
Should we free Agatha?

3 (5.5%)
No, make her life hell
27 (49.1%)
More Anal for her
25 (45.5%)

Total Members Voted: 46

Author Topic: Forest Rape {Gang}  (Read 22438 times)

Offline hola

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Forest Rape {Gang}
« on: April 17, 2021, 05:01:49 PM »
Disclaimer: Rape is not ok in reality... In the realm of fantasy do as you please

Sorry for changing the title so much  :emot_raspberries.gif: I went into major indecision

“…They expect to come with their heavy machines and their saws! They think we are just going to stand by and watch silently! but no! They are not taking the trees down! the only thing going down is R&P´s corporations!" Everyone applauded as Agatha finished her speech at the Alliance for the Forest´s meeting.

The 25 years old looked sweet and tender, but she was headstrong and determined when required. As a very active and charismatic activist, she has gotten some hate from a few corporations along with the love of fellow nature lovers.

“That was beautiful, Agatha!” said Mathew, her best friend and the second most important member of the Alliance.

“So inspiring,” Said Ema.

“Thank you, Mathew and Ema!” Agatha thanked them. More of her friends and allies approached her and congratulated her for her speech.
“Thank you all. I could have not gone so far without all of you,” Said Agatha with teary eyes. “We have done so much in these two years. We have lived so much”.

She spent a while getting drowned in praise and then had some food, but despite how wonderful everything was, the best part was arriving back home. She was so tired and needed some rest, but first, she would do her daily night ritual before going to bed. She lit some incense and did a minute of slow graceful dance, then sat and meditated. She raised her hands and said, “thank you!”

Her rituals were very important for her. Her rituals, along with therapy and the support of her friends, have helped her heal her wounds from when she was sexually assaulted 6 years ago.

She has gone from having PTSD to be able to think about the events as something very distant. She was roofied but, the drug she was given was not potent enough, and she woke up in the middle of her rape as the two other guys cheered. After years of having nightmares and flashbacks, she was beginning to sleep well. Her body was hers again.

After a good night's sleep, she woke fully rested. She better be rested because this was going to be a long day, and she knew it.

She got up from bed and had some breakfast. The day was going to be warm so she decided to wear something that made her feel the breeze while also feeling sexy. She thought about it a bit. “Maybe this is too revealing…Nah, there isn't going to be too many people where I am going...”

Once dressed, she grabbed her new camera and called an Uber to take her to the place she selected to take some photos. The uber arrived and discreetly enjoyed the sight that was Agatha at that moment. she noticed but didn’t mind. It was just one man, and he wasn’t too blatant about it. She felt flattered more than anything.

The young leader arrived at her location. She looked at her target and took a picture of the hill covered in vegetation. As she walked, she took many more photos of trees, sights, animals, peculiar stones, flowers, insects, but those were just side-dishes to her. What she wanted was at the top. With moderate difficulty, she arrived, and from there, she saw what she came here for. At the top, she could see the forest at its prettiest station. It was almost as if the forest was on fire; kilometers of the red flowers on the flamboyant trees, flamboyant both in appearance and in name.  She took many pictures with her new camera, then she sat in silence on the peak. Far from everybody, not a soul near

“bitch! bitch!” she heard and got startled, looked everywhere scared. Has someone followed her? Her heart was racing.

“bitch! bitch!” she noticed the bird yelling at her and immediately burst in laughter and relief. The talking bird has gotten her good. After that episode, she began her return down.

When she arrived at her starting point, she heard some whistles and a “Hello honey!” “looking hot babe” “why don’t you give us your number?” Some men repairing a street light were yelling at her. Agatha ignored the catcalls and hastily took her phone out to call an Uber. She wanted to get far from these sleazy men soon, but there was no signal at all “shit!” she cursed. She hadn't considered that possibility, and the gray clouds were getting closer and closer. “You think you are too pretty to talk to us bitch?!” The catcalls were getting uglier too, and the signal wasn’t getting any better.

The clouds were closing in, and she already could feel the cool wind from nearby rain. She noticed the repairmen were packing everything after finishing their job; she had no other option but one that she reluctantly took. “Wait! Wait! in which direction are you going? Can you drive me home?”

“Oh, so now we are not beneath you,” said one of the repairmen. “We are returning to the city”

“Oh great, I am going there too. Could you take me there, please? I have no signal”

The man smiled “What are you going to do for us in exchange?”

“Uh, mmm, I could pay you fifty bucks” Agatha offered, hating having to beg and hustle with the guys who had catcalled her before.

“Nevermind, I was thinking about another way of payment but nevermind. We are just toying with you. We will take you home, miss.”  Agatha felt relief.

As they were entering into the car, one of the men stood and signaled her to enter first “after you,”

She would have preferred going by the window but didn’t want to be rude. She sat between two workers and felt very uncomfortable. She was regretting her dress choice more and more.

“So, what brings you to this far corner, miss?” asked the driver.

“I was taking some photos and having a good time by the hill”.

“Maybe, you can invite me next time. I would gladly have a good time with you by the hill,” he paused, “and take some... pictures if you know what I mean”.

Everyone laughed except Agatha.

“Why so tense baby,” asked the guy to her right while caressing her cheek like she was a child “no sense of humor?”

This was going to be a long road. After barely a kilometer, it would get worse. The car stopped, and another repairman approached, the door opened.
“miss, we are going to have to make some space for Mathew. You can sit at my lap or maybe with Jefferson” said the man to her right. She didn’t like either option, but she only had to endure this for half an hour. She chose Jefferson to be closer to the door. Jefferson began massaging her small shoulders with his big rough hands “You seem tense miss, maybe a massage would relax you,”

“No thanks, I am fine,” she said, trying her best not to look mad, but he didn’t stop. She would have normally yelled at him, but this wasn’t the time. She needed to wait for them to arrive.

