change.  Bob proposed some changes as he has his own mess he has to clean up.  Now, they’re looking to tie in all of this mess into one giant clean-up.

Paul’s phone buzzed with an alert on WhatsApp.  Things were in motion.


The side-by-sides drove slowly down the path past the cabins that still had guests in them on their way to Running Bear.  No reason to draw attention before getting to their destination.  When they approached the final fork in the path, they stopped and Bob took account of the situation.  The first vehicle idled for a moment as Bob gave a signal to wait.  In it, Troy sat in the driver’s seat while Bob was in the passenger’s seat.  Pete squeezed his way into the back seat, cradling a shotgun.  Behind them was a chest full of hunting gear.  In the middle vehicle, Darren sat shotgun and carried the title well with a 12-gauge in his hands.  The bros filled the other three seats as well as two Irish wolfhounds.  It was a pretty tight fight back there.  In the back of the second side-by-side Maddie was bound in a chest, her cries could be heard each time they hit a big bump.  Behind them was a third side-by-side with 6 men in it, all dressed in similar hunting gear and masks.  Two men sat in the front row, two more in the back row, and the last two occupied the storage area, along with some hunting gear.

They sat for a minute.  Everyone wore a hunting mask except for Bob.  Not only did he dislike them, he needed his face to unlock his phone.  He didn’t trust the tech to keep his phone secure, but was confident enough in his relationship with the local sheriff and in his legal team’s abilities to keep his phone out of the fed’s hands.  He waited for the last confirmation message from Bubbles to give his boys the go-ahead to haul ass up to Running Bear.  He knew that from this point out, the only house that still had guests that would bitch and moan was their destination.  He almost planned it that way.  Out of the six cabins they’d pass, they were either filled with young people too hung over to notice a hunting party driving by or with families too busy waking up and feeding their little crotch goblins.  The Running Bear complex was empty except for Running Bear itself, thanks to Bob’s staff shuffling some people around at the last minute.  Those moves were simple enough to do and unless someone came around with a warrant, there was nothing to tie those moves to him making them happen.  The residents were upgraded to nicer cabins so they wouldn’t complain and it all happened before James’s little party started.

It was 8:40AM, and the boys wanted to get their fuck on.  Bob spent last night watching several scenes of the rape orgy from the last two days the night before.  Maddie, his recently kidnapped whore in the chest, took the brunt of his assaults as he imagined what he’d do to Morgana’s ass this morning.

His phone buzzed.  “Today’s word of the day is Saudade.”  He would’ve ignored it but instead the notification came up so quick he clicked on it instead of what he was trying to do.  Saudade, a feeling of melancholic or profoundly nostalgic longing for someone or something absent.  It derives from the latin word for solitude and is Portuguese in origin.  Saudade.  Bob thought for a moment and felt that he could use it in a sentence.  Seeing Morgana gave him an overwhelming sense of saudade when he thought back to his younger days, and the shit he did to Natalie Daniels.  How this cold-hearted bitch hurt his Angie and his friends back when she was still his and how he raped the shit out of one of the most physically beautiful women he’d ever seen.  He always had to qualify her beauty.  He’d call Natalie Daniels a cunt but she lacked both the warmth and depth that are vital qualities of one.  The next time he ran into that whore was shortly after Natalie killed his sister of sorts, Jen.  He never told anyone what he did that night, outside of those that were there, his legal team, and only some of his most trusted friends like James.  Saudade.  He felt a sense of saudade thinking back to the horror on Natalie’s face as she realized that her boyfriend was being fed feet first into a woodchipper for what she did, and that she was getting covered in his remains.  His saudade extended to how it felt to force her brothers to fuck her for their lives, then the terror and shock as she felt one brother’s skull explode behind her and the other’s face disappear into a red mist underneath her.  He fucked her into a coma that night before selling her to an old friend that shuffled her off to the high priced sex slave market.  When he found out that she was still alive a few years later but horribly disfigured, it just wasn’t the same when he fucked the stump that was left of her in that state prison hospital.  Still, he checked fucking an amputee off of his perverted bucket list that night.  That sense of saudade overwhelmed him when he saw Morgana for the first time on the Club’s website.  She looked a lot like Natalie, except for her blue eyes and Natalie’s brown.  Also, she wasn’t a bigoted, hate-filled, kiddie porn making, murderous whore.  Saudade.  He didn’t have a word for what he was feeling until now.  This sense explained why he was willing to help James and Tommy out so much by using the cabin’s secret cameras to record all of their escapades, manipulating his staff into making sure that Running Bear was open and alone, and how he was willing to drop a high six to low seven figure settlement to make all this go away, as long as he gets to have some fun with that blonde.  Saudade.

His phone buzzed again.  It was Bubbles in WhatsApp.  The truck was running and ready to roll.  Bob locked the phone, then whistled once to get everyone’s attention.  He didn’t say anything, just put his right hand up in the air, spun in a circle a couple times, then ended that flourish with a point towards Running Bear.  That was the signal.  A masked Troy gunned it and hauled ass to Running Bear, the other two side by side vehicles close behind.  Bob donned his mask and sunglasses, thinking forward to how lovely Morgana’s ass would feel in a few minutes.


“Go.”  That’s all Bubbles had to type in on WhatsApp to kick off the next phase of this clusterfuck.  She took a hit from her vape to try to settle her nerves.  The audible that Bob called still scared the shit out of her, but it’s not like they had a choice in the matter.  Not many said no to Big Ole’ Bobby K and lived to tell about it.


Joe’s F-150 was loaded up with all of the Really Useful Crew’s gear.  Steve and JC held their guns as Sam told Morgana and her friends how things were going from here on out.  The room was darker than normal for the morning, as all of the window curtains were drawn shut.

“We’re leaving very shortly.  You’re being left here, tied up, to make sure you don’t try anything stupid like follow us or run to the cops or whatever they have up here.  When we leave, you will wait until you no longer hear his truck, then count to 100.  Once you’ve reached 100, then you can start to free yourselves.  You will leave and act like none of this ever happened.  If you even think of going to the cops or any other law enforcement, we will come back for you.  We know where all of you live, where all of you work, where all of you hang out, all of it.  We have your personal and business contacts and they will be sent copies of the nastiest shit you did if you speak of this to anyone.  Do you understand me?  If you fuck around, you will find out.”  The girls didn’t say anything until Sam stepped over and put his hands around Aislinn’s throat, squeezing it.  “You understand me cunt?”  She cried as he yelled at her, then nodded her head.  He let go.  “Good.  Once we’re gone, then you can count.”  Sam left first, followed by Bubbles, Joe, Mari, then Steve and JC.  As the girls sat there in the dining room, the door burst open again.  This time it was Bubbles.  She ran through the first floor, tearing apart couch cushions and knocking things over.  She made a mess of the place, obviously distraught over something.

“Where is it?  C’mon, where is it?”  She checked the box used to store the cell phones.  Bubbles emptied them out, not seeing what she was desperately searching for.  All of the phones in the box belonged to everyone not in the pickup.  She spread them out, but didn’t see what she was looking for.  “FUCK!  FUCK, WHERE IS IT!?”  She tore through the rest of the room, screaming and flipping things over, making a huge mess. 

The girls tried not make eye contact with Bubbles, but Bianca wasn’t fast enough in averting her gaze.

“YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY YOU FUCKING BITCH?!!  I’LL FUCKING KILL YOU YOU FUCKING WHORE!!!”  Bubbles screamed at Bianca, lunging at the bound woman, only to be stopped by Sam.

“Hey, hey, hey, what’s going on?”  Sam said, pulling Bubbles back from trying to rip Bianca’s eyes out.

Bubbles caught her breath for a moment before speaking.  “I can’t find it.”

“Find what?”

“My phone.” 

“Isn’t in your pocket?”  Sam asked incredulously.

“No, my other one.  The broken one.”  Bubbles said on the verge of tears.  She paused before talking again, lowering her voice.  “It’s one of my old ones.  It has enough info on it that can be traced back to us.  I’m sorry, I need to find it.”

“Fuck.  Where’d you look?”  Sam asked, his concern showing through his mask.  Bubbles pointed at the mess following her path.  He shook his head a couple times.  “Go check upstairs, go.”  Bubbles tore ass up the steps. 

About two minutes of screaming and rummaging through the upstairs preceded a loud “WHY THE FUCK WAS IT HERE?!!”  Bubbles returned downstairs, holding her old phone.

“Where was it?”  Sam asked.

“In the nightstand.  I swear I cleaned it out before we…” Bubbles was cut off by the sound of a large BANG outside of the house.  Followed by another, and another.  Those were gunshots.  More shots followed.  “What the fuck?”  Sam and Bubbles said in unison as they made their way to the door, Sam with his pistol drawn. 

To their right, Joe’s F-150 was pulling out and spinning out as it tried to gain traction.  Steve  crouched down in the bed, firing an AR-15 wildly into the air.  To their left coming up the trail were 3 side-by-side ATV’s, each filled with men in hunting gear. 


Morgana had the best view from her location in the dining room.  The truck pulled out in a hurry, with Dad Bod Not Dave #1.  The chubby man in the mask, Not Dave #2, ran to the doorway.  He ran out of view and fired off a few shots before falling in front of the house under the window.  He limped off out of view before hearing some more gunshots.  The Asian woman screamed from the doorway.  She ran through the living room and dining room to the exit by the dining room just before the window next to the front door exploded.  More shots came from outside.  A man dressed in all camo and a mask walked past the open windows, in the general area where the chubby man fell and fired two shots below him.

She couldn’t hold back anymore.  Aislinn had a worse view and only saw the man fire his gun, but screamed for dear life when the gun fired the last time.  All of this gunfire and violence was too much for her and she screamed for help, hoping beyond hope that these men were somehow their saviors from this living Hell.  “Help us!  HELP!”  Aislinn screamed as best she could over the gunfire.  Bianca screamed as well, though her yells were more incoherent.  Morgana stayed silent as she just saw what she thought was a murder.  Drew just screamed into his gag.

A moment or two later, the gunshots ceased.  Three men entered the cabin.  They all wore matching clothes, almost like uniforms but unlike any uniforms she’d ever seen before.  They looked like a mix between soldiers and hunters, dressed in camouflage from head to toe.  Their faces were covered by full face masks that only had cut outs for the eyes, and two of the three men wore sunglasses.  Morgana didn’t know her guns, but saw that of the three men, one of them carried those assault rifles that Yanks love so much while the other two carried traditional looking rifles.  It was hard to gauge their heights and builds, but the three men seemed to be about the same size, a little shorter than Drew but on the skinny side.  As the three men looked over what they found, Morgana noticed that one of them also had a pistol in his hand.  This must the be the one that shot that fatass outside.  They looked at each other for a moment before another voice came from outside.

“LET ME GO YOU FUCKING SICKOS!  OWW!  HELP ME!  AHHH!”  It was the pink haired Asian girl, Kim.  One of her rapists.  Two more men entered, one walking backwards.  The two of them carried a pink mass between them.  Kim kicked and screamed between them.  Those two carried Kim over to the large table to which all of the women were tied.  The men dumped Kim on the table on her back, then dragged her to the edge so her legs dangled over the edge.  One of the men held her arms down while the other tried removing her clothes, working on her pink sweatpants and shoes.  Kim’s screams were cut off by a couple punches to the gut.

“Shut the fuck up you chink whore.”  The man between her legs said as he laid into her again and again, causing the Asian woman with pink hair to try to curl up into a ball to protect herself, but to no avail.

As Kim’s cries curtailed, more men entered the cabin.  Morgana’s heart sank as none of them stopped the two men at the table from stripping the Asian girl.  Kim’s pants were caught on her shoes and they now worked on removing her panties.  One of the other hunters fought with Kim to remove her hoodie.  Another man came over and pulled out a large knife and used it on Kim’s undershirt, slicing it to shreds.

Aislinn screamed as one of the hunters knelt next to her and started stroking her face with one hand and put his other on her thigh.  Her composure and nerves completely shot, seeing her hope of escape ruined and coming to the realization that she’s about to be raped again, if not worse.  Bianca fared no better as two men made their way over to the bound milf and played with her tits.

Morgana lost count of how many men were in the room.  It was at least ten, and the last one at the door held the leash to the largest dog she’d ever seen in her life.  But when she tried to count, they moved around.  The men not stripping Kim or molesting the other girls stood around like they were waiting on orders.  A couple of them eyed her like a piece of meat, and she knew what was about to happen.  Just as two men stepped closer to Morgana, a tall man at the door made a noise, like some kind of “ten hut.”  All of the men stopped what they were doing, but didn’t let go of their prey.  The tall man surveyed the room.  As he did, a much shorter man ran forward and whispered something to the tall man.  He looked to the rest of the men and said only one sentence.

“Dibs on the blonde.”
Always close the program you were running before exiting the holodeck

Offline grimnir793
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Re: Pharma (Chapter 78 Posted)
« Reply #242 on: August 01, 2024, 12:19:30 AM »
Pharma makes a welcome return :sign_lookinggood:

Offline To-Get-Her

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 78 Posted)
« Reply #243 on: August 02, 2024, 04:07:26 PM »
Great to see a return to this epic story. Love the set up plans of Bob's for his friends! Wondering now if the plans might be getting a little to convoluted at the moment

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When I get around to it, I'll write

Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 78 Posted)
« Reply #244 on: August 02, 2024, 11:17:41 PM »
Thanks guys, it's good to be back with this story.  I've spent some time in the last few months working on other things and hit a wall of writer's block until I finally had a breakthrough.  Some chapters were harder to write than others, and I've been able to pump out about 7 chapters in the last couple weeks.

