Author Topic: Sam and Bubbles, A Love Story (M+/F+, FF, oral, anal, ncon, drugged)  (Read 1858 times)

Offline LtBroccoli

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Sam and Bubbles, A Love Story

Author’s Note:  This story is fictional.  All persons and places are made up.  The events did not take place, nor ever take place in this world.  This story contains descriptions of rape, violence, bigotry, real estate speculating, trying new cuisines, and drug use.  The author does not condone any of those activities aside from trying new foods and investing in real estate.  The best way to learn about a culture is travel.  The second best is eating their food.

This story is part of the Harbor City Universe series of stories which include The Club of Chester County, Lake Hiawatha, Pharma, Marital Strife, and others.  Several characters and events from those other stories are mentioned in this work.  It is not necessary to have read them before reading this story.

The character of Bubbles is inspired by a member of this board, and based off of the question ‘What if she was the bad guy?’  Thank you for permission to use this character over the years.

As far as timelines go, this story starts after ‘Bubbles Has Entered The Chat’ and coincides with events from ‘Marital Strife’, ‘Lake Hiawatha’, and several parts of ‘Pharma’.  Part 1 begins right after the ‘Bubbles Has Entered the Chat.’  Part 2 lines up right after ‘Marital Strife’.  Parts 3 and 4 are basically consecutive, taking place in July and August alongside ‘Pharma’ between Chapters 30 and 42.  Part 5 takes place after ‘Pharma’ Chapters 50-89 and ‘The Club’s Bake Sale.’

Viewer discretion is advised.

Part 1:  Sam and Bubbles (MF)

Things were falling into a quiet pattern for Sam in the two weeks after Steve and him helped Bubbles rape her girlfriend Brittany.  He would go to work, meet up with Steve to work out, text his best friend Joe, do other mundane tasks, look for a new place to live, and spend nights alone in his studio apartment in West Oakville either watching TV or perusing content on the The Club’s website.  More often than not, his nights were spent on the Club with his pants nowhere near his desk chair.  Then he’d wake up, rinse, and repeat.

Day after day, same old same old.  Sam knew that things would take time in the Club, but was getting a little discouraged since no one had taken him up on his offer of his ex-girlfriend’s sister, Naomi Starkey.  It’s not that no guys had inquired about her.  In fact, three guys had made offers for her in just the past two weeks.  But each time something went wrong.  The first offer fell through because Sam knew the woman being offered in exchange.  The second one fell through when the timings didn’t line up, and the last one walked away when Sam found out that the girl being offered in return lived in one of his apartment buildings.  Sam refused to “shit where he eats” and he would be a pretty obvious suspect.

It was a Thursday night when he returned from working out with Steve.  Sam was exhausted, smelly, and tired.  As much as he wanted to to just eat dinner and crash, he had a feeling that he should check out the Club’s website.  He went through the rigamarole of accessing the hidden site while munching on his Chipotle chicken burrito bowl.  He fought back the urge to grab a beer with his dinner and instead grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge.  He’s learning that the hardest part of losing weight isn’t working out, it’s counting calories.  Average man burns 2000 calories a day.  If he had this meal a few months ago, it would be a burrito with chips and queso and a few beers.  But that tortilla, chips, cheese, and beer is easily 2000 extra calories.  Every 3500 calories unburnt will turn into a pound on the body, and if the training isn’t done, that will be a pound of fat.  But it is so hard to count all of the little calories throughout the day.  Conversely, every time there’s a calorie deficit, he loses weight.  Every 3500 calories burnt and not replaced is a pound off of that scale.

At least that’s what he tells himself as he drinks a water instead of a crisp, delicious beer.

In between bites of his burrito bowl, Sam’s computer pings with a DM notification.  It took him a moment to find out where the message was and how to respond to it.  Could it be another guy making an offer for Naomi?

No.  He did a double take when he saw the message and who it was from.

‘Hey.  It’s me, Bubbles.  How you doin?’  Sam took a moment to respond, making sure this was really her.  It was.

‘Hey.  Good to hear from you.  How’s things?’  Sam replied.  Not the greatest of intros, but he wanted to see where this was going.  He wasn’t sure where they were, if they were friends, acquaintances, or more.

‘Kind of crazy couple weeks.  Broke up with Brit, found out my lease is up next week instead of the month after, and trying to find a place.  Wanted to text you about that, but couldn’t find your number.’  The message was pretty straight forward, kind of hard to misinterpret that.  ‘And wanted to see if you wanted to get some coffee soon.  Or dinner.  Or something else to eat ;)’. Okay, that was a little more than just a little invite.  He’ll have to bring on the charm for this hot woman.


They chatted for the next couple hours, covering everything from areas to live to favorite foods to jobs, sex, and they’re favorite scenes from the Club’s video archives.  Sam told her about the places he owns, and she described her anesthesiologist residency Harbor City Children’s Hospital.  She’s still in training for a career as one and still has a while to go.  They joked about her being so good with the drugs, but that’s what a biochem background will get.

The pair settled on a nice Mexican spot in Greenville not too far from her current place named Loco Taco.  It’s the kind of place that attracts ‘adventurous’ white people to try ‘different’ taco combinations that don’t exist in the real world, and has about as much authenticity as an Olive Garden kitchen staff.  If Applebees tried to implement a Mexican night, it would be Loco Taco.

Bubbles signed off for the night, but not before calling it a ‘date.’  Sam couldn’t help but feel excited and scared as he tried to wind down for bed.


Loco Taco was everything the reviews made it out to be, a Mexican version of Applebee’s.  Food was okay, drinks were average, and the ambience was hectic.  Sam showed up first in a pair of jeans and a button-up black short sleeve shirt.  Bubbles arrived a few minutes later in a white and purple sundress.  They hung out at the bar for a bit waiting for a table before they made their way to the booth.  After a couple drinks and appetizers, they talked about where she wanted to live.  Bubbles said she’d thought about moving closer to the hospital complex she worked at in Collegetown.  Most of the buildings in the area were 2-3 bedrooms with 5-8 people living in them, but Sam had an idea.  There was a building he owned that was mostly studio apartments, if she was comfortable with that.  Most of the tenants were either grad students or post-docs, but every so often undergrads move in, usually from one of the sports teams.  The place he had in mind was about 9 blocks from her hospital.  9 blocks, uphill the whole way.  Parking would be off-street with one spot per apartment, but that wouldn’t upset her too much.  The rent was within what she could afford and if she liked the place after seeing it the next day, she could move in right away.  They agreed to check it out the next day.

It was over the third round of drinks that Bubbles broached the subject of using the apartment for their Club-related activities.  Sam was a little nervous at first, but knew this was part of the territory with renting to a serial rapist.  Bubbles asked about how the room was wired and such, and this gave Sam an idea to talk to Steve in the not too distant future.  She asked about his rules regarding other tenants.  He said no going after the tenants of that building, especially in any of their home buildings.  Nothing was wired up as of now except the occasional front door, but she just gave him an idea to talk to their friend about what he can do with hidden cams in the smoke detectors.  Even after making sure that no one was listening in on their conversation, he still didn’t feel comfortable talking about this without some code words, but Bubbles is more than smart enough to catch his meaning.  He did a quick breakdown of the number of units he held in Collegetown and Groveside where most of the college students lived.  When he stopped counting at over a thousand, Bubbles sat there, mouth agape.  He estimated that there was no way he could do every building at once, so he’d have to roll it out to a couple priority places first.  That meant Bubbles’s potential building and a few other hot spots in Collegetown.  Then they’d have to figure out how to protect them because college kids are fucking stupid and will break shit if given the chance.  The first time a CompSci stoner decides to short one out so he can smoke up and sees that there’s a hardwired camera in there shit will hit the fan, so they’ll need to plan around that.  Other than that, it comes down to the rooms that have them.  Studio apartments only have 1 each, over the kitchen.  The small 1 bedroom units have 2 detectors and the larger units have 3.  More beds, more detectors.  As Sam said, basically the new code is 1 smoke detector in the kitchen, 1 in any bedroom, and one in shared living spaces like living and dining rooms.  Considering most of these units were in older buildings, the new code doesn’t apply until and unless he goes in to change something.  Once he makes changes in one unit in a building to any safety system, he then has to make sure that nothing else is broken or he has to bring the whole building up to code.  The place he’s showing Bubbles tomorrow only has 16 studio units, but some of the larger buildings have hundreds.

The pair spent a long time talking about smoke detectors.  Long enough that Bubbles ordered another pitcher of margarita slushy and drank nearly half of it while Sam had one more drink.  She was getting tipsier and flirtier as drink 6 turned into 7 and 8, even leaning across the table to give Sam a kiss, then whisper a naughty idea of going to one of her favorite hunting spots in Collegetown.  It took about 7 picoseconds for Sam’s dick to take command of his brain and ask for the check.  It wasn’t long before they were sitting on the trunk of his Miata making out.  After a few minutes of heavy petting and some passers by yelling shit like “get a room” or “she love you long time”, they hopped in the car, put the roof down, and drove off.

Once they hit the open road with no one to listen in, Bubbles told Sam of a friend of hers named Colin Smith.  He’s a professional bartender and member of the Club.  He works for a friend of the Club, one of those few people that know about it but for one reason or another aren’t members.  It’s usually because they have a record or are a local celebrity, someone that would get caught quick.  Pedro has a deal with each of these friends, but she said that no one really knows the details.  As they drove through some side streets to avoid traffic, Bubbles talked about Colin.  He travels around to a bunch of these bars under the guise of filling in for someone that called off or if a place needed help.  But on the down low, he’s looking for targets.  He’ll see a good looking girl, get their ID, check it a couple times and maybe find a problem with it, maybe blame the computer he uses to scan it.  He’ll then take the ID out of view for a second and copy it with a “backup scanner” he has that’s just a card sniffer.  After a little research, those girls that make the cut get offered up in the Club.  If he has an accomplice at the bar like Bubbles or another member, he’ll speed things along by making a drink extra strong or slipping her something like GHB or Ecstasy.  Later on if possible, Colin will meet up with the partner of the night to have his own fun.  If not, he’ll hold on to the favor until needed.

As they drove and Bubbles talked more about Colin and the types of favors they’ve done for each other, she couldn’t help but squirm in her seat.  The cool breeze, the hot air, the alcohol, the top down on the convertible, the naughtiness of being caught, and memories of conquests past pushed her to do something unthought of a few minutes prior.  She slid the bottom of her sundress off of the seat and used it to cover her right hand as she slid her panties down over her butt and off.  Once off, she wrapped her panties around Sam’s hand on the stick shift.  He could feel their dampness and did his absolute best to focus on the road as Bubbles played with her pussy in the passenger seat.  She diddled herself, getting close to a release but stoped just before cumming.  She described some of her favorite times with Colin, taking unsuspecting girls back from the bar and raping them together.  The closer they got to Collegetown, the more brazen her masturbating became.  An SUV full of frat bros damn near lost their minds when they saw her diddling herself in Sam’s passenger seat.  After another close call, she leaned over and whispered in his ear “find a quiet place.”

One advantage of being a glorified slum lord is that Sam knows most of the crappy areas of Harbor City like the back of his hand.  He knew that in about 3 and a half blocks, there was a little strip mall that didn’t have a single business open past 6PM, and it was boring enough that no junkies or gangbangers hung out.  It was the perfect place to bring a hooker or, in this case, one of the hottest chics he’s ever known.

Sam pulled the Miata behind the buildings and swiftly shut the car down.  Bubbles was halfway out of her seat and onto Sam’s lap when he opened the door.  It was a little awkward to get out of the sports car with the petite Asian on him, but a moment later they were on the hood of his car, Bubbles on her back and her sundress pushed up around her waist while Sam pulled the straps down, exposing her titties.  He sucked and licked on them as they worked at undoing his jeans.  It didn’t take long for Sam to get his cock out, and even less time to get it in Bubbles.

They fucked in a missionary position for a couple minutes before switching positions, Bubbles bent over the edge of the red Miata while Sam fucked her from behind, her tits smashed up against the windshield.  She moaned as her orgasm approached, and as she shook on Sam’s cock, he felt his member pulsate as he reflexively shot a load deep inside her twat. 

A moment of cuddling and kissing later, and the pair cleaned themselves up with some wet wipes he had in the glove box and drove back to his apartment.  They were maybe 5 minutes from his place, so that would be a good place to crash and catch up.  Bubbles leaned against his right arm, quickly falling asleep on the way there.

Sam helped Bubbles out of his car and into his apartment.  After a quick job of putting the roof up and locking the car, they went inside to his lonely studio apartment.  He made her another drink, this time a screwdriver as they hung out before getting ready for bed.  He offered her some clothes to sleep in, but she said she preferred to sleep in the nude.  Of course, any attempts at sleeping were interrupted when a kiss goodnight on his twin bed turned into more petting, which then turned into a little 69ing and Bubbles riding Sam until they both came again and passed out.  At some point in the night, Sam got up to go to the bathroom, but couldn’t get back to bed on the twin mattress.  Instead, he pulled all of the cushions off of the couch and put them on the floor, grabbed a spare blanket, and laid down.  He was surprised to find that Bubbles joined him on the floor in the morning.


After they each took a quick shower and cleaned up as best as possible, the pair went to Joey G’s, a local diner that had pretty good breakfasts.  Bubbles was in her clothes from last night while Sam changed to a Mapleton Realty red polo shirt and a pair of khakis.  They chatted over coffee and omelettes about how he ended up in, as he referred to it, the Death Apartment.  It all started about a year ago when Sam moved in with his then-girlfriend Tracy.  They’d dated for about a year before they decided to move in together.  At the time, Sam lived in a 2 bedroom condo in Farrell Township.  Tracy, his ex, didn’t want to move into his place and uproot her kids from school, so Sam agreed to move in with them.  Her house was small and crowded.  Tracy’s three kids from her previous marriage lived there every other week and her sister Naomi was over way too often for Sam’s liking.  It didn’t help that a month after he moved in, Tracy’s dad fell and needed help, so he moved into the spare bedroom.  The 3 bedroom ranch felt like a prison.  Everyone was at each other’s throats, and the only time Sam had any peace was when the kids were at their dad’s and grandpa was in the hospital.  Even then, the reprieves were short lived.

Each time he felt like he was making headway with Tracy’s kids or with Naomi, something would go sideways and they would fight.  During this time he’d sold his condo so when they had their final fight as a couple, he needed a place to stay pronto.  That’s how he ended up in the Death Apartment.  He took the only place that no one wanted to rent.  The reason for the moniker was that the last 3 tenants had died in this room.  The first was an old lady who died of a heart attack and wasn’t found for a week.  The next was an overstressed, hyper-competitive Asian-American med student who gave himself a shotgun haircut after getting a B on an exam, and the last was a kid who hung himself in the shower while jerking off.  And because of tenancy laws, he has to disclose what happened to the previous tenants if asked.  Finding out the apartment is cursed kind of keeps renters away.

Bubbles asked him how long he wanted to stay in West Oakville.  Sam said he’d already started looking about a month prior, when his best friend Joe got him roped into an alibi about looking for a place and giving him a fire pit.  Bubbles was a little perplexed about that, but Sam gave the short version.  Joe was a fellow member of the Club, and Joe stumbled on a lie to tell his wife before they went out and scouted Naomi’s place.  Naomi, Tracy’s sister, is Sam’s first offering to the Club and he needed to scout things out.  While he and Joe were doing that, they used the excuse of Sam looking for a new place to explain why they went out.  Later on that night, Sam had his introduction to the Club when he was called in to help out a situation involving two coed’s named Teagan and Aly.

The conversation turned toward what Sam wanted in a place.  He was pretty indecisive, considering that he deals with real estate every day.  The pair talked about different options, and if this was just a place to live for a couple years, a place for Sam to settle down, or his dream house.  Bubbles shot down the idea of another condo for him right away, pointing out that all it would take are thin walls and nosy neighbors hearing videos of Sam’s Club exploits to call the cops and bust up their fun.  It wasn’t until this moment that Sam realized he wanted a soundproof home theater, even though he’s not a movie guy or a serious gamer.  He didn’t care about how many beds or baths, as long as he had privacy and there was no HOA.  Sam also wanted a garage and driveway large enough for his vehicles, and would like a private area out back to put in a hot tub.  Bubbles liked that idea.  He figured 3 bedrooms would be more than enough for him.  One could be a guest room, one his master suite, and the last would be an office space for when he felt like working from home.  Bubbles said she wanted to help him find a place, since he was helping her out so much as well.  Sam agreed to let her help after they checked out the apartment he had her set up to look at after breakfast.


They settled the bill then drove the few blocks over to the apartment building.  Sam escorted Bubbles in to the building and after verifying that apartment 11 was still open, he grabbed the keys.  They walked up the stairs to the third floor, then to the rear left of the hallway.  A moment later they were inside the studio apartment and walking around looking at everything.  It’s nothing special, a studio apartment that is maybe 500 square feet.  It has a kitchen, bathroom, and living space, and the walls were freshly painted white. 

“Well, what do you think?”  Sam asked.  Bubbles had pulled out her phone to take pics of every nook and crack. 

“What all comes with the place?”  Bubbles asked while checking out the fridge.

“Fridge, stove, dishwasher, those are standard.  If you want the table, chairs, dresser, nightstand, couch, and bed, we can throw that in.” 

“I’ll take everything but the bed.  Mine’s a queen size, this little twin stuff is too small.  I’ll put the rest of the stuff in storage till I figure out what to do with it.  How soon can I move in?”

“As soon as you fill out the lease and I give you the keys.”  Sam said.


Less than an hour later, Bubbles had filled out the lease agreement, passed the credit check, and put down the required deposit.  She also paid for a storage area in the basement which should be large enough for all of her own furniture.  Sam asked why she decided to pay extra for having the room furnished instead of using her own stuff.  She told him that she wasn’t sure how many more moves her stuff could take, and she also didn’t need too much stuff.  She works a lot, doesn’t watch TV, and spends most of her spare time trying to make new friends or get laid.  Usually both.  Sam offered her some help with moving if she wanted it, and she gladly took him up on it, but only for getting stuff into her new place.  Her ex sent her a message while she was checking out the place about picking up any of her stuff she left behind, and realized it would be a bad idea if Brit came around and saw her rapist helping her ex move out of her apartment.  They agreed that after he dropped her off at Loco Taco to get her car, she’d text him when she was nearby and they’d get something to eat and he’d help her move in.