She felt the guy get hard. She was the one getting massaged, but the one enjoying the massage wasn’t her.

“I don’t know man, maybe your technique isn’t right. She seems tense still. Pass her over” Jefferson grabbed her by the waist and passed her over to the center, like an object. The man at the center grabbed her by the waist and caressed the sides of her belly. She reminded him of a girl he had raped before and got a hard-on that made Agatha jump a bit.

She felt him caress her neck, then her shoulders, then her neck again. “are you sure you don’t want to visit me at home?”

“I am busy today”,

“Tomorrow then, you can give me your number” She definitely didn’t want to give him her number.

“Look, I don’t know you, I do not give my number like that,”

“Well, ok then, we can get to know each other,” Jefferson said, annoying her more, “but in the meantime,” he took out his phone and put it in and angle. “lets take a selfie to remember this moment,”

Before Agatha could protest, she saw the flash. “Mmm look how sexy you look; I might print this and hang it in front of my toilet for when I want to get it going” Agatha preferred saying nothing because if she did, she would explode, and she just wanted to arrive home.

The road was long. They never stopped touching her neck and shoulders or asking questions they didn’t need to know but, they finally arrived. As Agatha got out of the car, she felt a slap to the butt. She turned with the intent of slapping the first face she saw, but the door closed just in time, and she watched them slowly drive away. “ goodbye honey, now that we know where you live, we could pay you a visit sometime,”

Agatha didn’t like those words, or the tone with which he said those words, or how they ogled her while slowly driving away. She regretted bringing them here. Anyway, she was done with that whole chapter; it was time to prepare for her meeting with Steel & Gears.

She took her clothes that now smelled of repairman’s sweat “ugh,” she could still feel their hands rubbing her shoulders. She tried to get rid of the sensation with a hot water bath and abundant soap. Soon, the warm water relaxed any tension, and the smell of lavender got rid of any stress.

She felt a lot better until she heard something break outside “oh no, what if the repairmen were breaking in” She imagined them finding her naked like this. Two of them grabbing her while the third one raped her; the same way she has been raped at the party,

She felt the panic attack coming when she heard a tender meow. Now she knew what happened. Agatha went out and grabbed a broom just in case and found out what she expected, her cat next to a broken vase. “Oooh, sweety, you scared mommy, don’t do that again!”

She could not get mad at him as he looked at her with sweet eyes and purred. She remembered how quickly they bonded when she rescued this abandoned cat on a rainy day.

Once she was done dressing up, she looked at herself in the mirror. Agatha looked stunning, and she knew it.

After a few minutes, she heard honking outside, an Steel & Gears’ van was there. “right on time.” A short refined-looking man came out of the back of the van; followed by a middle-aged woman.

“Hello, you must be Agatha, I am Frederick, and this is Karen; we are here to assist you and your crew in your trip to Steel and Gears,” he said.

“Hi, it’s a pleasure,” Agatha answered. The man helped her get in the van. Inside there were 6 seats. Agatha sat by the bottom right side, Frederick and two other Steel & Gears employees sat by the entrance of the van. “Mmm, there are not enough seats for my team and I”.

“Don’t worry, my companion here is going to stay down the road before we get where your team is reunited” With that covered the two hours trip to the company’s main facility began. Agatha had a long conversation with Karen about Karen’s experience with yoga while Frederick mostly served them soda and snacks and even a little wine (not too much since they had to keep their wits with them for the tour and meeting).

As Agatha and Karen were laughing, the van hit a rough bump, the wine bottle and a few snacks tumbled down to the floor. More importantly, a folder had fallen and the paper got scattered. As Agatha crouched to help with the paper, she noticed one of the sheets had a photo of herself, and below the photo there were some bullet points:

"* This is Agatha, our target
* Take her to the warehouse
* Try to be discrete but use force if necessary"

"What is this!?" Agatha yelled.

“Grab her!” Karen said while grabbing Agatha’s arm herself. Frederick tried taking hold of Agatha, but she reacted just and time, and he got her foot right at his balls, which was enough for him to fall to the floor over the spilled wine. Agatha quickly crossed over the fallen man and the seats while Karen grabbed her by the top.

Miraculously Agatha managed to escape the grasp of the middle-aged woman, opened the back door, and jumped out of the moving van into the side grass. She did hurt her right arm a bit, but thankfully the van had slowed down before she jumped. Without wasting much time, she began running... or tried to.

 “Something is wrong” she felt her strength abandoning her. Agatha fell, barely conscious, and saw 6 feet approaching her.

“The drug on her cup kicked in just in time,”

“ Not this again,” Agatha muttered to herself before blacking out.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2025, 07:44:40 AM by The Claire »

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Re: Forest Rape
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2021, 07:10:51 PM »
Love how you laid a background story, the talking bird was perfect foil to move the story along with! Can't wait to see where you plan to take this story. Merit from me

Offline hola

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Re: Forest Rape
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2021, 09:18:22 PM »
Love how you laid a background story, the talking bird was perfect foil to move the story along with! Can't wait to see where you plan to take this story. Merit from me

Thank you!

It gets better now

Offline hola

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Re: Forest Rape Part 2
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2021, 09:19:25 PM »
Agatha woke up to a sense of cold. Her clothes were wet, and the cold steel chair didn't help. Her body hurt all over.

As she opened her eyes to a dark room, the big bright screen hurt her eyes. As her pupils adjusted, she noticed what was on the screen: it was a photo of her at some modeling session from a few months ago.

