Author Topic: Time Travel - Rape in the past and future  (Read 2554 times)

Offline RapeU
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Time Travel - Rape in the past and future
« on: July 02, 2021, 12:37:53 AM »
For now I'm more focused on rewriting and improving stories that I've written. Eventually though I am going to need some ideas. I've written a series of stories with a pretty complex plot that I've titled The Kidnapping Chronicles. They will eventually all be on here as time allows.

One of the side plots of my stories is somewhat of a spinoff into what I decided to call The Untold Trilogy. A time machine is mentioned in one of my stories, but it failed to work. The Untold Trilogy is intended to explore what would have happened if the time machine did work. The person using it has a few simple motivations.

1) Attempt to change specific events within The Kidnapping Chronicles.

2) Use the time machine to rape in the past and totally get away with it.

3) Use the time machine to go into the future, rape, and totally get away with it.

Of course, in the end the time machine ultimately will do more harm than good. Our rapist friend realizes this and decides to prevent himself from ever using the machine in the first place. This of course makes all three stories not exist, hence the title Untold Trilogy.

At any rate, I have an idea of how the plot of all three stories should go. I just need a little help to fill in some of the blanks:

1) Who should I have the rapist ravage in the past? Should it be someone well known? Should it be someone where there is historical speculation or documentation that she was raped? So far the two ideas I've got are a cave woman in the stone age and Pocahontas. Then of course I have the idea of the grandfather paradox. If you go into the past and kill your own grandfather, you will cease to exist. Unless you pull a Phillip J. Fry from Futurama and have sex with your grandmother to become your own grandfather. Except this sex with the grandmother will be rape. And that's actually going to be an interesting one to write cause the parents of the rapist are related to each other. Aunt/nephew. Yeah, I write some messed up shit LOL!

2) Who should be raped in the future? Someone we know in the not too distant future like 10 or 20 years from now? Or should our rapist travel several hundred years into the future?

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Re: Time Travel - Rape in the past and future
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2021, 10:18:41 AM »
Very interesting idea.  Try Cleopatra.  They would blame Marc Anthony and start another war :)

Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Time Travel - Rape in the past and future
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2021, 11:49:40 PM »
I was toying with an idea similar to this a while back, time travel rape.  Part of it depends on what version of multiversal thinking you want to get into, whether that rape affects the timeline from that point and creates an alternate universe.

One idea I had was in a time where time travel was available but not condoned due to how crazy things can get, there was a group of time sex tourists that would travel to various places in time and kidnap victims that disappeared or were about to die, then go to town on them.  There was a movie from the late 80's called Millennium, where people from the future would repopulate their world by rescuing people from disasters at the last second, then replacing the supposed victims with corpses to keep the body counts accurate.  This is similar, except with a lot more rape.  For example, use the recent condo collapse in Florida.  Just at the moment that the roof came down, a young woman was plucked out of time and transported to the future where she's used by these villains.  History records that she died in the condo collapse,  but due to the wreckage and upcoming storm, they never found the body.  That's because she's in the distant future getting fucked six ways from Sunday.  Ever wonder what happened to Amilia Earhardt?

I'm not as confident of it working in future times, unless it went to a point post-collapse.  I figure as soon as time travel becomes a thing, some group will come around to monitor and keep control of time travel, and they'd hop on someone from 21st century popping up in the 32nd century in a flash.  Probably before they even left, which leads to its own set of paradoxes.

Another idea is going back in time and being Jack the Ripper or some other serial killer, but there's too many awkward things about time travel at that point.
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Offline RapeU
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Re: Time Travel - Rape in the past and future
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2021, 01:43:15 AM »
Fascinating. The idea of plucking people just before death is just pure perfection. At the end of my series of stories, I have a nuclear bomb wiping out Mexico City to ensure no enemy of our rapist friend remains. Plucking certain characters moments before the bomb detonates is exactly what our rapist friend would do.

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Re: Time Travel - Rape in the past and future
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2021, 08:35:26 AM »
I did a time travel story a number of years back. Time Traveler: Sally. Our anti-hero uses his device to revisit the same victim over and over and over.
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Re: Time Travel - Rape in the past and future
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2022, 02:05:26 PM »
I modified the idea and actually used the time machine to save characters I killed off. Cause I felt bad about killing one in particular off and wanted the top villain's plan of killing certain people to not succeed.

Instead, another character picked up where The Masked Marauder (who just wants to live a normal life now) left off and it fits better because it's a fresh character. Marilyn Monroe was a decent idea to start off with, but I need more ideas on who to pluck from the past.