One advantage of being young and living small is that it doesn’t take long to pack up and move.  Aside from her computer, TV, and PS4, everything else was either clothes, dishes, or IKEA furniture.  The furniture would take a little time but aside from the bed she wasn’t torn either way on keeping it or not.  She could sell what she didn’t want to any of the neighbors for a quick buck, which she was probably going to do anyway since all of her stuff smelled like Indian spices after living here.  She spent the two hours packing up all of her clothes, running the dishwasher, and emptying out the fridge.  The stuff she spent the most care packing up was her collection of medicines, legal and otherwise.  Her stockpile of rohypnol, MDMA, toradol, fentanyl, and other drugs was her go-to move when it came to getting women to succumb to her desires.  She was a whiz at knocking bitches out with drugs and getting the desired effect.

A quick shower and change later and she had all of her clothes, electronics, the few keepsakes she kept around, her dishes, and her drugs safely loaded up in her gray Hyundai Santa Fe SUV.  Her mattress and frame were strapped down to the roof.  She called Sam, asked if he wanted to pick up some pizza and meet at her new place in about an hour.  He was all for it, and said he’d pick up a pie or two from Vito’s before coming over.

They spent most of the night cleaning, building Bubbles’s bed, setting up her router, and putting her clothes away.  By the end of the weekend, she was settled into her new place.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2024, 08:13:51 PM by LtBroccoli »
Always close the program you were running before exiting the holodeck

Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Sam and Bubbles, A Love Story (Part 2 Posted)(M/F,M+F/F,ncon,drugged,bond)
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2024, 11:08:47 AM »
Part 2:  Deja (M+F/F, ncon, drugged, bond)

Sam fell into a routine over the next two weeks as Bubbles was crushed at work.  While she worked 12 straight days at the hospital, he focused on work and looking for a new house.  The pair talked and texted whenever they could, and when they could meet for a meal or a fuck, they did.  Sam spent time working with his buddy Steve on wiring some of his apartment buildings in Collegetown with hidden cameras in smoke detectors and wiring those to the Club’s server backbone.  The crew figured out a way to not only explain the cameras in the smoke detectors but also a way to prevent anyone from messing with them.  The cameras were technically infrared ones to detect very high temperature changes, but came with a ‘backup’ camera that was in the normal visual spectrum.  It was this backup that would be the main camera used for spy footage.  They opted for the hardwired version with extra anti-tampering security.  If someone messed with the detector, that would trigger the alarm.  They started with Bubbles’ apartment building, then worked their way through a few of the other buildings nearby.  Sam figured that he’d have most of his buildings in Collegetown and Groveside ready to go by the time the fall semester starts back at Harbor City University.

Sam also checked the Club’s website as part of his nightly routine.  For some reason, he couldn’t get a good enough deal for Naomi so he was stuck watching and waiting.  Apparently waiting is part of the game.  What really caught his attention was that there was a new member to the Club, Mari.  Mari is his best friend’s wife.  Joe told the Club what happened.  Something happened where Mari walked in on one of the videos he was watching, and they had a big fight, which led to the best sex they’ve had in years.  Instead of planning for a divorce, they’re now planning Mari’s first rape.

It was late Friday night or very early Saturday, depending on who was counting.  Sam watched some more videos on the Club’s site when he got a text from Bubbles.

“U Up?”  He read the text, then responded almost immediately with “Yes.”  A moment later, she sent another text.  “Come on over in a half hour.”  As his mind was racing, he received an encrypted WhatsApp message from Bubbles.  “Bring your bag, at least your mask.  Got us a little party favor.”  Next message was a pic of a very cute light skinned black girl in a sexy top and jeans that look like they were painted on.  After that was another pic of the sexy black girl, looking like she was having a hard time keeping her eyes open.  Final message after that said “Can you get in without my key?  I might be a little busy in a couple minutes. ;)”. Sam replied in the affirmative, then got himself together in a hurry.  He threw on a plain green polo shirt, a pair of khakis, shoes, and a Harbor City Bombers hat.  He grabbed his rape kit, his mind racing with possibilities.  A few minutes later he was out the door and in his work truck on the way to Bubbles’s place.  He knew how crazy parking enforcement was at her place, but his Tacoma with Mapleton Realty slapped on the side parked at one of his buildings wouldn’t get towed.

He made his way into the building and up to Apartment 11, where Bubbles lived.  When he got to the door, he checked to see if it was locked.  It was.  A moment later, he had his master key out to open the door.  He wasn’t ready for what he saw.

Bubbles was completely naked and riding the black girl, scissoring her with a good rhythm.  The woman was naked with her hands secured above her head and a blindfold across her eyes and what looked like headphones over her ears.  She had something shoved in her mouth.  Sam could tell that from this distance because the woman’s screams were muffled.

Sitting on the couch was another man, naked from the waist up except for a mask.  He gave a quiet nod and wave as he took off his shoes and pants.

As soon as Bubbles saw Sam, she made a motion to put a mask on.  Sam stopped before he got any further into the room and pulled a ski mask from his bag and put it on.  He was still trying to make sense of what was going on when the now naked man motioned for him to come sit next to him on the couch.  As Sam approached, he saw a couple cameras on tripods set up, facing the bed.  When he looked closer, he could see that Bubbles held her phone such that she was recording what she was doing to the young woman on the bed.

The masked naked man extended his hand to Sam for a shake.  “Colin.”  He said his name quietly.

“Sam.”  He replied quietly as he grabbed Colin’s hand and shook it.  On the bed, the girls were panting as Bubbles started to moan.  The other girl made some pleasurable noises behind her gag.  As Bubbles’s moan became deeper and louder, the other girl whimpered and let out a squeal as her legs stiffened.

“We’re almost up.  You should strip.”  Colin said as he watched the events unfold on the bed.  Sam remembered that Colin was Bubbles’s bartender friend and fellow Club member.  Sam disrobed as Bubbles rode the other girl for another minute until her body shook with a fierce orgasm.  As she came down from her euphoria, she kissed the bound black girl on the face and all the way down her body, past her ample tits, firm stomach, and down to her clean shaven pussy.  Bubbles kissed and licked her twat for a minute before getting off of the bed and approaching Sam and Colin.  She went straight to Sam and gave him a big, deep, wet kiss.

“How’s that taste?”  Bubbles said with a sly grin.

“Nice.  So what’s going on?”  Sam asked.

“Her?”  Bubbles pointed at the bed.  “Name’s Deja, she’s a sophomore on the HCU Softball team and is definitely gay.  Didn’t take much to get her here, and I’ve got her pumped full of Molly so she’s really, really fucking horny.  She’s also got a little roofie and some other stuff so her memory’s gonna be fucked tomorrow, but she’s awake enough now to know and experience everything you’ll do to her.  When we’re done, I’ll give her a little something extra to fuck her mind up and she’ll wake up not having a clue what happened.”  Bubbles said as she kissed Sam again.

“What’s up with the headphones and such?”  Sam asked.

“Didn’t want her catching on to the real plan until you guys were ready.  Convinced her that going all sensory deprivation would give her the best orgasms.  That reminds me, only rule tonight is don’t cum in her pussy.  She’s full dyke, not bi so she’s not on any birth control.”

“C’mon, I’m already fixed.”  Colin said.

“Me too, you know that.”  Sam added.

“Still, she’ll wake up, piss, and find a load of semen in her pussy after sleeping with another chick, how do you think I’ll explain that?”  Bubbles said.

“Good point.”  Colin replied.  Bubbles led Sam by the hand over to the edge of the bed.  That’s where he got his first good look at Deja.

Deja was an absolute smokeshow.  She’s short, even laying down, maybe a little over 5 feet tall.  She has a fit and firm body, obviously from being a softball player.  Her tits were easily a C-cup, something Sam could tell even with her laying down.  Her nipples were slightly darker than the rest of her boobs, but the aureolas were easily an inch and a half in diameter.  Sweat covered her body as she squirmed on the bed, secured to Bubbles’s bed with soft yet secure handcuffs.  Her black wavy hair came down to her shoulders, but likely went further.  The blindfold covered her eyes and headphones on her ears.  From this angle, he could see that Deja was gagged with some lacy fabric inside of a very familiar ring gag, the same one they used on Brit about a month ago.

Bubbles climbed onto the bed between Deja’s legs, and went back to eating her out, pushing her to the edge of an orgasm but stopping just in time.  She crawled up Deja’s body and stopped at her face to reach into her mouth and pull her panties out through the ring gag.  Bubbles then leaned over and kissed Deja before reaching off to the side and grabbing her strap-on.  She broke the kiss and slipped the dildo into Deja’s mouth.

“Get it wet for me.”  Bubbles said right next to her after sliding the headphone up off of her right ear.  After Deja licked and sucked the plastic penis in her mouth, Bubbles put the headphone back on her ear.  A minute later she took it out of her mouth and swiftly put the harness on.  She then moved between Deja’s legs and slid the dildo in, slowly fucking the black beauty bound on the bed.

Sam and Colin stood by the bed, stroking their cocks and waiting for Bubbles to give the signal.  She motioned to Sam to hand her the phone on the side of the bed.  Bubbles made sure to get a close-up shot Deja’s face as she gave the signal to Sam.

“Take off her headphones first, then I’ll tell her I have a surprise for her.  Then take off her blindfold.  I want to see her face first before you two fuck her brains out.”  Sam nodded, then gently reached down to pull off Deja’s earphones.

“Got a surprise for you you sexy thing.”  Bubbles said between thrusts.  Deja moaned as Bubbles fucked her and played with her clit, pushing her to the edge of an orgasm.  Just as Deja squealed and shook, Bubbles snapped her fingers and Sam grabbed the blindfold and pulled it off.

It took a moment for Deja’s eyes to adjust to the light and realize what she was seeing.  That cute Asian girl Kim was fucking her with a strap-on, but now there were two men standing next to her.  Two naked men wearing ski masks and sporting hard-ons.  Even in her altered state, she knew something was terribly wrong.

“Now it’s their turn to fuck your dyke whore ass.”  Bubbles said as she pulled out of Deja’s twat.  Deja screamed through the ring gag, but her screams were muffled when Sam grabbed her by the hair and twisted her head around enough to force his cock into her mouth.  Meanwhile, Colin had crawled up on the bed and wasted no time in roughly fucking the black girl.  Deja screamed and cried, but couldn’t fight back.  Bubbles had taken over camera duty and was getting good shots of the men fucking Deja. 

It wasn’t so much a blowjob as a facefucking that Sam was giving to Deja.  She was in no way a willing participant to the action.  He thrust into her mouth over and over again, stopping every so often to see how deep he could go and how long he could her in position.  Deja cried harder each time he pulled out, barely able to catch her breath.  Colin was going to town on Deja’s pussy but knew he wouldn’t last long at this pace.

“Hey, wanna DP her?”  Colin asked Sam.

“Sure.”  Sam replied and pulled out of Deja’s mouth.  Her relief was short lived as she was twisted around to her side and felt her left leg lifted into the air.  The fat man that was just in her mouth moved down the bed and lined his cock up with her pussy.  Just as she resigned herself to him raping her, she felt an indescribable pressure on her asshole, followed by a sharp, shooting pain.  Deja looked over her shoulder and saw her worst fears coming true.  The muscular man was raping her ass.  Deja screamed as loud as she could through her ring gag, but was muffled when that Asian girl spit in her mouth and shoved her panties back in her mouth.

“Can’t have you waking the neighbors, you little slut.”  Bubbles said to Deja before lightly slapping her across the face.  Deja cried some more.

Colin couldn’t hold back any more.  “Oh shit, here I cum!”  He said as his body shook and he blasted a load deep into Deja’s ass.  He lay there for a minute before he pulled out and rolled off of the bed.  Once he extricated himself from the situation, he made his way to Bubbles’s bathroom to clean up.

“Hey, let’s flip her over.”  Sam said.  He saw how Deja was cuffed to the bed and knew it would be pretty easy.  Bubbles gave a quick hand so he could flip Deja onto her belly, and pushed her legs under her to raise her ass up into the air.  Sam took her in a doggystyle position for a few minutes, huffing and puffing away as Deja cried some more.  When Sam felt his orgasm approach, he pulled a page out of Colin’s book and stuck his dick into her ass.  She was so tight it started to hurt him, so he could imagine how much pain she was in.  Her cries changed from soft sobs to a deep wailing.  It didn’t take Sam long to build to his orgasm, and he came shortly thereafter, gripping her hips hard so she couldn’t shake him off.  When he pulled out, he fell to the bed.  Before he could get his bearings, he felt a swift kick to the hip.  The little bitch kicked him.  Just as he was about to react, Bubbles laid into Deja with a couple hard whacks on her back and ass.

“You stupid fucking nigger dyke, don’t you fucking ever do that again!  Stupid. Fucking. Nigger. Whore!”  Bubbles screamed at her and slapped her as hard as she could on Deja’s back and legs.  She’d be bruised tomorrow, that’s for sure.  As Deja did her best to defend herself, Bubbles grabbed a loaded syringe and stuck it into Deja’s rump.  A moment later Bubbles repeated the process with another syringe.  After the second one, Deja’s cries died down to a mere whimper, and a couple minutes later she was out.

“What was that?”  Sam asked.  “Is she…?”

“Dead, no.  Too much of a pain in the ass to kill her and try to get away with it.  No, she’s knocked out with a mix of some anesthetics we use at the hospital for surgery.  Not only will she be out for the next two hours, with everything else she’s had tonight she won’t remember a thing since she left the bar.  She’ll wake up not knowing what happened.  Normally I’d keep her here for the night, play some mind games with her and leave her be after she freaked out about a one night stand, but this bitch is pissing me off.  I’ll call a friend of mine that does Uber under a fake profile named Jimmy who likes to have fun with bitches like this.  All we have to do is get her into his minivan, give him a drop-off address, and he’ll take it from there.  Which, I already have her address and her phone unlock codes.  These drugs can cause someone to become easily persuaded.  If you guys want one more go with her while she’s out, go for it.  We’ve got… an hour and 50 minutes before she starts to wake up, and another hour after that where she’ll start to remember and be coherent.  You guys figure out what to do, I’m gonna ride her face one more time.”

With that, Bubbles removed her strap-on and rolled Deja back over onto her back.  She knelt over Deja’s chest as she removed the ring gag and panties, then unhooked the handcuffs.  Once free, Bubbles rubbed her pussy up and down over the unconscious black girl’s face while she stimulated her clit.  Sam and Colin looked at each other, trying to figure out who would go first.  After a quick game of Rock Paper Scissors, Colin won.  He fucked Deja for a solid 10 minutes before he pulled out and blasted a load all over Deja’s stomach and tits, with some getting on Bubbles’s back.  Sam then took his turn, fucking the sleeping Deja in both the pussy and ass before cumming on her stomach.  Bubbles came twice more on Deja’s face.  Deja made some noises, but was out.  This was just her body reacting to the stimuli, but since she was unconscious by the cocktail of various drugs, she had no awareness nor control of her reactions.

The three of them did a quick cleanup and redress on Deja.  It was just enough to get her somewhat presentable to leave but not so clean that she wouldn’t know something was up.  While the guys dressed Deja in between times of molesting her, Bubbles called her Uber friend and gave him the scoop.  A quick WhatsApp conversation later, and the plan was in place.

Twenty minutes later the three of them were dressed, demasked, and walking a still out of it Deja out of the apartment and into a minivan parked outside.  Bubbles gave “Jimmy” a hundred dollars and told him he had about 45 minutes before she’d start waking up and another hour before she’d remember anything.  He looked at the girl, then asked if Bubbles could give her a ‘top-off’.  She nodded, then went back into her room.  3 minutes later she returned.  Sam and Colin didn’t see what she did, but apparently she injected Deja with a little more of the happy knockout juice.  After that, the Uber driver headed off in a completely different direction than Deja’s apartment. 

A short while later, Colin headed home after making sure he had Sam’s info for the Club.  Sam was exhausted and wanted to go to bed, but Bubbles asked if she could head over to his place tonight.  She said it was for an alibi, just in case things went sideways, but also that she missed him and wanted to spend some time together.  Even after reminding her that she had a much larger bed than him, she still wanted to go back to his place.  Sam gladly obliged.

At some point after the sun came up, Bubbles received some WhatsApp messages from her friend the Uber driver.  He had a ‘ton of fun’ with Deja and left her at a McDonald’s a couple blocks from her place once she started to wake up.  By the time she’d realize that she’d been raped, he’d be gone and she’d be stuck arguing with someone who doesn’t make nearly enough money to deal with this shit.

Bubbles and Sam eventually cleaned up, changed, ate, then spent the bulk of the weekend going to Open Houses and visiting various real estate listings.

Always close the program you were running before exiting the holodeck

Offline To-Get-Her

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Re: Sam and Bubbles, A Love Story (Part 1 Posted)(M/F)
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2024, 02:19:48 PM »
Very interesting beginning with two of my favorite characters. There is definitely lots of ways this story could go. Interesting how Sam never had surveillance equipment installed before installed before now!

Like his reasoning of "why shit where you live" philosophy

Definite merit worthy beginning and probably more to come!
When I get around to it, I'll write

Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Sam and Bubbles, A Love Story (Part 1 Posted)(M/F)
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2024, 03:05:25 PM »
Thanks TGH.  I've had this story in the pipeline for a long time and just finished it yesterday.  I'll have Part 3 up before the end of the night where I'm at, and the last two sections shortly thereafter.  All 5 parts should be up by the end of the weekend.
Always close the program you were running before exiting the holodeck

Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Sam and Bubbles, A Love Story (Part 3 Posted)(M/F)
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2024, 09:34:46 PM »
Part 3:  Naomi(M+/F+, FF, oral, anal, ncon, bond)

Sometimes things come easy, and sometimes they don’t.  Finding an offer for Naomi was taking longer than Sam expected.  Part of it was bad circumstances, but part of it was his fault.  The last offer backed out when he didn’t have Naomi’s schedule with her kids down to a T.  This made Sam sit back and think about what he was missing and what he needed to do.  His main source of information on Naomi Starkey the last couple of months has been some light stalking of Facebook and Instagram, but even that was only a little successful since she had basically blocked him.  He had to use backup accounts to get anything of value, and even that was not as accurate as he’d like.  One night as he was talking over the problem with Bubbles, she gave him an idea on how to get what he needed.

“What about Tracy?”  Bubbles asked him while he was looking at houses online.

“What about her?”  Sam replied, half not paying attention to what Bubbles said as he found a house listing he wanted to check out.

“Hit her up.  Start talking, ask how things are, see what you can find out.”

“What, like a date?”


Sam turned to Bubbles, not sure if he heard her right.  He did, but the idea of dating Tracy again after all these months didn’t sit right with him.  He turned to her, spinning his chair around to face her sitting on his couch.

“You know, we’re not exactly talking to each other.  Worse yet, if she does agree to meet me, things might get complicated.”  He wasn’t sure exactly what he was trying to say without sounding too mushy. 