She noticed she was now wearing a similar t-shirt, and it was wet as well.

An idea of what was happening began to form on her mind when the screen changed to a video. She watched in horror as Frederick fucked her unconscious body at the van. Agatha continued to be horrified when later the chauffeur said, "now is my turn to get my payment," and had a go at her too. Karen too participated, slapping, fingering, and even fisting.

After that, there was a similar scene, “I feel like new. Karen, pass me the slut, I am ready for round two,” and proceeded to rape Agatha‘s ass. After that rape finished, the video jumped to another scene; they dragged Agatha out of the van into a building. They dragged her body through a corridor into a room that had four other doors. The room where she was now.
Frederick, the chauffeur and Karen played with her holes once again.

The soreness at her ass and vagina now made sense, and so did the sticky feeling down there. Now that she thought of it, her mouth tasted sour, and her throat was sore too. She cried as she realized what they had done to her.

After the video ended, the image changed back to her picture. She looked so happy at that photo; she remembered that day, how much fun she had at that session. Now she looked the same, except she wasn't smiling, and she wasn't having fun on a summer day, instead, she was soaking wet, tied to a cold metallic chair with the air conditioner at the coldest temperature.

Time passed by, Agata trembling with cold and fear. She had so many questions, she wanted answers, but she was scared of them.

Suddenly some hands emerged from the darkness behind her and startled her as they fondled her breasts from behind.

"Who is this?"

"You are finally awake my dear," the man said as he kept squeezing her breasts. She shuddered when he gave her a few gentle kisses to the neck as his hands were feeling her nipples through the thin cloth of the white top. “Mmm, I love that contrast. I love how tender is the flesh at your tits, and how it changes texture as my finger goes over your nipples” he caressed her tits, feeling her nipples with his thumbs.

She felt the man's bad breath as his mouth moved from her neck and ears to her face. He licked her cheek, pressing at it with his tongue. Agata looked away, but he grabbed her head firmly; squeezing her cheeks toward him, and kissed her deeply, forcing his tongue inside her mouth. As classy as he dressed he tasted foul as his bad breath smelled. She felt a saliva drop sliding through her chin.

She cried from mortification as the man stubble and whiskers scratched her cheeks, leaving her cheeks with some stubble burn sensation as he stopped kissing.

“Are you tired of me already? It has only been a few minutes ,and we have a few more hours to spend together”.

“Please let me go,”

“You are not getting out of this room until exactly four hours has passed,” the man said as he moved a hand down to her pussy and fingered it. “YUM! that is a nice night pussy, this is going to be fun!” he then moved in front of her and sucked at her tit, drinking the water from her t-shirt. “mmmm excuse me, miss, I was thirsty,” She wanted to puke as she felt and saw his mouth enveloper one of her tits. Agatha wanted to do something, anything to stop this, but there was nothing she could do.

He sucked harder then bit; she gasped.

“Sorry, miss, I am also hungry,”

The executive kept biting at her tits, leaving teeth marks everywhere and making her whimper and gasp every time. He was getting dangerously close to her nipples, and her body jumped when began licking a nipple. Agatha's skin and joints tensed as she sat there, not knowing if and when would he bite her nipples.  To her relief, he stood up, but then he grabbed her tits and twisted her nipples with his finger.


“Scream! Scream as much as you want slut! No one will hear you” then he dragged the screaming girl by the nipples, dragging the chair along her body, and forced another deep kiss into her mouth, muffling her screams.

He let go of her tits and then unzipped, “sorry toilet, I want to pee,” and so he did. He peed all over her already wet body. The only briefly good thing was that the warmth relieved her cold for a moment.

He went away, and the room was silent once again. The screen changed to a black background with some red letters that said: “You are toilet,”

 The screen would stay like that while the warmth from the pee went away. Now she was cold again, but also smelled of urine. As she saw him return to the room she said “ please, could you turn off the air conditioner at least?”

“No can do, my sweet thing, but this might heat you up” he slapped her face, then followed it by slapping a tit, then a leg, and then the other. Her air escaped her lungs as he punched her belly. She could do nothing about it, tied as she was. He looked her directly in the eyes and punched her belly again, making the chair fall backward.

“If that is not enough to heat you up, maybe this will work” She hasn’t yet recovered her breath when he crouched next to her and pinched her nipples hard and twisted. Her scream was lower than it would have been because of the punches she just received. He only let go to punch her once more. He attached a ball gag to her mouth then pinched her nose, cutting all air access. He took delight in watching her struggle for air, moving her head to detach his fingers from her nose.

When she was close to blacking out, he released her nose. “Hurting you would not be fun if you are not conscious”. He also took off her mouth gag and left the room.

After a while, the pee became cold. Agatha was freezing once again, and the pee felt sticky on her skin.

“Please, someone! Release me!” she said. No one responded. “Why are you doing this to me?”

She kept begging and trying to get an answer with no result as she layed on the floor.

When the cold was about to make her think she would lose her mind, it began to go away; the room got warmer and warmer. At first, it was pretty nice save for the pee over her; then it got too hot… she began sweating. The door opened behind her. The man went to the front of the room and left a trash can in front of the screen. She could hear some buzzing sound.

As she became more sweaty, the flies detected her sweaty smell.

The screen changed again to some red letters that spelled “What is Agatha? Agatha is a  trash can”. Soon the flies abandoned the trashcan to taste the sweat and pee over Agatha, much to her dismay. She would stay like that for a long while. She was beginning to lose her mind when the man returned, holding what looked like a racket; he returned the chair to the normal position. Agatha noticed the racket had a thunder logo and immediately knew what it was.  Not a second had passed of her realizing what it was and what it meant, that she felt the electric fly swatter hit her tit, followed by a short but very uncomfortable shock as well as the smell of roasted fly.

