Author Topic: Humanitarian Workers in East Timor {Gang}  (Read 15073 times)

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Humanitarian Workers in East Timor {Gang}
« on: September 10, 2021, 08:06:32 PM »
Note: Rape in life is evil and despicable. Rape in fantasy can be fun. Keep in mind that this is a work of fiction. If you don't like such stories, then don't read them!

For Sammy, Kathrin and Faye, this was a dream come true!

Now, the three 18-year-old college students were making a difference, here in East Timor, as volunteers doing humanitarian work, helping to get the supplies to the people in need. Their teachers in Canberra had told them this good deed would also look great on their résumé.

The three teen friends were inseparable. There were also some boys in their volunteer group, but they had decided between themselves that they weren't doing any funny business, as they were intent on doing their work as well as they possibly could.

The girls were staying in some small house turned into a youth hostel in a village not far for from Dili, the capital city of East Timor. The girls had the house all to themselves while the boys were lodging somewhere else in the same neighbourhood. Two UN female staff were staying with them as well, and they felt safer from having these older employees boarding with them.

It was June 1999. There was growing unrest in the country. One part of the population was for independence of East Timor, while others were fiercely pro-Indonesian. There had even been reports of groups of angry protesters violently attacking anything they identified with East Timor independence.

As of late, these angry pro-Indonesian groups had taken to vandalizing UN property. Nothing overly serious and no one had got hurt thus far, but it was concerning enough for the girls' college in Canberra to ponder and decide to pull their students out. Much to their disappointment, Sammy, Kathrin and Faye had seen their stay shortened by a good two months, as they were set to return to Australia in only five days.

« Last Edit: February 04, 2025, 09:23:46 AM by The Claire »

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Re: Humanitarian Workers in East Timor
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2021, 01:01:30 AM »
Jose knew that he had to act fast! With this growing unrest all around the country, whoever was in charge for these students down in Australia would very soon pull the kids back.

But he was ready! They were hitting them tonight! And this was going to be some real serious fun! The three Australian teengirls looked so sweet! And the two UN female employees weren't shabby either...

Chun-hwa, or Chun, was an American citizen from South Korean background. She was born to a well-off family and was now a young, ambitious career woman, Ivy-League graduate, who was piling on the overseas work experience. Her professional prospects seemed boundless...

Christine, 26, was a more typical New York young professional woman. She shared Chun's ambition, yet to a lesser degree as she was much more prioritizing getting married and settling down with her fiancé in New Jersey. Christine was mostly Caucasian, yet she had a tinge of Asian softness on her lovely features, which she got from a Japanese grandmother...

Jose looked like the proverbial benevolent local man, quietly smoking his cigarette and living a peaceful life, which was true in general, except for his hidden evil side. He had a deep sense of anger and frustration against these Western women who were strutting about as if they owned the world.

Jose viewed himself as an unattractive middle-aged man, which wasn't entirely true. It had never occured to him that some of these cute foreign staff might actually find him suitable to hook up with; these foreign women sometimes had strong sexual fantasies involving local men where they were working... and sometimes these cuties got bored while working oversees.

But not Jose. He had too much of a dismal self-esteem to remotely think of him getting consensual intimacy with a Western woman, much less a Western teengirl.

Jose had some connections among the pro-Indonesian activists. He had been observing the group for two weeks. He anticipated the strike so much! His plan was simple and pretty much fail-safe.

The group was to perform some minor vandalism and noisy protest on and around the local UN office. Enough fuss to cause the group of staff and students to stay in their lodgings, but not enough to stir any major security upscale.

On that Wednesday morning, a bunch of Jose's buddies and some other young local men staged a noisy protest where they fired blanks in the air and broke some windows. They didn't do anything more serious.

Their action had exactly the intended effect. Chun's work day was abruptly cut short as she was whisked back to her lodgings along with Christine. The two of them reassured the frightened girls and told them that they only had to stay in their lodgings and wait out the five remaining days in East Timor. It sure was going to be boring and sad, but they would be safe enough.


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Re: Humanitarian Workers in East Timor
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2021, 01:05:02 AM »
On that fateful evening, Sammy and Faye, along with Christine and Chun, had decided to dispell the boredom by organizing a surprise party for Kathrin, who was soon turning 19. With their front door sturdily locked with steel reinforcing bars, they felt they were perfectly safe and free to take it easy and forget the outside world for a few hours before bedtime.

