Why do I write? Well, I think I can say without sounding like too much of a swollen-headed jerk that I'm good at it. I've won some contests, I've had others ask me to write for them or contribute to their projects, I've had other writers turn to me for advice or suggestions; I think this is reasonable evidence that I exceed the barrier for competence. Which is not the same as saying that everything I write is golden, or everything I write is everyone's cup of tea, or that there is no one better than me in any aspect of this field. There are always areas for improvement, and one of the annoyances I've found with getting older is that I suffer from the "there's a better word for this on the tip of my tongue" phenomenon far more than I used to. I started reading very early, and I've built up a pretty decent English vocabulary; not always having it at hand can be incredibly frustrating.
Still, like any skill, one tends to get better with practice. And I enjoy writing. I enjoy writing things that satisfy me, and I enjoy writing things that engage and intrigue others. One might think there was some kind of disconnect between being a sadist and wanting to make people happy, but I'm kind of proof that those aspects can co-exist. (And my real-world sadism is confined to consenting partners in the bedroom. It's not like I go around trying to splash mud puddles on pedestrians, or something.)
...Which seems like a decent spot to transition to the more erotic side of things. I write, in part, because there's a relatively small amount of erotica of any form that I find especially satisfying. I create so that I can see things that I enjoy come to life. It's always tremendously gratifying to run across stories, images, or videos that do engage me on that level, but the moment you start looking for a segment of an already marginalized medium like NC/BDSM erotica, you're already dealing with a fairly narrow selection. (And growing narrower all the time, as a new wave of neo-puritans seem determined to make us all conform, he murmured, grimly...)
And, that said, I write because I want people like me, who enjoy the things we do, feel the way we do, to know that they're not alone. I spent a lot of my early life struggling with wanting what I want, wondering if I was somehow inherently evil, or unlovable. If I could spare a single person that, I would. What you fantasize about is definitely a part of who you are, but it is not ALL of who you are, it does not define you or dictate your real-world actions and activities. Being able to be fully yourself shouldn't be something you have to keep permanently bottled away for fear of stigmatization. I'm not calling for universal acceptance of my kinks or teaching them in schools, or any such, but I'm very tired of people who seem to think people indulging in fantasies in dark corners of the Internet, or making media that no one who wasn't interested in the fetishes portrayed would ever reasonably encounter, is too much to be borne. I suspect that that is where people crack and start acting out in the real world, and some research appears to corroborate this.
So. I occasionally write stories where men treat attractive women quite brutally for their own sexual pleasure, and hopefully the pleasure of the reader, as well.