Bubbles looked up from her phone as his voice cracked a little, a sign that he was a little stressed.  She leaned over and gave him a quick kiss.

“What was that for?”  Sam asked, confused.

Bubbles smiled.  “You can be real cute when you want to be.”

“Thanks, I guess.”

“I see where you’re trying to get to.”  She said with a smile.

“You do?”  Sam’s confusion grew.

“Yeah.  You don’t want to text Tracy because things ended badly, but you’re more worried if things don’t turn into a shitstorm and she wants you back.” 

Sam nodded his head.  That was a big part of his worries.  “Yeah, that’s part of it.  I don’t want to hurt you or fall down that rabbit hole again.  Um, it’s just, um…”. Sam stammered for a bit before Bubbles kissed him again.

“How about this?  We haven’t made anything officially official yet, but I don’t want to date any other guys.  If you need to fuck Tracy to get your intel on Naomi, I’m okay with it, and I won’t date any other guys during that time.”  Bubbles said.

It took Sam a moment to wrap his head around what she said.  “So, yeah, that works.  Cool.  I don’t know what to say.”

“How about ‘I’ve got the coolest girlfriend on the planet’?”

“Really, where?”  Sam joked, lightening the mood.

“Shut up.”  She said playfully, as Sam pulled her closer to him for a kiss that led to another and another.


Sam texted Tracy later that night, and much to his surprise not only wasn’t he blocked, but Tracy responded right away.  They chatted for a bit before settling on getting dinner the next night.  Sam tried to play it slow but he got the impression that Tracy was a little more desperate than usual.  Dinner turned into going back to her place and fucking on her bed while Naomi’s daughter Lexi babysat Tracy’s younger kids.  When Lexi brought the kids over, Sam chatted her up as calmly as possible while doing his best to not eyefuck the cute young blonde as she stood there in a pair of cut-off shorts and a purple tank-top that barely contained her C-cup titties.  She stood there disinterested while Sam made small talk while Tracy put the kids to bed. 

He used this time to his advantage.  Sam found out that her little brother was spending the summer with his dad down in North Carolina.  Lexi was working at one of those cell phone stores where they sold phones and phone plans to people with shitty credit so she could save some money up to move to Collegetown this Fall.  She was transferring from the community college to Harbor City University to study business.  Her 21st birthday just passed a couple weeks back, and she went out with her boyfriend Kenyon and a bunch of their friends.  She’s going to rent a house with some of that group of friends in a building that’s near a few of his apartments, even getting the address by telling her he knows her new landlord and how to get in touch with him.  He found out that her work schedule is basically every weekday 9AM-4PM and Saturday 1PM to 5PM.  Naomi’s still making Lexi go to church every Sunday almost all day and every Wednesday night.  Naomi’s day job as an admin at a local tax office lets out at 2PM during the summer, leaving her to work three nights a week and Saturdays as a server at the local Applebee’s. 

When Lexi went to the bathroom before leaving, he took a picture of her keychain that she left on the counter, and snuck a photo of her checking out her phone as she walked down the hallway.  Sam talked to Tracy and agreed to pay Lexi for her babysitting time, making sure that he paid more than a fair amount.  It made Lexi happy enough that she didn’t think anything of it when he asked for a selfie with her.  He was even more surprised when he got home and had a friend request from her on Facebook and Instagram.


Sam talked to Bubbles when he got home and shared pics of Lexi with her on WhatsApp.  Bubbles said she wanted a piece of her, that she was sexy as fuck.  Sam agreed, but also knew that as much as he wanted to fuck that little tart into next week, he’s too close to her.

They met up the next day, Thursday, after Bubbles’s shift at the hospital ended around noon.  The pair had lunch then went to look at some houses that caught Sam’s eye.  He’s a licensed realtor since he spends so much time dealing with real estate and having an agent’s license in the state makes his work much easier.  This includes getting into any home he wants to look at.  As a courtesy, he’ll contact the listing agent to make sure that the home is available for him to visit.

The first two houses were okay, but nothing that really stuck out to him.  The third house had potential, but was on the edge of a rough part of the city.  The next few just didn’t sit well with him, and Bubbles didn’t like how many of the neighbors at the last house were giving her dirty looks.  The ninth house was a nice fixer-upper, so he kept that one in mind to flip.  The tenth house was cute but too expensive.  Finally, they stopped at the eleventh house of the day in Farrell Township and both Sam and Bubbles were impressed.  It was a 4BR, 2.5 Bath brick house from the 50’s with hardwood floors in most of the living space and quite a few amenities but hasn’t been updated or had an obvious flip done to it.  Sam hated how every flipper seemed to get their entire color palette from E.L. James: everything was 50 Shades of Grey.  It was rough and dated, but had a good structure.  They spent much longer there than the other houses, talking about how the backyard was fenced in on one side, had hedges on the other, and a line of trees at the back for extra privacy.  It was weird how at this house the talk was more of “our house” instead of “his house” but for some reason it felt good.  As they walked around the basement, they discovered that the two living areas down there were basically soundproofed.  At some point one was used as a workshop and getaway for the father of the house while the other was a nice rumpus room for kids to play in.  Sam and Bubbles both had the same thought.  The rumpus room would make an excellent little theater to watch and enjoy Club videos.  That also meant that he could keep the rest of the house “normal-looking” in case anyone came over that didn’t have rape as one of their favorite hobbies. 

They took another quick look around the house before leaving, but by the time Sam arrived at the next house Bubbles was already looking up hospitals in the area and commute times to Collegetown.  Sam was mostly quiet on the drive, which meant he was deep in thought.  By the time they arrived at the next house a few minutes away in a new plan, they both thought the same thing.  “Why are we still looking?”  They flew through the last house before returning to brick house for one more look.  Sam called up the listing realtor to gauge how motivated they were to sell and how flexible they were on price.  The house was listed at $285k but so far no takers in the last month because it was on the “wrong side” of the school district line in the area.  This didn’t matter to Sam since he didn’t have kids nor ever planned on having them.  A little back and forth and he told the listing agent he was making a contingent cash offer for $270k pending sewer cam and inspection.  The realtor said they’d ask their client as soon as they could.  Meanwhile, Sam called his inspector and his plumber to make sure they could take a look at the house tomorrow while Bubbles took measurements of the rooms, doors, and windows.  It took about 20 minutes for the realtor to call back.  The owners countered with $275k and that Sam covered the closing costs.  Sam replied with “Who do I make the check out to?”  That’s his way of saying yes.


The next week was a whirlwind.  Most house purchases take a month to two to close because of mortgages and the new homeowners having to hunt down an inspector and plumber.  Sam was a professional in the business and this wasn’t his first rodeo.  He’s bought and sold well over a hundred properties in his life, so he has the process down to a T.  He knows that a cash sale can go very fast in comparison.  This one took 8 days.  He made an offer Thursday night, accepted right after, had an inspector and plumber at the house the next day, and by the next Friday, he signed his name on the deed to his new house.  Bubbles was there to cheer him along.

If buying a house wasn’t crazy enough, he was still meeting Tracy.  They hooked up for a couple more dates where Sam fucked her, Lexi babysat her kids, and Tracy bitched about several things that stressed her out, including her sister Naomi.  The sex was okay, but was nothing compared to his times in the Club or with Bubbles.  He thought for a moment about offering Tracy up, but he shook that off.  It wasn’t that Tracy was ugly or too fat.  On the contrary, she was good looking for her late 40’s.  The fact of the matter was he still liked her and didn’t want to put her through that trauma.

Naomi on the other hand is a shit-stirring cunt that Sam had to grit his teeth when she was around.  They say that beauty is skin deep but ugly goes straight to the bone.  That phrase fits Naomi like a tailored cocktail dress.  Naomi is a twice-divorced woman in her early 40’s whose favorite past times including going to a prosperity-gospel inspired church, gossiping with her friends, and being a judgmental bitch with no sense of the hypocrisy she exudes.  Though she is very, very pretty standing at 5’5” with chestnut hair, blue eyes, pale skin, a firm booty and legs, and D-sized breasts, even that is not enough to keep any man around for a long time.  Her and Tracy both grew up in a very conservative house going to church several times a week.  Though Tracy only gives lip service to it anymore, Naomi is a true believer.  Unfortunately, that means not in believing or sharing the actual teachings of Jesus from the Bible, but instead displaying the worst characteristics of Neo-conservatism where racism, bigotry, and cheating on taxes has overtaken acceptance, charity, and being a good person.  She is staunchly against gays and gay marriage, even though she herself is twice divorced.  She married both of her husbands after finding out that she was pregnant, and both of them left her within three years when she strayed from her vows.  She’s pro-life and has gone as far as protesting outside of Planned Parenthood, but when a broken condom from a one-night stand led to a pregnancy scare, she gladly took a healthy dose of the morning after pill.  She deadnamed two old classmates at her last high school reunion and barely held her contempt when Lexi introduced her current boyfriend Kenyon, a black kid who is by all means a better person than most of the trash Naomi's dated over the years.  She spreads rumors about the unwed mothers coming to church looking for help when the only reason they had the babies in the first place was the pressure Naomi and her church friends put on them to keep the babies.  For Naomi, working two jobs is a noble struggle to make ends meet.  For her co-workers at Applebee’s, they’re lazy shits who refuse to improve their lot in life.  It’s okay for Naomi to accept child support from her ex-husband’s and use it for personal items like a day at the spa or for workout gear, but another woman doing the same is a greedy whore.  A woman should keep her legs closed out of wedlock, but it’s okay for Naomi to “make love” from time to time.

Sam ran into Naomi after the second of these dates that week.  She was still dressed in her all-black server uniform pants and button-up black shirt and non-slip shoes.  Lexi drove her to work and back that day as Naomi’s car was in the shop.  Naomi was short with Sam, bitching about how she was out so late because of having to drop off the kids and how Lexi was only getting paid $60 for the night.  Sam didn’t say anything, knowing that he paid her more than double that but it was likely Naomi asked for at least half of it.  He changed the subject, asking how things were going, about church, if she was working out or doing any hobbies.  Naomi didn’t say much but confirmed that she works Thursday, Friday, and Saturday serving dinner rush and goes to spin class Monday and Wednesday after her office job.  Sam tried to make small talk about the spin class, asking about location and times, acting like he was interested in joining.  Naomi didn’t want Sam to intrude on her classes.  She always got the feeling that he wanted to fuck her and was convinced that he was flirting with her each time they talked.  The last thing she wanted was to go to her spin class and worry about this fat asshole staring at her butt the whole time.

Naomi couldn’t wait to get away from Sam, being near him made her skin crawl.  The only thing more frustrating than knowing that Tracy was dating this pig again was that her sister was dating someone and she was single.  She’d have to have another talk with Tracy when he wasn’t around, make her see the error of her ways.  There were so many nice men for her to date or marry at her church, and here she was with this…heathen.

As soon as Lexi was done talking to Tracy, Naomi damn near pushed her out the door.  Later on Sam DM’ed Lexi so he could Venmo her the money he felt he owed her for babysitting.  This worked out great since he now had her Venmo account, which was some techbro’s idea of combining banking and social media to scrape info on what people purchased.  For a serial rapist like Sam, Venmo is a potent a source of information.  He can see where she goes to party, who her friends are, how often she gets an Uber from the bar, who she dates, and other social things.  Hell, depending on how often she uses it, he could even figure out when her time of the month.


On the following day, Sam and Bubbles went downtown to close on his new house.  She had the day off from the hospital and he asked her to come along.  She was interested in seeing the process of buying a house.  The process was streamlined since there was no mortgage to finalize with it being a cash sale.  He handed over a couple checks, signed a few forms, and got a set of keys.  He officially owned a new house in less than a half hour.

They stopped for lunch, then made a stop at Target to get a bunch of cleaning supplies.  Bubbles insisted that they do a deep clean on the entire house before settling in.  Sam was about to ask why clean before moving in when he was just about to make things dirty again, but didn’t get far enough to ask before she scrubbed the fridge clean.  He took this as a hint to vacuum all of the rooms with carpet, which was the family room, the basement and theater, and two of the bedrooms upstairs. 

They spent the rest of the day cleaning until they were pretty much exhausted and dirty.  After sharing a shower, which is a great way to break in a house, they changed into some spare clothes and hit up a drive thru for dinner before going back to his apartment to pack.  She returned to her apartment to sleep for a few hours before heading to work.

Sam spent most of Saturday setting up the internet and cable at his new place between shuttle runs from his apartment and storage unit.  He didn’t have much of a need for cable, but it came as part of a combo deal along with half a dozen streaming apps.  He had most of the apartment emptied out by dinner and was set up enough to sleep at his new house, if he didn’t mind roughing it on an air mattress for the night.

On Sunday, Sam got some help moving the larger items from two of his friends, Joe and Steve.  Joe has been his friend since college, and was the man who recommended Sam to join the Club.  Steve was a fellow member and was his workout buddy and fellow rapist, as the pair had now taken part in two Club-based attacks.  Joe had been laying low for the last couple weeks, following his wife finding out about his “extra-curricular activities.”  Instead of leading to divorce, she somehow agreed to not only let Joe continue in the Club, but to join him as well.  They were looking forward to her first mission, as soon as his balls stopped hurting from the vasectomy.  Steve was taking advantage of not having his kids this weekend and used this as a good workout substitute and a chance to hang out with friends.  Sam also hired two of his staff to load up a company box van.  Between that and the three pickups that Sam, Joe, and Steve drove, they made short work of the storage unit.

The first people to finish up were the hired help.  They were a couple of young men in their 20’s who Sam hired from his staff to make a couple hundred bucks on a Sunday morning.  By the time they were done, most of Sam’s larger items were in the new house.  They headed out shortly after 11AM.  Joe left a little after noon, as he had to go home and get ready for a family outing at his sister-in-law’s house.  That left Sam and Steve.  The pair moved things around for the next couple hours until Bubbles showed up around 3PM.  Bubbles had to work almost all of Saturday and well into Sunday, so she slept in until late in the afternoon.  One thing that she’s learned with interning as an anesthesiologist is that surgery doesn’t end because her shift is over.  She brought pizza, diet soda, and beer and ate like a pig talking about work.  She spent the previous night in Harbor City General’s ER shadowing one of the experienced surgeons.  She explained how HCGen, HC Women’s, and HC Children’s are part of the same medical complex, connected by a series of confusing hallways and bridges.  She talked about how much she wanted to kill one of her patients, a drunk driver in his 60’s who ran a red light and t-boned a family of 5, but didn’t because she knew she’d get caught.  She had to keep him under during surgery as they stabilized his broken arm and leg.  She didn’t find out about the family that he hit, but knew that they were bad off when they came in.

As they sat around Sam’s dining table and had a late lunch, Steve changed the subject to something a little more lighthearted: rape.  Sam brought up the difficulties he’s had with Naomi’s offer, having run into Murphy’s Law the whole time.  Steve asked Sam if he’d seen the newest offer that came up over the weekend.  He hadn’t.  After finishing lunch, the three of them made their way to the bedroom Sam claimed as an office.  It was the smallest of the four, directly next to his bedroom.  It had hardwood floors and light grey walls.  So far, the only furnishings in the room were his computer desk with his PC tower, his gaming chair, and a couple bookcases that he took out of storage.  They don’t match the room or even each other, but since it’s just an office and he should be the only one in the room, he didn’t care about their looks.  As Sam went through the process of logging on to the site, Steve knelt down next to the desk, immediately regretting that decision.  Bubbles meanwhile pulled a box of books over to one of the bookcases.

“Hey, do you have any special sort for your books?”  Bubbles asked.

“Not yet.  I’ll get around to it one day.”  Sam said.

“Mind if I put these up?”  Bubbles said, grabbing the first book, a book about the Battle of Midway.

“Knock yourself out.”  Sam replied.

“Does that phrase mean the same to an anesthesiologist in a room full of serial rapists?”  Steve said, drawing a chuckle from Bubbles.

By the time Sam was in the Club’s website, Bubbles had put up the first box of books and was now working on the second box, which was filled with Stephen King books.  Sam navigated to his open offer with Naomi and the previous messages.  The three of them looked at the offer, trying to see if there were any red flags that were keeping people away.  Nothing they could see.  The photos were accurate and up to date, the information on her schedule was good, and the garage door access codes and house keys worked.  The three of them looked at the message history and everything looked straight forward, but something seemed off to Steve.


“What hmm?”  Sam asked.

Steve sat for a moment, trying to think past the pain in his back and knees.  “These are all the offers and convos about Naomi?”

“Yeah.”  Sam replied.

“They all started from other people.”

“Yeah.”  Sam was a little unsure where he was going with this.

“So you didn’t offer her in any other trades, just put her up and waited for others to approach?”  Steve asked.  Sam looked at Steve in a confused look.  Bubbles put a copy of ‘The Stand’ on the shelf then came over to check out the screen.

“Ohhh, that explains everything.”  Bubbles said.

“Explains what?”  Sam asked.  Bubbles turned to Steve, and the two nodded in knowing agreement.  “Explains what?”  Sam asked again.

“You haven’t pitched her in a trade, you just put her up and waited for others to come to you.”  Steve said.

The realization hit Sam in the face.  “Wait.  You’re telling me that I don’t have to sit back and wait as a first timer?”

“Yeah, you can make an offer just like normal, you just gotta wait until after yours has been accepted and done before they’ll send you the info to go get your own.” Steve said.

“Wait, you thought you had to sit back and wait for the first time?  I thought you knew.”  Bubbles said.

“No.  I’ve sat here for almost two months waiting for someone to make an offer, and none of them have worked.  God DAMMIT!”  Sam was pissed, but a couple deep breaths and a hug from Bubbles calmed him down.  “Thanks.  So, let’s see what’s out there.”

Sam navigated to the other offers on the website.  There were a half a dozen other offers on the site that he hadn’t been approached with.  Most of them were pretty, but Sam felt that he would be getting short changed if he offered Naomi up for them.  But then his heart skipped a beat when he saw the next to last offer.

Her name was Frankie, short for Francesca.  She had long curly red hair and brown eyes.  She was a short girl with a tight body where everything on her was small except her tits.  Sam guessed they were at least a DD or even DDD cup.  The pics on her profile were absolutely amazing.  The first one was of her in a green strapless corset shirt and blue jeans.  Her tits barely stayed in her top.  The second pic was a pic from prom or some formal dance in a strapless blue evening gown with a slit up the left leg and her in heels.  The next pic was of her in a tiny pleated gray skirt and a black tank.  After that was her in the same top but a different skirt, a plaid pleated one.  Final pic was Frankie in yoga pants and a pink sports bra.