“UGGHH” left tit.
“NOOO” Right tit.

A fly flew into her shoulder, and in her shoulder, she felt a hit and the simultaneous spark
*gasp!* she gasped when he hit the side of her belly. The flies directed the pain all the way. Every time a fly arrived at a sensitive spot, Agatha would flinch in anticipation.

“Please, no more!” she said crying before the man killed a fly right on her nipple. Looking at this perfect target, the man directed a strong swat at it, more to hit her than to kill the fly.
Due to the force he exerted, The pointy nipple of her perky tit was able to get slightly past the screen that is supposed to protect from direct accidental shocks. She screamed.

He tried to move the fly swatter but her nipple got stuck from the force, and he smiled at the discovery, stared in her eyes with an evil grin, then looked down at her nipple and pushed the button.


He pushed the button again, making the chair rock a bit with her struggle. He pushed it again and again, “Please! no more!” but he ignored the “please! no” and focused on the “more” and pushed and held the button, creating a continuous stream of sparking on her nipple, she could only struggle in the chair to try in vain to get the nipple released. Then he stopped.

Without a word, he crouched and untied each of her legs “was it over” she thought, hoping for her ordeal to be over. The man then went behind her, “was the time over? was he going to untie her at last?” but then she heard the sound of wood breaking as he separated the back of the chair from the rest of the chair. He grabbed her by the ropes, tying her arms to the back of the now broken chair.

He made her stand up, kicked the base of the chair away, and soon he took her to the floor face down; grabbing Agatha by the hair, he pressed her face against the concrete the floor, the back of the chair still rigid behind her back, kept in place by the bondage on her arms.

Agatha heard a zipper slide down, he pulled her head up until she could almost see the big screen with her picture.

On cue  to the zipper sliding down music began playing

“You won't enjoy this bitch, but it will hurt you more than it will hurt me” Her eyes got wide as she felt his dick begin to push between her asscheeks.

“Noooo, please. It hurts” she pleaded.

“Good” was the only word the man said and chuckled before pushing deeper.

Her body drenched in sweat provided enough lube for him, not so much for her. His dick wasn’t too big, but it didn’t need to be with an unlubed asshole. His dick had the peculiarity of being very insensitive compared to other penises, so he often needed more stimulation than normal to feel something. He had often asked his partner to let her use her ass but she wasn’t into that, so he had to settle with what he could get, but now he had an unlubed young hole in front of him. After some pushing he was finally inside the crying girl.

“Here comes the good part”he said, pulled a few inches then pushed back inside making her heave while her eyes turned into rivers of tears. He pulled back and went back inside now faster. He began going faster in and out until he got into a rhythm.

One minute, two minutes, four minutes, five minutes, 10 minutes passed by with him fucking her intensely. He should cum anytime soon she thought, but there seemed to be no end to the ordeal. He just kept pistoning in and out.

“This isn’t real!” sang the vocalist to the hellish guitars “This isn’t real!”

“This cannot be real,” though Agatha.

“This is very real, my darling,” said the CEO as he raped her.

The good thing about his insensitive dick is that he can last longer to cum, and he can fuck hard without hurting himself or getting too aroused too early. Bad for Agatha’s ass, great for this sadistic fuck who was having a great time now pushing himself into the poor screaming activist. The hellish song would repeat itself multiple times before he finished.

He got his dick out, much to her relief. She felt horrible, but her body relaxed a bit… then she felt the dick in her pussy “no, what are you…”

The man went inside her pussy, with no warning, and after pushing his cock inside once, he emptied his balls. “Your ass is fine, but I hope to get a baby in your belly so you can remember me”.

Agatha laid on the floor half-catatonic, not knowing how to process all of this. She was going to need plenty of alone time to process it.

“BOOOOOYS! YOU CAN COME NOW!  IT'S YOUR TURN” her rapist yelled.

She wasn’t sure she understood what he meant, but she was not getting her so urgently needed alone time now.

She heard multiple doors open, almost at the same time. There were four doors on that room, and from three of them, men and more men entered the small room.

“wha- what is this” Agatha asked looking at the many lusty eyes staring at her sweet body.

“I told you that you are mine for four hours and there is still an hour and two minutes left. In that time my men have my permission to enjoy the fuckmeat I rented, that means you”

“Boss, an hour is not going to be enough time for all of us” One of the men complained.

“You are right,” their boss said “ Think of this as a game; use your brains and brawns to get the most pleasure from this situation. Time is running out! go!” He said and closed the door behind.

With that, chaos began. The room filled with movement as everyone approached their prey. Someone grabbed at Agatha and took the ropes and a piece of broken chair off her. She could feel physical relief mixed with the burning sensation where the ropes had been, but comfort was not going to last much with this crowd intent on rape. Agatha tried to run for the door, but soon many hands took hold of her. A hand cupped her ass while two other hands rubbed her shoulders. Another hand groped a breast while the other tit got sucked by someone. Hands tried to sneak between the men in front, everyone wanting a piece of her. The man rubbing her shoulders kissed her neck, much to her repulsion.

The sound of her wet t-shirt getting ripped off filled the room. She began dry heaving in panic as many hands and a few mouths invaded her body; this wasn’t painful like the rape she had gone through, but in a way, it was worse. Never had she felt so much like a piece of meat until now.

But pain would come soon, and it would not make her feel less like the fleshlight she was to them. The anonymous hand behind her grabbed at her pelvis, and she felt a penis at her vaginal entrance. It was thick. She tried escaping his grasp, but his grasp was firm, besides, many other hands were holding her in place.