Chapter 79 incoming.
Always close the program you were running before exiting the holodeck

Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 79 Posted)
« Reply #245 on: August 02, 2024, 11:18:26 PM »
Chapter 79(M+F+,nc,anal,oral,rim,MM,setup)

“Dibs on the blonde.”  Morgana’s heart sank as the tall one in camo said that.  The rest of the hunting party hooted and hollered.  Two men of about equal height pulled Aislinn up and bent her over the table.  Three more held Bianca down on the floor, one holding her arms down while two others held her legs open as their buddy pulled down his pants.  The man between Kim’s legs freed his cock right before forcing it in to the Asian, eliciting a scream.  As the various men jockeyed for position, three made their way over to Morgana with bad intentions.  She wanted to hide but had nowhere to go.  The tall one that called dibs on her grabbed her by the hair and pulled her up.  Considering her only choices were standing or losing her scalp, she stood.  “You's sure are a pretty one.  You’s and my boys gonna have lotsa fun.”  She couldn’t place the accent if she tried.  The tall one motioned to the short one to grab Morgana’s tied wrists and force her to bend over the large dining table.  She knew what was coming.  She could see it all around her.  Aislinn tried to reach over to her and grab her hand from where she was getting raped by one the hunters at the end of the table and the Asian girl lay next to her on the edge of the table to her right, getting fucked by some of the hunters.  “Don’t mind if I do.”  She heard a different voice behind her, one that was obviously fake.  She tried to look behind her, but couldn’t move to see who spoke.  But when she felt a hard cock line up with her asshole and an obvious beer belly on her rump, she put two and two together and gathered that the fake voice came from the fat man getting ready to sodomize her.


Only a few minutes had passed since Bob and his crew showed up, and Sam finally got up off of the pathway in front of the cabin.  Things had gone mostly to plan.  His friends left just as the hunting party came from the left and fired into the air.  Steve fired off most of his fake rounds high, making sure that even if they were live, they’d miss by a country mile.  Sam’s job was the hardest.  Don’t shoot back at the boys.  He fired one shot clear into the middle area, directly away from the cabin.  After that, he dropped to the ground and crawled away under the windows.  One of the hunters walked toward where he was, and on cue Sam fired two more shots into the middle area.  Bubbles stood in the doorway and screamed like she just saw her lover murdered, then ran back inside.  The hunter near Sam nodded at chubby man in acknowledgement of a job well done.  Now, he just sat out of view with one of the hunters while looking up at one of the largest dogs he’s ever seen in his life.  They waited until they heard all of the women scream for help before the hunter talked.

“This here’s Pooka.  Her brother Lobo’s inside.  Go ‘head, say hi girl.”  Pooka gave Sam a big, wet lick.  He tried to stifle a laugh before he moved to pet the Irish Wolfhound.  “Good job so far.  Give’em a couple minutes till the first round makes their way out, then we’ll hang out for a bit until the next part of this project gets underway.”

“Next part?”  Sam asked.


Joe drove his F-150 away from the house at a dangerous clip until he was out of sight from the cabin.  Once clear, he brought the speed back down to a normal level.  It took them another 10 minutes of driving through narrow trails until they emerged into a clearing near the highway.  They all breathed a collective sigh of relief as a message came from Sam in WhatsApp.  “All good, going to the next phase.”  Joe parked his truck in the clearing as Steve and JC hopped out of the bed and into the back of the cab.  They looked like a perfectly normal group of people, aside from the guns they moved to the cab with them.  Mari looked back to make sure that they  secured the guns out of sight.  As the four of them talked about their plans and what to do for the next hour or two until Sam and Bubbles rejoined them, Joe noticed some movement from the opposite side of the clearing.

An all-black Escalade with the darkest window tint he’d seen in ages started its engine and drove towards them.  Only the front windscreen and windows had the slightest visibility through them.  At first Joe tried to pay no mind to them, until he caught a glimpse of the men in the front.  What stood out was to Joe was that they wore matching black suits, like they were extras from an MIB sequel, or were cosplaying as the Blues Brothers.  But something felt off about them.

“Who’s that?”  Mari asked, seeing that Joe was still on edge as the Escalade drove slowly past them and down the pathway.  The driver turned his head slightly and then back to the road.

Joe thought for a moment before speaking.  “Don’t know.”

“Must’ve been up here for a while.”  JC said, looking at the large SUV as it rolled down the path away from them.

“What makes you say that?”  Mari asked.

“Dirt on the backs already dried.  Vehicle that big driving through the mud or dirt will kick some up, and all black vehicles show every piece of dirt.  This thing already had a little dirt on it.  Not enough to go offroading, but just enough from pulling in.  Plus, who takes a 6 figure Escalade off roading?”

“Think they’re cops?”  Mari asked.

“Doubt it.  Car’s too nice.  Cops don’t drive Caddy’s.”  JC replied.  “Whoever that is, they sure as shit aren’t cops.”

“Someone wanna message Sam?”  Joe said, getting a little worried about this rendezvous.

“On it.”  Steve said.


Sam gave Pooka some more head scratches as they made their way to a bench out of view from the cabin’s main windows.  Even sitting on the bench, Sam was barely at eye level with this dog.  He’s seen a coupe Great Danes in his life, but even those felt small next to this dog.  The handler, a man who called himself Derrick, said that Pooka was 3 years old and a great hunting and attack dog when needed, but viewed herself as a lap dog.  Sam realized he wasn’t kidding when Pooka climbed onto the bench and him, laying on his lap and demanding more pets.  His phone buzzed and he saw the message from Steve.

“Hey, we’ve got company.  Friends say an Escalade is coming down that path.”  Sam said with more than a hint of concern. 

Derrick looked around for his phone for a moment until he saw one of the group chats he was in.  One unknown user said “Truck with the crew cleared the path.” Another user just said “OTW.”  On the way.

“Not sure who they are, but I think they’re in the group chat.  Mentioned your boys clearing the road.”  Derrick said.

Sam typed a reply.  “Think they’re with our new friends.”  Pooka whined as Sam took his hand away from the most important task in the world of giving her more pets and scratches.


Bob was on Cloud 9 fucking Morgana’s ass.  She was so sexy and tight, and the way she whimpered when he’d pull out of her ass and slam into her puss then back again into her ass.  Sure, it fucked with his rhythm, but this wasn’t about fucking to nut, this was fucking to fuck.  Here he was, in his 50’s raping a hot white bitch in one of his properties, while her friends are getting speared, too.  Looking from his left to right, he took in the whole scene.  Two of the brothers held down Bubbles while the third fucked her.  She was crying out in Korean for them to stop, but that was the plan.  He knew it was Korean because that’s what she told him she was the other night.  To his right, Troy was balls deep in Aislinn.  He might try to get a piece of her, but it was better to let everyone get a taste first.  Behind him, Drew was tied up and screaming something fierce into his gag.  He’ll get some attention soon enough.  One of the guys will get horny enough to fuck him sooner or later.  On the floor, two guys were spitroasting that big-tittied bitch Bianca in doggy.  Speaking of doggy, one of the bros walked that monster Lobo through the house.  Not sure where that was heading, but if Lobo joined in the fun, he wanted to check that out.  Not because he wanted to see an Irish Wolfhound fuck one of these girls, but out of sheer curiosity.  ‘Shit, if Lobo doesn’t play here, I can always sick’em on my new little whore Maddie if needed.  Especially if her parents don’t play ball.  If seeing their precious little girl getting fucked by a 150 pound dog and threats to release it on the web don’t get them to sell me that land, nothing will.’

After pulling out of Morgana’s pussy and shoving his cock into her ass one more time, he added up how much this little adventure was going to cost him.  He lost out on a few grand by booking this cabin to Tommy and not to some out-of-state family paying through the nose for their vacation.  Multiply that a couple times and he lost about 10 grand at least on rent from this compound.  Then there was damage.  Fucking Bubbles fired off a live gun and embedded a bullet in one of the timbers.  He’ll have to find and fix that before renting the cabin out again this weekend.  Last thing he needs is another Yelp review where Karen McKarenstein finds another bullet hole in the roof.  But that’s chump change for everything else he’ll have to pay for.  He’s looking at a large settlement to keep this all under wraps, well into the 7 figures.  6 friends being held at gunpoint and raped for an entire weekend was gonna cost him, but throw in a random hunting party coming in and having some fun and now he’s gonna have to get creative to keep this under wraps.

Then there’s his boys, Gary and Paul.  He’s been in the know of what they’ve been up to for the last year since they went underground from the underground.  They managed to piss off everyone in Japan worth a damn and somehow made their way back to the states without flagging every watchlist under the sun.  Now, he’s gonna dig them out of their grave by staging a murder and planting evidence that Bubbles wasn’t actually a Korean girl but actually Kono Rin, notorious leader of the Kono Crime Family in Japan and that she’d been here in the states hiding out from the gangsters trying to kill her.  Of all the things Gary could’ve done, he had to fall in love with one of his targets.  Now, anyone even associated with them got a little visit from the Yakuza.  At least the “witnesses” to this murder won’t want to dig too deep into things.  But paying off cops is always expensive, at least in moral collateral.  If he can buy off a cop, anyone with the funds can buy off the same cop.  They aren’t loyal to anyone but themselves.  He knew better than to screw with Sheriff Ryland Holmes, but his deputies could be paid off.  All but his niece, that is.  One of them will stumble upon what will look like a Grizzly’s breakfast.  They’ll find a bunch of shredded pink clothes, some blood, and maybe a toe if Gary wasn’t bullshitting him.  If they need other parts, that can be arranged but the blood and toe should be enough to make a match in Interpol’s system to flag as a match to Kono Rin.  Once she’s declared deader than the dodo, the couple will settle down somewhere out of the way.  At least that’s the plan.

Bob figured at least 10k to bribe the deputy to discover the body and some more to the county’s CSI to only run specific samples.  ‘That’s the great thing with public servants’, Bob thought.  ‘They’re so cheap to bribe.’  It doesn’t take much to bribe one and make them look the wrong way.  And as long as nothing too crazy happens, they generally go along with it.  It’s one thing to ask a cop to ignore a murder, but getting them to list a murder as an accident or to misidentify the body as a known member of the FBI’s Top Ten Most Wanted is pretty easy in comparison.  And as long as he doesn’t make outrageous demands all of the time, the cops look the other way when he has to do some business.  Even Ryland turns his head for a lot of what happens behind the scenes at the resort.  Bob knows not to poke the bear, though.  If a bunch of bodies start popping up in the woods with bullet holes instead of bear teeth, there’ll be Hell to pay.

He’d make a token offer to Tommy and James, but then suddenly those two are going to have a tax bill to handle if they do accept it.  On paper, it’ll look like $50,000, but in reality it’ll jack and shit.

That big tittied bitch should be relatively cheap to pay off.  From what he knows about her, she’s going through a messy divorce and just wants to go home and keep anything that happened a secret.  If her ex found out about who and what she fucked, he’d go to the courts to fight her for custody just to spite her.  Bob figured he could get her to settle for 50 to 100k as a low offer and 250k on the high end, with most of it tied away in a trust for her daughter.  If she presses for more, then her hubby’s lawyer will get a call.

The bitch beneath him cried as he slammed into her pussy again and again, then back into her ass.  She reminded him a lot of one of his greatest conquests, Natalie Daniels.  Well, looks wise she was like Natalie.  Morgana wasn’t a murderous cunt like Natalie.  From what he’s seen of her from the Club’s videos and of the hidden camera feeds this weekend, she’s a lot nicer.  And a secret freak when pushed the right way.  And likely pregnant.  He’s seen the signs before. 

He would use that to his advantage.  Fuck, Bob uses everything to his advantage.  That’s the thing about being in charge, all decisions go through him but other people give him the ideas.  He knows that two of the three Aussies are lawyers, so that will gum up the works for payouts but if this twat was more worried about how this could come out and get to her kid in the future, she’ll keep her mouth shut like a true G.  The lawyers will cost more to make this disappear, but he’ll play the ‘I didn’t know and am only acting in the interest of my company’ angle.  This’ll cost him more, but he can handle it.  Bob guesses that low 6 figures to keep this out of the press and keep it quiet will help.

The hardest part will be keeping them from going to the cops and pressing charges, even though the cops will be here in about 2-3 hours investigating a murder.  He’ll have Deputy Willard assign this case to the Sheriff’s niece.  She’s a good cop, but gets a little too gung-ho dealing with rapes and shit.  She’ll want to dig deep and prosecute and go to the ends of the Earth to bring the attackers to justice, but she’s such a hardass about it that she scares off the victims.

The three Aussies will cost him between 200k to 500k to keep them each quiet.  300k would be a nice middle point, especially if ICE or their employers find out they were involved in some serious crimes.  Even with being the victims, the last thing they want to do is go before the courts on a work visa.  Drew the hubby will be very indignant, but Bob had a way around that.

Morgana let out another cry as Bob did the ass-puss-ass-puss move again.  He’d love to spend more time with her, but he had shit to do.  He grabbed on to her hips and fucked Morgana extra hard as he felt that familiar feeling rise in his nuts as he blasted a load deep in her pussy.  He long ago had nothing to worry about following a vasectomy, but with a gangbang this large he knew he was in the clear.

As he pulled out and walked away, Morgana cried as one of the brothers took his spot inside the bound blonde.  Bob walked to the far side of the room and called Pete over.  The diminutive man stood next to Bob as the larger man whispered to him.

“Make sure Drew gets some attention soon.  Have some fun however you want, but someone’s gotta give loverboy a good time.  After you get off, join me outside.  Bring Troy and Darren with you.”

Pete nodded, then looked at Drew then back to Bob.

“Doesn’t have to be you, just make sure someone fucks hubby over there.”  Bob said quietly.  Pete felt better, as he wanted to get a piece of that Asian girl.  Bob slapped Pete on the shoulder, then stepped outside.  The action was still going on, but he had things he needed to do and prepare for.

Once outside and away from the window, he walked over to a bench away from the house, vape in hand.  He took off his mask and approached the bench, seeing two men and a really big dog it. 

“Slide over, Pooka.”  The dog didn’t move, as she was busy getting pets and scratches from Sam.  Bob turned to Sam when Pooka wouldn’t move.  “Oh, you’re stuck now.  Nothing like a 150 pound lap dog to keep you sitting.”  Bob puffed on his vape, enjoying a long draw after a good fuck.