“Holy shit, look at them titties.”  Steve said.  Sam was at a loss for words for a moment.

“Holy shit is right.  If you don’t put an offer in on that little ginger slut, I’ll take her myself.”  Bubbles said, massaging Sam’s shoulders.  Sam checked out the info on the profile.

‘For Trade of Equal or Greater Value, Frankie.  Just about to turn 19, recently graduated high school but decided to take a gap year sitting around at home being an influencer instead of going to college.  Found out she’s hosting an OnlyFans, but no nudity.  Looking for someone fuck some sense into this little cocktease.  Connection to offering, stepdaughter.  Will provide address, keys, alarm code, and schedule.’

Sam re-read the description five times before he clicked on the ‘Submit an Offer’ button.  He linked Naomi’s offer from his page and submitted her in trade.  As he sat there, he thought about how great those tits would feel in his hand and wondered how big those nipples were, he received a notification.  It was from the person offering Frankie regarding the offer.  The message was short.  “She’s cute, but I don’t think she’s of equal value.  If you had another in place of or in addition to her, I’d reconsider.”

Sam sat there for a moment, reading and re-reading that message.  Eventually Steve and Bubbles voiced his thoughts.

“In place of or addition to?”  Steve said, standing up from being on the floor for too long.  Bubbles whispered something into Sam’s ear.  He looked concerned.

“I don’t know.  Always wanted to get a piece of her.”  Sam said.

“But she knows you, which means she’d identify you.”  Bubbles said, rubbing Sam’s shoulders.

“Who?”  Steve asked, stretching as he came to his standing height.


“Who’s Lexi?”  Steve asked.

“Naomi’s daughter.  Real hottie, too.”  Bubbles said, as Sam sat for a moment.  He opened up a folder he had on his PC of some Naomi and Lexi pics.  He previewed a few of them.  Steve gave a little whistle.

“She’s cute.  I’d throw her in too.”

Sam hemmed and hawed before responding.  “I don’t know.”

“What, she cherry?”  Steve asked.

Sam shook his head.  “No, she has a boyfriend.  I just… I just really wanted a shot at her.  You know?”

“Yeah, but she knows you.  Even if you got a shot at her, she’d probably identify you.”  Steve said.  “Hell, I’d like to make her scream if I didn’t know you.”

“Think I should throw her in?”  Sam asked.  Steve and Bubbles both nodded.

“Add her, not in place.”  Steve said.

“Agreed.  They’re both cute, but nowhere near as hot as Frankie.  But get a mom and daughter together, that can be some hot shit right there.”  Bubbles said.

“Definitely.  I’d love to fuck a mom and daughter at once, make them eat each other out.”  Steve said.

Bubbles moaned a little thinking about it.  “God, thinking about fucking Lexi while making her eat where she came from…”

“But I wanted to fuck her while making her eat out her mom.”  Sam said.

Bubbles leaned over and spoke softly into Sam’s ear.  “I know.  I’ll make it up to you for your birthday.”  Then she kissed him on the neck.

“I’ll add her to the offer.”  Sam said.  Bubbles kept kissing his neck and massaging his shoulders as he replied to the message on the screen.

Sam pulled up pics of Naomi and Lexi from their most recent vacation.  Naomi looked nice for a woman in her 40’s, but Lexi looked delicious in her blue wrap skirt and top.  Sam downloaded that pic from their vacation, then grabbed a couple others of Lexi from his screenshots of her Instagram profile.  He pulled up a selfie of her in a black tanktop, another of her in a skinny black dress showing off her ass, and one of her driving in a bikini top.  Once he was satisfied, Sam attached the pics and replied to the message.

‘I’ll add the blonde to the offer as well.  Her name’s Lexi, Naomi’s daughter.  She’s 21, almost 22, currently lives at home though there’s only a few hours a week where they are both home.  Lexi babysits my ex’s kids.  I can give you their schedules as well as key copies and garage door codes, and how to avoid her Ring camera.’

Sam sent the offer reply.  He didn’t have to wait long to know whether this was accepted or not.


Sam stared at the screen for a moment before accepting the deal on his end.  Naomi and Lexi for Frankie.  He spent the better part of the next hour giving this new friend of his all of the Starkey’s vital information and ordered copies of their keys made from the pics he took of them.    Sam gave him both Naomi’s and Lexi’s schedules.  He confirmed Lexi’s schedule by asking Tracy via text when she’d be able to get a babysitter for another date.  He gathered the info and pointed out the best times of the week where both women would be home, both alone and together.  Once he sent everything he could digitally, all that was left was picking up the physical copy of their house key from a specific hardware store and sending everything to his new friend’s P.O. Box.

Steve excused himself from Sam’s new house when he got the sense that Bubbles wanted to jump Sam’s bones, and this wasn’t a party he was invited to tonight.  After some well wishes, Steve headed home while Bubbles pulled down Sam’s pants and went to town sucking his dick, all the while listening to Sam tell her what he wanted to see happen to Naomi and Lexi.


Sam picked up the key copy and sent it in the mail early Monday morning.  He wasn’t sure how long it would take for it to get to its destination.  He knew that with both of their schedules, the best time to party was Wednesday afternoon.  Naomi still made Lexi go to church Wednesday evening and that they’d both be home after 4 until they left for church shortly before 6.  After that, neither of them would be home at the same time until next Monday or until late at night, and that’s dependent on the little party girl staying home and not going to her boyfriend’s or whatnot.

Bubbles came over Monday and Tuesday after her shifts at the hospital to help Sam get settled in his new house.  She picked out some curtains for all of the rooms and they hooked up the home theater in the room in the basement area that Sam assumed used to be an office or workshop of some kind.  They installed a 75” TV on the wall with surround sound speakers and hooked it up to his PC, which he brought down from his office.  He moved a leather futon down there while waiting for a good set of home theater chairs to get delivered.

Sam decided to take Tracy and her kids out for dinner on Wednesday.  On the surface, he did this so that he could say that he was trying to spend more time with her kids.  In reality, he needed an alibi just in case things went down that night.  What better alibi than a single mother, her kids, and a restaurant full of people? 

During dinner, Sam realized a few things.  First, he doesn’t like these kids that much.  He realized that he never really liked them and put up with them because he thought he was in love with Tracy.  He never wanted kids, but thought he could grow into the role of stepdad for her.  But he just doesn’t want to do it anymore.  At least when the kids were with their dad, he got a break from the madness, but that’s only every other weekend and a week every other month.  The National Guard was more of a commitment than what her ex put in raising his kids.  Second, he figured out that he no longer loves Tracy.  Try as he might, he just doesn’t have any more feelings for her, aside from not wishing her harm.  She’s a good lay, but even that is only in comparison to no sex, and that has been one thing that Sam has not been lacking recently.  He makes more than her by quite a lot, so it’s not money.  Her cooking is passable at best and her allergies mean that he can’t have anything with citrus, nuts, or fruits in his food.  Tracy talked about how she wanted another kid, and she was not thrilled about finding out about his vasectomy.  He brought up adoption once, but that was more to shut her up.  He could tell she was heartbroken at not having any more kids, and he really doesn’t want to have one with her.  He looked across the table at the three of them enjoying dinner, having fun, and realized that if he didn’t let her go soon, this was his life for the next 40 years.  He would die of old age eating shitty food in a shitty restaurant surrounded by people he barely tolerated.  He would stand up from this table and be 90 if he led Tracy on any more.  And that doesn’t include her family.  Marrying Tracy means that he’d have to put up with Naomi, too.  The only thing he wanted to put into that bitch was a stiff cock in her ass.  Finally, he discovered something he wasn’t expecting to find at this shitty restaurant.

He was falling for Bubbles.  Hard.

Sam thought about how much time he’d spent with her in the past month or so, how much he looked forward to her calls and texts, how she’s bent over backwards to help him with everything, how she can be sweet and calm one moment but down right psychopathic, and how her craziness was perfect for him.  He missed the way she smiled at him when they were away, how she always had a joke ready and laughed at his jokes, no matter how bad they were.  He loved how they explored new things and shared so many hobbies.  He pictured Bubbles in the booth with him, and his heart skipped a beat.  He imagined going out to dinner with her, but it wouldn’t be a chore.  And the sex… HOLY SHIT!  He’s never been vocal during sex, but getting a blowjob while telling her all the nasty fantasies he’s had about Naomi and Lexi was so damned erotic he wore himself out fucking her after.  And that was just one example.  He realized in that moment, eating a cheeseburger with a fried egg on it, that he was falling in love with Bubbles.

He sat here with Tracy, only with her because he needed to get Naomi and Lexi’s schedules, and was using her as an alibi.  As much as he hated to think it, he hoped that his new friend from the Club was over at their house right now, raping the shit out of those women.  If he was, then Sam wouldn’t have to keep up this charade of being interested in Tracy anymore.  He could break up with her cleanly, leave her to find someone better for her.  Hell, even if things didn’t work out with Bubbles, at least he’d give it a shot.  He’d rather shoot his shot with Bubbles than spend the rest of his life with Tracy.

As he sat there, his phone buzzed.  It was Bubbles.  She asked him how things were going on his date.  Sam excused himself to take a call, then stepped outside and called her.  They talked for a couple minutes, and she asked him if it’d be okay if she picked up some cooking items for his place.  As much as Sam liked food, he wasn’t a great cook and barely had enough pots and pans to make spaghetti or a burger.  Bubbles said she was over doing some decorating and wanted to cook something, but saw the piss poor shape of Sam’s kitchen and wanted to hit up the Asian Market before they closed.  He didn’t even bat an eye at the request.  The only thing he asked for was to try some of what she was making when he got home.  Sam panicked after realizing he ended the call with “I miss you.”  Bubbles busted his balls a little bit.  “Aww, you miss your girlfriend while on a date with your ex.  Aww, so cute.  I miss you, too.”  He hung up and went back inside and rejoined Tracy and the kids.

They finished dinner and went back to their place.  He tried to leave shortly after Tracy started a movie for the kids.  She wanted to continue but he made up an excuse about how late it was getting and how he had work early in the morning.  After a quick kiss turned into a small makeout session where Sam thought about that sexy Korean girl standing in his kitchen, wearing just a wife beater tank and gym shorts, Tracy took the lead and they went up to her room.  A few minutes later and they were fucking on her bed while he imagined that Tracy was Bubbles.  After that, he cleaned up and made his way home.


Kim Park, aka Bubbles, was a complicated woman who always seemed to defy standards.  From the surface, she was the daughter of Korean immigrants, an Army brat, and a chronic overachiever.  But beneath the surface, she was much more than that.  Labels and names never seemed to fit Bubbles.

Kim is the youngest of three children, the only one of her generation born in the United States.  Her older brothers were born in Seoul on an American Army base.  Her father was an officer in the 579th Signal Company, a First Lieutenant when he met his future wife and Kim’s mom.  Her mom is fully Korean while her dad is a mix.  His mother was Korean but his father was Japanese and Chinese, a product of the Rape of Nanking.  His family escaped to the United States after Mao’s rise to power.  Over the years, he grew up and joined the Army, where he was an MP near Incheon when he met his future wife.  They moved to the states, had a family, and his middle son went to college on an ROTC scholarship.  The cycle continued, he met a beautiful Korean girl and the rest was history.

Names were difficult for Bubbles growing up.  Her Korean name is Kim Park Soon-Hee.  But growing up in the 90’s and 00’s she faced a lot of racism and fetishism from gaijin growing up, and since Kim is a very common American girl’s name, she shortened her name to Kim Park for all intents and purposes.  She picked up a few nicknames over the years, but one that seemed to stick the most was her gamer tag from Club Penguin, BU88IEZ.  Of course, someone mispronounced it during a game and said that it looked like Bubbles, which led to some taunting about getting blown away.  She kept the name as her online personality.

Gaming was her refuge from school.  She was the youngest daughter of Asian immigrants with college degrees, which meant that her future was laid out for her as soon as that pregnancy test came back positive.  She would go to school, get good grades, become a doctor, marry another doctor, eventually retire, and serve as her parent’s caretakers and retirement income.  Any activity that was meant to help her get into medical school was taken.  Her brothers each joined the Army on ROTC scholarships while she was forbidden from doing so.  Instead, she racked up hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loans to pay for college. 

While her parents did not react well to Kim coming out as bisexual and later as a lesbian at first, they soon began to accept this decision, especially while she was in school.  As her oldest brother Bong once said “if she’s eating clam she’s not sucking dick, and no chick ever got knocked up from eating clam.”  Both her brothers Bong and Dae came around to defend her coming out.  She let her parents acclimate to her new sexualities, but also realized that she would never be happy living in the same time zone as them.  After graduating college at Stanford, she moved to Harbor City for medical school, then to Humdinger for a few semesters before coming back to Harbor City a year prior.

One thing that she always kept to herself was how she joined the most exclusive Club in Chester County.  Being a petite Asian woman that’s barely five feet tall, she’s always desired a sense of control.  When she was younger, she had no control in her life, and the step that pushed her over the edge was when Dae’s best friend raped her one night after a party, then kept coming around for the next few months.  The experience traumatized her in several ways, but one was how it left her chasing that feeling of control and animalistic desire.  At first she was putting herself into dangerous positions and being promiscuous, but eventually started preying on women herself.  One night back when she worked as a waitress at a bar in Collegetown, she had a long, complicated, and awkward talk with Colin.  He was one of her bartenders she worked with.  They both had their eye on a girl and Bubbles caught Colin spiking this girl’s drink.  She took him back and told him that if he’s doing that to her customers, she wants in.  This took him aback, but he didn’t have much of a choice.  That night she helped Colin rape a cute little thing named Taya and a couple days later he told her about the Club and that she was vetted to join.  She offered up her former FWB Lily and a week later she recorded a petite little thing named Ali, her first attack for the Club.  From that moment on, she was hooked.

Bubbles arrived at Sam’s house after working a long shift at the hospital.  She was off for about 30 hours, and only went to her apartment to water her plants and grab her overnight bag.  As much as she liked it, she felt lonely in her studio apartment.  She could be lonely anywhere, so she might as well be lonely at Sam’s place.

After a quick drive across town, she arrived at his new house and let herself in.  She spent some time cleaning, putting things away, and organizing his kitchen.  As she put away the handful of pots and pans he has, she saw how much of a bachelor Sam really was.  He had one large pot for noodles, one small saucepan, a griddle for burgers, and one frying pan.  Those were all of his pots and pans.  No backups, no wok, no crockpot, no steamer or anything else.  It looked like Sam bought the cheapest set Target had and barely used them.

Bubbles looked at his kitchen and knew what she had to do.  She would need make sure he didn’t starve or get diabetes from eating takeout all the time.

She texted Sam, and was surprised he called her back so fast.  They talked for a moment as she told him of her plan to make some of her food, and he was excited to try.  She was caught off-guard when he said he missed her unprompted, and played it off with a joke.  In reality, she felt the same way about him and was glad that he took this step first.  It’s been a while since she felt this way about anyone, especially a man.  She can be her real self with him.  Her real, fucked up, perverted self.

After a quick trip to the Oriental Market, she was back at Sam’s house with some groceries and a few more items to use his kitchen the way it was meant to be.  Well, maybe not how the white people who built this house back in the 40’s thought with Korean meals, but the kitchen was being used to cook a meal.  One of Bubbles’s hobbies was cooking.  It was like chemistry, but could be delicious when done right.  Also, cooking was one of the few ‘girly’ things her mom encouraged.  Her mom taught her a ton about Korean cuisine, her great-granny passed a thing or two on about Chinese cooking, and thankfully YouTube filled in the gaps of what she missed from her small Japanese heritage.  She made some mandu and bibimbap over the next couple hours.  The mandu, Korean dumplings filled with pork, were ready to fry up after she froze about 6 dozen of them.  She had finished up the bibibmap sides and was about to grill up the sliced steak when Sam walked in.

Sam couldn’t believe his nose when he walked into his house.  It smelled so…delicious.   All of the flavors and aromas in the air damn near carried him to the kitchen, where he saw Bubbles cooking.  The thought of taking a shower took a backseat to hugging and kissing her.

“Well, someone’s happy.”  Bubbles said.

“What is this?  It smells great.”  Sam said, pointing at the food.

“That is called mandu, dumplings.  I used my grandma’s recipe and made them with pork belly.  The rest is bibibmap.  Think a poke bowl, but better.”

“Better?  How?”

“Because I made it.”  Bubbles smiled.  “Now, go wash up, then tell me what happened.”


There’s an old saying that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.  By the time he finished his meal, he went from ‘I think I like her a lot’ to ‘I love this woman and don’t want to lose her and I need to find out what her ring size is.’  The dumplings were absolutely amazing, and the bibibmap blew his mind with the simple complexity and combination of flavors.  Rice, carrots, zucchini, spinach, peppers, grilled and marinated steak, and the whole thing covered with a sunny side up egg.  The combination of flavors, aromas, textures, colors melted his brain.

The pair talked about Sam’s date with Tracy over their very late dinner.  He answered what he had to, but was just looking forward to ending the whole thing with his ex.  He mentioned a little about what went through his head sitting there with her and her kids at the restaurant.  He knew that his life with her would be boring, miserable, and just a slow march to the grave.  Bubbles asked why he thought so, and Sam laid it all on the table every reason he doesn’t like Tracy or her kids.  He said he realized that his life going forward would be spent going to the same generic restaurants eating the same shitty food dealing with her shitty kids.  Then, they’d go home, have generic sex, and the most relaxing part of his day would be the commute to work.  Sam said she was a lousy cook, and with her allergies she wouldn’t cook him anything with fruits or nuts.  She dumped him several months earlier when she found his porn stash, but a few months of being single and having her kids around all the time made her less picky.  Her ex is, well, not here and he really doesn’t care at this point.  She was about as exciting as watching paint dry, and her idea of a good night was watching some stupid reality TV show like the Real Housewives of Folsom Prison, or Survivor: Mall of America.  At this point, he’s just waiting to hear back about Naomi’s attack so he can stop talking to Tracy.  He’s already figured out that he’ll dump her a few days after he sees the video of Naomi getting fucked like a whore and will go low contact until that happens.  He hopes that this happens before he has to take her out again.

Sam looked at his phone, seeing that it was almost midnight and they were still eating dinner.  He didn’t want the night to end, but also knew that if he didn’t say something, Bubbles might not stay over.  He was trying to figure out a way to ask her to stay when she noticed that ‘trying-to-ask-something-but-not-come-off-as-weird’ face.

“You look like you want to say something.”  Bubbles said.

Sam thought for a moment, then decided that the direct option was the best option.  “Did you want to stay here tonight?  I mean, it’s getting late and it’s been a long day, but I don’t want to make you drive all the way back-“

Bubbles stopped Sam’s rambling and answered his question with a kiss.


