Author Topic: Why Do You Write  (Read 3813 times)

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Re: Why Do You Write
« Reply #15 on: September 26, 2021, 03:31:04 AM »
Writing erotica and rape stories releases fantasies that had been living inside me ever since my teenage years. It is very liberating and I wish I had started doing that in my twenties, but I can't change my past.

It allows me to explore my fantasies and know myself better, sexually and as a whole person.

It improves my writing skills. That's a no brainer. If you want to get good at something, do that something a lot and often, but do it with purposeful improvement in mind. The last part is very important. Someone could get to a certain skill level and then decide it's good enough for him/her and from that moment on, he/she simply begins doing more of the same. Purposeful improvement doesn't mean I'm losing sleep over the fact that my stories aren't perfect; it just means that I strive for some sort of improvement every time I write a new story. Feedback from other writers also helps me improve.

I share Jessica's tastes for historical settings and also for Supernatural. I can't fathom why it took me so long to start writing a story in the Supernatural section. As a teen I had fantasies of gorgeous she-wizards getting gang-raped by orcs!

Since my writing is very much fantasy-driven, I never mix real life with whatever goes on here. I've read that some users here are survivors and their motives to write are linked to that real-life experience. This opens my eyes to something I never think of while I write. I think the best way for me to help them is by not asking questions about their RL experiences and simply interacting with them the same way I do for anyone else here. This forum is a great get-away space and I want to help keeping it that way.

Last but not least, my wife is "ace" and writing stories here helps me get the sexual intensity that is so often lacking in my RL relationship.

Writing stories helps me coping with these issues. I find some enjoyment in this.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2021, 06:53:39 AM by HistBuff »

Offline Tornado1935
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Re: Why Do You Write
« Reply #16 on: December 28, 2021, 08:41:18 AM »
My writing hobby began in 2004 when I was in middle school. I started out with writing military science fiction and in the following years, I expanded my writing realms to include fanfiction and erotica.

As for why I decided to expand into erotica? I wanted to try my writing hands at something new and see how far I could go.

 The number of erotic stories I've written currently stands at twenty-seven. I have to say I am very impressed with my writing abilities in this realm.

Like gaming, writing is just another island of tranquility in a sea of chaos that is the world in which we live. I'm currently providing consultation to a friend who is working on a Stargate fanfic.

Here's to cranking many more writings in the new year.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2021, 02:47:06 PM by Tornado1935 »

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Re: Why Do You Write
« Reply #17 on: December 28, 2021, 11:39:27 AM »
Been writing since 2010, writing a few small original stories(which I do have with me since that time) and going back and forth between originals and fanfiction writing.
Writing for me, as for everyone else here, is a kind of escapism. At the time, I had lots of problems to deal in life and wrote to vent out my frustrations.
Spent until 2016 writing small originals and fanfiction and started my first created world in 2016. Used it for a few books I wrote(which are stored in my files here), and some also had basic rape.

My interest in rape stories started basically in 2017, when I first wrote "The Sex Drone", in which a girl invades a laboratory and gets caught by a drone, ending up raped and stored away in cryopreservation.
From there, I started to write several rape stories like a variation of The Pool Trophy, where a guy jumps inside a girl's house, attracts and rapes her. And several others involving drones, scorpions, spiders, zombies and even created the creature that shows up at the end of Sex 4 Revenge.
I've got way better than I was back in 2010 in regards to writing.

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Re: Why Do You Write
« Reply #18 on: May 25, 2022, 03:50:31 AM »
I keep deleting my account and coming back with a new account, so there must be a profound reason why I write rape fantasy stories. I'm not sure I'm that great a writer since there isn't that much feedback when I write a new story, especially as of late.

But what makes me write fantasy stories? I write a lot of gang-rape stories, but I also write consensual stories and I greatly enjoy it. It also needs to be said that there are unresolved issues from my teenage years, and writing consensual stories with me taking the role of a teenage lad has proven very therapeutic. The new 18+ rule has hit me very hard in that department. Thankfully, I've found other forums where I can explore this; I don't need to go as young as 12 or 13; a character around 15 or 16 yo is fine for me to do this.

First of all, I have thought for a very long time that there was something wrong with me because I've been having strong rape fantasies since my early teens. It proved very liberating to find out that such fantasies are rather common in both men and women. When I first started writing, I was shocked when women wrote comments about how aroused my stories got them!