As the dick inside her began pushing slightly, the man in front of her grabbed her by the hair; he took her head down to his crotch. His dick tasted foul. Agatha's tears felt warm and delightful to the man’s balls as he fucked her mouth.

The vibrations her screams produced on his cock while his mate fucked her were very pleasurable too; he wasn’t going to last too much to cum. As the thick dick in her cunt kept going in, she realized the dick was not only thick but also very long. The man fucking her throat was well endowed himself.

Soon her mouth got filled with cum. The man at her mouth held her head in place “swallow it all! cum dump”

“Now is my turn!” another man approached her head, but a third one got first. “Hey! I called dibz!”

“Fuck off man , I arrived first!”

“Come on man! we don’t have time to be taking  long fucks!”the crowd was getting more and more impatient by the moment, and it soon would escalate. Someone pulled the man behind Agatha and pushed him away to take his turn.

“I didn’t finish dude!” The annoyed interrupted man pushed the other man. With that, hell broke loose. Agatha body was dragged toward another man’s crotch with rape intent, but someone else wanted a piece too, and her body was rapidly taken somewhere else. She got tugged, pushed, a dick put inside of her cunt only to have a few strokes and her body got dragged once again. It was pandemonium.

Agatha herself realized that she could try to reduce the amount of rape she would get through this hour… maybe she could even escape with all the fighting, the door wasn that far.

She moved toward the man who was closest to the door and he gladly took her in his arms not knowing what she was trying to achieve,but soon a much stronger man took her from him but none would let go, one man grabbed her by her armpits while the other grabbed her by her hips turning Agatha into the rope in a tug of war, meanwhile some men surrounded her body and settled with groping and touching her strained body, others just watched her torment and jerked while waiting for a chance.

The man grabbing her by the hips, with much effort, managed to shove his dick inside her cunt and kept at the tug of war like that. Agatha screams were barely audible with all the noise. She could feel the pain in her pussy, the tight grip on her waist and the constant pull under her arms. Suddenly her body was tugged somewhere else and she was now between a bunch of men fighting for her body. A door opened and three more men joined the fight for sex, making the room even more cramped.

“Leave something for us!”

The air conditioner was not enough for all this corporal heat and everyone was sweating. Agatha kept being moved around; either bumping between fat bellies full of sweat or getting crushed and squeezed between them. She was dizzy with all the movement and the strong smell of precum. She arrived at a corner with a man behind her, he had her all for himself while others tried to move his heavy body but failed. Others punched at his back but he was too horny to care. Without wasting time he pushed at Agatha cunt and fucked her against the corner where the two walls met, hurting both her cunt and her back as he stumped her hard against the angle of the corner.

“You like that huh? you like that? “he asked the crying woman as he pounded her. She looked at the ugly fat man’s beast like eyes, he was an animal fucking a piece of meat, not caring about the pain he was causing. He fucked her and he fucked her hard, the men punching him only made him fuck her with even more rage. Since he was going to get punched, he had to make this count. He finally came inside and all Agatha could do was cry about it.

He let her body slide down the corner, and she sat on the floor then adopted a fetal position… or at least tried for a second, there was no time to rest, and soon she was dragged back to the crowd by a foot. Again inside the fat men’s hurricane, as her holes spilled cum, she could feel the ache pile up on her body.

One of the shortest men in the room grabbed her for a moment. He had a strategy, he just wanted to cum. He had spent a while jerking to the whole scene, and now that he was on the edge, he jumped into the fight at the right opportunity. Dick inside her butt in one swift motion, even if it hurt his dick in the process, he just wanted to cum, and cum he did after a few strokes before returning her to the horny crowd.

The short man wasn’t the only one with a strategy. After some getting pushed and pulled around, Agatha found herself on the floor face up. Before she could get up, she saw a big shadow contrast against the screen. She saw the big shadow approach her and sit over her, and she began having a hard time breathing as the fat man crushed her body; with his dick between her perky tits, he began moving between them. Another man crouched beside her and licked her face, she closed her eyes and looked away as the tongue caressed her neck and cheek, but he grabbed her head “look at me bitch” he said, forcing her head towards him and then shoved his tongue inside her mouth and caressed the insides of it. At the same time, she felt another mouth at the lips between her legs. At this point, she was so desperate and mortified she kicked the air in vain.

The man over her was heavy, and the crowd was tired, so they paused and jerked while waiting for the big man to finish. The scene was quite arousing. All of them found it pleasing to see what to them was some snotty high-class bitch that would never even look at them, getting fucked by lowlifes that would not ever get to fuck someone like her otherwise. In their twisted minds, this was what justice looked like.

They ignored that she was from a humble background herself, and they ignored that she was a good girl that fought for everyone's rights, including theirs. To them, she was another hot girl, and every hot girl deserves to be raped. The man fucking her tits came over her face; leaving a trail of cum passing between her tits and down to her belly button.

Once again, Agatha was dragged to the crowd, she tried getting closer to the door, and she almost did it a few times, but she would get dragged by the hair or an extremity. An hour would pass with her getting manhandled, groped, and fucked by anonymous angry blueballed cocks that haven’t gotten the chance to cum yet.

“I got bad news boys!” the boss yelled after opening the door. “time is up”

Everyone was sad, Agatha was relieved. Finally she was getting out of this hell.

“But I also have good news, I managed to negotiate another 8 hours” Everyone cheered; Agatha froze. “there are only two conditions” Everyone listened silently “You can only fuck her anally, and you have to fuck her as hard as possible with no lube. All of this is getting filmed” No one had an issue with the conditions, except for Agatha.