Bubbles slept in as Sam woke up and went to his home office and worked.  She didn’t have to be at the hospital until 3PM and after a 20 hour shift would be done until Monday morning.  Sam had some coffee waiting for her when she came out of the bathroom.  They talked for a bit before they went downstairs for his lunch and her breakfast.  As they ate and talked, Bubbles’s phone rang.  It was her mother.  Bubbles answered it, and in the next 30 minutes of being screamed at in Korean, she spoke for maybe 3 minutes, and most of that was apologizing for one thing after another.  When she finally got off the phone, Bubbles looked stressed.   Sam slid his chair over and gave her a hug.

“I’m sorry you had to see that.  She’s just…so…ARRGH!”  She broke down and cried as Sam held her.  “It’s always ‘Soon-hee no good, Soon-hee disappoint me, Soon-hee bad daughter, Soon-hee make sad, Soon-hee make father sad, Soon-hee waste so much.’  I’m so sick of it.  I’ve come so far, done so much to make her happy, but it’s never enough.  I’m a fucking doctor, but it’s still not good enough for her.  Nothing I do is ever good enough for her!”  Sam held her for several minutes as she let out everything she was feeling.  Once she stopped crying, they talked for a while, going over her upbringing and history, how she always had to have good grades, how she had to play several instruments she hated, how she was raped by her brother’s friend, how she joined the Club, and so much more.  They talked for so long she was almost late leaving for work.  As she was leaving, Sam asked two questions.  If she wanted to sort-of move in and what is Soon-hee?  She said she’d like that and would make sure she brought some stuff with her.

“What’s Soon-hee?”  Sam asked.  Bubbles paused for a moment.  “She kept saying that on the call, never heard that before.  Is that some insult or something?”

“Sort of.  It’s my name.”  Bubbles’s shoulders drooped as she said that.  “My full name is Kim Park Soon-Hee, but since my family’s Korean, the family name comes first.  Kim is my mother’s last name, Park my father’s last name.  They kept both for us when they got married.  Mother messed up the school application when she enrolled me in school, and since Kim is a girl’s name, no one bothered to correct her.  She refused to correct it.  I just went with it because she beat it into me that adults were always right, so when they kept screwing up my name, I just accepted it.  Dad hated it because Soon-Hee was his grandma’s name and I wasn’t respecting it.  So I got beat for that, too.  The only people that call me Soon-Hee at this point are blood relatives.”

“What do you want to be called?”  Sam asked.  She thought for a moment before responding.

“In public, Kim.  But when we’re alone or in safe company, call me Bubbles.”


Part 3 Continued in next post.
Always close the program you were running before exiting the holodeck

Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Sam and Bubbles, A Love Story (Part 3 Posted)(M+/F+, FF, oral, anal, ncon)
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2024, 09:36:25 PM »
Part 3 Continued

Thursday night and Friday morning were relatively calm for Sam.  He decided to get as much of his work done Thursday night while Bubbles was at work.  He wanted to spend as much time with her as possible once she was was done with work.  They texted a couple times throughout her shift.  The original plan was she would stop by her apartment after work, grab a couple things, head over, sleep for a few hours, then get ready for a night on the town.

That was the original plan.  That changed early Friday morning when Sam received a message.


He didn’t know who the sender was, didn’t have any packages incoming to him, and Amazon was misspelled.  He looked at it a couple times before he realized that this wasn’t from the Messages app on his phone but the encrypted WhatsApp messenger used for Club business.  Sam was at the office when the message came in, so he couldn’t dive too deep into what it meant.  After messaging his buddy Steve, he found out that this was a message from the Club’s server that he was tagged in a video that was just uploaded.  Since he wasn’t in anything recently, that could only mean one thing.

Naomi’s video was waiting for him to watch.

Sam spent the rest of the morning counting down the seconds until he could leave.  Sure, he was the boss, but he was also scheduled for a meeting at 11AM that he couldn’t skip.  He thought about dialing in from the road, but that wouldn’t work, either.  The next few hours dragged on, and he barely paid attention to what happened in the meeting.  As the meeting wrapped up, he made his way home, to find Bubbles in bed.  He climbed in with her, and sent a text to her phone ‘Wake me when you get up, got something I want to show you ;)’.  After a couple hours, they were up and ready to have some fun.  They ordered takeout from a local Chinese place and had a glass of wine before heading down to the theater room.  Sam was dressed in a pair of gym shorts and an old t-shirt while Bubbles had her black hair pulled back in a pony tail and wore a grey Nike sports bra and running shorts.  Once inside the theater room, Sam logged in from his PC to the Club’s website and opened the message he had from his new friend.

‘Had the time of our lives last night.  Your present is on the way.  Enjoy this.’  Sam clicked on the attachment and it opened two videos, FunTime1 and FunTime2.  Sam clicked on the first video, made sure the door was locked, and sat next to Bubbles on the leather futon couch as the first video came to life on the television.


The video started with a fat man in a red Comcast polo shirt and khakis wearing a ski mask attaching the camera to a spot high up on the wall.  Once it stopped moving, the fat man climbed down and admired his handiwork.  Across the room was a skinnier man, dressed the same way, as cable repairmen.

“You ready?”  The fat one said.  His voice had bass and years to it.

“Yeah, everything’s ready to go.”  The skinny one said.  He was definitely younger.  As they stood next to each other, it was obvious they were both about the same height, around 5’9”.  Aside from how fat the older one was, the two had a lot of similarities.  They each removed their Comcast shirts, revealing black t’s underneath.  As the men stepped to the side, the camera view showed that they were in a woman’s bedroom with a 4-post king-sized bed taking up most of the space.  The white walls had a lot of Hobby Lobby shit on them, like multiple crosses and some “Live, Laugh, Love” signs.  There were two sets of blackout curtains over the windows.  The camera faced the bed, and two doorframes were visible in the corner of the screen.  One led to the attached bathroom, the other to the hallway.

The video cut ahead about 45 minutes, according to the alarm clock on the nightstand.  The two men were hidden out of sight from the bedroom door.  The skinny one stood behind the door with something in his hand while the fat man was hidden in the bathroom doorway.  They waited for what felt like an eternity but was only 90 seconds.

Naomi walked into frame.  She was dressed in workout gear of a peach tank over a brown sports bra, brown yoga pants and socks.  Her long, straight chestnut hair was pulled back in a ponytail.  She had her AirPods in, obviously listening to some 90’s pop.  She didn’t notice the man behind the door.  The music blocked out the sounds of the man coming behind her, and she didn’t react to him until she felt a sharp, shooting pain course through her body before she fell to the floor.  She crumpled to the ground, none of her muscles responding to commands.  Naomi let out a pained scream as she hit the ground, her back in pain.

“Well, looks like Mommy’s home.”  The fat one said as he stepped out of the bathroom.  The skinny one knelt on Naomi’s back and yanked her head back by her ponytail.  She opened her mouth instinctively to scream, but something was shoved in it, a metal ring propping her mouth open.  She screamed but couldn’t form words as a piece of fabric was shoved in her mouth and it was taped into place with black tape.  She tried to move her arms, but they wouldn’t respond to commands.  Naomi screamed as the fat man grabbed her right wrist, then the left one, pulled her arms up and then handcuffed them.  She tried to pull away, but all that got her was a slap upside the head.

The skinny one stood up, pulling Naomi up to her knees by her hair.  She yelped as he yanked a couple times to drag her over to the bed.  When she didn’t move fast enough, the skinny man zapped something in front of her face.  It was his stun baton.

“You gonna be good, or you gonna be a daft cunt?  You be quiet, do what yer told, no one gets hurt.  If not, you get that.”  The fat man said, laying on a thicker fake British accent, almost Cockney.  He pointed at the baton to end the sentence.  The skinny one zapped it again.  “Hurts like a bitch, don’t it?  Well, if ya scream, he’ll give ya something to scream about.  Now, you just sit here, be friendly with my buddy here, and stay quiet.”  The fat man walked out of the room, holding what looked like a yellow gun.  A taser.

Naomi sat on the floor, looking around as the time passed.  The skinny man let go of her hair after a minute, but kept his hand on the stun baton.  Naomi saw what time it was, 4:15.  Lexi would be home soon.  She saw her phone and watch on her nightstand and knew it was her only chance to warn her daughter.  She made a move to lunge for her phone, but was stopped by another sharp pain to her back.  Naomi crumpled to the floor.

“You stupid fucking bitch!  You think I didn’t see that coming?”  The skinny man yelled, slapping her across the back of the head.  He zapped her again, making her curl into the fetal position.  He moved her phone and watch into the bathroom as Naomi cried on the floor.  He then stepped over her and grabbed a chain dog leash wrapped around one of the bed posts.  After a quick light kick to the back, she rolled enough to let him grab her handcuffs.  He snapped the clip onto Naomi’s cuffs, then yanked on the chain until she inched closer to him.  The skinny man grabbed her again by her hair and pulled her face up to his.  “Just for that, I’m gonna fuck your ass dry.”  The skinny man said in a Midwestern accent before he slapped her upside the head, above the hairline.

The video continued on for a few minutes where the main action on screen was the skinny man pulling Naomi onto his lap so he could play with her tits.  After a couple minutes of playing with her melons over her clothes, he pulled out a knife to cut off her tank, then her sports bra.  As he squeezed her tits, a whistle came from the living room.  The skinny man put the knife to Naomi’s throat.

“Try anything and both you bitches die.  Got it?”  She nodded through the tears.  He wrapped the chain around her neck for good measure.

Nothing happened on screen for a minute.  There was muffled sound off camera, followed by the voice of a young woman.

“Mom, I got Wendy’s for dinner.”  A moment later, a pained scream echoed through the house, followed by some moaning.  The moaning became mumbled after a moment.  A couple lower pitched noises approached.  The fat man dragged Lexi behind him by her cuffed hands.

“Look who’s home?”  The fat man said, leaving Lexi face down on the floor.  She moaned in pain as the fat man wrapped another dog chain around Naomi’s bed post by the head of her bed.  As Lexi cried, the fat man clipped the chain to her handcuffs, then knelt on her back to pull the two prongs of the taser out of her back.  Lexi’s right forearm tattoo quoting ‘This Too Shall Pass’ was finally legible on the screen.  “Yeah, that’s gonna sting.”  He grabbed her by her blonde hair, pulling her to her knees, followed by a slap to the top of the head.  Lexi cried from the pain as she was further pulled up to her feet.  This gave the man a chance to insert a ring gag into her mouth.  Then he pushed her onto the bed.  She landed on her back, and this was the first good look at that blonde piece of ass.

Lexi’s curly blonde hair came down to her shoulders.  Her blue eyes were filled with tears and fear.  She wore a peach spaghetti strap tank with the bra straps visible underneath up top and a pair of blue jean shorts that did an amazing job of showing off her ass.   Her sandals were lost somewhere in the hallway.

The fat man took a moment to appreciate the cute blonde on the bed before climbing off and retrieving something from his bag.  After a better look, it was a pair of long fabric scissors.  Naomi screamed into her gag first since she had a better angle to see what he was doing.  Lexi did the same when she saw what he had in his hands.

“Oi, you betta stay still, don’t wanna cut ya.”  The fat man climbed onto the bed and sat on Lexi’s legs, trapping them.  He reached up with his left hand, grabbing her peach tank and pulled on it.  The straps snapped off, and he went to work cutting the rest of the shirt off.  In three cuts, the peach tank was gone, leaving her in a pink/peach bra.  He then cut through her jean shorts, going up the right leg then the left.  Naomi stopped caring about the skinny man mauling her tits as she watched the fat man cut Lexi’s clothes off.  With the jeans gone, she was left wearing only a pair of pink and peach bikini-cut panties that matched the bra.  “Getting to my favorite part.”  With three quick snips, the bra was cut to pieces, and two more on the panties did the same.  He peeled back the gusset to reveal a neatly trimmed pussy with just a small landing strip of bald hair.  “Oi, that looks good ‘nough to eat.”  The fat man said as he changed positions, sliding down her legs.  Lexi tried to kick at him but her body was rocked by a large electric shock.  “Oi, try that again, and I’ll zap yer puss, got it?”  Lexi cried as the fat man pushed her legs open and started licking her twat.

On the corner of the bed, the skinny man kept playing with Naomi’s tits as his partner had his fun with Lexi.  Naomi still had the chain around her neck, which forced her to hold her cuffed hands up in the air.  This let the skinny man molest her tits with abandon.  As the fat man was eating out Lexi, Naomi felt the hands leave her tits and move to her yoga pants.  The skinny man tugged and pulled at the shorts until they ripped a little.  Once he had an opening, he tore the crotch open then tried the same with her panties.  When that didn’t work, he used his knife to cut them open, exposing a full brown bush.

“We’re gonna have a lot of fun together.  Ain’t that right mommy?”  The skinny man said as he pushed his finger into Naomi’s puss, eliciting a yelp from her.  He went on to fingerbang Naomi while the fat man finished eating Lexi out and slipped off his pants.  A moment later the fat man, wearing only a black t-shirt, climbed up from between Lexi’s legs and up her body, stopping at her tits to suck and bite on her nipples. 

After what felt like an eternity to Lexi, the fat man stopped abusing her small tits and finished his climb up her body.  She turned her head away but he grabbed her by the hair and yanked, forcing her to see his ski-mask covered face.  “Look at me while I’m fookin’ ya, cunt.”  He held her head tightly in place as he lined his cock up with her pussy and pushed his way in.  Lexi cried and squealed some more as he entered her, messing up her makeup even more.  “Yeah, like that ya little whore.”  The fat man started pumping in and out of Lexi, picking up the pace as he went.  He wasn’t going to last long at the rate he was going.

“Like what you see?  Bet you love watching your girl get fucked?  Was that a yes?  I knew you were a horny little slut when I saw that sweet ass of yours.  You love it, don’t you?  Love watching your daughter get fucked like the whore she is on your bed?  Yeah, you can’t wait till it’s your turn, show your little whore how much of a cum dumpster mommy truly is?  Hell, you want to see him blow his load in her, knock the little fuck tart up?  You want the same, don’t you?  You want you and Lexi walking around knocked up at the same time after a good fucking.  Give your next kid and grandkid someone to play with.  You love watching her get fucked, don’t ya?”  The skinny man kept talking to Naomi as she kept crying while he fingered her.  He mauled her tits with one hand and fingered her with the other as they watched his partner pick up the pace of fucking Lexi.

“Oh fuck oh fuuck!”  The fat man bellowed as he came inside of Lexi, milking his cock for every spurt he had.  He shuddered, collapsing on top of Lexi.  The only sounds in the bedroom for a moment were his heavy breathing and Lexi’s crying.  As the fat man pulled himself out of and off of Lexi, the skinny man wasted little time with Naomi.  He pushed her onto the bed, nearly choking her in the process.  He unwound the chain from around her neck only after he had her on her back, still wearing the torn yoga pants and panties.  He took off his pants but left his shirt on and with his ski mask were the only clothes he had left on.  He mounted Naomi and pushed his dick inside her, fucking her and tearing at her remaining clothes as he went.  He fucked her hard and wild while he ripped off the last of her yoga pants.  Soon, both mom and daughter were naked as jay birds on the bed.

The fat man got out of bed and handed the skinny man a stun baton.  He then went to the bathroom for a piss, followed by a trip down to the kitchen to grab the Wendy’s that Lexi brought home.  He ate a spicy chicken sandwich while the skinny guy fucked Naomi.

“You want me to cum in your puss or your ass?  Puss or ass?  If you don’t tell me, I’ll choose for you.  What was that, have nothing to say?  Okay, puss it is then.”  The skinny man teased Naomi, knowing she couldn’t talk with the gag in her mouth.  After a few more thrusts, his body stiffened as he came inside Naomi’s twat.

The two men took a break for a few minutes and ate the dinner Lexi brought home.  After the skinny man drank Naomi’s frosty, they talked in hushed tones about the next part of the plan.  When they broke their huddle, they moved Naomi to lay directly next to Lexi, but laying on her stomach.  Then the skinny man grabbed Naomi by the hair and pulled her closer to his mouth.  “I told you what was gonna happen.  Now it’s time, bitch.  That ass is mine.”  In a quick move, he was on the bed and mounting Naomi from behind as she struggled underneath him as he tried to line his dick up with her asshole.  Try as she might, she couldn’t fight off the inevitable and soon he forced himself into her ass, an inch at a time.  Naomi howled at the pain and intrusion, and Lexi looked on in horror at the pain her mom went through.  She didn’t have long to wait to find out what was in store for her as the fat man approached with a bottle of KY and smeared it on and into her asscrack.  He pushed her legs far back, her ankles up by her head as the fat man smeared more of the lube on her backside.  A minute later she felt immense pressure as the fat man pushed into her bowels, raping her ass.  The two men fucked the ladies’s posteriors in tandem for several minutes before the skinny man pulled out and busted a nut on Naomi’s back.  The fat man followed a few minutes later when he pulled out and shot his load in Lexi’s face.

After the two men cleaned themselves up, they both needed a rest, so decided it was time to watch a little show.  They removed the gags from the women and after several threats to their lives and reputations, as well as a couple well-placed stun baton shots, they forced the women to make out.  This then led into a 69 with Lexi on top.  The skinny man grabbed a camera and recorded the whole thing, tears and all.  He made sure to get great footage of Lexi’s tongue on Naomi’s clit and vice versa.

Watching the mom and daughter dyke out got the men in the mood again, and this time they switched things up, with the skinny man fucking Lexi and the fat man going for Naomi.  After about fifteen minutes, they made sure that Lexi was nice and chained up as they both fucked Naomi, the fat one taking her ass while the skinny man fucked her twat.  Ten minutes later, they switched over to Lexi and both fucked her at the same time.  They wrapped it up by moving the girls together and giving them matching facials.

The skinny man took them to the bathroom one at a time while the fat man gave each of them some pills and a glass of water and forced them to take them.  He threatened them when they asked what they were but at some point they mentioned Vallium, a sleeping pill, and Plan B.  The fat man also told the women in no uncertain terms that if they even thought about going to the cops or told anyone about this, they’d release the photos and video to everyone they know, then come back and do much, much worse before killing them and Naomi’s son.  The men waited for the pills to kick in before leaving, but decided on one more go around with them and then staged them for some sexy photos before cleaning everything up and leaving.


It was close to 3:30AM when the video finally ended, and Bubbles and Sam were spent and sore.  From the time Naomi walked onscreen, the pair couldn’t keep their hands off of each other.  Watching this bitch get what was coming to her was a fantasy come true for Sam, and Bubbles was more than willing to enjoy the time with him.  After a night of fucking and sucking, they passed out in each other’s arms in the theater room, not getting up until after noon on Saturday.