Second, it feels great to visualize the scenes in great detail as I write. It is a lot better than porn. I visualize something I'd love to witness and I write it down! I can go find a picture of some actress from the 1950s, then cast her in a story where she's getting stripped naked and gang-raped. I can basically do anything I feel like to explore my fantasies.

I get a huge kick when I revisit scenes I've seen in some movies and use them as a matter to make new rape stories from. My story "The Lady Vanishes" is a prime example of this. When I fist saw this classic 1938 movie and I saw the final gunfight, I knew that in real life, the soldiers would have captured the train and probably raped the three women, beginning with Iris (Margaret Lockwood). I watched the end of the movie in an extreme state of arousal. Back then, the movies were often made in such a way as to stir such fantasies so more adults would go see them after hearing friends and relatives talking about it.

Third, I contribute to the online supply of arousing tales for anyone looking to find something different from porn. I sincerely hope that through my stories, many readers build some new erotic imagery that improves their own sex life.

Thus, I'm having fun and some readers get their kicks out of it... Win-win! That sums up how I feel on a good day! And I'll leave you on this positive note!
« Last Edit: May 25, 2022, 03:59:43 AM by HistBuff »

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Re: Why Do You Write
« Reply #19 on: May 25, 2022, 02:50:16 PM »
I keep deleting my account and coming back with a new account, so there must be a profound reason why I write rape fantasy stories. I'm not sure I'm that great a writer since there isn't that much feedback when I write a new story, especially as of late.

But what makes me write fantasy stories? I write a lot of gang-rape stories, but I also write consensual stories and I greatly enjoy it. It also needs to be said that there are unresolved issues from my teenage years, and writing consensual stories with me taking the role of a teenage lad has proven very therapeutic. The new 18+ rule has hit me very hard in that department. Thankfully, I've found other forums where I can explore this; I don't need to go as young as 12 or 13; a character around 15 or 16 yo is fine for me to do this.

First of all, I have thought for a very long time that there was something wrong with me because I've been having strong rape fantasies since my early teens. It proved very liberating to find out that such fantasies are rather common in both men and women. When I first started writing, I was shocked when women wrote comments about how aroused my stories got them!

Second, it feels great to visualize the scenes in great detail as I write. It is a lot better than porn. I visualize something I'd love to witness and I write it down! I can go find a picture of some actress from the 1950s, then cast her in a story where she's getting stripped naked and gang-raped. I can basically do anything I feel like to explore my fantasies.

I get a huge kick when I revisit scenes I've seen in some movies and use them as a matter to make new rape stories from. My story "The Lady Vanishes" is a prime example of this. When I fist saw this classic 1938 movie and I saw the final gunfight, I knew that in real life, the soldiers would have captured the train and probably raped the three women, beginning with Iris (Margaret Lockwood). I watched the end of the movie in an extreme state of arousal. Back then, the movies were often made in such a way as to stir such fantasies so more adults would go see them after hearing friends and relatives talking about it.

Third, I contribute to the online supply of arousing tales for anyone looking to find something different from porn. I sincerely hope that through my stories, many readers build some new erotic imagery that improves their own sex life.

Thus, I'm having fun and some readers get their kicks out of it... Win-win! That sums up how I feel on a good day! And I'll leave you on this positive note!

I think you're a damn good writer.  I'm amazed at how much good stuff you put out.  The way you describe the characters and settings is so visceral.  My main regret is that I don't read enough to keep up.  I'll log in one day, see a new story, say "I need to check this out" then come back the next day and there's 38 chapters, 2 spin-offs, and a 3 picture deal in the works.  I'm honestly amazed.
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Re: Why Do You Write
« Reply #20 on: July 02, 2022, 06:29:21 AM »
I fall down this trap. Sometimes I have too many ideas bubbling than I want to get it all on the page and procrastinate reading others works and there are some wonderful writers here and I really should do better to make those writers appreciated.