“Yeah.  Thought about getting up, but this pup has other plans.”  Sam said, still petting this massive mutt.

“Bossman, we got incoming.”  Derrick said, holding the leash in one hand and his phone in another.

“Who is it?”  Bob said between puffs.

“Don’t know.  They’re in the group chat, driving an Escalade.”  He showed Bob the app and moved as Sam spoke up.

“My friends saw them come down the path right after they cleared it.  Pretty sure they're not cops.”  Sam said as Pooka looked at Sam, wanting more chin scratches.

Bob looked at the chat and knew who it was instantly.  He motioned for the leash from Derrick.  “They’re expected.  Why don’t you go have some fun, we got this out here.”

“You sure?”  Derrick said, hesitant to hand over the leash, even though this was one of Bob’s prized hunting dogs.

“I’ll be fine.  I raised her granddaddy and her daddy.  Besides, she’s got her new best friend here.”  Bob shrugged at Sam.  Derrick gave him the leash.  “Go, have fun.  Think there’s someone up your alley you’ll like.  Don’t worry, everyone already knows, it’s like the worst kept secret in the county.  Go on, have fun.”  Derrick showed a little shock for a moment, then walked swiftly into the cabin, double checking that his mask was in place.

“If you don’t mind me asking…” Sam started, but Bob quickly cut him off as he made two quick moves with his leash caused Pooka to make a little room on the bench.

“I do, but since you’re in bed with us now, you should know what’s going on.  We had to call an audible couple nights ago and again this morning.  The gist of it is that a couple friends of mine are in town, and are in some hot shit.  They pissed off, well, they pissed off Japan.”  Bob said, pausing to take a hit off his vape.



“How do you piss off an entire country?”  Sam asked, not sure exactly what Bob meant.

“These friends of mine, more than friends actually, they’re two of the best at what they do around the world, and were called to do a thing in Tokyo, or Kyoto, somewhere in Japan.  They didn’t do that thing they were hired for, and instead helped their targets.  Kinda pissed at them for what they did, but they did a bunch of shit to tie up loose ends.  One of those loose ends may, or may not, have involved assassinating a senior government official.  They went undergound, trying to get away and make a clean start.  That brings them here.”  Bob took another hit off the vape.

“Wait, they were behind the Prime Minister’s assassination?”  Sam was hung up on that detail in Bob’s story.

“Maybe, I don’t know.  I didn’t ask for details.  But they’re coming here to fake a death, and you and Bubbles will help.”  Bob said.

Sam felt a cold shiver go down his spine.  “What?”

“No, not like that.  That was bad phrasing.  You see, Bubbles is Kono Rin.  You’ve never heard of her before, but that doesn’t matter ‘cause the only people who could tie you to this think you’re already dead.”

“Wait, who-“

“Who’s Kono Rin?  Former leader of the Kono family in Japan’s Yakuza, and one of the fiercest warriors in the world.  She’s also my sister-in-law and carrying my nephew or niece, not sure which yet.  I know Bubbles isn’t Kono Rin, but those four in the cabin don’t.  In a minute or two, a black Escalade will come down that path with 6 people in it.  Two of them are my brothers.  Two of them are their wives.  The other two are the people that ratted them out to the Yakuza.  Shortly after they get here and stop, me and a few of my boys will finish fucking Bubbles and drag her out here.  We’ll make a big spectacle about it in front of the girls, and make a lot of noise out here.  It’ll end with, well, you ever wonder why I called this cabin Running Bear?  Cause there’s a lot of bears in the area.  Those bears’ll feed good tonight.  But while the bears are feeding on two traitors, one of my boys is gonna put a little something out in the woods for the good Sheriff to find.  A set of pink sweats, a pair of running shoes all covered in blood, and a toe.  The blood will match the toe, and that toe will be traced back to Interpol as that of Kono Rin, a heavily tattooed Japanese woman.  Between that and a few shreds of flesh and bone, there’ll be enough left to declare that Kono Rin and her partner in crime were found dead in the woods.  You guys will be back down in Harbor City, and no one will ever think to look for your for this crime, because it’s already been solved.  All you gotta do is keep your fuckin’ trap shut for the rest of your life, keep your girl’s trap shut, and enjoy our working relationship from now on.  So, make sense?”

Sam just sat there dumbfounded, only coming back to his senses when Pooka nudged him for another head scratch.  Bob looked at Sam for a long second.  Sam nodded his head.  “Y…Yeah.  Makes sense.”

“Cool.  Hate to make another audible.”  Bob puffed on his vape as Sam took in exactly how deeply fucked the situation was.  He had just been told in no uncertain terms to keep quiet about what was to happen, and that he was about to be involved in two murders.  Bob took another hit then pointed to Sam’s gun.  “Is that in your name?”

“Uh, nuh.  No, it’s not.  Found this and a few others in a house I cleaned out.”

“Got others you can use?”  Bob asked.  Sam just nodded.  “Good.  Clean it off and hand it over.  Never want to use the same gun for two crimes.”

Sam froze for a moment before clearing the ammo from his Glock and wiping it down with his shirt.  Bob handed him a microfiber towel he had in his hunting pants and Sam wiped down each surface of the gun he touched.  He paid extra close attention to the trigger, slide, and mag release.  Once the gun was pretty well cleaned off, he focused on the magazine.

“Unload the mag, take the bullets out.  Clean off four of them real good.  And when shit goes down, pick up those cases.  They’re worth everything to you.  Suggest getting rid of them out of the county, but nowhere near where you live.  But they can’t stay here.  Got it?”  Sam just nodded as he nervously cleaned off four of the 9mm bullets.  Bob took them and the newly cleaned magazine and loaded them.  Sam noted for the first time how Bob wore hunting gloves. 

As Bob loaded the magazine into the pistol, a black Escalade drove down the street and pulled into their parking lot.  It was in pristine condition except for a little mud here and there splashed on it from driving down the trail and in the clearing.  Though this vehicle was capable, it was in no ways the best choice for taking off-road.

“There’s our friends.”  Bob said, slapping Sam on the shoulder.  Bob stood up and Pooka heeled to him without a word.  The Escalade did a 3-point turn to face the path they just drove down, then parked.  Bob put Sam’s gun into his waistband by his spine and approached the SUV.


Derrick entered the cabin, mask back in position.  He wasn’t exactly sure what Bob meant by something ‘up his alley’ until he walked in and took in the scene around him.  It was an orgy.  4 women getting used every which way possible by about a dozen guys.  5, now that someone was grabbing that new bitch Maddie from her chest was dragging her in on her leash.  But all the bitches didn’t grab Derrick’s attention.  It was the good looking man, bound over a bench and gagged, ass up in the air for the world to see.  He was lost in his world for a moment until his older brother Cole bumped into him, dragging Maddie behind him.  Maddie was naked except for a dog collar and a pair of red fuck-me pumps.

“Oh, hey.  Bruh, what you waiting for?  Fuck’im.  No wait, I got an idea.”


Drew felt sick to his stomach.  What he hoped would be a rescue party turned out to be just as bad as the nightmare they left, if not somehow worse.  He was now watching the third different man in the last ten minutes fuck his wife, and a couple more were having a run on Aislinn.  His head was somehow restrained to keep his vision more or less straight, but he could hear Bianca’s moans as yet more men fucked her.  Hell, even that Asian slut Kim was getting railed pretty hard.  ‘That fucking cunt deserves it.’  Drew thought to himself, and if this was any other situation, he’d enjoy seeing her cry out in pain.  Fuck, he’d love to give it back to her even half as bad as she dished it out.  If he turned his head just right, he could see her and hear her beg something in one of those Asian languages.  What was that, Mandarin?  ‘No, I’ve heard Mandarin before, don’t think that’s it.’  He tried to focus her words and screams, if just to drown out the mewls Morgana made.  His focus was so intense on Kim, he didn’t notice the footsteps stop behind him.  Nor someone get between his legs.

“Lick his asshole, slut.  It’s all the prep he’s gonna get.”  The voice came from directly behind him, but he couldn’t see who it was.  That was definitely a man that said that.  His mind raced on possibilities on what was going on until he felt something on his ass.  It was a pair of hands, one on each cheek, pulling them apart.

“Yes, Master.”  Drew couldn’t place that voice, but it was definitely feminine.  A moment later, he felt the strangest sensation as something wet circled his sphincter and flicked around it.  Whoever this woman was, she was licking his asshole.  He’d never felt anything like it before.  The mere idea was something that he couldn’t even think of getting Morgana to try.  He did a quick sanity check as he tried to block out the sensations.  Morgana and Aislinn were directly in his field of view.  Kim was screaming something in an Asian language, and he could still hear Bianca getting fucked on the floor near him.  This was a new person, likely a woman, and she had just given him a rimjob.  But as much as he enjoyed the sensation, he was terrified at the words going through his mind.  ‘It’s all the prep he’s gonna get.’

“Stop, whore.  See what you did?  You made him hard.  Suck him off until he cums, but do not swallow.  If you swallow this time, I will beat your tits off.”

“Yes, Master.”  The woman that was tonguing Drew’s asshole stopped and shifted her position.  She placed her mouth over Drew’s cock and engulfed it all the way to the base, then went to work sucking it.  Whoever she was, she was very skilled and Drew was worried that he might cum soon.  That’s when he heard the sound of pants dropping and felt someone get very, very close to his thighs.

“My turn.  Just, try to relax.”  This was a different voice.  A man’s voice.  Followed by a pair of men’s hands on his hips and something long and hard between his asscheeks. 

Drew tried to deny what was happening, but nothing he did or said or tried could prevent the next few moments from happening.  The right hand moved position as this man behind him lined his cock up with Drew’s asshole and pushed in.  What started as a little pressure soon escalated to intense pain as this intruder speared his ass for the first time.  He pushed in, bit by bit, until he settled in as deep as he could go.  Drew screamed and cried into his gag like nothing ever before, hoping that this would stop.  Whoever was doing this to Drew started to pull out, then pumped back in, over and over, gaining speed and ferocity with each thrust.  If felt like he was getting punched in the stomach over and over and over again.

Meanwhile, the woman on his dick just kept sucking and sucking like it was her sole duty in life to make him cum.  The pain and humiliation was too much for Drew to bear, and he just wanted to crawl into a hole and die.

Morgana’s gaze met Drew’s during this and saw her husband being raped by one of the hunters while the body of another woman lay at an awkward angle under Drew’s crotch.  It disgusted her that these monsters would do this to her Drew.  But she knew there was nothing they could do to stop it.  He just had to endure it.  Just like she did.


Bob approached the SUV, shifting the leash to his left hand while Pooka walked next to him.  His right hand creeped back towards the gun he just put there.  He knew who was coming, but still…

The passenger’s side door opened.  Out stepped a bald man wearing a black suit and tie and dark sunglasses.  He moved with a purpose, scanning the area quickly before walking up to Bob.  The two men hesitated for the briefest of seconds before going in for a bro hug, which then turned into a real hug followed by laughter.

“Fuck you been up to, buddy?”  Bob said. 

Gary looked up as he smiled.  “Lotsa things.  Long story short, got married, having a kid soon, killed some people, going off the grid, tying up loose ends.  You?”  Gary’s gaze caught Sam behind Bob and he instantly sized him up.  “Scare the shit out of the new guy?”

Bob looked back at Sam, seeing him still sitting there.  “Yeah.  New guy I’m working with down in Harbor City.  He’s helping with everything going down, too.”

“How much he know?”  Gary asked, fighting the instinct to move his hand to his hidden 9mm under his jacket.

“Enough to be scared and not do something stupid.  Pretty sure this is his first time.”  Bob replied. 

“So, how long until we get this party started?”  A second voice came from the other side of the SUV.  He was dressed just like Gary in a matching black suit, tie, and dark sunglasses.  His face betrayed his cold tone, as it broke into a smile as he approached his long lost brother from another mother.  It was Paul, and the last few steps turned into a small run as the three men hugged, letting the years slip away between them.  For a quick second, they were no longer in their 50’s, but teens once again.  At least until the aches and pains returned.  This was followed by a voice that Bob didn’t recognize.  Bob turned to see a short Japanese woman dressed in a similar themed business suit.  Her voice was high pitched and had a sternness that betrayed her diminutive size.  Her hair was pulled back into two ponytails, making her look even younger than she was.  The Japanese flowed from her mouth, and Paul responded back fluently.  Bob had no clue what they were saying, until she approached gave a quick bow.

“Kono Aki, wife, Paul.”  Bob didn’t know how to respond until Paul urged him to bow back.

“Bob Kuntzmann.  Welcome to the family.”  Paul translated, but he said a lot more than just a quick sentence.  Aki responded back with what Bob thought was a bitchy attitude, and Paul responded in kind.  The two had a small argument that ended with them smiling and kissing. 

“Engrish, understand, no speak.”  Aki said, extending her hand for a shake.  Bob gladly shook her hand, and did his best not to check her out.  She was family now.

“My English is better than my sister’s.”  The rear door opened as a woman of cold beauty stepped out of the Escalade, dressed in a matching business suit like her sister, but with obvious alterations made for a noticeable baby bump.  She stepped down from the SUV and onto the packed dirt and gravel driveway.  Gary made a move to help her, but she gave a slight shake of her head and he stayed back, ready to move if she needed him.  She walked the few feet over to the group and stopped next to Gary before bowing to Bob.  “Kono Rin.  Thank you for your… assistance.  Galy speaks highry of you.  Highry?  Highly.”  She looked like she was trying on the words for the first time.  Gary nodded after she said the last word.

“It’s a pleasure to have you here, my lady.”  Bob said after bowing.  “And may I say, welcome to the family.”  He made a motion like he wanted to hug her, but hesitated.  She allowed him to hug her.  Bob hasn’t been scared of a pregnant woman in a long time, and that was back when his Latina baby mama would throw pots and pans at him.  But that was nothing compared to the stories he heard of Kono Rin.  “Do you know-“

Kono cut Bob off right before he finished the question.  “Yes, but our secret for now.”  She gave a slight smile as she rubbed her belly without thinking.  Bob was about to say something, but Aki asked something in Japanese.