Sam saw that Tracy tried getting a hold of him Friday night, but he left her on read.  He talked to her Saturday night, and only agreed to meet her again after Bubbles told him to date her another week or two before breaking up with her to remove suspicion.  He had already checked out of this relationship.  He would go on to dump Tracy less than two weeks later after starting a fight about how not having enough time alone after her babysitter and niece Lexi refused to watch the kids.  It turns out that for some reason, Lexi decided to move out of the house a couple months early but wouldn’t say why.  As soon as he got off the phone with Tracy, he went back and watched Lexi get fucked like a whore.  His only regret was that he wasn’t the one to fuck that little twat.

But he had something else on his plate.  He had a trade offer to fulfill for a sexy redhead named Frankie.
Always close the program you were running before exiting the holodeck

Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Sam and Bubbles, A Love Story (Part 4 Posted)(M+/F+, FF, oral, anal, ncon)
« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2024, 03:12:30 PM »
Part 4:  Frankie (M/F, anal, bond, ncon)

Now that Sam’s offer was accepted and “processed”, it was his turn to return the favor.  It was his turn to “reciprocate the trade.”

It was his turn to rape a complete stranger.

The first thing he did was wait for a package to arrive at one of his post office boxes.  With the various properties and shell companies, it is much safer and easier for everyone involved to mail anything physical to the post office.  It was a system he came up with years earlier after a previous tenant decided that office hours didn’t apply to him and he pounded on Sam’s door at 2AM until a neighbor called the cops on him.  After that, he would ask that physical mail like missing keys or cleaning receipts be sent to a P.O. Box, and he had a different one for each of his property lines and investments.  Even with his name and business on the box account, it wouldn’t seem unusual at all for him to receive a letter with keys in it.  Hell, there were three other sets of keys in the box when he checked it on Tuesday morning.  He didn’t check the box often, maybe twice a month at most unless he was expecting something.  Sam took the contents of this box and a few others with him to his work truck and drove off.  He drove to an industrial park halfway between the post office and his main company office and parked in a secluded spot away from prying eyes.  After sorting through the letters he found one that was a little different than the rest.  His heart skipped a beat when he saw that the letter was addressed to him personally instead of his company.  He felt the plain white envelope.  There was something inside, wrapped in a letter.  He opened it, hands shaking with excitement as he did so.  In it was a letter, two pictures, a spreadsheet, and a key.  Sam read the brief letter.

“Dear friend,

Thank you for the gift the other day.  We had the time of our lives.  I hope you enjoy this as much as we enjoyed yours.


Sam looked at the pictures.  The first was Frankie’s senior high school photo from last year.  Her long, curly red hair went down past her shoulders and a green sweater helped her pale skin stand out against the dark background.  The second pic was of Frankie, dressed in a fancy red dress, like a prom or homecoming.  She was absolutely gorgeous, with a pair of tits that were at least DD and a body that was otherwise petite.  He looked at the spreadsheet as he continued.  It had her address, schedule, who she lived with, what she did, where she went on which days of the week, the alarm codes for the security system, vital information, and suggested times.

Sam drove to his office to drop off the rest of the rest of the mail from the post office before going back home to research his new target.

Francesca “Frankie” Campbell was just about to turn 19 in a few weeks.  She graduated high school a couple months prior and was taking the summer off to “find herself.”  This included registering for a couple courses at 4C, Chester County Community College in the fall.  A note in the spreadsheet said that due to a recent fight, she had agreed to take some basic courses as this would show her parents that she was at least trying to do something productive.  From what Sam could find out, she liked to party and play games.  She lived with her mom, stepdad, and older brother in Peachgrove, a nice suburb on the eastern side of Chester County.  Sam looked up the address via a VPN connection, searching for another house in the area then navigating to her place.  It was a nice two-story house in the suburbs, one of those NIMBY neighborhoods that fight against building apartments and where all the white people vote Republican because being racist reminds them of ‘the good ole days’.  The house was owned by both of the parents.  A little further digging online confirmed the stepdad and his son were the men from Naomi’s video.  Frankie had what the kids call a ‘situationship’, whatever the fuck that means.  The alarm code on the spreadsheet was one associated to Frankie’s boyfriend, but a spare was given just in case.  The docs also contained a link to her OnlyFans page.  Sam didn’t sign up, but the Club had access to a burner account to see the first page or two.  She had some lewd and suggestive stuff, but no nudes.  Her wishlist page included a bunch of different CBD products including cannabis gummy bears.  Frankie was a modern day stoner.

The spreadsheet gave everyone’s schedule, for the most part.  The stepdad and son were both out of the house working most of the day every weekday and the mother worked in the office Tuesday through Thursday with work trips twice a month over the weekends.  This meant that Sam had to time everything just right.  His best bet was this coming Thursday or Friday.  The mom would be out of town starting Thursday night, the stepdad and his son would be working, and Frankie would likely be stoned and hungover most of the morning and early afternoon.

There was a special request on the spreadsheet that Sam contact his new friend the night before so that he could make sure that the security cameras had a ‘glitch’ and Frankie’s phone wasn’t in her room in case she panicked and called 911.  This part concerned him for two reasons.  First, if this guy was on the up and up, he’d have video showing Sam’s face at some point.  Second, if he wasn’t than this was obviously a setup.  He asked Bubbles if this was normal, and she said it’s not unheard of, but not very common.  Most of the offers she’s been in and seen didn’t involve anything like this, but there were a few on the site where the same request was made.  Sam checked them out, as well as his friend’s previous work.  One of those was dated for about 10 years earlier and was a home invasion that targeted a woman in her 30’s where the notes mentioned turning off the security system.

Sam thought about pulling out for a quick moment, but seeing that little red-head dressed like a slut was more than enough for him to smother those thoughts.  After a quick pep-talk with Bubbles he messaged his new friend telling him that Friday worked best if it was still available.  A half hour later and he received an affirmative from his new friend.  Everything was set for Friday.


Sam was a nervous mess the next couple days, and Bubbles’s work schedule didn’t help matters.  She was on a crazy schedule until the weekend, but when she could squeeze in a few hours off, she’d come over to hang out and help him with his upcoming mission.  He made sure that he had everything ready at least a dozen times.  Bubbles joked that he was like Santa with OCD, making his lists and checking it twice, then twice again, then twice again.  He made sure that he had everything he could need from camera equipment to bindings and gags to lubes and cleaning supplies and fresh clothes, weapons, and a first aid kit.  He even had a small toolset just in case.  He went through his plan with Bubbles down to the last detail, preparing for any contingency.  By Thursday night, Sam was as ready as he’d ever be.  As hard as it was to get some sleep Thursday night, he knew he had to, as he had a big day coming up.

A big day indeed.


It was morning, and Sam sat in his work pickup truck in the industrial park looking at his phone as the message came in from WhatsApp.

“Everything’s set, have fun. ;)

Sam took a deep breath, popped a Cialis, washed it down with some coffee, and headed over to Frankie’s house.  It was a quick 10 minute drive from where he waited as he drove past suburban McMansions and plan homes.  He felt his heart thump in his chest as he saw her house, 1342 Cambridge Drive.  There was a silver Kia SUV in the driveway, which he was told about ahead of time.  He drove past this house and parked two houses down in at a neighbor’s house with a For Sale sign in the yard.  Sam made sure that the work truck still had the Comcast placards on it before he left it.  He grabbed his bag, locked his truck, made sure his disguise of a Comcast installer’s uniform was in place, and made his way to Frankie’s house two doors down.  He wore a ballcap low over his face and a fake beard and sunglasses, just in case one of the neighbors had their doorbell cams pointed at him.

As per his instructions, Sam walked past Frankie’s house to the neighbor’s yard and around their house, circling out of view of the doorbell cam.  He made his way between a couple houses to the back yard and cut across to the back of Frankie’s house.  After a moment to make sure he had the correct door code, he unlocked the garage door on the outside number pad and was inside.  He input the code for the security system, the same one given to Frankie’s boyfriend, to disarm it as the garage door closed.  He then disarmed the system for 24 hours and unplugged a NAS next to the router.  From what his friend told him, the Network Area Storage was used as the hub for the home’s security system, including the cameras.  This meant that Sam now had free reign to roam about the house and no one would be any wiser.  He stood in the garage for a moment before switching out of his Comcast uniform and into something a little more appropriate for the job.  He pulled off the polo shirt, leaving an all-black t-shirt and took off the fake beard.  Sam pulled on his ski mask and black nitrile gloves as he pulled out the GoPro and turned it on, putting it on a chain around his neck.  His other cameras were prepped and ready to go.  The one thing he didn’t know was how long he’d have to set things up once he saw Frankie, so he needed to be ready to go in a moment.  With the key he was given, Sam unlocked the door to the rest of the house and entered.

Sam’s heart was going a mile a minute as he walked through the well-furnished house.  He took a look around to make sure he was alone.  He saw a series of photos in the living room showing off a family of five.  There was a man in his fifties, a woman in her forties, two younger adults, and a teen.  The younger adults were a man and woman.  The woman looked more like the dad but the son resembled the mother.  The teen was a spitting image of the mom, with curly long red hair.  Sam looked for a minute, seeing the face of his new friend, the father in the pic.  The body type was a perfect match.  He assumed that the young man was the father's son and the skinny man from the pic.  There were more pics, but none of the whole family older than a few years.  Sam continued through the house and damn near had a panic attack when he saw an empty dog crate.  Dogs were bad business in this situation.  He could silence Frankie or another person without too much issue, but a dog would keep barking and likely attack him.  There was no sign of the dog.  He relaxed when he saw a note on the fridge that Dad took Diesel to Doggy Day Care for the day.  From pics he saw, Diesel was a poodle or scottie or something small and poofy. 

After a moment of confirming that the coast was clear, Sam made his way to Frankie’s room.  The door said “Francesca” on it in pink cursive.  The door was slightly ajar.  Sam took a deep breath and checked his GoPro before pushing the door open.  He was recording.  The door gave way to a very messy room.  Clothes were strewn all around, piled up on the floor and the chair by her desk.  The curtains were pulled closed.  Then he saw her.

Frankie was sound asleep on her bed, wearing an oversized sleep shirt and a pair of baby blue panties.  She snored like a sawmill.

Sam got to work setting things up for his little party.  He put one camera on a tripod on her dresser, another on her desk, and his GoPro hanging from a mirror.  He pulled out an old iPod Touch to use as a camera, closed the door to her room, and stripped down.  Frankie still didn’t move.  He waited until he was wearing only his ski mask and checked that the cameras were recording before he turned the lights on.  He flipped the switch, ready to pounce in case she woke.  Instead, she kept snoring, laying on her belly.  Sam stood there for a moment as a million thoughts ran through his head.  He had a moment of guilt and fear go through his mind, but the throbbing cock between his legs broke him of those intrusive thoughts.  Now it was time to act.

Sam grabbed a couple heavy duty zip ties from his bag and slipped one over her left wrist, then moved it up to her right arm and secured that one, too.  He connected a couple of the ties to the headboard, forming a strong joint that would allow movement.  Frankie barely moved but her breathing changed.  He knew she’d wake up very, very soon. 

He grabbed some duct tape from his bag and tore off a piece long enough to cover her mouth.  Sam took a deep breath to calm his nerves as he held the tape in his right hand.  With his left, he grabbed her long, curly red hair and pulled her head back and slapped the tape over her mouth, making sure not to cover her nose.  Frankie made a couple noises, showing signs of waking up.  Sam rolled her onto her back and pounced on her, box cutter in hand and ready.

Frankie was having the weirdest dream when she felt something on her wrists and mouth.  But it was damn near getting the wind knocked out of her that finally caused her to open her eyes.  It took her a moment to realize what was going on, waking up with a hangover and all, but once her eyes focused they confirmed what her body felt.

There was a man, in her room, naked, on top of her, holding a knife of some sort.

Sam saw that the ginger beauty was finally awake, just as he grabbed a handful of her sleep shirt.  “Welcome to your nightmare, bitch.”  He said, extending the blade of his boxcutter.  “Don’t move, don’t want you to get hurt.”  Sam pulled up on the sleep shirt and sliced through the straps that held the tank in place, then made a couple slices through the bunched up bosom to weaken the shirt enough to tear it off.  Frankie screamed into the tape as Sam removed what little clothing she had on.  He grabbed her panties and pulled on them to make room for his blade to slice through the waistband and legholes on each side.  A little bit of tearing and pulling later, and Frankie was naked.  “God damn, look at those titties.” Sam exclaimed as he finally saw her massive tits.  They were at least a DD if not larger, and looked almost comical on her little body, but they felt great in his hands as he played with them. 

Frankie, meanwhile, screamed into the duct tape gag and thrashed about, trying to get free.  She couldn’t move her hands and it was only while this fat man on her was distracted with her tits did she see that she was bound with zip tie cuffs and those were connected to her bed.  She struggled for a bit more, but wasn’t going anywhere.  The tears started when this fat man bit on her nipple. Her screams were silenced by the tape over her mouth.  She was naked on her bed, and this fat man was naked and molesting her and about to rape her.  She thought for a moment about kicking him as hard as she could, but nothing was going to stop him from violating her short of killing him, and she couldn’t free herself quick enough.  And in that time, he could do so much worse to her.  She cried to herself as this stranger shifted his position and forced her legs apart.

Sam was glad he wore a ski mask instead of a balaclava.  The ski mask has an opening for the mouth, where the balaclava doesn’t.  While the latter is better at protection and concealing his identity, there is one thing the ski mask is much better at.  Eating pussy.  Sam scooched his way between Frankie’s legs and got up close and personal with her snatch, admiring every quality of it from it’s scent and taste to the red landing strip shaved into her pubes.  He pulled her lips open and licked her twat.  She stopped fighting pretty quickly but jumped and jerked when he flicked her clit.  He kept working on her with his mouth, determined to make her cum against her will.  He lay between her legs, kissing the holiest of holies for a good twenty minutes before her breathing became ragged and her body shook uncontrollably. 

After she came, Frankie wept at her body’s betrayal.  She couldn’t help herself, no matter how much she tried to deny what this asshole was doing to her.  In the end, she came like a whore.

Once Sam finished eating Frankie out, he climbed up her body, lining up his face with hers.  He guided his cock to her pussy and pushed in, feeling her warmth from the inside.  Frankie grimaced as he first entered, but within a few strokes built himself quite a rhythm.  He fucked her as she resigned herself to her fate.  He sucked on her huge titties as he pounded away.  It only took a few minutes for him to cum, and when he busted his nut inside her, she moaned in despair as a new wave of fear took over her. 

“God, that was good.”  Sam said as he caught his breath before pulling out, leaving a trail of splooge as he did so.  He got up off of the bed to clean himself as Frankie rolled onto her side to cover herself up, pulling her legs up into her chest.  Her arms were tied to the bed, unable to move.  She hoped that this man would just leave, but when he came back after fifteen minutes sporting a hard-on and holding a bottle of lube. 

“Ready for round 2?”  Sam said, crawling onto the bed, pushing her right leg up and out of the way so he could guide his cock into her quim.  A little dash of lube to help with reentry, and he pushed back into her.  He knelt over her left leg as he held her right one out of the way and fucked her as she laid on her side.  Sam screwed her with long strokes as he managed to get her right leg over his shoulder.  He played with her ass with his left hand as he managed to squeeze his thumb into her asshole.  Frankie let out a moan as he did so.  After another couple minutes, he removed his thumb from her ass and his cock from her pussy and added some more lube to his member.

“Just…try to relax.”  Sam said with a chuckle as he lined his cock up against her asshole and pushed in.  Frankie screamed behind her duct tape gag as Sam forced inch after inch of his cock into her asshole.  Once he bottomed out, he sat there for a moment before pulling back slowly, then pushing back in.  It took him a little bit to get a good rhythm going, using Frankie’s ass like a cunt.  He fucked her tight, glorious butt for several minutes before he felt his orgasm build and he let loose inside her bowels.  As he pumped his load into her, the only sounds in the room were Sam catching his breath and Frankie crying.  He pulled out of her ass and made his way to the bathroom to clean up.

Sam cleaned up and checked the time.  10:45AM.  He knew from his new friend that he had until at least noon before there was any chance of anyone coming over, but he had just fucked Frankie twice and was spent.  After cleaning up and making sure he didn’t leave any evidence behind, he went back to Frankie’s room and grabbed a pair of her leggings from the floor and tied them around her eyes, blindfolding her.  He then grabbed another pair and used this to tie one of her ankles to the frame.  He grabbed his stuff and went back to the bathroom.  Sam took a moment to dress, then returned to the room and grabbed his cameras, her shredded clothes, and did a double and triple check to make sure he didn’t forget anything.  He made sure that everything was ready, and took a few more pics and vids from his iPod Touch of the ginger beauty laying on her bed, cum leaking out of both holes, bound and gagged on her own bed.  He snipped the zip ties holding her to the bed with a pair of scissors, freeing her arms from the bed frame.  She immediately pulled her hands into her chest and curled up in the fetal position.  He grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head close to his.

“Listen up you little cunt.  You’re going to do exactly what I tell you to do if you want to get out of this in one piece, got it?  I said got it?!”  She nodded as best she could.  “Good.  As you can tell, you’re untied now, but you still have the zip tie around your wrists. And your leg is tied to the bed frame.  What’s going to happen now is that you are going to count to 100 before you try to free yourself.  Once free, you will go take a long, hot shower and clean yourself up real good.  Then you’ll clean up your room, and go on with your life like this never happened.  I took photos and videos of you getting fucked like a whore.  If you even think about telling anyone what happened here today, I’ll send these to everyone you know, then my friends and I will come back and do much, much worse to you and your family.  You go to the cops, they’ll find pieces of you all over the tri-state region.  You understand?”  Frankie nodded through the tears.  “Good girl.  By the way, you were an excellent fuck.”  Sam kissed her on the cheek, then slapped it lightly.  “You can start counting when I say go.”  He let go of her, grabbed his stuff, and was halfway down the hall when he yelled “Go!”