What they didn't know was that Jose had buddies who had been in the Indonesian military and one of them had been an elite specialist in commando operations; this guy could disable any alarm system and cut phone wires and Internet connexion no problem... which he did around 10 PM while the girls were watching a movie after singing happy birthday and sharing the cake.

About eleven thirty, as the girls were getting ready for bed and the women were tidying up the living room, a 15-men strong group broke into their lodging by the front door, which had been stealthily unlocked by the former Indonesian commando Sergeant.

Chun was the first to see them as she stood in the living room making sure there weren't any empty glasses left on the side tables. The men soon raided the place after locking the door behind them.

The place was immediately filled by the girls' terrified screams! But the masked men showed them knives and handguns and ordered them to shut the fuck up!

Sammy was crying... "Please! Please!... We'll give you money! Anything! But don't hurt us!" she kept pleading to the men, who ignored her.

Kathrin was holding a mute-terrified Kaye in her arms.

Christine and Chun were loudly protesting and threatening them of the worst legal procedures; Chun was especially vocal in her protests, so Jose brutally slapped her in the face.

"NOW YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU WHORE!" Jose said, greatly enjoying wielding such power over the now-helpless UN woman. "YOU SHUT UP AND DO AS WE SAY, OR ELSE..." Then he motioned to one man and Sammy was immediately grabbed from behind by a man who held his knife to her throat.

Then everything went fast and followed a natural chaos. The men organically decided who they were going to rape and where. Sammy was taken to the first room by the knife-wielding man and a second one followed her. Kathrin and Faye screamed at the top of their lungs as four men brutally separated them and dragged them to the second room, where another five men followed them.

Christine was taken by two remaining men and brutally shoved onto the sturdy kitchen table. One man put his pistol against her head and terrified her into silence and compliance as his buddy violently ripped her blouse off, revealing her light blue sports bra for a fleeting second before her bra was yanked off and her B-sized perky breasts were freely jiggling with their delicate brownish nipples under the kitchen's dim light as she bitterly sobbed and begged them to stop this.

From the room they could hear the teengirls screaming as they were no doubt being forcibly stripped naked by their jeering captors, who were all impatient to stick their hard-ons inside these fresh young Australian cunts.

Jose and the former commando Sergeant were left alone with Chun in the living room.
"Now", he ordered Chun waving his gun at her, "On your knees! On your knees, you filthy bitch! On your knees and suck my dick hard! Or else we butcher and kill everybody when we're finished!"

"No!" said the Ivy-League graduate.
"Why don't you cut her ear off!" Jose said to the former commando who stood nearby, holding a sharp-looking bowie knife. Chun saw the tall man approaching her with a mischievous grin on his Indonesian features, his teeth looking peculiarly white and frightening against his brown skin, under the dim light of the living room.

Chun felt a chill run through her spine and decided to comply, as she began sobbing from hearing the unfortunate girls screaming against the men's jeering in the two adjacent bedrooms.

Jose now had a raging erection. He really loved Chinese women and this one looked so great that he'd instantly changed his plans and chosen to rape her first. He'd have that cute raven-haired Australian girl later. They had ample time! The windows were all tightly closed for air conditioning and the small house was far enough from adjacent buildings... There was little risk for neighbours hearing much, if at all...

Jose took off his pants and produced his large veiny brown dick. It looked peculiarly large for a man of such average height. Chun looked at it with a stunned mind. This highly educated professional woman just couldn't grasp that the UNTHINKABLE was actually happening.

She hoped she was about to wake up from the nightmare, while the knife in the other man's hand looked all too real... and the students' shrill screams felt unfathomably more real.

Chun, with tears running down her light-bronze cheeks, obediently opened her mouth and immediately felt Jose's big cock invading her oral intimacy while he grabbed her imperially black hair and started imposing her the rhythm he wanted. She began blowjobbing Jose while Christine was sobbing and already getting raped on the kitchen table.


Note: Some tension build-up, some character development, but overall the story quickly goes into action mode! Hope you like it! More action-packed chapters to come!

Offline vile8r

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Re: Humanitarian Workers in East Timor
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2021, 02:15:10 PM »
I love these stories of yours Histbuff! Such good imagery you evoke with your writing. Merit earned.
I could rape your pussy, but I'd be in and out in a few minutes. So I choose to rape your mind, and I'll be inside you forever!