“Dumbass over there just wants to know if he’s gonna be an aunt or an uncle.”  Paul said to Aki.  She laughed. 

“You fucker.”  Bob said with a laugh.  In the background, cries, yells, and screams could be heard from the cabin behind him.

“Your boys having a little party before things go down?”  Gary asked.

“Yeah.  Also part of the alibi, too.  I gave the quick and dirty version over the chat, but that guy over there on the bench who looks like he just saw a ghost, that’s Sam.  He and a few of his friends just spent the weekend partying with about half a dozen people, mostly women.  Just as he and his girl are leaving, up rolls a party of crazed militia hunters, all dressed in matching camo.  The last two out the building are Sam and his Asian girlfriend.  He kept his face hidden the whole time, so they don’t know what he really looks like above the neckline.  He runs outside when the guns fire, drops to the ground, obviously shot.  His girl freaks out and runs, only to get caught and brought back to the cabin where 3 women are tied up naked.  Well, there’s about a dozen guys and 4 women, so these guys are fucking the shit out of them.  In a few minutes, right before the resort’s security team makes their way here, they’ll drag the Asian girl out here, and inside they’ll hear some screams and some shots.  Later on, what’s left of two bodies will be found, but one will be so horribly mangled by the bears it’ll be impossible to identify.  But one will have just enough to point to Kono Rin's body being eaten by a bear.  As far as those girls in the cabin know, they’ll have heard two people get whacked right before the militia think of doing the same to them.  That’s when my staff will come down, see what happened, I’ll change and show up with some help and the Sheriff’s office will be here shortly after.  Meanwhile, the bodies… you have bodies, right?”

Kono nodded.  “Two…traitors in the trunk.”

“Good.  Those bodies will be found but not directly.  The man will go down as a John Doe until someone needs a good death.  There won’t be enough left for identification but someday the Sheriff might receive a tip and a matching DNA sample, along with a few dead presidents, to say that prick is who we say he is.  We’ll all move along with our lives and these women in the cabin will decide to settle and sign NDA’s to just put this behind them.  Word will get over to Japan about how Kono Rin met a grizzly end, pun intended, and whoever you decide to be after will go on to be a normal, boring, suburban housewife somewhere.  Meanwhile Sam and his girl over there go to work for me down south, and we make money hand over fist.”  Bob finished his monologue, hoping he didn’t have to repeat it.  Aki gave Paul a quick look that said ‘translate’ but before he could, Rin spoke up.

“Acceptable.  The key will be in the details of dealing with the Satsu.  But give dogs a toy and they’ll be happy for hours.”

“Pigs.  Over here we call’em pigs, we like our dogs.  Ain’t that right, Pooka?”  The dog gave a slight acknowledgement at hearing Bob call her name.  “The pigs’ll spend some time confirming that the woman was you.  Meanwhile, you’ll be busy establishing your new identity somewhere.  I might see some visitors come from Kyoto or Tokyo one day, but they’ll just want proof that you’re dead.  If they try to go any further, well, we can handle ourselves in a pinch.”

Kono looked like she wanted to say something, but looked at the company she kept.  Her husband, her brother-in-law, and now this new man all came from this area.  Gary spoke highly of Bob, covering everything from their childhood together as some of the only white kids in an all-minority gang-ridden town to their quests for revenge for the death of their sister.  He held Bob in a rare position of love, honor, and fear.  And looking behind them at the path of bodies behind them to get here, if Gary was afraid of Bob, then the Yakuza should be little more than an inconvenience.

Before she could say anything else, Bob’s phone alarm went off.  “Twenty minutes until the patsies show up.”  Bob cupped his hands in front of his mouth and made a bird call.  He repeated it a few seconds later.  Shortly thereafter, Pete walked out of the cabin, buttoning his pants.  “15 minutes, timing is tight, plan as discussed.”

“Gotchya boss.”  Pete said, then returned to the cabin.  The group waited for Pete to get out of view before catching up. 

Bob, Paul, and Gary shot the shit for a few minutes as Sam watched from the bench behind them.  He didn’t join them for several minutes, as more of the hunters made their way out.  At some point that skinny man Derrick came back and grabbed Pooka, and took her inside.  Pooka took a few steps back towards Sam, but eventually followed Derrick.  The screams from inside the cabin took on a different pitch and fervor.  He was looking over to the cabin itself, so it took a moment for him to see Bob beckon him.

“Hey, c’mon, it’s showtime.”  Bob said, waving Sam over.  Sam approached, and finally saw the scope of what was going down.  Seeing a double homicide described in a text chain was one thing, but seeing two people pulled out of the back of an SUV and forced to their knees, that’s a whole different story.  Three of the hunters carried Bubbles out of the cabin while another closed the door behind them.  Bubbles kept shouting something in Korean, but shut up as one of Bob’s boys fired his AR-15 into the air.  This got everyone’s attention, and Bubbles took that as her sign to shut the fuck up.  As soon as she saw Sam, she leapt into his arms, buck ass naked.  One of the guys kept her clothes and walked over to Bob and his guests.

“You okay?”  Sam asked quietly.  Bubbles nodded yes, but squeezed him for all he was worth.  He wanted to comfort her, but then Bob made a whistle and everyone stopped.  Everyone was quiet except for that short guy that talked to Bob.  He wasn’t wearing a mask and looked a little like Pete Davidson.  He leaned over to Sam and Bubbles and whispered.

“First time?”  Pete asked in hushed tones.

“For what?”  Bubbles asked, staying close to Sam.

“Murdering someone.”
Always close the program you were running before exiting the holodeck

Offline To-Get-Her

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 79 Posted)
« Reply #246 on: August 03, 2024, 06:57:08 PM »
Maybe it just me but I would really hesitate to give a newly raped female any kind of weapon in case she decides to take revenge for her treatment at their hands!

Love how they have this all plotted out to the last second. So if it was me writing the story, now would be the point to throw a monkey wrench into their planning!

Merit to be awarded from when allowed!
When I get around to it, I'll write

Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 79 Posted)
« Reply #247 on: August 06, 2024, 10:55:47 PM »
Thanks TGH.  The mother of all monkey wrenches is coming in the next few chapters.  Bob in his old age has gotten pretty good at planning, but Murphy's First Law of Combat always rears it's ugly head. 

Chapter 80 incoming.  As of this morning, Pharma is around 325k words.
Always close the program you were running before exiting the holodeck

Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 80 Posted)
« Reply #248 on: August 06, 2024, 10:58:17 PM »
Chapter 80(M+F,MM,nc,oral,anal,bd,mild best,viol)

Author’s note:  By request, there is a small scene involving man’s best friend.  If you would like to skip that scene, it is the second section and thus marked.

Morgana’s hope of making it out alive slipped with each different cock shoved into her pussy.  She lost track after two of these monsters kept switching between who was fucking her and who was beating her ass.  Even if she could make out who was who, everyone wore the same matching outfit, and some would disappear into view, some out of view.  Aside from a couple of obviously different bodies, most of their assailants were all about the same.  Taller, skinnier, and younger than the bastards that kidnapped them.  But at least the first kidnappers seemed like they were sort-of normal.  These bogans, they had nothing to stop them from killing them.  She did her best to look around the room, given how limited her view was bent over the massive table.  With that Kim girl to her left and Aislinn to her right both getting fucked by strange men.  Aislinn had gone numb while Kim was screaming and yelling something in some Asian language.  ‘Good’, Morgana thought.  ‘It sounds painful, good.’  She wanted that girl to suffer for what she put her and her family through.  Over her shoulder she could make out Drew.  He was a mess.  He’d just been raped by one of the hunters and now another one was lining up to take a turn on him.  Meanwhile, some bitch was between his legs, apparently sucking his dick.  She wanted to console him, but there was nothing she nor anyone else on Earth could do for him right now.  She could barely make out where Bianca was, but knew that she was still getting fucked by the hunters.

“Oh, what is this shit?”  The voice came from over in the kitchen.  One of the hunters held a dog leash to the largest pup she’d ever seen, and was playing with the food.  Another hunter came over and sniffed it.  She couldn’t make out their whole conversation, but seeing their evil gaze cast on her made her skin crawl.  They looked to the dog, then to the jar, then to them.  They approached, the dog heeling with them as one of hunters held this jar.  It was the jar of Vegemite that Drew received from that fancy bistro. 

Speaking of Drew, a series of moans and cries took Morgana’s attention back to her husband.  The first was the series of grunts of the hunter fucking him made as he came in Drew’s ass.  The second was more like a pained moan from Drew, followed by sobs.  The woman from between Drew’s legs stood, cheeks extended.

“Give the blonde what you got, make her swallow it.”  The hunter holding the woman’s leash said.  The brunette stood up, walked on wobbly legs over to Morgana, and grabbed her by the hair.  The sex slave twisted Morgana’s head just enough to make the blonde cry out in pain, thus opening her mouth.  When she did, the slave bent down and kissed Morgana on the lips, and spit something into her mouth.  It was Drew’s cum.  Before Morgana could try to spit it back out, the slave pinched Morgana’s nose closed and covered her mouth with her own.  Morgana had three choices.  Swallow, spit, or choke.  Since the last two were no longer an option, she swallowed.  “Good bitch.  Now get back here and clean his ass.”  A tug of the leash later and the slave walked back behind Drew and went to work cleaning his battered ass with her tongue.

As Morgana watched this assault continue, the man who was holding the leash handed it off to another man, as he approached her.  “Let’s see whose ass is better, you or your hubby over there.”

Just as this monster forced his cock, the one he just used to rape her husband Drew, into her, there was a commotion at the end of the table.  Three men grabbed Kim and carried her to the door, kicking and screaming.  There was some hooting and hollering with a couple of the hunters talking about how it was “time for the chink bitch to get it” and “let’s waste the fucking gook” and “slit that jap whore’s throat.”  A fourth man grabbed her clothes and a fifth followed behind them, drawing the shades shut and mostly closing the door. 

A few minutes later, she heard a gunshot and her heart went still.


One of the bros, Grant, was on dog duty for ‘misbehaving’ over the weekend.  The boys went out over the weekend and found themselves a couple party girls to play with.  One thing led to another and the boys had their way with the girls.  Problem for Grant was that one of the girls recognized him out and about and sicked her boyfriend on him.  Grant handled himself, but the last thing the boys needed this weekend was more heat.  Because of that, he was given dog leash duty.  Everyone else got to fuck first, and only if there was time and someone took Lobo from him could he get a piece of ass.  He walked the Irish Wolfhound around the cabin while his friends and brothers fucked everyone down here on the main floor.  If he had a chance, he’d love a go at that milf with the big tits, but all three of them were hot as fuck.  But from what he heard of the plan, that was no guarantee.

Grant led the dog over to the kitchen, hoping to find something to distract him.  He couldn’t eat since they were under strict orders to keep their faces covered, and as much as he just wanted to hand the dog off to literally anyone else, the orders came from his oldest brother and from Big Boss Bob.  There’s a long list of people he’d rather piss off than Bob.  Hell, there’s government agencies he’d rather get caught stealing from than do anything that could upset Bob.  The only person these dogs liked more than him was Bob.  So here he was, standing in the kitchen holding a massive dog on a leash as he rummaged through the kitchen.

He grabbed a jar of some dark substance and took a whiff of it.  “Oh, what is this shit?”  Grant said.  One of his brothers came over to check things out.  It was pungent, but tasty.  The two carefully took a taste, and winced.  It took Grant a moment to read the label that read “Vegemite.”  Whatever it was, Lobo seemed to like it.

The two brothers looked at each other, then the girls, then the dog.  They got an evil idea.

They waited a few minutes for Bob’s new slave to snowball the blonde and the guy next in line to fuck and for some of their brothers to drag the Chink girl outside.  Grant knew she was in on the plan, but that wasn’t common knowledge outside of the group.  Then, they saw as two more of the bros still in cabin pulled the big tittied milf off of the floor and bent her over the table.  Now, all three of the remaining women were bent over, and two of them weren’t being fucked just yet.  His bro stood by and took hold of the leash as Grant had a quick run at the milf and one more guy had a turn with the skinny brunette.  Grant didn’t last long, but then again this was a gang rape, not a long lost love affair.

Once everyone was done with fucking the girls and Grant pulled his pants back up, he figured it was time for Lobo to have a little taste.  Grant took a smear of the Vegemite and applied a generous glob on all three of the freshly fucked cunts.  He then guided Lobo over to the table.  One after another, the dog sniffed each Vegemite-covered pussy in front of him.  The wolfhound was interested, and the two men knew that they’d have to let him eat soon.  They started with the skinny brunette, then the blonde and finally the big tittied milf.

“No, no, please no, nooooo!”  Her cries broke down to sobs and screams as she felt the dog’s cold nose sniffing her privates then it’s tongue lapping at her twat.  The feeling was revolting and terrifying. 

After maybe two minutes, Lobo had cleaned up his mess and was ready for seconds.  He was guided over to the blonde, where he shoved his face into her pussy and licked away at his snack.  The blonde screamed bloody murder as the dog licked at her raw cunt for at least a minute before she cleaned off.

As Lobo was licking the milf’s cunt, they heard a gunshot, then another and another.  Then a couple more.  As much as they wanted to see if Lobo would fuck one of the girls, they knew that it was time to leave.


Once the group was certain they were out of range from the girls in the cabin, they let Bubbles down and Sam ran over to her, giving her a long hug.  One of the brothers handed Bubbles her underwear, but kept the rest of her clothes.  That brother walked over to Bob, who whispered something and nodded to Pete.  Pete made a flourish with his right hand, and the brothers outside moved into position.  Two of them took up point by the top of the trail in front of the Escalade and two behind them by the trail heading up to the house.  Bob stood back with two bald white men in black suits as one of them hit a key fob and opened the rear of the SUV.  There was a moment of struggle and muffled screaming in Japanese as two middle aged people dressed in matching track suits were dragged out of the trunk of the Escalade.  Their hands were tied, and both were gagged.  It was at this point that Bubbles noticed that a young, petite Japanese woman dressed in a similar fashion to the men walked around from behind Bob and the men in suits.  She spoke something in Japanese.  Bubbles tried to focus on what she was saying to the middle aged couple.