Sam didn’t waste any time getting the hell out of Dodge.  He had to stop himself before leaving the house with his mask still on.  As Bubbles might say, running down the street wearing a ski mask in summer in broad daylight is “kinda sus.”  He remembered her words of wisdom as he double-checked himself before leaving the garage.  “Walk slow when you leave.  No one will pay attention to a slow walking man, but will notice a chubby guy running.  You’ll want to run, but you mustn’t.  You just committed some serious crimes and want to get away.  Human nature says run, but you’ll just draw attention to yourself.  Walk slow and drive slow.”  He took a couple deep breaths, put his mask in his bag, and opened the garage door.  He closed it from the outside then made his way to his truck.  Instead of leaving the way he came in, he went straight towards his truck.  He had to force himself to slow down a few times.  Any moment, he expected to hear sirens off in the distance.  It was only after he left the housing plan and was a couple miles away that he felt like he’d gotten away with it.  He drove the truck to another industrial park, removed the fake signs, took off the Comcast uniform, and thought about his next move.  He realized that he needed get this specific truck away from him for the next few days, so he drove it to his company’s HQ and dropped it off in the maintenance lot.  He wiped it down as best he could to remove his prints, and left a post-dated note saying it was making a weird noise.  Even if by some chance the cops got involved and one of the neighbors caught the license plate from a doorbell cam, having the truck in the maintenance lot with a request for repairs from a few days back would give him a little bit of leeway. 

After getting a member of the maintenance crew to give him a ride back to his place, he went to his office and went through the rigamarole of logging into the Club’s site and uploaded the footage.  He was home maybe 20 minutes when he heard noises downstairs.  Fearing for the worst, he grabbed one of his pistols and readied himself for a squad of police busting his door down and either dragging him away or shooting him on sight.  That changed when he heard a voice yell out.

“Babe, I’m home.  You here?”  It was Bubbles.  He took a deep sigh of relief and put his Glock back in its hiding place.

“Up here, in the office.”  He yelled out, thankful it was her.  A moment later she knocked at the door that he locked.  He let her in, and they embraced. 

“How’d things go?”  She asked after kissing him.  He had a goofy, shit-eating grin on his face and she squealed in excitement.  “Oh, lemme see, lemme see.”


The couple spent the rest of the day watching Frankie’s rape as they uploaded the footage to the Club.  As per tradition and policy, the gift’s donor gets first shot at viewing the video.  Sam sent it to his new friend, who he found out was named Bart and his son Brandon, before sending it on to the rest of the Club with the 24 hour moratorium in place.  He received a message late Friday night saying it “was all I dreamed of and more.”  Bart said he had a feeling this went down when the NAS was unplugged and Frankie spent the day locked alone in her room.  He has a camera hidden in her room that synched the footage as soon as the NAS was back up and running, and she spent the whole day crying in her room, only coming out for food and the bathroom.  He also said Brandon wanted a shot at her now, but knows he’ll have to wait and plan something good.  Bart might do something himself, waiting for her to get rip roaring drunk one night while his wife’s out and spiking her drink.

Pedro messaged Sam, officially upgrading his membership to full status and congratulating him on a job well done.  Pedro said that there had been no calls or anything to the police from Frankie or anyone in that house, but he would let him know if anything changed.

Sam spent the next several days paranoid as fuck.  Every time he saw a cop car in traffic, he clenched up.  It took some time, but eventually he relaxed.  Looks like Frankie was a good girl and never went to the police.
Always close the program you were running before exiting the holodeck

Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Sam and Bubbles, A Love Story (M+/F+, FF, oral, anal, ncon, drugged)
« Reply #7 on: November 10, 2024, 08:14:13 PM »
Part 5:  Lexi (F/F, MF/F, bond, ncon, drugged)

The next two months progressed like normal for the happy couple.  Well, normal for members of an exclusive club of gang rapists lurking beneath the shadows.  Sam continued his day to day job and Bubbles worked crazy hours at the hospital complex.  For the most part, she was fully moved into his house.  The only time she spent at her apartment was when she only had a few hours between shifts.  Working 20 hours straight then having to be back in 8 hours gave her just enough time to shit, shower, and shave.  Meals were usually whatever she grabbed from the vending machine or the cafeteria on those days, though Sam was known to order delivery for her.  As soon as she was clear of the hospital for more than a couple hours, she spent most of her free time with Sam and their friend Steve. 

In August, they got together at Steve’s house for a presentation from a mutual member of the Club to hear a pitch for a crazy plan.  A handsome young man named Tommy asked for their help in setting up his lover for a home invasion gone sideways at a resort cabin up at Lake Hiawatha.  Tommy’s friend James, an older Aussie, introduced Sam and Bubbles to a friend of his named Bob. 

Bob Kuntzmann owned and operated the Lake Hiawatha Resorts, and had his fingers in every vice operation in a 30 mile radius of the lake.  It was on a trip to LHR over Labor Day weekend that Sam and Bubbles brokered a business meeting with Bob.  Bob would help finance the development of new apartments around Harbor City as a silent partner while the couple would do the heavy lifting.  They celebrated their new deal by using Bob’s newly acquired hostage as a sex slave on his yacht while Bubbles checked off one of her bucket list items of fucking a serial killer.

The rest of the weekend was spent taking part in one of the most complex schemes ever cooked up for the Club.  Tommy set up his girlfriend Morgana for a gang rape in front of her husband to make him leave her, but things got complicated when two more women showed up last minute.  Bubbles and Sam traveled up with Steve and met a friend and coworker of his named JC who was also a member.  Together with Joe and Mari they pulled off a weekend long gangrape of three women and a man while keeping their identities hidden.  They dubbed themselves the ‘Really Useful Crew’.  They had a lot of fun and a lot of sex that weekend, but that wasn’t even the craziest part.

Bubbles and Sam witnessed their first murder and helped cover up the crime.

Long story short, two lifelong friends of Bob were in some deep shit and needed an alibi.  There is no better alibi than staging a convincing death, and Bob recruited Sam and Bubbles to help him dispose of two traitors while making it look like the woman killed was Bubbles, but not really her.  After the rest of the Really Useful Crew left them behind, Bob’s crew of at least a dozen rednecks rolled up and continued the gang rape in the cabin, but this time included Bubbles.  This would not only destroy most of the evidence against the Crew, but convinced everyone else that Bubbles was taken outside and killed by these rednecks.  After the gangbang, her clothes were taken and she was dragged outside where she was supposedly killed.  In reality, two traitorous members of a Yakuza family were instead murdered and fed to the local bear and wolf population.  The only identifiable remnants of this mess were shreds of Bubbles’s clothes and a severed toe from a woman who was still very much alive but wanted her enemies to think she was dead. 

But just as they had a chance to relax, Bubbles received a message from Pedro, the Club’s admin.  Ray was caught by the cops and could not talk under any circumstances.  Bubbles did another thing that was on her bucket list: kill someone on purpose.  She’s a doctor and she’s lost patients before, but there was something different this time.  Ray was a friend of a friend, and a friend of her lover.  But Ray knew Sam and she didn’t trust Ray to not talk, even with a stroke.  After convincing Ray’s son to file for a DNR order, Bubbles gave him a fatal dose of drugs that caused his heart to stop.  She got away with murder.

At least, that’s what she thought before she came downstairs following a long shower and hair dye job to see two police detectives in their living room.  Bubbles recognize one of them from the night before and from her research into Bob, as well as a couple true crime podcasts.  He was Detective George Lewis of the Chester County Police Department.  The interrogation was pretty straightforward where she admitted to losing Ray as a patient and pinning his condition on pre-existing conditions.  But Sam made a mistake when he mentioned meeting someone at Lake Hiawatha Resort.  The Detective went from a yawning bored mess to very astute and attentive.  While the black detective went back and forth with Sam and Bubbles, George cut straight to the chase and put the fear of God into both of them, warning them about working with Bob going forward.

Heat was coming down on the Club so Pedro asked everyone to chill out for a bit as he handled things on his end.  In the meantime, they had a bake sale as a wake for Ray.  That’s what the Club calls a fundraiser where one or more women are gangraped by any members willing to pay the entry fee.  The Really Useful Crew was on the case.  Sam provided the venue while Bubbles worked her magic to drug the girls and help transfer them.  It was a fun night all around for the couple.  They had tons of fun using and abusing the three beauties acquired for the night.

As October approached Bubbles settled into her new home with ease.  She still had half a year left on her lease but at this point it was only for quick breaks between long shifts and the occasional pussy hunting trip in Collegetown.  Even those she found herself doing less and less.  Sure, she still loved women sexually but she loved Sam more, though she hated to admit it.  Not the part about loving sex with women, the part about caring about someone else so much.  It was the first time that Bubbles could truly be open and comfortable with someone.  Hell, they met by helping her rape her ex.  That is not anywhere near the definition of normal.

So here it was on Homecoming weekend that Bubbles found herself at Smitty’s, one of her favorite hangouts in Collegetown, sitting at the bar in a short red dress nursing her beer.  She came out after two shifts at the hospital with a couple co-workers but left them at the last club they went to.  As much as Bubbles liked hanging out, she didn’t want to party with them.  She went down the street to Smitty’s, an a large Irish bar with enough of a dance floor to bring in the partiers.  Bubbles sat at the bar scoping the crown and occasionally pushing away one creepy guy after another as she caught up with Colin behind the bar.  Just as she was going to call it an early night, a group of 6 incoming students caught her eye.  5 girls and a guy who was queerer than a $3 bill came up next to her at the bar, ID’s in hand. 

Bubbles sized them up in a second.  All of them looked like they were in their early 20’s.  2 of them were pretty big but still cute, 2 of them were good looking for 2AM but not hot now.  But it was the blonde next to her that really caught her eye.  She was a little taller than her, straightened blonde hair coming down a little past her shoulders.  Her pale blue eyes were mesmerizing, and the sleeveless body suit she wore with the date night jeans and black ankle boots showed off a gorgeous figure.  The woman’s nose was short and sharp, and something felt familiar about her.  It was when she saw the tattoo inside her right forearm saying ‘This Too Shall Pass’ that it all clicked for her.

It was Lexi.

Bubbles played through a dozen scenarios in her head as Colin took her ID and scanned it.  After pretending that the scanner was having an issue, he used the backup scanner just to be on the safe side.  He ‘restarted' the main scanner which was back up in time for her other friends to get carded.  The two old friends agreed on what they wanted to do before a word was said.  As Colin prepared the group’s drinks, Bubbles tapped on Lexi’s arm.

“Excuse me, you look very familiar.  Trying to think where I remember you from.  Did you go to 4C?”

Lexi smiled at the Asian woman.  “Yes.  Sorry, I’m not sure I remember you.”  Lexi tried to play off the embarrassment of not remembering this complete stranger.

“Kim.”  Bubbles said, extending her hand.

“Lexi.  Sorry, I’m really bad with names.  Which class did we have together?”  Lexi was a little guarded, but at the same time the shame of not knowing was getting to her.

“I’m not sure.  You look so familiar.  English?  Algebra?  No, wait, Econ?”

“Probably Econ.  Old crazy Professor Hibberton and his theories.”  Lexi said.

“That’s it.  Did you hear about him?  He passed away last month.”  Bubbles said, sipping her beer.  Colin put the first of the group’s drinks on the bar.

“Really?”  Lexi replied in shock.  She was having a hard time remembering this woman, but she had to admit to herself that she could’ve been any of a dozen Asian girls in her lecture hall.

“Yeah.  Heard it was an overdose.  Crazy.” 

“Yeah, crazy.”  Lexi said, waiting for the last of the drinks to come up. 

“That’ll be $26.”  Colin said to Lexi.  Before Lexi could get her card out, Bubbles reached over.

“Don’t worry, I’ll get it.  Put it on my tab.”  Bubbles said before Lexi could respond.

“Thanks.  You didn’t have to.”

“Don't mention it Lexi.  It was good to run into you again.”  Bubbles said.

“You too.  Stop by later on.”  Lexi said as she gathered up the drinks and her group headed to a table near the dance floor.  Bubbles waited for a bit before turning to Colin.

“Wasn’t she…?”

“Yeah, and she’s Sam’s birthday present.”


Sam was alone that night, relaxing at home playing some Call of Duty when his phone buzzed with a few messages from Bubbles.

“Come to my apartment after 1.  It’s a surprise ;)  You’ll love it.  Bring your fun travel bag.”  The last one was followed by a devil emoji.

His girlfriend was out for the night.  Originally she said she was going out with some friends, but if something else came up where they could have some fun, she’d tell him about it.  He wasn’t sure what she was planning, but every other time he’s gotten a call or text like this it has always led to something very fun and very sexy.

He checked the clock.  10:08.  He still had some time.  After another couple rounds of getting his ass kicked by some professional streamers online, he jumped in the shower and got ready for what he figured to be a fun night.


It took most of the night, but Bubbles and Colin were able to eventually separate Lexi from her party.  Some manufactured drama and a lost phone later and Lexi’s friends were off to another bar while the cute blonde stayed behind until Bubbles helped her ‘find’ her phone that was in the lost and found box behind the bar.  Two drinks to celebrate later with a little extra added into Lexi’s last of the night helped Bubbles get the blonde into the back of an Uber and to her apartment.  Lexi appeared very drunk and lost her inhibitions as she made out with Bubbles in the back of the minivan.  She tried to protest, but had a very hard time with Bubbles’s hand between her legs.

“This… this isn’t…I’ve never… I’m straight.” 

“So’s spaghetti ’til it gets wet.”  Bubbles said in between kisses.  Her right hand caressed Lexi’s puss through her jeans as she felt the warmth and wetness of the blonde’s excitement spread.  She nibbled on Lexi’s neck and ear, pushing her further and further into a lust-filled bad decision. 

The minivan stopped outside of Bubbles’s apartment building but waited for a moment before the women left.  Lexi was so horny that she completely ignored all of the bad feelings she had about going here.  The two women made out on the stoop of the building, then again right at Bubbles’s front door with Bubbles undoing Lexi’s jeans as she started to finger the blonde in the hallway.  She opened the door to get them inside her apartment as Lexi moaned into her mouth.

Lexi didn’t notice how sparse the room was decorated, nor did she notice the cameras mounted up high on the three nearly empty bookcases facing the bed.  She didn’t stop the Asian as she peeled off her jeans and bodysuit.  She encouraged the experienced lesbian’s digital efforts on her clit to push her to her first orgasm of the night as her nipples were sucked on.  She didn’t care what was in the water she drank, and loved it when her new lover kissed and licked her to another orgasm.  She was too out of it to stop her hands from being bound to the bed in those fuzzy cuffs, and she lost her mind when they scissored.  The only mewlings she made when this other woman mounted her face in a 69 position was how much she would’ve really liked having her hands free.  She went along with the blindfold and the headphones when this woman said it would help her cum harder than she’s ever cum before.  She didn’t stop Kim from slipping her panties into her mouth, as she jokingly said she didn’t want to wake up the neighbors.  She didn’t care that her body was on fire, only that her new lover could put the fire out.  She didn’t worry about what she’d say to her boyfriend about this, she only cared about desire.

And Lexi also didn’t notice the door open, or make out the voices of a man and a woman.  At least, not until her lover took the mask off to show that she wasn’t alone.


Sam arrived at Bubbles’s apartment not really sure what to expect.  It was a couple minutes before 1AM when he arrived at her building in a company truck and parked behind the building in one of her neighbors’s spots that he knew didn’t have a car.  He wanted to avoid any potential questions as to why his work vehicle was there after hours.  He arrived in a pair of cargo shorts and a plain black tee and Sketchers carrying his rape kit gym bag.  He didn’t check the wired hidden cams in her apartment so he wouldn’t ruin the surprise, but he had a feeling that Bubbles had picked up a nice piece of ass from the bar.  He wondered what this victim would be like as he walked down the hallway to her apartment.  Would it be a white girl?  Black?  Hispanic?  Thicc or thin?  Tattooed or clean as a whistle?

He opened the door as quietly as possible and was greeted by a beautiful site; his smoking hot Asian doctor girlfriend eating out a cute blonde with a tight body.  He looked around the room to admire what he saw.  There were cameras on top of the bookcases each facing the bed, the blonde was bound to it with the long fuzzy cuffs Bubbles liked to use, and she even had the girl blindfolded and wearing the noise cancelling headphones like she did before.  She only had one tattoo that he saw, a script on her right forearm that read “This Too Shall Pass.”

Sam froze in his steps upon realizing where he recognized that tattoo from.

Bubbles looked over her shoulder to see Sam freeze at the end of the bed.  She hopped up and wrapped her arms around him in an embrace as she kissed him deeply, making sure he got a good taste of the blonde’s pussy.

“Happy Birthday, Babe.  Look familiar?”  Bubbles said with a smirk.

“Is…Is that?”  Sam couldn’t even get the name out, for fear of making overshooting the surprise.

“Lexi?  Yeah.  Wasn’t the plan to start the night, but as soon as I saw her, I knew I had to make it work.  Like it?”

“Like it, I love you.  It’s amazing.  You’re amazing.”  Sam beamed as he looked at Bubbles, and it was only after he saw her face scrunch up that he realized he said you instead of it.  He’d wanted to say that he loved her for a while, but wasn’t sure enough of himself to put it out there.  But it was out there now.  She looked back at him and smiled.

“I love you too, Babe.”  Bubbles leaned up for a kiss, and the two made out for a long moment.  “Been waiting for you to say that for a while.  And I know your birthday isn’t until January, but there’s no way I could get her to come back that weekend.”

“You are the most awesome and amazing woman alive.”  Sam said.

“And you’re not so bad yourself.”  Bubbles replied as they kissed again.  “Now, let’s rape the shit out of this bitch.”


Lexi felt a sting on her hip followed by something placed over her mouth.  She was still in it enough to know how horny she was.  Her entire body was like a live electric wire.  Feeling the tape on her mouth shook her out her stupor.  The fear rose as she knew something was amiss.  Suddenly, the headphones were taken off and the blindfold followed.  Her eyes took a moment to adjust to the light.  She screamed into her makeshift gag of tape and her panties as she saw the Asian woman wearing a strap-on dildo standing next to a chubby older naked man in a Ghostface mask.

“Let’s fuck her shit up.”


As soon as Bubbles gave the word, Sam was on Lexi.  He made easy work of getting between her legs and only paused to enjoy the look on her beautiful face as he impaled her with his cock.  He’d dreamed of fucking her for a long time, but that was always locked away as a dirty fantasy for lonely nights, or a thought while he fucked another woman.  Joining the Club made fucking this young blonde a possibility, but giving her up in a trade made that vanish.  It was only the machinations of his amazing girlfriend that made this dream come true.

Speaking of cumming, it took all of Sam’s might and focus to not immediately nut once he inserted himself into Lexi’s twat.  The blonde mewled and cried behind her gag in fear and protest for a moment, but soon the rhythmic motions changed her pleas of release from her bonds to release from the building pressure between her loins.  In and out Sam went, over and over, focusing on Lexi’s body until the blonde couldn’t take it any more and screamed into her gag, legs wrapped around Sam and her body shaking.  Once the spasms stopped, Sam pulled out of her pussy and rolled her onto her side.  Bubbles climbed onto the bed, bottle of lube in hand for Sam as she lined up her plastic penis and stuck it into Lexi’s pussy.  Sam lubed up his cock and Lexi’s asshole, eliciting moans from Lexi’s hyper-aroused state before he pushed his dick into her ass, a little bit at a time.  It took them a few moments, but the two found a good rhythm to DP Lexi, bringing her to another orgasm.