Offline nipponteen

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Re: Humanitarian Workers in East Timor
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2021, 04:49:53 PM »
A very good start.
Ich bin kein Klugscheisser,  ich weiss es wirklich besser

Offline amandablonde

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Re: Humanitarian Workers in East Timor
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2021, 11:48:09 PM »
Very realistic story. A merit from me.
accomplice of evil

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Re: Humanitarian Workers in East Timor
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2021, 11:20:19 AM »
Realistic fantastic and you are a shining example of how history fits in here.
Have read about the East Timor situation and you have the details down to a tee
Just excellent and you capture the leering horrors of war dressed in raw primitive male sexual urge. Captured this avid history fan. Merit and please do continue

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Re: Humanitarian Workers in East Timor
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2021, 02:38:25 PM »
I love these stories of yours Histbuff! Such good imagery you evoke with your writing. Merit earned.

Thanks vile8r!
I love "painting" my victims as vividly as I can.

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Re: Humanitarian Workers in East Timor
« Reply #8 on: September 12, 2021, 02:44:03 PM »
A very good start.

Thanks nipponteen!
The UN employees are the creative result of a question I asked myself: "How can I feature a beautiful Asian woman?" With Chun, one of the challenges is to accuretely depict her peculiar light-bronze paleness; it's a paleness of skin with a very unique tinge of light bronze. This is extremely erotic to me!

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Re: Humanitarian Workers in East Timor
« Reply #9 on: September 12, 2021, 02:44:44 PM »
Very realistic story. A merit from me.

Thanks amandablonde! Much appreciated!

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Re: Humanitarian Workers in East Timor
« Reply #10 on: September 12, 2021, 02:52:02 PM »
Realistic fantastic and you are a shining example of how history fits in here.
Have read about the East Timor situation and you have the details down to a tee
Just excellent and you capture the leering horrors of war dressed in raw primitive male sexual urge. Captured this avid history fan. Merit and please do continue

Thanks Jessica_33!
Many aid workers are young students, so it stands to reason that when things become chaotic in a country, groups of men will take this opportunity to home invade and rape these girls "to see what they have underneath their cock-teasing summer clothes".

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Re: Humanitarian Workers in East Timor
« Reply #11 on: September 12, 2021, 03:15:31 PM »
Christine had felt such intense pain as her rapist forcefully introduced his Indonesian dick inside her pussy. The pain had been intense enough from being so suddenly stripped and fucked without foreplay nor lubricant, but the moral pain was the worst.

"No! No! No!..." she begged while she sobbed bitterly, horrified from feeling herself whored and forced to give what she'd only give to her fiancé, who was her highschool love and the only man she had ever been intimate with.

She felt the man's dick making its forceful way deep inside her, then coming out and then back again even more savagely than the previous thrust, as she was forced to hear her rapist's animalistic grunts while hearing the other one laughing above her face with some of his vile spit erring down on her face. She also felt his iron grip holding her wrists as she was being savagely raped with her back pinned against the wildly creaking table. As if it weren't enough, the teengirls' shrill screaming was constantly audible from the bedrooms.

Christine felt how intensely aroused her rapist was and knew that what she loathed above all wouldn't be much longer to come.

"Ooohhh, no! No! Stop! Please Stop! Noooooooooooo!!!!..."

Presently the man raping her twitched inside her and frantically upped his speed as he let out a savage groan and released his full steaming load of semen, deep inside the American UN employee...

She sobbed beyond tears as she felt the disgusting, vile warmth spreading its gooey evil inside her womb. Thank God she was taking the pill!

The man suddenly pulled out and she sensed the men quickly swapping places as they laughed and said something in their local tongue.

Then she felt the second man's cock pushing against her entrance and heard him uttering a victorious roar as his dick forcefully entered her violated pussy and her ordeal began anew. Once again, she was tightly held by her wrists as her breasts jiggled under the kitchen lamp and her entire body was rocked while the second man was holding her by the waist and frantically pumping his dick inside her cum-wet vagina, each of his thrusts unmercifully spearing his rape-tool deep inside her between her silky thighs.

Anyone with a foot fetish watching the scene would have felt a violent arousal from seeing Christine's white-socked feet brushing against her rapist's sweaty sides.