“What’s she saying?”  Sam asked. 

“Not sure.  No, wait.  Now she’s counting backwards.  19, 18, 17.”  Bubbles responded.  She still stood naked, protected only by her lover’s body holding her close.

The couple looked at each other as Bob handed the woman a gun.  Sam’s gun.  They immediately turned and ran down the hill facing the creek.  The couple helped each other down the hill, but the woman was already down to five.

“Any last words, you Chink whore?”  Pete yelled.  “Guess not.”  He timed his statement to match with the countdown.  Suddenly, four shots roared to life from the short Yakuza woman.  Bubbles wanted to scream at the shock, but knew that would be the worst thing to do right now.  Sam covered her mouth hard, and she bit down on his hand to keep from screaming.  It took all he had to keep from yelling out.

The couple didn’t get far.  The woman reached the other side of the creek before she toppled from a hit to her shoulder.  The husband took a round to the lower left leg, then another to his left buttock.  He crawled towards his wife as the final shot imbedded itself in a tree right near his head.  He couldn’t get up, and his wife moaned in agony as he tried to make his way to her.

Back by the car, the petite Yakuza was pissed.  She knew these two would die soon from from their wounds, but she doesn’t like to miss.  Even though hitting three out of four shots on two running targets from this range with a pistol is impressive, she really wanted to get that kill shot.  She turned and pointed to one of the brothers standing nearby with an AR-15.  “Give, now.”  Her English wasn’t great, but it got the point across.  After a brief moment of hesitation, the man handed over his rifle, and after a quick inspection, the woman was satisfied.  She lined up the sights as the man made it to his wife and screamed for help in Japanese, along with begging for mercy for her.  Those were the last words he would ever say, as the Yakuza woman fired a shot right through the man’s neck, essentially severing his head from his body.  The wife screamed when she saw her husband killed right in front of her, but the next three shots took the fight out of her.  One landed in her knee, destroying it.  The second imbedded itself in her hip, and the final went through her husband’s chest and into hers.  She made some loud sucking sounds for a moment before bleeding out and dying.

Sam stood there in shock for a moment.  He’d never seen anyone killed before, and he’d just witnessed two people gunned down like deer in hunting season.  Bubbles meanwhile, she was familiar with death working in a hospital, but this was the first time seeing it like this.  The pair came out of their shared shock when Pete shook them.

“Boss wants ya.”  That was enough to cause Sam to remember his duty.  Grab the shells.  Sam immediately walked as fast as he could to where the petite woman fired from and grabbed all of the brass casings he could.  He didn’t care if they were from his gun or not at this point, he was barely thinking at all, aside from telling himself to keep his cool or he was next.  Bubbles meanwhile walked over to Bob across the rough terrain, stopping only to put her panties on.  It took her a moment to get to Bob and the two men with him.  They spoke quietly.  The brothers made a lot of hooting and hollering, firing shots into the air.

“Bubbles, my friends here want to offer their thanks.  Along with someone in the car.”

Before she could say anything, the shorter of the two men in matching suits spoke up.  “You did a great service for my family today.  We owe you a debt of honor.  And your partner as well.  Thanks to you, my wife will be able to disappear in peace.  See that over there?”  The man pointed to the SUV, where a hand in the rear handed over a small box and a couple bags of what looked like blood to the hunter that held Bubbles’s clothes.  She followed the events with her eyes.  “Right now, as far as anyone is concerned inside, you’re dead.  But they never knew who you were.  The Sheriff’s office will find your clothes, some remains that weren’t eaten by a bear, and a piece of my wife.  Your clothes will be covered in her blood and shredded to pieces.  There will be just enough to identify my wife, and when they ask the people in the cabin what you looked like, the similarities will be close enough to conclude that my wife was their rapist.  A little persuasion from Bob here to make sure the right people come to the right decision, and she’ll be listed as bear food and you’ll live life without anyone ever looking after you for this case.  Like I said, for that, we thank you and owe you a debt.”

“Um, okay.  You’re welcome.  Just doing my part, I guess.”  Bubbles was smart enough to piece together who this was and what he meant by owing them a debt.  This was Gary, Bob’s friend and one of the most dangerous men on the planet.  Some armies don’t have as many confirmed kills as he does.  Having him owe her and Sam a favor may be the scariest thing about all of this mess.

“We’ll give you two a ride up to town, drop you off with your friends.  There’s some spare clothes in a gym bag that should fit.  Find out where we’re dropping you off at and we’ll get you there shortly.”  The shorter man said, almost deadpan.  Bubbles nodded as she was led to the rear of the SUV and looked through the bag.  It was mostly gym clothes, she found a t-shirt that was a few sizes too big and a pair of yoga shorts that fit pretty well.  After a second quick look, she found a sports bra that would be just a little too small for a full day to wear, but would fit until she got some of her clothes on. 

Meanwhile, Sam replayed the incident in his head several times as he searched for each of the spent shell casings.  4 shots from his gun, but how many from the other, was it three or four?  Maybe 5?  He found 3 9mm shells pretty easily, along with 2 of the .556 rounds from the AR-15.  It took him a moment to find the last casing from his gun as he was kneeling on it, and one of the AR rounds bounced off of a nearby tree and went down the hill a foot before getting stopped by a rock.  He found 8 fresh shells in total, and a slew of others buried in the dirt, but those weren’t the ones he was looking for.  He gathered all of the rounds and put them into one of the cargo pockets in his black camo pants.  After a quick attempt to clean off his hands, he met Bubbles at the back of the SUV.  “Think I got all of’em.”

“Think?”  Bubbles said, putting on a pair of flip flops meant for the gym.

“Pretty sure.  Found the four from my gun, and the four from the AR, and a whole bunch of others from over time.  I guess people like to get drunk and shoot into the woods from here.”

“That, and to try to scare off bears.”  The shorter man in the suit said.  Sam and Bubbles looked at him incredulously for a moment.  “Why do you think these are the bear lodges?  Bears live here.  They don’t normally get close to the cabins, but have crawled up when dumb campers left food on the grill too long.  Sometimes one or two of them will get buck wild and take shots at old Smokey to scare’em off.”

Sam wanted to say something, but just as he was about to, a walkie-talkie made a loud noise.  Pete responded, and a moment later he pulled a pistol out of his jacket and fired two shots into the air, getting everyone’s attention.  “Paul Blart’s on the way!”

Everyone aside from Sam and Bubbles moved into action.  Bob and one of his goons jumped into a side-by-side and drove up the path like a bat out of Hell.  The door to cabin opened and the last remaining guys came out, bringing a large dog that looked just like Pooka with them. 

“Get in.”  The short man said, pushing Sam and Bubbles into the back of the SUV.  They climbed in and sat down before the gate closed on them.  The man in the suit climbed in to the passenger seat, and the petite assassin sat in the seat behind the driver.  Another man in a matching suit drove while a very pregnant Japanese woman sat behind the passenger.  “Hit it.”  The shorter man said.  With that, the SUV roared to life and drove up the path.
Always close the program you were running before exiting the holodeck

Offline To-Get-Her

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 80 Posted)
« Reply #249 on: August 07, 2024, 03:36:18 PM »
Damn why do I get a feeling that some spent casings are going to turn up among the ones left behind!
Know it's not going to happen but I would love to see one of the SUV (preferably the front one) breakdown and cause the other to crash into a tee or veer offroad to get by and roll over.

The interlude with the dog was so mild that I can't see hoe most could be offended by it! Handled very maturely and to me no worse than a male licking whip cream off female genitalia!

Merit awarded from me!
When I get around to it, I'll write

Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 81 Posted)
« Reply #250 on: August 10, 2024, 08:51:56 PM »
Thanks TGH.  I went pretty light on what I could've done with the dog, it's just not my cup of tea.  But the biggest wrench is hinted at in the next chapter.

Chapter 81 incoming.
Always close the program you were running before exiting the holodeck

Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 81 Posted)
« Reply #251 on: August 10, 2024, 08:52:59 PM »
Chapter 81(nosex,setup)

Aislinn did the best she could to disassociate from the terrors of being gangraped again.  As much as she tried to imagine that she was somewhere else, or with someone else, the terrors she endured were too much for her to bear.  What little hope she had of rescue was gone, and at this point, she was in straight up survival mode.  Fearing for her life was all she could do was try to stay calm as things went to shit.  As she witnessed Morgana’s and then Bianca’s degradation continue, she did her best to block out the assaults. 

But when the gunshots rang out, she noticed several changes.

First, the screaming stopped outside, and then later inside.  Then the shots sounded different.  There was a pause for a minute, then a few more random shots here and there, followed by nothing for a minute.  Then two more shots, followed by yelling.  It sounded like the same man that talked earlier about having fun with them.  She couldn’t make out what he said, but there was some commotion.  The sound of a small gas engine was followed by what she thought was a car, then a couple other small motors roared to life.  A shadow entered the doorway for a split second before leaving again.  What sounded like another vehicle rolled up to the cabin, and someone got out.

Aislinn couldn’t see past the door from her angle who this was, but unlike the last time someone arrived, she kept as quiet as a church mouse.  Whoever or whatever just chased off about a dozen armed attackers was not someone she wanted to draw their attention without knowing who or what they were.  It wasn’t until she heard an audible gasp come from the doorway that she thought she might make it out of this yet and two words from a sympathetic woman.

“Call Bob.”


Bob was already up and off of the path from Running Bear cabin when he received a call on his phone.  He was in a clearing far off the beaten path standing between two side-by-side vehicles.  The only difference was this new one was painted in green and yellow and had “Hiawatha Resorts” on it’s hood and various panels.  He waited for the call to come in, puffing on his vape to pass the time.  The phone rang.

“Hello?... What’s going on?… You sure?… Which cabin?…. Running Bear, got it.  Call Marcus, tell him we need him there in 10 minutes…. Hey, hey, hey, it’s not your fault.  We’ll get through this.  I’ll be there as soon as I can.  Once Marcus gets there, follow what he says until I get there…. Yes, I know we need to call them.  But a 911 call…. Listen, call the non-emergency line and ask to speak to one of the deputies.  911 goes to an outside call center where they’ll page every PD in the county to show up.  A direct call will go straight to Ryland’s office.  Let’s keep this local.  Don’t need some county mountie getting a hard-on for a crazy case to make his name on…. Okay, bad choice of phrasing.  I’m on my way, will be there ASAP.”

He hung up the call and took a moment to look around.  He knew exactly where he was in the forest.  This was his backyard, so he knew all of the hiding places far away from the hiding places everyone else knew about.  There was next to no chance that anyone saw him roll up here, and even less likely that if they did, they’d piece together what he was doing out here.  He knew driving back to his cabin would take too long and there was a good chance he’d be seen driving back along the paths.  This way he could change in peace and quiet, stash his hunting gear just in case Sheriff Ryland Holmes gets a little too nosy, and act like he just didn’t fuck Morgana in her lovely little ass.


Sam and Bubbles sat in the rear of the Escalade as Paul drove them up towards the main drag of the town.  They found out everyone’s names shortly after getting in the SUV when Gary gave a quick introduction.  No last names, just himself, Paul, Aki, and Rin.  Bubbles gave her name as Kim, and Aki gave a little scoff as the pink haired Asian spoke.  Rin, the older of the two sisters, gave Aki a mean look followed by an admonition in Japanese.  Aki said something back and everyone in the car except for Sam glared at her.  Gary responded like he was going to rip her head off as the yelling seemed to pick up.  Aki said something else, and Sam had that look on his face that said that he had a question.  As everyone else was bitching at Aki and she yelled back, Sam spoke up.

“What’s going on?”

“I’d rather not say.”  Bubbles said.  She looked pissed.


“She called me a dog, okay?  A fucking mutt.”  Bubbles said, on the verge of screaming at Aki, holding back her anger at the woman she just saw murder two people.  But Bubbles’s retort let everyone else in the SUV in on a little secret.

“You speak Japanese?”  Rin asked Bubbles in an eerily calm voice. 

“A little.  Need it for work, everyone assumes I’m Japanese or Chinese.” 

“Korean?”  Rin asked. 

Bubbles nodded.  “Mostly.” 

“Mostly?”  Rin seemed interested in knowing more about Bubbles, but her tone stayed very calm.

The way that Rin asked that question wasn’t a request, but a demand to be met.  Rin didn’t strike Bubbles as the kind of woman who takes no for an answer.  “My mom’s side is all Korean.  My grandpa, dad’s dad, was Chinese and Japanese.  His mom was Chinese, his dad was Japanese.”

“When did they meet?”  Gary asked from the front seat.

“1937, in Nanking.”  Bubbles let that hang in the air for a while before continuing on with her family history.  “My great-grandmother fled China for Taiwan during their civil war in the late 40’s, ended up meeting a GI and moved to the states.  Her husband adopted my granddad, who later joined the Army and was stationed in Korea, met a girl and fell in love.  Rinse and repeat a generation later and I’m here.  We spoke Korean every day growing up, I learned Mandarin to help my great-grandma, and picked up some Japanese to speak with patients and gamers.”

“Thank you.”  Rin said calmly.  “No matter my sister’s … opinions, we are grateful for all you have done for us.  As my husband mentioned, we owe you a debt of honor.”

“When you need to call it in, call Bob and tell him I owe you one.  He’ll get in touch with us.”  Gary said.

“Hey, where we dropping you off at?  I’d rather not take you to the main lots.”  Paul said from the driver’s seat.

“One second.”  Sam said as he checked his phone.  There was a message in the WhatsApp group chat about going to Hairy’s, though he figured that was a typo.  “I think they’re at Harry’s, or something like that.”

“Harry’s Diner.  We’ll have you there in a couple minutes.”  Paul said as the Escalade broke out of the tree coverage and merged onto the town’s main street.