I did figure out how I was going to end A Rape In Time. Or at least close to the end. Arnold picks someone more trouble than she's worth to pluck from the past and it causes a significant crisis. Or something close to that. Still have to write that part, but that leaves me stuck in the middle. Just need a few ideas of who to pluck from the past. The story is set in the year is 2048 so I *could* name a young celebrity and make up a story about them vanishing without a trace, but that doesn't feel right. I'd rather pick someone who legitimately vanished or died under mysterious circumstances. I just don't know who to pick.

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Re: Time Travel - Rape in the past and future
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2022, 12:46:09 AM »
Hm, I did a rape scene related to time travel. In that one, the protagonist unknowingly travels to the future. He looks around a manor and learns about who lives there. And, in a bedroom, he finds a girl and starts gazing a her. Then, he jumps on her and the rape act starts.
It was going to be part of The Blakes #04, but I ended up discarding that scene, as it was way too problematic.
At the point he rapes her, he doesn't know she is his future daughter.

Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Time Travel - Rape in the past and future
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2022, 06:58:12 AM »
I really want to touch on time travel and alternate universes in some future stories.  Also pocket universes, too.  Like, let's say protagonist Hank sees a really cute girl working the cash register at the 7-11.  He can't do anything in this universe, but he knows of one where she exists and he doesn't and the rules are a little different, so he goes there to pay her a visit.  Or he follows her, attacks her, but after finishing up rewinds time to just before he begins.

As far as ideas and examples for the story, Aaliyah is the first woman that comes to mind.  Died in a plane crash in 2001, character could pluck her out of the timeline right before the crash and depending on how sadistic he is he could either put her back just in time or put her "remains" in the plane to make it look like she died in the crash.  Brittany Murphy, Selena, Amy Winehouse, Jayne Mansfield, and many more options exist.  HistBuff probably has a long list of super hot women from the past that could be helpful.

He could really screw up the timeline, too.  I'm picturing him grabbing the wrong woman one time (like say Brittany Spears instead of Brittany Murphy) or gets too cocky and grabs some starlet from the timeline for a night of fun, like Miley Cyrus.  Well, he changes the timeline because he drove Miley insane and now instead of being the woman that brought Twerking to the world, she goes on some rampage and kills the great-great-grandfather or Space Jesus or some shit like that.

I really like all the different ways this story can go.
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Offline fumetto

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Re: Time Travel - Rape in the past and future
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2023, 05:13:33 PM »

Interesting discussion, I find it interesting when a young self-confident woman from today's time, in which women are more or less equal to men in many cultures, is thrown back into a time when women were still second-class creatures or were also persecuted (witch hunts, persecution of Christians during the Roman Empire). How would a modern enlightened woman react to all the dangers that threaten her in this brutal century through torture or rape? There are already a few series on this topic:
Outlander with Caitriona Balfe

Timeless with Abigal Spencer

I've already written a story about it that drifts a little from the book and the series.

Offline snathpall

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Re: Time Travel - Rape in the past and future
« Reply #9 on: May 14, 2023, 12:12:34 PM »

I like time travel stories but never have thought about rape in relation to any one of these tales.

One mention was of a rapist traveling through time and repeatedly raping the same woman, The Entity? My first thought was: The crew of of L&W SUV would have a tough time cracking that case.

There are a few names of famous women I thought of mentioning, but then these are really human beings (although deceased) and that would make me feel bad.

Nice topic idea though except for the factor that one of my ancestors might come back and attack me. Yikes!!! Talk about an Oedipus Complex!


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Re: Time Travel - Rape in the past and future
« Reply #10 on: May 14, 2023, 01:18:28 PM »
Some musing on the potential for temporal stalking

#1. Select subject
#2. Find the last point in their timeline when you can reach them
#3. Grab them and begin cloning process
#4. Age accelerate the clone to match their biological age (include scars and tattoos at the right point etc.)
#5. Euthanize the blank clone and cloth it as the original
#6. Drop clone back a nanosecond after the original left.
#7. As far as timeline is concerned the subjects demise is physically fulfilled by the clone.
#7. Introduce your subject to their new life.

Alternative riskier version assumes parallel universes and therefore no paradox.

#1. Select subject.
#2. Find the point in time before they are discovered.
#3. Grab them where there are no observers.
#4. Welcome to the subject to their new life.
#5. Clone if so desired.

This presumes the same technology has the ability to instantly teleport the subject to any other place and time (i.e. current day lair)

Groundhog day alternative.

#1. Select subject
#2. Create a 24hr time bubble to return them to start of the day erasing the events of the previous bubble.
#3. Enter the bubble and act with impunity
#4. Automatically drop out of the bubble before reset.

The advantage of above is they'd never age and you could try anything your perverted desires wants and can do in 24 hours   

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