"Ohhh nooooo... NOOOOOOO!!!!... STOP!... I'M VIRGIN! I'M VIRGIN!... Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!" Sammy had pleaded and begged nonstop as the vile brown-skinned men were filling the entire room with the sounds of ripping fabric as her fair-skin nakedness was brutally and swiftly revealed.

Her ultra-firm perky breasts, all girly with their pale nipples and areolas dancing on top as she vainly tried to fight back; the silkiness of her thighs and lower legs as the men yanked her pajamas pants down and slid them past her dainty bare feet before brutally ripping her panties off... The men looked at her delicate strip of dark cunt hair and felt their raging erections pushing out against their pants.

The subordinate man knelt down on the bed and took a firm hold of Sammy's delicately white arms as his mate was discarding his pants and sticking out his wildly erect dick... A full bronze Timorese veiny shaft. Then the 30-something man grabbed Sammy's moving ankles as she was trying to kick. He threatened her into obedience while still grabbing her tender ankles; with the other man firmly holding Sammy's arms, he let his hard dick rest down on her cunt hair and admired the amazing sight.

Then he used one arm to firmly grab both her legs and generously spat on his other hand, which he used as a crude lubricant on his eager dick. The simple view of Sammy's blindingly white legs and ass was enough to drive him madly aroused!

As Sammy helplessly sobbed and wailed and the other man was laughing while keeping his iron clutch on her arms, the leading man kept her legs and ankles on his right side and stuck his cock against her exposed entrance, enjoying the full softness of her tender hip and buttcheek as he started to work himself inside the Australian student...
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... OHH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!..." Sammy felt like dying as her body and soul were transfixed by the searing pain from the invading cock entering her tight virgin hole!

The man grunted like a primitive ape as he felt his dick slowly making its way inside her wonderful tightness!

Oh GOD! Raping these little students was so much fun!

Then the full penetration came, almost without warning... Without warning! Just like they had stormed the house where they were staying and now... He heard Sammy's sharp cry of pain as his dick brutally ripped her hymen and felt the blood's sudden wetness.

Now... Now these haughty girls were their playthings! They could do whatever they wanted with them! And they had all the night to themselves! YEAHHRRR!!! No escape for these little cute Australian girls!


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Re: Humanitarian Workers in East Timor
« Reply #12 on: September 12, 2021, 03:23:38 PM »
Sammy felt the soul-searing pain of her vaginal invasion. She had her arms solidly held in place by the second man, but she tried to kick free from the first man's hold and managed to do so.

The rapist had to pull out of her in order to get a new hold of her ankles or lower legs. Once he finally had her legs under control again, he was very angry and brutally slapped her in the face twice, yelling at her something in his language, then ordering her to stay put  in crude English... "You, miss! Stay quiet! Stay quiet!" He added a menacing gesture to make his message clear.

Then he violently pulled the sobbing girl to the edge of the bed, got a firm hold of her thighs and knelt in front of her. The second man held her arms stretched toward the pillow and put his entire weight on them to secure her further; this granted him new freedom so he could indulge in kneading Sammy's wonderfully firm and soft tits. The poor girl kept bitterly sobbing as her rapist, kneeling in front of her, reinserted his throbbing dick inside her pussy.

He felt himself going all the way in and firmly grabbed her slender hips as he began mercilessly pounding her, her silky-white thighs helplessly brushing his flanks. Sammy kept crying as she felt the full force of her rape rock her body on the creaking bed. She could hear the muffled screams of Kathrin and Faye getting gang-raped in the next bedroom. She had quit resisting and simply let her head bob against the mattress and (vainly) tried to ignore the feel of the other man's hands on her virgin's breasts and worst of all, the brutal pounding as she was being raped savagely by the Timorese man.

Sammy felt utterly horrified as she suddenly realized that she was about to discover what it feels like to receive a man's cum. She sobbed louder from thinking that this special moment that she had been saving for the right guy was being robbed from her... For ever.

"Noooooooooooo... Please!... STOP!!!... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!..." She wailed and screamed as she felt the man stopping without warning, and then forcefully thrusting his wicked dick as deep as humanly possible while screaming like a banshee as he released his full load of cum!

He kept pounding her as he released three full gushes of his gooey stickiness inside her womb. She felt the shameful tide of warmth flooding her destroyed virginity, along with a tinge of satisfied curiosity amid her unfathomable despair and horror. She kept sobbing and prayed she didn't get pregnant as she wasn't taking the pill.