When guests at Lake Hiawatha Resorts don’t come to the office for 10AM checkout, it’s standard operating procedure to send a crew to find out why the guests haven’t left yet.  Most of the times, they’re running a little late or slept in.  On rare occasions, things went sideways and either some locals caused some serious problems or there was an accident of some kind.

The scene that greeted the late checkout team for Lake Hiawatha Resorts when they arrived at Running Bear cabin was one straight out of a depraved, perverted nightmare. 

Their first clue that something was wrong was when they tried to check the security trail cams for the area and they were still down from the maintenance on Saturday.  Normally they’re only down for a few hours at most, but it was now coming up on 2 days.  The next was when they checkout team drove closer to the Bear Lodges and saw one of the Bouchet Boys standing watch over the trail.  There’s about a dozen brothers and cousins in that family, and none of them are any good.  That caused Jeremy in the shotgun position to live up to the true meaning of the phrase and grab the 12 gauge shotgun from the back of their glorified golf cart.  Clint in the rear seat grabbed the other gun while Michelle drove.  This wouldn’t be the first time they’ve had a run-in with those redneck assholes.  For as tough as they acted, they scatter like roaches once a few shots fly in their direction.

As they arrived at Running Bear, the crew saw the Bouchet Boys running out of the cabin and hop into a side-by-side, dragging with them a naked woman and two large ass dogs.  Jeremy fired a warning shot into the air, and the boys double-timed it away from the cabin.  Michelle stopped the cart in front of the Running Bear Lodge as Clint and Jeremy looked around for any more of the Bouchet Boys.

“Clear on my side.”  Jeremy said.

“Same.”  Clint repeated. 

Michelle stepped cautiously to the front door, left slightly ajar.  When she pushed it open, the sunlight shone right to the dining room table.  Three naked women were tied to the table and a naked man was bound to the accompanying bench.

The protocols for how to handle crazy shit range from let the drunk guy sleep it off to call for security, but there is one large, overruling directive for when things truly go tits-up.  Michelle’s been on this job long enough to know that if something happens that is so crazy or vile or disgusting that it will make the resort look bad, there’s one thing she must do before anything else.

“Call Bob.”

She pulled out her cell phone and relayed the situation to Mr. Kuntzmann as she muttered the mantra of ‘Call Bob’ over and over until he picked up.  The conversation was short and to the point.  Call Marcus, Bob’s consigliere, and then call the Sheriff’s Department on the non-emergency line to avoid the 911 broadcasts.  30 seconds after she was off the phone with Bob, she had Marcus on the phone and he was en-route.  She then called the Sheriff and asked for one or two deputies to come to the scene.  As soon as Michelle told the deputy about the three women tied naked to the table, she was handed over to the Sheriff himself who said he and a few of his deputies were on their way.


Harry’s Diner was busy on the morning of Labor Day.  The old building that looked like a 50’s diner had a full parking lot as the black Cadillac Escalade pulled in and drove out of sight behind the building, where Sam and Bubbles exited.  After a brief exchange with the passengers inside, the tailgate closed and the couple made their way inside the restaurant to find the rest of the Really Useful Crew.

They found their comrades sitting in a booth in the back.  Joe and Mari sat on one side of the table while Steve and JC occupied the other.  Sam and Bubbles joined them, but just sat quietly and drank some coffee as the rest of the table ate in relative silence.  Considering it is thought of as rude to talk about gang rape in polite society, they just exchanged some small chit chat until everyone was done eating.  After what was maybe 20 minutes at most, the group left and made their way to the main parking lot.  While driving, Bubbles grabbed a black wig from Sam’s bag to cover up her pink hair.  Just in case anyone was looking for a pink haired Asian girl with a bunch of tats.


None of the women screamed for help or made a sound until they were certain that this new group of people that just showed up weren’t going to rape or kill them.  This time Bianca was the first to beg for help, followed by Aislinn then Morgana.  Drew made some noises, but was still gagged.

A woman entered the cabin, short and in her 30’s with black hair that had an Emo cut to it.  She wore a polo shirt and khakis while two men in matching outfits stood by the door.  The woman introduced herself as Michelle and did her best to keep her wits about her.  The first thing she tried was untying the ropes that held Bianca in place, then when that wasn’t fruitful used a pocket knife to cut the ropes loose above the knot.  Bianca couldn’t help but hug Michelle after freeing her, which slowed Michelle down from from freeing the rest of them.  As Michelle worked on freeing the women, one of the men put his shotgun back in the golf cart and went inside to free the two other men in the house, apparently tied up in two of the bathrooms.

The nylon rope used to tie the women was pretty tough, and her knife was duller than she’d like, so freeing Morgana and Aislinn took a few minutes.  By the time she got through Aislinn’s ropes, the first of the deputies were on the scene.


Tommy sat in the shower stall in the basement, straining his hearing to piece together what happened.  Ever since he was left down here, he had nothing to do other than sit with his own thoughts.  Hearing the scene break down above him left him severely anxious about what happened to the girls while he was down here.  It sounded like a dozen guys and even a girl involved at some point.  He did his best to drown out the guilt he was feeling and the fear that one of these guys would go too far, knowing that they were ultimately Bob’s guys.  At least that’s what he hoped.

He wondered how they were going to handle things going forward.  Would Morgana run into his arms after Drew freaked out, or would she double down on her husband?  He never even thought about asking Morgana to leave Drew before this, just kept that thought at a distance while they fucked like rabbits while he was out of the country.  Now, the ball was in the air, waiting to see where it bounced.  And what about Aislinn?  She was a pretty cool chick who was almost as sexy as Morgana.  She was an absolutely great consolation prize.  Assuming she wasn’t permanently fucked up from the trauma.

As Tommy sat in the silence, he heard a ruckus upstairs.  A few minutes later, there were footsteps and a man knocked on the door.  Tommy acknowledged, and a moment later this man freed Tommy from his makeshift prison in the shower stall.  After giving Tommy a moment to put some clothes on, the two went upstairs and looked for James, who was in the bathtub in the main floor suite. 

Once dressed, they joined everyone else in the living room.


Bob arrived on the scene a few minutes after the Sheriff did, and the scene was crazy.  Three cop cars and a medic arrived from the exit path as Bob pulled into the lot in his official side-by-side.  His right hand man Marcus was conferring with Sheriff Ryland Holmes when he approached.

“What’s going on?”  Bob asked, looking at Marcus and then the Sheriff as he spoke.  His consigliere wore a gray suit with a white shirt and dark tie and stood at around 6’3”. The Sheriff was around 5’9” and had put on a few pounds as he aged into his 50’s, but he still struck an imposing figure.  He had a dip in his mouth and a half-filled bottle of black spit in an old Mountain Dew container.

“That’s what we’re tryna figure out.”  Ryland said, a slight country accent taking over his speech.  “We got a call from Michelle that she walked in on three women and a man all naked and tied up in one of your cabins, with obvious signs of sexual assault.  There were two other men tied up in the showers.  Michelle said she was coming up the trail with two co-workers when they spotted the Bouchet Boys.”

“Those assholes.  They’re always up to some shit.”  Bob said, acting like he wasn’t dick deep in their business.  “So they captured and raped the women?”

“Not exactly.  My deputies are still talking to everyone, but it sounds like the Bouchet Boys weren’t the only ones up here this weekend.”

“Whatchya mean?”  Bob asked.

“Well, turns out that some crazy shit happened on Saturday that led to a home invasion and a weekend long gang rape.  Details are sketchy still, but a group of men and one woman raided the house, held them hostage, and did all sorts of things to them.  Then left them tied up as they fled.  That’s when the Bouchet Boys showed up.  Supposedly a gunfight broke out, they kidnapped, raped, and supposedly shot the girl from the first group, and one of the guys too.”    The Sheriff said, taking a moment to gauge Bob’s poker-face reaction before he continued.  “We’re ‘bout to canvas into the woods, but to be honest, the whole thing sounds kinda fishy.”

“How so?”  Bob asked, feigning concern.

“Well, what doesn’t make sense to me is this whole story about the first attack.  From what my deputy’s telling me, the stories line up but sound preposterous.  We got ourselves a planned out robbery that turned into a gang rape of everyone that stayed here, and two others that were at the wrong place at the wrong time.”

“Wait, so there was another couple here?  Where are they?”  Marcus asked the Sheriff.

“Don’t know.  Details are still kinda sketchy, but one of the guys said that Saturday morning, just as everyone went for a hike, they found a Chinese woman on the trail.  Looked like she took a nasty fall.  They, the victims, took the Ch…Asian girl back to the cabin, when a real Karen and Ken showed up, demanding that everyone else leave.  A fight breaks out, they call the help desk to get it sorted out, and while they’re waiting 3 guys with guns break in, taking hostages.  One of the guys, an Aussie bloke named Drew, tried to go all hero ball and fight back, but they beat the shit out of him and the Ken.  Ken and Karen’s names are Joe and Mary.  They beat the shit out of Joe pretty bad, then the guys took turns raping the women.  Counting Mary, there was Drew’s wife Morgana, her sister Aislinn, and a friend of theirs named Bianca.  Saturday was pretty rough for everyone, but Sunday we’re guessing Mary and Joe changed their tune and started helping the attackers.”

“How many attackers were there?”  Marcus interrupted Ryland, who used this moment to spit some chew spit into his bottle.

“3 guys and a girl.  The girl was the…Asian girl.  Freaky chick.  Pink hair, tattoos all over.  The three guys all called each other Dave.  One was a portly guy, one had a fit dad bod, and the other was skinny but ripped.  The fat guy and the dad bod were middle aged, at least older than the victims.  All of them but 2 are in their 20’s.  Bianca is in her 40’s and James, one of the guys we found tied up in a shower, is in his 50’s.  Real foul-mouthed bastard, too.  Anyways, they think that the skinny guy was the youngest of the group.  Everyone else is in their mid to late 20’s, but they guessed Joe and Mary were late 30’s, early 40’s.”  Ryland paused to take another spit as Marcus looked like he was doing math in his head.

“That was Saturday.  So for two whole days they’ve been stuck here being attacked?”  Marcus asked.  He was much better at pretending to show concern than Bob was.

“Looks like it.  Everyone left this morning, made Joe and Mary drive everyone but the fat one and the Chi..neese girl away.  One of the girls in the living room, think it was the blonde, said that she was called Kim by the fat one when no one else was around, and she threw a shit fit when she couldn’t find her phone.  They tore the inside apart looking for it.  Just as they found it, that’s when the Bouchet Boys show up.  The fat one drops after some gunshots, and the pink haired girl runs away, but gets caught by the boys.  They proceed to strip her and fuck her as the rest of the boys take turns on all 4 four of them tied up in the living room, including her husband.  Then they take the girl outside, blondie hears some screaming, then gunshots and the boys laughing.  They look like they’re ‘bout to come back in, but then your staff shows up, and that’s how we got here.”

“And that was this morning?”

“Not even an hour ago.  As soon as Michelle called us, my niece showed up with another deputy.  They called for a medic and a K9 unit.  Still trying to see how much of this story checks out.  We didn’t see any fresh shells on the ground, but there was a lot of commotion in the path.  If there was a shooting, someone cleaned up after themselves.  Only casings we found are old.  Most likely from previous guests taking pot shots into the woods.”  Over the Sheriff’s shoulder, a shorter blonde woman in a deputies’s uniform spoke into a CB radio attached to her shoulder.  Bob and Marcus saw her get some news and upon hearing it made a bee line for the Sheriff.

“Uncle Ry, we got something.”  The woman said as she approached the small group standing off to the side.

“Boys, you remember my niece, Deputy Aly Holmes.”  The Sheriff motioned to the woman, who was maybe 5’3” on a good day, even with the boots and Deputy hat.  She was a very pretty woman, with brown eyes and crisp features.  The constable uniform hid her figure, but even twenty pounds of body armor couldn’t hide her ass and hips.

Bob gave a quick smile to Aly.  “We’ve met before.  Howya doin?”

“Could be better.  Sir, Jackson found something about half a click west north west, just radioed it in.  There might be some credence to this shooting story after all.”  Aly said to her uncle Ryland after quickly acknowledging Bob and Marcus.

“What is it?”  Ryland asked.

“Jackson says he found some clothes and shoes covered in blood, and a toe.  Forensics is on their way, but it’ll take them about an hour at least to get here.”

“A toe?”  Marcus asked.

“That’s what he said.  He’s sending pics, but it might…wait, there it is.”  Aly said as her phone buzzed after receiving a picture of a human toe near a pair of pink Adidas shoes and shreds of some pink sweatpants.  “Fluffy picked up on the scent about 100 yards away, Jackson said they found some blood around that area but no bodies.  Then they followed some ATV tracks the rest of the way until they found this.”

“What do you make of this?”  Ryland asked Aly.  She thought for a moment, then shrugged her shoulders.

“It doesn’t sound like something the Bouchet Boys would normally do.  I mean, each part by itself isn’t too far for them, but we’ve never had to deal with them murdering people they just met before.  The rape and assaults sounds like them.  Toying with and killing an Asian girl just for fun, I could see that.  Moving the two of them into the woods, maybe they wanted to make sure Yogi and Boo Boo had lunch.  Whoever it was must’ve pissed them off.  They’re too unstable for the guns for hire thing, so most likely they ran into someone shitting in their neck of the woods and wanted to take care of things their way.  But we won’t know who for a while.”  Aly paused to scratch her head, then took a look at Bob and Marcus to study their reactions to what she said.  Both were calm.  Too calm for her liking.  “Sirs, you realize I’m describing a double homicide on your property.  Try as hard as you might, this doesn’t stay quiet forever and the more people involved means someone will talk.  Someone finds a body out there, press is all over this.”

Bob nodded.  “I know.  This is ain’t my first rodeo.  We had a murder a few years back, a few hunting accidents here and there, and every so often crazy shit happens.  I’ve been here since the 90’s, I’ve seen some shit.”