What happened then?

Agatha made a last futile attempt at running to the door but got stopped and dragged to the screen with her picture. A line formed behind Agatha, her arms tied behind her back, ass exposed. 8 hours of constant rape against her already tired and aching body.

4 hours in, and she was beginning to pass out “swallow this bitch” someone commanded at her after waking her up by twisting her nipple. A pill was forced-fed onto her. She didn’t know what it was, but she felt suddenly more awake. After a few minutes, her body was much more sensitive than it had previously been; she could feel every bad thing that has been done to her body that day, every ache, every inch of mistreated skin, every aching muscle. Even the smallest of dicks felt like fire rods as they banged her, and the problem that even the smallest of dicks wasn’t really that big. She wished to get the sweet relief of a pass out, but the drug would not allow it. Not even when a guy that went by the nickname slutbane fucked her unlubed ass with his thick viagra-fueled 8 inches dick. Again music began playing.

The music playing was as brutal as the song before; a perfect representation of the hard fucking Agatha was receiving. What could have she done to deserve this, she thought. The answer was nothing, she had been a good person throughout her life, but no one in this room cared.

Slutbane not only had a big dick, but he knew how to endure.

"Please stop, I am a human being with rights," She cried.
"Wrong, you are a fuckmeat and a slut; why else would you dress like that?"
"It was just a- wor-k of ar- art" She said the best she could as he fucked her even harder than before as if to make a point.
" You are not an artist, you are a piece of meat that was made to be fucked"
" I don-"
"Shut up before I rape you harder!" he barked. Agatha doubted he could fuck her harder than this, but she didn't want to make things worse.

"You are a whore, and that is the end of it. What is she, guys?"
"A whore"
"A whore"
"A whore"
They began chanting. Agatha cried once again, both from the pain and the humiliation.

Five hours in, someone who had just fucked her ass decided to use her mouth to clean his flaccid dick. She retched at the combined taste of shit, cum, sweat, and the man’s poor hygiene habits. After this, a new trend began. She had to suck many dicks that have just been on her ass. Some had old smegma as a bonus; the longest ones reached far enough into her ass to have bits of poop. Slutbane’s dick tasted a bit like blood too.

Six hours in, someone who had just used her mouth to clean his dick decided to also pee inside of her mouth and made sure to keep her mouth in place until she swallowed it all. They have been drinking beer while they waited for their turn. This too began a trend, and soon she felt sick. Agatha’s belly was beginning to swell.

After an eternity, it all came to an end and the men left the room.

Agatha felt absolutely destroyed, inside and outside. The stimulant was coming down, adding tiredness to the pain overarching her whole body. She had a hard time standing up. She walked outside; the light of the sun-washed over her defiled body. Now that it was over, the weight of the 12 hours long ordeal fell on her, and she cried as she walked down the stair to the lonely dirt road that divided in two a big semi-arid field. She was in the middle of nowhere. She could see the city on the horizon, but it would take her a few hours of walking like this. She felt dread just thinking about walking that much, naked and all sore. She vomited, a foul white-greenish substance coming out of her.

After an hour of walking, there was no sign of people or vehicle. Agatha was feeling dehydrated; she could not walk for much longer. She needed a car to appear soon.

As if god had heard her wish, she heard a vehicle’s doors opening and closing right behind her. She had been so mentally distant that she had not noticed the vehicle approach. As she was about to turn around to see who was her savior, two hands grabbed her.

“Who gave you permission to go for a stroll, bitch?”

She felt her body grabbed; a huge strong man had her like a sack of potatoes over his shoulder while she screamed and flailed and punched and kicked, her stimulant at least had given the energy to fight, but it was futile.

“Bu-but the man promised-” Agatha protested.

“He might be a big fish and got plenty of cash, but he is just a client” he barked “ He doesn’t get to decide that, and neither do you”.

Without another word, the man took her to the back of the same van from before. They returned to the building. As the big man, known as the guardian, opened the back door of the van, he found the two men that were with Agatha fucking her mouth and pussy at the same time. “having a quicky, huh?”

Agatha was dragged to the building; she was no longer fighting. The guardian took her to a different room. In the room, there was a cage where she would get thrown. She barely fit.

The man locked the door and spoke the last words she would hear that day “Get some rest. Tomorrow you have more clients, this is your life now.”

To be continued...
« Last Edit: October 22, 2022, 03:53:32 PM by hola »

Offline tiago

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Re: Forest Rape
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2021, 09:32:11 PM »
This is one of your best story!

Offline Verbal13

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Re: Forest Rape
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2021, 01:49:08 AM »
Quite something. Entertaining-  Well done; has its moments.
a merit earned

Please: taking a moment to comment with some response often makes hours of writing and editing feel worthwhile! 
So Lurk if ye must, but participate when possible, ya?

(Yes, I paraphrased Brokenwing's genius)


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Re: Forest Rape
« Reply #6 on: April 20, 2021, 07:50:51 AM »
Lovely stuff! Things are escalating at a very satisfactory pace. Merit earned!

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Re: Forest Rape
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2021, 10:55:04 AM »
Overall it was a winner of a chapter but in my opinion this should have been posted as two parts. Say when the boys entered the scene. Liked that you didn't over describe the sex action, so much more pleasurable that way! Merit awarded from me!

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Re: Forest Rape
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2021, 03:58:38 PM »
I love how you set the background and use the repairmen as some way to start a nice, enjoyable escalation. The images are gorgeous! They make the story stand out more without detracting from the pictures formed in the reader's mind; it's a very delicate balancing act! The action is neatly described too. An awesome read. I adore it! Merit worthy indeed!