She didn't have time to ponder as the men quickly traded places and the second man ruthlessly flipped her over and had her kneeling on the floor and bent over the bed while the first rapist now took a firm hold of her wrists, outstretching her arms in front of her sobbing face... "Noooooo... Please... Stop... Stop... It's... Wrong!..."

Ignoring her pleas, the second man entered her from behind and immediately started pounding her with grunting satisfaction... Oh gosh! How tight this Australian girl was!

He contemplated Sammy's wonderfully white and tight butt as he held her by the waist and forcefully slammed her against the bed's front edge.

The party was just beginning! What an unforgettable night this was going to be!


In the living room, Jose and Joao, the former commando Sergeant, were having their fun with Chun! Both men had a thing for Chinese women. They mistakenly thought she had Chinese background. Joao knew some Chinese and had said something to Chun and she had indeed uttered some angry protests in Mandarin Chinese, a language she thoroughly knew although Korean and English were her first languages.

Jose had her sucking his dick hard while Joao was undressing himself naked. Joao was a muscle man from head to toe; he looked like the brown Indonesian version of a Greek statue, and he had quite a sizeable dick hanging over well-filled balls. He liked raping women for the kick of it, but he had no problem finding pretty girls to fuck. He had eight kids from four different mothers.

While she was sucking Jose, Chun saw Joao's naked muscular body and realized with shameful surprise that she found him quite attractive. She didn't have much sex in her life. A part of her that had been sleeping deep inside her, hiding among her most secret thoughts, was waking up and taking hold of her body against her will.

She began sucking Jose more willingly and he verbally showed his appreciation while stroking her shiny black hair, but he soon pulled out of her... "All right, I'm hard enough, now I'm gonna fuck this Chinese bitch who thinks she's so high above us! ..."

But Joao made it very clear that he was to be the first man inside Chun. They had gained access to the girls thanks to his know-how! They owed him the privilege!

Jose reluctantly nodded and forced Chun to stand and face Joao, who suddenly rushed at her and violently ripped off the white T-shirt she was wearing and yanked off her bra, revealing a very erotic-looking B-size pair of perky breasts, with her brown nipples erect from the secret excitement she felt and lighter-brown areolas atop softly curved boobs that had a light of their own in their rich whitish-bronze complexion that spelled ASIAN GIRL in silky-soft skin. Chun was about 30 years old, but she still had the breasts of a Chinese college girl!

Chun had let out a shriek of terrified excitement as she had found herself topless in front of her rapist-to-be. Then she felt Joao's hands and mouth on her tits as he started to avidly suck them! He loved doing this to Chinese girls! They were his favorite rape victims.

Then, Joao and Jose carried her to the sofa and placed her on the uppermost edge of it with her legs on Joao's side. Joao swiftly finished undressing Chun, doing away with her sweatpants and panties in a flash. Chun's lush patch of black cunt hair sharply stood out against the surrounding light-bronze white skin, feeding Jose and Joao's raging erections.

Joao took the time to quickly remove her socks as he had a foot fetish. The sight of Chun's dainty feet made his erection almost painfully hard. Then he grabbed her silky thighs and violently speared himself between her legs. He entered her without warning nor hesitation. Chun could tell he had done this many times before.

She heard Joao laughing as he began fucking her... Much to her shame, her cunt had been soaking wet from the secret excitement she had been unable to repress.

As Jose held her arms, Joao stood on the sofa's opposite side and drilled his throbbing dick inside Chun, whose ass was constantly brushing against the couch's upper edge. The furniture creaked, but this was barely audible against Joao's satisfied grunting.

Joao enjoyed very much this piece of fucking! As her naked breasts were jiggling under the force of her rape, Chun wasn't screaming that much, nor was she resisting much either. She was quietly sobbing from hearing all the girls screaming in the adjacent bedrooms as well as the contented jeers of their rapists, as well as the despaired sobbing and wailing of Christine, who was being used on the kitchen table.

At one point, Joao decided to pull out of Chun. He wanted to fuck her from behind and cum inside her while contemplating her wonderful Chinese butt. He flipped her over and there she was, bending over the couch as Joao expertly reinserted his large dick inside her pussy and began pounding her again, this time standing doggystyle while Jose held her arms in front of her; what a show this was!