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Re: Why Do You Write
« Reply #21 on: July 04, 2022, 01:04:36 PM »
I haven't written anything for myself in such a long time. I want to, and I have a break in my ghost work for at least a week right now. But you know, it's kind of nice to be just a mommy right now. And RL is growing so fast. I've just enjoyed the weekend with Jo and just being loving parents. We did visit my folks, but not today. So, I guess I'm going to try and write something. However, I'm not sure what the new rules are here now. So, not sure how to structure a violent story to publish here.
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Re: Why Do You Write
« Reply #22 on: January 27, 2023, 06:29:37 PM »
Why do I write? Well, I think I can say without sounding like too much of a swollen-headed jerk that I'm good at it. I've won some contests, I've had others ask me to write for them or contribute to their projects, I've had other writers turn to me for advice or suggestions; I think this is reasonable evidence that I exceed the barrier for competence. Which is not the same as saying that everything I write is golden, or everything I write is everyone's cup of tea, or that there is no one better than me in any aspect of this field. There are always areas for improvement, and one of the annoyances I've found with getting older is that I suffer from the "there's a better word for this on the tip of my tongue" phenomenon far more than I used to. I started reading very early, and I've built up a pretty decent English vocabulary; not always having it at hand can be incredibly frustrating.

Still, like any skill, one tends to get better with practice. And I enjoy writing. I enjoy writing things that satisfy me, and I enjoy writing things that engage and intrigue others. One might think there was some kind of disconnect between being a sadist and wanting to make people happy, but I'm kind of proof that those aspects can co-exist. (And my real-world sadism is confined to consenting partners in the bedroom. It's not like I go around trying to splash mud puddles on pedestrians, or something.)

...Which seems like a decent spot to transition to the more erotic side of things. I write, in part, because there's a relatively small amount of erotica of any form that I find especially satisfying. I create so that I can see things that I enjoy come to life. It's always tremendously gratifying to run across stories, images, or videos that do engage me on that level, but the moment you start looking for a segment of an already marginalized medium like NC/BDSM erotica, you're already dealing with a fairly narrow selection. (And growing narrower all the time, as a new wave of neo-puritans seem determined to make us all conform, he murmured, grimly...)

And, that said, I write because I want people like me, who enjoy the things we do, feel the way we do, to know that they're not alone. I spent a lot of my early life struggling with wanting what I want, wondering if I was somehow inherently evil, or unlovable. If I could spare a single person that, I would. What you fantasize about is definitely a part of who you are, but it is not ALL of who you are, it does not define you or dictate your real-world actions and activities. Being able to be fully yourself shouldn't be something you have to keep permanently bottled away for fear of stigmatization. I'm not calling for universal acceptance of my kinks or teaching them in schools, or any such, but I'm very tired of people who seem to think people indulging in fantasies in dark corners of the Internet, or making media that no one who wasn't interested in the fetishes portrayed would ever reasonably encounter, is too much to be borne. I suspect that that is where people crack and start acting out in the real world, and some research appears to corroborate this.

So. I occasionally write stories where men treat attractive women quite brutally for their own sexual pleasure, and hopefully the pleasure of the reader, as well.

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Re: Why Do You Write
« Reply #23 on: February 24, 2023, 05:56:07 PM »
I’m here to, process some very dark thoughts fantasies and dreams into something, that I can make sense of and be excited by, if I can make others excited that’s a bonus but I really think as I’m beginning this journey, it’s to have some production and creativity to what goes on in my head.

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Re: Why Do You Write
« Reply #24 on: February 25, 2023, 06:49:01 AM »
My reasons are quite similar to those of Jess.

First I write for the audience of 'me'. 

As a survivor I have definitely found writing 'rape fantasy' therapeutic.

My therapist tells me it's my way of taking control back in that I dictate what happens.

Like many hear I've written since school but once I found erotic stories I started searching out stories with a heroin who found a way to survive and overcome her circumstances.

I almost never just write stroke stories.  I find the art in the detail.

I'm missing you, Brokenwing! I hope you're well. I have that dream of seeing you pop up here again to enthrall us all with one of your tales. So long! You're a reason I didn't quit.

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Re: Why Do You Write
« Reply #25 on: May 14, 2023, 10:28:21 AM »
Why do I write?

Primarily to entertain myself with "What if's" after re-watching old movies or TV series that trigger ideas out of bounds for the original. So partly nostalgia/adolescent fantasy for characters I grew up with. That and the modern fare is just awful dross with no heart in 99% of cases.

Sometimes to share a story if I feel it has some merit for fans of the genre. Occasionally to set and share the scene and senario for a roleplay to start the ball rolling.

It's probably the same reason as I read/watch related content ~ entertainment and vicariousness. I prefer Sci-Fi fantasy which is why I try to write it but I prefer my real to be real. Be it news or someones experience, I find fictional realism quite jarring unless its written really well probably because the voice it is written in is not authentic.