Offline hola

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Re: Forest Rape
« Reply #9 on: April 21, 2021, 09:42:09 PM »
This is one of your best story!

I am flattered to hear that from you. Coming from you it means that Agatha is going through cruel hell, as it should be! Soon I will post the epilogue.

Offline hola

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Re: Forest Rape
« Reply #10 on: April 21, 2021, 09:44:44 PM »
Overall it was a winner of a chapter but in my opinion this should have been posted as two parts. Say when the boys entered the scene. Liked that you didn't over describe the sex action, so much more pleasurable that way! Merit awarded from me!

I think you are right. I could have posted it in two parts even if I posted one right after the other. After posting the epilogue(soon), I might edit that part and mark it in two paragraphs.

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Re: Forest Rape
« Reply #11 on: April 21, 2021, 09:47:30 PM »
Thank you Verbal and bruiser! Soon I will post the epilogue, probably in the next 12 hours. I intend on giving this story an interesting close.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2021, 10:37:36 PM by hola »

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Re: Forest Rape
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2021, 06:46:30 AM »
It has been two months already.

True to the guardian’s words, the day after her capture, she had gotten a visit. It had been an old man, a very very old man who would not stop touching and kissing Agatha while she was handcuffed. It was a nasty experience, especially when he forced his tongue inside of her mouth; he tasted like onion, but at least his dick was small, and the man lacked stamina. Although not less disgusting and humiliating rape, it was better than getting fucked by a whole room, of course.

The rest of the week, no one came, but that is not to say that Agatha didn’t get raped.
The guardian was a tall strong man with decent sex life, but consensual sex was not as fun as forcing a woman to just take it. He had forced a few girls before but never had he raped a girl as hot and fun to rape as Agatha. He loved the way she screamed when he rammed his big dick inside of her. The best part was that he could do it several times every day. He could see the fear in her every time he went into the room.

The other three weeks of that month weren’t as idle. Most days at least one client would arrive, some times there would be two or three either taking turns or fucking her in tandem. Most of them rich old men.

The second month was a bit calmer, yet it felt worse to the poor activist. The month before, she had the wishful belief that this would not go on more than a month, yet a month passed with no news from outside; the only thing arriving from outside were men who wanted to fuck Agatha. The further days went into the second month, the more she lost hope. The manifestation exercise she practiced alone in her cage was not working; the law of attraction wasn’t doing much for her; her ancestor seemed to have abandoned her. There was no incense to calm her; she was restrained with no music or space to dance.

 Every moment was either violence or dreadful silence between four gray walls.

“Wakey wakey princess, time to eat” Agatha opened her eyes to an erect dick in front of her, an instant before getting it forced onto her mouth.

“You better spill none of it if you want any breakfast,” The Guardian said, after a few minutes of face-fucking her. She swallowed it all, not that she was given any choice by his strong hands.

After putting his flaccid penis back on his pants, he grabbed her and cuffed her hands behind her back.

“how am I going to eat like this?” Agatha asked

“You already ate; my cum was all the breakfast you are gonna have,” he said with a cruel tone “Today is a special day; you are meeting my boss, your owner, and he said that he wants nothing but cum inside your stomach by the time he meets you. He wants this day to be dreadful for you”.

“I am not a property!” Agatha protested, her anger making her lose fear for a moment.

“Hohoho, a bold claim from a naked fuckmeat who lives in a cage,” he mocked her, not even bothering to punish her for her insolence. He was in a good mood today. All he did was take some duct tape and seal her mouth “The boss said that he has no need for your words today”.

The guardian dragged her outside. He took her to the same van that they used to kidnap her, except this time there were no snacks or wine for her. He removed one of the handcuffs and cuffed Agatha to a steel bar inside the van.

When they arrived, her ass cheeks ached from sitting naked on the floor. The van had gone through many bumpy roads( Roads that the guardian chose intentionally). As she went out of the Van, Agatha saw a two stories building and a familiar forest all around. She had a feeling that she had been in this forest.

She didn’t have much chance to stare at her surroundings; the guardian pushed her forward toward the building. As she walked through the long corridor with stained walls, Agatha was filled with dread. There was something ominous about the dead silence inside. Going up the badly built stairs with her hands cuffed behind her back was hard, but harder was knowing that whatever awaited her at the boss’s room wasn’t going to be good. Agata felt like a lamb going to her slaughter. She had no desire to meet the man who had ordered her kidnapping.

“After you, madam,” the driver opened the door for her, slapping her ass as she walked in front of him before leaving her alone in the boss’ room.

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the heroine! The strong independent woman! How does it feel to finally find your true place as the whore you are?“ asked John Foster, the R&P’s owner. Agatha threw a hateful look at him. It all was making sense to her, although she didn’t imagine he could hate her that much.

“I sure you hate me, but I hate you just as much. Come sit here.” He tapped his legs as a signal for her to sit on his lap. She didn’t move a bit. “Ah, I see, you still have your dignity. Don’t worry, soon you will get the remaining dignity fucked out of you.”He stood up and punched her cum-filled stomach, making her fall to her knees. The man dragged her by the hair toward the chair and made her sit on his lap.

 “Because of you, I almost lost my business, but thanks to this body of yours,” his hands rubbed her belly and tit, then up to her neck as he continued his monologue.

“Thanks to this body of yours, I got enough money to get back on my feet, but that is not all” he paused for a bit, letting her process each word as he savored the suspense and the sweat and tears remnants on her neck as he licked.

Mr. Foster stopped cupping her breast for a moment and opened a drawer to get a newspaper out of it. He placed the newspaper right in front of Agatha. Her eyes went wide when she read the title. She had to read it twice to make sure she had read right.