Joao groaned and grunted as he kept pounding Chun in a berserk rape frenzy!

As she felt herself used so shamefully, Chun was fighting very hard to keep herself from moaning. Whether she liked it or not, her body was coming to a life of its own! In her thoughts she was back in Sudan two years ago, where they had a really close-call with some rebels! They had almost got captured. The US air support and helicopters had shown up just in time and they had been evacuated before the unthinkable could happen.

Chun knew all too well what the rebels would have done to her and the other female employee if they had fallen into their hands, and she had found out that part of herself actually WISHED she had been stripped naked and gang-fucked by the black rebels! Back in her hotel room she had masturbated very intensely, while picturing herself bent over her desk and raped in succession by a dozen Sudanese men, imagining their wild grunts, their black hands on her hips and their groans of utter bliss as each successive rapist cummed hard inside her... She'd had several orgasms on that night!

She heard Jose's satisfied laugh and realized she had in fact been moaning loud as Joao kept plowing her vagina from behind. She felt his large dick stretching her vagina walls and making its forceful way deep inside her with both loathing and arousal; each of his thrusts was full and heavy, slamming her against the back of the couch.

Then Joao couldn't hold it any longer. He roared as his dick exploded inside Chun and let out an epic load of cum. He kept fucking her while enjoying the blissful release of his climax... NRrrrhhhhnnnnn...nnnnnnhhhnnnnn...

Jose quickly took Joao's place behind the violated UN employee and feverishly inserted his wickedly curved dick. He let out a wild roar of victory as he felt himself going all the way inside Chun's cum-dripping pussy. He began raping her with complete abandon, venting out his sense of anger and frustration at this privileged woman whom he viewed now as a personification of these Westerners who mocked him.

The wicked shape of Jose's virile pillar gave Chun peculiarly intense sensations as he kept fucking her hard against the creaking couch. Chun now couldn't keep herself from uttering loud and unrestrained moans as she felt herself all sweaty and getting closer and closer to the most shameful climax that could possibly be...

"Nooo!... No!... No!... Not this!... No..." She protested in voice and thoughts against the unavoidable outcome, but her body was now deciding for her. It said to her "Now you professionally minded bitch! Let me have the bliss you have always denied me!... LISTEN TO YOUR WANTS! OWN THEM OR ELSE THEY WILL OWN YOU!!!... Ah! ah! ah! ah! ah! ah! ah!... AAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

Chun let out the loudest and wildest moan she ever had while orgasming. IT WAS SO INTENSE! She felt such shame! Thankfully, Christine was too busy getting gang-raped to notice it.

Her rapists did notice. It only added to the wild fun they were having from forcing her into their violent threesome. Jose was a long laster, he enjoyed every little second of fucking Chun while looking at and holding her gorgeous butt, all firmly round and enlighted with her delicate creamy-bronze complexion. He knew that he was going to cum VERY hard!

As he kept pounding her like a madman, Chun had two other orgasms.

At last, Jose felt the unfathomable satisfaction of passing the point beyond which no choice was left but to CUM!

And cum he did!


He let out an animalistic groan as his wickedly shaped dick bursted out his load of steaming semen! And he had a LOT! She was overflowed! Some of the warm fluid spilled out of Chun's pussy as Jose kept smoothly fucking her, enjoying every last drop of his cumming inside this Chinese cutie.

His plan for storming their place had been a complete success!

On the kitchen table, this success took the form of two masked Timorese men taking turns in raping sweet Christine. Now that each of them had cummed inside her in the missionary style, the first rapist had recovered enough to fuck her again, and he felt inspired by Chun's ordeal. He bent Christine over the kitchen table and began raping her doggystyle too.


Offline vile8r

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Re: Humanitarian Workers in East Timor
« Reply #13 on: September 12, 2021, 11:28:23 PM »
Great rape action, Histbuff!  You do a great job of conveying the terror of the girls at the hands of their Timorese rapists!
I could rape your pussy, but I'd be in and out in a few minutes. So I choose to rape your mind, and I'll be inside you forever!

Offline nipponteen

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Re: Humanitarian Workers in East Timor
« Reply #14 on: September 13, 2021, 02:57:03 PM »
A very good sequel.
Maybe that's why I like it so much because I'm Asian myself.
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