I tend to view headlines and details as research rather than direct inspiration. Scrap booking mental images and quotes that spring to mind as I read a headline like "Woman found with electric dog collar on neck flees from Missouri home claiming she was kept as ‘sex slave’" 

And sometimes the muse grabs me by the scruff of the neck and drags me to the keyboord. Three or four hours later and few thousand words.. voila a new first draft of an idea. It can be challenging to then edit or continue something that arrived almost without effort,
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Re: Why Do You Write
« Reply #26 on: July 03, 2023, 04:57:50 PM »
I started writing my own stories because it's fun and I'm not seeing too many new fiction rape stories.
The well is going dry.
It's definitely a niche subject with the added appeal that it's such a taboo topic.
Makes the whole thing more interesting.

I loved comic book art at an early age and found damsel in distress art totally wild.
The whole dominance and submission thing, loved it.
In the 80's I rented movies by the dozen and loved the horror and sleaze ones.
And since it was the 80's there was a softcore rape in most of them.
Then I saw some adult novels for sale at a newsstand that had some fantastic art covers.
Esquire Library, Liverpool Press...
Bondage Books and Bondage Classics.
Titles like Raped Mother, Raped Waitress, Rape (fill in the blank)
The stories were pretty tame actually, although some were a little strong.
But they usually followed the damsel in distress theme where the girl was raped but ended up loving it in some weird way.

Then those paperback companies went out of business.
Then those same stories and cover art started appearing online at numerous sites.
Then those sites disappeared.
There were many sites like this one that posted all kinds of published and amateur stories but then those site started to disappear too.

No one seems to write rape stories anymore.
Maybe we're all dying off.
(I wonder if any of the authors on this site are under the age of 50.)
Either there's no interest or no place to post them anymore.
It's fiction, it's fantasy, literally no one is harmed by a story but censorship is pulling the plug anyway.

There's a comic book company called Fansadox that publishes rape comics.
They literally have a page at the beginning with the cartoon characters in the story telling the reader that they're just actors having fun.
It's the stupidest fucking thing I've ever seen but this is where we're at in the world now.

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Re: Why Do You Write
« Reply #27 on: January 13, 2024, 05:04:02 PM »

Why do I write?

An interesting question and possibly already partially answered by previous posts.

I grew up as a kid in England the 1950's and 60's. Like most lads in those early days, you would see us running around with capes and masks on, pretending to be our heroes, Batman, Superman and Zorro. We'd be out from dusk till dawn. The trend of the day was always the marvel and DC comics. If we earned a couple of bob we'd buy a cheap second hand comic at the local second hand corner book shop. Once we had read two comics, we could swap them 2 for 1.

By the early sixties. the era of the very short mini skirts and long kinky boots also started to catch our eyes. As did the strange pictures of semi clad maidens in distress on the front covers of the Men Only and Men's Action magazines on the forbidden top shelf of the second hand book shop. I would spend hours gazing up at the forbidden fruit of the top shelf. Often falling asleep to dreams of the stories behind those images.

I left school at 15 and joined the Army as a junior soldier. I used to do a lot of reading during my army service, passing the time waiting for my stag of guard duty. I used to buy paperback books in the NAAFI shop. For some reason they stocked mainly  J.T. Edison's - Dusty Fog, westerns or G. Gillman's - Edge series. Both sets were easy reading which could be picked up and put down, but they usually had one scene where a women was abused for some reason. A bit like in the covers of those adult men's action magazines.

After leaving the army, I got married and had a family etc. But by the time i reached my mid fifties I found myself back on my own again. This was when I started writing stories. Mainly as a bet in one of the old Yahoo Groups. My first story (now published on this Group) was "The Rescue Hut". which went down well. I later posted my collection of stories on the ASSTR site and a couple of other similar sites.

I stopped writing for about ten years when I got re-married, and only restarted writing about five years ago. However by that time I had lost my access passwords to the sites that I had previously used.  Now aged 72, I have found and joined your community, which allows me to share my work once again.

One thing that has not changed though, is the thoughts of all those lovely half naked damsels in distress, just out of reach on the top shelf.
Maybe my writing is just an attempt to finally grab one of those now long gone magazines.

« Last Edit: January 13, 2024, 05:07:45 PM by Doghead_2000 »