She wasn’t able to read the whole article before breaking into tears, but managed to get a glimpse of phrases such as “Alliance of the forest might have been a front for a drug distribution” and “...some believe that Agatha got kidnapped by a rival cartel…”

MR. foster heard her muffled cries; hot tears reached his hands as he cupped her breast some more. The tears that had survived the daily rapes were now pouring out copiously. He removed the tape from her mouth.

 “No no no no,” she said “why is all of this happening? why? Why? thi- this cannot be true, you son of a bitch!”

“Oh, but it is true, my darling. It was me who set your friends up” he stated “  and do you know how I got the money to plant the drugs, set them up, and buy the judge? Yes, I got it thanks to this” he now gently caressed her pussy. He didn’t say any other word or do anything for a while except for putting the tape back on her mouth; he enjoyed her muffled cries; it amused him when Agatha began stomping the floor with her fit in anger and frustration.

“Oh,look! It’s 9:00 A.M.! Which means that the real spectacle is about to begin. Look outside, look through the windows. Do you recognize the forest we are in?”

Agatha recollected herself for a moment; she glanced through the ample window that covered the whole front of the office and searched through her memory until she realized.

“You saved this forest a while ago, you fought for this place, you and your friends who are now in jail fought for this, but it was all in vain… can you hear that sound? pay attention,” he kept caressing her naked body and enjoyed the suspense.

Agatha focused and noticed a growing mechanic sound. It kept growing and growing until multiple big tractors appeared in her field of view.  Agatha saw in horror how the tractors began taking down the trees with ease. They broke, pulled, and uprooted everything on their path.

“All possible thanks to this body of yours '' he then placed her body face down on his desk. “All thanks to your absence too,”

She heard him unzip “ I have been waiting for this moment for a long time,”

Agatha felt his dick push at her anal entrance. She kicked the air and shook her head rapidly from side to side. His unlubed cock went inside her ass, inch by inch, until it was fully in. Agatha’s face was red from screaming hard against the duct tape. Was she screaming more because of the destruction of the forest or the destruction of her ass? One can’t help but wonder.

“If you want me to stop the trucks, just tell me to stop,” he said.


“What did you say; I don’t understand,” he mocked her while fucking her deep and slow. He wanted it to last as much as possible. “I bet you love this show; look how the trees are getting ripped apart! I don’t need to take them all, but I told them to take every single one of them… just for you,”


The pounding was long and hard. When Mr. foster felt that he was about to cum he stopped and opened a drawer. From it, he grabbed a thick 9 inches dildo with bumps and shoved it into Agatha’s ass for a while, then took a viagra pill and continued fucking the poor Agatha some more.

When he finally came, both were drenched in sweat. Agatha laying there with a vacant stare, unable to process the tragedy that was now her life. Mr. Foster resting his plumb body over hers.

“This is just the beginning. Do you think these two months have been bad? There are so many clients waiting for you,” he whispered to her ear. “and recently I got the support of key corrupt components in the police… of course, they asked for the right to fuck you from time to time”.

“There is a client that wants to feature you on a stream at his website HELL.COM,” as he said this, Agatha felt the tip of the dildo on her ass once again. He wasn’t done hurting her.

 “They warn me that you might need medical attention and some rest after they are done with you, but they would pay me handsomely to borrow you for some hours”.

“There is also the fat fuckers club, and another group called the uglies,” He retired the bumpy dildo almost all the way back before quickly shoving it in again; Agatha's body jumped, but her throat was too sore to scream.

“I met them personally and, girl, the members of those two groups fit their names really well. Heh,” Mr. Foster still wasn’t able to get all inches in, but he was getting there with every push.

“There is a guy that owns a cinema, he told me that he could give me part of his earnings if I allow him to prostitute you to a bunch of truck drivers.” The dildo was now as deep as it could be. Saliva escaped Agatha’s now red face through the sides of the duct tape.

“There is Vile8r” She saw him take a jar of spicy tostitos sauce out of a drawer and insert the dildo in the jar. Her eyes went wide.

“There is some sadist woman called Amanda”. Mr. Foster said while removing the duct tape. Agatha felt a burning sensation as the dildo, now covered in spicy sauce, went into her sore anus.

“There is Mr. Corvid” While Agatha screamed to the top of her lungs, Mr. Foster continued listing some names of individuals and underground associations that wanted a piece of Agatha (some of them literally). He left the dildo inside her anus and used duct tape to keep it well fixed in place then proceeded to fuck her vacant pussy at a fast pace from the get go . Never had Agatha gone through so much pain in her life.

Mr. foster cream pied her cunt. He stood up and smiled.

Nothing looked more poetic to him than Agatha defeated on the desk, oozing cum out of her cunt, with a spicy dildo inside her anus; meanwhile, in the background, forestal devastation.

“This isn’t going to be the last time we meet; know that I am going to make a priority to build on the many forests you have protected in the past, and each time I will rape you on a similar desk as the machines rape the forest.”

« Last Edit: April 22, 2021, 07:00:39 AM by hola »

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Re: Forest Rape
« Reply #13 on: April 22, 2021, 11:10:51 AM »
Well I never saw the ending coming! Love the mentions to R.U. Mainstays very creative way to add them! Can easily see her story continuing, Would love to see some of her former 'friends' turn up to use her unbeknownst to them, say glory hole style! merit from me for an excellent tale!

Offline Brek

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Re: Forest Rape
« Reply #14 on: April 22, 2021, 01:47:56 PM »
What a hot conclusion. I hope when she is six months pregnant she gets tossed to me for some tender rape :D .