“We may seem pretty calm, but there’s a lot of things we have to work through.  As soon as we help with this investigation, I have half a dozen NDA’s to write up and probably 7 figures in settlements that we’ll have to shell out because of this.  Two rapists getting whacked by a bunch of inbred redneck hillbillies barely registers on my radar right now.”  Marcus said, his voice calm but tense.  “My job is to protect this resort at all costs, and keeping a gang rape and two murders out of the papers is more important to me than worrying about whether Will and Wendy Wapist walked westerly with a wound or wode a wide to Walmart.”

Aly eyed Marcus during his little diatribe and noticed his fists clench as he kept talking.  “Well, sir.  You worry about keeping today’s events off of Nextdoor, I’ll investigate a multi-day sexual assault and a double homicide, mmkay?”  Aly’s tone rose a little as she put the sass on a little more.  Ryland stepped between the two of them.

“Let’s remember we’re all on the same team here, okay?  We all have jobs to do.  Aly, take point on things and lead the witness statements.  I’ll go see what Jackson found.  Bob, Marcus, once we give you guys the all clear, then you do what you need to do.  Sound good?”  Everyone nodded in agreement.  “Good, let’s get to work.”

Aly walked off back to the cabin, still a little heated from that exchange.  Bob couldn’t help but check out her ass as she walked past.  Ryland hit him in the arm and gave Bob that look that he’s seen from several dads, brothers, and husbands over the years.  ‘Don’t even think about it.’


Deputy Scott Jackson knew he was in for a crazy day when he got the call to show up with Fluffy, his German Shepherd K9 partner, over to the cabins at the Lake Hiawatha Resorts.  He didn’t know how crazy until he arrived on scene.

The Sheriff’s niece Aly was first on the scene, and told Scott that there might be two bodies out in the woods.  It didn’t take him long to find a possible trail, and maybe a minute to find a bunch of blood in the woods maybe a couple hundred feet from the Running Bear cabin.  But while he found evidence of violence, he didn’t find a body.  Instead, he found what he thought were ATV tracks.  It could’ve been a side-by-side, but that’s not his area of expertise.  All he knew was that Fluffy had something else to follow.

And follow they did.  The tracks wound around trees, through some shrubs and weeds, up and over the creek a couple times, eventually running through an area known locally as Bear Country.  This was where the bears liked to hang out and hunt, and the locals know that going out here can be pretty dangerous.  Not just because of the bears, but because they’re close to where the Bouchet Boys live.

Deputy Jackson knew something was off when he approached a clearing near the entrance to a den.  Fluffy smelled her prey, but also got a strong whiff of Black Bear.  The dog didn’t want to go any further, when a man wearing hunting gear approached from the other side of the clearing.  Jackson hesitated for a moment, seeing whether he should sick Fluffy on him.  His dog was scared and he knew there’s no way to call her off in this state.  Instead, he reached for his pistol with his left hand.

“Woah, woah.  I’m unarmed.  You Scott?”  The shorter man in hunting gear said as he quietly approached, carrying a shoe box.

“Deputy Jackson to you.  Stay where you are.”  The shorter man paused where he stood.  Scott took a look at him.  He was short, with a goofy grin and very short hair.  He looked like that one ugly ass comedian that kept nailing every primo piece of ass that hosted SNL, and had an air of confidence that was just a little too comfortable.  On top of that, he knew his name.  This guy had the advantage over him in information.  “Who are you, and what do you want?”

The shorter man held the box up in the air, then put it on the ground and stepped back.  “Got a gift for you, from a friend of ours.  He wants you to have this one no matter what.  But there’s another one just like it over there if you’re willing to talk.” 

The shorter man slowly backed up from the box.  Deputy Jackson let Fluffy smell it first.  No bomb.  No gunpowder.  No drugs.  He stepped forward and opened the lid.  In it were several stacks of $20’s.  He took a quick count.  10 stacks.  A thousand dollars in each stack.

“Box looks half full.”  Scott said.  He didn’t like taking bribes, but child support is expensive. 

“The rest is over by the trees there.”   The shorter man pointed.  Scott looked at the box, then the short man, and back again a couple times.

“What’s the catch?”  Scott asked. 

“You recording?”  The man asked.  Scott shook his head, but just to be sure made certain that his badge cam was off.

“Go ahead, we’re clear.”  He’d catch hell for ‘forgetting’ to turn his camera on again, but he liked where this was going.

“All you gotta do is call in that you found something.  Some clothes torn to shreds, some shoes, and a toe.  All covered in blood.  You couldn’t find anything else, the trail ended here in front of the bear den.  You make sure that the samples are all taken from the blood found here, and run the toe in your database.  When the results come back for a Japanese lady named Kono Rin, make sure she’s declared deceased.  This was all that you could find.  She’ll match the description of the pink haired lady from the cabin, and these were the clothes she wore.  There’s enough blood to drown a horse over there, and the chunks of meat nearby were too tainted to get a good sample.  All that was left was this toe.  You keep the 10 grand from that box and the other ten from over there.  You make sure this happens, and our friend makes sure you’re well taken care of going forward.”

Scott let the other man talk while he thought about it.  It took him all of about 2 seconds to accept the bribe and what came along with it.  He knew this friend was almost certainly Bob Kuntzmann.  He’s already got half the station in his pocket.  To be honest, Scott was jealous that he hadn’t been bribed yet.  He figured being one of only 2 canine police in the area would make him a high priority.  He figured he was always too upright and pure to accept a bribe so he wasn’t approached before, but this was some good money.  And he knew that Bob was good on his payments.  Out of the 19 deputies in the Hiawatha County Sheriff’s Department, 17 of them had taken bribes from Bob once or twice, and 8 were on his monthly payroll.  The only reason the other didn’t accept anything was Bob wasn’t crazy enough to offer the Sheriff’s niece a payday.  And he just hadn’t been approached yet.  It sucked being the only deputy not having enough money to buy a newer truck.

“Okay.  We got a deal.  But I can’t be seen walking out with 20 grand in cash.”  Scott said.

“We’ll take care of that.  Think you might have a nice package waiting for you at home.  Something for you and Fluffy here.”  The shorter man said, as he walked Scott over to a clearing by some trees.  After a few minutes of staging the crime scene, the man left with two shoeboxes into the woods.  One carried some medical blood bags, and the other $20,000 in cash.  Scott radioed in what he found.

Later that night at home, as Scott was at home relaxing drinking a beer, there was a knock at his door.  A man dressed in a blue vest and black clothes knocked on his door and left a package.  In it was a gift set from Omaha Steaks and $20,000, all of it in 20 dollar bills.


The interviews went just like Aly figured they would.  The women stopped and started repeatedly, horribly ashamed of what they went through.  They described everything that they could, but the realization of everything that happened, followed by the emotional release they felt from finally not being under threat or assault for the first time meant they could let their guard down.  The men were more reserved in what they said.  It was obvious to Aly that Drew was raped by at least one man, but refused to elaborate on it until pressed.  The other young man, Tommy, seemed quite withdrawn during the conversations.  The only man who wasn’t holding back was the older Aussie man, James St. Croix.  He was fuming mad once released, and apparently chewed Bob out before settling down.  Aly figured that James and Bob were friends, and that James was of the generation where men had 4 emotions: angry, horny, hungry, brick on the foot.  Once James settled down, he and Bob walked off in private for a few minutes, then returned in a much better emotional place.  After that, Aly was able to get a few words in with them.

Everyone’s story lined up for the most part.  They all agreed on what they did Friday before the attack, what happened early Saturday, and how the attack started.  They described Drew trying to play hero, then the intruders raping Morgana, then Bianca, Mary, and finally Aislinn.  They included details of all of the guys taking turns on the girls, including the three here.  When asked why, they said it was that or get shot.  One event they described that scared them the most was Bianca calling her daughter at gunpoint to reassure her that everything was fine.  After that, Sunday was more of the same, but with Joe and Mary switching teams.  Aly felt that that was pretty weird, but after how much blood loss Joe suffered from his beating, it made sense in a twisted, Stockholm Syndrome kind of way.

Where the stories didn’t line up was when everyone split into separate areas and told different stories.  That made sense as they couldn’t corroborate what the others saw.  But the descriptions of the captors also didn’t line up completely, either.  It didn’t help that they all wore masks the whole time and no one had any distinguishing marks like scars or tattoos aside from the dead Asian freak.  James’s description of the men was off from what the women and Drew came up with.  Then again, he’s the only one that referred to them all as ‘young blokes.’

Aly also saw a gap in the story Tommy told regarding the sex with Morgana.  Drew described it in very explicit detail, as though it was burned into his memory.  Tommy confirmed everything after Aly brought it up to him, and he tried to play it off as though he didn’t remember.  She knew he was full of shit for that, and he was very evasive about whether or not he and her had something going on before this weekend.  She’d put money down that they were banging.

When asked about any missing items, Tommy said that he brought a camcorder with him that they took, along with some tapes or drives that he used for footage.  They used his camera extensively over the weekend, making sure to record as much as possible.

Even with as crazy and over the top as the assault was, there was little to no desire to pursue an investigation from the victims.  The intruders were explicit in their threats of telling everyone they knew what happened, and how videos of the most depraved acts would be sent to their friends and co-workers if a word of this ever got out.  Bianca just wanted to put the whole weekend behind her and get back to her daughter before school started back up on Tuesday.  Aislinn was on a visiting visa for a short time and worried that any type of criminal investigation could cost her her new job.  Drew and Morgana were in a similar boat.  James was livid about everything that happened, and Tommy kept blaming himself since he was the one that invited everyone and rented the cabin.  Aly consoled the women as best as she could, and recommended that if they won’t press charges, they should at least get checked out at a hospital for any STI’s or diseases and speak to a therapist to help them with the trauma.  She opened up to them, talking about how when she was a kid she was assaulted and even held hostage one time down in Harbor City, but was rescued by a kind, good cop who even took a bullet for her that day.  “He’s a big reason I’m a cop today”, she told them.  Then she texted them some contact info for a doctor to speak to down south in Harbor City, Dr. Michelle Bartlett-Zelensky, along with the number and email of a cop friend of hers down South in case they couldn’t reach her.  Turns out he’s the same cop that helped her when she was in trouble all those years ago.

Aly stepped outside to find out what she could from Sheriff Ryland and Deputy Jackson about the body parts he found.  A toe and some women’s clothing was found drenched in blood and shredded to pieces in front of a known bear den.  They saw that the toe was cut clean off, not chewed off.  Scott Jackson thought for a moment, said he didn’t notice that.  Aly shook her head in disgust.  She didn’t like Scott, thought he was just another brain-dead local yokel until she found out that the only reason he moved up to Hiawatha County was he was kicked off his local force for being a drunken shitbag who beat his wife bad enough she left him and he left to avoid getting fired and charged.  She wondered if he was too drunk to notice, or sober and an idiot.  Ryland helped Scott out by suggesting that the Bouchet Boys might’ve chopped the girl up to make her easier to eat.  That would be an even bigger mess, but there’s no way to tell where without Scott’s dog leading the way, and weather reports said a pretty bad storm was incoming sometime today, which would wash away whatever evidence they found.  Aly couldn’t help but get the feeling that Scott was hiding something, but didn’t want to say anything in front of her uncle.

As she was talking things over with Ryland and Scott, Bob and Marcus went inside and spoke to everyone about what happened.  She wasn’t privy to the details at first, but seeing as how no one wanted to press charges what so ever after their discussion, she’s guessing that the only thing they needed to work out was the size of the settlements.  Bob organized rides for them back to the main part of the resort.

Aly was beyond frustrated with how everything went.  She had an open and shut case that just needed a little investigation where she could not only crack this wide open with a little bit of forensic and cop work but would break up the Bouchet Boys once and for all.  She knew that putting those pieces of shit behind bars for the next 30 years can only be topped by putting them all in a 6 foot deep hole in the ground and would go a long way to cementing her case to be the next Sheriff or possibly even move on to another department or even the FBI.  Instead, she just saw her strongest case ever ride away on an electric golf cart.  She knew deep down that Bob and the Bouchet Boys worked together, but she could never prove it.  She knew that half of her co-workers were on the take, and she knew that the number of men described in the second assault was way too many for just the Bouchet Boys.  She knew that she could bring that skinny, slimy piece of shit Pete in for an interview and after 10 minutes she’d break his ass and he’d confess to everything.  She knew that the fat guy described by Drew that raped Morgana first after the Boys showed up was Bob.  But without any proof to go on, she had nothing.  She knew that this toe and blood that was conveniently found wasn’t the Asian girl from the first rape party but someone else that they wanted to say was dead, and dollars to donuts she had a connection to Bob or one of his friends.  And that random girl in heels and a leash that showed up almost certainly was that missing girl from Chester County, the one who’s parents own a large tract of land nearby, and that Bob kidnapped her.

But she’ll never crack that case.  Not as long as Bob controls this town.

Aly walked around in silence for a moment before deciding to get away and text the one person who knows exactly what it’s like to be so close to nailing a monster to the wall, just to watch them sneak away.  She pulled out her phone and texted her mentor, Detective George Lewis from Chester County Police Department.

“You are not gonna believe this shit.”  She typed a wall of text and sent it to him before getting in her car and leaving the crime scene in another deputy’s hands.
Always close the program you were running before exiting the holodeck

Offline To-Get-Her

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 81 Posted)
« Reply #252 on: August 11, 2024, 03:32:15 PM »
Loved the details that went into the supposed police investigation. Hope that that deputy's niece starts an independent investigation with her mentor and exposed the events to the world.
Can't wait to read of the girls reaction to the events of the weekend! Bet it turns Aislinn and Morgana off sex for a while.

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When I get around to it, I'll write

Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 82 Posted)
« Reply #253 on: August 14, 2024, 11:15:26 PM »
Thanks TGH.  We get to see how that conversation starts in the next chapter.