As Lexi cried into her gag, Sam’s breathing got heavier and heavier until he grunted something unintelligible as he blasted his load deep into Lexi’s ass.  He must’ve cum a gallon into her ass.  It was one of the best loads he’s shot in his life, and what made it even better was kissing the woman he loved right after.  Though, it did make the situation a little awkward as their rape victim lay between them.

They each used Lexi’s body over the next hour with Sam being extra careful not to cum in her pussy.  By the end of it, Lexi had passed out.  They removed the tape and balled-up panties from her mouth so Sam could cum down her throat shortly before that.  She had a drugged-up glaze to her that barely recognized her own existence, let alone that she was being fucked like a whore.

Bubbles was able to get her to drink a water with a little something extra in it to wash the taste of cum out of her mouth.  She said it was a mix of roofies and muscle relaxers.  Any pain in her ass or cunt would be registered as just normal soreness while the roofies just worked with what she had earlier to fuck with her memory.  “She won’t remember much past getting tied up.  Anything else would feel like a dream, and I’ll make sure she remembers what I want her to.”  Bubbles said this as she put Lexi to bed.  Sam her and kissed goodnight as he drove back to their home to get a few hours of sleep.

They said “I love you” to each other one more time as he left and she joined Lexi in her bed, her alarm set for an early morning wake up.


Lexi woke up to a splitting headache, a weird taste in her mouth, and a general soreness as she recognized the tell-tale signs of a hangover.  She looked around her room to gauge what happened when she realized this wasn’t her room.  A thousand thoughts ran through her mind as she tried to figure out what happened.  That’s when she noticed she was naked under the sheets.  A groan escaped her lips, followed by a building sense of panic.  ‘Was I raped again?  Who did this?  Where am I?  Was I so drunk I hooked up?’  She tried to shake off the last part as she replayed the events of last night in her mind, talking to no one in particular.

“We went to Smitty’s, had some drinks, ran into some girl, lost my phone, girl helped me find it, we drank more, got in her Uber… Oh, shit.”  Lexi didn’t say the next part out loud as that would make what happened after that real.  There was something about that girl that she found sexy, next thing she knows she’s making out with the Asian girl in the red dress, then they get in her room, then the rest is a blur of images and feelings of sex and never being so horny and turned on in her life.  At some point she ended up tied up, at least she thought she did.  She checked her wrists for marks.  Nothing.  She had some impression that maybe a man joined in, but that didn’t seem right. 

She found her clothes in a neat pile on a chair near the bed in front of a mostly empty bookcase.  Lexi stood up and grabbed her clothes, taking another look around the room.  It was a studio apartment with three of these bookcases blocking off parts of the room.  There was some junk on top of and all throughout the cases, but nothing really stood out.  She tried to figure out more, but the urge to go to the bathroom overwhelmed her.  She carried her clothes with her to the bathroom.  As she was a few steps from it, the sound of water running came to a halt as the door opened.

“Morning sleepyhead.”  The Asian girl was dressed in hospital scrubs, putting her black hair up in a ponytail.  She leaned over and kissed Lexi, who was still trying to make heads or tails out of what happened.  Before Lexi could say anything, she kissed her again, but deeply this time.  Lexi went along with it in the moment.  “I put out a spare toothbrush for you.  It’s the red one.  Coffee should be ready in a few minutes.”  Lexi felt the other girl’s eyes all over her as she went into the bathroom.  After a few minutes of wondering what the hell happened, she used the facilities and got dressed in the clothes she went out in last night.  She checked her phone and saw a couple dozen notifications from her friends and boyfriend as she checked the time.  9:14AM.  It was still early for her on a Saturday, so she had a few minutes to figure out a story.  Then she saw a text chain from a new contact called Kim.  She opened it to her shock.  It was Kim and her in a bunch of selfies, starting from friendly to hugging to making out to…. She stopped scrolling at the first one of her licking Kim’s tits and her skirt hiked up.  There were almost a dozen after that, all showing Lexi and Kim lezzing out with each other.

It was at that moment that she realized that there was no doubt about it.  She had sex with a girl and loved it.  She turned around and was thankful the toilet was right behind her as she vomited.  Immediate thoughts of burning in Hell and being ostracized by her family and church ran through her head right before she saw Kenyon’s face in her mind the moment she tells him that she cheated on him.  She was more upset about that.  After emptying the contents of her stomach into the toilet she made use of the free toothbrush and cleaned her mouth as well as possible.

By the time she was cleaned up and ready to go, she still hadn’t checked the rest of her messages.  Hell, she wasn’t even sure where she was and if she’d need an Uber or if she could walk it.  She lived close to campus, but not close enough that she wanted to do the walk of shame for a couple miles.  She smelled fresh coffee as she came out of the bathroom, her hair pulled back after taking one of Kim’s hair ties.

“How do you like your coffee?”  Kim asked, looking nice in her hospital scrubs.  “Cream and sugar?”  She asked when Lexi didn’t give her an answer right away.

“Uh, yeah, sure.”  Lexi said, sitting down at the small dining table.  She took another look around the studio apartment, trying to avoid eye contact with Kim.  She had a thousand thoughts going through her mind and the last thing she wanted to do was look at that woman’s face.  Was she as cute as she looked last night?  Was this just a fling, a random hookup?  What is this girl like?  Did they use protection?  Fuck, how does that even work here?  What do I do?  Is it cheating if it’s gay?  Does this make me gay?  Oh shit, I really liked it, what if I want more?  What do I tell my roommates?  What do I tell my boyfriend?  “AAAHH!”  Lexi didn’t realize she said the last part out loud until Kim put the coffee down in front of her.

“First time?”  Kim asked, sitting down across from her.  Lexi got a good look at her face.  ‘Fuck, she’s cute.’

“Yeah.  Well, yeah, I guess.  It’s just… well…”.  As Lexi struggled for her words, Kim put a hand out and grabbed her free left hand.

“It’s okay.  Hell, better than okay.  What you lacked in experience you more than made up for in enthusiasm.”  Kim said with a slight chuckle, which got Lexi to laugh a little.  Then she remembered something on her phone.

“Fuck, you took pictures?”  Lexi asked in a borderline panic.

“No, you took pictures.  At least some of them.  And a video, too.”  Kim said, taking a sip of coffee.


“Either that or one of those live pics that moves.  It was kinda crazy last night.”  Kim said calmly between sips.  Lexi furiously went through her phone’s photos app looking at last night and saw quite a few pics of the two fooling around, and one video.  She pressed play.  It started with a selfie shot of Lexi’s face in pure ecstasy, then panned down to show Kim between her legs eating her out.  Lexi moaned a few times on the video before Lexi screamed in orgasm, followed by Kim climbing up Lexi’s body to kiss her.  The video goes on for a minute more as Kim crawled into a 69 position on top of her and Lexi tried to eat out Kim and finger her, but the camera made that difficult to do, so she dropped the phone as it stared at the ceiling, still picking up all of the noises the women made.

Lexi looked pale as a ghost at the video.  Kim had a dirty smile as she drank her coffee.

“What do I do?  What did I do?  How do I get home?  Where are we?  And do you have a lab to get to or something?  Am I holding you back from class or nurses lab?  I’m sorry, I just don’t-“

Kim shushed her as she grabbed her hand again.  “It's okay.  One thing at a time.  First, you’re in my apartment in Collegetown.  We’re about 9 blocks from HCU Children’s and HCU General, right off of the campus.  I don’t go to class, not anymore.  I’m not a nursing student, I’m a resident at Children’s.  You said last night you walked with your friends to Smitty’s, so I’m guessing you’re in walking distance to home, right?”

Lexi nodded.  “Yeah, live on Locust, right by the bodega.  Wait, resident?  So you’re not a nursing student?”

“No, I’m a doctor.  I have a surgery rotation in about an hour.  And we’re on Beech, Locust is like 2 streets over.”  Kim said before having more coffee.

“Wait, you’re a doctor?  Like a real, honest doctor?”  Lexi was still hung up on that point.  Not only did she go home with a woman, she was more successful than any boy she’d ever hooked up with.

“Yeah.  I’m a resident, which basically is lowest rung on the ladder, right above med student.  The pay sucks, the hours suck, but I put up with it because in about 10 years I’ll make more than I’ll know what to do with.”

Lexi finally took a swig of her coffee.  “Fuck.  Well, at least there’s that.  So, what happens now?”

“I’m heading off to work in a little bit, still have to pay the bills.  You have my number if you want to give me a call, run it back if you want.”  Kim said with a sly grin that made Lexi blush.  That blush disappeared as soon as she realized that she has a big hole in her night.

“Oh shit.  I didn’t go home or text my boyfriend or my roomies.  Oh shit, oh shit oh shit.”  Once again, Kim calmed her down.

“What’s the address on your license?  Is it your local address here or back home.  You said last night you’re from around here.”

“Yeah, Castle Pine.  Why?”  Lexi asked.

“Here's your alibi.  After you stayed behind last night we spent a long time looking for your phone.  Once we found it, we had a couple drinks to celebrate.  You had one too many.  I called you an Uber but you were passing out and couldn’t give an address, so I just sent you to the house on your license.  You woke up at home, however your mom reacted just go with it.  Better if she was asleep and didn’t notice anything.  You jumped in the shower, changed, called another Uber to get back and here you are.  Make sense?”  Kim asked, nodding to her own question to help get Lexi on board.

“Yeah, I guess.”  Lexi stammered a little.

“As for why you didn’t answer, by the time you saw all the messages, your phone was acting up after ordering the ride.  Low battery or something and you forgot your cables.  Hell, you were still drunk when you woke up so it took a while to sober up.  Now, go hop in the shower and I’ll grab you some clothes.”  Kim squeezed Lexi’s hand one more time, and the young blonde took the hint.  Lexi got up and went to the bathroom.  A minute later, the water started. 

Bubbles finished her coffee and walked to her dresser.  There wasn’t much left here for her to pick out since she’d moved in with Sam a couple months back, but she still had a few things here for the overnight stays and breaks between long shifts.  She looked for clothes that might fit Lexi.  The blonde was taller than her by a few inches and had a bigger bosom, so there wasn’t much in that vein for her.  Then she saw something she’d been meaning to get rid of for a while.  It was a black sports bra, black yoga shorts, a red and yellow t-shirt, along with an old white hoodie from her ex-girlfriend Brit.  The hoodie was massive on her, which makes sense since Brit was a big girl.  The rest of the clothes were tight even for Bubbles, but she got a kick out of grabbing this set of clothes for Lexi to wear for two main reasons.  First, she’d look stupid as hell walking down the street in super tight yoga pants while swimming in the hoodie and the sports bra would make her nice tits look massive as they’re pushed up and out.  Second, the clothes were the ones she wore a month earlier when her and Sam fled the Cabin Party in the back of the Escalade.  These clothes belonged to one of the Kono sisters, either Rin or Aki.  She didn’t know which, but getting rid of the clothes she wore to flee from a gang rape and one from a previous rape to her newest rape victim had a sense of funny irony to it. 

The door to the bathroom opened, and Lexi came out wrapped in a towel around her body and another around her hair.  Lexi saw the look in Kim’s eyes when she came out.  It was one of hunger and lust.  It scared her and thrilled her at the same time.  Kim didn’t say anything as she crossed the small apartment in a few strides, dropping the clothes on the table.  Kim, who was still shorter than the blonde by a few inches, wrapped her arms around Lexi and kissed her.  It took a moment for Lexi’s mind and body to get on the same page, but she kissed Kim back.  A moment later, the towel was on the floor and Kim was nibbling on Lexi’s neck and ear while her right hand worked it’s way down to her neatly trimmed pussy.  Lexi’s attempts at protest fell on deaf ears and soon changed to moans of passion as Kim fingered her.  Kim pushed Lexi up against the wall as she took command of the situation, pushing Lexi to the edge of an orgasm.  Lexi’s voice tried to say no, but her hands grabbed Kim’s and pushed her further onto and into her.  Lexi’s legs shook as she came, the only thing keeping her from falling to the ground was the wall behind her.  Kim played with Lexi for another minute, diddling her clit further as she could tell that Lexi wasn’t done yet.  A few more minutes of fingering and nibbling led to Kim pushing Lexi back onto the bed for a quick oral session where her expert tongue drove Lexi wild.  After her second nut of the morning, she laid on the bed exhausted as Kim kissed her, making Lexi taste her own womanhood.

It took a moment for Lexi to regain her composure, clean herself up, and put on the clothes.

“Kinda small.  Not complaining about the free stuff, but it barely fits.”  Lexi said, realizing how goofy her tits looked being pushed up like she wore a corset.

“Just say they’re old.  You moved all of your clothes that fit, so you had to take the stuff that barely fits.  And the hoodie was from an old friend or ex or something.”  Kim said, still eyefucking Lexi as she changed.  Lexi’s modesty was basically gone in front of this new woman.

“Something.”  Lexi said, smiling at Kim.  She grabbed her phone and sent a text to Kim.  Kim’s phone buzzed.

“What’s that for?”  Kim asked.

“Just making sure it’s a real number.”  Lexi said before giving Kim a kiss.  “Not sure your stance on meeting again or dating or whatever, but I had a lot of fun and I think I’d like to do this again.”

“I think that can be arranged.”  Kim said with a sly grin before kissing Lexi.  She looked at the time on her watch.  “Crap, gotta go.  Text me sometime.  My schedule’s pretty crazy, but I still get time now and then.”

“I’d like that.”  Lexi said before another kiss.  She grabbed her clothes in a used bag she had from recent takeout and walked out of the apartment.  Kim followed after making sure she had everything for work and locked the door behind her.  Another kiss followed by a nice slap on the ass in the hallway to Lexi made her giggle before she left the building.

Bubbles watched Lexi walk down the street the opposite direction from where she had to go.  Even though it was her day off from the hospital, she left her car at the hospital’s parking garage.  A nice perk of the hospital for the doctors was validated parking as long as you clocked 4 hours a day.  She could pick up a small shift just by showing up, log some overtime, get paid for parking, and head home in time for dinner with Sam.  4 hours wasn’t even enough time for her to jump into a surgical rotation, but she easily had that much paperwork she had to do.  As she walked up the giant hill to the hospital complex, she messaged Sam on WhatsApp.

‘Hope you had a fun birthday present.  Got some pics and vids to show when I get home.’

A moment later Sam responded with a smiley face.  ‘How’d things go?’

Bubbles typed as she walked uphill.  ‘Great.  I woke something up inside of her and have her around my finger, in more ways than one.’  Then she followed that statement with a devil emoji.  ‘When you get time, download the hidden cam footage from last night and this morning.  You’ll love it.  I know she did.’  Once again, she finished the sentence with the devil emoji.

‘Looking forward to it.  When you coming home?’  Sam asked.

‘Probably 3-4.  Pulling a small shift, then going back to pick up my cameras for uploading tonight.  Can you pick up takeout?  Thinking pizza and salad tonight.  You know what I like.’

‘Consider it done, but in a few hours.  Have a good day at work.  Miss you.’  He sent a kissing emoji.

Bubbles typed out ‘Miss you’ at first, but then backspaced and changed it before sending.  ‘Love you.’  He liked her message and replied back ‘Love you too.’  She was on cloud 9 as she climbed that hill, secure in the thought that for the first time in a very, very long time she truly felt loved and that she was with someone special who loved her for who she was, crazy and all.
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Offline To-Get-Her

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Re: Sam and Bubbles, A Love Story (M+/F+, FF, oral, anal, ncon, drugged)
« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2024, 06:13:43 PM »
All caught up with this rather long detailed story. Not sure if the reader would need or even want the details of pots and pans. Personally such details made me question of I wanted to continue reading of just skim. The sex scenes were your tradition tour de force that more than made up for the boring details!

I'll merit when i can to make up for missing four parts while searching for pica and writing a story!
When I get around to it, I'll write

Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Sam and Bubbles, A Love Story (M+/F+, FF, oral, anal, ncon, drugged)
« Reply #9 on: November 13, 2024, 06:22:27 AM »
All caught up with this rather long detailed story. Not sure if the reader would need or even want the details of pots and pans. Personally such details made me question of I wanted to continue reading of just skim. The sex scenes were your tradition tour de force that more than made up for the boring details!

I'll merit when i can to make up for missing four parts while searching for pica and writing a story!

Thanks TGH.  This time around I wanted to focus on the relationship between them rather than their actions, but tied them together.  I wanted to tell their story more than anything else.  Plus, I had some untouched subjects like Sam's offering to the Club and how far Bubbles was willing to go to make him happy.  Some women get their man a new Playstation, others get them a young piece of ass to fuck.
Always close the program you were running before exiting the holodeck

Offline MarvThor
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Re: Sam and Bubbles, A Love Story (M+/F+, FF, oral, anal, ncon, drugged)
« Reply #10 on: November 17, 2024, 09:18:17 AM »
1. The quality of the "details' are what make your stories so alive. Yesterday, for the first time in a few years, I heard Led Zep's, Stairway To Heaven. So, I turned it up, and listened intently. Essentially, the song serves as a slow build up to what was at the time, the most melodic and expressive guitar solo in the history of rock n roll. Gratification delayed is an art form in itself.

2. Thanks for taking care of Naomi. I was getting tempted to fly to Harbor City myself... :D

Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Sam and Bubbles, A Love Story (M+/F+, FF, oral, anal, ncon, drugged)
« Reply #11 on: November 18, 2024, 10:44:48 PM »
1. The quality of the "details' are what make your stories so alive. Yesterday, for the first time in a few years, I heard Led Zep's, Stairway To Heaven. So, I turned it up, and listened intently. Essentially, the song serves as a slow build up to what was at the time, the most melodic and expressive guitar solo in the history of rock n roll. Gratification delayed is an art form in itself.

2. Thanks for taking care of Naomi. I was getting tempted to fly to Harbor City myself... :D

Thank you so much Marv.  Just like the word plethora, that means a lot.  And I'm glad I was finally able to scratch that Naomi itch.  And Lexi's as well.
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Re: Sam and Bubbles, A Love Story (M+/F+, FF, oral, anal, ncon, drugged)
« Reply #12 on: January 02, 2025, 09:30:31 AM »
such a great story. I know that every time you use Bubbles things get very exciting and special.