Chapter 82 incoming.
Always close the program you were running before exiting the holodeck

Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Pharma (Chapter 82 Posted)
« Reply #254 on: August 14, 2024, 11:16:07 PM »
Chapter 82(nosex,setup)

Bob rode in the back of the second extended golf cart basking in his handiwork.  Marcus sat next to Clint.  The rest of the cart was filled with everyone’s luggage.  Everyone else rode in the front cart.  He texted back and forth with Marcus through WhatsApp over the events that just occurred and how to move forward.  Marcus already had verbal agreements to the NDA from Bianca, James, and Tommy.  Aislinn and Drew wanted a couple days to look over the paperwork, and Morgana would do what her husband recommended.  Marcus knew that Tommy and James were in on it, so their ‘settlement’ would be nothing more than some timeshare vouchers and some token amount of cash that would be ‘generously donated to the rest of the party.’  The two bandied about some numbers about how much this would cost him, and where the money would come from.  Bob figured high six to low seven figures, while Marcus reminded Bob of his legal fees, so this would be low seven’s. 

As far as the money itself, he had that figured out as well.  Maddie’s parents were finally starting to give in to Bob’s demands on selling their land in the area to him.  It would cost him a lot of money out of pocket, but within 10 years he’d have a billion-dollar development up and running.  Maybe sending that video of Maddie getting gang raped on the beach along with a note telling her parents that far, far worse would happen if they don’t comply was just the motivation they needed to reach out and sell.  He’ll buy the land from them for a fair price, pump Maddie so full of drugs she won’t remember her name, let alone the last week, and send her home.  If they think of going to the cops again after this, the videos they made of her will end up on the dark web, along with her address and phone number.  But that’s long term.  Short term, he’ll take the cash out of Sam and Bubbles’s share of business transactions until they’re square.

Marcus asked Bob if he should make inroads with Aly, attempt to get her on Team Bob.  Bob thought about it for a second before saying no.  Bob already had nearly ever other deputy on his payroll aside from her, and she was just enough of a goody-too-shoes to blab about it and bring the whole thing down.  Besides, Bob knows about her connection to That Mother Fucker, and nothing would make either of them more happy than to have proof to take to the Feds about his business.  He’d just have to put up with her for a while, keep her out of the loop and try to push for someone else to replace Ryland when he finally feels like retiring.

Bob relaxed, knowing that as soon as this group was out of his hair it was back to business as usual around the lake.  There were still several nice weekends of the season, and the pumpkin and apple farmers would be coming up in the next week or two for the start of fall festivities.  But right now, he just puffed on his vape, remembering how great Morgana’s ass felt on his cock.


Joe and Mari dropped of JC first at his van as they said goodbye.  JC thanked them for the opportunity to get a measure of revenge against Bianca.  “Ten years.  I’ve waited nearly ten goddamned years to get back at that bitch.  What I did will stay with her a lifetime.  Thanks, I really owe you one for this.  Ever need anything, hit me up.”  As soon as he was on the road, he gave his girlfriend Holly a call to let her know he was on his way back to Harbor City.  They had a small argument about him not calling or texting much over the last couple days, but he gave a good story about the family emergency he had to deal with.  He was called Friday after work, his great uncle James said that his sister Tammy was pretty sick and he needed some help around the house for the weekend as his family left him and his wife alone on vacation.  They’ve been having trouble getting to and fro, and Tammy fell a couple months ago and broke her hip.  JC had to drive them around and take care of them, and they were nagging shits the whole time, bitching about their kids and all that.  JC explained that Jim and Tammy weren’t blood relations, but were more like adopted grandparents, watched him a lot as a kid when he was growing up, and that some of the stuff he had to help them with was tending to the family business, a butcher’s shop.  He didn’t want to freak Holly out by dragging her along to spend the whole holiday weekend, making the vegan work at a butcher’s shop.  They agreed to talk about it more when he got back home in a few hours.  After hanging up, he congratulated himself on the job well done.

Meanwhile, Sam officially checked out of the hotel after dropping off JC, and while he was thrown a little back at some room service charges, he decided to swallow the costs and pay up.  Plus, in case anyone asks, the room service charges would help with any alibis they needed.  How could he have been at the cabin if he was in his room eating dinner?  After a couple minutes, he was back in the parking lot with Steve and Bubbles loading their stuff into Steve’s white Ram 1500 with a random window cleaning service magnet on the side covering his Red Briar Security logo.  After a quick goodbye, Steve drove them out of the parking lot. 

Traffic heading out of town was a little thick, slowing them down by a solid half hour.  They stopped at a gas station with a full convenience store and restaurant built in for some gas and pee breaks.  Sam used this as the perfect opportunity to dump the shells he’d scavenged from the crime scene.  He dumped some trash along with the bullet casings into a trash can right after a young dad threw a smelly diaper into the can. 

Bubbles drove the next leg of the journey, and Steve took this time to text Ray.  The last he heard from him was Friday before arriving at the lake.  He knew that Ray had a tendency to fall off of the grid before the semester started on Tuesday, so Steve figured he’d get a call or text from him at some point throughout the night.

Aside from that, the drive was pretty quiet.  Sam received a WhatsApp message from Joe and Mari after arriving home around 3PM.  They dropped everything off and were uploading the footage they had before her sister Crystal dropped the kids off in the evening.  They’d talk later in the week after everything was uploaded.


Drew wasn’t in any condition to drive so Bob offered to have one of his staffers drive them, but it would take a little time to find someone willing to drive 3 hours down and either get an Uber back, or have a coworker drive down after them.  In the end, two of Bob’s most trusted employees, Darren and Troy drove with them.  Darren drove Drew’s Mercedes while Aislinn sat in the passenger seat and the married couple were in the back.  It was a very quiet ride, with only some random music that Darren picked out.  He tried to make some small talk, but no one was talkative aside from what was absolutely necessary.  No matter, he already knew what Aislinn sounded like when she had his cock in her pussy from a couple hours earlier.  Darren appreciated Bob’s sick sense of humor by having one of their rapists play the good samaritan and drive them home.  After a few hours and one fuel stop, Darren had the three Aussies back home and jumped into the Lake Hiawatha Resorts shuttle van that Troy followed them in for the trip home.

Bianca insisted on riding back with James and Tommy, and no one really fought her on it.  She sat in the rear, just wanting to get some shut-eye.  Once they were on their way, she texted Sophie to see if she was on her way home and how her trip went.  Sophie responded that it was fine and they would be flying back home shortly.  Bianca said her trip was fine as well, and that she’d be home in a few hours.  Sophie surprised her mom by asking if she could come home a little sooner.  The original plan was for the 11-year-old to stay with her dad for the night then head to school in the morning, but spending a whole weekend with him and his pregnant girlfriend was more than she could handle.  Bianca agreed, putting her kid’s needs and wants ahead of her own need for privacy and silence.  She had a fitful nap in the back as James drove and listened to his audiobook about the invention of the Stealth Fighter.  After a few hours, Bianca was home and collapsed in a blubbering mess in the shower until her daughter came home.

James, well, all he was looking forward to was getting home, showering, taking a shit and going to bed.

Tommy spent the drive in quiet introspection.  He couldn’t chance talking about what they went through and most importantly put the women through without risking Bianca hearing it.  Instead, he thought about everything that happened and how to move forward, and what he discovered.  He knew that Drew was cheating on Morgana with a woman down in Melbourne, but had no way to tell Morgana about it without showing her how he found out, since Drew opened the phone for their attackers.  He couldn’t show her the screenshots, at least not right now and not without one hell of a story.  But that was enough scheming for one weekend.  He thought about how he much he loves Morgana and only put her through what he did so he could be with her.  He thought about how much it broke Drew to watch his wife get fucked by everyone, and how much it hurt Morgana to watch Drew fuck her sister.  He remembered the look on Drew’s face when Tommy made Morgana cum right in front of him, knowing how to treat her the way she deserved.  He saw the looks of anger and lust in his face as Drew fucked Bianca and Mari and especially Aislinn, and knew that Morgana saw it, too.  Tommy placed the wedge between the newlyweds and hit it with a hammer to split them apart.  By the time they finally sat down and talked about what happened, it’ll be too late and too much to overcome.  Whether it happens tonight, next week, or next month, every time they see each other they’ll see what they did.  When Drew makes love to Morgana, he’ll see James’s cock in her mouth or Steve buttfucking her into next week.  Eventually, it’ll be too much and Drew will leave.  Hell, he’s already half out the door with that Celeste girl or whatever her name is.  Drew won’t have a problem fucking Celeste going forward.  He didn’t just watch half a dozen men sodomize her.  All Tommy had to do was sit back and wait.  And if, by some tiny chance Drew doesn’t leave Morgana, there’s always Aislinn.

A question ran through Tommy’s mind over and over again.  Would he do it again?  He tossed that around over and over for the entire 3 hour drive.  When he received a WhatsApp message from Morgana asking how he was doing and her saying that she missed him, he had his answer.

Yes.  Yes, he would do it all over again.


‘Is this what death is like?  Just darkness and beeping and murmuring?’  Ray Hibberton thought to himself.  He couldn’t open his eyes, they were too heavy.  His hands were too heavy to move.  His legs might as well be in another area code for what he could feel. 

‘Wait, beeping?’  Ray thought about that for a moment.  Why would the Afterlife have beeping?  That didn’t make any sense.  And he wasn’t religious.  He was still alive.  How?  Where?  Ray stopped to take inventory of his surroundings.  Beep.  Beep.  Beep.  Another, different beep, then a third beep and the original beeps returned.  Feeling returned to bits and pieces of his body, and he felt things on his body.  Hands, arms, face.  Tubes and tape.

He was in a hospital.  And it was bad, from the sound of the machines.

Ray replayed the events in his mind.  He was in that slut’s room, just fucked her good and went to stand up.  He fell, hit his head, and collapsed.  Wait, did he hit his head?  He tried to replay that part, but it was all a blur.  Eventually there was some screaming, then…

He remembered something happened.  Bits and pieces of paramedics lifting him and carrying him, the inside of an ambulance, then the ER, then…

Here he is.  He’s in a hospital recovery room.  But the murmuring.  He focused on the murmuring.

Two voices, talking to each other.  If he focused just a little harder…

“Wow.  That is a messed up story.  You believe her?”  The first voice said.  He sounded big, the bass in his voice boomed throughout the room once he found the strength to listen.

“Yeah, I do.  She’s a damn good cop, and knows her shit.  She’s spent her whole life up there, she knows what that asshole can do and has done.  Frankly, I’m surprised Bob even went to the trouble of hiding his identity at all.”  The other voice was older, shorter.

“What’s that saying of his?”  The booming voice said.

“One crime at a time.  You’re thinking he was up to something else.  And that something else needed him to have an alibi.  Probably the homicide they covered up.  Which means that whoever that toe belongs to likely isn’t dead, but some VIP that has ties either to Bob or one of his close friends.”

“I wasn’t there yet, but it makes sense when you put it that way.”  The big voice said again.  They mentioned homicide, not murder.  Only pigs use the word homicide, everyone else calls it a murder.  That means he has pigs in the room, waiting for him to wake up.

“Still, it’s almost a little too convenient, y’know?”

“What is?”  The booming voice asked.

“As soon as the first group of attackers leaves, the second comes in right on their heels, and the Asian girl with the pink hair and green contacts just happens to lose her phone, and she’s the one the rednecks fuck, kill, chop up, and leave in front of the bear den.  Could be coincidence, but I don’t like coincidences.  I’d much rather tie things together.  But it doesn’t matter anyway, it’s not our case.  Old John Doe over here is.”  The cop with the softer voice spoke, and Ray picked up an important piece.  They called him John Doe.  They don’t know his name.  At least that’s something good.  If they had his name, they’d have raided his house by this point, found everything that tied him to the Club.

“Think he’ll wake up soon?”  The booming voice said.  If Ray wasn’t so zonked out on medications, the bass from that man’s voice would’ve shaken him awake.  He figured that man must be huge.

“Who knows?  Doc said he’s pretty bad off, had a heart attack and while they discovered a head wound and cancer on top of it.  While they were in working on his heart, they found a tumor on his lungs.  Big enough they could see it with the naked eye.  Surprised if this guy wasn’t in constant pain.  Hopefully he wakes up.  Otherwise Cappy’ll pissed about the overtime.  What did Carly say City found?”  Wait, did he say cancer?

“John Doe fits the M.O. of our video cases.  City detectives found a fully outfitted rape kit in the young woman’s room and a couple cameras set up around it.  No ID, no phone, just a generic car key in his bag.  No key fob, so walking around playing Marco Polo through East Oakville wasn’t an option.”

“But that also narrows it down.”

“Yeah.  Let’s us know we’re not looking for a newer car.  We’ve called up the local wreckers to see if anyone has towed a late model non-American car in the last few days.” 

“Why non-American?”  The cop that said Ray had cancer asked.  Holy shit, cancer?  On top of a heart attack?

“Wasn’t a GM or Ford key, none of the old heads on scene recognized it.  Didn’t look Japanese, either.  Hunch we’re going with is that the car was parked nearby, and that’s got John’s everything.  Once we find out who he is, we can see how he knows the victim.  But according to the witness statement, she’s never seen him before in her life.  No signs of breaking and entering, and he was waiting for her in her bedroom after her shift at work ended.  He had ample information on her, but didn’t know her.  That, plus the cameras recording everything, and he fits our Strangers on a Train case.”  The booming voice stated.  How long could Ray pretend to stay asleep?

“And if he doesn’t wake up soon, we get paid triple time and a half to sit around and watch him sleep.” 

“Triple time and a half?”

“Yeah.  It’s Labor Day, so we’re working a holiday.  That’s double time right there.  We’ll be over 60 hours by the end of the week, so time and a half becomes double, and if that includes a holiday, we’re at triple and a half.”

Ray opened his eyes a little.  He looked around, waiting for them to focus a little.  The two blurs moved closer.  One was a huge, dark blur that came into focus as it neared and blocked out the overhead light.  The shorter one walked with him.

“Oh, look who’s awake after all.”  The shorter one spoke, and Ray looked at him.  He was bald with a reddish beard.  “Welcome back to the land of the living.  I’m Detective George Lewis, Chester County Police Department.  This is my partner, Xavier Harrison.”

“We’d like to ask you a few questions.  What’s your name?”  The big one boomed.
Always close the program you were running before exiting the holodeck